Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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rAaw train
nrRnFonn matt; tutbonr motworh. omkoon. wonday. may 10, mi.i
; v ,
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h i
Sale Starts Wednesday 1 O
at 9:00 a. m., MAY 1&
At 210 W. Main Street
of San Francisco in Charge
i "d, k ,i i JJif
Remarkable values. Nolo tho savings. Some of theso good hnvc just been
unpacked. All now, bright stuff, jtist like $20 goldpicecs. Kcxcr ngain such
nn opportunity, bo BUY NOW.
$15 and $10.50 Men's Suits in grays, browns mixtures nnd plain, warranted
100 per cent pure wool, representing such high-prude makes as tho Artcrnft
Clothes, Straus of New York, Oregon Woollen Mills, J. Cnpp. QC
Sons, nil go on sale for , $A Xsd
$17.50 and $18.60 Men's Suits, in navy blue mixtures, gray mixtures, etc, nil
ptire wool nnd high gmdc suits, very cheap, indeed, nt tho prices that Brandon
& Whitney had thorn marked, bnt now during this Calamity Snlrft'fl QC
they must go whilo thoy last nt .vlXiOj
$20.00 Navy Blue Serges, the Artcraft clothos, and mndo by tlu 'J Qj?
Dawiur Master Tailors of Eiscnburg and Sittel of Now York, saltJ JL J J
$25.00 Blue Serges, none better made, if you should pay $40 per suit, a very fine
all-wool closc-wovccn serge, mndo by Strauss & Bros, of Baltimere: it is the
kind of clothes that look right when you buy them nnd stay right "7 QC
after you wear them, snlo price, . ,,. , qpA0
$25.00 Suits, new, up-to-the-minute styles nnd fabrics, really they nro beyond
description, tho only way to appreciate them is to como see, look nnd von will
bo sure to buy, for they nro sure not a-going to last very long ii17 QC
stock, nt the sale price of-
Brandon and Whitney (known as THE WARDROBE) high qual
ity stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing
Qoods, representing tho very best manufacturers of thoso linos in
the United States of Amorica, was bought from tho creditors at
a heart-breaking sacrifico and is thrown to the mercy of tho public
of this community. Never in tho history of Medford has thero
been offered such a high grade of morchandiso at such sacrificing
prices, but the orders have gone forth to sell, soil, soil, and must
be obeyed. The stock must be turned into cash, regardless of cost
or values. Be a money-saver and attend THIS BIG SALE.
$5.50 and $5.00, to he closed out for
$-1.00 Suit Climes to ho cloned out for.
$2.50 nnd $3.00 Suit Cases on snlc .
$1.50 Matting Suit Cases on snlo
. .98c
Men's $12.50 Suits &n nr
Mh Strci art Miitffis-lrMttst Vitas n EarHi $ 99
The best innke of Unlit was curried by TUB WAKDItnilK, such as J, B. STMT.
SON, TUB COXQUBKOIt, l)B AKUNOTON, and really you would not bollcvo it.
I know I would hntdly believe it myself, that such goodn would bo placed on
salo at such prices, but seeing is believing, ho come, good people, come, and be
prepared nnd then look nt tha prices.
For everything will ho marked in plain 'figures,
You cannot help but buy, and buy quick.
$5.00 J. B. Stetson Hats for. $3.95
$3.50 Conqueror Stiff lints, in blnck only $2.35
$3.00 and $3.50 Men's lints, lntcst stylo.1 nnd shades.
$1.50 nnd $2.00 Boys' Kelt Hats
$2.00 Men's Kelt lints, nil new.
. .$1.15
$2.00 Straw Hats, now spring styles, just in
$5.00 Men's Genuine Panamas, just unpacked.
60o Men's Crnnh lints, nil new stylos nnd colors.
$1.00 nnd $1.25 Men's Caps, in wool, felt, silk, now.
60a Hoys' Caps , .
23o Hoys' Caps .
2.'o Engineers' Capi - - . -
.,. 30c
Every article marked in plnin
figures the regular prico that
the "WARDROBE" used to sell and the price reduction that has been made
and you can sec at a glance how deep the reductions are and how big the saving
will be to you. More you buy more you save.
