Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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It. 11. Mlntor of ICnclo 1'olnl spent
Friday afternoon In Medford attend
Iiik to business matters.
Have your lawn mower sharpened
by J. V. Mitchell. ihho 3U-.T. tf
i Miftiiffior A. t. Hates of tho Valloy
i'rldo croanfory on tho iApplcsato wait
fn tho city Friday, malting arranno-
monift for the animal filcntc. May UO.J
.FdA.-DoVoa for subscriptions.
' 'Mchthors of tho baseball traW are!
at work putting tho baseball grounds
In nhapo. and leveling tho dlamoudi
The team lij expected lo-'bo tho fast
est In Uio history elf tho qlty, and a
serlea of Karnes will be r'ranged with
out of town and valley teams. Eagle
Point ban one of tho fastest teams In
the valley thin year, and is seeking
itamo8(wlth.all comers.
'Another flvo hundred pound ship
mon't of tboso delirious chocolato
creams going at thirty cents a pound
at DoVoc'a. -
Thomas Brady of Crescent City,
Gal., Is In' (ho city for n few days,
en route homo from Sacramento
where he has been attending a leg
islative investigating cemmute: ses
sion. .,.Tho Alcq taxi Co., originators of
, J 5c rato nny where In city. Phones,
office, 88211; residence S35R. 41
Tom K. Nichols of Eagle Point
spent, Friday In this city attending
to business matters and visiting
Don't fall to sec "A Doctor's Quan
dary" Riven by tho boys of St. Mary's
Acadomy, Tuesday evening.
Henry Thornton of Persist was a
business visitor In tho city for a few
hours Friday afternoon.
Qrcgonlan agency at DeVoo's.
II, II. Corliss of tho Central Point
district spent a few hours Friday In
this city on business matters.
Maxwoll Taxi Co., now cars, lBc
Phono 878L, Pearson & Tarbol. 240
V. W. Wllllls of Persist spent Fri
day In Medford attending to busi
ness matters.
If you C. A. DoVoo, yon can get
Tho Country Gentleman for one dol
lar. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith returned
this morning from a five days visit
In Portland, Salem and Corvallls.
J. O. Corking, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives made any
where time- or place. Studio 228
Main St Phone 32D-J
Governor James 'Wlthycombo will
bo tho principal speakor at tho an
nual Valley Prldo Creamery picnic
on tho Applcgate. Tho governor will
arrlvo In Grants Pass on tho morn
ing of May 20th, and will bo escorted
by a delegation of Grants Pass citi
zens to the picnic grounds. Thcro ho
will bo mot by a delegation of Med
ford citizens, and return to this city
for a conference with G. O. P. lead
ers. A largo crowd was drawn by tho
Question Box at tho First M. K.
church last Sunday night.
Tho first annual meeting of tho
Farmers and Fruitgrowers league
will bo held at tho public library
Monday.. May 3rd at 2:00 o'clock.
Amendments to tho constitution and
by-laws -will be offered. Tho call for
tho meeting Is Issued by Secretary
K, W. Carlton.
Why not get it at DeVoe'sT
The Oregon conference for tho
Froe Methodist church will open at
Grants Pass next Sunday, May 9th.
Kodak finishing the beat, at Wes-
ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Book
A party of 125 members of tho
Portland Y. M. C. A. will pass
through tilth city. July 4th en routo
to the San Francisco fair.
Sweet cider at Oe Voe's.
W. It. nugloy of Talent spent Fri
day afternoon In Medford attending
to business matters.
Partial list of knotty questions
Seo First M, E. church notices.
Nick Klmo of tho Griffin creek
district is In tho city today attending
to huHlness matters.
Get It at TXs Voo's
II. A, Kichelson and wife of Crary,
N. D holder of largo farm and grain
Interest,- and A. G. Tautou of Minn
eapolis, gral1 merchant are In tho
city and valloy for a few days with
a ylew to locating.
