Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 30, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    rmn WMi
Medford Mail Tribune
l-'rtlr, heavy frost tonlitlit
Mux. I.J i Mln. Ill j 1'ro. .01.
riirty.flfth Ynir.
Dully 'IViilll Vimip.
Alliens Dispatch States That City on
European Side ot Dardanelles Is
Captured Turks Claim Allies Arc
Drlvrn From Asiatic Side Turks
Makliin Gallant Defense.
I'AIIIH. Aiull 00. A dla-
patch riom AllHMUJ to Him
llnviiN ntti-ncy says Hint l'"
rlly fir tlnlllpoll. on Hi" Uro
pcau' or (ho Dardanelles
near tint eiilrnucit to tlm Him
or Mnrinnrii, linn t-n rap-
lined ! tin allies,
It Ih also snld llml (ho
Tuilcisli fori nt Nngnrn on
tlm Asiatic nlil" or tlm straits
has been bombarded heavily, fr
i.on'hos'. April no. orririai
imrlom still loinnln tetlcctit con
cerning Hi" military operation on
tint Dardanelles, lint Dm Litiulnn
import (IiIn iiioiuIiik contain a num
ber of special dispatches front Hint
iokIoii In which tlm claims nro innilo
Hint tint allies nro Mendlly advanc
ing niiilor cner of tlm flnt of tint
rlt'itl, tint not without mooting nn
opposition which I causing (hem
Imnvy louden. llrltUh troops nrn re
ported In occupntlon of th narrow
tongue of Urn peninsula to tlm north
of tlm town of (inlllpoll. Alliens
pi edicts that till" campaign will Inst
a long llino, an lliu Turku occupy ex
coptlonnlly well prepared defensive
potiltlona. -
Tuik Klimv Hrmcry
IIHIIMX. April 30. Tho follow
lug official slnloincn( wan IhnuciI last
ulKht rrotu tlm hondiUut"tors or tlm
general utaff:
"IteportM from tlm Dardanelles pay
tribute to the hravery and ondius
Usui of tho Turkish troops. In the
f lt-t hattle of Kuiu Kaleh ttie Turks
did not fire a shot, hut rcpuhtcd tho
itneiuy with the hiuonct.
"I'orty warship lioinlmrded Red
dul llnhr. While thin Imltlo wan In
pi ogres tho Turks captured n largo
wuuulliy or rlflert and ninuiunltlon.
"At (lalllpoll tho TurltH foiiRht un
Interruptedly lor two days against
the runstant attack or Hut enemy
without hIiowIuk fatigue.
Tiulu Claim ItepiiKo
An official Htatement IkhiiimI lieto to
day hii'h that tho allied forces which
lauded on (ho Aslntlo sldo of the
Dardanelles huvo boon entirely
denied nwny, Hint a largo part of
the troops which Invaded (lalllpoll
peulmiuln had lieeu dilveu off and
that several warships and traiiRporlH
of tho allien havo hceii damaged.
Tho Htnteinenl Ih ax follow h:
"No enemy forcoH remain on tho
AnIiiIIc sldo of tho Dardanelles.
"IIomHIo forces at (lalia Tepu (went
coast of tho (lalllpoll penliiHtila near
tho tip) a 10 ohiitlnately maintain
ing their pohIHouh undor uo pio
toctlon of ships.
"From tho other parts of CuUlpoll
tho ouomy him been dilveu off,
"Wo havo damaged Hovurul war
ships and transports."
Federal nflicinls lieio uro hcniohing
loilay Tor Dr. T. .1. l'ioreo, who fail
ed lo appear in (ho federal distiiot
eouil today for trial under an indict
ment charging liim witli using (lie
mails- lo defraud. Jlirt hail of .fJOlKI
wiih forfeited anil u lieueh warrant
for liiH a nest wiih issued.
II in report oil thai l'ioreo is in
either I'oillauil or Scuttle, ami tho
nilljiorilies. of both cities havo hceu
linked to uppiclicml him, if possihlo.
