Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'V ,1
1 'if
Typlnnl Mlnlnu Cnmp l)f Old Dnys to
lie Feature jf Cclpbratldii on May
15 Prominent Clthtrna Fnlhcr tlio
Plnn Good Tlnlc Assured.
"Ilnwily, striusiir!"
On tlm KViiiiliin of Hnliinlny, .Mny
Ifltli, tlio itiiilllar old HAlulntttiri of
ioin(r ilnys will lm yoili'il iivi-r-t
lino, whlio tlm iiionitinrn of llin HimiU
t (lolil Hill club xrent mitt onlur
inlii tlinlr rihIaU fniiu nil rotitlioin
"Itonrltiit C'nrtip In 'R2" wnn mi In
Hlilrnllnn Hint ciuno to tlu kmiiiIqur
of tlm Ori'M'T (lolil iilc, vli''ii TjvitD'
iiht Dee Mowers rciittrli'tl tlm cluli
ulreui: Ikix (ii IId no linrrn of lioncs
nit Mullicr lltiblinnl's fnhlous riiji
lionnl. Wliy not siimuoiin vmititruil
ilrplrt tlio j;oil otit iiiIiiIiik cninii
of tlm Rolili'it fiO's; shacks, sIhiImiik.
snlooiin, ilunrii linll uml itniulilliiK
Riiiiii7 In thin wlno wnn itenrlni:
Caiup liiiBtliul Imrk from tlio usl to
furnish ii llly ovitiilutt to tlm (;'
oration tliut c'Im tin frontier fanrtim
from par;m of llrrt llnrlo, Din
iiiiiiiiI Dick ntul otlirr lltumry K"iits.
On no ovenliu: Hint In tli'ntltii'il to
lii inoiuornlilo-- towlt ntnl rcpint, tlm
tiYi'iiliiK of Hntuntay, Mny in -CoM
Hill will hcroiiiii ItourliiK Cnuip. Tlm
fonllvlHiH wilt follow mt frwly ns
ivrr tlmy did upon tlio IiitIh of n
htiniiililliij: liurro mut n licurnilnl pro
sector, liltthiK ton with imwn of
tlii "IiIb strike. " I'or n handful of
lifcurs tlio illnf or tlmo will turn hack,
ntul tn Colonel Htnrhotllos, Jnclt
lluuillns, c'lilnlm, pronpi'ctori; sl.
pllolt), trnppi'M, MnRe-tlrlvorH nml
viintiints, will walk nliroml In r'ln
rarnntlen: n-calllnc th illstnnl ilny
wlii'ii Oolit lllll wnn n rouxli nn.l
rnily cnuip of for to in', nml Jackson
vllrl tlio foremost tlty from Prlsro to
Olil Mliilnu (Vnip
It In plniinml to diipllrnto, iu ni-nr-ly
iin l porniliilo, tlio typlcnl mining
rnnip, tloelliu: iiiiirli of tin build
ItiK to tlio roproiliictloii. A bar nt
wiilch nny Kent mny nmiin his plion
in tntlrr fluids it faro Inyotit,
rotilctto tnblo, other kmum of cbnnro
of frontier viiruo, tmuk, storo nml
liotol, will bo featured. Tlio proprie
tor of onrb will bo In npproprlato
continue, nu will somo .10 member
of tlio rlult ran-ilng from tlio IiIkIi
lint nml rutnwny ront of that onil
nnt iluoltlit, fltnrhottlo, to tlio
blanket or thn Horiio river tribe
tnnn. While Riiosts or tlio ovenliiK
nro not iincnd to nppenr In eontuine,
mi tlio ownt Is In no srnso u iiiiih
queriiile, they may do with thn ns
nilranro Hint they vt III not "bo tho
only one."
Thn Itonrlni; t'ninp of Hold lllll
linn nrranceil, tbroiiKb Its minister of
flnnnre, Toby Trotter, ror tho In
miniicn or one million In niiKRot cur
rency "Kiiotl for hnppy IiIkIi JIiiIih"
nt thn celebration. Tho win who
would try IiIr fortune nt roulette uml
xolvo tho elunlve bull, mny plnnlc n
wnil of eny rlchon on tho double-0
mut win n roll Hint would lmffle n
tinnt. MkAwleo nt fnro or mnyhn
fnn-tan. Tliroiifiliout tho rnmi tho
ciirrency will bo tender to tho com
pleto nxrliiBlnn or ordinary coin.