,8e:pave Wood about that fire In
mranro policy. Office Mall Tribune
Gcorgo Ia Troichter has returned
from n business trip to Calgary, 'Al
berta, t Fancy fcrocerjes at DoVoe's,
C, M. English left Friday evening
for Niagara, N, D., to look after
business Intorests.
Plorco, tho florist, has a fine lot
of pansy plants.
Boss ...ino of tho I.lttlo Ilutto dis
trict Is spending" fow days in tho
city on business,
Matluee. the Page today.
Rteley Ilall, who Is convalescing
from a Blight Illness at )iU home on
tlflM 14"$1 ivomuu, U Improving
Alls Mary Deuel of this city left
Friday for Berkeley, Cal., whom sho
will attend a fraternity convention
and visit friend.
Holmnns' whlto sulphur swimming
poolR and baths at Ashland, Ore,,
open for tho season Saturday, May
1st. G7
AUorneyn Porter J. Xeff and Qui
Newbury are In Jacksonville today
attending to professional matters.
See Pierce tho florist, for asters,
only tho finest varieties.
Tho Mate railroad commission will
meet In this city next Wednesday,
Jlhy B. barring no further postpone
ment, ,
( Question Box Solid answers
FlrsYM. . church Sunday night.
Today Is tho glad May day the
.poets sing about, and tho official
opening qf thtnutrnw hat season, but
owing lo tho (llnnturo of the weather
man It Is not mtieh of a May day,
and unfit for straw headgear. Pic
nlcjt In honor of tho day arc being
held on Lake creuk, and nt Provolt.
Tho Provolt celebration will last over
Wanted, stock hogs. Call J. H.
Carlton, Central Point. 3G
Frank Schamps of Splrnficld, Ore
gon, Is spending a few days In the
city attending to business matters
Tho Puraclean Home Dairy In
creased their herd this week. No
need of cutting prices or doing small
work to get customers. Purity nnd
cleanliness their motto. Phono 682-
W, for a trial. 35
II. K. White of Spokane I spend
ing a few days In the city attending
to business matters.
Get your outtor. cream, milk and
butter-milk, at D VoeV
A committee of Medford citizens
are waiting on merchants securing
contributions for tho Medford band.
Taxi 15c, 2 for 25c. Foster &
Holbrook, Phone SS5. 42
Boy Allen of Hilts, Cal., is spend
ing a fow days In tho city and valley
attending to business amtters.
Seo Pierce tho florist, for bedding
plants of all kinds.
Tho last week has brought Increas
ed travel from the middle western
states en route to tho 1915'falr. Many
of tho strangers stopped off In this
valley to visit old friends, and others
carao from no other reason than a
dcslro to seo a land of which thoy
have heard so much. It is expected
that during tho coming summer Med
ford will entertain scores of these
chanco visitors.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Book Storo.
James Gereeu of Grants Pass -was
a business visitor In tho city Friday.
Wanted to hear from owner of
good farm for sale. Send cash prlco
and description. D. F. BuBb, Minn
eapolis, Minn.
Tho Grlzzlied will hlko to Sterling
mlno Sunday leaving tho Hotel Med
ford at 8:30 a. m. unless thero should
bo a heavy rain tonight.
The special pictures put on at the
Star Theater by tho womens clubs
of Medford aro growing In interest
and If they aro still liberally patron
ized by tho young peoplo they will bo
a permanent feature on every Satur
day afternoon.
Owing to tho dissatisfaction duo
to the management of the school
contest held between tho Griffin
creek Rosedale school and the lower
grades of tho Oak Grove school, n
now contest Is being arranged which
will bo supervised by tho county
school superintendent.
D. W. Stono of Willow Springs Is
a business visitor in tho city today.
Thcro havo boon no new develop
ments tho last week In the Rogue
River bank robbery case, tho inves
tigations now being In tho hands of
tho Plnkerton detective agencf. A
similarity exists between tho loral
robbery and crimes commlttecd in
California, ammonia being used by
tho thugs In all cases. At Sacra
mento, a clork who resistod tho drug
throwers wus killed, and a murder
charge hangs over tho jobbers.