1'ohIuI aiilluMilicH who liavo lieeu
woildiitf up tlm eiiHCH hero npniiiHt
twelve or more iiiheiliHlii iIokIui'h,
hlutcil loilay lliut I'iereo Wiih ulho iu
illelcil in INiiIIiiiiiI In lit l-t on n
(liaiyo nl' mWiiHo of tlio iiiiiIIh.
Kaiser's Hlijh Sea Squadron 0(1 Bel
ylan Coast Zeppelin Haiti on Enij
llsh Coast Towns Delglnns Re
pulse Attack Upon Stecnstraatc
Geiirral Advance hy Germans.
I'i'.TiiodiiAi). apiii no. a son-
oral (lerinaii offotmlvA movement
oiko moro Im under way nleni: (ho
entire I'ruitHlnn liorder fioni TIInK to
tint VIhIuIii river. 'I he Cermau nd
vnnce Ihlw time evidently U alined at
(lie linltlc provlineH which nro rich
III ciopN and oilier rood xllpplb'it,
Ali-hlp Hold
LONDON". April an -Tlm cant
count of Kncland Iiiih ai;aln been nub
Jected to an aerial attack, acenmpn
tiled hv lint Infliction or ma
terial damnRe, hut without caHimltlcn
of any rorl. Like former raldn thin
one of Inxt nlRlit In innrked hy dlf
feteiicen or opinion an to tint typo
of air machine uncd hy the Hermann,
hut niont people uricp Hint n Zeppe
lin carried tlio rnldern, who arrived
In the ntnnll bourn or the moraine
and npent a brief time over Ipnwlch
and llury Balut Ddmundn,
llunklik ltimlmrlcl
An official ntntement from I'nrln
nnyn Hint (leriaou warnhlpn hnvo ap
penred off Hnt IIcIkImu connt and
hnvo bombarded Dunkirk. Twenty
jiernonn wore killed. Nineteen InrKo
nlmlU fell upon tlm city,
Tlm presence of the Hermnn IiIrIi
nen fleet In (he North Sen linn been
reported evernl tlmnn recently and
nn official ntntement Innuod In Mer
lin a row dnH duo npoko of novoral
expedtlonn or thin kind which were
made without cnrountorlni; tho
Hrltlnb rieet. Tho captain ofa Rwnd
lull nteamer reported (lint on cronn-
I UK Hie North Sen n few dnyn ngo
he onrountered n InrKo number of
Cermau warnhlpn.
Attiwkx N llepuUeil
An official ntatement from tho
llelKlan government nnH that it Our
mail attack from KleeiiHtranto wan re-
pulned. Thin may refer to an on
cnRomcnt dencrlhed In unofficial ad
vlcen an dinnntroun to the nttncklnc
party, ll In raid 4000 Cermnnn
were alutoit annihilated hy tho llel
Klan artillery.
A Loudon denpntch nnyn dcnultory
flKhtlnK conllnucn In tho region or
the Suez canal. It In anncrted tint
Turkn are pieparliiR to advauco for
another attack on tho Urltlnh.
found on mm
That tho mammoth ornotuo
orpinlly InrKo nntcluvlaii mon
Htom on co roamed tho IIokiiq
rlvor valley In pro-hlHtorlo
dnyH Ih proven hy tho fludliiR
of n fragment or a Iiuko potil
rted tooth on (ho dcHort hy
Mlku Danlny, Tho tooth mean
uren 1 1 IiicIiuh In longth hy
10 In width and Ih In Kood
condition. A break across
tho center rovonla IIh compo
Hilton. Tho tooth la attract
ing much Interest and will ho
examined with IntercHt hy
(ho HcloutlHtH who ox-poct to
vlnll (IiIn reclon t lita mim
in or.
WASHINGTON, April !I0. Oenora
OlnoRon, tlm ruriiiuxu commander, is
moving north on (leiicral Villa u(
Ariiiis C'alieutoH. Official nihices I A
tlio htalo (leiiarlmcnt imllciilo Ohio-
Koii'h iioilliwiiril march hnx lieeu
comnarnlivelv rimlil nutl llml ho will
KivuJiatllo to Villa In (ho ieiuily of
Akihim roliciilcd In it few tiny.
