w Medford Mail Tribune Msaasr SECOND EDITION WEATHER Max. fll.5 .Mln. -HUt IVf. ,ni, Hliowers Wednesday., Piirly.rlrtli Ycnr. MlflDJfORD. ORKOOiV, TCJKHIMY, MAY 11, 1.015 NO. 43 Pally Tmi Hi Year, r G MANY AGREES 1 10 HARMNEUTRALSHIPS AND PAY FOR DAMAGE Oil SUBMARINES TO CEASE SINK NEUTRAL SHIPS Germany Issues Instructions to Sub mnrlno Coininanders Not to Hnrm Nrutral Vessels and Anrees to Pay for Damane Done Rules o( Naval Warfare to Govern Ships Seized. WAHIIINOTON, Mny II Or ninny, Hiiinirtli Ambassador t'crnrd toitny notified the United Wales that suhiiinilnn eniiininiiditra hud bism upeelflrnlly Instructed not to linrm nitiitriil essoin not oiiKiigod In bos tlli' ntitN, nnil' Hint flcriimny would pny iluiimK'-n lor rfniiMKW to Midi idilps hi tint war nonn. Itewrsnl of Policy Noutrnl whips carrying ronlrntmml will ho ilcult with, the announcement ns. according to tho rule of naval wiirfnre. If neutral ships nro nccl dentally damaged In tho wnr turn: tlcrmnny will xprnN Its logrct and pay damage without prUo court pro ceeding. Thi Herman got eminent Justifies ltd submarine wnrfnro on tho grounds Hint KiiKlnml U threatening to starve tho civilian population of Germany by prohibition noutrnl rommorco In foodstuffs nml other accessories. In previous communications tier ninny linn disclaimed responsibility lor any hnriu Hint might befall noil tral vessels venturing Into tho ,wnr XOIIO. Kprtwlon of llcurt't Count llornstortf, tho Herman nm hnssndor, today, accepting a authen He tho text of tlerninny'H formal ex pression of regret for the Ion of Americans on the Lusltnnln, which wim received In last nlghl'i news ills, pntclirn, formally presented the stalo Uieut toilny to the state department. Tho official text linn not ol reached tho embassy because of difficulties of wireless communication. When tho flermnu niuhnminitor left Keeretnry Hryon's office ho unlit ho hitil delivered lliu menKo forward i'd from llcrlln, "That In nil I con say," ho added. Tor an) thing cUo, I respectfully rofer )ou to tho secretary of stato." MISS CONNOR TELLS OF RESCOE qiu-:i:.N8TOW.v, Mny n. Miss Dniothy Conner of Medford, Or, linn boon raring for patients, nmnng (bom ivral tltlml passengers who wore iihonrd tho Liisltnnln, MImh Connor In u cousin of Henry I,, Htlmsou, ex Hocrctnry of war of tho United States, MIkm Connor linn tho thrilling ex perience of having heon rescued after resigning herself to ho drowned, Shu Mid: "I was HtnndhiK on tho deck bo iddo my biothor-In.liiw, Dr. llownrd Fisher, nml I.ndy Miiokworth. When tho deck bornino iiwiihIi I Jumpod Into tho hcii with u llfo holt. Alter n tor rlhlo buffeting from tho wroekugo 1 folt myHolf hecomo unconscious.. "I resigned myself to fnto, feeling miro Hint I would drown. Whon I rovlvod I found myself on n collnpsl hlo hunt, 1 hollnvo thoso collnpslblo bonis snvnd morn Uvch than did tho logiilnr llfohoatH. Tho Inttor could not ho lminchod In tlmo mid many of thorn wora unpolled or upnot hy tho lavltH, i know that two llfohonta worn liuiuchcd on tho port Hldo," PRESIDENT SILENT ON CHINESE SITUATION WASHINGTON, Mny U.Whl!o I'rittddciil Y5Ihwi Iiiih not fully oxnm iiicil llio comploto mi'iiniiiK of C'liiun'n couoohwIohm tn Jimn, lie iock not o. ju'iif iiuy trciily rilits oC tlio I'nlloil .StiitoH wi(li,tjilliur (iiniutiy will lio (kiiiIiiivoiumI, llo (old pullers toilny Hint I hi did not euro to iIUihihh Hio oiiteonio oC lui ia(totlntioiiH ill prow- RUSH OF ALLIES V N NO GREAT BATTLE Newly Inaugurated Offensive Forcps Germans to Yield at Points and In volves Entire Western Front Russians Still Retrcatlnij In Galtcla Allies Making Progress. LONDON', Mny II Tho ItinmlniiH contluiio In fnll hni'k In western (In Hi la hnforo the Auntio-Hermnu Ilirimt nnd (lerninn nlllen hnvo now rroinicd tho upper ronrhcH of Hut Wlnlokn Vlver mid nre within fifty in Hen of the fnrtroM of I'rri'in)!. Thin much In