Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MEDFORD Wil'j TmnUNF!), MBDFOltP, UUKUOX, NATrWMY, MAY lf If)!.--
rAOiq Frvn
Hitliciitliiir lli() moloiUls ii Id IIiii'.
intiit where ln will iUtomnticiill,v see
Hint hi then an' iilwnyM miifily in
Hilled, llmt his wIu'cIh are In Into
iill(Uimcii mill Hint every- tin' Hcinteh
or mIoihi IhiiIhi' Ih proudly nttciiilcil
lo fit onor, i n iniiuh tin ininion of
lln iiinhOr't of llrWn'oiiliif,' In (.',
A. (Whorl, gt'ni'rul mile iiiunnger of
llto l'nit(-l Hlnli'M Hubbcr i'iiiiiiiimv of
( iilifurnih, ih is llii' it I int I tinning
on) frnin llm fnclnrv of " runiiv
lliyai i'hi'Ii i'iir, Mini icnllyuig Dim, Ins
i'oiiiii1tiy linn alnii,M tiled In impii'SH
llii' owner of itioloi' niiN wild tin'
jjniil IimioiIiiiii'P of proper tin enrc.
"Tiro I'coiioiiiv mill tile onto are
HjlloilJlllHB," Hniil (lillii'rl, "mill tin
llit'Ur Hie liinliiliHl realizes tlllH Hie
ipih'kor u'ill lit' sliitt (o siivn his tin
"Tlml ivtMit.vrivi per fi'iil of till
lire iili nitty Ih Inn ril illn'i'llv to
llii' lifilill of running ears on under-
inflated tiri'M Ih tin nteiitlnn of ox-
pi'it liri' iiit'ii, mill llti'.v 1'iirllii'r slate
tlml litis finite alone Ik ieponsible
for most of ln liif troubles uf tin'
"If motorists wottlil slinlv Hie eon
Klrni'lloti of llieir tire the would In
uhlc lo iutclligcnllv iipplv the Mime
run- In llii'iu (linl lln-y (n n 1 1 1 rent
of Hielr ears. No until' ilriiT would
for mi instant eonllmii' lo ilrive hm
em lifter ho liml illsenvnrnl a vr'ntiM
In ink in 1mm motor or imv other pat I
or Hi ntnelilnery. Then whv will llmt
"nine mnn nih intinv miles on a de.
flitted or partially deflated lire anil
o.p.ct no litirui lo result? Such N
often llie ease, however, anil the won.
tier i, not that the tiro goes out, lint
Hint they stand Dim Itralment so
The Inral ncliool are innklni; elali
ornto nrrniiKMnentn for their May
IVailvnl. an ornte rendition of
"Tint Carnival of Flo cm." to Im
r.lven on the IiIkIi nchool lawn l"rl
day .'VcnliiK. Mny 7th, nt K;00 o'clock
under the direction of MIm niadyn
June lllnmnn. It In dencrllied an a
Mplniiilldly hld premMitatlon In con
tniuii of the renilni: MirliiK. Uh ono
of the miiln feat n res UeliiR thu crown
liiK of the flownr (pieen. Over ISO
volreH will lie heard In thu grand
elioniH, bmldeH ntimerotm .nolos on-
perlnlly Irulne.t by .MIkh lllnninn for
thin oi'cahIoii. Another fenturo of
tlin onlffrtnltiincnt will Ik n real May
I'ole dnnre. An adiiilnlon of 1U and
l.'t ri'itta will Im rhari;ed.
Mr and Mr. Henry llrltt nrnl
family departed on Monday mornliiK
for Himlnllle, Neli,, near which placo
they will nmke their homo on A
lurm farm. MIm Audrey llrltt, who
wan a meintier of the Hophonioro claim
of the local IiIkIi hcIioo), however,
will ronilnuo her Miulleo nt the llii
I loin, Nel., hlKh Pchool. During
their ntay of aliimt four yearn In
(lold IIIII, I ho family have made
many frlendx who mo Hiiro to renret
the departure. MIhh Hrltt'n clnKH
iiiaten mio n iiinrahmellnw' roast last
Saturday eveulni; In her honor.
The (lold IIIII (IratiRo held Its
regular w.(y meetln: In tho Odd
I'lillown hall InNt Friday ovenliiK.
