If "B o O" frAQK TWO . MEDFORD MAIU TRIBUNE, MEDFOUD OKKUON, SATURDAY. MAY , H)15 I ( If V ' o w I I mmmmm tir mi rrrTr r,:...,n t A. 8. Rosonbanm, S. 1 HRent left thin mornlnu for Oakland, Cat., lo at tend the freight agents convention. Ml, Rotflnbaum will visit tho fair Vhlle aay, l K. Deuel loft Frjrtnr on A busi ness trip' to Portland. A wblio'fhrnHtion for each mother JlteVirtlns; 'Mothers' Day" service at tho First M. B. church ' Sunday night. 4t ?A. $. Furry of Phoenix spent Frl tUy' ahoruooH In thin city on busl- r Colonial FJats, light house-fceopinj; reorna rod need from S3 to S3 per month, 'summer rales. 217 So. Riv erside, phone 900L. 42 Mothers1 Day will bo generally ob served throughout tho city by wonr lng'ot carnations, and special serv leelntho churches of tho city. I am located tn tho Med ford Fur niture and Hardware store, prepared to do all kinds of clock, watch and Jawflry repairing. R. N. Rutler, tho Old Reliable Jeweler. 42 If. Cssten of Willow Springs spent Trlday In Medford on business. ' Lunch goods at Do Voo's. D. II. Cronemlllcr of Jacksonville was a business' visitor In Medford Friday. Touch up those bars spots on tho auto give the car that now appear ance Patton'a Auto Gloss Finish all colors ready for use. Water1 Paint Store. 42 The choir of tho First Methodist church has for the summer months been divided Into two sections, the senior choir will havo charge this Sunday. At the mornlnK service Dudley Buck's anthem. "The Lord of Abraham De Praised," will be sung and Dr. V. W. Howard will sins the offertory. At tho evening serv ice the malo quartet will sin?, "Hear Lord, Most Holy," by Nevln. the bos pel solo with chorus. "Mother Is Praying For Mo" will be sung by Mrs. Van Scoyoc and Mr. Edmcades will sing "Mother O Mine" by Tours. Mothers -will be honored In special service at the First M. E. church Sunday night, gift of white carna tion, reserved seat, special sermon. . 41 Sunday. May 1C, the Southern Pacific will inaugurate two new through trains. North bound train will be known as No. 54 and -will leave Medford at 6:30. p. m. South bound train will be No. C3 and leave Medford at 10:10 p. m. North bound 54 will carry observation car, both trains will carry diner, tourjst and standard sleepers. Velvet Ice Cream at De Voe's. SI McClung was arrested by Fish Wardens Merrill and San dry at the Golden Drift dam Thursday evening charged with taking salmon with a gaff hook from near the fiahway. Three ldB salmon were brought Into court as evidence against the ac cased, and the wardens testify that ther saw him take some of them from ths water with the gaff hook In violation of the law. A number of other 'arrests are also expected to be made in tho near future. Mc Clung was arrested on the same charge ten days ago. Grants Pass Courier. See Pierce the florist, for bedding plants of all kinds. The following musical numbers will be included In tho services at tho Baptist church. The choir will sing the anthems, "Oh For a Thousand Tongues to Sing," by Lerman, and "Now the Day is Over." hy Broome. Mrs. Orcssley will sing tho solo "Mother." and Miss Margaret Jacks will sing "Fear Not O Israel," by Dudley nijck at the evening service. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite Book Store. Andre- Jeldness of tho Blue Ledge district Is a business visitor in the city. "Mothers' Day" service, whlto car nations, eloborato decorations, ques tion box, attractions nt bjg servlco In tho First M, E. church 8unday nlKht. 4i W. n, Coleman returned Friday nlghf from 8eattle, whore he went for Bort Collins, wanted In this couniy for larceny by bailee. Col lins Is alleged to havo appropriated n suit case frpm M. E. Craig. Craig gavo Collins tho suit caso to express, and Is alleged to havo fulled to fill this trust. Collins is held in tho cpunty Jail n.wultinj; n hearing. Paint up and clean up get mater ial at Water's 'Paint storo. 