New York Boss Opposed Direct Prim
aries as Umriyit Could Soil Repu
tation of Any Man Bl-Partlsan
Control of Legislature Caused De
feat cf Primary Dill.
sviiAcrsi:, . v., Apiii to,-
William llanicH, in Kiiit Sim H'lfonx
for oppoHiii't iliieet piiumtien li'yi-.a-lion,
hail Niiiil that he hclieel niieh
clcclimiw would ie too miieli pub
licity to oniuliilnleH for office, ne
eonliiiK to leliiiiiiiiv pven today in
the llarui'H libel Miiil iiyuiiist Colonel
Kooeell hy I.. W, I'laitce, ellainnan
of ii committee of (he Yoiiii Itcpiih-
lienu I'luli of Mrooklvn. Mr. I'rnnce
tctilieil thai Mr. Iliiinei hint told him
that the lepiitatiou of any man conhl
he iiiiucd hv luiiiiii the limclitiht up
on him and (hat he couM vote the
lifr-iaff of the di'iuoeratH in Alhau
in (he icpiihliciin primal ics mill m
di-yu-l die people (hat they would do
main! n lepra! of the hill.
Couiwel for (he eolouel unuceo-o.
fully endeavored dunnc the lnv to
net from II. II. leeluud, foimer
prcidcnt of the Metropolitan Sceuri
lien company, (climnuy that he had
cotitnliutcil to both the ilcmoeratie
niul republican orsuuirution in IIIO.'I.
when Mr. Maine wm ehiiiiiiiau of
(he executive committee of (he repuli
liciin Htatc eiunuiillcc.
('(.'u ninii'N Dlccllon
The fnt wiIih'bm todn wn Iliirvrv
I). Ilituuiiu. lie said he remcmhcri'd
wlm( went on in the senate in 1011
when ii I'liited State nrnator lo mic
cecd riiauuccv M. Dcpcw wax chosen.
('oiiiim'I for Colonel Ii(Metcit (hen
read what purported (o he a record of
(he oto- cniiilioatcH rccciwd. All
tho eaiuliilatc" were democrats ex
cept Mr. Depcw, Mr. Hinman Miid.
lyuly record's read shotted thai
William 1 Sheehan and Mr. Dcpcw
were (he close-! eontculiinl. In u
later vote (lie name of .lames A
O'dormnii appeared. Justice O'Oor
man was ietoriou.
Ill-I'nitlsaii Control
Mr. Miuuiau (lieu testified to intro
ducing in 1010 the Hiimmii-Orccii di
rect pi iniaw hill in the stale senate.
Questions- ns (o whether the witnes
had talked to Governor Hughe about
the piimurv hill, or whether the gov
ci'nnr favored the men-ine weie ruled
Mr. Iliiimnu then rend a record of
the vote which defeated the diieet
piimnries- hill, H was defeated hv (he
vote of 111 rcpiihlicans and 12 dem
oerats. The witness added Hint (he
Mcadc-I'hillips direct primnrie hill,
favored hv (ho orgnuirniion, was
tasscd, 1-1 democrats and 1 1 repuli
licans voting for it.
Tho idea in offering this evidence,
counsel for Colonel llooscvell said
diirinu' nn nrguniciit over nn nlijcp
tion, wn lo show n hi-pnitisan align
ment against the Ilinmnn-fliceu hill
in favor of (ho Meade-Phillips hill.
William M. Ivinf today denied (lint
he had talked lo Oovemor Wiitman
last uiplit and asked him to appear
as a witness later in the trial of the
LONDON, April 30. Tito mitlah
Rteamnhlp which wns roportod last
nlKht to hnvo boon mink hy a Gorman
Huhmnrlno off tho Into ot LowIh,
North .Scotland, wiih Identified today
an tho UiitlHh Htonmor Mobllo carry
lug a ciiiko of coal,
Tho Mobllo'a crow of 2.1 man vvns
landed today. Tho offlcora Bald that
tho Hluklug ot tlm Mobtlo occurrod
on Wednosdny. Tho crow was glvon
Ion luluutos to tako to tho boats.