Tlio iiienihcrHhlp wan IihwiimoiI hy
iieveral nppllcantH who were Initiated
Into tho fliat two di'KreeM, More
than 3d inomlitirn were In attendanco
nnd n vory ontliiiHlnHtlo meotliiB wna
On Satin day taut n rhnni;o wan
niado at thu Southern laclflo depot
hero. Mm. M. It, UP0, who him no
HiicroiHfully held thu ponltlon na
amml for tho paat year, and nt var
louh tliuea hoforo, left lortland,
whero Hhe Iiiih accopted nu of for ns
lolcgrnphor In ono of tho S. 1', of
flreM. Thu ngnnoy heio Ih IicIdr
teinpnrnrlly filled by Ilollof AkoiiI
l C. Wuldron, who will roiunln un
til tho flrnt of Junn, when It In ex
pected that permanent tcnuro of tho
poaltlon will ho "hid In" hy wonlor
Tho fmld IIIII Concort Hand are
romliirtliiK a HOrlcn of concortH and
dancen In thu vuiloun nearby towns.
I.iisl Filday a vory successful on
KiiKoiiient was filled In Kokuo Itlver,
ami Thuisdny night tho bojs niado
tlin trip to (IrantH Pass wlieto they
entortaliied. Itoturn eiiKuaeiiioiitH
are to he expected In both places,
mid Initial appearances will piolmhly
ho Klven in other lieiKhborlnt; ellles.
Tho hand has a iiiouihoishlp of ul.
most I no dozen imislriuus,
ArraiiKomi'iits have been mudu
wild Mis Vesla Jneltn llovlous to
Hive nil eiili'lliilniiieiil a llm Collins,
Alomlii) nveiiliiK, Mu) an) Mis. Ilnv.
lolls Is a iiiiiiliiiiln of (Miiiiiioeli Hrhool
of ()ialo, KoilhveftDii )llverl
UvuiikIoii, HI , mid roiiH's vi'iy iln)y
Hiriiiiiniemleil Tim piokihiii h
liplllilii HMiiliiiiv, iipeiiiij(io)is Dm)
VpiMl solos
TJm Hill IIILuis, Misses Jiipo
Vcit, atoi.pH,
DRC5D fan.
-V I
mill I'd ye Hliett, anil Kittle Ilorlietr,
rntiiniDil to IIiIn city Moinliiy after
iiooii, 'after iiiiildiix tlie trip to Mud
foul mill Anlilninl, They i;nve their
I'litertaliiinent ut tlin C'oiiiiin, that
eviinlni: o n very nppretlntlve, tliotiKli
not extru lnrKu uuillniioi. It Ik ruin
ureil (lint Home of tlin wvih would
not let (heir luiHtmniU co - too imich '
Miss Helen Lydlnrd spent the week
end with homo folks.
Oliver I'endlaml spent Sunday
supervising the farm work he Is hav
ing done on the Sheldon ranch near
Wren llyruin mid Mrs Saltuiarnh
of Applegnte are spending a few days
at the II) rum home.
Verne Pendleton Is working early
and late doing custom work with his
new spraying outfit which Is n stiro
terror to the hugs,
Sandford Itlchardson of Medford
was seen on tho streets of Tnhlo
Itoclc last Sunday,
I'. W Carlton wan n Medford vis
itor last Sunday,
F. II. Ilauptninn Is doing some
work on his Again ranch.
Mlsn I.estor, u school "marin" of
tlin Agate district was Interviewing
our school hoard last Wednesday.
A, I, Seabrook Is doing some
paper hanging nt the l.ydlard house.
Mrs. John Vincent of Jackson
ville lulled relatives hero last
Several of our young folks wcro
taking In the shows nt Medford last
Saturday night.
W. It. llyruin nrnl II. It. Nenlon
attended tho Odd FellowH celebration
nt Jacksonville Inst Monday nnd re
port n fine time.
Kd Vincent mid Miss. Clam Col
Has attended the haccalaureato ser
vice at Agate last Sunday owning.
Prof. Johnson spent Saturday nnd
Sunday ut Kaglo Point.
