Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Matt. 7; MIh. 47. 4r
night nml HMnntay,'"'
ITnrlv.ririti Yrtir.
hnitr-Tunlli Yfnr.
Sailed From New York May 1st
Slock Markets Paralyxed by Great
est Disaster Since Titanic Sank
Washington Stirred by News
Small Boat to Rescue.
NEW YORK, Mny 7. The Cniinnl
liurr l.twilnuln, one of (ho fiiMcst
hliiN ullimt, wit Itnpeilnril mill Mink
this iifu-riKHHi rr tin 'iihi or no.
lnnil, leu niili'H smith of MiiiHilc.
Slu liml iiImuuiI l-M passengers.
Flu- Milled from this poll luM Sntnr
tny, Mny I, mul eiiined in uddlllnii
to Iht own passenger lt 1(I!I pnseu
(its Inuinfrrinl In her l'iin llm Ait
rlior liner CiiU'iiii'tilu.
Tin' new of her sinking wn nn-
liiiiiuced liy lint local office of lln
Cumin! Mint nml win hiied on til1t
mlvlce received fioin lint liinn nf
fift? of Hit' enmpiinv in Liverpool.
Three dimlehi", rcecivrd in llm or
drr named, weiv mado pnliliit hy llm
Unit jhiiI irnil iif follew:
'Vi n-erlved from tin bind' End
wireless station news nf i'Kirlcil ills
IniHH imi I U made liy lint l.uhilunln
nskiug for mHkmii'o lit oiiim. Ili
llt. I'usitifui leu nilli't south of Kin
Milr. SfiliM'iiiiriilly n'ccivnl tcft-grum
fioni Qui'ctistmvn lluit nil nviilliililn
t'nifl in llio hnibnr liml been ,dn
patched J n$i.J!'
Tlit' second message to the local of
lift' rt'inl;
"Qiieeilfclnwii, .M p. in. About
twenty IioiiIn of nil cor I belonging In
our lino mo in vicinity vvlicni
tiinin sunk. .MmiiiI nflt't'ti nllii'r
bonis nir milking for spot In render
Tin' third cablegram wn dated
Livcipoiil, nml rcnii:
"rollowiiiB received liy nilinlrnlty:
'Galley Head, Is'J.'i p. in. Several
boats, nppnti'iilly suivivnr, south
cast nine miles. Greek Mcnuicr pro.
ecedlng to nmd-t.' "
Di-pnti'lntH teeeived iTt front
ilon, Liverpool nml Quceiistnwn con
firnifil tin' news. One nf llm iocs
hiiges nmil it wnt believed Unit nil llii'
big liner's passengers liml lit't'n
received b tlio L'niinnl lino hero early
this nfti'rnonn.
Tim Cuiiiinl lino announced Hint it
would make public ns fast ns rorciv
cil nil ilinpnti'licH on tint hlukinc uf
tin' l.tiNJImiin, inclinliiiK' IIiom iclnt
inj; In llm fnlo uf the piifrti'iiKOr.
Tim ntoi'k mnikt'l wn kIiiihu'iI ly
tint iipwh. A lorrt'iit nf M'llim; or-
tlfru pourrit in from vtry xorllon of
tlio country. A IhtkhI ot inlciiMt ex
cilciucnt followcil.
PrlcCH in war fipccliillioi broke lft
to 110 noiiitN within mi hour. .Slnhlo
Jhuoh dropped ' In in point n.
Ltito toilny llm fiiunrd lino nffii'
!nln li'ccivi'd n dUpnlch front Qiii'i'tix.
town ninliii(i Hint n Inrpt hcmnir
mid ninny miiiiII chhc1h nml IioiiIh
Mcio in tlio iclnity roiiiloiiii),' nsnlst
mico, Tim ilihpnloli followrt;
"LnrRit Hti'iitner jitht nrrivnl in vi-
(Continued on 1ijj R,)
NnW'YOIUv, Mny 7. On tlio Mork
ftxolintiKu oxcltumuiit followcil tlio
miWH of iho dlHimtur tn tlio I.tiHltunln,
Thcro wan a wild null to noil mid
prlcuH foil uwny wllhln una hour from
1 r to 110 poliiU In wnr niioolnltlim
nml flvo to ton poltttH In tlio ittoro
litublo Ihhuoh,
lU'tliloliPiu filcol which hud Hcoroil
n now IiIkIi nicocd, yielded nil U unlu
nml diopimd front HO to 1U0 botwutiii
WimtliiKlioinin lirnka twonly polntM.