admitted In tho offi cial rniumiinlintlnn Riven out hy tho ntnff of Ornnd Duko Nlcholnn, hut it In Npoken of In n miilter-of-fnct vny which doen not nhow inurh pertur liatlon nnd couplcn with the reneno tho claim of ItnvliiK reromiuenr-il n micci'Mful offi'iiolvo nKnlnit Hie Aim-tro-Ovriunns nt varloun poliiln, Ihiltle on Vt I, loo It In anticipated In l.onilon Hint tho allied force on the uoMurn front will help to reduce tho premium on tho lluMlaim. A vlttnlflc-iint development In Hie wmterti thentro In Hint denplto l ho Herman concentration In Flan item mid Prance, tho llrltUh and Trench forcet find Hienmulven IrmiK enoiiKh to nttnek on nuch a wldo front. Conflrmntlon of )etorda' tato mont Hint heavy reinforcement had reached tho allied front In found In tho Iterlln official communication which eillmaten tho number to ho "at leant four freili army corpn." (tcueral Ailvntirti ll,uuii. Tho newly limuRiirntcd offcnnlvo movement of tho allien over a Ion;; nertlon of tho front In Uelclum and nnrlhweitern Kranco lian developed a eeneral ciiRQRement of considerable Inteunlty. Tho official ntntement from Heilln today concedes that tho al lien hnvo won Krouud between C& rency and Nouvllle, hlu nttackn clo- whore lire nnld to hnvo been repell ed. The Hermann announce tho cap ture of French trenrhen Over u width of nearly one fourth of a iiillo In tho vicinity of !lorry-AuIlac. Tho 1'arln war offlco stnlex thnt the nlllon mndo piilim yexterdny In IIoIrIuui, near Arrnn, France, and also nt neveral polutn nnd that Herman nttackn wore beaten hack. Ittunlnn cinlmn to vlctorlen In tlin Carpathian nro of foot hy the Herman wnr office report thnt further ntrlk liiK RniiiR hnvo been made. On (inlliiMdl IVnhiHuIn llenvy flKlitliiR has been In proR renn on the Halllpoll peninsula dur Iiir the Inst few dnyn, nllhoiiRh nc cotintn of tho renultM nro In complete contradiction. 'An officlnl ntntement Inrnied nt ConMmitlnnpIo Kiyn tho French nnd llrltlnh troopn inailo four arinckn near Avi llurmt on Hundny, hut wero driven hnck with heavy Iomkph. It In iiHiorted threo battnt lonn, or nboui e.OOO men were annihi lated. A proHH dlnpntch from Athonu to London nnyn thnt tho nllles mndo Importnnt ndvnncoH on Frldny mid Hntiirdny mid Hint tho TurklHb losses In tho riRhtliiK Were uHtimnted nt OS.OOO mon. OF E Ql'HIJNSTOW.V. Mny 11. Tho number of bodleit of LiiHltnuin victims nt llultlmoro on tho Houthern Irltdi coaat, wtiH IncroiiHod today to ton. Two other bodies hnvo boon brought naliortnt Cantlo Townsond, near Unl timoro. Of tho bodlox nt llaltlmoro, six nro mon nml four of women. Tho Ciinnrd lino dlnpntched today n HiK to llnltlmoro to brliiK nil twolvo hodloH to Queenstown, ltelntlvoa of survivors who had planned to lenvo toilny am roIiik to remain ovur In tho hope of tho poBHthlllty of making further linlontlflcntlonu, BODIES VICTIMS DRIFTING ASHOR FIRING LI IN FRANCE NO! SO DESPERATE ALL THE TIMETALY PREPARES jJ. mKJ BvBBBBBJBH 'BBBBJfe CBBXpCf' B.tHinM VBvSCarLwSvBvBBMk"' 7ISRBVBVBhLh3 kA .A OkaliiiH IvlBBlaBBBnnnnnSEM t JrHiiiiiiiiiiiH lB VTaHkNTIIBBBBBBBBHBr Vb t-'74iL?9BEEM i f.iVVlt?BBBBBBSBBBkBW''.' f H i' ' SlSaVBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBam K BBT PsPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. ' S. ' ." jXBaESBa IHHHpMnBKHL9.4jiyi1RBU tSSJsXi:':'k'tfJ JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV9Vb1bbV '7nH tOBBBBR BTBWlMk T ' M H LBLbML .bbbbbbbbbbbbU H Lbbbbu At W V 1 JLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbE bbbbbbbbbbSlp1!' StHAKMuW.W'V WB'lmBwl bBbbVM''' t 'JbVbbbbbbbV HRMLr jalBlSVjv!BKuipvKiflBBBBTiJI ifHkL" 9r m m M tIT' V i f VbPLbbKbHbK it bbbBM. - bbM flULBflaVmBTHBH i R bbbLLIsbbbbbbbbV B"M B vjt f. bmBbLmI LTt lMWraBfTTr' VaLsVHLllHr KK Lff BM BbbIbV' bbBTbA taVaWflyl Hb BbAbsbV f ll M 'BBi.BBBp'TBE'BBfe aw "jfciaW'' V bviI Bk mf vl'. Bk tJWAl BBBrKl Fl tyc 9 Vi bw- fFW I vbVbHbV nf fUr -Bm f..ut:JmLi af. tBKaaBaW kaWat lal M I aHK-BBBBBBBBaM. al - MaV H. bbK Jo 1 ta7JaBBlBBBS '71 flaaf V- ' HIL mM I bk3BBV v tom , S. Bl S'SBEBBfc An Knuli-.li Tommy Atkins cwi XKW YOHIC, yU ll.