) t! f M I ' iAaijj rtianT OTDTKmi) MATti TRT1UTNTC, MKDFORR ORKOON. THURSDAY. MAY 0, tfllfi. jr. IWARYS fur" WAS BIG SUCCES M V t A largo crowd wltni'RRPtl tlin musi cal ntnl drntmillc ontertnlumerit plvcn by Mm puplln ot St. Mary's Academy Tuesday evening, under tho direction 6 tlio Rlotoro With tha.naslntnnco of JAft I3l Ainlrow. Orio ot tlio most ItltcrcRtlng feature ot tlio program 7h tlio nno-nct force preaontnd by lit hojn entitled' "A tlraln of Salt" or "A Doctor's Quandry.'' Kach hoy (ttii Justice to tlio character which lie ftortrnyccl. Kdward Mrthpr as Dr. bin-cm, n rcnowiloii nuidtcal nrnctl Uonor, watt the victim of govern! prac tical JokPs played oh him by his ser Tanl Jeremiah (Hiiro Daley), who he continually reprimanded for his Mow and easy-going ways, and who takes ndVnntago of April fools' days to carry out his pranks. During tho doctors aliRcncu tho servant tries on liln innHlor's coat nnd wig and Is vis ited by nn Kgyptlan ornclo (Joseph Mayer) and Is transformed Into Dr. Ourem, and given so mo grains ot Mil to administer to his patients. Ills first nntteiil Is .11m Lcary (Robert Duff) who was kicked uy a horse. Next conies Officer Drown (Merle Merrlinan) with n "wlnii chest," fol lowed by Major Skinflint (William Itlce) who was woll characterized by his name with a strong "dontchcr know" accent, nnd finally Fritz D Uelsplol (Paul Lansing) appears on tho scene, tho father of eight niothcr ies children nil afflicted with tho measles. Tlio Imposted gives Krltz some money to -buy candy and food for thu orphans, nnd after they leavo ho remembers Unit tho oraclo told f him that only by (toino great act of charity will ho bo transformed Into his true character. On tho doctor's return ho Is visited by bin friend Ittifus Smiley (Hlchard Daley) and Professor Sanltas (Lambert Matter), an expert on lunacy. While they aro In tho doctor's office, all tho patients Including tho Dlnkelspcll family re turn and aro very profuse In their praiso nnd thanks for the euro which tho supposed Dr. Ciirem effected by tho grains of salt. Tho real Dr. Ciirem Is In n quandry and Is suspected of Insanity by his friends, but the doctor surmises that ho Is tho object of a practical Joke nnd suspects that his servant Jere miah Is tho offender, who finally con fesses that his lovo ot fun led him Into trouble. Joromlah's mbnologuo song "Clothes Oft Makes tho Man" was very much appreciated, and tho pre dicament of tho Dlnkonspeil family brought roars of laughter from tho audience. Tho musical part of the program was carried out by tho girls from tho first grade to the graduating class nnd was exceptionally fine. Miss Helen Hcddy was greatly applauded In her rendition of tho monologuo ((How Ituby (Rubenstcin) Played." Miss Carolyn Andrews favored tho nudlenco with "Ave Mario" and Cath orlno Deuel played "Valso Arabesque". I (IS PLUNG E BAYONETS l.ON'DON, ny , T:.-1 n. m. -A Pot rojjrml dispatch to tho Hunter Tele griuu compiiny say: "Details have heon received here of thr defeat li.v Hip Hnitum of a mk ili nnuv porp' "Mlie Oattciwti'. Ail of fori r wn made, liv 30.000 Turks under Djitvid Pulm to inutile the Dilinnii-Klinri wujioii, wliieh the Km sonns occupied. "Tin entire- Turkish force wns hurlcil injuiiisl tho llniiiii iMwilioii". lint thp Muscovites nlthotijih numer ically inferior, held their ground. Knph Mtceesive uttnek was received nt the hnyonet point. Tlie Nubians then hegnn n eountor uttnek nnd com pletely roruled the o.xhantcd Turks who retired in disorder, J he pris oners include the famous Kurd lender, Snnko." BOBO REVOLT IN CHRISTfAN CHINESE ASK OUR HELP WASHINGTON. May 0. An up- unl h.v ritiistiuu Clunpvi slttilottl I anil husiness men in the United Stale;! for inoml snhportr