Ilceiiinn toKliir
Joo iieetiuin, who completely
mloH'tl ItlN cuIIIiik nnd thorehy pnr
mlttcd Illinium to Kiithor Innreln nn
tho RientuAt Mhowmun of tho iiko,
will bo bnrlior ror n hIiIchIiow which
promliiMi to bo n rovulutlon In nmr
vol. Mr. Iloomnn, when Intor
vlowoil by thn Nojmi, iloclnred Hint ho
believed In unvlnR IiIh ntirprlnoa ror
tlio public mid lorunod to illuclono tho
nritilro of his efilbltH, which huvo
boon j:at horoti ut Krent outorprlRd
nnd expense from Tolo to lluffln Ilny.
in tho rolo or Jiu'lc llmnlln tho
Kiuiihler. Johnny Heed will Imvo
ehiirKo or tho r.anien of climico ko
ImlUpoiianblo to tho nodal lotiixntlnu
or nny koiiiiIiiv roitynliier. It In Mr.
UpoiI'h Intention to dietm tho pint,
Hllp' u toti Incli bowlo down hla col
lar, uml unuduiiro thq cMllii nn the
limit or nny nntuo In llie IioIiko. Bpo
clul Inlont, oiikiio(1 nftor tho utmost
blandlMliinentii 0f tho mnnnKemont
hdd liodciiilit thn fuvor, will doul
(nro ns It nwu dolo In tho donr ol'
Hoc Unworn, tho eminent local
Phtmnnclut, declined to hnvo-v nny
tlilhli to do with itWlit Hint romololy
Hii;unted Kumbllut:, cltlnn hln tender
ronrlmt on tho Toxiih pIiiIjih na
nroMiul for IiIh HoruploM. .NeconlliiK
ly 'lr. IloWora wiih ultottod tlio lady
llkti pnatlmo or ibraiind)itK tho rulth
(il to conahlor u imilillo whool upoii
which porrectly propor nnd roopoct
nbiu rnfrtoii will bo onulnoorod, Mr,
IIowoim will nlfio nppenr In eonluino,
illHitiilund ii h ii Iwo-kuii Moxlcuu from
thn Itlo, IIIk depiirtuieiit will tin
popular, or both Klinn Ko Into nrtlou.
lilltewlno nt hlrt enrnenl iciiist
Hint Home kimiIIdi' culllni: lio ullotted
to lilm, Di'iicoii Wnlker wnx nn
nlltned til tho milooii. Thono who
know Iho Duncan bent nro convinced
(hut ho will lend n touch or reallmii
to IiIh difficult loln-nx deftly na
thn bent tulcrit of Iho enrly dny.
Tho Doiicon ".III wenr booln nnd n
bluo Hhlrt, with lx-una In ouch
boot. TroiiKem will complnlo bin
KM ill.
"Kin" roiiipkto
.Miirnn .joiumon, nno win im re
mombeieil nt Medford nnd other
plitcoH ii w nn eMlliiK-lioiiKii expert,
wilt hiiro complete clinrKO of tho din
Iiik room Mr .lohiuiori uunouuceR
Hmt hi hotel huMuora (or Hint oven
liil! will he conducted upon ntrlctly
Kuultnry lliiea, und Hint the first kcii
Hetiinn detected with Ida (eel on tho
table will bo removed with tho bread
eriiluba. Itn la certain Hint hla de
partment will ho thn uinitt wlnnltiK
fenture or tho It on i Inn Cnuip, nnd re
fused to iirKiie tho mutter,
A K'mernl bunkliiR bunlnofa will
bo conducted by l.ynn Kmlth, who
will open ror himlul-Hn with the IiIk
Bet wad In the woildiinmely, one
million In nucnetH. To A ailjrKea
(Ion Hint It mlKlit bo round expedient
to "rob the haul:." nfiir tlm fiiHhlon
or tho frollmoiue DOV, Mr. Hinlth do
Mined to ntnto hla nttltudo, To date
the boya nro Mill flKiirliiK whother he
anld "I'm onto jou" or "nminonln."
