o4mhwka .j , ,umLi.!iA WCH ) to" . VT-"S 1 Q &, '",1 rv ,Jr ,l) t A I f WEDFOTID MIX TRTBUNTC, METF0TID OKEClOyr, WEDNESDAY, MAY !J2, 3!W ;" PXGE TJUUft, E I M AI SPRINGS CITY 3 1912 ISSUES DEAD If-"! :. j ummvtmmmwini ., mntjiiMMwnn -.- " ' '- - .,..,.. ,.,... ,...,.... ...... '. i iJaLaanMa. mi, rBm yi ZkwwLm sgegnRHV - --- - - - - - - ..-.-.. SOUTHERN OREGON LAWYER ASSERTS DOCTORSNS SSON ROOSEVEL SAD flSmm'.'IFmmrBSteWemm 0SmmHlkV. s"b'1'?!?bw fHm. eVseWnWesw gP-"eMnJL9a Fj?B&$SE&''Z?le. IbSLSI g&B w; f " ;? ABIILAXD, .My 12. About M . Iiliyalrlniw kuIIiopmI linro yuatonlay to nttoinl tint mill nnuiinl komIoh of the Hnutliurii Ori'Ron Medical no- duly. Towiu riiiramttl wnroj Aalilntul! !, n. Hwftlinl)itrK, A. W, lloalnimli, 0. W. On-KK, A. W. Hwo tli'iiliurg; Mmlfnnl: It, V, Htcnrnit, It. V. Clnucy, H. A. and Myrtln fl. i,(H'Uwo(iii, j, j, hiiiiiiimih, i:, li, j'lck -I, l 0. Thnynr, K. II. I'ortnr, II. IS Margrave; (Iranta I'lmi; "V, II. Plan jh'Khii, l I). Htrlckor, J. P. Trim, I., O. Cli'incnl; Talnnt: John Hurt; IloKt'liiirR! A. C, Bo.y; Phoenix t l J. .MnlRrfn; Kaclo I'olntl V. I'. Holt, It. 12. (loliltm, I'miimtii 1 1 a. in., Call to ordnr by tlin pre a lilKiit; liuitliiKM mlon, Inrliullnft olrctlon of offlcoraj ndilrcaa by out KoIiir rBllont, Dr. 0. V. ClrfjtK. Axlilund; lunclitton nt Hotel Oregon. "On thn Itutatlon Ilrtwcrn Hurnlca Prnrcetturita and thn (irimral Aathnn lo Hlatn," Dr. Noblo Wyllo Jonra, I'urtlamt, Oregon. "I'rnvnnlnliln Iafnond," Or. f O. I'IkiiiimiI, (Irnnta ram, Orreon. Iti'ltort of Caaoa, Dr. A. V. Hwmlnn Intra. Aohland Orreon, (Irnrral ill.cua.lon and omenta Hon of rawa. Dr. I.. II. Btnwnrl of HonplinrK. aa olrcti'tl prmldunt; Dr. John Hart of Tnlont, vlc rcliltnt; )r, C. A. Kt't'lt)', "f ltotljiirit, awrHary-trcaa urT Dr. J. J. Kmincna of Mrilfortl, Dr. (1. V, Ort-Rpc, of Aahlaml, nnd Dr. I. I). Hlrlcker of (Iranta Pom wir rlioAen ai ileltKata to atato COIIVl'tltloil, The next meeting ulll lin hold nt ItoftohurK. DANCING E PAY THE FIDDLER ASIM.AN'1), Mny VJ.A (lie out runic or iiirtii'ipntinp in n went 'ilnnce nt llm nrniory, fcvcrnl local tcai'hcix mny perlmpn rsTicnre n elinnge of environment. Thi ilnnre wn not n fonniil one, it being hinipl.v n pleiikiiiK iieeiimpiiiiiinent to n lilj; .Mny party Riven for the nilvnnee inent of eivie inipnivriiient project. The entertainment vviik held on n Fii lay et riling and in nowie interfereil with urgent M'hool dntic. NtVf rllit' li.n Iho-e teai'liern who danced wcio ii(nlled to appear and show eane why they hhould not he leiilined. Tlune who (ilend Riiilty nnd threw thciiiM'lvi'H upon the mercy of the miIido) honnl we iv retained and "J,r' oleil" on prohation, while othiTit re hiftned on llm xpot. to take effect at the end of the pre-ent term. A plean- inu denouement, however, to what threatened lo become nu unpleasant complication, U that in tho main the resignations were but tH'rfunetory, inauiuei iim rujiid hadiulieady per feeted nrraiiKruieutH for n number of early wrddiiiKK in this vicinity, with Ashland tciiehciK in the rote of happy liriden. Tho 'Vynipiithy" of the cn the commiinilv och out to thene in hlruetoiH in this tho hour of their jnltljalion, and neither U rupid'ri no lion in (ho premises considered to ho "contempt of court." HYHAl'l'HH, N. Y., May 12.i:ion It. Ilrown, rcpubllran lender In tho Hlnto KKiialc, Kworo on tho wltneiia Ktaud hern todnyithat ho con"lilnrcd Theodoro Itoonevcll wna tho leader of tho parly In the Main fiutn 