Tho unllliiK coiilliiiind for tlio huluiico
of llm Mtiftnlniit (ViminlMlnii Iioiiwm
liml hiii(crM Willi Hkliumlvn wlro con
lii'iilnimt inrnivliiK imlllliK orIm
Iioiii h fur off H Huh Vrwlwa, Um
Aflw HHd Hvw UrlVHNM,
1253 ABOARD;
-i xx ai j. 1 1
NI'.W YOHIC, Mny 7. Chnrle V.
Simmer, Kfiii'inl iipuit of the t'ttnuvtl
line, nuitl when tlio Lusltniiin hiiiled
tlutt thu dip wu not attended hv any
t ink whateer, us Dm liner lunl n
upoeil of Iwenly-fiM' mnl u luilf knotK
mid wiiH provided with iiiiiiniuil w titer
tijiht httlkliemlt.
In ooiuiiu'iitin on the lepnrt of tlio
toniedoiiiir uf the I.usilmiiu today,
niiitino iitt'ii pointed out tlutt in their
opinion tlio I.itHitmiiu could not lie
Hiink hy n r-itiplo lorpedo,
Clutrli'ii T. nnwrittfr, licml of Hie
firm of llowriuK llnm., mid jiresiilent
of tlio St. (lenrjjoV Hociety, wH one
of tlio piiNM'iijjerM who miiletl on the
Ltmitmiiti. He eoiuiiieiiled on the ml
vurtineiiient npiieariiiK' in Hie nioritiup;
pnperi! (thnriutlerixlui; it in n nllly
perfurmnnee mid below the dignity of
ti diplomatic rcpicenlative of tiny
fineinn poverniiieul.
AleMttiiler I'anipliell, getternl imiti
iier for lie wnr 5c Soiih, London, wlin
iiIho sailed, refoned to the udver
Hi'iiienl uh 'toiiiinyrol."
Other iasHeii(eis on Hie l.iisitiiiiln
ineluiled Klheit llulilmid, publisher of
(ho l'lnlistine.
After Motorcycle Record
KAN DIIXKI, Cut., Mny 7, -K.
llnhei'. who hohU llm IrmiHi'oiitiiienl-
nl inoinieyele leeord nl' II iIiih, l'i
Ihoiiv nml HI in uuleri. lelt heie it
lillillllulll lMl HiUit ill "Il Milloinnliil'
fur New Ymk t'llv In mi iitl"inpl tn
lower IhU mink'. Tim mil In mi nf
llelal one. t'oniliii'led liliilei' the llllo
nf Hie Aiiieileiiii Anl"in'il'llo iioei
hIIuh, , , -
WARI1INCITO.N. Mny 7. President
Wllion wk Informed of tlio sluklnR
of tlio l.uMtunlu and wlttto liotiso of
flclnlii dhowod keen anxiety to lenrn
wjieiher any American liven wcro
loRti No comment wns made.
Officials did not beltovo thcro
would bo comnllrntlonB, however, un
lesH Amerlenu UveB wore lost.
A few dny8 uro Antorlcan officials
heard privately from porsonnl Bourc
o that (lormnity lutomlod to destroy
the l.usltaitla nt tlio first opportunity
to terrorUe llrltUh sltlppliiK. nml to
roHtrnln comomrco with tlio allies.
It wan said by officials hero that
If there existed n plan In tlio Gor
man admiralty to torpedo tlio Lust
ttiuln, every precaution hud hoen tak
en by .tlio (lerinan Biihmarlno com
niamler to Insuro tlio snfoty ot tho
Bhould any American h lose their
lives, tho case would bo covered, of
ficials thoiiKht by the warning to
norntuny that hIio would bo held In
Unit event by tho United Rtntea "to
u btrlct accountability."