for China m the present crisis wns rceeixed todnv nt the white lion? and wns transmitted lo the stale department. It was sign ed by twehe OuUtinn Chinese ir New York. Philndclphln and Chiongo nnd was addressed ns well to lending .religious bodies in. America. The up-. pent ilrjincs that public opinion in tlnv i'uited States alone edit help China in! her present .situutioii. JUbGECHILDS' FOE FAILS IN ATTACK WHEN YOU CAN BUV THE BESlT 35 12 1SS RCOUIARUMCX IUOUlAlUYttS rUOUlARlYtU Mw faA tfirf&tfsied NO BETTEfc COFFEE AT YOUR GRdCER GAINING "WETS" WIN FIRST gPRINaFIBM), 111., Shy GV-Tl.o flrtt clash between tho "wets" nnd tho "drys" in the Illinois fionnto to day resultod in victory for tho "wets." I)y a vote of till to 22 the frennto refused to -ndopt Senator Cleary'K resolution providing that his repidunco district miti-Hitloon hill he tnken from the license committee and plum! on tlio cnlomln.r. CLUB PLAN FOR FOURTH OF JULY TALKED Tlio regular monthly meeting and banquet ot tho Med ford Commercial club was held In St. Marks hall last night and although the attendance was small tho club transacted consid erable Important business. A general discussion or a Fourth of July celebration was lutd and It wtfa the opinion of (ho club thut tho city colebrato and on motion Presi dent Gntca appointed J. A. Perry, H. A. I.ntta and Guy Conner to meet with tlio Merchants association com mittee In tho near future and decide definitely about tho celebration. Tlio question of dilapidated signs and misleading guldoboards along the Pacific Highway was discussed and tho president uppolnted Guy C, an n of, H. C. Gnddls and S, 8, Smith to tako up tho proposition with tho county court with u vlow of having tho' objcctlonablo ones removed and prdppr guIdeboardB put up. Tho com mjttee was also Instructed to put markers ulong tho Pacific Highway iji the city. Jt was dwldod to do nway with tho monthly banquets until October. A lUH'qut will bo held In June, howover If, tlio president dooms It udvlHulilt) Ifi s1t with tlio colobjatloii on July i. CAPE HA1TIEX, Haiti. May 0.- J)r. ltosnlxo Hebo, lender of the revo lutionary movement ngiunst Presi dent OiiilhUno, rode ipto Tape Hiiitien today nt the bead of a strong delaeh- ment of envalry. The town wns occu pied some ten days ago by two of Dr. Hebo's gvnrrnls. Fighting is going on between the government forces nnd the followers of r. Hebo at Linibc and Gniuil Hivcire. Hotb of tliese towns have clumped hands ocnil times in the past fortnight. FREIGHT RATES NOT BASED HON VALUE (TUCAfiO. Mny (!. Compilation .showing the value of different com modities nnd their carload .freight rates were presented today in the western freight advance hearing to supjHirt the contention of objectors to tho proposed ndvnnces that the value of the commodities hauled is not a controlling factor in determining the charge. According to the figures tnhulntetl bv him, V. Jf. Hopkins, formerly transportation manager of tho Chi cago Hoard of Trade, said: "There is no .substantial relation between commodity values nnd trans portation earnings. A carload of railroad fusees, valued at .f.'tOuO, car ried for H.'tO milts, earns tho currier .