Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    f '
HAr.l.,.'..' m I-.M -- i i ! - f
A vory prully homo wedding do
ourred loilny nt thu homo of Mr, ntul
Mm. John M. Knot, on Wont MiiIii
ittinul, when thulr daughter Joo
phlno, becnnin din brldo of Mr, Hoth
M. HiiIIIh. Tlio ilny was ulsn iho an
niversary or tliu wedding of tho
brldo'H parents,
Th ceremony wnn performed by
ltov. Win, II. Hamilton nl high tioon
nml only t lies liumodlntu family woro
Tint hoiiMi wim tirthKlraty decor
ated with masses of Klltnrnoy rosea.
Tim wedding hronkfnat wan norvml
following tho cnrniuony. nl tho Med
font llotitl, itftt-r which tho young
couple left for thu Sterling mlno, u(
which Mr, llullln I manager.
Mm, HiiIIIh Ik mm of thu iiiohI at
tractive nml popular niembem of tint
younger sol nml In n moil charming
girl. Mr. HiiIIIh, tho ton of Mr. nml
Mm. H. H. HiiIIIn, or Olinn, N. Y.,
canto to Mndford nhom two yearn
ngo, to hi'i'oinii or his fath
er's mlno, wliorii ho nml lilit brldti
will iiinkn tliclr homo, An noon nn
tho iiiIiiIiik iti'iikon In over nn ex
tended trip to thu exposition nml
oust will ho tnkoii.
In lioimr of nml iiiinoiini'inc Hi'' en
gagement nf Mimk .Murgurcl .(iti'l of
Allmuy, Or., to Itolmul Suilir of licit
city, Mi Genet lino Wiirliiimi enter
tained with ii Minri) hrcukfuM the
uuiriiitig of (ho 'J I Ih. A fiMir-euume
liinilil'iiht wnt served following; a
color Heheino of pink nml white. The
iiuiiutinccinout wim inmli' during the
breakfast liy pri'M'iitiiijr Mint .luekn
with a wedding1 lniiiiiit't nml tln piny
in); of n wedding miiivh. fvingt.
iiiroioH to ho oci-miiiMi went niing by
Mjhh lliniiimi ami Mis JnokM. MiH
Jlll'kH, will) IlltX llCI'll ill Ml'llflllll thin
wilder htiul.tliij; tnieo, will rrtnrit to
hrr lioim hooii. Iho wedding will or
our in tin' curly Hummer. Tin' gucxts
pnmoiit wern: .Mint Margaret .lurk,
Mi Piniii'iM (lilfilliiii of Grunt
I'll"", tho MiHHi'H .Mnry K. Oorr, Juno
Ilimnmi, funditn Jitokn, F.tninn
I)nw, Mnry A. (Ion, June White,
Kilim Gore, biiirn Treiehlor, KMhor
llurrixoii, Doin Smock, Mm. II. ('
llililiiiK, Mrs. II. (I. Wortmmi mnl
.Mjhh Wiiitimin,
Tlu friends mnl put runs of tlio
.Medfnrd hi'lmulrt cujo.tcd oiio of tlio
prcttlcxt thinjjH offornl nt the Pno
this HpiiiiL' in "Tlio N'lititiciil Knot,"
Kvm hy tho iiiuhjo ilcpartmi'iit of tho
IiIkIi hi'IiooI timlor tlio direction of
Minm Coffin. Tho liht npocin whn
htnci'il in two ni'tH. Tho littlo plot
wax intorcMinj; nml tho HpccinlticK in
troilui'Oil hIiowjii tlio profoMinnnl
touch of .Mr. Amlrow'N, woro c.icciiilly
plnihinjr. .Mario r.ifort, Nollio Co'
rmii, .InmcH Viuii'o, Dolph l'hipps mnl
luy (loio in tho loiiiliiiK '"Ion cnrrioil
tlioir piirlx well, nml tho work of tlio
rlioriih wiih rt'iniirknlily ooil. Filly
MiiilcntK pnrlioipiitoil, Minn Coffin
is to ho roiifcnitiilntt'il on tho huoccm
of tho o cuing mnl ilchcncK much
rioilit for hor fnitliftil woik, much of
which has hccii ilonc outhiilo of noIiooI
n llOIIIH.