Thoy drifted nhout for nlno hours
buforo thoy reachod land.
Tho trawler Lily Dale has boon
mink hy a (lurmun suhmnrliio In tho
North Hen, 75 mlloa off tho mouth
of tho lllvor Tyno.
A patrol boat picked up tho crow
of tho ttnwlor and then wont In
ohnno of tho mibninrluo. Tho ntih
iniirlne, however, inado Its cucupo.
0 A
mmTrKfr t wiISI &&&&&!,
VHS ff mm m F tV S
Along the Ibirdani'
ish lorticsH uipttircd Lv
PORTLAND. Or, April 30 Hfty j SHIM.TO.V, April .10 - VI-
thoiiRond or moro head of sheep, .count Chimin, tho Japanese ambaua-
worth nbout H0O.00O, nro bollovod , '!r- hl', il0,lll'r Io"f conference to-
, dn with hecretar llrynn, prcsum-
to hnvo porUhed In tho snow and 'y on t(J jaI,anoso.Chlnei0 neR0.
wind storm which has prevailed Initiations beliiR conducted In Poking.
northenHtorn Oregon slnco yostordny. lioth officials adhered rigidly to tho
In I'matllla county tho Iojs Is ostl- policy of socrec), but It was assumed
mated nt over 1C.O00 head, whllo In ,ho confidence related to tho revised
Morrow county It I believed that ,U",lant,a Printed to tho Chinese
SS.000 hend perished. fo,B of fleo early this week.
In other counties In northeastern n,e rov,,,0,l " ,s know to nm"
nrnL.n niimnrnu. mnllor loaseH nro VWy Hie original 21 articles With
-.,..., .t i..- .i,.,,.,. n,.rA m
fruit and other crops has not boon)
oxtenslve so fnr, hut fear Is expross-;
,.d fn.. ti... Pninine of n l.eavv frost
u.i..; m,., xvi,i .it.w ,! ru- i
raln, hull and wind storms were gen -
oral throughout Oregon yesterday,
although In the southern part of tlio
state It nmountod (o llttlo moro
.,... t.....M i.' ,.,..
ittuii pjm ui( oiuMtviPi Mimvia
be benefitted by the precipitation.
Tho storm did Its worst dainago
yesterday, wind and teniporaturo
having moderated i-omowhut today.
Morrow county wns visited by tho
worst storm In Its history yesterday.
A herder cnught on tho rnngo whllo
driving 1000 head of sheep, arrived
at his destination with only 400. In
Umatilla county, James llosklns mid
l-'rank Slonno of Dcho lost practical
ly their entire band ot 9000 head.
Horses nnd cattle did not suffer.
Tho gathering season was responsi
ble mostly for tlio los of tho sheep.
Portland was visited again hy
another hall storm today, Tho mini
mum temperature was 11 degieos.
MA11Y8Y1M.K, Oil., April 30. -The
dead bodies of Kmil Piuatd ami
his wife were found today at their
home nine miles fiom hero. Alri, 1'ie
urd was found in tho hoiioo with a
bullet hole in her head. Pieard was
killed in tho haul, lie was a juror
in tlio Richard l'ord and Herman Wheatland hop-piokerV trial,
nnd it i bind his ino una lieeu inreai-
HOMi:, April :ifl. A demand that
Kiuine, tlm chief Mnpoil of the Hun
garian Kingdom, whall revert to Italy
Is iinulu hy tlio Idea Kiulunulu,
wii tri'io Dnlisli l ' c i " lard in u Turk-
three more added.