Women Besiegers Evacuate
US1IIN0T0N, Mny 7.- Mr
Lawrence Lett In, Jr., nml Mr. Hurry,
l.oweulniiVi two I'hiliiilelphiit women
ufl'iiiKiKtH, who hitvo been luwle(jln;
llm while JiniiMi In perxomilly uslt
I'li't-lihlit W'iUon In iidilriM sutim uf
hhelr niiHilifcin I'hlhnlelphlit Monday,
(tine II up ludnv mnl nniioiiiieed lliey
n'niilil ii'immv llielr elTnrlM when Ihu
ptet!cnl t;oe u 1'IiiIhiU'I)iUi,
A El imwST a WmT " 'fM H m. ... A t i
Japanese Ultimatum on Twenty-four
Demands Expires Sunday Firm
Stand by Mikado Military Moves
at Tslen Tslng Situation is Clear
WASH1X0T0N, Mny 7. lnfoumx
tlou l'roin n hitfli official souive lute
today is Hint tho far eastern crisis
has been mcrtcd and that u favorable
settlement between Japan mid China
w in prospect.
TIBtf TSIK, Cliinn, IU 7. The
Jnpniieso consul here is dctuiuitiK 'id
cotiiuiundeeriii,' nil Japauwou uleutiierH
in the port.
All Jnpuiiese subjeelH hnvo been
wn rued tn be icadv to depart on fchmt
notice. The .lmiauese nostol'fico is
refusing to icccivo mu)l tmitler.
1'KKINO, Mny 7, V.kl Hickl, Hie
Jiipuiiese minister to 'China, went tn
tho Cliinene foteiKU office belween II
nml l o'clock this ufleruoon mid pre
Heuled the Jitpuuese tiltiimftuiii wltich
lusislK Hint Cliinu accede tn Hie de
miimlii picicnted hy Iho Tukio miv
einuu'iit. ',
The piesenlullou of Hie .Inpnnese
iilliiiiatiini In (html U tho ciiliiiinallou
of iho neollatloiis which huNn been
KniiiK mi urn Jnini'iry) mnl winch
(tfwlluiied wT6 lo)
7, 1015
Tin' I.iiltnnln coming anil koIiik! Tuo plintnrnidis nf the emit Cur
mil liner lkMi ns Mio ww roIhk Into 3lcroy rlcr, T.IrrxHi1, Kiiftland.
()iu v l of the Imjw end; the other In uf tlio stent.
LONDON, Mny 7, 12:3. p. m. Tho
buttle to decide the um-tery of Hill
No. 00 mul tho desolated country
n round Ypres has not yet rear lied it
final stapes-, nor huvo tho l!iisiniiH
bhown signs of noeeptinjr the Gennnn
elnim that n crushing defeat has been
iiitlieted upon them in western Oal
icia. That tho Kusians liaxo b'eeu
pushed back many miles, ftiht across
the Dituajeo nml now nernss tho Vis
loku river, which roughly parallels
the Dunujeo ftlteeu miles to the
eastward, all the dispatches from
(lorinnu mid Austrian sources insist,
hut the KuglLsh newspapers still re
fuse, to concede n jjront victory to the
Auslro-QennniH, nltlioiiRU they ml
mit that t Rivut teutntivo success hits
been achieved.
There ih (jrent faith hi Knjjluud in
the reouporiitivo (lowers of ltii-sian
nuns, mul the disposition toi")lte nto
nicnt seems t bo to suspend judg
ment on the rpiCdiioii of whether the
Itussians, if driven from Dukla Vif,
will he foieetl to abandon their ad
vance nguliist Huupiry, mid, indeed,
their petitions in western Qulicia.
At any rule, the argument is be
ing made by ltrilisli observers that
the Russians hhotihl liuve no troithlo
in holding their hue on the liver Situ,
in enktern (Jiilicia, cpecinlly ns their
flunk is pnw covered hy l'reiuysl.
Thu lighting in I'lnnders fimU llm
(leriiiiuis hIIII iiiitkhig use of asphyx
luting Kit'" nml them i it notice-
utile ciiiient iiinnliig Ihronuh Hie
llrtllt prei whlvtt lubUU thut thv
NO. 40 - o
XKW YORK, May 7. Tho Cunard
steamship company announced today
that It had received from Its agents
In Kngland an unconfirmed report
that the steamship Lusltanla had
been torpedoed without warning off
tho coats ot Ireland.
Tho text of the statement follews:
"The whole concern of tho Cun
ard company Is for tho safoty ot the
passcngors and crews. The material
loss does not count as It ts covered
by Insuranco.
