Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MEDEOltt) MATtf'IfolBTftnl, ftEPITOftp: OlTCaON. MONDAY. MAY 8, ,191ft
ir I d
i' 5
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v lit!
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i b'
I'UHtilftlfflll KVMIlY At'TimNOON
Office Mall Tribune ilulMlns, 25.27.J8
North rir street; Ulcplumu 76.
Thn Domocrnllo XlmifS, The Mrdford
Midi, Tho MoUtard Tribune, Thr South
rn OroKonlati, Tho Ashland Trlbuns.
On year, by mull.. ,
Oni mnnih, by mnll
l"nr month, dcllvorod bv cnrrlrr In
Mcdraril. l'hoonlx, JauLaonvllla
nnd Central l'olni ..a .60
Hnturday Only. Iv itinl", per ypnr . 3.00
Weekly, por ynr..... 1.50
Official Pwr of the City of Mclfonl
OfllclM Prtpef of Jackson County.
Entered nn second-clans matter nt
Medfdrd, Oregon, under tho act of Mutch
I, 1870.
ftw'iifii Circulation for 1614, tit.
full leaned "wire, Associated Press dis
patch. n$$$&
Subscribers falling to receive
papers promptly, phono Clrcu-
Utlon Manager nt 25011.
ksoj w" -
. w w .v
"Very often the young tnnti who
can't make tip his mind "ivhttt lie Avnnli
to be hnsn't n mind to make up."
Ho Gucsm1 It
She 'Tin truo thnt I hnvc broken
tho engagement and thnt I still hnvc
your rinjr; but do yon know why I re
tain that ringf
Ho (ruefully) On tho principle
thnt to the victor belongs the spoil?
1 i uppotc. Boston Transcript.
While traveling; through Alnbaniti n
yonnpr salesman was ono dny forced
to dine nt n farmhouse. Kot beinij
very v.ell satisfied with his weal of
cornbrend and bacon, ho nsked if ho
might hnvc a glass of milk.
" "No," replied -his host. "Ah don't
reckon you'll find nny milk nround
hero nince tho dog died."
"Since tho dog died!" echoed the
stranger. "Wlmt's that got to do
with itf"
"1iy," replied tho fnnncr, "who
do you-nll reckon's Roin' to po nn'
fetch thc'cowsT" Evcrjbod3-'b Jlng-
There is n certain Ohio judgo
whoso wit has enlivened ninny n dull
citHo. On ono occasion counsel mndc
in his court this statement on behnlf
of a plaintiff of somewhat bibulous
"My client, your honor, is n most
rcmnrknblo ninn and jioIuh a vcr' re
spotiHible jKifiition; he is in imager of
a wntcrworkti."
After n survey of tho client his
honor replied :
''Yes, ho looks like n tnnn who could
bo trusted with any amount of wa
ter." Her Limitations
- "Well, in your brido a good housc
keopcrt" '"Kho hnmi't had much ONporiencc
nlonj;, those lines, I mu-t admit. She
thinks 'anybody ought to bo satisfied
with an ico cream soda for brenk-
fiifat. Knnsas City Star.
"Wasn't that funny story you
laughed lit rather old 7"
"Yes. Hut the ninn who told it wns
to important nnd dignified that his
condescension in tolling any kind of
a funny story struck mo as highly
numbing." Washington Star.
An K.vccptlon
Rtelln Packers say that meat ani
mals can't catch tip with tho con
sumer. Holla -liver have n bull chase
you?" Now York Sun.
An Antidoto
"jry dear Mr. Join's, there arc too
too many women nowadays who are
devoting tlionibolvo to activities that
are Abstract."
"Wll in my case, Mr. Perkins, I
do it -for relief. My husband talks
about nothing but concrete."
V " Satisfied
"Let me sco hoiihi of your black
kid gloves," said a ludy to a nhop us
Bistant. ''ThohO ure not the latest stylo, uro
thoyt" asked the lady when tho
gloves were produced.
"Yes, nindiim," replied the shop
woman. "Wc linye had them in stook
only u few flays,"
"I didn't think thov woix, hecnitse
tho fashion pnpor snys" black kids
Iihvo tan stitches nnd vice versa. I
Btto l(.e ju Nl!)oheS, but not lu yico
O!NI0 of tin most notable nets of tho present, ndininisini
tion ws the ereation of the commission on industrial
relations. Ono of tho best, appointments made by the pres
ident was that of bVank l Walsh, its chairman. The
commission has been holding hearings in different parts of
tho country, and the conditions revealed by'the evidence
offered is calculated to canse even the most optoiuistic
among ns to wonder what the end will be.
