Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    1"' (7
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Vorl( In Mill being delayed on (Im
liuw federal building nt Klxlli mill
Molly streets by thy nou-niilvnl (if
lirk'ti up to government (iiiillllru
lions. It U expected lluil Mm work
will bt III full hwIiik liy dm middle, of
tlm week, consignment of brick lit)
lug en route Iroin Portland,
Colonial l-'lntu, I In lit liutiHu-ltropInn
moms reduced from f!! to in per
month, summer rules, 217 Ho. Riv
erside, I'lioun UOUI,. 42
A brisk wind In blowing over tho
Milloy today. Tho weather predic
tions cjills fur probable showers. A
trine of rnhi ff 1 1 Hundiiy, nml it
heavy shower Hntunluy night, hut
lint good of till moUturo Ih being
nullified liy the. breene,
Charles Chaplin nt Page Mottdny
nml Tuesday,
Tlm lecture of J. I Rutherford
of New Yolk scheduled to speak nt
HI. Mark's hnll upon present condi
tions m revealed liy tlm Hlble tonight
linn been postponed owing n flooil
conditions In tlm Hacramenlo volley.
I mil located In tlm Medford Fur
niture ami Hardware storV, prepared
to ilo all Mint of clock, watch unit
Jewelry rcpsltliig. U. N Huller, tlm
Old Reliable Jeweler, 42
Tlm minimi meeting of tlm Rogue
River Fruit nnd Produce association
will be Indd nt tlm company's offlco
tomorrow morning.
Lunch goods nt lh Voo's.
Tlm authorities nt tlm Htnte Uni
versity have. Invited lleuj. V. Sheldon
of thU city to attend tlm Kcventh
Annual Commonwealth conference
mid Conference of tin League of One
Kon Municipalities, lo Im held nt Kit
genet tlm last week of thin month,
mid prewiit u paper on "The Rs.cii
tlnl Features of a Charter for Oregon
Cities." Mr Hheldon In undecided
as in lili ability to attend. This con
ference bring Ingnthcr, In n discus
Icins, tlm lending students nnd au
thorities on these subjects, of tho
Pacific Cont nnd many attend from
eastern slates.
Charles Chaplin nt Page Monday
nnd -Tuesday,
llowman JnckHon of Kaglo I'olnt
spent Kiinday In thin city, leaving Iniit
night for l'ortlanil on business.
Touch up those bare spots on tho
onto -give tlm car that new appear
nnce Patlnn's Auto Moss Finish-
nil colors ready fur um. Wnter'a
Paint flloVf. 4!
I 8. ll.Vorhtes'of KnRlo'ViVlnT knt
Saturday In Med ford attending to
business mid tlm Community Day
Velvet Ire Cream nt He Voe's.
Wednesday linn leen named an of
flcltil good rosds day In Central
J'olnt nnd the major In prorlnmntlon
urgen nil Reed cltlrenn lo tho
dny'a labor to IniprovlnR tho condi
tion of the road mid utreetn. (Jov
ernnr Wlttiroinlin hua fixed Tlinra
day, Mn 20 an the atnto Reed rnadi
, K I'lcrce tlm florist, for hcddlns
iduntn of nil kind.
, William Panchcr or (lold Hill .pent
Hominy In Mcdford vlalllng frlenda
mid relnlhcR,
Kodak flulililiiR and mippllea at
Wuilon'a Catnura Ohop. Oppoilln
Ilook Btor.
MovIiik plrturen were lukon Hat
iirday by A, ('. Allen of tlm Com
munity Day parade mid tho crowds
In the park, nnd will ho pail of tho
jtMita kIiowii at tlm fair,
j Paint up and clean up get mater
ial at Water's Paint atom. 42
: MIm Ituby Scotl of Aflilund visit
(id friends In thin city Saturday.
' I'lelnclunann'a yeast nt Do Von's,
H, II. Heed of Oranls Pnss wus n
hiiHlneHs visitor In the city Saturday.
Taxi lCc, 2 for 2bo. Foster &
llolbrook, Phono 8HT.. 42
No other Incident In tho groat wnr
Iiiih stirred tho Iodkuos mid patriot
Ihiii of MedrOrd clUions, nn tlm sink
Iuk of tlm litisltmila. Tlm fact that
Miss Dorothy Connor of this city was
u passenger on tho III fitted liner
Iiiih stirred tlm nntl-flormnn forces.
.. Pan Dandy Ilrond ut Do Voo'a,
Frank IlybtHi'of Jnclisonvlllo spent
Sunday In Mcdford yIsIUuk friends.
