Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Secant llffl
Medford Mail Tribune
Mav. ."? llii. .'17. Vrtlr
Tonight mill Tuesday.
MEDFORD. ORKflON", MOtfj)AV, MAY .'), 1015
rnrly-flflli Year.
Dully TimiIIi Yrnr,
NO. no
iii Tii
Rcilln Reports Ovrrwliflmlnn. Victory
That Has Crushed Entire Russian
Front From Hunijiirlaii Frontier to
Vlstula-Alllrs Make Protjress at
ItKIM.IN, May X -An Inipntlnn'.
Austrian victory In Hm eastern earn
pauju I" iiniinuiiecd in tlm slutcnirnt
ismtc.l toilnv I nun (Ihiiiiiiu nun,
hendipinilors. Tin' "liiti'iui'iit is made
that Hit' Amlrum have tn'iri'ii linn
IlllltlOII III)' I'lltill' HllsilHI fllllll, in
WClelll (Ittllt'lll. Till' nflicllll Hlilll".
nii'iit Mini:
"In ilic MiiillHiiNli'm Ihenter: In I
presence oT Austrian fniiiuiundcr-iu.
Chief Field Mnihul Archduke Fred
click, mill iiinliT llii leadership r
General Colonel nii Mueheuru. Ill"
iillli'il lump .ctciiluy, ii It rr liitli'i
fighting, pierced everywhere mnl
crushed lti I'litiio Russian fruni in
Went Onlieln, ftnin llif iifiglilmih 1
nf tlm lluiiKiirian frontier In lln
jinii'lii'ii nrilii' Dnnnjer. river with the
"Such nf tho enemy iih su vili'il
in uiiiiis in" in huslv retreat In llii"
east, uloM'ly pursued liy I In1 iillii'il
troops. Tlio liophloK nl' llii' victory
cnnntit yt't ! In npprnhuulel.v c.
lliuuted'." Altai Mug Dardanelles
LONDON, Miiv X Informntinn
finni (In Dardanelles is lluil Hi" bnm
bunhucnl nf llii' Turkish fmN wiih
Mil I It'll nil SlllUldllV mill tllllt gll'llt
ilmnnm' wiih inflicted liy Hit' warships
nf llii' allies. Tim tnwn nf Diinliin
ollon i mitiil In liuvi' ln'i'ii ili'Ktm.M'il.
Tim TurkUh war tiffin, however,
ntnltm IIihI no uetinu whh attempted
liy Km iillinl fli'i'i on Hint lny.
Ficnch trunw mi rt'nii It'll In lime
iiimiIk miiitlit't binding on llif Aintii
niitf mnl In In' udvuueiug rapidly.
t'nnfficiul iliiiitt'lii'H iiitii'n tluil
Urn allies net' pmgioMinK Inward Hit'
iiHrrowH under cover nf llio fiio of
llmir nnvy, which Ih iuftictiutg Kient
iliiniiiMt' on tin' Tuikish defenses, in
cluding lilt' Icpnl It'll ill'olrilt'tinli nf
Hm town nf Dardanelles.
Tin Us Claim Success
A lull' Turkish nffirinl nunnuncc
ini'iil claims n viclurv ni'iir fliihn Tc-
pull, in tin' (lullipoli peninsula, which
in said to luivi' insulted in Hm ret i rut
of tlm I'oloiiiiil Hiilish troops In Hit'
nlmlliT of their wnislups. This ne
I'onnl, however, does not ogieo with
Hm Itrilixli oflii'iiil report published
Snliiiiliiy, which ilri'liut'il Hint Hit'
llrilih wore icsiuning llm offensive
nl'li'i- n stubborn ioisni'ci' on the
pint o flhi' TiiiLm.
I'nlioKi'iiil conl imii's to ititKi'il Hint
Hie iuImiiu'O of (Iciinnn troops in tin'
ilii ecl inn of Kijjn ix only n riiiil, lint
1111 imi'iiNy feeling it (,'iowin in .on
ilon Hint IIicm. invnilt'iH mo in force
Milfit'li'iitly strong In
lliicntt'ii lliiHsinn I'oiiiniiiniciitinnH,
I'IkIiIIiiK In Kliiinlt'i'M
An nllnch from HiIh tpiiiili'i' Iihh
f Coiitlmii'd on Pmre 2.)