42 MondaJ- evening, tho Sons of Vet erans wil ho)d a special mooting at tho Iledman hall when thore will be a formal presentation of a largo and beautiful flag by Mayor V, J. Kmer ick which was donated by tho cltl sens of Medford by popular sub scrlptlnn. Flelschmann's yeast at De Voe's. W. T. Beyerldgo left y'rlday for Hjlt, Cl., on a throo wcek'a survey in trip, Taxi jse. 3 far 26c. Foster ft HeyN9kJhojie SjSS. .M-: Frederick Pelouso or Eus'o Tolnt spent Frldr In Mo.Rcrd on busi ness, Pan Dandy "Dread nt Do Voo's. Horace IJeRon of (laid 111'.' spent lrlcfay In Medfnnl bn business'. See Pierce the florist, for asters, only tho finest varieties. Miles Cantrnll of tho Applegate visited In Medford the first of tho week. Oct the pnlnt nnd Wall paper nt Waters, Phone 433. 42 . Ffed Kelly baa returned to .Ills hqtno on the Little Applegntc. llclraans' white sulphur swimming pools nnd baths nt Ashland, Ore., open tor the season Saturday, May 1st. 57 H. 0 Coleman of Phoenix ls(ted In Medford Friday. Matinee, the Page today. KtiwnoU Becson of Talent spent Friday In Medford. Pop corn Crlspettes at Do Voe's. Tho Hew W. M. Moore of Portland, formerly pastor t the Methodist church of thls.clty Is visiting In Med ford for a few days. This Is tho week, Water's Taint Storo tho place. 42 It. It. Ewlng left Friday evening on a business trip to Portland. Pierce, tho florist, has a flno lot of pansy plants. F. T. Donovan of Portland Is at tending tn business matters in tho city. See Dave Wood about that fire In stirance policy. Office Mall Trlbuno Bldg. J. B. Kelly of Capny, Cal., Is In the city on business. Ice cream Cc Utah. Sugar Bowl. E; 3. Kaiser of Ashland Is In tho city today. Maxwell Taxi Co., new cars, 15c Phone S78L. Pearson & Tarbel. 240 Joe Kelly of Griffin creek Is In thv city today. Agents of the English government have purchased 24 horses In the val ley which will be shipped to Europe for use In the war zone operations. Fletcher 11. Peutz. son of Attorney Pouts of this city Is a candidate for commissioner of finance of Oakland. Cal. Young Pouts is well known here, formerly working for tho Mall Tribune. Ills father has written him requesting that he not enter pol itics at this time. He U a student In tho Alzis high school of Oakland. The young man spent his boyhood In this city. Maroo made candy. Sugar Bowl. Jack Merrill or Gold Hill Is In the city today. Dr. M. C. Barber. Palra block. Hours 9 to 4. Phone: Office 110; Home 110J2. A. B. Cornell of Grants Pass Is spending a few days In Medford. Taffies, 20c pound. Sugar BowL The Alco Taxi Co.. originators of 1 5c rate anywhere In city. Phones, office, 8S2R; residence 23SR. 41 8. S. Bullls is expected to return next week from New York. Have your lawn mower sharpened by J. W. Mitchell, phone 2C3-J. tf Frank Bybee of Jacksonville is in the city today. Kodak finishing the best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Book Store. A program of unusual interest is in store for our children at the Star theater on Saturday, May 15, at 2:15 o'clock. There will bo the usual edu cational feature, a three reel drama and other things of interest. J. Q. Gerklng, to beat all aroind photographer la southern Orego. Always reliable. Negatives mad aay where, time or plaoe. Studio 218 Main St. Phone 32 fl-J. Divinity fudge, 306. Sugar Bowl FIRST CLASS LIST ! HEAVY SUFFERER XKV VOKK, Sfuy 8. The C'unnnl Line inHiied uu unnounccmeut toduy MiyiiiL' tliut it hud received it cable- gnim from Liverpool, widen tuid the admiralty liud announced that only u few firot-chiKii imMeiigcr hud been snved and thai three bpatn were re ported to be briupiig ()0 liodieH to (JUCCIIMOWJI, Fire at Eatonvllle TACOUA, Wuhli., My fcKira curly toduy nt Kutonville, thirty