, Ho Plorco tho florist, for niters,
orjly Ilia fluost varieties. "
, Tho Southern OrcKon conforonco
of tlm Kreo Methodist church opened
at (Imnts Puss Sunday, with n Iiuro
' dot tho pjilut mid wall paper nt
Wateril, Phono 33. 42
Tlm Qufon of Uronrn mini) In Jos
ophllio county, leased by Portland
lulercetH, will haul their oro to tho
railroad by unto trucks, expecting. to
IidkIii work at onco, Copper,, Js now
ut 1)0 cents with n heavy domnnd both
local und forelmi.
lloliuatiH' whlto sulphur swimming
pools and baths at Ashland, Ore.,
open for tho sousan Saturday, May
1st. C7
Moso llniitdull Is Bpmidlni? a few
days in Croiu'unt City uttendlnir lo
husluoHH mattorn,
Chiirles Chaplin ut Page Monday
nml Tuosdny,
.1, Jl, Harvey or flinnls Pass spent
Hunduy In Meilford vlaltlnu frluudR,
rioorRii O'llrliui Is spendliiK a few
weeks nt .Moptnmin wheui Im Iiiih
tho contract for couslructliif; it new
school house,
Pop corn Cilspettes nt Do Voo's,
A cm loud of Itnllims pnxsed
throiiKh Medfoid Hundiiy iiIkIH hound
for (Irnnts Puss, wheie they will Im
employed on construction work by
Twohy htohers In tlm hulldliiK of
(he railroad to the const. K(tilpmiut
for Mm work In beliiR iiiilpped from
Han Fittnclsio, Work will boKln nt
This In tlm week, Water's Pnlnt
Htorfl the plnco. 42
Mrs. Orln Dnvls of Wcedw In visit
liiK frlendn In this city this wcelc.
Plerco, tlm florist, hnn n flno lot
of pansy plnnM.
Miss Murlnn Twltchell or (lolil 1 1111
spent Huturday In Med ford visiting
friends and relatives,
ilea D&va Wood aoout that flr ln
uraiics policy. Office Mali TrlbunO
Jon Lnunspnch nnd wife or tlm
Appelgnte district spent Hattirdny In
Mcdford nttviidlui; to business,
fco cream r,u dish. Hugnr Howl.
Tlm Itev. J K. Ilnlllln or Phoenix
spent n few hours this mernlnt: In
.tlm city uttendlng tlm ministers'
Maine made candy. Hugnr Howl.
HI MrClung or (Irnnts Pass, releas
ed on n technicality nt his first trial
for fishing for salmon with n gaff
hook In Itogim river, iiniultted on his
second trial, wns found guilty nt his
third trlnl Saturday, nnd fined 2&
mid costs.
Dr. M. (J. Hnrber. Pnlm block.
Hour 9 to 4. Phene: Office 110;
Home 1I0J2.
Advertising car X4 2 of the Bells-
Flto circus reached tho city Sunday
nnd a forco or blllMistern are putting
the finishing touches on tho advertis
ing In this section. The circus with
Hurrah) Hill will appear next .Mon
dny, Mny 17.
Tarries, 20c pound, Sugar Ho I,
The (Ire department was called out
this morning by nn alarm from n flim
(Ire on West Jackson street. Tlm
fire wns extinguished before the ar
rival of the fire department.
"Have )our lawn mower sharpened
by J. W. Mitchell, phono 3 10-J. tt
Fred Kelly returned to his mine
on the l.lltle.Applegatu this morning
after spending teh past week In tlm
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Hook
A fish polo valued nt $fl wns stolen
by n sneak thief from tho nuto of
WlYk'fox Satunfay night. "
J, O, (Jerking, ib iwsi all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Mwaya reliable, Negatives made any
here, time or plc. Studio 33S
Main St. Phone 330-J.
Hoger S. Dennett returned this
morning from n three week's busi
ness trip to KiiRcno and other Wil
lamette valley points.
Dr. J F. Heddy or Grants Pass
spent Saturday nnd Sunday visiting
with his family In this city.
Ocorge Putnnm returned Sunday
from n trip to the now Klamath river
power dam now under construction
by the California-Oregon Power com
pany at Copro, and to Captain Jack's
stronghold In tho l.ava beds, where
tlm Modoc war was fought mid to tho
Tule lake peninsula where tlm clUf
Is covered with the hieroglyphics or.
paleolithic man. '
Ouy Chlhlers teturned Sunday
from n visit tn his brother's cattle
ranch In tho Heaver marshes of tho
Klamath reservation. Ho wont over
by tlm Oreen Springs mountain road,
making tho trip by auto in eight
hours to Klamath Falls, despite mud
dy roads, Ho canto back by tho
Southern Pacific and It took 12 14
Tho Southern PaclMo Is mnklng
passengers nn tlm section section or
10 wait nn hour nnd a half nt Ash
land while strawberries sent from
California nro Iced n regular oc
currence dyrlng tho strawberry sea
son when tlm conveniens or tho
strawberry shipper Is placed above
tho convenience or tho traveling pub.