1000 to' 1 0 1 0. Colonol lloonovoll wna proa-' blent of tho I'lilled Hinted during n part of that period, Tho Mutator nlno nworo that In 101 1, when tho Ntnto aijnato waa deadlocked over tho aelretlou of a Hulled Mated aonntor to micccrd (Miauncny M. Dopow, William llnrnen, who U atiliiR Itnoxovclt for olleKod libel, hod In HiiljHlHiirc. (ixproH-ed n wiiiinKiienn in nnvn mo ropuniiran role ko to an lndeMindent detnonrat, who waa unlikely to bernmo Identi fied with tho dominant faction in tho democratic party. Wltnraara for Colonel Itooimvelt (ratified to an nllrRed aKrcement taht they cald Mr. Ilnrnoa had with CNarlea I. Murpliy. to allow tho Tam many leader to havn a "free hand" In tho nelccllon of n United Hl'nlo nennlor. Charlea V, lluttblnaon, Jr., a Now York lawyer, declared on tho wltnona atnnd that In July, IUM, ThoodoreJ Itoo'ovelt had told him that ho had agreed that tho Uaima of 1012 were dend and that ho would ro after Prea Idrnt Wllaon In hli I'lttaburc apoech and "tear hint In piece." Mr. Hutch Inaon cpiotod Cot, Itooiovidt n aay tnir. liowever, that after what Imd happened In Chlcano In 1012, tho r piihllcnu iarty waa not blx onoiiKh for both him nnd William llarnen. GUIDEBOOK PUBLISHED BY VALLEY AUTO CO. Thn Valley Auto company haa pub llhvd 1500 Kiildo booka for tourUta that aro a credit to tho firm and will bo of great benefit tn tho city and valley. Tho book rontalna a road map from lloaohurg to Medford and Ann land, alto flro acvnlc driven out of Medford Including two to Crater l.ako. It Riven an llluntratton of Crater I.ako and n aplendld detcrlp tlon of that aconlc wonder nnd a pic turn of Mill Crock fall. It ft I no con lain a log of tho Pacific HlRhway from I'ucft Round to Qoldcn Oato. Eczema? A Ttrturt Quickly BanisW Remarkable ReculU Fol low the Action of a Famous Remedy. BUCKEYE GROCERS AR.II.AXn, Mny 12.-Ilolnil jjroo. orrt from Ohio now towing tlio Pacific nml inlormountain sections, will ho hero on Salurday, Mny l.'i, from l to (I p. m. They will !' welcomed l.v tho local Ohio Micioty wllh brief oxor clhcH in (ho park. Thorn will ho VJ:i in tho jiarty. Tho visitor will ho taken to tho npnnK'H nnd will also hit tlio IukIi pluoi'H on tho M'vontl aoonlo dtlvoH. Tho oxoursionisU will lonvo their train hero nml lojoin it Inter on, ovor lliirty iiuton having lieon roqui nitionod to take tlio party on u joy rido ovor tho 1'ttoifiu highway to IModford, hcadod hy tho Ashland hnud in tho biff Htauloy Ntwimer. Another Ohio oxournion pnrly tlio Cliioinuuti Ilt'tail Clroeeirt1 association Ih Hoheiliili'd to nnivo hero on Sun lnv. May 10. The action of 8, P. 8, the famnui blood rrmeily, U wvn nf hcnllh from llm itoinnch to Vry other art at Ih bdilV. Any kln tllarnir, no matter wlmt Ha nam, I' It cc.finn, inrleili. acne, lu iu. or Jut plain bulli, plmplei or a tubbnrn HbirrnD. tnuit glvo way to thn Innurne of 8. H. R Why aot Simply b rauae thern la In R. H. H. certain tntill final Inrlurnrea Jut nu rxontlul to blond bralth a urc tho rmnta of Ihaiiratni, meata, fata and HilKura of our dally fond. Del a bottln today of any drug Klxt and then wrltn to thn Medical Ad vurr, Tho Hwlft Hpeclrto Co, 111 Hwlft IIMr.. Atlanta. Cla. lie will tell you about "Win wrtllet Itin. audi na you never before reallied, ltd will clear up thn myatcry of why certain dlaeaaea of tho blood iimke ilruluht for tho akin, lie will atao clear up yuur doubta ua to the nature, ruuno nnd proper cum of your aelf In any form of blood