AiiiHliuiliiiii mnl l.ontlnn. Tlio TinU
IhIi war iliiparliimnl today kuvo out
tlm followliiK official utiitunmnt:
"In ciiiiHit(iiciicii of tlm atlaclu pro
ci'tiilliiK Huri'imnfiilly for iih, tlm mm
my linn not Hiiccciiilcil In lniirovliiK
lilw pimltlou on llm coiihI of tlio Oal
llpoll pnnlnNiilii. Tlm flit) of our
linlioiiiiM illim'icfl iiKiiliut llm oimmy
lit Kutlill llahr hIiowm kiioiI rchiiltN,"
Tlm Hlalniiinnl iliiliiiit Hint llm
I'lmiiili IIiiIIIuhIiIp 1 1 en i IV mnl tlm
HiIIInIi liatllimlilp Vi'Iihciiiho Iiuvu
hciiii iIiiiiiiiki'iI liy MlmllM fiiin lint
Hinm of lint TurMnli foil mnl It )
Hint Him HmmIiim lllimlt Hca flunl ilnni
iiiinlrali'il for mii hour off Iho Jlo
pliiiiim mnl Hun ii'llit'il luphll) In a
piiilmrl) ilirvrlioii.
Oil Tanker "GuHllijIit" Is Torpcdocil
0(1 Scllly tslnmls In Enyllsh Chan
nel by Grnnnn Unilrr-Sea Terror
Captain Killed by Shock and Two
of Crew Prrlth.
WAHIIIXC.TOX, May .1 Tin- flrnt
ofllrlal report of Hie loriieilelni: of
tlm Anmrlrmi taulier CiiHIIkIH rcacli
eil Hie hUUi" ili'i'iirliuciil toilav In an
uuilnli'il illnpatrli from Conmil Ktepli
t'lin of IMmiioiiHi, IIiiKlnnil, miylnK
the nllatk wan nmilc Kiilunla) tint tlm
veitnelN Mill In afloat mnl that patiol
inmlH were ntleiuptliiK to tok lior to
tln Srlll) ImIihhIh,
CoihiiI Kleplit'int iiicnnnRit followR
"Auierlinu lank Mcatucr OuIHIkIiI
toriu'iliieil off Kcllly InlamlH Hnl In
Mmit. Captain illetl hear fnllure,
Imily Inniletl. Two of tlm crew drown.
'il, thirty four naveil. Wnnnl afloat
patrol liontM attcinptliiK to tow her
Into Hrllly."
WASIIINdTON, May :i. I'ithI
tlent WiInihi will im'iii1 jinlinent on
the tinpcilnlnj; of the Atuenemi
fttcmiicr (lulllicht liy a (ieiuiau suit,
iiiariue Siiiulnr off Seillv' Ilmuln
until full offieial ilclniln nu- n'cetvi'il
The piexiileut iuipiiieil iiliout llm in
tiili'iit ttlifii he in ri cil from William
Mnwii, Miism., tnilay, hut was told
that no fur rw white Iumim offleials
knew, no official wmd had enine.
On the face of llm iicwm dispatches
ol'fii'iiils inluiit that the attack on tlm
hhlp is a Ncriniis matter, hut they in
Icinl n tlmrouli iuvoxtipitinn xhall
lie iniiilo mid that no huxty uelinu
blmuhl he taken.
TIiommikIi linpilry .Mndo
Serri'liiry llryiyi Mild that n tlior
oituh iiupiiry miiiIi1 he ininlc, hut that
liefore nffieinl lepoiU were ieoeit'd
the WiiHhiuRtou Kovermueiit would
iiiuke no cniiiiiii'iil.