Col. R. C. Washburn of Tablo
Rock spent Friday In Medford at
tending to business matters.
Tho civil suit of C. C. Nelson
agrflnst B. N. Campbell for the per
manent removal of two fonces al
leged to obstruct traffic on a road
in tho Wagner creek district was
completed iu tho circuit court before
Judge F. M. Calkins, Friday after
noon, tho testimony liolng takon un
dor consideration by the court. A
decision in the action Is expected to
he given next week.
Semi-annual reports of the var
ious county offices will be filed with
tho county clerk Monday in pur
suance to stato law. Tho county
treasurer's report has been filed.
M.J.1 . .,,,,.,,, --- - -'- - , ,-,
FOR K.S'TSevcn room house,
utrlctly modern, closo In, east front,
nice lawn, garden and flowers.
Iteasonablo to deslrabel tenant,
Phono 37211 or 325M.
well dlKKor wanted, Braden Mlno,
Oold Hill, Oregon. 37
I.OHT "Would tho person who picked
up my purno Thurmluy ovenliig
Idndly rilurn to P03 Wt Hlh
ftticot ami ovoid Itotiblu. 37
Dr. J, J, Emmoiia leaven Mils
evening on a business trip to Port
land returning tho middle of next
E. P. Foy, tho milk goat breeder
of Luke creek, Jackson county, was
a Medford visitor Saturday. Ho
slates that his goals are doing well
and that the goats are coming In
fresh now. Mr. Foy Is the oldest
and lamest milk goat breeder In
southern Oregon nnd has devoted a
great deal of attention to improving
his breeds.
Hnoh-evelt M'hool, district 00, held
llii'ir "do to School day," wlueh wax
appointed by (lie county superintend
ont mul supervisor, April i!!). The
forenoon wut devoted to regular
j-olmol work, the afternoon to a .hort
program by the pupils followed by tin
open meeting of the parent-;, officer
mul patrons of the dUtriot, owned
mid led by Mr. WV1U mid .Mr. riuic.
Tho standardization of the schools
nnd the project work were the topics
Liberty school, district ."1, joined
at noon in an elaborate dinner mul re
mained to participate iu the program
of the afternoon. The sudden change
hi the nonthermal sickness prevented
some from attending who had planned
to do so. Kveryonc expressed them
selves ni having had mi enjoyable
lime. Thosi present were: Messrs.
and Hesdames O. A. Turpi". James
Owens, H. K. WiNon, Hurry von dcr
Icllcn; Mesdnme-j I.illic Cingt'ude,
Katie V. Hemst, Laura V. Crocker
M. L. Pmett, K. W. flebhard, Ida
Kent, Reltz; Misses Ida Houston.
Kdith Comstoek, Frances Kimmous,
Klsie Singleton, Leah Hciiuctt, Doris
Bennett, Alice WiNon, .Mabelle l'ruett,
.Mae Trusty, Von iler Ilellen, Kber
hanlt; Masters Vernon Turpin, Hurrv
von der Ilellen, Thomas Singleton,
Veni Owens, Harold Gebhnrd.
COLUMBIA, I'm, May J. Presi
dent Vil.son spent nenrly three hours
here this morning on his way to Wil
linmston, Mass., to attend the chris
tening of liis grandson, Francis
Sayre. He was joined here by"" .Miss
Miirgurct Wilson, his daughter, who
has been spending several days iu
New York. Others in the party were
Cury T. Grayson, the president's
naval aide, nnd physician, nnd .Miss
Helen Woodrow Hones, his cousin.
While tho president's train was
passing through West Philadelphia
the airbrake on tho engine jammed
and tho tram came to u sudden stop.
Several panes of glass were broken.
