0,f i PACIW TWO M181)l?OUI) MATE TRIBUNE, MNDFOttl) OIJIWON, FKIDAY, AIMMli WO, WIS !? ft' It i-.. W i - is - u s . 14 . 10CAL AND L PERSONAL Th6ro'M a hew face In (ho 1'ort- limtt burenu. It' Iho smiting nml clnnslc lililr. of .lames 11, Kelly, late ot Medford, "the biH town In the U. 8.'' according to J nine himself. laiy vlii tlndnlniously elected cir cuit clwlrrnnn .of, the San Francisco N'ortM' to' f)rccH 'vStnUh. I You'll hnvo Vo ho good-no; the Irishman carries it this, Etiak.-fToIORraidiers Journal.' fi M I Uayo your lnwn mower trtmrponcd by J. W. Mitchell, p!.wne,3C3-I. tf To fill tho vacancy In the Ran I'rnncltteo relay office, wo hko thai vfrlMcriown KnMtnfflnn Ruy, Hoy ("Knt') nln. Previous to sign InR tin with U. 1, 'Tat'' hail achieved considerable fame ns n jitney hits driver. It ho could drive a whizz Iiurk half arf fast and accurately as ho enn teleKrnpli, ho ntURt hnvo been Rotno pilot, says the Telegrapher's 'Jtmriin);J Mr. Ilntn was formerly innnnger of a hrokors office In Mod ford. C. A. D0V00 for subscriptions. J. Hamilton Uell arrived Friday hi Snn Francisco from Honolulu en route to Medford. Another flvo hundred pAnd ship ment of thoso delicious chocolate creams going nt thirty cents a pound at DeVoo's. Miss Susan Deuel leaves Saturday for San FranclBco for a two months visit. Tho Alco Taxi Co., originators of lCc rato anywhere In city. Phones, office, 88211: residence 238R. 41 Tho Jeff Hoard residence on Sis kiyou Heights was sold Thursday" by Polk Hull to Frank O. Owen of the Owen Lumber company. Mr. Owen will start work at once remodeling and enlarging tho rooms. Tho immedlato execution of all Ju dicial bonds without vexatious dolays Is the service offored you by L. E. Wakoman, M. F. & n. Dldg. 34 Charles J. Fry of Copper. Cal., Is spending a few days In the city at tending to business matters. Asking a friend to go on your bond Is Indofenslblo and dangerous and you Incur an obligation that has no limit. Corporate Surety costs very little. I make a specially ot tho bond business and offer you "on tho spot" service L. E. Wakeman, M". F. & H. Dldg. 34 Tho Meflford Tennis club, was formed Thursday nlgltt with a membership "of 12. Altorhoy Geo. X. ItoberU was named president, and Trove Lumsdcn, secretary and presi dent. Tho club will hold regular meets, and compete with othor or ganizations. Orcgonlan agency at DeVoo's. Chlof of Pollco HIttson, under telegraphic Instructions from Port land, Thursday afternoon searched the southbound Southern Pacific passenger train for a man wanted In tho Itoso City for robbery. The man could not be located. Maxwell Taxi Co., new cars, lGc. Phono 878L, Pearson & Tarheel. 240 Lawrence Nuener of Glendale spent Thursday In tho city and val ley attending to business matters. If you C. A. DaVoe, you can get Tho Country Gentloman for one dol lar. Albert Gardiner of Marshflcld, transacted business matters In this city tho first ot the week. J. O. Gerklng, the best all around photographer, In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any where, tlmo or place. Studio 228 Main St Phone 32A-J. Pierce Wilson, who was struck by nn auto driven by John Prader of Talent Wednesday, lies In the Gra nllo City hosjdtnl at Ashland in a Boiloiis condition. Ho Is suffering from a broken rib, and It Is fenred Internal trouble Wilson is a numl clau partially blind, and has rela tives living in Ashland. Palmer's Piano Place will bo oponod to tho public tomorrow nt their now location, No. 17 North Cen tral, .onnoslto Mann's store. Val uable' souvenirs will bo given all lad les attending-. Arthur J. Itoso and wlfo expect to leavo shortly for eastern ,Wa8hlng- ton, whoro Mr. Itoso .WJ11 purchase. n wheat ranch, aeodod for this year's crop. Why not got It at'DoVoe'sT Frank Johnson of the 'Steamboat district is spending a few days In tho city attending to business mat- 'tors. J Kodak finishing the best, at Wos ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Dook Storo. "', Tomorrow