A n coiiKeiiuonco Hid bnnk robbery
mny not bo ntneed nnd other pinna
will huvo to ho iiimle for n lynchlnc.
Air. Hmltli will wenr hla beat dlcnlty
nnd Ihieo dcrrliiKent.
Cunrlier tlio Hlrerfor
lllll I'nnchor, who uttetnled col
I'T.e with thn Inaplred uciiIun who
(Imt laiiKled In Iho tmiRo, will di
rect the iliinre, which will commenre
nnrl nml rontlnuo nil ovenliif. A
apeelnl orchealrn will provide innate,
nnd, nalUo from u fow ariunro dnnrea,
thin feature of Iho evening will not
attempt to follow thn milder mnwja
or tho old fnnliloni'il hoe-down. Thn
dnncn, It wnt tir.recd, ulioiild bo mod
ern In every reaped, na tho conver
sion of thn )ounRor conerntlon to tlm
atepa Hint grmid-dnd trod would lm
loo much to expect. While no nil
rnUxlon will bo charRcd to Itonrlni;
Camp, thoM) who dnncn will bn ex
pected to contribute to tho flnnn
clul aucroan of tho evonluK. nt tho
noiulnnl fco of 100 nuRiteta.
Jitney nuto rervlcen will ho In
operation from Urnnta 1'naa and Med
ford, with itoim at Intermedlnto
polnta. whltn tho train aervlco Is
Ideally timed for tho convenience of
thono who denim to nrrlvo In tho nf
ternoon nnd remain over riliUit.
.Mniiy HcM'rvv lVatuiT
It. I. Tucker la general chairman
or thn associated committee, nnd
will havo (ho direction or tho histor
ical paKcnnt. Many feature of tho
ovenliiK -Iiko Mr. lleomnn'H allow
nro In reserve, nnd will 1)6 apruiiR na
auriirlaea. Tho visitor may enter
ItoarliiR Camp with tho nwurunco
that ho will Ret moro than hla
money 'h worth In Reed time, nnd
thnt ho will ho considered nnd trent
ed ai nn honored Riicst or tho even
Ink'. Postcra udvertlslnR tho ovent nro
nlrondy nut. b-arliiR nn original do
alltn the flRiiro or a lenn prospector
or desert rut, with -U pulled for nc
tlou nnd ono hnnd extended for Reed
fellow ship. The work la thnt of
tVltx Dean, an nrtlst of much nbll
Ity, who la nt present employed In
thla city an a civil eiiRlneer. Mr.
Denn la n (Iriintn l'nsa boy nnd was
formerly In tho nowapnper samo na
n cnrtooulat,
KenUd proposalssnddrcBncd to tho
undoralRned nt Jnckaonvlllo, Ore
;on, nnd ondnraod "Konlod 1111) FOR
IINPAIIUNO llltluaiV for ropnlrlUB
brldRo acronn Autolopo Crtnjk about
a mllea aouth of Knglo Point, Oro
Ron, In nccordanco with tho plans
nnd apeclflcntlona on fllo ln,tho Coun
ty Clerk'a office, will bo received nnd
llloil until to o'clock A. M. May 20th,
1015, nnd nt thnt tlmo tho County
Court will publicly open nnd rond all
i:uoh bidder shall bo required to
dopoalt with hla bid flvo por cont or
tho amount or hla bid, which shall
bo forfoltod to tho county In caso
tho award la modo to him. and If
ho (iiIIr, noRloctH ,or .rotiiHoa, for n
poiiod of ton dnys nftor such award
hi made, to enter Into tho contract
nnd fllo his bond In the manner ro
il ul rod by and to tho satisfaction of
tho county court. '
A corporate miroty bond will bo
required ror thn faithful perform
unco or tho contract In n sum equal
to ouo-hulf or tho total amouut or
l..w dUM bid,
Tho County Court rosorves thq
rlRht to reject any or nil bids, or to
accept tho propoanl doomed boat for
Jnokaon County,
Dutuil thla 23d day of April, 191R.