inilefl oulli of Tiu'ODia, destroyed nevra buildiiigH, Jiirjioll'rf hardware More, IiiuroollV rofery, the Muk-hull rcn- tuurant and (saloon, Hoart.' barber Hliop, thp I'4itonvillu Klii'trid couinuiy hioru and l'itici'xan'K hIiou ntorc, lions .r;,00Q iiihiiraiit-o 4000. HUl Wit Itch. Just a few drops of that mild, soothing, cooling wash, Merltol Ec zema Remedy, so highly recommend ed for Eczema, and tho Itching and burning Is gone. Don't rail to try this .excellent remedy for any form of Eczema. Wo know Morltol Eczema Remedy will give you instant re lief. Sold and guaranteed by Mas king Drug Store,. Sole ajeency, price ALL RESCUE CRAFT ' PACK IN PR Ft i T ! - Ql'KRSSTOWtf, M.v S, via Lon don, 11:10 u. m. Tho viirinus emit tlmt jfi'Htpnlny went out from hero to the poone of the 'i.usitnniu tlixnxicr returned to Queenxtown lnt night nml enrly thii nioriiinjr. All of them brought survivor in tvitter or leMr Humbert. It it now iwtunntiM hero that U00 will bo the nutmilo nu mho f of thoc suveil. No trow liux been liml either of Alfred (1. Vmulorbilt or Clinrles Frolimuii. FIEET PONG I'AIHS. May 8. 3:25 p. m. A dis patch from Tenedos to the Havas agency says that although the bom bardment of tho Dardanelles forts Is being continued by the allied fleet, all of tho Turkish batteries as far upon tho straits as Nagara at the end of tho narrows nearest Constanti nople have censed tiring and appar ently have been destroyed. u TO INVOLVE U. S. LONDON, May 8, C:20 p. m. "I think tho Lusitanla has been torpe doed deliberately for the purposo of making tho United States declare war," said Lord Charles Beresford today. "I foretold tho whole pres ent situation In February and gavo my reasons for thinking Germany meant to bring America Into tho war." LUSITAMIA DEATH ROLL 1216 (Continued from pago ono wlldcred from their terrible exper iences and their accounts of the sink ing of tho Lusitanla are not entire ly clear. It Is to bo noted, however, that one and all unite in eulogizing the manner In which the ship's offi cers behaved. ' ' Comilk L&t Slowly Tho work of compilinir lixtn of tlio.se fiaved i. iirogrcsMiiK slowly be cause of indeflcribabto coufiiMoii at Qui-enntowii, but nppiirently few firxt cabin iunReugerK are ninonc tho mir vivon. Tim United Slater eonnul at that port can account for only ftl AjuericuiiH naved out of 188 who were aboard. His roll doc not include the name of Alfred O. Vauderbilt, Cliux. Frolimuii, Klbcrt Hubbard, Justus Mile Korraan, the nutlior, or CharlfH Klein, the playwright. Of tho Ameri cans', 100 were in the first cabin, 05 in the second nnd 17 in tho steerage. The heavy htm of life among the firnt cabin luixsengerx 1 bejieved to have been due to the cnlninctM and sclf-poHHCttBiun they displayed in face of danger. Most of them were tit luncheon when tho Hlenmcr received her death blow mid declined to join the rutdi for the bontt nnd life Ix'ItH. They believed tho Cunnrder would re main (i float until nHiMnncv could ar rive. A considerable proportion of those at Queenxtown aro incniberh of jtlio crew, including Captain Turner, with the firnt and bucond officcrx. The other officers are believed to have jH'rinhed. There In no evidence, how ever, that the time-honored rulo of the hen, "women mid children firxt," wuk violated. At U-afct ono of tho xurvivors, a Toronto noiyxjiapcrmnn, give evidence that there wuh no panic amonr the crew, and that tho fmilory acted promptly in getting the ruoiHengerH into the hhip'x IiouIk. Every Precaution Apparently every precaution liml been taken ugoiiiHt n Hiirprine attack by a Hulimariitc. Lookouts were on tliu alert constmitly op the giant hteuuiHhip npeeded toward the IrJHh couhL Difficulty wan exporienred in launching the lionln because of the heavy lint of the Luxitnnia nlmoHt im mediately lifter xlic wuh torpedoed. Hernnil of tho f mil cruft evidently cnjisizcd uk they wero launched, or soon atterwaru'i. Many of the pufiHcngerH owed their rexcue to life beltri, which kept them afloat until thoy worn picked up by IiouIh. Among thin number wan Lady Mackworth, daughter of David A. TOO LATB lO CLMUnVX. FOR RENT Under new manage ment, Laflraycc rpoins. Nice clean beds, very reasonable. 