Tho (Irontor Mnlfonl olnh inusionl
Mill ho ijivoit nt tho Star Monday '''
lornoon nl l p. m. Mm. Korliy S
lillor will ho tho ImMom, Tho fol
lowing proKMin will bo romlori'il :
Uiii-I, "0, Tlml Wo Two Wom Miiy
inK" (Smith), Mm, licit Thioiolf nml
Mm, Ficdcrick l,uiij-oj tenor nolo,
"My A in Folk" (l.o n), Potior J.
Nol'f; pinno hoIo, "A Day in Wnico"
(Noviu), (a) "Tho Oomlnln," (h)
"Tho l.ou Souk'," () (loo.l NlRliti"
AlibH Vonitii Hamilton; Koprmin holo,
"1 Hear u Thrush at Kvii' (Cmlinnii)
Mm. Hurl Thiorolf; xioliii nolo,
"Piayor Fioni JowoIh of (lio Ma
iloiina" (Wolf-Honari), Mm. Zola
While Pnloy; conliallo solo, "An Old
(liinlcit" (Hope Toinplo)("Mm. Frod
I'liolt l.niiKoj iluot, "Ahsont" (Mot-
calf), Flotohor Fish and Mr. Mtddlo
Mm. M, McDonald ontortnlncd tho
KorKot-Mo-N'ot cluli In u moHt plonn
Iiik inunnor Thurmtuy nftornoon nl
hor homo, I'i'i CottiiKo Htroot. At 5
o'clock n (IoIIcIoiih twn-ioiirnu lunch
on wiih served by (ho IiouIohii, uftor
which till .ilepuiled to tliclr novohiI
Iioiiion, deilurliiK Mm. McDonulil
mmlo u dullKlitful huiu,
Mlm Mury Hukwii Duunl vU I'rl
dny for lierlicly, C'l , whero dm will
Mlloinl IImi mi ii u bHiiipii'l ami ro
vnii I Ion til her fmliriliy, Dm Alplm
Obi Omega Khu u uUu iwml
H'W'ul wi yliiK ItlKUti nn
l!'idwK bv 'ipuilllvu t Mn
i'fUH'lw i-
r 9 i
Tho cliildicn of tho sixllt rmlo of
Iho llooHevell hoIiooI, under tho abtn
iliioolloii of Mm. (lalliKcr. will tin
xonl "A MJtlHHininor Nilil'M Droum"
at Iho Piimi thoator mixl Fililay nf
toinooii. Al tlio hi'jtiiinln of Hi"
Ni'liool your Mm. Jalll'r found till"
iado vorv deficient In roailinc, ''
it wiim witli'soino misiviiiK tlml tlio
Hliulv of thiM. tho lluhlcsl of Hhako
Hpearo'H imiiiioiIIoh, wih Iiokiih In Feb
ruary. Tho improvoinont Ih mminii.
Tho puii'iitM, who woio nt nmt HKrp
Ileal, havo boooino ciiIIiiinIiinIh. Kv
erv imiuilior of tho oIiihh Iiiih a sponk
liijf part, Ho pleased wiih A. ('. Allen
wiih tho rlii'iimal tlitit ho huh ueciueii
(o iimo Nome of tlio seeiicM in tlio movie
filiim for tlio Paiimua oxpoHltiou. The
third and fourth itrmli'M contributo
tlio fall Ion nml biowiiii'H lo the
"dreain" play.
