Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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WASHINGTON, Mitv M.- The su
preme poult' ilixsolnlioii itf lit to
bacco tttiil lift rcmtllPil lit eninpo
l)(nn between tlio MitepesHur eompun
tes, In mo! brntir-hrm dr the indtto
try, but lin iot nr?Wtrd wholesale
or retail pripris, nml in tumoral neh
pompctiliou litis ivilupeil tho profits
of llio other vonipnnics.
TJiif is tho pniiplusioit ot tlio obi
bnti'iiu if porptmitimiH, now meripMi
with tho i"cileml trade commission. In
thr third portion of its report oil the
lohnPen intbiMrv Inlil Unlay before
lff(ilrnt VilMm.
Extensive nml largely f cchiunnl, the
report tlciils with tho 'tripes, costs
ninl profits oC tho seven companies
Into which thp federal eourls tlivitlctl
the Amr-Hemi Tobacco pomimuv in
IDtl the celebrated dissolution
Cost Is
The extent of pomH'tltion liPtwccu
t!ieMsvcn etmnmuicH is! in
so fur n tliP facts n-j.'tinhiis prices,
costs Mn.ii profits unci plintmes in vol
iiuifj Jinil division ot businesK tend to
how it, hut not with rcgnr.1 to other
imporinitl factors beetilt-e the courts'
retained jurt-iiiolmit of tlje ease ami
the department of justice is making
iU bwn investigations into tlio man
ner in which tho dissolution decree 5
bcift obervel. It points out, how
ever, tlmt tbc seven companies thus
erected "Were in their respective
branches, much larjter thnn nay com
panles not connected with tlie "com
bination." "For particular brands," m.v the
report, "neither tho prires to jobbers
nor to consumers show important
change following the dissolution of
the combination. Such competition
ns has developed among the successor
romjiahies did not result in prii'e cut
Una:' CoU of manufacture since tlfe
'dissolution were found distinctly
higher because of duplication of ef-
forf, hud chiefly, to ndvertis'm?.
Where the ndvcrtiiup hill for the bi
combination wn nbout $11,000,060 inl
1011, tho devest sueeesiior eonipnnie1
Plient mbro than $23,."iO0,OD0 In l!)l:t.
While there ns nn iuerense in tho
volume of huincs-, tho ratio of ud
yertisiiifr expen-Q to wiles doubled
Iwtween 1010 nnd 191H. The n?re
enle iirofits of the lireesor eora-
jwnics in 1913 wcro .29,73.",0.i8, or
nlWHt $1,'230,0G0 less thnn the prof
its or tho combination in 1910, on the
bnsi of nn investment of approxi
mately .f2.".0,000,()0n.
lUwllItM Of DLsMlllltloil
"Jn view of Ktich n liiph ntc of
profit," wiys tho n-port, "the ques
tion iiatunilly nrisei: Why bus there
been no competition in prices? Th"
nnswer to this question is partly
found in the jweuliar priec-uinkinv
onndition in the, titbncco tnlde."
Sites of tobacco packages, the rc
jwrt points out, arc nffeeted by law,
and it MtirgcMs that price competition
might bo i'ncilitutcd by amending tho
law to ctuhlUh n larger mjmlicr of if tobacco jiackncs with
smaller iluicrcnco notween tliein or
providing that all kinds if tobacco
may jto packed nnd stamped in whole
wJ quantities. ' '.
"lu conclusion, it may be Haled
that the study of prices, costs anil
profits in tho tobacco industry, with
out takliis into consideration lit her
factors in the compctitivo situation,
indicates that the decree of dissolu
tion has resulted in the successor
companies' coMijH'tinyr with each
other lor business in most branches
of the Industry, but has not affect
ed wholesale or retail prices. The
succesnor companies luitu nl0 com
peted with the smaller tobacco coq
cerns, mid collectively have won bus
iness from them in somo branches
nnd lost to them m others. As n con
sequence of competition the rate of
profit of tho successor onipanies h.i-v
been reduced, although their rate of
profit is still hih, In KPitrml, this
coqipctition has seriously reduced the
profits of the other companies.
sJ isssssssssssssssssssssssssl
nr .. flMs"""sslllH
Mf iCJMljy MutsT' --'-sslssl
.in i in jswG5mi fPlsr" .IBBSy
lUitartbi tifJHcftb?rrCtf tl ilTr Ah
esct i'o. Hlxth and Ktr 8i
i i i i i -i? --
('. K .Shepherd , .tnihes Ibillex et
, ux, reply. ;
Ootd Hill Hunk vs. KdnnnI J. I'd'.
af(idai of puhtiention.
l l Yiiunc vs, Geo. F. Kmn.
amended complaint.
Aimee Chinley Danii v. Wilbuc .
Dann, original answer.
I. I), lint! vs. J. B. Coleman nnd
Anna Uelle Colcuinn, cbrtificntc of nt
tncbimnt. Fiorn A.' ICelsey vs. A. C. Cervinj:
it nl affidavit for imblicntion of
FninmOns mo'tion nnil order to vacate
1). D. ITail vs. J. 11. Coleman nnd
Anna H. t'oleninn, return ot nni
molls, writ of attachment.
K(ntp of David It. Hendcry, will,
order nppointin; appraisers,
.luvpuile department Adoption of
Ilcibert Tillsv.
aunnliaii-liip of David It. Hendcry
incouietent, report of vuanlian.
Kstntc of Josephine Kdwnrds, or.
der for publication of final notice,
final account.
lleiil ftte Hniwfr
W. II. MoKnir et ux to State
Hank of Ashland, laud in
twp. 39-1K. . $ 10
llenr Poblmnn to hi. II.