Maoanly prophesied years ago our Vepublic would not
endure. Ho said that while we had a vast undeveloped
country, our problems would be simple, but Uiat tho tost
would come When the lauds of the public domain were all
taken and our nonulaf ion had increased to the ratio of IOur-
opean countries. I lien, said Alacauly, the masses would be
come restive and overthrow the government, until tho ap
pearance of a dictator, who would reform the government
along imperial lines, with an army to keep the masses in
Lord Macauly s idea of government was that
of one founded on classes a ruling class and a working
class the latter to be kept in subjection by the military
arm of the government, whenever the civil administration
was threatened.
The federal commission in its invest teat ion has crath
ered material to show that poverty, oppression and ex
ploitation of the mass of our people is rapidly bringing the
same conditions that have oppressed the masses of Kurono
for centuries. "While the standard in that country has
been slowly raising, in our country it lure 'been falling The
meeting place is not far off. In the past twenty years there
has been at times migrations of laborers from this country
to Europe, because at times employment was better than
"We can now see not the coming, but the presence
of some of the evils the historian predicted. The condi
tions of tlie tenant farmers under the landlords of Texas
and Oklalioiua, are as bad, if not worse, than the tenants
of the diikes and earls of Great Britain. Suffering Ire
land is an industrial paradise compared to some parts of
those states. In no part of Europe, except Russia, could
there have been found Tjefore the war a place where tho
people were robbed and preyed upon as the cotton plant-
el's in tiie south nave been by the usurers ot their own
The conunission is giving the neoplc a hcarinir.
It is about the first time the people of this coun
try have had an opportunity to tell the story of how they
live and how little thc' have to live for, to their own public
servants. The plain, Homely truth is being told at least
a part. The poor people of the country are proud and
sensitive. They want to believe in this country and its in
stitutions. They want to believe that here they and their
children have opportunit'. Out of pride, most of them will
remain silent and suffer. They still -want to cling to that
foolish school-book fantasy that every boy horn under tho
star-spangled banner has a chance to be president. There
fore, but few have asked to be heard. But the few that
have spoken have aroused the plutocratic press. The de
mand is made that the commission be abolished.
The exposure of conditions is so damnable that plutoc
ac fcare its effect and wants its work stopped. Their de-
ICA SIMLL BE SUPPRESSED. They fear the result of
such a method of information and education. They feel that
if the people once find they have a means of presenting
their side of the case to their government they might get
into their heads that this government ought to be run by
the people and for the people. They fear the coming of
the troubles prophesied by Macauly They know that we
live under the same economic svstcm that Europe does.
and that we are traveling the same road, and -we will have
same problems to settle. But plutocracy is not ready to
meet the issue. The dictator is not in sight and the stage
is not. laid for his appearance.
A dictator "will need an army of men trained to follow
and obey, and this preparation plutocracy has been trying
to make for the past twenty years. "When a militia like that
in Colorado can be provided in every state, then plutoeracv
will welcome the opportunity to settle the question of the
rights of man for another century. In the meantime the
truth must be silenced and
when waisn a lew days ago exposed the duplicity and
lying hypocrisy of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., he brought
upon liimself the vindictive persecution of the subsidized
press of America. He is marked for destruction by Stan
dard Oil. It has destroyed many before, but at this day
let us hope that time will prove to us that its power to
.1i... .- XI 1. - Jl . . . 1 i i i
uiasuoy uiu ciiuinpiuns ot ine
to be regained.
The following books nro among thrj
titles, nsido from stories, which have,
been added to the public, library dur
ing the month of April;
Amazing Argentine, Frascr; Ath
letic Onmcs in tho Education of Wo
men, Dudley; Backward Child, Mor
gan; British hntton, Wrong; Cause
and 'Cure of Crime, Henderson; Con
quest of the Tropics, Adams; Crafts
manship of Writing, Coopor; Cubists
and Post-Impressionism, Eddy; Deco.
ration of the School and Home, Dillu
way; .Handbook of tho European
War, Sheip; Higher Education ns n
Training for Business, Hudson; How
to See n Play, Bint on; Juvenile
Courts nnd Probation, Floxner; Met
allurgy of the Non-Ferrous Metuls.
Gowland; Montossori System Exam
ined, Kilpntrick; Mystery of the Ori
cntnl Hug, Lewis; Tho Old Qamo,
Blylbe; Pitliio, Bunion; Popim,
Cnweiii; 1'otloiy, ('ox; Philosophy,
Walsh must be destroyed.
people nas been lost, never
What Is It 7 Jcvons; Practical Hog
Keeping, Hnynes; Practical Trad;
and Field Athletics, (Jrahnin; Pro
ductive, Orcharding, South; Romance
of Irish History, Howe; Selection!;
From tho World's Greatest Sljoit
Stort Stories; Short History of Our
Own Times, McCarthy; South Ameri
can tour, Peck; Story of tho Anieri
enn Merchant Marine, Spears; Tho
Sun, Sampson; Ten Thousand Miles
With a Pog Sled, Stuck; Through th-i
ftrnnd Canyon from Wyoming t.)