0. A. (lAHDNHIl,
County Cloik, Jnoksoillllo, Oregon,
With Mcdford Trade la MeiUord Made
Yotiitfi Mnn Refuses tt) ilcvenl Why
Swcethctrt Took Strychnine on
Fatal Ouffty nitle Thrntinh "Lovers'
LINCOLN, 111., Mny III.-A lw
nml nil I imlsoiilni; iiiNxtei'v whirl
only n trial (or mimler will solve
liohla thin iiaiiullv (pilot i'nniiiiiK com
munity ti'iie with oveileuieiit.
Kallieriiie itoller, npeil 17, i (lcii'l.
n vielim ul' ulryeliiiiue poiminini;.
Dniiiel lint ley, Jr., IH, lier "bent lieim"
i iieeued of li'r muiiler by tlm cor
nnei'a jury,
liitilev it tueitiirn, lie tellx not Ii -liitf,
lie will he iinlieleil liefore the
Will of the mouth nml held f'tr muiiler
III the llrwt ili'((iee,
I 'or u .enr Kntliorine Holler nml
.Voting llnrle. weie nweetheiirln nt
llroriilwell, u little Illume n''r I.iii
coin. Hurley drove over l'ieiiienth
in the eveiiiuM to tnlo- the j.'irl lor n
rid" in liN luiptry.
On the eeiiiii liefore her ileiilh the
hoy droie up to the Holler homo nt 7
o dock, kiilhorlue danced out to
niW't hllii, hid il liiiiRliiu Kooil-hye to
liel- mother mid lenped into the bupfi.v.
Down tho rond with uienl onkn on
cither lile, nu ideal Iooih' Inne, the
drove to town,
In lew thtiti two honra they lelurii
ed. Hurley wiih (Inndiii up in the
riif, liishliifr hla Rilllopiitt; lioio into
foiitn, Mdiilyiiiy: liilnclf hv hU tiyrht
Hinnt on the rt-iuM iik the outfit xwny-
ed from fldo to iile nnd hotinred over
the rough rond.
On tin Mdit lay ICiitheiiue Itoller
in I'l.tivuUloni.
The next inorhluir, ufter n nlchl of
leirifTe j;oiiy, Kntliernie Holler died,
"Hurley enlleil for her nt 7
o'clock," declared the mother of the
dead girl nt the iniuet. "I stood nt
Iho front door nnd watched Kntie no
out. She dmircil out ns though she
were feeling real well uml told me
lliev were Roing to town. He fore tl
ii'cloek ho liroiiclit her buck. Sim
wni linving htuiNiim Hun. She seem-
ed fouxcituiN nml wlieu Ihev eniiied
Iter into the hmixo h)io mi id to me, '.Ma,
I inn eolnir to die.' A lew hcooiuIs
Inter she xttid, 'I ate home euiidy und
it mnde me slek. "
Why did thia hoy poNou lids pirl
if ho did Minoit herf I lie boy prw
oner any il wnn n Kiiieide pact. Hut
lie took mi iMiiwui. He is nlive. Tho
girl i- dead.
rcxluuouy so far teudj to how
thnt yoiiiu; Hurley went uliout his
deed with eool deliberntiou. A con
fectionery denier relate that tho hoj
MepiH'd from liia Iiujjv nnd housht
"ome eamlv nml two hum Mindwichc
in liU place. He nUo borrowed n
tin eitp nml Wanted to mi out of tho
bide or back door of the More, but
was told thnt lie could not.
Ho let ii mod the cup shoitlv after
nnd then half nn hour Inter the con
fectioner aw the hwnjinu huauy be
ing carried along hy u gullopin
linoc nt top t-H'cd.
The winds of tho druKult denote
that Hui ley Knew what he wart goinc
nfter when ho purchu'-cil the poiMin.
Ho told the plinrinnoixt he wmited it
to doctor n sielc hoie.