Tho re-appcarnnco of all tho orl-
K""u "'"" " momiiea lorm. u
!,H thought. Is bringing nbout cxpla-
notions fioni the Japaneso nuthorl-
1"' - w','! "" ,nkU"K , h"S beCn
I ivli am nt tlii nniiHDit s 1m f.ll.u.n.l
"'" ".'. V'" ",u"w lu. " 'u""':u
. " "10 l " ltni " speci to
thiP, 7 n"d., those familiar
W'H tho previous course ot Amerl-
can policy bellovo further modifica
tion may bo urged boforo tho de
mands can bo construed as not af
fecting the administrative Independ
ence of China.
It Is believed that ono of tho
subjects being considered Is Japan's
demand for tho right to propagato
buddhism in China,
WASHINGTON, April 30. Presi
dent Wilson let It bo known today
that he Is willing to servo ns umpire
In ncrordanco with an arbitration
treaty bolug negotiated betweou Tho
Netherlands nnd China.
Minister van Uappard of Tho Neth
erlands had asked Secretary llrynn
whether tho prosldeut would accept
the designation It tho tieaty wore
finally negotiated.
VANOOTVKIi, II. C April 110. Tn-
htructioiih have been received fiom
tlm military luilhorities nl Ottawa
that the doiman concerned in the
recent 'fKhrliut:'1 on Kiuhtoenth
avenuo ho interned at Vernon, 11. C
ArrmigcuicnlH are being made, there
loie, to convey Dr. Otto (liuiicit.
Ilarou von I.uttwuil, Paul lump niul
r KtriHyel, tho four (KirmaiiH, lo
union loday, 4
Heavy Frost for Tonight Throughout
Pacific Coast and Northwest
Wind Blows Down Much Fruit In
California Snow Throughout the
Inland Empire.
rouDCAST rou oui:jo.v
Fair tonight and Saturday;
heavy fiost south and east
portions, light frost north-
west portion tonight.
SAX I'llANCISCO, April 30.
Danger of fruit damage by "lnd
throughout the west wns predicted
by the United Stntcs weather bureau
when the off shore gnlo In this vi
cinity nnd tho unsettled weather In
the north resolved themselves Into
a steady cast wind storm from Ore
gon to the .Mexican border. On tho
north It was reported (o be blowing
3,'i miles an hour and at San Diego
20 miles. It was rejKirtcd to be
blowing front the coast to the Ilocky
If the wind should cense suddenly
the weather bureau stated, thero
there would bo heavy frost with
damage to fruit.
Damage at Kxpotltlon
If tho wind should continue much
fruit would be blown down, It was
said. Coast shipping was much ham
pered by the coast storm. Tho steam
er Yosemlte blew out a steam plpo
early today while fighting her way
out of port nnd was forced to put
The gale swept the Panama. Pacific
exposition, doing some damage.
About forty large electroliers wcro
blown down during tho night. A
patch of plaster was shaken from the
east side of the Palace ot Machinery
and a large door in tho California
building was damaged.
The property loss wus small.
Sheep Men Suffer
IlOtSD, Idaho, April 30. South
western Idaho experienced tho worst
April snow storm In many years last
night and today. Ileports from sheep
camps state lambs aro dying by tho
thousands as a result ot snow and
freezing weather. Fruit has not been
damaged as yet but fe.irs nro ex
pressed that freezing teniporaturo to
night may result disastrously to
apples nnd prunes, Tho snow will
bo ot great benefit to farmers, as tho
water supply for Irrigation was low.
SPOKANK, Wn., April 30. Italn
and snow fell throughout eastern
Washington, northern Idaho and
Montana today. Tho temperature
dropped 21 degrees In tho lam twelve
hours In certain sections. Tho snow
rmealned on the ground In places of
more than 2000 feet altitude.
In Southern California
SAN ni:UNAUDINO. April 30.
Dear valley and tho San Dcrnardlno
mountains were swept by a storm
last night which brought the temper
ntttro dowu to tho freezing point
and created floods which lapped tho
top ot Dig Hear valley Irrigation dam
and washed out roads and mountain
Hunting and fishing camps suffer
ed severely. Applo orchards lu the
(Continued on Last Page.)