Kvery one on the train was shaken,
but no serious damage was done. Tho
presideent will arrive in Williams-
town at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Dl I
- mtjw
20H0 1
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UlssssBsKuSsKjsssssHiHEUk iLLLLH
KimflsssHl ir iLLHBIH
' isVssVslissssssssH, AVMiB
StlVKsLsssB rtsLsHSifH
bJSjJLM?? iHBn''i 'ililililHBililililililHa'vr. !WSlHillSHilllV)K' . HUH
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IsssssssHssPWViVflisWffissssssssssssssH JESEiK"1
isssHllHlssssssH V' ' sflsssssKl
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ASHLAND. May i -Complications
Iu tho case of L. U McKee, formerly
deputy hero under Postmaster J. It.
Casey, continue to Increase Instead
of lessening. Reports are to tho ef
fect that MeKoo, who went to In
diana Home time ago, has been sum
moned to appear at Portland to ex
plain, presumably beforo federal of
ficials, numerous discrepancies In his
accountH. As deputy, ho did the
bauking for the local postofflce, and
It Is In this connection that tho dis
crepancies aro alleged to havo oc
curred. Ho sought to resign at tho
time postal Inspectors discovered cer
tain Irregularities In his department,
but Instead of accepting hi resigna
tion tho government ordered him
suspended forthwith, nnd later on
mado tho suspension n peremptory
discharge. He was bonded In one of
the standard companies.
George I!. Johnson, recently ap
pointed superintendent of tho 'antic
& Kustern, arm Oil Saturday to tuko
up his duties. He is iicounpauied by
W, P. Turner, general auditor of the
Hill' lines 'm Oregon.
Mr. fiiWg.'who has been chief en
gineer, vice-president mid iiuinager oH
the railroad since its coiihtructiou,
leaves today Air St. Paul, .Minn.,
where he will supervise, as consult
ing engineer, the dredging operations
connected with the cuiistructittii of
, . -It... ., I '
.a- ...a,s oiiii joimiy iiKM( ,.,, baldaoss. Wo aro author-
K r:! T' "!':' Jirn rr ,1 - ".o. to.c
: ' ,. ",'""" ". "
n tine moving nit- i-iimiuei oi uu
Missishippi river mul utilizing tin
present bed as a union dcpoi - tc (
Other apoplntments for the P A
E. were C. O. Jenks, general man-,
ager; w u, SKinnur, trarric man
ager; A. M. Lupfer. chief engineer;
John Dixon, master mechanic, and !'.
T. Clarke, purchasing agent, all of
i-Er-v '
.Manager If. I). Hoke of the Co-op.
crntio cannery, announces that op
eration will begin this j car about the
middle of June, mid the first cunning
will be of loganberries. The acreage
in this fruit is thc-laruest in the his
tory of the valley, and the cannery is
prepared to handle tho crop. Alter
tlu loganberries will come the toma
toes mid corn.
The additional machinery ordered
for the cannery is on the way from
the cast, and as soon as it amxes
will he installed. A force of men have
been at work the last leu days, mak
ing tmpnieiiicnts getting ready for
this work.
The outlook at present is thnt the
second year of tho operation of the
cannery will be more thnn last year,
when a (I x-r cent dividend was paid
to stockholders.
TOl' VRLLK T. 1 Ton Velle,
father of County Judgo P. L. Ton
Velle, died at Celiun, O., April 'J7,
aged 77. Ho was a native of Ohio,
born in Steiibenville, January 17,
18118. Two children siinUe, .Mrs. S.
ft. Hnckcl of Jackxoiiwllc mid Judge
Ton Velle. Mr. Ton Velle spent some
months iu the valley a ,cnr ago un
iting his sou.
A lt.ilititi- Hull- Toulr.
It Is an easy matter to prevent dls
eases of the scalp by using Morltol
Hair Tonic. It should bo used reg
ularly to keop the scalp freo of
germs, ns these germs are tho cnuso
flf llll nmlfil-llt nf nmiM .if .lnM.l...r
-..' j... j ... i ..nvn if, lllllllll lllk
Hasklns Drug Storo. Kxcliulvn
ngonej. prices roc and $1 00,
b JrTfaWTWB , J i.yiB
KtUlKNU, Oi May t.-Tlto offl
rial Kovermneiit theiinouielrtr regis
tered 31 dCKtces hero IiihI night. Tho
tomperatuio as rcpm'trd by tho Lauo
County Fruit Grower' nnoclatloii
was "S dorccM.