-1'oi.itup liuoynuey iiievmled nt Hie opeiimc of todiiyV floi'k market, the lit making" ptiim of 1! to (I poiutH nml unvokiii nuotlier wild ruli ot short eoeriut;. I'rt'Hilcut WIJmiii'h Pliiliulelpliiii ml trx'hh wax undoubtedly n i'netor in the over-niuht elmue of sentiment, whieh found itH fir-t retleetion in the luulier riinuu of American Mocks in London. Thero were Mucnil "wide" nH'iiiu:4 lieie, notably in V. S. Steel niul Weit itiulioiiMi Klcetrie. Steel's initial con tribution of TiDOO slinnw reconlcd a Kiiiu of .1 point, while the fn-t offer ing of :i()()ll shares of WVstiuphouse showed a maximum iiihauee of .VTj. Hetlilehem Steel nml other wnr spe eiiiltieK iih well im eoppctx nml uiiiii eroim tiuclasifieil iosiies, ro-e '. to t) point. The ihorI miKsnrini; fenture wn tho strength of stundanl shares ltoadinir, the Pacifies and Atchison recording 2 to 'J'.. Knit her (clling reduced Home of these (iniuH soon alter (ho openim,', hut tho under! one continued Mionj;. DeeessiouK of a point or more in lopresentntive stock and an much us four in specialties followed tho eaily outburst of bullish enthusiasm, Kor oiun news was a leslriiiuimr influ enee, partieuhirlv Italy's uncertain altitude. Uepoileil eiuieelliitiou of tho Miilim; of the Mtuirctiuiin from Liverpool also helped to give .tho market pause. Sales of slocks to noon amounted lo It 10,000 shares, as apiiust f)70,000 shares yeslenlav. After three hours of iiiuisiinl dull Whs tho miirket mew more active in tho final hour. Investment issues and speculative favorites then recovered anil in m'uiio instances went above op ciiiiiK prices, impaitiiiK " Ktrou tone at the close. Total sales of stocks amounted to 010,000 shaves, INCENDIARY BOMBS DROPPED BY GERMAN AIRSHIPS SOUTH KNl), Kneland, AIuv 11.- Only four of Hio bombs dropped by Zeppelin uirships in their raid hero early yesterday were explosive. The lenininder wore iiiocndinvy. The for mer weighed about 100 inuniils each, BOUYANCY RULES N STOCK MARKET C CLIMBING lint tho hitter only .18 pound. In own turn eoul UHi tin "help" of AMERICAN FLAG " iin OVER GULFLIGHT WHEN TORPEDOED WASHINGTON. May 11 -Tho atnto department late today mailo public a sworn statement by Italph h Smith, 'chief officer ot tho Am erican steamer OiilfliRht. describing tho torpedoliiR ot thnt vensol May 1 off tho Stilly Islnndn. Wheji tor pedoed, tho officer says, tho Gulf IIrIiI was flying n largo American enslnn, six by ten feet In slzo. Ho snld he saw tho submarine but "could not dUtlnRulsli or ?ee any flat; flying on her," Chlof Officer Smith further says Hint shortly boforo tho submarlno was sighted two llrlllsh patrol boats, the logo nml Filey, took positions on either side ot tho Gulfllcbt nml or dered her to follow them to tho Utah op llRbtboiiso. "1 Krsonnlly observed our flnp was Mnndlng out well to tho breeze," the officer stated. ROGUE RIVER APPLES TWENTY-FOUR CENTS E ELGIN BANKER ACCUSED OF STEALING $10,000 KI.aiN, HI., May 11. A warrant oliarxiiiK Way L. Seainnu, teller of the KlRiu National hank, with the hir ceny of $10,000 in pild cmtifieales was issued lute today. Ho has not been gcuii uiiico lust Saturday. n eouple uf prettv Freneh Kirln, SCHOOL IEAH ! OF EXQUISITE - SEEKING A MATE The following clipping from "Cup id's Columns," a ptiK'r published at St. Paul, Minn., for the benefit of the matrimonially inclined, shows that romance is not dead in the Itoue Ilivcr valley, though the advertiser ranges tho wide world to find the wo man of his choice. The advertise ment reads as follews: "Attractive, blue eyes, liht hair, American, pinnUt, college education, oko 'Jt'2, fine bearing, c(pii-i(e build, athlete, have money. Not ordinary, different from most others you know. Lady of intelligence desired. City or country life. You will never regret bavin-; made this gentleman's ac quaintanceship. Here's a chance, can you wint Address A. F. Allder, Med ford, Ore." Here's your chance, girls. The ad vertiser is ii school teacher. You can see what an attractive elmp he is, "of evipiisito build, not the ordinary kind, neconling to his own de-crip- Hon. His directory addre.