"Tho I.usltania was torpedoed
wlthotu warning and sank almost
Immediately. It Is known that a
number ot tho largo boats aro afloat.
Every effort Is being mado to obtain
tho fullest information which will bo
published Immediately upon receipt,"
Tho weather is favorable to tho
work ot rescuing tho Lusltanla's pas
songrs. according to Information con
tained In a cablegram received by
tho Cunard lino from Queenstown.
Tho message stuted:
"Weather hero beautifully fine.
Wind southeast, light."
Of the J '.'33 pasongera aboard, 290
wero In tho first cabin, 603 In tho
second and 801 In (ho steeruge,"
allien should ndopt counter mrflsurc
ut mice.
Coincident with Hie AiMro-flerinHii
elainiK of victory In Onlicln, tber Iim
been n iiiHrked iunreawe In Him ru-
won of Ituliuii iuUrvmthtti,
Stricken Ship Sank Twenty-en Min
utes After Shtt-LlfNts RftMh
Irish Ceasf Heavy Ltw f LHt
Feare4-ReCMe Wert Ihtfcr Way
Details Lackiitf .
LONDON", Mny 7, Stt.'i p. m. The
Canard eomjmny hn definitely ns-(
certnincd that tho liven nf the p
hengers nnd the rrcw of the LuMlnnin
have been hiivcd.
LONDON, Mny 7. -The erew nnd
pns-tcngcrs of the Lusitanw have
been hnved.
XKW YORK, May 7. AeeordiiHC
tn a Loudon dispatch put out hy ike
Dow-Jones ticker late today, the
Cunnnl Steamship eomrmny in Lon
don issued mi official satti-ment then
tonight declaring that the Liutitnnui
had been tnqiedoed without warning
mid sunk almost immediately.
LONDON, May 7, T-M p. m. No
information ns to the fate of the pas
sengers and crew' of tho LitsitHRiM
was available in Indon up to 73Q
o'clock this cvenim;.
Tlio Cunnnl offices imj-ondafl were
besieged by intpiin'rs, among tkem
pinny American hn ing. relative or
J-..r. T 1 il In..-' l?
inenos auoani ine wtfrrnnfHT.
NEW YOHK. May 7. There were
188 American passengers in all
aboard the Ltisitania, according to u
compilation made hue today nt Hie
Cunard offices. Tho Itritish number
ed il'id nnd other nationalities made
up the remainder of the .")3 passen
gers aboard.
sitnnin was seen from tho signal sta
tion nt Kinsnlo to be in difficulties at
2:12 p. m. At 2:.i:i p. m. ha had
completely disappeared.
This indicates that the liner was
afloat twenty-one minutes after what
evidently was the beginning of her
NEW YOHK, May 7. Lnlo this af
ternoon the Cunard line mado public
tho following di-pateh from Liver- 4
pool :
"Following received by admiralty:
'Galley Head, 4:2. p. m. Several
boats, apparently survivors, M'uthes
nine miles. Greek steamer proceeding
to nssUt.' " '
QUEENSTOWN, May 7. Accord
ing to n report received isco the first
wireless "S. O. S." call was sent by
the LiiMtnuin nt 2,:15. This read:
"Wunt ussLstnncej listing badly."
QUKEXSTOWX, May 7. Tho Lu-
sitanift was seen fnun tho signal Kiu
tion nt Kinsnlo to be in difficulties
nt noon. She had completely stuik ut
2:M p. m.
This indicates Hint the liner floated
for two hours nnd a half after what
wan evidently tho beginning of her
trouble. t
NKW YOUK, May 7. No deflate
word as to the fate ot the Lusttanlft'H
pansengers has been re4lved by tkm t
local office of the Cunard line np (
3:30 this afternoon.
(Continued oa Page Five.)
Miss Dorothy CoHHom of thU eiiy
hailed on tho LusitaiiU fr EnkUsujI Ui
net is a unit of th )MRHh Kwt Cr-
as a nurse. Mnu CNitm wit
font three ueektt ! hh4 U wti
known union iks vmmunm: h-4. A
iiiwhkc froH her 1 elitiveia IMh ,
valley mm to kr Mtfely k tvvt4, k '
moilier in MeUt Whit 4
l....ll.OU ll.,,.lLi..( 11mm MMM- I.L'm '.
niwnfi ib-W h ! irmtwmm
V i .1-3