A May polo danrn by tho first
jjrndo will prevodo the ptnv.. It is
hoped tho prooeed.4 from this enter
tniuilH'iit will ho htiffieieut to innke
tho final payment mi tho piano. At
tend this Hrforuiiiucn ami sec for
yourself what children can do. Tho
following prouram will bo uivcu:
Hoiikh liv Koosovell Mobool, "So
hand Uk.ii Oreuon," "Honif of May."
"Now Is Iho Month of Main":
May polo ilnnee, pirls of Keeond
Kra'do; "Tinker's- Konj;," first and
'Hccoud lmihIch and fouilh ami fifth
bnjs; folk j.'iiiiio, "Captnin Jinks,"
second urado; folk umuo, "To Man
bury CrosH," fourth ami filth Krade
jjirls; folk kiiiiio, "Hot Crosn lluns,"
first fxrntlc; "A Midsummer Night's
Dreiun," pupils of sixth k-nidc, east:
Thoiriif, Perry (livens r.jjriis, iu
litmlo Hummel; hysamlor, Williui
Phvlaii; Demetrius, Charles Jackson;
Philostrato, Veluin Hull; (jinnee, John
llatemmi; llottom, Udbow Meadows;
Flute, Kdwurd Kelly; Snout, Itiipert
Mmlilox; Suu,, Maniio Olson;
Starveling, Clari-noo Slowartl; Ober
on, Chi iv Piekle; Titnuin, Pnulino
.loliusoii; Puck, llcrlha Hurting; "ip
poUta, llrueo Putnam; Hernia, Inna
Dcr; Helena, Josephine I.imlley;
Pear Illossotn, (leorp) (berry; ( ob-
web, James Heiison; Moth, Kruiietb
Colo; Mustard Seed, Itnlph l.unt: at
tendants on Theseus nml Hippolytn;
lioin'Mnxwrll, Vilmo Hull, Sterlinji
Tho llomn Co m Iiik ot tho LndloV
Aid or tlio Method!! church wm hold
Wodnesilny nftornoon nt tho church.
All tlio circled pnvo vory tlno re
ports mid tho nmount of inonoy
luruiid In showed nil hnd been work
ing for the benefit ot tlio nocloty.
After tho bindncan uieetlnK a pro
urn m In clmrKo of tho Prltcllla clr
clo wmt Klven,
Plnno solo, Mini Kininn Draw.
KendlnR. Mm. I.eo Hall.
Holo, Mrr. Mubler.
Duet, Mlso C m in n Drew nnd Mm.
Uh Ilnll.
Following the proRrnm rofrenb
nientH wero nerved by tho I'rlncltln
Tho (renter Med ford Club held It
rcitular bmdnotm mootltiK Momlny
nfternoou lit thu llbrnry nt which
tlmo orrirom wero olerted for tho
romliiK enr, which nru ns follows;
Mm. J. F. Munily, president; Mm,
Jnp AudrowB, flmt vice pronldont;
Mm. W, Floro, second vlco proHldent;
Mm. C, U, Hchlffelln, rocordliiK tc
rotnry; Mlrnt Ullznlietb Putnntn, boc
rotnry nnd Mm. II. L, Noblet, Irons
iirtr. Bovornl nmondmontH nnd menHiiren
worn brought up beforo tlio inootliiK,
nmoi'iK which was on umoudment to
make $10 lro niombomhlp. TIiIh whh
laid on tho tnblo until next inootltitT.
A vory pleasant nml ueneuiiio sur-
prino was given Hurry 0. MauniiiK
at his home, 72(1 mdoh stioot, Fudny
eveninj,', tho occasion beiu his birth
day. Musio nml k""''' wi enjoyed
and a delieiotm luueheoii wiih served
llio cuohtK departed in tho woo sum1
hours, wishing Harry many lotuuiK
ot mo tiny.