The Tallin Hock ball team went to
Medford last Sunday where they
easily defeated tho second team with
n few of thu leaguers thrown In,
of that place, the scorn being H-0.
Strange ns It may seem It Is re
ported that the wedding hells will
ring In this vicinity In the near fu
ture. Stanley l.ydlard disposed of koiiio
flue veal In Medford last week.
Verno Conley of (Im Antloch dis
trict was over nfler a corn planter
Inst Monday, ho reports that several
hundred nrres In thnt district will
ho planted to corn HiIh spring,
Snveinl of our citizens nro plan
ning to attend the commencement ex
ercises nt Agnto Friday evening.
The play "What Hnpieneil to
Jones" was singed nt Haglo Point
last Friday night by members of tho
Arrow Head l.ltorary society who re
port n crowded housn nnd about $.10
added to their funds.
The social life of this neighbor
hood was so strenuous last week thnt
wo fnlled to keep up with It so will
not try to.glvo an nccount of It nil
from tho boglunlng of tho wook un
til tho close there wbb something do
ing every evening.
Hov, Wnlruff preached two Inter
esting aormoiiH nt tho school houno
Inst Sunday.
Lnst Thursday School Suporln-
tonuent Percy Wells and District
Supervisor Peterson mot with tlio
pupils nnd patrons of our school nnd
a general got-togother mooting wns
Our ball (emu will cross lints with
tlio Knglo point team next Sunday
on the Tablo Hock gi omuls, the ganio
will he In the forenoon after which
all nro Invited to tnko their lunch
baskets nnd onjoy n plcnla dinner on
tho limits of tho river.
Lieutenant Wm. 0. Miller of llm
Seventh Infantry, Is spending a few
dios In tho valley ami caiiiu out
Tuesday lo Inspect his nrithmd pro
p 1 1 y ut this pluro which ho pur.
rhusml sumo linen ynuis ago. Mr.
Miller Is vei) opllmlsllu uhout Hie
fill urn or our uli). liming his 11
iwiM wiivjie in Km army )m bus
lived in many illffeieni places but
) Hilx valley gppuwls in him
HIOHH"! IIimii Hliy olhm as a pluie
lo in H ho iiltun Imiiit) Ml' Mlllm'
ISKIAItt fee r IV
r'wri wi.
135 hc
YCW, X " !!. uVt y WW.JX" ( MIT YOUR S- fJr r " ' S HC SAfD
i 111 f ' - Mil iihjm - 'a.-k ! ,- - j- j i ui if. v .v.i r 1 1 - .. - ai. . i - .
Vtooow fcooM.
' ! mit him. v rv (irl'. - ! "-- r
- ! sr , ran .
frnllii from 'I'rlsro on May flth for
tlio I'lilllpplni) IhIiiihIm wliero Im
will upend the next two Jeiir ufter
which he hopes to mako his hontu on
Ills orchard property here.
Last Monday evening tho Caton
homo was the scene of it merry
gathering, tho neighbors coming In
to help Mrs, Caton celebrate her
mull birthday. After spending tho
evening with Interesting games, Ice
cream and cake were nerved and tho
guests departed wishing Mis, Caton
many' more happy bit (Inlays,
Mm. J ut in Keekmmi nnd Mi-k Car
rie lUekmiin leturueil from Portland
Thursday, wheie theey hnvo been
iemii the past two month.
Mm. K. ('. Simth was a Medfonl
vihitnr Thuihilny.
Mm. ltohert II. .Moore of Hold Hill
wmi the guot of Mirt Mollie Unit
several tlavs tlit4 week.
.Mihm Kokii Itueliley of Itueh jwiit
Tm'Hilny night in town.
.liH Nellie ColliiiM spent the week
end wiih her sister, Mr. Clvdn Shaw
nt Hold Hill.
Miis Minnie Ireland, one of the
many enmlidatet for the office of
postmaster nt (irnnts- Pass, spent
.Monday in .Jacksonville.
Attorneys W. I. Vuwter nrnl It. F
MulKey of .Medfonl delivered excel
lent nddrcsscrt nt the Odd Fellows an
niversary held here Monday.
Mr. mid Mrs. Miles (,'niitrull nnd
Mr. mid Mrs. llnlpli .leuningH spent
the day in town Monday.