Mexico, Kolb; Training tho Girl, Me
Keover; Wiliam Morris, Glutton.
Brock; Voting x ,i(oUjorV Hnndbook
Tho Commercial club at their reg
ular monthly meeting May G will
bo served with a chicken supper by
the ladles of St. Mnrk's Oulld In St.
Mark's hall at promptly 6:30 o'clock.
Tickets GOc.
Every member of thq club 1b
urged to bo prosant.
Comniiuoo. J
BtM';. f '! ' tI toMBB -f CZBBBr
vJBvJBRSHsTxilHDHKtitllHik V vrV.JH
1 '
"t'nele .loo" Cnntton, with Mis Hcsh Mjirchfcld (loft), nrd Mls Kthol
Miller (right), who, with the eoiuresMoi al purtx of twenty two, wont to
Honolulu after .' xi-it at the I'dii.hia Patiuc intorudtionnl c.po-iliou nt
Snn Kntnoiseo.
Ity James Itlioilorlrk
(Continued from Friday.)
Products which transcend the nor-
mal limits of development front tho
species, nro Immature, unrlpo and
thus wcakonod. A giant among men
is mentally underdone In tho saiuo
proportion that ho Is physically over
done. Ho la unripe. Tho fnctors of
growth and intittirltj nro unoqitnl, the
organism weakened nnd life shorten
ed. Persons affllcitcd with oboslty
aro out of balnncn. by violation of
the same Ian. hut In a different
iiinntmr Thin ,inl t,wi iimdi. wlilnli
means that th.'y sleep loo much, thus
diminishing the normal wnklug or
maturing hours, which nro waking
hours tiecaue surplus tlsstio Is bolng
torn down, nnd burned ns find to I
furnish the waking energies. Such I
organisms nro weakened. "Mcdlcluo"
for a violated law of nature Is a
Nature In limit wilt ellmlnnba by
tho inexorable law of selection all
tlioso unfit by Inheritance. Wo have
an animal dying of obesity. Doctors
say It dlos of a dlseaso cholnrn.
Cholera is not a dlsoaso. It Is na
ture's executioner. It Is tlm fatal
torm In the cumulative sorlos of or
ganic weakness, resulting from viola
tion of laws of life. When this Ik
understood thuro will be no appro
priations of money by tho govern
ment to buy sorunis for tho farmors,
but instead n law will be onacted
making It a crlmo to prodtico chol
era Infectml hogs'. Tho condition In
the dlsoaiu- and tho condition Is en
tirely subject to control.
Tho vegetable kliiKdoin Is already
producing oils In large quantities,
which can be Indefinitely Increased,
to rollove the vital draft on tho bog,
now verging on extinction. I.loblg, a
world rouowned authorrlty on animal
chamlstr), snys, "Fat Is an abnormal
product, who accumulations Is duo
to -want of oxygon to consume It."
Thus sclonce has touched this sub
ject In the vital spot, but without tho
aid of tho principle Involved In this
dlot sleep conception Is unnblo to
prescribe a remedy. Tho diet sleep
factor of life, produces surplus, for
future consumption thut tho Imlanco
In vital economy niny bo maintained.
It Is a material form of energy which
has been produced at much cost to
teh organism and If not roturnod to
It In tho form of fuel energy during
Its waking hours, tho organism Is
weakened, But this animal Is de
nied tho normal actlvo waking stato,
by abnormal food ougorgomont which
causes an abnormal sleep stato that
In turn produces abnormal quanti
ties of fat to fill tho lard can, I defy
any man to fatten a hog for market
without greatly reducing tho term of
Its waking hours. A direct ratio
will exist between Its Increased sleep
ing hours nnd tho consequent accu
mulation of this abnormal tlssuo,
Tho maplo sugar tree that Is "tap
ped" from your to year for "sap"
will show signs of weakening vitality
and finally die In consoquencu; Thu
samo law is violated.
Tho unscientific (oachlng that tho
world uiul tho fullness thereof worn
mnilo for tho especial itsn of iiuiii,
wl Jong nwkg t difficult for Hio
Kcmlnll of CoM II III.