Mm. C. nf. Spook eutortuineil it ljw
flionils infunnnlly Thumday oveniiiK
in honor of Miss Josephine Hoot
whoso marriajo to Heth llullis took
place at noon today,
MtH. C. A. KuiKlit of Fust Main
street entertained tho Friday Hiid(;o
club this uftolnonn, Iho club met on
Saturday (today) instead of Friday,
as is tlioir usual custom,
Curl Frt'drlekNOii of Hloux City, in,,
In vUltliiK bin purcnU, Mr. ami Mm
l, Fiisierlckiiou of North Holly
Ml lmnro Vmiico, who U tled
Iiik rlioul nt liuikolcy, Cl , wj i
turn howo nn Tucily,
Mm, Wwlwrt 'I'mhr W i limn d
him u vitH Klh li' 'luuuliU'r Mr
Wh pH'Hwl 'pMIhii
Tho following ontortnlnmonl will
bo Klvon by tho pupils or Bt, Mnry'M
Anailtnny Tuundny ovonliiB, May i,
ID I ft:
"HIiik, Itobln, HIiik" HpnuldltiR
(Ilnd)N l'elton, Thitluin Drown, llor-
teusn Thompnoii, Helen Illrd
"Holdlor Hoy" Mollis
Jonoph HorroiiKliH
"KnipreHK Mnrch" . . ,. .Loinnn
Mildred DuRnn, Helen Duitnn
"Vnlsotto" Ourlltt
I'ny Onrnet, Llnncn Nelnon
"MHItnry March" Poldlnl
Cnrl Hrlor
"fllmplo Avou" Tholno
Melon Hor)ort, Alfrldu KIiik, Ornco
"MonoloKiio," "How Kuby Plnyod"
Helen Hoddy
(Jud Drownlu, when visiting Now
York, rook to henr Itubnmitoln, nnd
ulvcfi n doRcrlptlon or bin playinR.)
"Hmunncii" Herndt
Fern WlnR, Wlnnlfred Clnncoy, Helen
KIiik, Mnry Ilrown
".Serond Vnlso" . Durnnd
Rndlo Whltuinn, I.ucllo Koontz
"Abldo With Mn" Pnrkor
Ituthf I Hcliuler
"Polonnlso" , . .. .Kdwlii Bchullz
Melon Iteddy, Cntberlno KIiik, I.u
cllo Koontz, Fern WlnK, Akiios Hrlor,
Annn MoliRnnK, Helen KIiik, Mlnnlo
"Minuet" Pnderownkl
Jean Bteolo
"I.eit MiiKcndlmt"i Wnckn
Novn Bnuiuols, Mabel Hcudder, Helen
Ileddy. Cntberlno KlnR
"Vnlso Arnbosquo" Iick
Cntberlno Dcuol
"Fnlry Lnnd" Vcnzlo
Tho Choral Class
Pnrt II
"A Crnln or Halt," comedy In two
s co lien.
Cast ot Clinrnrters
Dr. Cureni. a renowod medical
prnctllloner. Kdwnrd Mnbor.
Jeromlnh, his servant, Hiiro Dntoy.
'liiKornlll, nn h'Kyptlnti orncle,
Joseph Mahor.
Hufus .Smiley, counsellor-at-law,
Itlcbard Daley.
Proressor Biinltns, export on lun
acy, Lambert Mnher.
Jim larvr a hostler, Kobert Duff.
Orflcor Hrown, Merle Merrlmau.
Major Skinflint, a retired ICiikIIbIi
officer, AVIIIIam ltlco.
Fritz Dlnkclsplel, n man or fam
ily. Paul LannlnR.
Moinbcm of tho Dlnkclsplo fam
ily: Hans, John Mnnill; Jnkoy, i:d
gnr Bchuotto; Klsor, John Pntten:
Mlklo, Weldon Miller; Wllllo, nruno
Dallnlro; Albert, Hobort Clancoy;
Johuun, Hobort Maher: Frltzo, Ilaby.
Tho Postman, Francis Smith.