French, lots in Orchard
llomo Tract 240
L. Jf. llhodes to Unary X. Lin
bnrr, tot in Ashland 1
Ifc M. llhodes to Kllen Smith
and Emma C. Panball, lot in
Ashland - ,, , 1
John Pradeu et ux to John
Gibson, land in sec. 7-:i.i-
2W. 10
John Gibson et ux to 1). K.
Whitmorc et ux., land in sec
7-33-2W-. 10
J. W. XlcCoy to City of
Ashland, alley way in Ash-
C. P. Tilton et ux to City of
Ashland, alley way in Ash
Inntl 1
Carter Land Co. to City of
Ashland, risht of way in
II. W. Huntzingcr et nx to City
of Ashland, lots in Helms
Add., L. 250
P. D. Ynnrouph et nx to City
of Ashland, land in sec. 21-
30-1E. 300
Alonzo Ord to Herman 11.
Schettb ct ux, land in sec.
32.38-1W. 10
Win. Angle et ux to Alonzo
Ord, land in sec. 32-33-1W. , 10
Jeremiah Conwell ct ux to City
of Ashland, land in Ashland 1
I W. Hater et nl to C. A'.
Prnett, land in sec. 8-30-1 U. 225
II. K. Smith to City of Ash
land, laud in hce. 8-39-1 E. 1
JL A. Carter et at to 1. S. How
ley, rainiuR plaims . . - CO
JI. A. Carter ct al to jr. I Al
ford et nl., mining claims SO
L. Kmmn Ilutnphrcv et vir to
P. C. Clayrille, lot t), blk. 2,
Turtle's First Add., Jfrdford 1
0. T. Wilson et ux to .Mrs. X. I
Trcudway, land in sec 4-3.1-1E.
J. 15. Jltihaq el iix td Oliu K.
Ixmierv et nl, land in sec
1 7-30-1 E. -. r- T 1
P. 1). Wnpier et nx to fcity of
Ashland, alleyway in Ash
land 1
II. C. Jlecham et ux to Geo.
Sicmantcl, land in twp. 30
IE. . 10
E. T. Neal et ux to Herbert It.
Clarke, land in twp. .'I0-2W. 1
II. II. Clarke (o Tcnas Illihec
Orchard Co., land in twp.
30-2W. - - , - ' 1
Seymour Hell to Pacific Land
Co., jhnd in sec 4r34-2S. 10
O. & C. K. It. Co. to Win. An-
Ble, land in sec 20-38-1W. 100
Vrlrt I'olrt lif Deader
EGGS 151720.
HUTTEK Dairy, two pounds 45c.
POTATOES $1.7fi per 100 lbs.
ONIONS 1 1. per h.
IIONEV 12co er lb.
CIDER 2oc. '
POItk 88.c.
LAI1D 10c.
BACON 1 318e.
ITAJr 10c.
HUTTElt-WhoIesnlc, 24V&P.
HOGS Alive, G(liC
STEERS Alive, fliiOe.
COWS Alive, .(oWjo.
VEAIi Dressed, 10lt2c
Llvo Poultry
HENS Lnrge, ovor 4 lbs., 12c ;
sniitll, Ho ;oh roosiers, 0c; broilers,
l'q tp 2 ibs., 2(lc.
DUt'IyS Pnt, 8e.
sfierir from "rtATtn at''
fMA i ' c of ! m, Am '
HRLH ,C. -- Hi I
News From Our Neighbors
Mr. nnd Mrs. I Hi loco ijuil llttlo
tlnugbter vlnltptt Mr. and Mrs. II. F.
Morris a rew days last week. Ttiey
were, en route to lloglo Point whero
they Intend to make their futun
Jack TunKate nnd family and MIsi-
Hnrrlett Miller took dinner one daj'
last week with Meidamea llakcr nnd
Mrs. Abbott has been very 111 but
Is somewhat better at present. Her
daughter. Mm. Howard Fox nnd MIm
Gertrude, have come up from Derby
to be with her.
Mrs. Cros gave a datico at the
hotel Friday night.
The eighth Rrade examination wan
conducted In the school house Thurs
day and Friday by Kdlth FredcnburB.
Thcrcwcro ten students who made
application for diplomas.
Mr. Barker's sister and llttlo daugh
ter of Arizona visited In Hutto Falls
from Saturday until Tuesday.
Mr. Slnimcrvllle was In town on
business Saturday.
A party was Riven Friday night at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Carson.
Tho Christian Kndeavor Society
will Kite a play and short urogram
next Thursday evening In the assem
bly hall ot the school house. Admis
sion u and 10 cents. Tho proceeds
are to he used as a payment on the
lamps purchased somo tlmo ago.
Tom Abbott visited his mother re
cently. Dcrt Mason of Prospect passed
through here Friday on his way to,
Lodge Polo with a water tank. Tho gauizatiou seem to fenr that Jtr. Mc
Rcfslor Peak lookout station will ho Nub's kodak forecast may deal with
greatly benefitted by It.
Tho Dooms building burned last
week. At, the tlmo tho building was
occupied nnd It Is not known how tho
(Ire was started. It was Insured.
John Holts, a former, resident of
Dutto Falls Is hero again.
Fay Dooms' cousin visited him a
few days this week.
Mr. Tuclter of Ilrownsboro In mak
ing shakes In tho woods above here.
JIf. and Mrs. Fred Dorn spent a
Vow days In town recently.
Fred and David Dorn, Mr. and
Mrs. William Lbuden motored to
Jacksonville Saturday.