.Inymnn to full) comprehend thnt tho
Inexorable- laws of llfn novur Intcnd-
I ,1,n,1 nc Jccl houl.l ir..y upon
the vitality of another. Tho hog U
"tapped" for "sap" called fat and Is
dying of It, tho doctors nro calling for
scrums, whllo nature Is writing In
terms of chotorn, "vital bankruptcy."
A normnl waking state for this long
suffering nnlmnl Is tho only remedy,
and this will bo determined by tho
degree of nllnientntlou. When the
farmer loams by osporlonco that It
tho hog hns Ikm'ii freed from tho
taint of vital weakness by proper
I J"Hit..iiont. Ihnl ho couldn't glvo It
tho cholera If he tried, then ho will
If this animal had nn Indeflnltu
supply of energy, then this robbery
of Its vital nssets would uinko no
difference, but sticha think Is not pos
xllilu in n universe governed by law.
(To bo Continued.)
Notice is horeby given that tho un
deralgned will apply to tho city coun
cil nt IU meeting to bo hold May 4 tit.
I Din, for n llcnnio to sell malt, spi
rituous nnd vinous liquors In quanti
ties lea than n gallon at Its placo ot
j buMlnoM at 82 North Front street, In
the city of Medford, for n iierlod ot
six months.
Dal ad April 21th, 1915.
M. & B. J. ADAMS.
Sealed proposals, addressed to tho
undorslgned nt Jacksonville, Qro
gon,' nnd ondorsod "Sonled BID FOB
IlKPAIUINd BIUDan," for repairing
bridge ncrosn Antelope Crook nbout
'l mllos south of Knglo Point, Ore
gon, lit nccordanco with tho plans
nnd specifications on file In the Coun
ty Clerk's offlco, will bo received and
filod until 10 o'clock A. M. Mny 20th,
10 15, and at that tlmo tho County
Court will publicly open and road all
Each bidder shall Imj required to
deposit with his bid five per cent ot
Hi (i amount of his bid, which shall
bo forfeited to tho county In enso
tho award Is mndu to him, nnd If
ho falls, neglects ,or ictuses, for u
porlod of ton days after such award
is mado, to entor Into tho contract
and fllo his bond In tho manner re
quired by nnd to tho satisfaction of
tho county court.
A corporate surety bond will bo
roqulred for tho faithful porform
anco of tho contract In a sum equal
to ono-hnlf of tho total amount ot
t.,u sum bid,
Tho County Court rosorvos tho
right to rejoct any or nil bids, or to
accept tho proposal doomed best for
Jackson County.
Dated this Sfld day of April, 191G.
(1. A. fJAItPNISR,
County Clerk, Jucksonlllo, Oregon.
Experimental Work, Model Making,
Dlo Making, Designing and Mfg.
special machinery.
Corrospondonco Sollcltod
1 Second flt Portlnud. Oro.
Wlial Von llino Uwu T(Oong For,
uommokb rd ruabiOATioiv in
romior-oauiiB or tax mum.
tu dm ulrotilt rmirt or tho Hlato of
itnwm for JitoKnott t'miulj'. ,
Jni'lointi County, Oirinm, I'liilutlff, '
lVnv I'oHti-r, H, hwiiiiukii. .Mm. II. Wllllt
rr, H J, Atmiltl. I,' It HoHldnlKV, MtK. I.
n liiihiiuoil. T I., limy. U IIiIkhm,
J. C lilvi't. 11 C lirwry. Ilobrivii KkmIi
nIoii, I.U'IiIIk I'm iiii'I', l.uoludu llauliird
ICxt., Mm .MIuiiIk (Iiiiio, A lluldlnuH,
Om'iir IIuiiIh. J l Milium, li, A Mulli
run, MtH lliliuldlil MllliltiK. Clliirlotto
ISdlon, J T. Kuwyor, V. II HolieiM,
Hut ry Mllvcr, W 11. Vnli Vnrtnr, .liniim
Witlkcr. J. I., Ill own, I.Unlo tlooillow. l.
V Kluoiiw, Jivnii'M O'fiimnd, John IVI
IIiir, Mill)' Vlrki'rN. M I', liuioltlor. '
It ClonmT, KumI UiImuII, tliori I.mIn,
Wm Ni'lKon, I,. K lli'iiilnr, .1. M Itfoh.
A .v IC Hlmtili. .1. Wiitn. Wi'Nit'iu
Chiv ooiiilmny, J ) Wlin.-f lint.. M. I.
Wliliinv, v n c,lr.v, .1 li rinlvi, W.