Oflieials iihiiiiic that imisiuuch lis
the fiiM iuforiiiatiou eoneerniui; the
attack ciuiic fnuu l.oudou, Consul
(IciiciiiI Skinner has ulrendy tele
Riapln'il his Mihiiiiliimtn consular
HKCMIh fnr icpnlls,
NKW YORK, Mav :.The two
Aiiici-icnns. in nililitinn In Clllitllill
(liinler, whn Inst their lives when the
Mt'iiiimv (lulflinht wiih lorpi'tloeil ofr
(he St'illy UIuuiIh, wem Charles C
Short of Chieai'o. Hie wireless oni'r-
utor, mid Ku)eim Chupauelu of S'oit
Arthur, lev., u semmiu, uccnrilin to
I'lihlcKi'iun received hero loday hy
the Hull' HofiniiiK eoinpmiy, owners of
the vessel,
'I'lnw AineilrmiH Iist
The iiiffSMKO wiih Himictl hv l'ii'sl
Officer ltalih Smith. It said that
Cnpliiin Alfred Oiuitor. whoso Imnio
is in nayonne, X. .1,, dieil, of hcail
disease, mnl that Shot! niiil Clinpan
clu were lost, II is hclieved that
fContlnuod on pk two.)
MINKOLA, X. Y., May II. Mm.
Kloicuco f'onkliu Ciiituau was plui'i'd
on trial in the Miprcnm coin I hern to
day, .lust ice lllaekninr for the second
lime on the indictment ehuriiiK her
wiih Hie milliter of .Mr. Louise Huiley
lit Kreepoil on Iho liiulit of .lime III)
last. The jury m Hm hist triul dis
UKivetl mnl Mrs, Ciirmuu has hecu at
liheily untli'i' bond ulnec, Mrs, Cnr
iiiiiii, who win iieeotupunied hy her
hushiiuil, Dr. IMwunl Cm man, up
pmiivil in cninl, pali't hnl siniliii,'.
DlMiicI AHoiuey Ktiiilh iuliiiiuli'd
Hint Ilic linil would last lonuei' Hmn
llm fiisl one, which was liter in u
wi'id., Hnti'i'iil new vIimin it i
M'iol It'll, Mill he I'lllh'tl In support Ilic
sIiiIc'h i'hiiIciiIIoii Dial ,Mi". Ciiinuiii
hum llm iiiisii'ii iissiiihiut ulm khol
Mr. Iluilcy In iliwilh in Dr. nullum'
ollnc Ihioiiuh n Hiiiilov.
Hclci'limi of (lie jiii piorccdcil
llMkl)i ,
The First Charge From a Trench How the
mJf1- -;' - :&mi -mSSSMi
Tfr ..-x--i mj2. am ,Tn i ii iyrYi)CyiyjWlWMMEMwwfc. mJtwnFXmli Jt
A H'liiiul.alilc siuipslmi inKcn In the oilil-l of war, Miimlng I're
l)lnc on (lie UHiiiikI Inillnitc a rluu-u tluil wts niiHiU'cessfiil. Tills pliotnK
loumlnc licatluu Hie will, of llm It nl lets mnl Hie unmns of Hie ilyliic.
WA8IIINC.TON, May 3.- Such nd-
vIcuh an have rninu to tlm WimliliiKton
Kovcrmni'iil In the lmit few ilnyx, In-
llcato that Italy'ri nrrancemcntn
clearly point to her participation In
the war at nn early date.
American illplomatlitlH In Hurnne,
Houm of whom are In touch with tlio
Italian sltuntloii. Imllevo Italy'H de
cision In now only a matter of iIiijh,
and nrranimmcntii aro already behiR
made to accommodate Italian Inter
ex in Hhould tlm ciiierm'ucy nrlno.
If Italy nhotild enter tlm wat It la
understood slio would auk tlm Am-
erlcan ciiilinHHlca In Vienna, llorlln
and CouHtantluople to caro for her
diplomatic IntcrentH.
The recent call to Home of tlio
Italian ninliiuoadors to (treat Hrltaln,
Krauco, (lerinany and Aimtrla was
Kenerally takun to foreshadow Italy's
final dcclnlon.