A nlco party was given at Mr. Splk
cr's In honor ot Miss Lena Arnold
who has been visiting Mrs. Wlllard
Moses recently. Thoso present were:
Mr. and Mrs. John Byrne, Mr. and
Mrs. Ervln Lewis, Mr, Kd wards,
Mlsaci Mamlo and Pearl Walking,
Krneat Dorn, Mrs, Hwayne and daugh
tors, Hazol, Josephlno nnd Mildred,
Mrs. Moics and Collin brothors,
Homer Stephenson of Jacksonville
was out oil Applegate Saturday.
Cory Culy was In town today.
Bert McKce visited Floyd McKee
Friday night.
Mrs. A. D. McKco was a visitor at
Mrs. Amos McKce's Sunday.
Henry Stephonsdn canto homo Sat
urday from his mints' o'n Pennsyl
vania. Mrs. Edna I'hllllpa visited Mrs. A.
D. McKee Thijrsday.
Miss L'ublla visited Mrs. Phillips
Thursday night.
5IIbm Fern Phillip stayed ovor
night with Doris 'McKee last
Fort McKce tu working for
Sw?y?c'... ,. ... !
J. I', uciis and A. il. Chuso will
yisu mo ueavor crpeit school tno J 3th
Tho' teachor find pupils have, arranged
for a program In tho forenoon
Buy nnil arnln
(Biiving Pi-iccB.)
WllBAT $1.25 bushel.
QAT.ri .'!fi ton,
IIAYAlfiitfn, $14 ton; grain, $d.
BARLEY Whole, $30, ,
Homer Hillings returned last Fri
day mm Nit to the cxpo-ition
His wife mid daughter ttitth, who uc
cnmpnnicd him to Sail Fnilu-Nco,
continued their trip (o the l-cuttul
west, where they will isit Mr. Hil
lines' jiarcuts at Iamiii, la.
In xiew of 'praiseworthy aclixity in
behalf of "hcrsonnl solicitation of
business," it ce'rliltli sphUro of en
denvor open to Southern iWille em
ployes, Conductor X. S. IjnlliiiHcr ot
the Shnstn division iperilllv won n
first prize awarded for sat'h efforts,
he Inning had 320 points to his cic'dit.
A voucher for h Kijbctautial prize was
issued accordingly.
The Hikers' clpb tramed all ocr
the Wright creek section last Friday,
paying a iiumber of formal calls upon
prominent ranchers' families on the
way. The ettomarv lunch was de
voured amid sylvan surroundings and
an important business session wns
held in it like enviromntut. .Mrs. Jes
sie Iloudcnii was ndtnittcd to full
membership, having tart eterv (piali-
fication attcudunt uisin a ten-mile
hike. The next meeting will be held
with Mrs. V. A. Stuivart. 72 Tnlou
A great deal of curiosity has been
nmuneil local) v over I he identity of
one I. JlcN'ab, whoj juulcr the title of
"Light Is Tunipd on Direotbrs'' in
last Wednesday's Oregonian, gate a
physiognomist' opinion of Portland's
chamber of coiniuerce leaders ns
,iewrd phjitographieally. Some of the
officials of the local commercial or
their idinsvncmcics nct.
The Edging!"!! tract of fifteen
aPrc iiromires to become a new ad
dition to Ashland. It is located on
tho cflstorn out-kirl of the oitv, op-
po-iiu the Xonmd school grounds,
nnd is being subdivided into trneix of
rroin one to three ncres. hlbert u.
Davis, u former tesident, hits retern-
ed hero after wandering nbout the
entire Pacific cnt region, content
to settle down permaiicullv on one of
these Mihtlivisioi's upon which ho will
build n modern bungalow home. .Mr.
Davis' last location wns at Tilln
nook, and to ku that he glndlv ic
tlinis to Anlilaud's siirroiindings but
mildly c.xprcswet it.
Jumcs I). O'bonie of Oakland, Cal.,
was in the citv on Fridav renewing
(the ncqiiainluiicc of V. 11. Jlownt ot
the Postal Telegiupli Co. Tho visitor
was here years ago, when he spoke in
the iuterusts ol Bryan during n heat
ed political campaign. Since this
visit Jlr. Ostbornc has bceomu blind,
but exhibits rare power of perception
find optimism in -pilu of Ins grent
pliysicul iufinnitv. Ho wns mi his
way to the Canadian northwest.
W. E. Biichaiian of Eagle Point,
whcit) ho is ut the head of that tnwn'n
school system, wa hero pn Satunlay
in connection with business matters.
.Mr. Biicliitmiu is (ho prospccfiwi prin
cipal of tho BWIewow schools, east of
town, for tho coming yenr.
President Lowland, who is at Iho
head of n prominent loan and trust
company in his native town of Kccno,
N. II., has been m Ashhllid for sev
eral days past on nn extended trip
throughout coast territory. His tdnji
over huio was for the purpose of in
litigating conditions which will nat
urally accrue to Asiilalid Us it pibdel
. nM:.... . .., ...ft. l , M i. i. i....
1 ovor , springs resort and residence. toWn.
night. 1 (ii!0ffi Bteznittiiut 1K Canadian,
or 1,ut,Tex., iii tho'employ .Iftli'ii Hantn Fe
sliops iit Uiat' terminal, eft rnl
phieo iViSiitilrday, ilHpr.1l. visit
Ids faiiiily.' llib Inf-mircr oPWthM
main liet'f-1' rtV 4
shops ilt that' hihiliiinl. left J'ol- thi.