Upon tho urgent request of tho
patrons mid lo rnlso enough money
to finish pnyliig for tho piano Mid
summer Night's Dream given by tho
pupils of tho ltoosovclt schools, will
be repeated nt tho Btnr theater Tues
day ovenliiK, Muy 11th.
Seo tho sermon on pictures at the
It tonight,
PAHIS, Mny 10.- The Temps loilny
puhlihlios it lifutleh front Itomo n,v.
iii Unit tlm eoiuu'll of i)iinintern hits
decided lo iihU Hie ltiilluu iiiilipment
for full imvvci'H In ileulintr with the
foieigu nnd military polic'iu of the
The I'libinel cuunU n tnnjorily of
100 (loputieH when tlm elininhei' lire
leiiH tu ileelnrnlioiiH (o he niiiile liy
Premier Snlnmhu.
. "'
HP W J', -3tt LiBB
bbW TZkt '.' M fM.y aak
bH m ' 'M- 1 XS"' LB
BBBbV f 'v j s' aBalBBV BBBI
bbbbT bv1' .4bVbWbiBbbv bbbb
s k. l-Mtir- Bv Ka mf "IbbbW
i' BV i T eV fJ " ; ViBBW
m. 1 i i elfe. flaw.'1 j M' ;bbw
BY a4BBr Wr mm
gfl 4 ' m MwwY gL i - ' BW
gs -d mmmf HBsbW 'ClI f
l. g8w. I iTBii'i ji
&" ggMtW '?U - o J
aTBwh egi mw j MZf gBv
fga .jSf J rAmK' - g
gS (ji i tBL .
' Qr ggRfeCisssaas-e-w "";
tmWm ' '" '
HP gs sSBi.
fefr- TIM-
The Hoo.cxelt-IlaincH jury. Itcudintr from left terKht: At top, Peter
lleneke, eonl i1"iiler; liny Tiinucr,
inniiiiriiiliirir: Wiirrcii W. SninerH.
.(.(...v...-, .,.--.,. ... r- - -,
painter, renter row, IMuitnl lluniH, mntenunn: F. W. Pierce, eiiqienter;
Heorge K. llOM'lierl. mtiiiiifniMiirer. Next below nt ejfllor side hof t e
period f Ihe iuleU"Ktii) point nv lrjin J. Mills woodworker, nnd
Franklin S. lthoiuh, fnrmer. At bottom, John V, Itro.yp. fn'nner, nml
Henry lloii, eleik.
LONDON, May 10 -"Our enomles
huve reached n degree of infamy cul-
.... ..... ... .,. .
uilnntinR in uie ccsiruciion oi mo - - "; - ;" 7
l.usltnula. which It is simply hopo.." " " '') conferenco in
less (O tlttcild to describe." said 'An
iirow Honnr l.nw, leadec of tlm oppo
sition In tho house of comons to
day. Mr. Honor Law's remarks woro
delivered on tlm occasion or the pres
entation or a medal to Captain Hell
ot the Hrltlsh steamer Thordls, which
rammed a Herman ntibmnrluo off
Henchy Head In February.
"This Is not an act or wnrfaro,"
Mr. ltonur l.av continued. "It is
simply murder, most foul, most un
natural." Saying that up to tho present no
"errctlvo protest" had been mudo by
any neutral country, ho added:
"What will happen how? Tlm
great proud nntlon tho United
Clntcs Is tho neutral country most
States Is tho neutral country most
rage. Tho simple fuel ts that citizens
of that great country have been bar
barously murdered. It ts not for 1110
to say what their action ought to ho,
but I fee) sure the Untied States will
XKNY YORK, April 2(1.-A einiit;
hiul iii tlm lint is worth u whole flock
of hirdx in the hush. If on don't
believe it, nek MiH Hcsk ltynn, Urn
"TooilU-f," ivl oCtiiKo fume,
XHsh Hvnn iusl ioves hfrds nnd
him doesn't envo vhn knows it. To
liiovu her inteicht iu urii'ittliulocy tliu
I? yffmmmW
BBgK 1 "glglgHtgM PggSljSlgrvVBfglHMglglgl&Jglglgflfi" LBgll
P-i.1 5 1
fanner. Next lielow, Wiilter J. Zuill,
umeer: Leonard IC. Iluuiierforil.