I Joikn. i V, Wind, It WVImlor, .1 .1
Krn, MldNiitirl Vnlli'V i'iiiiiiniiy. H, 1'
lobnrll, II II Hlilpp. Ollxir WlNhoy,
lliiiiniiiu ,t Hilinililin, ' r ,vi I: tltu
hinii. t 11. WulVi'i ion. CriiiinT MinlliorH,
MIIum I li'iiiliitt. J. !, I'm dii, Iti'Vi'iiiio
Mlulnit ooniimnv, II U tllliltrl, I.' (I
hi'iilron, I! A llolnui. J. (I fit'ulllK
tcr I' .1 HcliiiHili'r. I M iVnlt-r. I.
Coixrr Int. Ji. Hiirtli'S. John Hilxrr
A Kli. I, l:. Itiilich. l.milKi. It f,nrrnll.
M llinillrt. J It. Iiuuitnn. K, I' (l.trd.
lr II ll KiMti-txnii, ll. IVII.'I. W. I
Thouipiioii. J J roller, II lliinfMil,
I Hinnu.-I KltiK Vlrtnr Koeli, A C Will
ilion i; M Hmllli. It. K Huff). M H
(trim V 1 1 Ai .1 Monro T-irrc I'lnn
Ti'Dlior Knierprlno Mlnlnis Co, Tlion
lliiptuiod 11. M Hmltb (I II Alklu. A
I AriimtronK Murrutl I'll , I'ntrlch
Mt'Mnlion. ())i Connolldilli'd .Mlnrn Co.
i I K ltivi, l II Thompxon
TrnI I Idtnilifr Co.. .titiiirn Voiiiik UmiIh
AdaiiiK. II N HiitU'r, C V. Cnrd.'i
lli'itrv cimW, Ciirrli I! iMinon, (lo I.
Max in. II V liny. Win h'onler, llmlnr
(litllowny II C Onrttt'tt II II llntrln
Urn 1 1 llioiitt Cut, J M IliltrlWood,
John Klllhnm. V liyrr J W Imw-
It... A 1 I ......m.. l.t..lU I., ,11. 1
,!, , . imi.ti'Iii,'. iniltPVll,' ...,,(, .
W l.tKiiirlnlrr. Jnok .Vlnrtlii, M. H Misid
own, Nflllo Mooro, Mnrlln .MrhtninilRli.
A ll Omnr IMinir J'hiilrt'y. C M
l'tiriKlrr, Murthu I'onrll. Murv A l'rlr.
J I' Kiddy. .Mnbil iMgor, (i Hrlirlio.
tncrliorn, ll.lp Hlicppiird, C A. Hlilltli.
John C Htrphi'ilNon, John T Tiilont.
Iliiivt'V Vlnci'ut, k Alfred nnd
IMllli Orr J J. Murpliv, H II, Hlminniii.
t W. N'ldiitt. N H. Wrleh, N H Urn
phy. T, ll iiolwrt. . c. Cook. I'rlnl
(lord, .ii. OriiOK Miirtin, Marl N I'lrli-li
lli-li Khrldon, lli'ii lluvttiond Kl,"Ml J
N T MIII.t. II It. lltinnJolin IXt In
niiiun iinkiiown, K 11 IliMtpri'o, di fnnl
ii lit ft.
To the iibuvo ii.iimd ili'ffililanU,
oiicli or you
In tin Xititi of tho Htntn of Orrmm
You uro livrby nollflnl thnt Jackou
County. Oroitoii. lbs holder of tho Cr
tiricntrfi of lirllioiuoncy licrrlimftrr oil
out mid iiiiinltrrol, nnd lumird u lirrrln
nflrr io'I forth by Urn tt colli rtor of
the rrnld county or Jncknou. nlnta of Otr
Kon. for tlm niiinunt In'rrliuiftrr dfidtf
tintrd. tho Mntnn lirlnc tho nnioiint tlnm
duo nnd drlliniiit'iit for Inxm for tho
yrtir iJ. toiifiiiiT wtiii iH'iiiniy. intrr-
rut, nnd tiontri Ihcrroli upon
I on I
property mmi-mird to you, nnd rrh of
you. of which you mo Urn owner n
nppriUfl of rvoord. thr H.lld ntonerty h
ln Nltuiitrd In sld county nnd stnlo.
nnd tho imini of tho prrson to whom
iinHrmtiMl, ho dmcrlpttou of mild pro
peril' ii ml tho nmoiinl dun tlnreon Ik-Imk
in ho uordu nnd flgum hm follow, to.
Wit I IU 11,1 AIIKtlNt I IPII
Nit, I'M. IVrrv Plotter, smitli 4 of
s i, ,-sii tiwvt irk iu ncroi koiii. sta
tion ft. twp 35. It I W, MOtON ISO, tUXfH
lli0. ptfimllv fl.t, Inlenrst . Itu.:
cohIn KOe total tux, ixMitlly, lutrrml nnd
cimt 1 27 HI
No. us. H Snann-ii, HP, Ntt'U.