,,. (Vn Siiiilritny. iit'ter.11, vlMl Will
JIrs,4'Hesie SlUvchsHiV'Aird il'aiigli-
ter Jlary .Maigaret left Saturday
mnriiiug for u tisit with iclutltes of
The local BusiucsH Jlcn's mi'ifieiu
tion wilt meet Monday evening for liio
triinsactiou of routine (flutters, This
gathering will be at tho Hotel Ore
gon, and that popular hostelry will
fuinish u substantial il)liU- proliiu
iuuly lo tht eveiiingV "lltlvotlotis,"
WNP.AV, VAY.,10,. 101,5
K. Watson and .dnuMfdei'i MIch
Winfl'ivd, loll early lb Clio week Tor
it vUlt tu San l'Vanclspo nnd (he e
posit liiu.
l.uoal libiary hours aie now from
10 to 1'J, 1 to 11 and 7 to II on week
days, with (he cNeeptlmi of Satur
days, when the schedule U from 1(1
a. in. till U p. m. On Sundays, for
venditifr purposes only, tho hours are
from 1) to (I p. m.
Uy A, 0, HowlMl
(leorgo Coulter ban reopened his
paint blmp In our town
Mlu Sarah Slihplettiu was nmoug
tho btmtnesl cntlcra Tuenday.
.Mr. Volim Wehster nn obi resident
of Jackson eotinty, rnino out Tues
day on tho P. ft 15, and remained
with Us until Thitrmlny, then -taking
the P. ft i: went up to llutth Falls.
Last Tuesday the roll of honor ot
our school was crowded nut I will
I now give It while 1 linvo loem: In
tho Intermediate department Miss
. Minnie Taylor, teacher, Joyep. Von
.der llellen, iluth drover. Mamlo Win
kle, .lame llolilnson, Lloyd Clugrnde,
Foster tlro'b, Truman McClellnud,
IlMold Van Scoy. Elsworth Stowcll.
Lvle Van Bcd. Judge Flore)', Hol
land Ue well, Katie llurhiinan, Helen
Holt, Ethol rvinkie, K. llurhiinan,
Myrtle torch, Margaret Ulley nhd
Frcdy Leabo. Primary departnient:
Mrs. Ornco Von der llollen, tenchbr.
Ansel Pierce Hugo Von der llollen,
Donald Von der lletl'en, KnthriV
Bryant, Evelyn Ittnwell, flwendolln
Ilrophy, Verua Eckeuhurg, Anils
t:cketihurg, and Myrtle Hlowell. I
did not procure n coiiy of tho roll of
honor for the principals room for
the Inst month. Our school will
close on the -'1st Instant for the
Dave Pence, the host road builder
In the Elk creek district, wan out
Tuesday on his way to the county
sent, and ho reports Hint Mr. Mc
Donald Is building 'a ten thousand
hotel on his property near tho Elk
creek hatchery, on tho old llutie and
Jeff Johnson place, one of tho sjp-
tilnr summer resorts for fishing.
Frank Stlnson nnd another man
In tlio employ of the C ft O. W. & P.
Co., canto out Tuesday to" repair tho
motor that was running tho rock
crusher and called at the Siiunysblo
for dinner.
Win. Pbrry of llvitto Falls and J.
L. Tucker of Trail canto out on the
P. ft K. Tuesday and when Wm. Por
ry went back home ho went In his
new Ford that ho purchased whllo In
Medford. Speaking nbout autos. they
are getting about ns numerous ns
wagons or buggies for thoro nro no
less than fifteen autos owned on
Butte creo)c above Bronwsboro, and
one more ordered that I know of.
Itudloph Peck of Lake creek motored
day in hli now ntito and so did Oco.
Owens and wlfo and bis brother
John and wife motored In In their
now machines.
George W. Froy, wife and son
Frederick drovo In from their homos
on tho north fork of Llttlo Dutto
Wednesday and took dinner nl tho
George W. Wnmsloy who has been
spending some Hum looking over that
portion of California with an cyo to
locating In n higher altitude than
this returned Thursday. Ho visited
the Panama exposition In Sail Fran
cisco and said that tho Oregon build
ing and exhibit was rated nu third
lu tho list of states and that Jack
son county stands up among the fore
most In the lino or exhibits. That
tho man In cha'rgo of the Jackson
county exhibit, ho had forgotten his
nuiiic, ho Is from Ashland, nskud
him If he would llko to see tho Jack
son county papers, showing hint a
file of papers and tho first thing ho
did was lo r.o through tlio file of tho
Medford 3la Trlbuno nnd hunt Up
tho Eaglets and by that mentis learn
ed that tho Tabors wan burned,
about tho weather hero and nil tho
nowH. Thoro Is nothing llko a news
paper for reliable news.
Dr. I. W. Woodet, a veterinary
surgeon, npont Wednosdny with us
and Thursday wont out to tho Fred
Button place and removed tho sur
plus foot that I reported on Air. But
tons colt'
J, W. Lawlor was nlHo a guest
Wednesday night at tho Sunnysldo.
Our schddl Ih planning to have a
nlco eutnrtalumont tho Inst day of
the hcj'ooI, r.'st of .May, on tho school
yard Inwit.
Mr, Hnnon, the mad who bad tho
barbershop lu the Tavern thai was
burned, lids moved to western Ore
Kori. Frank- B, Tugult and It. 15. Noal
of Medford and A, ij. Cunningham
and D. J. Boakey or Portland, (lilsa
and Erin Peck of Lnco'rfeeK wore
horo lor'dltihof Thursday aiid iulor
In tlio ilay John Owens anil family
called mid visited tho rest of tlio af
ternoon, taking supper and tlion took
somo or tho young folks riding In
his now Fold,
F, J. Ayros and wjfb, MIhb Ruby
Haley, Mr, CIubh (lormnn, Mlua Sarah
Singleton anil. John Diana were doing
hiiMlnoiiH In our town Thursday,
Cti'orgo E, Johnson, superintend'
Li t a
11 'fl.'" J"-! 'i , ! 1' . "
tnt of the p. ft K, nnd Mr, Btout,
W tliPnlT dHfio Mlgci builders, chll
Id Tiiuriulity yoiiliig nml Mr, John
sou hihhU the (light with us. Mr. J.
taken tho place or Mr. (bulit and F.