$130 ; a carload of wheat, worth $1000, curried tho same distance, earns .i)7.30. The fusees cam about 30 per cent more and are worth five times as much." SACllAMBNTO, Cnl May .ICon trary to a general opinion that pre vailed until the last minute, nn as sembly committee decided tonight not to hold Judge John U Chllds of Del Norto county for Impeachment, fol lowing a four Nceks searching Inves tigation Into charges ot official mis conduct filed with the legislature by 37 residents of the. northern county. GOOD YEAR AND REPUBLIC TIRES Try fortified Good Year, 13,100 miles on Medford-Ashland stage nin and still in use. We do our own adjusting. Crater Lak6 Motor Car Co. Distributors for Stmt born Oregon 1(5-18 S. Fir street. McnTord, Orison Tlttre sir Viituti sad Vlcitulni In great VMitrty of Mylen from $10 Id .'00 ThU I. tin VkiroUXVI, JM0. Kaix itrnif can be utrjiiijfil II dcilrcd. The "easy chair, route to the world's best music StttiiiK nt hntneiii comfort ntul listening to the Victrola i the ideal way to hear the greatest singers ami musicians. Juit as teal as hearing the attiitl In pcron at tho crowded theatres ami opera homes ami better because you can have them entertain you at your leisure, whenever ami nt oftc.t a you wUh. Stop In snd lit in dnnoniirate the Vlctioh und ihott )ou huw taiy tl ! to gel one lor )uir lionic, Hale's Piano House a a : T ? ? T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 t 7 7 7 7 7 & Arthur Kleinbummer und family motored lo Hogac Iliver valley (31m-day. Mr. Dozier of the Medford garage .was n Little Apidegato visitor Sun- iluy. Misa Fnnny Hiimiltoii nttended n dnncing jmrty at Sterling Saturday cveninp. Joe Ooldhhy and family Sundayed on tho Hip Aiiplegate. A light frost Mondny morning1 caused hlight damnge to fruit and vegetable crops in riluccK. On the whole, however, tho damage! reported ik very Blight. Mrs. hntnk Krunii motored to JnckMnillo it-t week. Coutnictor lVckluim is pushing tho prejmrntory work on Kulpli Jen ningV now bungalow, which will be 0110 of the mo.t liiejmshcsMrig homes on the Applegute. Greatest of H Human Blessings Ttio noat wonderful thine la tho world I lovo expreed In tbo licljil4 Infant. Ana anions tnoxu nld nnd camforU .or cx;ctunt molhers Is tho well known "Mother's Friend." This Is an external application to tub!o tli.i oiMloralnal mux cits to btcomo xnoro iillant, to rxiand 1 uturall THhout t 0 1 a in front tuo strain upon corrtu nnrt UBomcnts. Ajiptlcd as Aire, ted U ion thoso musclen Involved It aou'-hua tho flho network of nerves with which nil tlio rousc'.en ora mijiplled. Thus a treat nlmro of tho pains no much drtnJcd may 1ms nroldcd and tho Jicrlod ot csxctaricy iiamtutl Ju comfort. There In no jucntlaa tut what sura relief Iian r. marked Influcnco upon tho fc'ieral henith nf fho rrothtr. fc a Jltilo lool; Hunt by joaij much use ful Information Jv kIc to Inoxiwrluiiccil ii'.ofhcni. It tell )iow to uc Mother'a l'rlend" nrtd how to avoid calilmf lriit. It hail tyvn I'rvpured Jn our Uborulory for owe forty mri and U Impwn fuvor. nhly to moot druittcUttt vtrrywht: . (Jit .. iix. i0ly nna ttillu for Ixwk to jtrailflelil IliBulutor To., aw ijimur uia.. Allaijla. (la, Do furw to uxk fur ui4 u llut yinj get "Atpilitr's J'fltnd," Y X t I 7 7 t 7 7 7 t f 7 7 7 7 X 7 7 t 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 MEDFORD INVITES Every Man, Woman and Child in Jackson County or any other place to enjoy their hospitality SATURDAY, MAY 8 Community Dinner served free to out-of-town visitors at City Park at 12 o'clock sharp Free Band Concert 11:30 to 1:30 FREE MOVIES at Page, Star and It Theatres Ffoiri 2 b'clock to 5:30 for out-of-town visitors. Get tickets at any of the Stores Procession Led by the Band ,'wt Starts from Bear Creek bridge at 11:30 sharp. Everybody get in the band " wagon and join the procession and HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE ;W&tW t ni i ' ' r A... w W- iai.l,iir...l. ,1, .,.,,. .,,..t.i,. -, ,., . .,.,...,,.... T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 t t 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 X 7 7 7 7 f 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Y X t 7 7 7 7 7 T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 . i iiWMimwp'f-yiii iwwrw w'r..iM, -y"riAfa,i..