11, tup 35. II : V, nrrrn 10. titim
II :. Hnnty 13c. Int.Tftt Hie. rout
SOCj tiftMl ln, poimlty, lntrrl and coat
.Vo' I7SJ. Mrit II Wolkrr. HW HU'U.
Stt'ii of SW. re 13. twp. 3S. II. S
V , srrrn to, laxi'it 13 i. pf unity 37c. In
liTfM 13 IU, coMtH ,n totut tux, iMiimlty.
InlcrrHt und cot I7.U3.
No. 173M. H J Aunllll. Im-b. N A3 drif
i iiiin, w sou ffti rnnn pi van i rrt
N nnd 1119 frrt W of NV ror. I. U I
17. twii 39, II. I II. H SS dK :S mill V
131 i ttl N to ilrK. IS mill. W I 0 ft'.'l.
ftf., liixm 121 St. Mitllty 13 It, llllrrmt
tlS7. rein Hon. total tux, ix-iutlty, In
trrrnt nnd emit 113 3.
No 1731. C II. Il.tirdi.l.-V, Ni(, lot 3
I.Ik 9. AKhbind. Inii'M IJi iu. i-'iilty
it.tts. lut'Tcnt HC :, ooitln ue, toinl tut, I
penally, inn rmi mm rom 117.31
No 1733. Mrit I.. It llimhnrll, llitllr
lew Add WW. NKl. MV. K"U ure 14
twp. 3, It I i;. nrri-N 5. tuiin 13 77.
prnnlly 37, Inlrrmt II. SI. cost inc. tolnl
lux, innlly, Inlrrmt nnd com IS 33.
No 1731. T. I limy. W'H HK HI5U nnd
I aero lid nro II, twp, 39, ll I ll,
nrri-n 31, Inxr 113.11, prnnlty 1131, In
tnrrm ts (0, roNtH S0o, total Inx, prnnlly,
iiim'ci'ki 11 nn com ijj.itn.
No 1T31 II Ii llnuKH. Im-c 10 10 elm
i: nnd 3 olm. N of HW Mr. of NWU of
MVi, or I., r.yj riiH ,v y ,,K a nun
W 6 33 rim H. 19 dg U mill V 19 73
dm cniitiiliilnc itrroit . ik-p S. twn 3).
It I i:. timi'S 131 iu. ppunltv 17.51, ln
icn'ni it..:, coitm bio. mini 1111, pun
nlty. InlHrrm nnd com III O
iu niv, u t ifitl, .tMiiinriu, mutiny
St. ; ncru lioilKht ot I. W Unitli, inxo
IIS 23. (K-imlty 11.13. Intorrm l:h,D3,
ronlH ton. totul l.tx. penally, Intirfol nnd
com 179.17
No ITS I, i: C Iirwrv. hrjj nn V.. lino
HlVU sio II. 31 rim. W of cor. I10I nee
11 nnd 20 N SI I rim W 9 S3 Win. tit
NV cor. lldlvlv sclimil honn'. sin ll.
twp, 39, It. I 1". nori'M 6, iiixon 12.111.
Ik-ii.iiiv :io, intfiem 11 n, corns &ur,
lotnl tax, penally, Inlrrmt und cont
No'. 1712. Ilrlirrcn ICuuti'mon, Asbtimd
II. It Add lots 21. 22. Idk J, tnxfH
121 fiV, IH'liillty 12.14, Illtrrt'St II3.N2.
ronlH Soc, totnl lux, prnnlly, Intvrrst
nnd tolH 3S 117.
No. 1? IS. Iiddla I'nrinrr. Ific. 10 If,
elm. N of cur coin, lit urcii. 10 nnd XW
di'f S3 mln i: I S3 elm N elm !
center rounly roa.l thrncn ll R su om, V
4 40 ill". H 1 1 US elm n-c II. twp, 39.
It IS. tnxrH 3 20, M-nalty 32e. In
ti.rcHt 12.01, could r.oo, tutal tux, penalty,
inn'ri'ii ami com i.ur.