Mrs. II. M. Odium entertained tho
Friday Afternoon club ut her home
Inst week. Those present were: Mr
K.J., Mrs. K. K. (lolden, Mrs. W
lohusou, .fis, F. ('. Smith, Mr-. John
Duuuiugton, Mrs. I'hailes N'uiinii,
Mrs. A. I. Kekelson, Mrs. Lewis l'.
rich .Mis. Ilnrry Luy.
A uumher of .laeksouvillo people
motored to Med ford Wednesday ev
pins; to tnke mlvantage of the linml
Mrs. Harry Younj;, formerly u res
ident of Jneksonville, isited friends
Mt-. Kiehnrd ltlnnd of Unmix Pass
is vi-itin lelatives living heio thin
(ieorge Hoffman of Applegnte Inr
lidl in town u few hours Tuesday.
The ininpfiie meetiiu; to he held on
Nuuun'h hill hy the Five Hundred
elub bus been postponed on account
of tthe inclement went her.
Mrs. Mamie MeCrucken has re
luriied to Ilnscliiirg nfter a visit ut
Hie lioine of Miss Louise T. Jones.
County Cleil; (1. A. Oaiilner is
moving into the Orth hiiek this week,
tlu old Xiiiiiiii home liavinj; been sold
to Mr. Siugent of Medford.
Miss Xellie Maker has returned to
her home in (Hade, Kan., nfler .spend
ing u year in (his community.
Attorney Porter J. Neff attended
to business nt the courthouse Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs, J, Niiimii, who have
heen spending (he past mouth with
their son, epcet to return to t'uli-
lornia luesday.
Mrs. Leo Port returned from Ash
land Fiiday, wheie she has been vis
iling ivlatives.
Reported by Jscksou County At
tract Co., Sixth and Fir Bts.
Ileal Estate Tinsreix
Victor 11. Humphreys to A. 11.
Ilniilcn, luuil in see, 'Jll:i7-
1W. 10
railed Slates lo Philip S. Mi-
Cube, luuil in see, K-'fTs- II!, I'aleut
A. II, llaiileii el ux to Chillies
Memleiiliiill, luml in sec, 'Jll-
:i7.iv. 10
William Kelley e uv to C. 1 1.
Kails, luml in sec. 'J I -.JH-ViW. U',0110
Mm, M, It, llniiriiiii in South
em Oii'hoii Coijfeiciino Finn
Mi'lliodiM iiIium'Ii, lon In
Kuflioml iiililiiion, Aelihiml I
Jii'ihlun Wilson e i)r In J,
il. Ihnhy, luml in (mil .'IH-
tfW, In
Hi'wleij iii)poniils, mliJn'Si.eiJ lu Hm
They Go to Dine
. ,
----- - . - - . - . MW ""'"' ".' '"" 'I " 1 " I I U !. II
YW KNOW CR KINC, J Q , (y.A-0OOKA ZlAGROcN , C"" T HC . v- " -
l l"
unilomiRniMi nt Jncknonvlllo, Ore
i;on, nrnl onilormd "B.'aleU HID I-'OIt
UtHI'AIIlI.NG nitlDQK," for rcpalrlDR
brldgo across Antelope Crock about
2 miles south of Kaglo Point, Oro
gon, In accordance with tho plana
nnd specifications on file In tho Coun
ty Clerk's office, will bo received and
filed until 10 o'clock A. M. May 20th.
11)13, nnd at thai tlmo tho County
Court will publicly open and road all
llacli bidder shall bo required to
deposit with his bid five per cent of
the amount of his bid, which shall
be forfeited to tho county In case
thu uwnrd is made to him, and If
ho falls, neglects ,or refuses, for a
!K.'rlod of ton days after such award
Is made, to enter Into tho contract
and fllo his bond In tho manner re
quired by and to tbo satisfaction of
tho county court.
A corporate surety bond -will bo
required for tho faithful perform
ance of tho contract In a sum equal
to one-half of tho total amount of
Uw mini bid.
Tho County Court resorros 'the
right to reject any or all bids, or to
accept tho proposal deemed boat for
Jackson County.
Dated this 23d day of April, 1915.
County Clork, Jacksonlllo, Oregon.