-s is 'JO Summit avenue and ho teaches at tho Ko-edale school, Griffin Creek. .Mr. Allder, when broached by mends on Hie ''ad," professed to know nothing of it, and disclaimed its authorship. VILLA DESTROYS LEFT WING, OBREGON'S ARMY WASniNC.TON, Mav II. General Villa claims ho has destroyed the left wing- of Obregou's army, in a, dis patch to his agency heie. The tele gram says tho battle was south of Leon and that tho Villa forces now have advnnced to Irapuato. Another battle is expected, TURKISH TROOPS SENT TO DEFEND SEAPORTS LONDON', May 11. Turkish troops nro being transported from Smyrna to the Turkish seaports of Ale.Miudietta and Adalia, says a dis patch received today from Athens hy the Loudon Kveniug Sun, owing to the fear Hint a lauding is about to bo mndo at those places by forces, of (he allies. TO JOIN ALLIES AG1SAU A Question of Declaration of Wnr .De clared to Be But a Question of Hours Rumored Germany Has Al ready Declared War Against Italy Agreement With Allies S!-;jid. ON' TUB ITALIAN FltO.NTIKR, May 11. Tie opinion prevails m Home that Italy's participation in the wnr is only a ipie-tion of dnv. Along the An-trinii frontier, where the cor resonilcnt of tho Associated Pro ha- been from one end of the line to the other, it is universally felt that war is only u question of hour. 1'AHIS, May 11. It is bciiig'per-si-teutly rumored in Pan- thnt Ger many and Au-triu-Hiingvy have nt readv declared or are nbout to de elnre war on Italy in anticipation of such action on her jmrt directed ngnin-t thcm-clvcx. This remrt. how ever, has received no confirmation of any kind. Agreement With Allies Another rumor current on the bourse today wn- that the Italian government has signed an agreement with the n! lie-, Great Britain, France and Russia, .to take part in tho 'war not later than May 20. ThK minor al-o i- without confirmation. Freneh oh-erver- of the political sitnaUorr iirttul.v infer from UiTines sage yesterday of King Victor Km maniiel and former l'riiue Mini-tcr Giolitti, that the non-intervention party in Italv has determined to withdraw all opm-itiou to the war. Unite on War l'ollcjr Kxciitually the Italian parties would be united in support of ti war policy, in the judgment of French observer!, bn-i'd insin two fundamental eon-id cration-, namely, that wrongs have been done to Serbia and Belgium nnd thnt the racial aspirations of the Ital ian-, on Hie eastern shore of the Ailri atte and in the Mediterranean there can now bo sati-ficd. Military writers are presenting the argument that war for Gennauy and Austria on u third frontier iindoubt edly will make tho re.-istance of the central empires on their other fronts more feeble, so much so thnt with the advent of Italy, victory over Germany is set for the middle of the summer. A dispatch to tho Temps from Home says that public feeling ha hecn stirred to a high pitch in tho Italian capital and that nervousness mid alarm are shown. This di-quict-ude, however, does not exist in min isterial circles, which reflect calmness nnd fixed resolutions. Tho Me-ng-gern publishes a report that former Premier Giolitti, leader of tha neu tralist party, will enter tho cabinet without portfolio. PARIS, May 11. A German aero plane passed oyer St. Denis, a sub urb of Paris, shortly after 7 o'clock this morning and dropped fivo bomb-. Ouo bomb fell through the roof of an apartment occupied by .Mine. Hoi lcker, bounced from tho bed where her nino-yenr-old .son Audio was, sleeping and then struck tho loor, where it exploded, fragments of the bomb slightly wounded tho boy. Another miili-, en exploding, wounded fivo men who were sleeping in a shed. Two other bombs damaged tin apartment house. MORE ZEPPELINS HEADED FOR BRITISH COAST AMSTERDAM, via London, Mny 11, 0 p. m. Tho TelegraaC says that two Zeppelins passed over Ameland, 1111 island of tho Nethei lands, in the Ninth pen, at Jl o'clock this .after noon. They wore traveling westward in tho direction of tho English coast GERMAN BOMBS DP A tit hija'b speed, SILENCE VEILS WILSON'S POLICY UPON LUSH Prcsfifenf States That Fnlfatfetaftfa Speech 1$ Net a DeclaratrM f Pelfcy fn Reference (9 LtisitMta Incident Cabinet Ceflsitfers HtK aticn, Though Ne Anrnwctrmk WASHINGTON1. May 11. Prt dent Wilson said today that, bin speech In Philadelphia last night wm not a declaration of policy In refer ence to the Ltislianla ilbwstel-; Hint ho was not thinking- of any ttytcM matter, but of tho newlr naturalized Americans In his. audience. Tho president ttsd tho expression that ho was thinking of tha "cala some ieople wero trying to rabwi. . The president said bu would make a decision on the policy to be follow ed in tho I.iisltanla case as oeon aa ho bail all the elements In mind. For the present ho had nothing to add, be said, to his statement ot last Saturday night which was that he was considering "very earnestly but very calmly the right course ot action to pursue,' and that he knew the country expected him to act with de liberation as well as with flruiue. Limits lib Utterance The president made It clear that ho was expressing bis personal atti tude and not referring to any spe cific ess. That led to the belief- In many quarters that thenr etMent kail not reached a decision In the I.usl tania cave and was speaking tils per sonal feelings as to the Ideal the United States should have la this sit uation, as well as other phases of the world wide war. It was taken that he was endeavoring to explain broad ly that tho United States should seek to serve tho cause ot humanity by using its Influence to seeure an adherence to the rules and prlnst pies of international law, wherever they have been contravened. Although tho general trend of com ment wns one of surprise at the lim itations which the president placed today on the interpretation ot bis speech, those who have followed bis speeches closely pointed out that Mr. Wilson lias frequently spoken Inipllc Jtly rather than explicitly. Not w Key Stieech While his Philadelphia audience was Impressed with the belief that tho president was referring specifi cally to the J.usitanla tragedy, the president indicated by his remarks today that he meant his speech to be broader than a single Incident and to cover the entire subject of foreign relations as well as the subject ot domestic solidarity with reference to tho aliens who have become nat uralized Americans. At the usual hour the cabinet be gan arriving for the first conference since tho disaster ot the Luaitanla. "I am for peace wtth honor,' said Senator Stone. "I do not know what tho president plans to do about the Lusltaula. It is his problem and It Is useless for others to attempt to advlso him." Peace With Honor Senator Slono declared he favored passage ot tho government ship pur chase bill which failed last congress. Such a step, ho said, would provide Amoricau ships to carry American (Continued oa page two.) FRANCE EXPECTS envoy's mm PAUIS, May 11. While the pre continues to display Intense Interest in the sinking ot the LHltanU tke discussion in Its cdlterkl mIhmm, ' Is now turning more toward th political side ot the tragedy, sad tk probable attitude ot PreelikMt Wil son. Much curiosity to yiyiMl r3 Harding the deelstoa at Um WaWwr ton government, The Utln lUv the least ,1110 UultaU iUfr mfti i woum ue to exuni'iiMi twrMM baiwidor, t ' i L.