Tho.ltiinmon Chaptor or tho Kast-
ern Btar hold their regular meeting
and social In Iho Mnsonlc hall Wed
nesday ovcnliiR, thero being about
125 tnombom and visitors present.
Mm. Stanley, pnst grand mntron of
tho state or California, bolng tho
guest or honor. Tho hall was pret
tily decorated with snowballs, lilacs
nnd roses, A short program was
given, which was as callows':
Itecltntlon MIhb Mlnnlo Jackson
of Ashland,
Piano duot Miss Vonltn Hamil
ton nnd MIsb Porn Hutchinson.
Bolo MIbs Juno Hlnmnn.
Dancing nnd enrd plnylng woro In
dulged In tho rent of tho evening, tho
music for tho dancing being furnish
ed by Mr. Howell nnd MIbs Florence
Clark. Hofreshmonts of lea cream,
cako nnd coffeo woro served. Tho
committee under whoso nusplccs tho
Boclnl wns given wore: Mrs, A, F.
Btennutt, chnlrman; Mrs. I.ums
den, Mr. Whlto. Mr. J. J. Huchtor.
Mm. Prank Isaacs. Mrs. Merrill, Mm.
Charles Strang, Miss May llucbannn,
Mr. and Mrs. II. h. Piatt, Mr. and
Mm. H. C. Holding, Mr. nnd Mm. J.
A. Perl. Mr. nnd Mm. A. W. Doan,
Mr. and Mm. M. U, Alford.
A largo numbor of Odd FoIIowh
and KobcknliB nttomlod tho picnic nt
Jackuoiivlllo Klvon by l.odgo No. It),
I. O. O. F., on Monday, bolng tlio
colobrutlou or tho Otlth anniversary
or Odd Fellowship. Tlio day wub
perfect for a picnic nml n vory enjoy
nblo tlmo wuh hnd. Tho band nccom
punlod tho members from Medford.
All thoso attending proptirod well
filled ImskotB of lunch nml tlio cof
fee, sugar and cream wero furnished
by tho Jackuoiivlllo lodge, who woro
Miss (leuoviovo WoiImiih enleilain
I'd wjlh n week-end house iiaitv. in
honor of Miss I'minte (lill'illan of
OkiiiIs Pifcn, 'I'lioho pii'nciit weroi
Miss riilftJUn, MIh JhvUu, Miss Diow,
Miw MMiKHnt Jacks mnl Ml Vi).
Ill Mil.
7)i W(i;is MhMu mid Nsim Riely
Iwok purl Im ih wHtMvmmutH m
ttt nl iUtt At hUuv VWy
Tho Wodnvnday Htudy club hold
tho Inot program meotluR or tho yonr
InKt Wednrndny. Tim nubject wnn
"Kwinomlo CondlllonB." "Why Urlt
IhIi Land Itcform Ih Needed" wiik pre
nontod In n vory ably written prpor by
Mm. Btroctn nnd oiKiiied tho way for
"Kiiglnud'n Poverty and Itn CuusfH'
by Mm. Deuel, Mm. Donors paper
was very Inlercnlliig and vlvld;if
wnn ndded by readings from Jnck
London's "UfT In tho Abysn." hi
"HoubIiir tho Poor"Mm. Wnrncr lift
ed thn gloom nnd cheerily explained
tho Unrden jfJItlcn, Tho nodal rofornis
now In progrcsa wero explained by
Mm. Toriioy in "KuglamPn Boclnl
Hovnltitlou and Itn Democratic
A furewell dinner wiih frivon Will
iam Ocrig-, vk'o-prcsident nnd general
malinger of the Paeifio & F.astorn
since its t'oiistruotioii, at thn Univer
sity flub WetlnoHdny evening, attend
ed by twenty of tlio leading IniKincBH
men of tho valley. Lincoln MeCor
mnek acted us tonstmiiHter, nnd uni
vernal regret wiih expreHsed over M.