In view of tlio dcvelomnontR of
the last few days and Information ob
tained from official rourcei, diplo
matists hero will not bo urprlmnl If
tlm Italian amlia-Hadors to Cerniany
and Aimtrla did not return to their
Count Maeoht til Cellero, tho llat
lau ainlinsHinlor to tho United Slates,
conferred with state department offl
rtalri, hut tuild hlx visit had no con
nection with Hm Kuropcim tdtua-
TOKIO, May !l. The ,l,ji Shiinpn, u
.Inpaiii'se newspaper of cood stmul
iui;, isMicd mi extra editiun this uf
leruoou, in which it made tlm statin
iiicul that .liipitu would scud nn ulti
matum to China, the CIiiucmi reply to
the latest .lapuucsi' eouunuuication
ii'KiirdiiiK llm tleinauds nf Iho Tukio
cnvermui'iit liclng cniiidcicil uiisat
isfni'tury, TO LEAVE HUNGARY
I'XDINi:, lluly, May .1. -Iliilum
consul, iii Ausliiii-lluiiKm') urn ice
ominciidiiig Ihnl lliiliaiw leitvn the
cuiinlry iih snuil iih possible, Ah u
icsiill of lhi naming llnliau uici
rliaiil", imiiMil'iicluii'ik and pmfe
kiuuiil itii'ii nte aimliiit Iniluv nl t n
iluiu iii'in ioiul in Aiislnu.
Deputy flniiie WhuIcii Walker has
letiirued frnm Qrmits Pass jind re
pmtH that it is practically iuipn-sihle
ii secure a conviction against iulat
nrs nf the fishing law. Arrests were
recently innito of seveiul parties
caimht suaiu; .'almnu under the
Anient dam. The first to he tried es
caped punishment, although convict
ed, on a technicality, District Attor
ney Miller lmiiij; xwnrii to the coin
plaint heforo the wronjr official. Tho
sceoutl was netpiitted, nlthouuh si
witnesses swore to seeing him suit"
the fish iitid the fi-li werv exhibited
The main fishway at the Anient,
dnm bus been rloed for two weeks
by the Kopio Kixcr 1'iiblic Serviei
corporation, under pretense that it
was oinj to make additional repairs,
iillltoiislt no work has vet been done,
and Mr. Walker states Hint the men
who worked several mouths nao on
! repairing the dam bae not yet been
paid. As a result, thou-unds nf sal
mon me collected at the dam, cannot
get up mnl nro the prev of 'the poach
ers, who throw in weighted books,
jerking them mnong the fish, mutilat
ing inany and Retting n few.
Tho first poacher tried wim Kit
Wallace, who was promptly ennvicted
mnl then released tipnu a tecbuicality
in the complaint. The n'coiul puncher
tried was Si MeClunir, who wus found
not guilty, despite evidence. Three
boys, also neou.ed, will not be tried,
because it is not wished to punish
hoys fur crimes their older?, nro freed
District Game Warden .Sundry, who
has returned from u week's absence
in Pendleton, has served formal no
lice that the fishway must be opened
at once.
LONDON', May "I. Telegraphing
frnm Anisleiduin, tlm cnl-rcspondcut
nf tlm K.chauge Telegraph company
savs that Kuiperoi' Williiuu ami
I'liuco Henry of I'liissm, bis brother,
Here in Antwerp the end of lust week
and inspected llm bmbor loililica
lions and Hm Hulunuiiue yards. Kuh
scipii'iil to Ibis they icliirncil to l.ux
I'luhurg. Tlm lot'iil imwuiiiipeiH wuri' foibiil
ilea In iimiilioii tin cvtlil uiilil hiii'Ii
Hum iih Iho ciiipci'iir vwih hack in
l.uxciiibiiig. Tlm !' w pci'siuiH ilio
li'i'oiiiii.'il lit iiuiji'-h "ii bo looLcil
Mill bul nift'il.
mli Infnntiy frln fniiii Iho Jlrst lino
1'iipli Kites sui'li h nt'iir view of a Itnt
TltlNIDAD, Colo.. May .1.- At 1 iirt
ttbis altenioou the jury returned a
vetdiet prnnnuueing John It.
guilty of inutiler in the fir degree,
living )iuuihuictit as life impri-on-incut,
for the murder of .lolm Nimmn
in a battle with strikers on October
''.'!, lftl.'l. The ease was given to the
jury Saturday night.