Hurley won uixen the poihon in n
lirowu pncknpe with a death head
label on it. Thin package, empty, wiih
.found Hie net day the confec
tionery store where the hoy )ilteha
od the elindy and snndwieheH. The
dniggNt fuithcr told that the boy
linked to have the strychnine mixed
with ipiinlue, hilt he declined to do
fheuilfts nnd phyaieiisns who e.
niniued the girl's bndy found exten
sive evidence,) of strychnine poison
ing. If it wriK it suicide pilot Hurley luw
shown no Inclination to explain why
he did not eairy out hit part, l'hy
sieiaus who perfonued the autopsy
on the dead girl found the body per
fectly uoiuinl outside the strychnine
Influence nnd tlmy are nt it loss to
untleivtand her motive for suicide, if
Mich it WIIH.
Wenther Forcnnstcr T. V. Dinke is
planning to close his Heason'h work
in the vnlley on Wednodity ne.t. Hu
is leaving ,i if teen co-operative
wenther fttutioiiH in the hands of local
oreliui'itlstii', well distributed over the
distiietf Tlili work iiiltiated this year
Lwlll ho eontiimed ono or moro year
till tho bureau is prepared to issue a
eoiupteheiiHive lopoit en the wont he;
conditions an affecting local ftuit
Mr. IVitlkv nml lien Sheldon pro
spending today at Siskiyou iimpeotx
mg mid oulurgiug tho station ut that
mis wr ' "W .r&Kteh 7.. ;iH
iSIli " !MLnI?iLoi"
I V. Amei, nealatant dint rift for
enter. In chance or timber aalea in
the Portland office office of (he for
est service, hns Juat returned from
a trip to tho Crater National forest.
Al Klamath Kails he vltttcd tho new
mill or the I'clcnn liny Lumber com
pany. Mr. A m el reports, that tho mill Is
undoubtedly the finest In the Klam
ath Lake region. It Is n double bund
mill, with n ten hour capacity of
IfiO.OOu feet. Tho company pur
chased 100,000,000 feet of timber
front tho forcat r.ervlco four yeara
ago. nnd has recaiitly purchased
400,000,000 foot more Tho crew In
tho wooda hns been aj work for about
n month, nnd nlrondy has approxi
mately 3 000,000 feet, felled.
"Roll Your 0Wn"-Its A!I The Fashion
"Bull" Durham tobacco, fresh, delicious, satisfying, is the favorite
smoke of ultra-smart America. Any afternoon in the fashionable
metropolis, prominent business men, professional men and club men
roll up in tneir motors to the popular Thes-Darisants, Hotels and
Restaurants for a bit of light refreshment, a view of the dancing,
and most enjoyable of all- a fragrant, fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham
Ggarette, fashioned by their own skill, to meet their individual
"Bull" Durham is distinguished from all other tobac
cos by a wonderful, delightful, unique, aroma that can
instantly be recognized in the faintest trace of smoke.
There is no other fragrance like it in all the world.
"Bull" Durham hand made cigarettes are a source of
lasting satisfaction to millions of experienced smokers.
age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to .
any address in U. S. on postal request. Address &
jBull" Durham, Durham. N. C.
fONDAY, 1AY 10, 1915.
The Portland Commercial club,
after bkUik tho pouter stamps turned
out by tlio Medford Commercial club.
Is going to Issuo a serlc of twenty
(our views In stamp form.
A letter from V. K. Andrews of
tho Hlcks-Chatten Engraving com
pany of Portland says:
"Wo were Indeed pleased to nolo
some prints of tho poster stamps
from the plates recently shlpcpd you
covering your attractions near Mcd
ford and wish to compliment you
upon tho quality of printing and tho
results obtained. Tho plates imvo
made nuclt an Impression In this city
that the Commercial club la figuring
with us on getting out, twenty four
subjects In the saiuo manner and
jit in Indeed pleasing to note that the
An Illustrated Booklet, show
ing correct way tb"Roll Your
Own" Cicarettes.and a pack
1 -
In n weird practice gnme Mnndity ftt
Iho local pnrk, Mcdford eaiiiv over
whehnnd Centrnl Point hv it aeoro of
18 to :). While the eore Would indi
cate thnt tlio gitmo mutt Imw been n
fnree, it wrt Iiy no mono this, a the
Mcdford plny&ra, n ft whole, plnvd
ernirbK hnvehull throcuhout the eoii
tc(, nil nltiggitrs the ball with verme
il nee.