Is tho official opening of tho straw hat soason tho world ovor, hut from present weather con ditions, tho occasion will bo hut slightly obsdrved In this city. Palmor'H Piano Place will ho opened to tho public tomorrow at their new location. No. 17 North Cen tral, opposlto Mann's storo. Val uable souvenirs will bo given all lad los attending. $ Fred L. Heath of Eagle Point trnn (vsac(Qd business matters In this city Thursday afternoon, ( N. n. llrophy of Talent spent n few hours Thursdn'y afternoon In Medford attending to business mat ters. llnby gifts ot nil kinds nt Handi craft Shop. Three wanderers applied to the pollco Thursday night for lodging, and were Interned in the city Jail. A ten to fifteen per cent discount will bo given on all hnfs Friday and Saturday. Call and wmj our display. Misses Lounsbury nnrt Senion, nl the M. M. Department store. The police ltave placed a ban on small boys and girls using roller skates on Main avenue, or any of the business strict of the city, ns a precautionary measure against acci dents. Holler skating Is n craze that recently swept over the younger ele ment of the city. For a first class Sunday dinner take tho family to tho Nash Cnfa torla. Always a special dinner a chango from the usual weok day menus. Hex Lampman, former editor of the Gold Hill News. Is now tho dra matic critic of the Portland Journnl. SI McClung arrested by game war dens upon a chnrge ot fishing with n snag hook near the Golden Drift dam was found not guilty by a jury In tho jury court at Grants Pass. Kd Wallace, arrested! with McClung upon the samo charge, was dis charged upon a technicality. Sweet elder at D Vo. ' A force of men under J. G. Pler son, are resetting the poles ot the Pacific Telegraph and Telephone company In Jnrkson and Joxephlno counties. Get It at Do Vo Ashland will hold a special elec tion next Monday, May 3, to vote upon an amendment authorizing park Improvements at once. There Is little Interest In the election. See Dave Wood snout that ftro In turanco policy. Office Mall Tribune Oldg. Upon the receipt ot the mandato ot the state supremo court sustaining the conviction in the Jackson county circuit court of Major W. J. Canton, steps towards securing a writ of re view will be taken according to At torney U. F. Mulkey. Until the man date Is received, which must bo within 20 days of tho rendering of the decision, the defendant Is grant ed a respite. When the mandato Is spread upon the court records the defendant Is automatically remand ed to tho custody of" tho sheriff. Un til that legal process Is consummated Major Canton will ho at liberty. What more do you want, health, wealth and happiness. Health from our sanitary equipment, wealth, from our reduced prices, happiness from our prompt and congenial treatment. Hoover Dairy, mill: 7c a quart. Phone402-Y. 34 Senator II. Von der Ilcllen of Wel Ien is sicnding tho day in Medford attending to business matters and visiting friends. Fancy groceries at DeVoe's. County Clerk Gardner of Jackson ville spent Thursday afternoon In Medford attending to business mat ters. Piorce, the florist, has a fine lot of pansy plants. Medford baseball enthusiasts aro making an effort to secure tho ro turn of Pitcher Hatlsto, who played a few games with tho team Inst year, and was drafted by tho Portland Coltst only tor bo shunted to a league In Montana. Hatlsto Is tired of (ho perpetual wind of that section, and wants to return to this" valley. Th llno-up of the Medford team Is strong with the exception of tho pitcher's box, and the addition of n man like Hatlsto, would put all de partments on a par. It Is expected that tho first gamo will bo played with nn amateur team from Port land early In May, and (hat nfler wards a schedulo of games will be arranged with Hutto Falls, Eaglo Point, Ta'blo Hock, Agato and Gold Hill. Mallneo. tho Page today. II. Chandler Kgan returned Thurs day evening from San Francisco whero he participated In tho Panama Pacific exposition golf