trouble. Ilia ndvlte la perfectly free. There la acarce ly a community In tlio II. 8. but where you wilt find eomeono to entbuilaatl rally tell you how they aro now cured but ut one tlino were aufferera from rtmuniutlim, or cularrh, or aoino aevern form of akin or blood trouble, (let u, bottle or H. a H. today, but rcfuie any und all aubatllutei, WE CAN BUILD ITT Experimental Work, Model Maklnr, Dlo Malting, Designing and Mfg. apoclul machinery. Correspondence Solicited AUM8TKOXU MFO. CO, 4 Sucond 8t, rortland, Ore. What Voti Have llocn TiOoklajj For. Puinful Coughs and Bronchitis Promptly Relieved with 2 ounces Hchlffmunn'a Concon (rated lCxpoctoraut. lloHJdea, Riiarnn toed to glvo perfect HiitUfuctlou or your npaney roturnod by Medford I'hurumoy, Adv, MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER IT IS PASTURIZED Come See It Made at 115 North Central Avenue " A,A,ll00DY,Pre, The Vfender Car" -.. .. .: NflttlTr '7f:r A f ' atlffl i !! II ' ' X Meii who have driven other for years -Men who have ex who have been "stung"-now makes;" colrvcars perimentMeh cdri vet Maxwells. Right in this town and all over the country are men and women who have been driving different makes of cars for years, who now drive and swear by their Maxwells. Each year they used to buy a dif ferent make, trying to find a car which would suit them exactly. When the 1915 Maxwell "Wonder Car" with its 17 new features and new low price of $695. was an- j men !. it nouncea these motor wise began investigating it. They didn't take our word or any body's word for it they looked into it themselves. They found the Maxwell to be a handsome, powerful, easy-riding car. They compared it with cars that sell at double the Maxwell's price. They found that the Maxwell con tained every worth-while up-to-date high-priced car feature. They tested the Maxwell on hills and on the level on really tough roads. They made it prove its ability to run at low cost over all sorts of roads'. a Then they' began buying and talk ing about the MaxwelL ,-. To-day38,000 Mithutiastic pcopl are drivmffthW Maxwells., Or this a great btf percentage owned other makes of cars before they bought their Maxwells. Use your coinmon sense when yoe; buy your automobile. Don't be talked into 4atr extravagant car or a car that hasn't had the "acid test" of time. Don't let them experiment at your expense. tovifa.fcWtfcaVt!a' Read This List of Expensive Features, The 1915 A7axtscll Hob These Features And Many Other Suit th t-ir nut nf but mud or rut. Th. Mliwsll La. a tUr-vt ttlnthr IMIg ir trantnllon t Attraettv Streamllno Body rur.ii.tr.4u.lla. Udri grar.ru. ctown f.a.l.r. ,u,.',7.iU inr. 'oo'not rcia.ld aar xllh all rl.t. ronc..ll All tho utac. lylo JiJ,JP xtj Tj o?ilii ol tha Uatair car. nad ".an" that yuu will UoJ In aa ot lb. hlr,U.t m r 'Jr r "l ' if . ,l i ant riJInc M.mtw t KatmM. tuPaloa ot. lb. m& U1 U U n turn at cmur Vrlcd irt. A Hlgh-Tenilon Magneto DuubloShcll Itadlator with Shock Abtorblnl Uevlco Tbo Maxwell radiator la ot hamtioma dnlra. Kaarlr all Ua bleb Prlcl cara btva bUb Umloo VnxTt rurVrl aaJ II la bull? to bi tiVibla EiL aniloa. A blab tnulon waen.to l. h,.IU- torSir A u "ucpVii v dauW. .bill u m auJ b nlllou. Tlia Hliurat magiirla. wllh wblcb thu Mm P ntJ riifln; : cai'.cltir Th. ridl.ur li Low ,,UpVepM Carburetor i.i?.:rjn7J , Vi .f?.J !,? i.r.V.rt!I eoaiblMMoa ox loaj-. al.inBlat treat 9Hat tally drlenrd tor it after lops' anit ere xmta ,aJ lba ibr.Qiirtr tlllU rwir