Notice, Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil at Its mooting to ho held May 4th,
ltlG, for a llcenso to soil matt, spi
rituous nnd vinous liquors In quanti
ties less than n gallon at Its plnco of
business nt 32 North Front street, In
tho city of Medford, for a period of
six months.
Dated April 24th. 1015.
M. & K. J. ADAMS.
FOll RENT Furnished rooms. Tho
Coleman, 1005 W. Main, Phono
5S5-J. 5C
FOR RENT Modern furnished
rooms. Tho Cottage, 604 West
10th. 44
FOR ItE.llwriousi
FOIt RENT Furnished bungalow
home. Inquire 304 South Cen
tral. 40
FOR RENT Furnished flvo room
modern houno close In. Inquire
520 South Central Ave., nftor 5 p.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished five
room bungalow, cloto In. 417 Jay
street, corner 8o. Oakdale nnd W.
Eleventh streets. 37
FOR RENT Completely and nicoly
furnished 5-room bungalow, nil
conveniences, good location; closo
lu. Apply 421 Jay St., oft So. Oak
dalo. 50
FOR RENT Ono 8-room rcsldenco;
also furnished housekeeping rooms,
310 N. llartlott.
FOR RENT Furnished houso, 4
rooms, strictly modern. no olocK
from new fcdornl building. Phono
93lLor call at 243 N. Holly St.
FOR RENT Modorn C-room cottnge,
nlco locnttou, paved street; $10.
water paid. Phono 4U9-Y, 35
FOR "SALE Pony" ospMhiiiy"Buiis
ablo for huly or children. W. J.
Hnrtrell, pllouo 4GS-J1. 37
FOR SALE--Gilts nnd weanling pigs
iroin prize winning Duioc Jersey
herd nt Jackson County Fair. L,
II, Houston, 1 mllo west uf Tal
ent, Phono 3-F12. 59
FOR KALE -4 teams of nules; 3
teams of work mares; 3 driving
horses; 4 saddlo hornes; tlmo pay
ments with good secuilty accepted.
Wnlkh'a Ranch, mllo out N. Roose
velt Avo. 52
FOR SALK Cheap, 200 Angora
goats; also horse and buggy, Frank
K. Loo in U, Browusboro, or Med
ford It, V. D, 2, Box 120, 49
FOR BALE Cheap, span of mules,
harness and wagon, 32 South Cen
tral. ran hale real bmtatk
I'Olt HALK .NO acres near llullu
Falls, 2U lines iMillivuled, houso,
...Mv,,,.-: - INze. ; V MAJcSTY.y , J, JlCA sav about Mr R0f -SitY COoKGD
' yart rV- fCU ' woPPeE. .l..RiM9 n".sJ0U
dXb Kalwhs we g' W ' V njMs vwwi.
imiii, w Mier, out num, no omh
nr, box lb, llullu Fulls, Oie 39
I'DII HA Lit t00 mkiiis wild u boil CO
beuil of t'slllu, two Imins, b loom
liumoi, lo m oi tllli istllti or
liol, Moi'O pit uiiu A Hullug
Uur. Onu, Oivtum, m
With th
c King
JC(lli I j--ij-.i-i. l-ii-l J -i -i jti i-LiT.r i r.i-ini-ii-Ln ii'in-n wmiiil
FOIt IlKNT- Furnished housekeep
ing rooms Clean and comfortable.
Iteasonablc, phono 3TD-J.
FOR SAL! Cholco piano ensn or
gan, walnut case, cheap; also
folding organ. Palmer Piano
Place, now location, across from
post office. .
FOIt SAL!- Large, early, homo
grown tomato plants now ready,
any quantity. Also egg, pepper and
other plants for salo at Grocery
8torcs, Public Market and Green
house. Maddox & Uonney, Port
land Avo. Greenhouses, Phone 8711.
FOR SALK Tomato plant now
ready, C. Cnry, phono 1C-F11,
Address Talent.
WANTKD Large sire refrigerator at
WANTKD Shelving and counters
Valley Candy Co.. 2! North Grape
Street. 3C
WANTED Washing, house cleaning. I
sewing. Call 314-Y for pnrtlcu-
WANTED Stock to pasture, throe
miles abovo Ilybeo brldgo on Rogue
river. J. C. Moore, R. F. D. No.