Commenting on tlm verdict, Law
suit said:
"They may get me, but they can't
defeat the cause of labor. I'm not
woirying about myself it's the fight
I have been making for the working
men tlint I am iutero.-ted in and
that will go ahead just us before. It's
a long way to the penitentiary. My
attorneys will not give up until ev
erything pn-sihle has been dune to
save me."
Lawsim was ohnrged with tho mur
der of John Niiunio, n deputy of Las
Animus county, who wus killed in n
battlo between deputies mid striking
coal miners near Ludlow on October
'-'.", UH.1. Luwsnn is the member of
the international executive board of
the I'nited Mum Workers of America
for district No. l.". lie was one of
tlm prominent leaders in the recent
coal miners' strike in Colorado.
It wns one of the Ludlow lights be
fore the nrrivnl of the state militia
that .lolm Nimmo was killed. Ximmo
was one of n force of deputies sta
tioned at the Ludlow section bouse.
A fight started between these dtpu
ties nnd n Inrgo body of strikers.
Some time during the battle Nimuio
was shot through the leg, bleeding to
den lb.
Luwsnn was cluugcil with homicide
on the theory of the prosecution that
ho was in charge of the tent eolon.N
ami in command of tho strikers dur
ing the battle.
WASIIINdTON, May II. -I'lans for
u general rciiiljustiiieiil of the rural
postal service Ibrnughuiit tlm country
liy July 1, mi iih to provide mall facil
ities fur ii million persons iml iimhuL
id in the piosciil routing system, wete
niiiuiiiuci'il loibiy by I'oslliwistui Hep
cm I Hiiiiesou.
Iliiral sen Ice will be I'.li'litleit In
every fiiinit'r ii'iisoiiablv I'lililletl In
il, said Mr. Iliiiltsoii, ih iiiplilly n
(hi' ww ailjiiliiii'iil can be uiiulu,
Dead Pile Up
nT lliclr trcni lies. The vlrtlms km
llo In KumiH' Hint one ran almost
I'KTKOCJUAD, .May :!.- Tlio snc
taeiilar advmice nf (Jeniinu forces
along a hundred-mile front extending
frnm the llaltie sea near Lilian in a
southeasterly direction to the north
ern tributaries of the river Niviuen,
continues unchecked. It lias not dis
turbed Kus-iau activity in the region
south of the Niemeii, where, accord
ing to iuforiiiatiou received here, cop
sisteut Mioccses are being won by
the troops of Kmperor Nicholas.
The German movement in the llaltie
provinces, which i do-igned to sever
Vommiimcattnn with Lilian ami thus
cripple the Hii-nan right wing, is not
legnrdetl seriously hy the ltusiniis,
iiiiiiuuch as the flooding nf tho Nie
meii entirely separates the Germans
frnm their bae and frnm the other
German armies. Tho two fields of
operations on each side of tho river
are therefore as isolated irom each
other ns though they were n thousand
miles apart, although actually they
are adjacent.
ltussiaii observers characterize the
German advance, north of the Niemen
as a "comic opera nffair' deigiied
to induce the Hussions to transfer
hurriedly troops to that region.
At points to tho southward, partic
ularly Ostrolenkn, Serafin, Kdnovor
itz and the whole region between the
rivers Skwn and l'tssa, tho German
offensive has assumed n more form
idable character. It is marked by in
tense nnd prolonged artillery fire. On
Friday the Germans fired 30,000
shells in this district. This was fol
lowed by infantry battles in which tho
Germans, after suffering heavy
losses, reached tho ltussiaii trenches
only to be finally repulsed.
LONDON. May il.Thoro wan giv
en out today a llrltUli Mutoment dat
ed .May 3, nnd reading as follews:
"At 7 p. in. May 1, tho Germans
aattaeked 11 111 00, eouthoant of Yprea
and yi'Hterduy evening they attuckod
In tho neighborhood of St. Julleii,
These attacks woro both repuUvd.