tourney. Egan was the master of Champion "Chick" Evans but could not win from Davfs and Schmidt, California players. Mr. hgnn says that a regular blizzard was raging In the SJsklydus on tho trip up, and the mountains wero a mass of swirling snow. Jesse French piano, walnut case, prlco f 1215.00 at Palmer Piano Place. Now location, Central avenuo, across street from post office. Attorney Evan Heamcs returned Thursday evening from a ten days business trip to San Francisco, He ropo'rts his mother, who was ser iously 111, improving. Candy, candy; Kt it at DeVoo's. Wo aro changing oUr business lo cation from Gurnett-Corey bldg. to Central avenue, Medford National Hank bldg., Summorvllle's old stand, near P. O. John W. Link of Hoseburg Is among tho out of town visitors In tho city this week. Ifolmans while sulphur swimming pools and baths at Ashlnnd, Oro.. open for tho season Saturday, May "". C7j The fourloeu-iuonths'old baby girl ' of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Woody ot Weed lost tho sight of Its ojos recently by uprirttlng a can of concentrated Ijo In Its face, which was placed near where the little one was sitting. Palmers Pln.no Place Is moving to tmlUllng. tho store room formerly oc cupied by SUmmervllltt't' barber shop. L AWSON DETAILS STRK E HISTORY TH1NMDAI). Colo., Ainit Ml- .John A nest of about u rattlesnakes , iMXCmu m trilll foP u, P,i ras discovered on a ranch near lor mimU,r ()f Jo,m Sim l(mk , ones last week and a party of 1-ort ))S ft W,WM n U Vf(1I)s(, was J Junesltes went out to the scene armed with cameras, shotguns and dynamite. Some good photos wero obtained and nine of the rattlers wero Ullted with clubs, while blasts today. It v!. nnuouiit'i'it thai lit- teMiiuonv would eUM the case for the defence. 1 .11 x miii testified that lie luul oottii velled (he slrikiuu coal miners to killed several others. The largest !,,. ,p ,Wl, a ,ofrnln tnm vj measured four feet and two Inches and had 11 rattles. Siskiyou News. Seo Pierce tho florist, for asters, only the finest varieties. Dr. George Wilson, hrothor of Hruce Wilson of Griffin Creek, spent Thursday and Friday In tho valley, stopping on his way back from tho exposition. II. G. McWIHnms of Ashland Is In the city today. John M. Scott, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific mid Mrs. Scott are spending tho lay viewing the valley. Mr. Scott has Just returned from San Francisco and predicts the greatest rallroml traffic to the west In history dur ing the summer. Wanted, stock hogs. Call J. It. Carlton, Central Point. 3f A racing meet will be held nt Provolt tomorrow under tho direc tion of G. L. Swisher, as part of a May Day picnic. Several good races are billed. There will also bo a cir cus thriller, a dinner, and dance. Many will attend from valley points. Tho Purnclean Home Dairy In creased their herd this week. No need of cutting prices or doing small work to got customers. Purity and cleanliness their motto. Phono C82 W, for a trial. 35 Win. Gerlg, formerly president nnd manager of tho P. & E leaves tomorrow for St. Paul to assume charge of a $11,000,000 railroad construction Job. Get ysur nutter, cream, milk and butter-milk, at Do Voe'. Con Leever of Central Point Is In the city today. Taxi lCc, 2 for 2Cc. Foster & Holbrook, Phone S85. 42 Henry Ott of Dobenger Gap spent Thursday In Medford. Seo Pierce tho florist, for bedding plants of all kinds. Attorney Bus Newbury Is In Jack sonville today on circuit court business. leiit'o. He -ail ho had import oil itrntH into the I.mllmv tent oniony for de fense, nl'ter being ndvied h attor ney" Hint such iicliun was legit! I.11WS1111 rave in delnil his connection with llio strike. VANCOUVER BRIDGE FIRES INCENDIARY VANCOUVER II l, April .10. City Engineer Fellowea today made a careful examination of C'amble street and Granville street bridges, where fires occurred "yesterday and announced that he was satisfied that tho fires could not havo been accidental. The only wntchmnn