T tlolt.
Friday we hnd W, F. Hergohnt iep.
resenting Miller, Huiiluglon, Calhoun
ft Co,, of Portland, and Erwln A,
'faff, representing thn Fisher Flour
ing MIUn Co., Seattle, Wnijh., C. II.
WtlllHon and wlfo of Ashland, Fred
Bunlnp nnd W'Uo of Derby and Miss
Uoiia Hrnrn or Unite Falls for dinner
and Mini Hears spent the night.
Mrs. Chillies Painter him gouo to
(told Hill to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Misses Mario N'evtou and her sister.
Entlirlnii cniuo tu on the P. ft K.
thttiiriliiv lo attend the entertainment
al the Reese Creek S. II, Saturday
L. C. Rennl, nleiiihor of the new
It. It force for the P, ft E. mine out
Saturday to look after the It. It. Co.'s
Interest hero and took dinner Willi
uk nml so did Mr. A. C. IMIery, rep
resenting the Lilly Seed Co. ol Port
land. Lemon Charley and wife motored
In Saturday morning from their home
above Browiisbnro.
Since mv last Earl Crott and Cuss
Itoseubiirey have reuowod and John
Owens of Wnllmi has subscribed for
ho Weekly Mall Tribune,
ronaotoauHD or tax x.ien,
Iii tn elrcuit pmiri or tli slnln if
Or'Kliiv for Jiu'Khoii I'mnily.
jneksun t'oitnly. ilrcvon, I'lalnlirf, vs
t'rrry I'lislrr, H. Kwiumrn. Mrs. II. Walk,
fr, K J. Allslln. I II llouliUti')', .Mrs. U
II. llllllli.l . T l tlMV. IL l llrlKUK
J, r lllvel. It Biwry. llHlrr.H l.'wslr
Nl.ill, luitlill.. l-.irio.r. I.unii.ln tlnnlnnt
ICmI . Mr. .Mlimln (liitio. A llittilliiKN.
Obi'itr I loot . J U .Matiito. is. A Mnlli
wit, Mr" Uinni-tlH MiinKr", t'hnrluita
fclloll, J T H4ry..r. V tlrlimld.
Hurry UlUi-r, V li Vun Viicinr, Jmnm
U.UU.T, J U lltyvji, l.issl tliMidluw, II
W. Kliuitw. Jliiilrnl'Coiiiivl, Jiilin I'd
llnif. Sliuy Vickrrn. ,M r liauwilor, '.
IL (!ltnnrK I'rt.l IMisill, (Uril I.WIn,
Win, Nrlnii. I It llra.W. J. .M llirli.
A. li Klruiil.. J. H WcrlS, Wllit
VUv ctiiiipmi). J l 1inr lim , .M U
Wldliivy, W f C'or-y. J, H tlrrtvp. W.
U Jonm. i: I. Wor.l. li IV.Uitr, J J
Krr. illM.mri Vnllvy ioniui), H p
llnUnrll, ll II, tilhrr WUlivy.
Ilnuiiiua A Hcliailitii. II I' A K (Iru
hsiii. ! 1 primi. ('mnii'r llrolhcr.
KIIas I'l. mine J I 1'iir.lrn. Itinus
iininif i-onisiny. ll I. nuclei, i: i
lnUi.n, K A llnlinn., J. (I, .Mi'C.illL.
Ic-r K J Krlinflilfr. V M (ViiliirN. 1
otdvrr Kl Jil lUrt'vr Jmin luinor.
A Kvl". I.. 1 llnucli. 1.001m H Curroll,
.urn. iirn.m-v, m u ininuiin. n. I usrn
trt, II CI Kr.,iuii. II. IVIIrl, W f
TIiiiihiii. J J I'orlrr tl llanflrlii.
Itmamit'l King, Victor Kuvti A i' 'l.
.Iron, i: .M Hitillh. II. It Duffr M R
tlrlm. W l . J llo.ur T-irr I'ltir
TiiliiT i-o., isnirrprmn .Miulint i'o, Tlm
llnmvon.1. I' .M Smlll. II If Albin A
'. Artiistrnni;. Murrnit li , I'.nrlcu
McMnlnm. ti.t t'onaoli.tti, A lllhe i',,
.Mr. J K llivo l l TlinmliHO'i,
Trull I. miller t'.L .UmrM Vmini; l.uli.
Aimiiia, ii. j, iiuurr, I- w. llmlrr.
llrnry I'larK. rarrie ll limm. li. K
IMVIS. J. v IMV. Will I'unlrr, llrxlri
fltillnwsy, II. ( Unrnrll. II II Harris,
Urn JlAVinilllit i:t . J il llarntuiMRl
John Klllliain. W kvcr J. w Imw.
tun, A. . iJiwrrnrr, Ikttwitn l.ulli, I'
W. Iinilslrr, Jack lUriln. il. M. Mrsil.
own. Nttl- iliHirc. .Martin Mollonouali.
A. II Oiijur lilsur I'Anlrry, t' 1
l'li.ll..r, ilurilin I'uivrll. .lrv A I'rlv.
J !' Itnil.1v. JIuIm.1 Hasur. O Hrh.-iio.
inrriiurn, lieon Hlii-iaril, ( A. Hmlili,
John i MIiini.on. Jolin T Talon I,
llarvry Vlncotil, Woks Alfrr.1 nn.i
iJlllli Orr. J J Mori'liy. H. II Hlinimiiis.