(Jerig's departure. Mr. (Jcrig goes lo
St. Paul oh consulting engineer for
tho new terminal and union depot, and
will hnvo charge of dredging opern
tiwiiH in moving the .Mississijmi nnd
filling in the present channel. Ho
leaven tonight for St. Paul.
A musical and dramatic entertain
iiient will be given nt St. Mnry'x
academy Tuesday evening. One of
the most Interesting features of thn
program Ik ft one-act farce presented
by the hoys. Tho mirth-provoking
"A-Doctor's Quandary" is eharacter
ired by Kd Andrews, who hnn assist
ed tho buyn in tho preparation of
their play an a very clover sketch.
The boyx nro practicing with energy,
ami enthusiasm and confidently ex
pect to carry nwny laurels hitherto
claimed by the girls.
Mm. Cortlo Ottlnger was very
much surprised Tuesday evening on
returning from an auto ride to find
thnt a number of friends had taken
possession of hor home. Thoy In
formed her It -wbb her birthday nnd
proceeded to niuko themselves at
homo and bavo a good time, names,
music and dancing occupied most of
tho time. Refreshments wero served
during tho evening and everybody
wished Mlts Ottlnger'a birthday camo
Mm, Ccorgo T. Collins enter
tained Ie Banodl club at her homo on
West Tenth street UiIb afternoon.
Mm. Harry Stocknian favored tho
guestK with guitar music and Mrs.
W. M. Van Scojoc gavo a vocal se
lection which wa.n very much cu
Jocd. A dainty luncheon wan served by
tho hostess. Tlio color BCbemo of
pink and wblto being carried out.
Mm. Polk Hull Invited a number or
Medford Indies out to hor beautiful
country homo Wednesday, the 28th,
for tho duy. Chicken dinner, looking
over tho ranch, music and fancy
work (Hied tho day to overflowing
with good things. Those present
were: Mesdnmea Wllaon, Purkoypllo,
Andrus, Kcnworthy, Wclso and Kin
yon, Tho Woman's Missionary or tho
Presbyterian church moots at tho
homo of Mrs. Htttt Stevenson, on tho
Ashland road, Tuesday atternoon,
May t, at 2:30. Subject, Slam and
Laos. Leader Mm. Maddox. Autos
will bo at tho church at 2:00 o'clock
to take thoso who can go. All thu
ladles or tho church and congrega
tion nro Invited.
Mrs. Leo P. Hoot entortalued on
Thursday nfternoou at a luncheon In
honor or Miss Josophlno Hoot. Tho
rooms wero prettily decorated with
California popples.
Mrs. W. F. Hlddlo entertained tho
Thursday Nullo Hridgo club at tho
Kenwood orchard Thursday after
noon, Mrs. Hlddlo of Chicago was n
guest ot tho club.
Tho Catholic lajUcs entertained
their members and frjonds at u tea
WodnoKdnt- nftornoon. ' Mrs. Prnuk
Cordon nnd Mm. Charles Do Linn
wero hostesses.
Mr, nml Mrs. Karnost Welch or lin
ker, Or., nro guests of Mr. and Mm.
8. W. HoIIIb, Thoy uro on routo to
San Francisco nml San Dtcgo ex
positions. Tho Tuesday Luncheon club was
entertained at thu honia of Mm. C.
I, Hutchinson at her homo ou Orungo
street Tuesday afternoon.
Tho members of tho Colony club
entertained nt bridge In honor of
Mm, Btuntou flrlHU Tuesday uftor
noon ut thu Co ii ii try rlub,
Mm, Wlllurd Drown of 4n Fmn
rlco Is a HUet at Hie hewe ef Mr
uni) Mrs, Frmik Prf-Hn ut their
rub Iiviiiu on ApplvKulti.
Mr JUlpIl JlwdWfll iHlfrlMluvd
(In. JM. TJiuiMHy HiUm tuh l
kr Umn un KmU (kUil Tkur.