Triangle Collars m , ar
Ranular Ifio each or U9j
Rain or Shine, Sale Starts Wed. May 12
AT 9:00 A. M. SHARP
Ladies White Summer Hats
Regular 50c line, n new shipment jirrivcd just before the doors of
the Wardrobe wero closed "
Mens9 Furnishing Goods
$3.00 Men's Union Suits, fine natural wool, closed crotch, all "1 C
sitae, sale price 10
$1.50 and $1.75 Men's Union Suits, fine ribbed, summer nnd win- QC
ter weights, on ' vil.
$1.25 and $1.00 Union Suits, many styles to choose from, summer 7Qf
and winter weights, to be closed out for, per Buit J 1
Men's 50c Underwear, in summer and winter weights, shirts nnd
drawers to match, splendid quality, sale, per garment
Men's Underwear, the famous Glastenbury nil-wool, warranted, in QQs
gray, all sizes, regular $1.50 garment, now on sale, per garment sOs
Men's Pajamas, in summer weight, $1.25 and $1.50, now on sale QCs
per suit.
Men's Handkerchiefs, white, regular 15c, now, sale, each
Men's 25c Handkerchiefs on sale
Men's White 10c Handkerchiefs, sale, each.
Men's Suspenders, for work or dress, regular 25c, now on sale, pair 19c
Men's Suspenders, for work or dress, big assortment to chooso from 34c
25c Cuff Links, 6iroIl designs, on sale while they last 15c
All 50a Cuff Links, big assortment, sale, per pair 35
fiOo Scarf Pins, sale
75c Scarf Pins, sale
$L00 Scarf Pins, sale
$2.00 Scarf Pins, salo
5o Collar Buttons on sale, 2 for
10c Collar Buttons, on sale, each
25c Scarf Retainers, big selection, salo ,
Men's 25c Hose, sale
Men's Working Socks, bale, per pair.
12320 Men's Hose, sule.
Men's Dress Shirts, in the very neatest patterns, a big selection to choose
from, they come in golf or negligee, in dark' or light patterns, rcg- QQs
ular $1.00 und $1.25, salo prico, your Wei tiji
$1.50 Men's Dress Shirts, golf or negligee, dark or light patterns, best $1.50
shirt in town, to be placed on Eale nil at one price, 4tt t C
each )J.J.J
This is n safe sale, Brandon & Whitney carried .nothing but tfie very bed makes of
Shoes, such well-known brands ns tho Weber, J. Miller & Co., Tho Miehoff Shoo Co.,
GoUinn of St. Paul, Western Shoe, St. Paul, Stacy Adams, Bostonian, Connolly Shoe,
Hicc & Hutchins, Mnsour, Cnhn-Nickelsburg Co., Menr.ier, Buckingham and Hrcht.
Chippewa, representing the largest and best manufacturers of Men's Shoes in tho
United States of America, and believe me, the way tho shoo market is nt theprrsent
ti me the people of this community arc fortunate, indeed, to get such shoes nt price
that no merchant can touch, so act quickly wiile all lines nnd "" nro complete.
$4.00 Men's Shoes, heavy work shoes", chocolate storm veal bluchcr, full QC
double olc, stng last, best shoe madelor work,alo prire-r- .. Py3
$-1.00 Men's Shoes, gun metal, cnlf, lace or button, extrn fino calf dress shoe, the
famous Goazian, fits liko your footprint, best $1.00 shoo on earth, snli (C
- .PJm y J
., ivr
pnee m-.
$4.00 Men's Shoes, tho Connolly shoe, cztrn fine cnlf, newest styles, in lnccd Qg
or button, ovtvry pair guaranteed or money back, snlo price $ZiiJ
$3.50 to $4.00 Men's Shoes, broken sizes, in work nnd dress shoes, tan or blnck, best
makes, nothing Ilia matter with tho shoes, only tho sires nro broken, mil
sale, your choice, pair t- -
$4.50 Men's Shoes, the Nielyiff shoe, mndo in Ongon, full double solc, 'JJ?
reinforced slmnk, blucher, on snle, pair J . -OtOO
$4.50 Men's Shoes, tnn blucher, heavy work shoes, Mens "Knso" made in'5 '5C
Michigan, of tho softest and toughest leather, snlo price . ...OtUO
$1.50 Men's Tnn Shoes, tho Snow make, fine cnlf bluchor, newest shnpo, o 'JC?