at Granville street, which took flro nt ,(5 o'clock, was the swing tender, who was called to ('amble street at f:30 and did not return for an hour. City Engineer Followes says that the (Iro at Granville street, lighted during the absenro of the watchman, was started with a biasing hnndftll of waste, apparently soaked In oil. DUKE NUAS 11 IN' PERFECT HEALTH WAStVlNOTOSV Anl HO. Tlie Mussina nmlia"snilor today received the following- citl'legrnni from the minister of foreign nffnirs 111 IVtro grnd : "Please conlrniliet, most eulegorl rally, false repoits npread by the German press, ncrontiug to which I In Grand Duke Nicholas was Miiil to be ill. The griuiil duke, commiiuder-iu-chief, is in jx-rfect henlth, nnd has been itccoiupiui.viiig hi" mniest, (lie emiwror, in Ins recent isit ti Clnl- Icin." ' TRY TO AGREE ON RAILROAD WAGES CHICAGO, April HO. .Members of the hoaul of arbitration In tho west ern rnllroitd wngo case, alter a cur tailed nights sleep, resumed today their efforts to ngiee on award, the time limit for nunniiitcotmint of which expltes at 1:00 o'clock this af ternoon. Tlie mouthers of the board are Judge Peter Prltchard, presiding Judge of tho United States court of appeals lor the fourth circuit, chair man; Charles Nngel, former secre tary of commerce and labor; W. L. Park, vice president ot tho IIII110I11 Central; II. E. II) ram, vice president of the Chicago, llurllugton A Qtilncy; Frederick Hui'gess, assist ant grand chief engineer of tho Urutherhood of Locomotive Engi neers and Timothy Shea, vice presi dent of the Hrotherhood ot Locomo tive Firemen and Englncmcd, SPITE FENCE CASE IN CIRCUIT COURT I BY DISASTROUS FIRE HAKT.il, Or., April .'10.-Fire of unknown origin lsroyei half the business nectioii of North Powder, Or., early today, musing a loss of nhoiit .l.i,000 o nearly n ilorcii firm. The blaze started in a large twn-xtnry warehouse of Post nun A: Phileker nmf spread so rapidly thai the combined efforts of the fne de partment and eiltren volunteers could not check il until it had spent itself it block ami u half away. .Men nml women fought in the snow, hitter cold anil raging wind without effect. The North Powder hotel was among tho buildings destroyed. Tim sail or ('. ( Nelson itiuliis( V X. Cnnipholl, both living unii' Talent to compel Iho las) iiamcil to trimiw two loiii'Crt, nlleged to be obstructing 11 load, is being lu'itnl licfoic IiuIkc P. M, Calkins in the circuit uouvl ! .Ineksontillc today. Fourteen neigh hors of I lie two parties in the ttil nn called us wiluciocp. Attorney I'm ler J. Xcff represents (,'aniiiell mill Alloiiii'v Has Neubiny, .Nelson. It is;illeged In tho complaint Ilia Campbell 4nillt the "hiU ' lemt across, the load, after piiicliasing llu land adjoining, without legal action ami the pliiiiitil'l asks thai the oh (ructions be oidcred removed. M I of the witnesses me interested in It 1 opening of the road, which hits la. used for years by icsidcuH of Wag ner cicek. It is expected the cum' will be 11 11 eluded today. weaihIrIliT MAY DAY lll.VMMl ST. MAHK'S HALL SATPHDAY, MAY 1st, 0-7:20 Menu Hut linked Ham rreamed Potntoes HgR and Ltucc Salad Hadtshes Green Onions Pickles Coffee Ice Cream Cako Pndcr tho nusplccs of St. Mark's Guild. PHICR COc Till: DAI.LKS, Ore, April .10 -The riagshlp ('inline or the fleet which U Journeying to l.owlston, Idaho, In connection with Tho Dalles. Collin canal celebration, docked beie today after a story voyage from Portland. French Remedy for Stomach Troubles The leading doctors of Franco have for years used a prescription of vegetable oils for chronic stomach troubln and constipation that acts )ll n rhnrm. One dose will con vince. Severn rases of years' stand ing aro often greatly benefited within 24 hours. So many pcoplo aro get ting surprising results that wo feet all persons sitffcrlntt from muxtlpn tlon, lower bowel livfer and stomach troubles should try Mayr's Wonder ful Itcmuily, It Is sold by leading druggists everywhere with tho posi