414 North Front street, 4G FOR SALE Oas range cheap, phope, 403-R2, LOST Eastern Star pin on tho street Saturday morning. Return to Mall Tribune, reward. 42 Tinnitus, the lli "coal king," nnd Juiinii de Aylii, I'wlmn consul jreneriil rtt Liverpool, luvestigntlon has fulled to revoul thnt lh Htemner was given warning of the proposed nltnek hy the sub mnVliiVi whloh upiwan livi been lurking off the Irish const, bout upon destroying the largest mid fastest ship engaged in tiiwis-Atluntie truf fle, lYi-hcopc Sluhlcl Tho lookouts sighted tho periscope of n Mibiui'i'lble 1000 'yiuiln uwny nnd tho next instant thoy saw lite trail loft hy it torpedo as it flushed on its course. Then 0111110 u terrific crash iw the nubile pierced the liu vrV hide, followed iihuost inunediiitu Iv by nuothor which littcivd tho docks with wreckage. Tho course of tho liner was at unco turned shoreward. Four torpiHloi'; nppnn'iitly were fired at the l.usitiiiiia, hut only two of lliom found their mark. The loss of life caused hy the tor cepodoos tticuiM'tvos and the explos ions they oiiM',l musi hnvo been ter ribly heavy. The tragic freight of bodies taken to Quconstovvn lieiirn evidence of. the huvoc wrought. Tho work of gelling as niiuiy xo. pie n posniblo, for the mn-t part wo men and children, into the lifeboats thnt could bo got clear, wa.s at once undertaken by the captain and offi cer of the Lusiluuia and performed efficiently and with horoiviu. 1 ho scene at tho big liner went down It described bv the Mtrvivorx as heartrending beyond words. Rattling for life, tho passenger called to rela tives and friends or bade each other good-bye. HhmII Boat Itcvtie Tho small boats which had gotten uway from the Hide of the liner pick ed up n good ninny mirvivors, who, with life belts or clinging tn wreck age, were floating on the surface of the water. Rut soon the bonis nil were crowded. These houU were in turn picked up by rescuing htcnincrs coming at full nn'cd from short points, but in tunny ciwcs four or five hours elapsed before tho rescuers reached the kcciio. In many cases the only work left for the rescue workers to do wati to collect from the water Ihe floating bodies of the dead. Sev eral ixiMMcngcr w,,re taken aboard trawlers severely injured, only to die before they -could bo. trnnsKrtcd ashbre. There in a slender lioe that fishing boats tuny have rescued n few more In addition to tho living brought nshorc, Ibo bodies of forty-flu who died of injuries or were drowned, hav.c been iuuded at Quecnstowu. Five more nn at Kinsnle and it has been reported that nn tinned trawler no rompnnied by two fishing bonis has picked up 100 othcrn. WE CAN BUILD IT Experimental Work, Model Making. Die Making. Designing and Mfg. special machinery. Correspondence Solicited ARMSTRONO MFO. 'CO. 4 Second St. Portland. Ore. What You Havo llcva Looking For. Squabs! Squabs TRY THEM ' Thoy aro Tendor and Delicious Considering nutritive value thoy are the cheapest meat on the mark et. Phono for special spring prices. R. R. SQUAB FARM Phone 201-R4 LATH Full bred Porcboron stallion, for merly owned by Dob Crowder, is now making the season's stand at Vin cent's barn. Service $10 to guaran tee foal. FRANK ItANDLKV, Medford WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 06 But Main Street Medford i The Only Exclusive Commercial ' Photographer in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any time o? place by appointment Phone 147-J WeTl dp iip tc i. d,Iwit6m, rrp. BELIEVE ALL ON IP RECLIVED LONDON, May 8, LM1.1 p. in. Tho press bureau is informed hy the ml mirnlty that no mom loports lounnl iug tho LuMlunin luivo been rtroivc(l, mid (hut the number of survivors al ready given may ho regarded uA up pitiximulely correct. Inquiries aro being made along the coast, but there ts little hope of news of further survivors. 