1, Central Point. C9
WANTED 300 stock hogs from 40
to 150 lbs, will pay 5 He; also
300 block hogs, will pay from CU
to 7c, quality considered. Must
hnvo by May 4tli. Phone or write
J. II. Carlton, Central Point, Ore
gon. 38
WANTED Medium weight automo
bile touring car body prefcrrod;
will exchange 10 acres land or
building alto with view of valley.
Real estate is not mortgaged and
clear title and warranty deed will
bo given. Address P. O. Dox 207.
Medford, Oregon.
WANTKD Jananoso Day Work Co..
wo will do all kinds of work by the
hour or day, such as cooks, wait
ers, house cleaning, caro of gar
dens, wash and polish automobiles,
etc. Call Phone 93, or write P. O.
Dox 702, R. Miyamoto. Mgr. 51
WANTED Agents, either sex. to sell
article of great merit; build up a
pleasant, permanent and profit
able business of your own. Ideal
Supply Co., 120S Stewart Street.
Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Agents, dellcloiiH soft
drinks In concentrated form. Al
ways ready Just add water
economical, absolutely pure. Every
housewife, wants thorn, 14 differ
ent kluds. Enormous domnnd, big
summer sellers, money comes easy.
250 other popular priced, fnst
selling household necessities. Wo
furnish free outfits. Write to
day, now. American Products
Co.. 2310 American Uldg., Cincin
nati, O.
WANTED Agents, mnlo or female,
big profits. Write H. 11. Million,
Mfg. Co. P. O. Uox. SC7, Tacoma,
WANTED First class miners for
contract work, llradeu Mine,
Gold Hill. Oregon.
WANTED First class minora for
machine drills. Uradcn .Mine.
Gold Hill, Oregon.
WANTED Man capablo or manag
ing and operating public spray
wngon for tbo summer man with
good team preferred. Address
Hox 12, Mall Tribune. 50
WANTED Girl to assist with gen
oral houso work. 011 W. 10th
Becaueo my stock In trade la to
have optioned at the lowest cash
prlco the bust buy In this county.
I have heen on the ground look
ing out for you for the past flvo
yeurs. Nearly everyday I havo In
vestigated boiiio "good tiling." I have
eliminated everything except those
duuls which I am convinced will se
en ro niu satisfied customers,
In u few hours (hud I run give you
tho benefit of this research. It Is my
business to show you over (ho county
slid Introduce you lo (he possibility
uinl pjipurlunlllDS Imru, Bo Mud.
tor A fiinl mid
Hmm Wtt J'JM KJiwJ Huk W4tf,
WANTKD - To buy a refrigerater:
must be In first-class condition.
Phono 417-X. j
WANTKD TO IlUY 7G milk cows on I
tlmo; deferred payments well se-l
cured. Sleepy Hollow Farm. Gold
Hill, Ore., H A. Ensign. Mnnagor.
FOR SALK Harbor Shop
for Eale, This one chair shop do
ing $125.00 avcragu monthly;
electric lights, bath rooms, city
water, In n wot town. $200 cash.
Apply to Richard Anderson, No.
12Z, Gold Hill. Oro. 46
FOR SALK Newspaper, Newberg
Enterprise and Job plant. Paper
now In Its 14th year of publica
tion. Newberg In one of the best
towns In tho Willamette valloy.
Twenty-six miles south of Port
land. ros
LOST Friday, Table Rock road.
Manilla straw hat. Uoudlnot Con
nor. 37
LIBERAL religious literature, sent
free to inquirers. Address Miss
Hazel Hurton, Central Point, R. F.
D Oregon 52
Aato BappBe
arc operating the largest, oldest
and best equipped plant la tke Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fail. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
Attorneya-at-Lavr, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Rank bids;.
Corey bldg.
Wni. M. Colvlg. George M. Roberta
Medford National Bank Building
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building.
DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise K.
Hedges Mechano-Tnoraplara, Chiro
practors, Spondylothor;lsts. These
systoms, including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc.. produce resulta In both acuta
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion freo. Over Deuel & Co., cor
ner Main and BartletU Hours 9
a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hours bj
appointment. Phone 170.