aprlaaa that un4T crrr conw-Uabt. coaJltloo. Eroaoaay tour ?. u,Jj JL "SiPWtt i5?ht- hlk utUM aara. uiluctl by buarxl ot dMl.ni aad oum lu Tha jR wu ? at-SlCl ilttj "la. v4. a iaa.i.. iin,Ha Hv,k.w . ) rjtrtHuoJr Ijv uuauuii'iHn of caaalljie. U b.. Tn la vtll uifOJo luada, urblB. d.rlro on ucb ldo. which rolloYca tba t.tmoJ tba ' lu ui-kp" carburur. Irreveritblo Sterlo Gear Tba crmtet inarulo of eafrty baa ben pro Oae Sice ot Tire Aa-SklJa ft Kft Tin Maxw'St ear la oaa of iba aailMt ear la tbo Trorlil oa tlrev llumll -uB.r carry hut, una p.r lira and but Qua all of f par Iuom. KWaoai Kai -u lacu z. ayi im:n ur.a ar. uai an arauua. Left Side. Drlvo-Central Con'rol ISLatf r. "" ll,u 1 Hiortiona of toe tramo. yuej D it., .tortus sr of tho luts Uaxwiil. a fauiou. tutk. ot atl-kU Ur aK vtiui Lft tda attar with ur (blftlng lcvtr In center iorMn drylcv uImi uituluiluvi tba iiot.ltllttr of 0t th. .(itvu.lv Xorui-anJ-nar typ. and Ua u radUlor luakt. Tbe Auotnr Full S-Patiencr llody vuiuuuiiio crunt aeai of drlylna- roiuartiuiut cmlrr control bat Uu nrc.plwl by loading- nmkcrt ot oimu.Iv. uutuuio bll.t a tba .aliMt and tuoit eomlorlAbln for tba drlttr; tbat la why tliu ilaxw.ll baa It. 'fbo Max tll la to to Cilfo uud coulrol tbat a ihIM cau baoila It. ir.pa,nu oiio.ni u.ir I rammituoa l, Mr riillv rbmforliid. fjr Ibi driver No All blsn rlcasl cara bava u alldluc R.ar tram tramictt I-C4 for tall peonlo or uncjmtortoUla minion. It la cottly to mike,, but It la tba bet. ivjitinu fir aboit 1'II- Motl drlror." iikU ra If tba mstor baa tba Hiwr, Uldlug er Kill luado to fit auyoaw o Ot na one. Mrlorlly oyer evtrr otbar typlt.i lu Iti mauy A DcncBiiatiU fitMlrla Started adju-tracuti. At ao tlw. U luora than a fourth of A-wepeaaaow nttwrw Jnarw tba Lojrlur turfaco of tba ijr which oixrataa For ?3S extra, you cad.h-.ta your HaxvI 4 lb. orui In uw, Wbru ntwdrd. a uow Uo.Hlnc llv.rvd muHiiwJ wlw tb faaoaa aiaioiMuSiH- Tbo 191S Maxw.ll baa a full crown ri'Painr.er urfot tuay U bail by adjuitltn: th. gear a quartr trio tAartvr. TUI. lUrter U aauUut. troubt ry.f body, Tho front .oat la udju.taut. you can moo of a turn, la abprt. the Maxwell atrlDK ar ,Dd My oparateii. It ihrt lurlira forward or Uikward. TbU m-kei baa four tlcu tho adjuttmrut of any othr kind. nd .ba jjajwn i4 comsItUly aulat4 froaa tb .. r- r- r.. t,e-r '. ttnuutinit wiudiniwd at tba froat lieayy l-ar Uonrarl ,hB ,w th. e,rr,r i i. Mr. wbi XThii surprUuj most pooula U the tnootb, buoy buy a M.uw?U 7011 huro nalhtac attra l buy. &A The Maxwell Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners No othw automobile is backed by a More rliabl service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. 'MoretheJi 2,000 Maxwel JisUre in every part of this country are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parti at reaonaele mei'. . This, splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and MaxweM Vp emtesl Service Branches. Sixteen great MaxwellService Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any s-att for an owner within a few hours if not minis stock. Maxwell Service is one of the creat advanUges enjoyed. Ivy, Maxwell owners. ""''.., Order a Marcwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we mil give you your car not an excuse on delivery day $695 r.S.1. HKTMC trottr iTAiTu $55 "EVERY ROAD IS A MAXWELL ROAD POWELL AUTO GO, ixns 2 - 't'. ivaa v m? $55 i --- -1 . v( ' :-.. ,,. . '' t. , , P' -i . .irt mememmmememmmmmemmemememmmw i ' '-Mel