Ilio guided not mcruly. by tho, mono
tary intorcsts.ot iboaouBtrj, but by
I reelings ns what Is duo to a great na-
lion among other nations of tho
I world." """' -Wfc-Wi "
WA8IIINC.TON, May 10. -Tho
N'lM'dln (inilil of America, ulilrh haa
' -"..ue.....a. '' lorwarueu ivvu
to tho Hed Cross for relief ot. the.
Lucltnnln sufferers. II was tho first
donation received for sufferers from
tho sea tragedy. "
Portland LivcsUck Market
l'Oim.AXI), Or.," Mny 10. -Cattle
St long. Iteeeiili-' B'JO. Steer?,
choice pulp fed, f".0"C'')8.(IO; Reed,
.t7.10frr.(l."; medium, $7.00(r7.-tO;
I'OUM, ehoiee, $0.'J.'i(?0..,iO; giiod, .f.".7")
(fll.2."i; medium, $i.nor.r0 ; heifers,
choice, U.00((Hl.7.ij Reed, $.".r0(ir
(1,110; hulls choice, j:.').W(i.r.7,"); Mills'
choice, .tlt.j)ll(ii (!..')() good, ..Wir
FOu'kKNT-- Store room "in Onrnett
Coroy HIdg., fronting on Crape.
St. Also most desirable offices,
rcnHounhle. Hest of service. U.
L. Catchcurt, ltoom 319, Phono
' .'
hluek 11 chirpy little cnitnry in liei
new Bpriui; hut. Hut diekie hud
wouldn't "tiiy put" mid the hiid-in
1 liiiiiniif I'iikIii'iiii nlinnht ilii'il 11 sod-
,lou i0n,, Tum H'oudlw," hud
l"lpy tlonlit'-'liu.iudo jv,, KJIdod
Kinir.o enge for tHekieTtind tho crowd
who followed her down Hrondway
olurcd tho fuil..ui tttchiuu ouo.
XftftcQ " 'I
LONDON, Mrn J0,-The ,liiiiiMit f
Hint three torpedocx were llrcd nt the
Lusilnniii were made to the Htbgunrd
rorrcHpondent of the Dallv Kpwh on
the ntithority of the Hcv. Mr. flmier
of the Chiircli of Knalnnd'x Cnnndinn
rnilwny tnltsion, who nid the third
found Its mnrk while the Inst lioul
tok heintr lowcicd.
When the Liiitiniii nnk, Mr. du
ller Hnid, 11 Huhmiiriue ree to the sur
fnce nod came lo within HOG ynnN of
the scene. "The crew (ood stolidly
on the deck," he snid, "nml surveyed
their handiwork. I could distinguish
the Oennnn fin if, hut it wuh impoi
Njblc to ftcc the iimnber of (he submit -rine,
wiiich difftpiH-nred n((er it few
(Continued from pngo one
more effective wny without declaring
To Wllliilrntr (JTinl
Tho withdrawal of AinluiKfndor
(lernrd without ncliially HfVfriiif; dip
lotnntiu rehitioiiH, Jmve been u(?xet
ed in Home iimiterx ut one wny of
judientiiij; the feeling of the American
Kovcrntneut. Other officials intimate
Hint the complete .evcrnncc of rein'
tiotia until complete epurutioti mid
npolopy is made, probnbly would eon-!
form to the wihIich of the American 1
public opinion. I
Before any Mich tttcp is reached,
however, certain preliminary steps
mint likelv will be followed. Ax soon
nt AmbnxHiidor Oentrd'n report from
tho Oermnii po eminent on the fact
of the sinking of tho LtiMtnnia tiro
leccived it ix expected thnt n nolo
will be .ent demanding full repara
tion under the warning of the United
-Sliilcs that fJcrinany would he held to
a trict "locountnbility'' for the los
of American ve.iel "or liven." The
ciino of the American fteinner Oulf
light, lorM.'dood without warning, the
nttuek by flermnn iiinneu on the
American ship Cuhing, nnd the
drowning of lon C. Thresher, nn
American, on hoard tho HrilWh
steamer Fitlnlia, probably will be
grouped iu the general representa
tion. , rf
HI -.,. !-,Ln
r 'S
' !
iryL s
S. Benson, Mgr. A. 1 Lundberg, Ass't Mr. L. P. lyrne, Asst Mr.
LONDON, Mny 10 The first lord
of the admiralty Winston Spencer
Churchill, said In the house of com
mons today that n board of trade In
quiry will bn held to determine the
circumstances attending tho loss of
tho Lusltnnla.