I''S' '. .. WM S.....SSM
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve specialist Rooms 203-104-205.
Qarnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapoi
bathB and scientific massage given;
needle spray, head and abouldot
ahower In connection; advice In
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydropthernpy. Lady attendant
Phono, otfico 543, residence 511-R
Engineer and Contractor
FRED NT CUM MTNGS-Englneer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & 11. Bldg.
Surveys, estimates, irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement Truasrers
Oflice 42 North Front St. Pnoni
816. Prices right. Service guar
Rogue River Valley Fruit Landa.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and
Timber. Coloniratlon Tracta. Beat
all-the-yoar-round climate on coaaL
Hoalth Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Itaaver Realty Oo4 Aalilan. Oreoau
For a short tlmo only I am able
to offer tho following snap' Ton
acres of fine Juylug laud two miles
from good town, six miles from Med
ford; deep soil, flvo acres cleared
and plowed, and tho rust easily put
under the plow; thu very best of
fruit soil. There Is over an acre
of hearing true now. A new five
loom bungalow, pjustmiul, with ffio
plui'D, (mm good pinches, good gar
uk", wild it bum wWi (wo roomy
stalls, wooiUheil, uinl buy miu for
six (mis MHiifteiit viutv of thu
vulley Pi ln only f HOOU 00
Garnett-Coray Bldg., amw nil
Medford. Ore. Phou 85B.
fice hours 9 to 5. Evenings and
Sunday by appointment. Office M.
F. & 11. Bldg. Roaldcnco Phone
153J; Offlco 319J.
Employment Agency
everybody to know that tho Old Re
llablo Blttnor Real Estate and Em
ployment agency, will get your
help, find you employment, rent
your houso or soil your land. Mrs.
J. S. Clark, manager successor.
Rooms 6 and 7, Palm Bldg., Med
ford, Ore.
EMPLOYMENT Rontala and Land
Agency. If you want help, want to
rent a house or buy any real estate
call on Wynkoop & Co., Taoaa 2,
Palm Block, Phone 330R. Auction
Saturdays. If you hare anything
to soil, see ua about U.
Ruth Smith, Room 216 Garnett
Corey Bldg., Phono 182. See me
If you want help or are In search
of employment.
QARBAOE Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Cay
on the city garbage wagons fet
good acrvice. Phone 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
IsMtractloai te Stwste
401. Garaett-Corey Bldg. Fred Al
ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence
Halllday Halght, voice. Telephone
Notary Pabfte
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic uringyoor work to me attfte
sign of the Mall Tribune.
riiyeaiciAas aao. emrgees
phyalclana, 416-417 Garnett-Uorsj
bldg., phone 103 6-L. Residence
26 South Laurel Su
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
phyalclana, 303 Garuett-Corey
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyalelaa and
surgeon. Piactlce limited to eye,
ear, uose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glaaaes hb
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. It. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co.
Bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 507.
B. B. PICKKL, M. D. Offlee Jack,
eon county Bank bldg. Office
phone 43-K; residence phone 68-K,
cian and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash HotoL Hours
10 to 12, l to 4. Phone 11U-J.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician an4
aurgeon. Phones, office 26, rest
donee 724-J. Office hours 10 t
12, H to 6.
Physicians and surgeons. Offlee
309-310-311, M. F. & 1 1. Dldg.
Phones resldenco, 814-J2; offlee,
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Oateopathle
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases of women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 160., Res, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M DOW Pnyalclan and
surgeon, obatotrlcs and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 13. Phone 160. Resi
dence, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printers aac, ntbUsHera
best equipped printing office la
southoru Oregon; book bludlasj,
loose leaf ledgers, billing syatee,
etc Portland prieea. fl MerUi
rip iu
Shoe IteuMlrbiir
repairing, ou, Bioaers MsetrM
macbluM while you wait, K. H.
Bides, loeated In Kldd'a StioekHere,
Phone 8HJ.
TyiwurHers uud WmiylUs,
tiaw HinmuiUm, tmHU Prw.C7
and MuNari-'h ywrkiHf. 4Uaw
nnd iwbtrii-ctJHtf muklt rm
ss hwi f an KWKat, i
imtt turn W MMM-SW,
IS-sl, s - - i