(I, W. NlrlioN, N H. Welrli, N I Urn.
Pliy, T It ItoLrrU, R C. Ik. llrlnl
(lonlrtii, llrnrf Marlln. Mario N t'lrlcli,
Ik' ii Hlirl.lun. Hon I lu rnon.l ll-. Mrs, J.
N. T lllll'-r. It It, Hiiiiii. Joint ixm lo
nsnis tinknowti, M II Dfuprrr, .li-fni.l.
'To the sb.)V iiiiii.-il ili'TiiiiliuiU. and
oach of you
In lli Nmiiii of thr .l.uto nf Oroirnn
Vou are limby noltrtoil Jnimon
County, Orrsuii. tin. Iu.,It of Hi I'rr
liriruti'4 of l).-llh.unr horrlnuflrr t
out und iiiiinl,(-riil, and Usuoii b hrrrin
aficr n"t Mrlh l ihx tux cilireior of
lh said eoitniy or Juikmiii, pint ut flrr.
sou. lr Iho umoitnl heroliiflr ilxila
nutrd, thr unmiv Im-Iii Iho amount thru
dee unit dllnqiiint for Intra for tin.
yr ll. loKcibrr wild iwiultv, inior
CHI, and cohu lliorron upon thr irul
properly niicrt lo ymi and ouch of
)oo, of Killed you nro ihr utvnora nn
appears of icor.l. the nul.l iimporty !
but sliunlrd In snld county and Mule,
nil., inn iininn 01 inn prrmin in M nolo
BSMsjisoil,, Urn ilisrrlnlloii of n.ilil nm.
P4r9 and Ihc iiiuuiiui dim ihrrron hrlau
Initio words and flHiits nn folloivii. lo.
wrll! J on lid AUKIISI I I VI I
. No. Hit. I'rirv li),li.r. vmilli U nf
HWIi, Ni: HUM l I'hn 10 items sold, nrc
lion 3, twp, 35. It I W, ncrrs ISO, liixoa
113.40. imlll' II.SC, Inttimsl . 110 IK
conin buc.tuiai lux, iHiuiiy, mirrost nnd
CONt 37 tl
nn, n. Hivn nwn. k MV'l, sec.
, twp. 33, us W. acres le, luxcn
. l"-HMJ .-, HIWiriH A-t. II J AIM
irnniir ? inirrrsi n:c. cosin
l lOlul Ut. Irtinallh. Illffli'sit llllll i-ml
" 'WW --,---.-..
No. 1139. Mrs. , 'iier. HW HWJ.
NWJ nf NWi. a.;n. it, up, 3$. II. 3
W., ucrea 0, taxes 13 7. iienulty J7n, In.
lerost : I0. costs 0o, toinl lux, ptmaliy,
lllterrst and coil 17 03
No. 1730 H J AUNlln. ben. N. 03 ilcc
13 mill.. W, 300 f.-'l from pt 909.1 Tent
N mid it I 9 fret W of NW cor I), U '
43. IWI. 39. II. I K, H 3S O.K. 33 mill W
134 C tVt N (0 .hie I. niln. W. inn,
etc.. taxis 131. CI, iieiiiiliy 3 4(, Interest
fia.iw. eontu uc. ioiui lax, penalty, In
lnreHt riml ciisl 113 33.
No 1731. f II. Jlcnrdsley. NK lot 3
Nu 1731, r II. Jlcnrdslry, N!4 lot 3,
hlk. 9. Aslilund, liixi'N II . (il. or unity
i.vni: inirrvsi ei
penntty. Interns! snd en
Nn, 1733. Mrs I.. .
View Add tt'li NHW H
twp. Vj, It. I It, nrrei
1.1.1)3: Inlrrvsl cost, ftor. total, tax,
ciml IU.JI.
li tl.,ut.ti fttt-
,"1 -nn i 1. iiunnnrii. trill1
view Add tt'li NHW HW, KWH sec. II,
twp. 3!, It. I It. nrren J, ii.. till,
penally 37, liilnii-iit I I.HI, oonln lOp, lulu
tax. priiiiHy. Inlrri'Nt und coal H 33,
. No. 1731. T. I. Univ. VV, HK Hl'il 111.,
enaiiy it. iiiinii'iit ii.ii, flosln snp, Inlill
I urre ml. e II, Iwp 39, II I It,
urriH 21, luxm It3, II, pinulty 1131, In
lerest ls.00, coals f.(lc, Iolnl x, pviinll)',
IiiI.tihI und uost 132,011.
No. 173S. It I) llrlKUH, txi; 10 ID cih
K mid 3 elm, N of HW cor. "f NW'4 of
NWU of K. .M clis. N 19 lim. 45 111I11.
W. clis H. 19 deir. 15 mill W 10 73
chn. cinitulnliiu ucrea 1), sec. S, twp, ;i!i,
."' ' .'vJt.V'" '2.s''! IS'imltv 13.31. lu.
tereal llfl.'.M, coals ., 111111I tux, irii.
ally, Inierisi and roat IH.iJO,
tfo 1710, J t lilii't. AaliUn.l, Niillov
HI. 12 iicro Isiiiitlii of I. W HiiHb, luxes
113.23. rtvllillly 14.03, InlrrcHt I3S.93.
costs f.0c,iulul lux, puimliy, lalcrvat ami
HWli see 1 1. SI clis. W of ior. but, see.