A heavy fo early this mornlniti
provontod exteimlvo ihtmaKo to tint
fruit crop In l.ano count) .
Thnt Contain Mercury
mwurr will rlr l'trof lh rua of ml
toil -vlii Mi It lUmiillK ll ntiulc l.lrlil Khrll
niMltn II IhrvUtli Hid luunm nixtmtt Siii u
rllilf lmfllil hrlir lu tl.rit rirl nil nilli
limit from n-i-iilnl'l lilihn, (In. iltimiif
Ihi'r will Ou la li-ii fuM In ll-f l ran ii
ttllr Jfflti- Item llitlli. Hull w ('attrtli I int..
Uitnurttlutril hy V J Uiriit-jr A I lli-il.i, O,
nuiUlu ihi iiirrrurr, mul l mkrii Inli-iiinlir.
nrltiif tllrtflljr ill-'" Hi- I'l-x-l himI tmiinii ur
(rr nf tin- rlrin In IhoIuiI llU I lurtli
i-urr Ih uii imi up I Hi- rninliir II I' Mki-'t
lntftnllr M IiiiiIk III Tnlrtl-t. OMii, If I J.'
Cbtii-; A tti, 'lilmnll lit.
aol.l tir Pru(ilu. I'tli-t, T3. l-r l-oll!.-.
Ti IUII'. I'amtlr l'ltt tvr wnts-lHu.
nxperlmental Work, Model MakliiKi
Dlo Making, Designing and Mfg.
special machinery.
Correspondence Solicited
4 flccond St. Portland. Ore.
What Von llan llcrn f,ooklng l-'or.
Electric Grill Stove
Regular Price $5.00
On Sale During Holpoint
May 3-8, at $3.35
Rftn II iiiK'ftrHaiii! lit lint Mntf 1
Saturday Evening Post mid May Lad
let' Home Journal.
El flrllstovo bolls, fries, toasts and
broils, both above and below Its
glowing rolls. Opctstes from any
lamp-torkot. Performs two rook
Ing operations at tho mimi time, at
cost of one.
El (Irllstovo Is the handiest, all
'round convenient electric appliance
over offered at tho prlco.
Paul's ElectricStore
Ilia W, .Main
The Teachers Review Course at
Medford Commercial College
IIhkIiin MONDAY, MAY .11. nnd Prepnreh for Jl'Ni: RXXMI.VATION.
beKliis MAY 31. and continues durliiK JIM:, .11 I.Y and Mdl'RT. with
Classes from S A. M, lo 12 M. Commercial and Shorthand hiiIiJiiIk -
Tbri-o Months for 2
For Full Information. Call, Phono 1 &!., or Write 31 N (Irnin Hlnt.
There Are Many Reasons
why It In bettor to pay by check.
It Insures Safety, furnishes tho IichI receipt It In not
only convenient but economical and saves time.
ChockliiK AccountH, larco or small aro Invltod.
MAY 8th
Is Jackson County Com
munity Day
We are striving EVERY DAY to
make this STORE known in the
COMMUNITY for its efficient serv
ice and reliability.
HW'Ollfl (lOf)j' CflKl Of ''M NhI. Udiijf,
Wprtn,,Trur .
TTiT13 "M0 1
tnillns RulhotltlM .Tte lut
r tl btt mum of
HlcUllifM)VUItnn lltmll -'rs nf H'H
auu iiw fit nfnii-in in ii.iim liulrtn
IU nf
uptin ltiitt.
ros uAit ur
Solves the problem for n des
sert. Nothing more palat
able. Pure and wholesome.
Anv flavor. Hriek, fancy
rnoitls, Sherbeis and lees
made lo order.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
H2 R. CtMitrnl.
Phone 181
For That New
Tailored to Fit
128 East
Ml.,.,,,, ) .)
i .in m i 1