tive understanding that your money will be refunded without question question or qiilhhto If ONI3 bottle falls to give )oi absolute satisfac tion. Adv flOTiFW R ftf:T?Tr.W 1 us.. .1 HP J "VB HAJ ftTifrJ! Mimjr w.fv. '.Mrroni ri:s-j rsw-.tsbM 1 i""it MPijrWfraRffiS umri 1 3 as v s raKi m&b!Mmwm t Vts mrn ifJJ T t ct l v M n 6KJMT!JUUfiJ.H.M i IsSw m rW ! WJUa M5KT itna liffiniwll 'HUH', l I frViijjtrlrTHNsS ! liiimn 1 in ' ' " ' "'r"m :::m:m::kk TAILORED SUIT SALE $25.00 Values to $35.00 SPRING COAT SALE $11.95 Values SI5.00 and $16.50 S About 15 CguIs to chooso from nt '15 Tailored Suits, the season's j this price, the host models of the choicest styles, most of them am "Style Craft" models, all the now fiolors, sand, putty, Belgian blue, black and navy. Materials aro coverts, poplins, gaberdines and silk poplins, nil sizes 10 to 42, actual values to $.'15.00, special -.. .$25.00 season, every wanted color in cluded, checks, plaids, coverts and plain colors, most, of them are "Style Craft" Coats, all sizes in the lot, Jl to 12, actual -Values to JJslCSO, special $11.95 Vow A'liW fMiini'liilln dmht. new Oolfino Coals in while and Hel- fa 5T ' Wd w gian. MWwk wMmM WMW (Mb V r t y y y y ? ? y y y y y y y CHILDREN'S DRESSES See the display of pretty Chil dren's Dresses in our window. You want the girls to look nice. "We want to demonstrate to you there is no need worrying about sewing for the girls when you can buy such styles as these so reas 6nable. "Vhito Dresses, ages ( to 14 years, at $2.50 to $7.95 Gingham Dresses, 2 to G years, at 59, 69 and 75 8 to 14 years, $1.39, $1.48 and $1.G5. DRESS SKIRTS, $3.95 to $12.50 Se,c the many pretty models in Dress Skirts so reasonably priced here. No need worrying about cloth and making when you can have them properly fitted here at such prices as these. Many checks, poplins, gaberdines, cov erts, at $3.95, $4.95, $6.95 and $7.45. New Wash Skirts in linnette, cor duroy, pique, linen and honey comb, also Tallin Ueneh, nt $1.69, $2.49, $2.98, $3.45 up to $8.50. i t y ? y V I V T y v y y y y y y y y y y y Squabs! Squabs! TRY THEM They are Tender und DhIIoIoiin C'ontlderliiK nutrlilte valuo thoy .iro the rhwtpcM inent un tho mark et. I'hotic fur npclal spring prlco. R. R. SQUAB FARM I'hone JO I It l Your Money Runs No MEDIUM PRICED MILLINERY Of high-class distinction. NcVer has there been t season that, we have been able to get up as good looking hats for as little money as now. See the extra special values nt $3.95, $4.45, $5.45, $5.95 and $6.95, CHILDREN'S HATS A new varied line of Kali l?ah Hats just in by express, in rat ine, check, white, white and green combination, nt 65d Another lino of Hah Rahs at 35 A Children's Straw lints at 75 nnd 98tf y y y WASH WAISTS See the many beautiful Wash Waists just in In express aild so reason ably priced, $1.98. HERE'S A Bia APRON BA&GrAIN, 20c A practical Bib Apron, blue and white check $2)45, $2.98, $3.98 I gingham of good quality, percale, light and dark and $4.50. I special 29p I colors, very Hpcclal....49i KOVERALL APRONS 49c "Full Cut Tvorerall Ajnons in standard gingham and PANAMAS $2.49 Genuine Formosa Pana mas in a varied line of good shapes, special at $2.49 Children's Panamas at $1.98 THE DAYLIGHT STORE J&A I y y y y ! HOME OF KABO dORSETS & tylfrlfylfy1fytyfy1fyfylfytyf1frl If you Invent i liot' In UIHHiondn. You mn tie good Ueitl of money up Iti n miibII pftrcol fttrlghl by buy liu; dlniiioniU. I tit t loin of ptorl ouMlrfr It iiioiiny well liivoatHU to piircttftno u dliiiiioud liMK. Thvy tMnk th rluK thirni Ihoui uioro In prMtlc tbHii If tho uiny wuro donwllml In ft iwHk. Anywiiy whan you hli4 to think of ilhiiijni, burn U'tit ftfnrt U look up. 'Ultra Kiiiift unrftiitaail hU(li vidua. MARTIN J. REDDY Tin-: .inwi'.i.i-at Jtlii I'nki Main Hlieiit STOP Is Your Car Insured? im IF NOT, SEE R. H. McCURDY .mi:di oim, om.t.ov . 'AAUH&Lb,. ftfeMgaifiiiMwwi;ifmw urn mwuwi nit, MWMwiw'iwiwiWflliwM)rwliarcv Mf IMWIJ n -! .. ...... I "T H rsQwAi