II nnd U N S.3I I'llH. W. 0,SS clis. lu
NW cor, lli'llmluw School house, arc. 11,
tW. 39, II. 1 K, uciCH fi. tuxrx 12.10,
penalty Xlc, liilrrcst ,S3, coat a EOc,
total lax, penull), lnleresl idol cost
. No! ItlS. llehecCii llHSlraloii, Aslilnnd
II. II. Add, lolH 31, 23. hlli, J, luxes
131.39, prnully 12.10, lnteieat II3.N2,
vpsls Clio, lolul lux, penult)', lnteieat
utid coals I3K.07.
No. 1715, i.miiilii I'urmer. tir.
cb, N of enr cym, In area, 10 und llfi
der. 33,111111 1:, 4. A3 His n cIin. In
center county nmd HiCiilu I'.. s,3i. elm. W.
4.00 cIin, n 11.0.1 i'Iih, (. il, twp, .10,
II, I H.. luxes (3 Zll, peiuilly 32c, lll
IcreMt 12,01, I'iihIh inn., total tux, penalty,
Inlercnl nnd cost 90.00.
.No. 1740, l.iiclndif (I'llnir.l I'.at., NH
Pf HW'i. ueo IS, Iwp. .17 il, I W.. MCres
NO, tuxes I1I.A3, pKiiulty Oil, lnteieat
iu.uii, coma pvc, .ioiui tux, ponuiiy, in-
loreHl nml cost $17.
rest nun coni sii.iit.
No, 1747, Mrs. Mluiiti) Dniin. loim.
nleiid Asao lot tot HI. Auliool illalrlul
Mr, 0. lanes, penally (Oc, Iniricsi
tii.ll. rests fine, inlnl tut, iimlly, In-
No mil, A, I itidlfiuii. dMi, ni.itl, h
8. twp. .1H0, II. I IJ, tNKf'M M0.3I, l"ll,
ally I3.H3, liilMtisi 113,01), eoslri Ave.
lothl lux, peiinlty, iiliint and uost
'.n'h!'JM, Oxtiny Hoot, tlnuiCNliMid As
so. J.itul on 13. Calif HI., Aslilmnl, 1cs,
irj.siM, hcIiohi iilsirlet No s, !-,
IH'iiiilly (Kin, IiHitcM II Ut, penis A0n,
total iax, imnnlty, IiiIkicsi nml cent
No. 17M. J. U Mnhatl, NH of NWit.
dee, 17 two, 3H. tt. t IC limits ll), Uwm
If. Ill, inniiltv 93e. lni.'iMt I'l 3 i, costs
Me. inliij lux i'n, in'imlly, IhIci.-hI nnd
cum lt n.l
No. 173. 12. A. Mittlisw. AshbuuV
MiiIikwh Add. i)ls 11, in, utxxs 13 Nl,
pxmiliy Sxe, iitificst l,l.. coNin ln'o,
iolnl fax, iioiutlly, InlnicNl ami iiml
No. i:n, Min itoMtMU Manlicis, S.n.l
aeies nut of .lis, 13 MJ, luxi'S lAO.iM,
ppt.iiy iouii, inisrrki uziin, costs nnt,
ouii.iiix, ii.iuiiii), inifii'Mi
llllll ClINt
. N- U. t'bnrlotte IVIiini. A shin ml
IMs T aiid , lilK IH, Iium 113 tn. .ft.
Ally, II 3T. InlKli'Nt 11.17. rusts Mlc, lillli
i,, 4. ...ii'.vnv ii,.l 1'i.nin ..w... ...i.ii
IflM. lirnnltv. Inlriiml unit tout
. Mn HOI J T Htvyer. II II Add.
1'1,J.JI ! blli..K. Iitsrs II7.1H imiiAlty
II tT. 1iiIii.hI III 37, i'iihIh ftuc. Imiil lax,
IK'imfty. JiilrirMl mid cost 131 13 . ,
, No. I7J. W tl Hvbrdil. AshlHlid Add,
Ud 3. hlk. M. iAti.fl ii. ki. i.cnnity asp,
Inlrrxst I? 13. costs 0r, Iolnl ln. costs,
punnHs- iiml IMinrfsl IT t
Nic I'M, l,ii fy Mlv.r. Htt iir NWU,
kciv S. , an. it i W'. ninl Hl of NIIU.
;jpj t. Mt a, tt, i w. iicri-s tsu, luxes
. ! nrtltx 7Ce, Inliioiit. Hill, oimls
llS'll'" "U" ,""",,Jf' ""rrsl mill cnitt
i.'l! W.' v. S '.nn "'". AMitartll
It. It. A.I.I, lot t, l.K It tNH IIS 43,
lifclinlly II. HI, Inlfrrnl lllll, imimIn mm.
I''l"l la, imimlly. Iiiii'it-st and rust
No ITTI. Jilninn Witllor. two liliiii).R
itn.l Ititxl sill i'.ki.i) let n.l nn imrlli riml
,.t,S.','", V",",,.'',- ln,s" S0S, H'linlly
13 Sfi. inirilsl 11 i: coNiN mi.', inl , mx,
IxthII). ul.'rri un.l rout I fit i.
No ,177 1. J. I. Ilioun. NK nf HIHl
Mi. I Hit nf Nli mh , twp 31. tt. a
It, noun SO. Inxm III SI. iinnnlly 11,11,
Inli-ri l 17.17. ciirIii tuc Iolnl tux, hiI.