Nn 1711, I.uclndit Onlnnrd Kit., Nli
or HW'1,!, IS, iwp 37 II 1 W.. nrrm
xv, tuxvM 9 S3, (irnalty 9,'e, Intcrom
IS 09, oohIk f.Oi:, tolnl lux, penalty, In
tercNt nnd com 117.07
No. 1717, Mrs Mlnnlo Onno, llniiio.
ulrud Amuo. lot. Jot 10, moIiikjI illntrlct
Nn. S, taxes IS OH, penalty 60c, Interim
13,21, cunts SOc, total tux, penally, ln
tvrrni nni f-iirti fj.v
No. 1732, A. MiirdliiKH. den. S3.33I. see
N, twp. 3!I9, It I U, laXiH 120.33, pen
fitly 12.03, Intercut 113.00, cnnln fifle,
toini iux, penuuy, iniurcBi unu com
No. 17S3, Oncar I loo In. llninrstend As.
so, ninn on 1;. uulir hi., Ashland, don
CZ.39I, school dlHlrlct No. S, tuxes,
penally u.jc, inierem i.u, ensm uoe,
totnllux, penally, Inlurcst nnd com
No 1751. J. I,. Malum, NK of NW,
"or, 17, twp. 39, It. I II., liens 10, tuie
jr.. 19. penalty S2o, Interrm $333, costs
uvu. iiimi iiixon, penally, iiiiiiihi nnd
cost I9.S3.
No. 176S, K. A Miilliewn, Atihltitid,
Mutlniws Add. lots IS, 19, tuxes .1 SI,
nnnnlty 38o, Interest IM7, costs f.0n.
Inlal x, penalty, Intercut und cost
No, 17AA. Mrs. Itonietln Mnnkem. '.fl.1
ncreii out of dvs 46-CI2, ti(Xs 160.01,
iiiiiiiilly 15.00, Inlxrem I3J.00, costs COo,
ViW . ,ux l"'iMlly, Inliirest und cost
No. 1768, Clmrlotli. Polloiv Aiiblttiill,
1 7 und 8, blk. 49, tnxrs 113.70, pen-
uii, ti..i, iiiiereHi B,iz. corns riuc, ioiui
lux. penalty, Interim und cost 133.69,
No. 1761. J. t, KViwycr, ll. It. Alld,
lots 3. 4, Idk. R, Inxes 117.78, ponulty
11.77. InlercHt 111,37, costs SOc. total tax,
poimlty, Intercut und com 1,11.42.
, No. 1702, V. II. Hchi-dd. Ashland Add.
lot 3, Idk. I)., taxes 15, SI, poimlty 88c,
Interest 12,13, coals 60u, lotul tax, costs,
Penally nnd Inlerunl 37.13.
No. 1783. Iluriv Hllvor. HU of NW.
1783, flurry Hllver, H14 of NWJ
two. .'19. It. J W. and HM of MS',
soo. 8, twp. .'19, II. J W. and HI3 of NUii,
sec. 7, twp, 38, II, 1 W., uores 120, tnxvn
17.08, penally 76c, IntercHt 14.91, costs
60a, toiat lax, ponulty, Inturust nnd coat
fid 10,
No, 1770, W. H. Van Vnctof, Asblnnd
John A. Perl
Xady Assistant
9W H. llAIlfLElT
Phones M, 47 nml -I7-JH
'aImihi9v Hvivlot; VvronPr
lot 9, bill. II.. Iiixi'k liai
IK'hiiity li. i
V I I.N I, llli'll'l!
. ..... ......., Mi...
I f I I f p, t'min l.we.
Intoiomt mid cost
otnl liu, pi'iiauy,
ij r. 1
No, 1771. .Iiimi's Wiilltor, Iwn houses
und iiuiii udj fiislol linul 'ii nm Hi nnd
two guild on irnsl. tnxen IBS ON, lielinliy
Idiao, iniemii 3,in3, imisim ftue, mini intr,
pennlty, Inleissl nnd rust J I . .
No. (in, .I Ii, IHowii. Nil of HWW
nnd HI! or Nll'i. fee HI, iwp 31, It II
i: luMos hii, turns III si, ponulty 11 18,
luli'ient 17 AT, cnxlH Mio. tolnl tux. piu
Kit v. Intel est nml com, lll.ilf. ,-,,
No. UTT, l.lsxlo OiiiMllnw, NH of NW
und NW or NIHl, see W. iwp .IJ, ll. J
i:, neies I3i. tines 1273s, iinniilty 13.71,
liilcii'sl IIIAI, corns due. total lux, pen
ally, Intoii-Mt und com 118.11.