Mnnncer Kwin'a hon nre eertain
v rounding to In Brent shntie und,
ftotwithsinndi'rig the fnet thnt no
KnincM are aeli(!ulinl for tlio immedi
ate future, the poMbilltics nre atrong
Hint from now on tho tonm will be
kept buy filling datt with other
( tenma.
Without n iloimt Meiirord lias ft
repreneiitntice hnehn team this venr
thnt bids strong to be mio of the bet
ever orgiinicd in the vnlley. Kvcry
player, including the siiliifilufe. nro
experienced, nnd if the fniiu nf the
city will give the (eiim the support it
justly deserves they arc xurc io he
rewnrded with aome high-ehtsi bnsc
hnll this fiensoii,
Xcxt Snnilnv will probnhly murk
the opening of the ncavim here with
some Ktrong tenm from northern Cali
fornia. Weed hii heeii diekeHng for
n criex for the past few dnvu, hut the
Ideal rliib lm- h6en holding off until
the crotmds were in phtylng condi
Watch for the nnnouneetncnl of the
firn seliediitcd game within n day or
printing compares very favorably
with nny we havo seen In tho city."
Come See It Made at
1 15 North Central Avenue
A. A. HOnOY. PrB.
jAUiL?jLXSHi 3 i.i l'
Aah for FREE
Package ofPapera"
dth each Se lack,
v .III-SH llllTHIgMiM
ViSfWi IsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbI
-- .,,
etable Compound CmtmI
Her SafVly Throuffc
Change of Lift.
3f Life tho doctor said t would her W
fel ve up my work mm
take my bad for
some tlma its Uwr
was no help for mm
but to He still. I
took Lydl K. Plfdc
hsm'fl Vegetabla
Compound nnd kept
up my work and
now I am over Uw
Change ami that k
all I took. It wm
tietter for me than
bit tlio doctor's meKc(nes I tried. Many
people havo no faith In patentmedttinM
but I know this is good." Mrs. K. J.
IUckets, 3l 8th Avenue, West, Ced
ftapids, Iowa.
Such warning symptom m seaM of
suffocation, hot rlashs,headacheii,bak'
aches,drewlof hnrn-ndlng evil, thnWity
sounds in Uio enrs jmlpitatfon " tke
heart, sparks before tiie eretf, ItTefM
lariUec, consllpatlofi, $aWtiiUmm,
weakness and Ivet&tttfiMiXwflttM,
are promptly heedd by lntelrlgsnty
mch who are approaching the pVrM m
Ufa when woman's ffradt thiijfilWkf
be expected. 'A x
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Cew
pound invigorates and strengthens Hie
female orffahlsnl and builds tip the weak
ened rkrvous system. It "Ma citrtMl
many womeM afely through Uif crisis.
If there are amy comftHoauMoW
you don't HBilerstaMil write JjysllA
E. Pltiklmm Medicine Co. (cHtfi
cUiBtlal Lyiill, MUM.
Squabs! Squabs!
They arc Tender and Delletotta
Considering nutritive value they
Ate tbo cheapest meat ea the mark
et. 1'hono for special sprln'e prieee,.
Phone S01-RI
112 South Riverside
Phone 100
208 Eaat Slain Street
The Only Exclusive -Commercial
iii Southern Oregon ..
Negatives Made any tima ar
pluco hy appointinent
Phono 147-J
We'll oo the. rest
I "Nsamt W
i Ysryjhlug
Towel! St. at O'rWtJI
ntns while visiting the Expo
Uur commodiout lobby, I
tins wn'Ice; arid homelike
restaurant will appeal to you.
No KaiM In ItafM
Managsnni t?.
Chester W, JSfT.
"Mat m at Cf l
thtManx" JrM