4h uliirnuuu
r ' J ' " "
s ' " 1yT? 'rl IibbVI - vBrnrTilrlTrwBBBBBM
The fl,GOO,000 pence pnlnoo nt
congress of women expect to hold
Wednesday afternoon Mm. Fred
Lowls entertained with a birthday
party in honor ot her son, Phillip.
The afternoon wns spent with games,
after which refreshments wero served.
Miss Dorothy Wicks will leave
Wednesday for Portland, whero nhe
will study under S. X. Arcno, n New
York vocal teacher of note.
Mr. and Mm. Stanton Orlffls left
Friday for New York, where they
will tnako their future borne.
At the Churches
Ion Lutheran
Services at .Ion Lutheran, S12 W.
Fourth St., will be conducted In Ger
man and Kngllsh at 11 a. m.
HI bio school at 10 a. m.
Congregational meeting after
morning service. Conrad Wilkcr,
I-Yco MctlioOLst
Corner Tenth and Ivy streets.
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m.
Preaching 7:30 p. m.
Mld-wcok praor meeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. m.
You nro welcome nt theso services.
J. . Uradlcy, pastor.
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. ni.
Holy Communion, 11 a. m.
Kvoning prayer, 7:30 p. m.
On Monday evening at S o'clock,
tho annual parish meeting will bo
hold and church officers for tho com
Jng year will bo elected.- Wm. II.
Hamilton, Vicar.
Oakdale Avonuo Methodist
Sunday school at 10 a, in.
Preaching at 11 a. in. and K p. m.
Kcceptlon or members nt the morn
ing service.
If you havo no church homo you
nro Invited to untto with uso. Strang
ors aro welcome.
Kpworth Loaguo at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening.
H, M, Uranham, pastor. ,
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Everlasting Punishment."
Wednesday evening. testimonial
meeting at 8 o'clock. All are cordial
ly Invited. Sunday school at 10
o'clock. All undor (ho ago of 20 aro
welcome. Jloadlng room In church
odirico, 212 North Oakdale, open
from 1:30 to 4:30 dally except Sun
days and holidays.
Corner Ninth and South Oakdale.
.Tho preaching services will begin
at 10:45 a. m,
Tho text is John 3-1C. May wo
havo your presence at this service?
Tho evening service S o'clock,
subjoct What Wo Ought to Know.
Wo will obsorvo "Mother's Day"
May 9th.
Hilda school 9:45 a, m. Wo aro
trying to build up all departments
of tho school and need your special
efforts. Your attendance will bo tho
flmt step,
C. K. at 0:15 p, in. in lecture
room. Subjoct "Joys or tho Chris
tian Llfo, I Peter 1:3:12, Harry K.
Tucker, mlulster,
Morning wri Ice, 11 o'clock, Hub.
Jeet, A Divinely PmuIuIo Church for
(wanmr nt- J muivvnaii
The Hague, the gift of Andrew Carnegie
their penco meetings.
Medford, Itev. P. W. Carstens, pas
tor. Kvoning service, 8 o'clock. Sub
ject Sunshlno and Shadow Inf tho
Missionary's Llfo and Work. Itev.
O. W. Hill, returned missionary from
Sunday nchool, 9:45 a, m. Les
son "DaDvId and Saul""lhcme "Grit
and Greatness."
P. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. Topic, "Joys
or the Christian Life." Leader Miss
Gracn Drown. You aro cordially in
vited to attend any or ail of the
above services.
Teacher's meeting Thursday even
ing 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday evening
S p. in.
Preaching at 11 a. m subject,
"Christ's Illght to be Lord Over
Solo, selected, Florence Hazclrlgg.
Preaching at 8 p. m. subject,
"Tho Larger Side of Lire."
Solo, selected, Florence Hazclrlgg.
Selection. "Derccuse" by Iljinsky.