No. 1778. (I. W Kllienw. HII of NlUt,
see 3tl. Iwp 31. II 3 15. It IS. tllX"S
19 12, petmlly Ulu. Inteiesl 15 83, cnnls
r.oe iolnl lax, penalty, Inteiesl und com
Nun'. 1781, .Isuifs nVonnel, NU of Hl,
see, 28, twi. 33, A 3 It, neres I ill), luxes
3J l. penalty 13 311. Interest 130 88,
cimtn 80o, lotnl tu, pt'iuiliy, lulnrenl nnd
""nViW, Jimirs Ptdllnir. HW of KWHi
see 31, lp M, It 3 It-, liciDM in, lit Hen, iii'imlly it ;, Inti'tent ld.83, donIs
inc. lotnl lux, penalty, eomn und Inter
'"No'Ij1!?, Mhiv Vlekms. MM, of NIU.
e.' , up, 36. It IK, lierx 80, Inten
IT.tU, in'imlty 7Je. Intetem in 00, cents
f.lic;, lotnl lux. penally, lnleiet.1 und coal
ll I 1
NiV'lTBT. M V llatehlor N14 of NISV1,
Ni-e 3D, ll 38, ll 111, iierHS 80, tuxrn
1130, poimlty 8e. Interrm 121, eoma
ioo. lotnl lux, penalty. Inlire.t nnd cost
No t 1' II rr, W nr HIH,
1:14 or hwu. iif s. iwp. a. 11 i fir
nerrn ISO. (live, f IU 91. piuinlty 1 1 02. lie
lerr.t HISS, eosls Hue total lax, prnnlty,
Intrrcm and rom 118 21.
No 190. I'rwl tlmi, HW of HWU,
nee 33. twp, 39, It, 4 Ii, nerrn It1, loin
3, 4. fro I, lup 111, II I It , Amen P3.
laxen lnl7, penally 11.03, lotermt
lin n. eoln 80e. toiiil Im, ponulty, lu
to rent nml rem 118 80.
No i;t! I Irons U-hIs NW of HI'.U.
HW of NI1V,, Hli r NWU. t I. twp.
40, II 3 It., norm 130. tnxrH 113 93, pon
ulty II 39. IllleieM 30, cnnln Sue, lolsl
tax ponnli), Inlrn-nt nnd eont I1IBT,
No Itns Win NMnoii. HU or NlUt,
Hli of NWU, nre 3, Iwp 39. It 3 I.',
nerrn ico, tuxes tluji. pennlty 1 1. Of. In.
Irri'Nt J"., contn 0e tolnl Inx, pennlty,
lllhtenl and eoi.1 118 31
No, l!94. U i: Itondi-r. NKU iter 18,
twp 38, II I It. nrren l-i, taxen 0 31,
ponulty 11.03, lulorrnl M 55. eonln SOc,
mint lux, penally, Inttrenl and cost
in ti
N I79D. J SI. Ilreh. NKU. nor. 28.
twp 3, II. 3 It Nerrn HO. tnxen U3,
Prnnlty II HI, Inleient 110 II, eontn tOe,
Unnl tax, ponulty, lutrrvnl und cost
No 1803, A A Ii Hlruuh. onr-lhlrd In
lerrnt In illn 3. I. 5. 9. 10. Talent.
Inxen, le 'tmlly fo, lutrrrnt 38e. eonln
Sue. tolnl tux pruulty Inlerint nnd rent
No. 1801. J. R Worln, HH of Ni:U,
Wit of Hl!t,, nee A. twp II. II 3 Ii,
ncrm 140, linen till 31, ixMlally 11.02 In.
trrrnl lit SS, contn Hie, total Inx, enntty,
llllerrnt nod eimt 118 31
No I80J. Wtntiiii Tiny To, Nl of
Nltlti nrc 2. twp 38. II. 2 I." . nettn 40,
inrn Hit prnnlly ISu. Inlrrmt e,
eontn SUr, lotnl tux Itonnlty, llilorent nnd
isml I J 17
No 10. J II Winter lint un.lhl.le.l
itne half liilrnnt In Nl, nrr In. twp.
38, J J! nirrn U tuxrn IS 4 U prnnlty
f.l. lull n nl 3IB, lontn (Or total tux,
iie'nulty Inli rml nn,t i ont I9.S,
No I8US I. I) UTilln-V on. In 1. 1.-. I U
l- : - - i
Mctlford's Lending Theater
When Love and
Honor Called
Children's House
HIXK! Jt'NOM.v.OO Plt'TPIli:
His Jungle Sweetheart
Whose Husband
flora l-'lncb, Koto Price and
Jay Dwlgglits
Wilton Lackayn In
who, as tlm child star In "Tho Poor
I.lttlu Itlcli Olrl" hud nil Now York
by tlm hearts and who was heralded
as "llroadway's Youngest Htnr," In
"Tin: HTONiNa."
115 North Central Avenue
A. A. MOODY, Prep.
It. II. Add
112 South Riverside
Phono 150
Pwpifotw, ,
xn .... J.. J
-J3Vt-t3WSSJI.f - V It.'