HAVKR, April 30. Virtual anni
hilation ot 4000 Germans who crossed
u brldgo near Stconstraato is des
cribed by tho nowspaper Vlngtlomo
slecle. llolglau heavy nrtUlory des
troyed this brldgo whllo Hold artil
lery Bhowered them with shrapnel.
Many tlod liundkorchlefs to their
bayonets and raised them in sign of
surrender, but Immediately their own
quick flrorfl, tlio newspaper says,
opened flro and moved them down
pitilessly, Many survivors wore
uiado prisoners by tho Uelxlans.
NO. !U
State Assumes Jurisdiction and Mon
day Begins Work, Placing It In
Shape for Summer Travel Pavlrtf
Begins at Junction of Klamath
Road, Thence South.
"The Sitkiyou hiahwny la rjne of
(In; finest tondtiii tint country. It
has becuvcll planned, itn grades and
curves are excellent and the con
struction wus a pood job. It hart
Monti the winter well, with but few
slides mid H'ttlcmciilM. Monday (ho
Mnto will begin work upon it to place
it in condition for summer trnud,"
ntiununced State Kiifrinecr K. I. f'an
tiue niter completing n trip with (he
members of the county court over the
Arrangemcnls are beinjr completed
today for co-openilive work between
Mate mid county on the Pacific high
way. As fnr ns njrei'd upon, (he fol
lowing will be Hie pregram:
Program Outlined
The Mate highwny engineer will
have general MipeniMoii of nil the
Pacific highway work, including (hat
done hy the county mid will huvo
complete charge of that done hy tho
state. The eoiinly's engineer will
work under Sir. Cantinc's MiHrvisiou
in coiistructinjr road north of Cen
tral Point, while Mr. Kiltrcdge will
continue at ii-iMnnt state engineer
on the Sitkiyou section.
The fir-t work to be done by Iho
Mute will ho getting tho road in Muipo
over the SNkiyou.s. for Rummer umj,
estimated to cost several tuoiittnnrt.4,
followed by paving operation' bepiiit
niiiS nt the intersection of tho Klum
nth road, (hence south ns far us this
year's appropriation goes. The new
grade will he allowed to settle a year
before pnvin;? begins. Tho state will
maintain the Siskijou section until
Hillings Grade Undecided
Whether or not ho Siskiyou sec
tion will bo enlarged to include tho
Hillings grade, north of Ashland, will
he, determined by the slate highway
commission. Its inclusion will prob
ably he recommended by Mr. ('aiitiue,
though ho has not yet committed
hiui'-clf.' If not included, tint county
will construct this section.
Tho county Avill gmdo under Kn
ginccr CantineV supervision, but with
its own engineer, tho highway from
Gold Hill to Koguo Itivcr, mid tho
pnvinjr of the sumo will follow.
It ix probable that cement paving
will bo laid on the Siskiyous, as tlio
cement highway has advantages over
bilulithio on grades.
In walking over tho Sikiyous, tho
inspection party had n taste of real
winter weather, encountering u stiff
gale, a miniature hli.znrd and snow
storm. All went well pleased with (ho
The Sweeny settlement is being dis
cussed (his afternoon oy the statu
engineer, tho county court and its at
torney, A. K. Kennies.
LONDON", April .'111, fi:10 p. in.
Tho ItimU't" Telegram, company Iiiih
received a dispatch from ittf corro
spoudeut nt llotterdnm saying that
tho Ameiican steamer Cashing from
Philadelphia arrived nt Rotterdam
today and reported hnvliig been ut
tacked by Gorman airmen in the
North sen last Wednesday. Tho air
men dropped two bombs', but no dam
ago was douo.
The Cashing was flying the Ameri
can flag lit tho tiiuu of this uituok
and her nnnio was displayed on Iter
sides in huge luttoiv.
Tlio steamer Cushing left Philadel
phia April 11 for Rotterdam via mt
Sho jrt of -KI'.'O tons net rgir and
is -127 feet long,
Tom fialfiM or Trail Iim rHriMl
to liU home Hftw ft tmk in Utte
" t
' r j