Cornet Solo, "Sweet Spirit Hear."
"My Prayer." Geo. F. Dyer.
Selection. "A Child's Dream" by
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Y. P. S. C. K. at 7 p. m.
J. C. E. at 3 p. ni.
Kindergarten at 11 a, m. - ,
Woman's Missionary society moots
at Mm. Ktta Stovenson.s Tuesday at
2:30 p. tn.
Prayer meeting Thursday at',7:30
p. m.
All men are cordially invited to the
men's class at 10 a. ni.. and all the
people aro Invited heartily to Joiu
us In all tho services.
Corner or Fourth and Bnrtlott
streets, J. K. Hawkins, pastor.
Question Dox at tho S p. m. sorv-
ioyfiri AntidfutiM
of Motiicniifi
There I npt to bo a latent tipprrhrnMon
of distress to mar tho complete Joy of
vxpccinuon. uui
thU Is qulto over
come by tho ndvlco
of so many women
to uso "Mother's
Friend." ThU bt an
external application
designed to so lubrl
cato thu muscles and
to thus so relievo tho
precsuro reacting on
t, ino nerves, tnat ino
natural strain upon tho cords and liga
ments b not accompanied by those oevero
pains ald to causo nausea, moraine sick
ness and many Jcs-al distresses.
Many people bellevo that thoso remedies
which have stood the test of time, that
hao been put to every trial under tho
varying conditions of nee. weight, general
health, etc., nay bo safely relied upon.
And Judging- by tho fact that "Mother'n
Krlend" has been In continual uso slnco
our grandmother's earlier years and Is
known throughout tho Vnlted states It
may be easily Inferred that It Is come
thins that ttumrn clsdly rccooiaead.
'Mothers Krlend" Is prepared only In
our own laboratory nnd Is sold by drug,
gists everywhere. Ask for a bottle, to-day
and wrlto for a special book for expectant
mothers. Address Hrndneld ltegulator Co.
301 Lamar Uld., Atlanta, Oa.
Try fortified Good Year, 13,100
miles on Medford -Ashland stage run
and still in use,
We do our own adjusting.
Crater Like Motor Car Co.
DkUHUn !m'
It is here thut the international
tea. Here aro a few of tho knotty
"Do you think it wrong for a di
vorced' person to marry, or to marry
a dvorced person?"
"Does Uio' spirit or soul rotnear
nato after death, as some bellevo?"
"Is it poBslblo for tho Holy Ghost
to descend upon tho converts, and
they speak in unknown tongues an
"Does tho spirit go to heaven at
death, or not until alter tho rcwur
rcctlon?" "Will the European war retard
tho progress ot Christian civiliza
tion in countries that have accepted
Christ in rocent yearn?"
The answering ot theso and other
questions will bo followed with a ser
mon on tho topic, "Tho Essence of
Morning service at 1 1 a. m. Topic,
"Modern Scholarship and the
Special music, rousing services. A
honic-llko church, and a hearty wel
come to all.
Jacksonville Presbyterian
Morning worship with sermon at
11 o'clock. Subject: "Tho Son of
Evening worship with address at
8 o'clock Subject: "Tho Keys ot
Sunday school at 10:00 a. in.
AVomanB Missionary society on
Thursday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock.
A cordial welcome is extended to
all theso services.
Saturday Only
Foxy Grandpa
is the kind of cuke that
melts in your month, tho
kind you will call for ti sec
ond time, tho kind every
body likes.
Order Now, 10 Cents
Theso stores hnndlo our
pastries exclusively:
Censor Cnsh Grocery,
phono 703.
Do Voe, next to ircdford
hotel. -
Kribbs, C. P., phono 109.
Stringer Groceties, phono
Nurmi Baking Go.
Makers of Butternut and
PandamJy Bread
lMiouollB. COO K. Main bt.
Our Hrend ut All Grocery.
Hmitow Oi