big valuo nt $1.50, sale price while thoy last , , ,.... . JtOO
$4.50 Men's Shoes, tho Mason hnnd-mada shoes, Goodyear oak sole welts,
brown, chrome, bluchcr tip, salo prico
$4.50 Men's Shoes, lace or button, extra fino cnlf, newest shapes, all sizes. 'J JC
sale price , .- - i ;: . '. wJtOJ
$iJt0 Men's Shoes, the famous Weber make, better shoo man nocr mnde,'5 2C
in black or tnn, lace or button, finest cnlf, nowost styles, on snle - - pd0J
$5.00 Men's Shoes, "The Wnrdroho" were noted to enrry the best $5 shoes in tho
country, your choice of any $5 shoo in tho store, including tan, black, for dress or
work, in many newctt nnd best styles, such makes ns the Weber, Bostonian, O QC
Cnhn-Kickelhburgh, Buckingham & Heeht nnd ninny other noted makes, - fOy)
$.1.75 nnd $4.00 Boys' Shoes, sizes 2'j to (J, full stock leather, tho newest shapes
!nre or button, in vici kid or cnlf, n big valuo nt $11.75 und $1.00, salc QC
urice iPZiJ
$0.00 Men's Shoes, the highest priced shpes enrried by tho "Wardrobe" and the best
make shoes mane in America, a big selection, nil sizes and styles, to hf(
cloned out while they lost nt, pnir -.,.. :,..;... ,K-.., .
Children' Fast Black Hose A
. Ragular 15o valu
Pants, Overalls, Jumper
Coats and Wool Shirts
I.eti Straus Overalls, sale price ,-- . , , , 70c
Men's Work Pants, sale price. .- -,- 5c
Men's Knhki Pants, another pnir if they rip, sale price,-.. .t5c
Men's Corduroy Pants, every pair guaranteed, regular $2.60 QQ
alo price -.. , ...yliO
$1.50 Men's Pnnts, neat patterns, sale, 1 T
pair 911 O
$2.50 Men's Pants, big assortment of patterns to choose from f QC
..- P X JJ
dressy, big soloctlon,
snle price-
Men's $3.00 Pants, neat and
Men's $.1.50 and $1.00 Pants, splendid assortment to select from QC
nil wool, guaranteed, fino mixtures, greatest value over offorcdHrZf OJ
Mens' $5 Pants, mndo by tho Mnyficld Woolen Mills, a big value lb! QC
at $5, a good assortment of patterns, on sn!o NFtJ7J
Men's Jumers nnd Jumper Coats, plain blue, black and gray, also 7Q
in bluo stripes, sold nt $1, most of tho places $1,10, now on kale-
Boys' Bib Overalls, Levi Straus, nil ages, regular 60c, 05o nnd 76c, iQ
any size, your choice, snlo prico, pair..,.., - .TCOC
Boys' School Pants, nil s!zch, good mixtures, rcgulnr 76o and $1.00
Boys' Khaki Pants, long or kneo lengths, best quality, on sale, all QQs
sizes, pair , OjKj
Men's Work Shirts, in dnrk colors, plnin blue, gray and in stripes 5Q
best 50c work shirt to bo hair, on salo whilo thoy lost , Jv
$1.25 Men's Wool Flannel Ovcrshirts, in gray, navy, to bo closed out Jtc
$1.60 Shirts, flnnnol, gray or nnvy, Levi Strauss make, on sale.
$2.60 Men's f Inline) Shirts, best there is iniide, on sulo.
I $15
Men's $1 Soft Shirts, in whito or tnn, Levi Strauss moke, on sale while
they last nt ' .We
Men's Bolts, a hiir nssnrtment to select from, all shades, regular 60n..95c
Porosknit Underwenr,
Shirts and Drawers,
regular 60o qunlity,
Boston or Paris Gar
tors, regular 25c,
Four-in-Hand Tics,
great assortment to
select from, regular
25c, for
Firemen's Hose, .'the 15c JIokp mndo for
Prcbidont 'Suspenders.
o world., over sold for
' 'JC'0o'''' '
t Bib'1 Overalls, the-ijcw
Port Brniidrreg!inr.$l,
Bed or Iluo Men's
Hiiiidkerchtefs, regu
' ' ' litr lpo, for
Men's Hose, black, tan,
gray, wool, lisle, cash
moro, eta,, regular 25q
lj'our in Hand Ties,
now styles and pat
terns, regular 60a
Anchor Brand, llubber
Collars,, regular 25o
. 19c
Wl I
' t.
9:00 A. M.
Brandon & Whitney
210 West Main Medford, Ore.