Wo lout no around and wo Inflicted
heavy eummllicH on tho enemy In
Mjiite of tho fuct that ho niiln ued
jioImoiioiim Kimen eiulltod both from
tube In Hm tioni'hea and from en
peelully ninniifuctuied hIiuIU.
"A (iurmuii ueroplmm enliinlti)' af
ternoon wiu rbuned by ono of our
uiHi'lilimn to within rlflu riiK0 of our
liiHihin mid then brought duwu by
Newspaper Correspondent Testifies
That Republican Boss Told Him He
Refused to Pull Tammany's Chest
nuts Out of the Fire Piatt's Let
ters Introduced by Defense. v
SYKACl'SK, May .1. That William
Harne.s told him Charles F. Murphy
of Tammany Hull had nsked for help
in 1111 1 to defeat n direct primaries
bill in the state legislature mid that
the then chairman nf the republican
state committee had answered Ifo
would refu-e the aid nsked and had
remarked be would not pull tho Tam
many I loll leaders "chestnuts from
the fire," wns the testimony given in
the. supreme court here todny by Wal
ter T. Arndt, fonnerlv Albany corre
spondent of n New York nnvvspaper,
was one of .several witnesses who
.were placed on tho stand by the de-
fene. Among them was hilwnnl '1.
rintt, sou of the late Thomas C.
1'latt. former United States senator.
Mr. Piatt produced sevcrnl bundles
of musty letters taken from the files
kept by his father from 1800 to 11)00.
I'nrty Hiicwks l'nrnmouRt
George IL Dickinson, formerly Al
bany eorre-poudent of tho New York
Herald nnd diplomatic representative
for tho Panama-Pacific exposition,
with offices in the state department,
wns then called. He told of talking
to Mr. Ilnnics in AUajiy in J-OjtjS--
"Mr. Barnes told mo that party
succes was bis paramount aim. Mr.
names told me also Hint be bad a
talk with Governor Hughes about
racetrack legislation. He said he bad
reminded Governor Hughes that the
raeo track question bnd been careful
ly avoided and bad asked him why be
bad brought the thing up. Mr. Panics
said Governor Hughes told him bis
cntiscicucc bud dictated bis action.
To that Mr. Itarnes said if it was nn
i -lie between conscience nnd vote
they had no common ground upon
which to stand.
Itcfllscil ClMlCI1lttoit
Walter T. A milt of New York, Al
bany correspondent of the New York
Kveniug Post, was tlm next witness.
He told of nit interview with the
plaintiff in 1011, in which the direct
primaries bill was discussed.
Mr. Itarnes said he had received n
mes-uge from Murphy that the prim
aries hill was likely to pass unless H;-.
republicans wero to unite with tlm
democrats, said Mr. AnidL "Tlm
substance of the thing was that Mr.
Murphy wanted M. Harne.s to help
him defeat the measure. Mr. lbirnes
told mc it was none of his business
and that Mr. Murphy could pull his
own chestnuts out of the fire."
William M. Kiebards, deputy city
comptroller of Albany, followed Mr.
WASHINGTON, Muy II. Official
Washington was cheered today over
the business outlook throughout tlm
country us disclosed in reports to tho
federal reserve board from its agents
in each of tho twelve reserve dis
tricts. Hriefly suiiunnrized, these, rceportn
indicated a general improvement In
trade conditions ami returning confi
dence. A feature is llm reported ac
tivity of industries supplying war niu
Icriuls, The board's announcement dc
seniles tlm Improvement In llm New
York district as general; In the I to,
ton district iih flight; !'kllMileiphf,
lair, mnl Cli'Vcliiml good,
IVoin Hm AHmiiIh ill'limt U rtwrt
oil iiicrcasi'd nclivllyi Ckk'Mtf "
poilH aclivilv, but Hft prmmti in
Iho Ivunxji a ml hi, Imm rnf nn
said In voftim w mu
.i.-ii1ii.iiil-Hinmwll MM