.illy, Int.'tini iiml cesl l:l,0t
No 1777, l,Ulr (,, Nti nf NWl
nnd NW of Ni:;, Mf Xi. iwii 13, It. 3
)i. urns lia. inxrs IJ7 3. 'lintl)' 13,71,
Intt-i '. I I7 31, c. In lee, l. .Inl lax, ii.'ii.
iillV. Inlrrml un.t iiml IIS. II
No. 1773. II. W Klnraw. Hi: of NIH.
iwp 30. twi 33, It 3 IL. iicmh ll), laim
n 13. iwimlly Sic. inttroHt 5 S3. rnm
sue iolnl tax, iiirmlly, Inlrn-st mul coil
Nihi 17SI Jiuiiod iVConiiM. NU of Hit,
re. !, I. 37. A. 3 It . siirt n 4, IntCN
:..... t.-- .... ... ... -
... ... iili.,l t v lll.ri.iii fji.,iiB,
rou kQc lutiil tax. icnnlty. intirsst nml
t . -i r- i .a, .
No KM. Jillilv iVlllliR, HV of HW,
rc 31. twp SI. II i It, nrrwi bl, IIUfM
IIU.(7. iH-nitlly ll ol. Iiiiri, l C si. vknIn
too. I.hi.I lux, riiiilly, rosin nhd llililr
rl II9.P7.
Nn ltJ .Mary N'lrlins. ItU uf Nlttt.
c, 31 im 31 II I 11. acros mi. Iiurs
17 93, l.i-.mlly 73r. Intrtrst IK tf, innh
50c Iolnl lm, prlMllji. Inlrrrsl lllld imt
No Kit. M I' Itiilililor NU of NlHt.
nop t. Ihi SH ll 1 . Mrrri XII. taxr
li 30, prnnlly Mr. Intrrml ( XI, i'nl
lor. lutnl lax. penally. Ihlft.-nt nnd cost
No 1719. (' It riimi.r. W nf HIIU,
-nl - .U
t-.l I'l ,. -v.. fi-i' -. )H. da, . , ,,
crr l0. lasts 110X1, iwnally II 03, In
tvrl IS S3, rout K'r total lax, tiriialiy, .mil rot 111.31.
No 1790. I'rwl HW of HWti.
ice 33 nn 39, It I tt. anrra 10. lots
3. 4, toe f. twp . It I It, Nrra :,
UxeM Iti7 prtmily II:. Inlri.'.il
Ituil, iMiitu lie tiii,ii lax. iMHiallh la.
Irrosl nml cum Its in
Nil. 110. Itrmer l,rWls NW nf Hllj.
HW of Nflfl,. Hl!..r NWU. , X. Wi.
19, It 3 I-, Hir 1 1 inxra 1133. h-ii-spy
II 3D InirrrKl !:. nun &oc, loUl
lax, peimlty, lnl.,r.Ki nnd r..U 31,S1,
Nil ll. Win NeUon. H nf NlHl,
i:) of nwh. sre :. iwp as, il a it,
rr lo, tnm 110:1. iili ll.o:, in.
Irrml eolh llir, tulnl Inx. Iwnnlly,
Inlrimt mid rum III :i.
Nil. 17SH. I, It llrrt.lrr NltU sec. 1.
Iwp 31, It. I It. nrrrn 1(0. tuiix IIO.xl,
penally II OX, liili-rr.l .1. rosls tpc,
Iolnl tA, (Miislly, Inlermi und com
No 1799. J. M. Ureli. NIMl, nee. 3,
ip 3S. it. 3 i: arrvs lea, tuirn 11(31,
i.itul f
ir ti . imei
lax. jwiialiy.
tlerml I to is, eosla tor.
inii-riM ana roi
No IS03 A K K Hlriiill. our. third hi
Url In III 3. i. t. t. . in. Talent, '
luxe. (Ir Hn.ilt) (f Inlriml 3lc, rti
1'Jrlolul tux riiull lnlerrl nhd Cost
No. MO I. J H Wotli. HW of NKU,
WH of Him. e0. . Iixp, II. It J It,
artra 1(0. Inxrs 1 10 31. tviullly f I OS. In
Irl rut II ll. in i it f0i. Iolnl lux. peimllr. -lill-rint
nnd i..i li.
Nn, Isoi. Wraiertt I'lsy !', NH of
Ni:U. ( ;. two 3. ii. : it, urn. 10,
lazes IIM, p.-noUy ltd. Inirtrnl r,
..d. R.lrt .11.1.1 Inw ..u....l.u 11. 1. . ....'i
.-..n.n wvv, imimi II,., n-,,..lir lOirif.! Hll.l
eol 13.17
No IH0U, J P, Wllllrr Cut. llilillkldrd
one.hnir Interest In NK't rc in, iwp.
if. ii . u, ncrra v, taxra ia i, tensity
lie Inlrrem 3 S. rests HI... folul lax,
liennliy. lulrrvsi nnd ost 191
No. M'll. I. Ii Whim.v. nnlllvl.teit
Inleirst In NI.'H sec. 10. Urn. 31, ll. 3
It. acre 1C. laxra I: SS. penally 3(0 In
lerest II 03. costs top, lolal lax, penalty,
Intercut mid iml II 91
Nn ism. vc 11 i',i,v i t. rr ii
.Ion 60.100 tier 13. iwii' 3S. II X W..
.experimental Work, Mode, MaklifK.
Die Making, DcsIkuIiik and ilfK.
special machinery.
CorrolKiidence Solicited
I Second Rt. Portland, 0(0.
What Vou Hnvn Iteen l.ookliiK !r.
lyir. Ciop Grower
flloliiis may rulli your crolm In
flvo minutes caiialliK you to lose tho
results ot your wmk, worry and ex
pelise, Do not run this risk wlion
Will insiirn you lu tho
Attniilst IdsiiMiy ltAli.
Tho cbtf) IS niilall coinpitred Ui the
protection offered,
Mi:irom, oiiicrmiv
.liiil.snn Coiiiily Ihtiik lliilldlii(
,A4-JiJ,-toMFJu. 'fiXV J A. ' - Arfl