"In Ihe meantime. H Is prematura
to discuss the matter," ho continued,
"Hut I must rnako It plain that In no
circumstance will It be possible to
make public the naval dispositions for
patrolling our coast, jOur resettrces
dont enablo us to provide destroyers
escorts for mall and passenger ships."
"The shocking exception of tho Lu
sltanla should not divert tho atten
tion of the house of com mens and
country from the fact that Or-at Hrlt
uln's entire seaport trade has been
carried on without appreciative loss,
general principle regarding the pro
viding of an escort is that merchant
traffic must look after Itself, sub
ject to tho general arrangements ot
tho admiralty and thcro Is no reason
to suppose that this principle Is not
entirely successful.
(Continued from page one
white-Iiouhc todnv nnd inw Secretary
Tumulty, hut did not sec the prcxi
dent. Kxplaining that ho expressed
his own view and not thoie of tiny
of fietnls, Senator Stone QAid he rpic.-.-
tioned whether there ww any reason
for calling mi extra session of con
yre. nt present.
The president hnd no engagements
for today before hist departure at 4
o'clock for Philadelphia.
While white house Officials would
not deny sjiceifballv Jluifnn extra
session of congress might he enlied,
they snid thcic wns no indication
whatever that the president has any
fetich intention nt present.
Cut Off IMplomntic IlebtUotM
Close observers of thcrtBl ei of
ficial thought believed the Occident
firwt. would take ptwoJpngaLihp
horror of tho American people over
the killing of neutral on the Lust
tnnin. The step ino;.tdiscm-ed wa
the breaking off of diplont.ilia relit
At the Exposition
When you visit the Panama-Pacific
Exposition, look for the Exhiuir 6V
New Perfection OH Stoves and Heat
ers in the Palace of Manufacture?'
Let tlic Demonstrator show you how
efficient a good oil stove really is.
New Perfection
Oil Cook-Stove
Tor Jbf KumUl U Ptmrt Oil
It has abundant heat always ready
like gas. It bakes, broils, roasts
and toasts like a regular wood or coal
range but without dirt or ashes. No
odor. Does not taint the food. Does
not overheat the kitchen. Especially
good for hot summer cooking. Made
in several styles and sizes. Ask your
Stop at tho incomparable
Hotel Benson. Modern,
fireproof, central.
Kates modorato.
Send for frco booklot.
tIotit int tltij flcndlnj- rff ttHn $
tlouM rot'ordlti( tlm uHtIoA jtf th
Amerleiui Kovenvnienl o the Utf
tnnin, PhIhIiii, (Iu)tllitht mid tVJilnjf
Coimul VrtM cnlilcd tlm ntnte de
pnrtmenl today thnt lite funrrnl of
the T.ti-tltrtnfn intim other Uiin-lit
AmeriennH would he held ! nfier ,
noon with military ntnl nnvnl eMeort.
American diplomatic offienl, hti'
i-nld, would iitlcnd.
Itodie) of Amcrienti (land, he nhl,
where imiHedinte emhnlnting'Wflu nol
iicceiirtry, would he photographed
nlnl scitlcd In leaden cHket for re
turn to tho t'nitt'd Slne.
Secretary Jlrytin would not com
ment on the dionftter. The official '
nrrmnn Rtatrmcnt on the enso receiv
ed In news reporlk hnd nqt. renehed
the department.
110 2 ounce of Sclilffinnnn's Cotieen
tratcil Expectorant, (lives InnUnt
relief anil breahn up the moat nttib
born Cotlnlm and Colds, llcrldefl, If
It doe not Rive perfect HatlnfactloR
money will be refunded by Mcdford
Pharmacy, Adr.
Fashion's favorite for
Sprkif and Summer
k Collars
Dea'c thread t the top nor
Joee their shape because ot
the linocord UnbreakaWe
No-stretchm Buttonholes
in ae other sake. Trytkem.
Ml. MM M.. Milw. TMT, . ?.
Janes Bros, are located In booth
18 at the Public Market with a full
Use ot
Vegetables, Berries and
Small Fruits
Remember them on three market
days la the week and we give yon
just as good an assortment to cheese
from on Tuesday and Thursday as we 1
do on Saturday and at reasonable
prices too. We will furnish the
goods It you will buy them, so let's
get acquainted.
Capltd Hill
fhooe 37-X
Want to
Welching from 1300 to 1700;
must bo sound and In good condi
tion. Will ba at
Dr. J. L. Helms
Bring In what you have, or call
Is Your Cr Iaured7
1 ' '
" 'I I
' 4