1 MORE SHIPS IN LONDON, May S, s p. in. Th British admiralty aitnuuuced tonight tlmt the destroyer Maori had been blown up by n mine. Lv... DON. May .S. 7;07 p. in. Tho Rritlsh steamer Don, of (loolo, has been torpedoed by a (lerman subma rine off Coquet Island, ueur tho Northcumberland count. Tho crew was rescued. I m ' i i ii i i SUMMER REQUISITES WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS PORCH SWINGS LAWN SEATS CEDAR CHESTS Have them mado at tho Pacific Furniture Fixture Factory Home of the Pacific Cedar Chest. 113 S. Holly Want to Buy Horses Welching from 1300 to 1700;' must bo sound nnd In Reed condi tion. Will bo nt Dr. J. L. Helms MKDFORD, ORKdON , Rrlnj; In what you have, or call 308. SHERLOCK Mr. Crop Grower -HAIL- Htorms may ruin your crops In flvu minutes causing you to loso the results of your work, worry and ex pense, Do not run thla risk when HOLMES THE INSURANCE MAN ' Will liiouro you in tho -HARTFORD- Agnlnst Iohh by HAIL Tlie cots Is small compured to tbo protection offered. MKIirORD, oiiKnoi JhcIuoh Couniy JUink lliilldlHg NET GOOD YEAR AND REPUBLIC TIRES -' i f Try fortified Good Year, 13100 miles on Medford -Ashland stage run and still in use. We do our owri adjusting. Crater Lake Motot' Caifr Co. pislnbuloi's for HontliiM'ii Oivkoii' : :t(M8 S. Kii'Htrcot. Alcdl'ortl, Orison ffH'.Vaigywbrttaar T S MMMBsWIHanHBWMWHMlBflM III llll 4iSHSBBKM9HbbsWHHHRHIbBBR III llll WK llll Tin. ifientiwl ecnliOlliV of Fold Clllf. H not III the II I " Ill III low prn'i', but in tliu low niter cunt of operation llll lem tlinii two entK ii mile--in city mid country. III They nro doMiniiid nnd built to forvo uud wivnj t' llll k Ibo lu.Miry oC plenMiite nud tbo tilurdliiuM in llll hu'dncM work IIiIh in why (hero uro mmo lliuu llll 71)0,0(10 now in ime tltin U what ban iimdn llin Ford ml tho unlvenml car Hiono lire tho merits we, present llll v'iy .vou hiiiild buy a Kurd. llll lluyeni hTIiIm cur will hnn In profits tf wu K'lt llll nt retail 300,000 now Ford cant between AukuM, HI 1011, nnd Aiik'Ut, 1015. UU Huunbout f 1 10; TourluK fur 1 100 ; Town Cnr .1100; III Coupelnt f7fi0; Hednn $1170, fully equipped, f. o. b. llll Detroit. llll On dixplny nud sale tit C. E. GATES I ". n-a-fl ijtwT.-j-rv. ..w.---"- --a.jTff-fill lilMBSr8WSSSKMaSSBSrTrir-M'l . . ' ' i J Here Is .the New filio I'lnln Tread Casing 3 x30 tl.DO .ittxno ' I'l.HO 1x33 1U.0R ixM 10.10 Wx30 27.3R r. x.17 32.30 IF VOl' I'.W .Mdlti: TILW I'JHK I'KICKS Vol' I'.W FOR SOMK. 'IlllXtJ THAT DOIvS NOT I IX 1ST." BETTER TIRES THAN FISK. ARE NOT MADE Vou Con Ruy 1'lhU Tlivn , All llniler. .MF.DFORD AdHNC'V Medford Vulcanizing Works .--i -. - PAGE WIRE FENCE Is tho choice of every careful fence buyer. You can see It nlotiy nearly every road and farm In Southern Oregon nnd Northern Cali fornia. WE HAVE THE RIGHT STYLE FOR YOU. Our 12-bar 46-lncli General Purposo Fence is a winner. It repre sents most value for the money. Will turn ps, hogs, sheep and cattle. Every line wire Is mado double strength, stretches tight ovc; rough and hilly ground. Gives you just what you need In fenco ser- WE SELL SUPERIOR PENCE SERVIOE AT THE RIGHT PRIOE G4DDIS & DIXON "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" MEDFORD, ' ', OREGON "TTTT Standard for Values .Von - 8kld Cnsliig $ t) IJ IL'30 20.00 20.36 2S.70 33. 00 Tubes I '.'.an 2.70 :t.sr, -i.on n.2o 0.2. TTt YmuW-v tutor wtMv 1 11 F ' 1 A 4 J ,8fa iSi-, .u-