ifm FOUJI TvnunForcn math TRTnuNR arrcnFORD. ortccion, wiidniirdav, 'Amm 28, win It 4. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INOKPHNDRNT NI2W8JAPi:il PUUMHIIKD KVKIIV APTKUNOON UXCIMT HUNUAV HV T11K MKDKOItU IMUNTINO CO. Offlco Mull Tribune milldlnte, lS.2-i9 North Plr atreatr tllhono 74; i - Tlio Democratic TlmM, Tho Medforil Moll, Tho Modrortf Tribune, Tho South rn OrrKonlan, Tlia Ashland Tribune. muoicraox n&vnn .. ., On yenr. by mall..i.-..- 16.00 One month, by mntl .... . i0 Per mitnth, di-Hvcre.l by carrier In Mftirortl, raw-nlx. Unvknoarillc . and Centrnl Point - .JO Batunlay only, by mat'. Pur year-. J.00 Weekly, per rnir. .. 1.80 Official Pnper of tho City of Medford Official Pupor of Jnckson County. Kntrrod coonrtolns mutter lit Uedfoni, Oregon, under tho act of March I, 1870. Hworu Circulation for 1914. S5SS. 1'iiH leased vvlro Assoclnled Prcia dispatches. THE CAVE-MAN'S MOTTO Subaorlbera tniltnB to recctvo papers promptly, pliono Clrcu- latlon Manngor at 2E0R. Mexico linn porpotual motlon rovolutlqn after another. 3I1Q LAUGHS Too Hail, Suburban Resident It's simply flno to wake up In tho morning and hear tho leaves whispering outsldo your window. City .Man It's all right to hear tho leaves whisper, but I never could Btnnd hearing tho grass mownl London TId-Blts. v The Secret Ho Can't get the hang of this trot. Somehow I always seem to end on the wrong foot. She (sweetly) Yes, mine. Puck. ; Tough "Our languago Is beyond my ken," Complained old. .Vtrlutch. "For I know that the closest men Are tuoao I cannot touch.'.' Cincinnati Knqulrer. a Ho Hedged Walter (In restaurant) What will you have to drink, sir coffee, tea or milk? Guest How's tho coffee good? Walter Excellent, sir; Just like your mothc used to make. Quest Huhl Gimme a cup of tea. ndlanapolls Star. Illsiiuirck'H Iteproof "I wish I was an angel." sighed a little English girl recently, "for then 1 could drop bombs on (ho Germans." hlch reminds us of a Bismarck story. Dlsmarck was shot at onq day and his wife, greatly incensed at tho would-be-assassin, declared that If sho was in heaven and saw him coming up a ladder she would push him down Into hell. "Hush, my dear," said Dlsmarck: "you would not bo thero with such thoughts as those." Uoston Transcript. Correct Color. "What kind of a dress should the refugee wear In tho play when she la taken off the lonely Island where she was shipwrecked?'' "I think It ought to be a maroon costume," Baltimore American. He Was (initio "We'll wako a night of It," de flated tho IJostonlan. "Wo'U have a feast of reason and a flow of soul." "All right," assented tho Now Yorker. "I never heard of them cab aret roatures, but tlioy sound good." Judge. a IleHlgncd to It "Como. let's go down to Gus'." "Hut tho placo is closed on oloctlon day." "Oh, that's so.' 'Well, I don't care," "You take It rathpr lightly." "Sure. I was going to pay for thodrnksl", A Hun-led Intenlmv "Papa, did Harold ask you for my baud tonight?" "Ye?," "What did you say to hltn?" "Oh, bo left before I cumo to that." j:ihsIk Sho Oh, 'Isn't this place delight ful. Howunni Is In (he cry alr hem, JIo Vts, I nollcod the udln, iibo most of tho ro in a u co. THE Cliifiigo Tribune carries at tho hoad of its editor ial column as the journals guiding motto the follow ing words of Stephen Decatur: v "Our country! In her tntcrro itrse with foreign nations may sho al ways be In tho right; but our country, right or wrong." Xot what is best for the nation, for the people, or for the world, not what is just and right hut the course map ped out by the ruler, ruling caste or party to fulfill selfish desire right or wrong. This sentiment plunged Europe into a bloody war and keeps it a shambles. It is the same old appeal to loyalty devised in the days of the God-ldug, when the king could do no wrong. It has been invaluable to the conqueror, the ravisher and the destroyer, royal and otherwise. It is a relic of h:rharisui, a flower of feudalism and ought to be in the junk pile. U is a fake patriotism that places conquest above righteousness, and substitutes the van dalism ot an Attilla lor the wellare of humanity. "Might makes right'' is the philosophy of the modem war lord just as it was of the cave-man. The cave-man evolved into a tribesman, the tribe into the nation. In the transition, the chief assumed divinity, just as some of the huropean rulers do today. Conquest all but obliter ated the nation in the empire and the nation became the individual property of the emperor or orowii, who owned the land and the people and in a part of Europe still owns them. Patriotism in these nations takes the form of loyalty to the monarch, the king, the czar, the kaiser right or wrong. The caprice, the whim, tin? ambition of a ruler, or ruling faction, can confiscate the lives of the people, oven in a republic, and the people are expected to cheerfully march up to slaughter, whether the cause be just or un just right or wrong. To question is treason. Our science of government recognizes a human being's right to property but not to life. "The people have no voice in the declaration of wars. Popular referendums upon war are unheard of. Millions have been slaughtered, are be ing slaughtered, without even knowing what they are fight iug for. The cave-man has passed away but his philosophy still lives in the hearts of the monarchs and the militarists, and the journal that calls itself the "world's greatest news paper" has adopted this logic in its championship of civilization! ROAD RACE KlrjG DRIVES A JITNEY GREAT MINDS RUN IN THE SAME CHANNEL John A, Perl UNDERTAKE IMy Aw4atsit ' m h, iMHTurrr TIIE people arc not fit to govern themselves." Boss Barnes of New York. "To hell with libertv. Tho people of Mexico are ignor ant. They must be ruled. "What they need is a strong man a man of iron." Ilucrta of Mexico. "Oregon (because of the initiative and referendum) is the fool of the family." Oregonian. The language is different but the senctiments are the same. It is the political idea of the fifteenth century, still surviving in the twentieth. It takes no account of popular education, or of the greatest civilized force, the printing press it is the voice of the feudal lords and masters.. They exist just as surely as they did in the time of King Arthur. They have greater power. In the old days the king's highway was free to all. But there is no king's highway today, for in this age the means of transportation the railroads belong to our lords and masters, by which they control the prosperity of the nation, while they go on dcclaming that the people aye not fit to govern themselves airily fit to toil or die as their masters require or demand. What love of humanity, how noble a patriotism in spires our leaders. May they continue to be frank and truthful, for by so doing they hasten the day and hour of the great awakening. Jaaa fflBaHHStV-KPL. BPw cyl TJrtT JfllarBfllallaal fj-aflfc & 4- Toiltlv 'lVtrlnff, ki'ig of the wmld' mini wco t ih'viIci, uupped ilrivinr it j 1 1 n o in l.o Anwk . When tln toad jjaine h Iiu I, TVMiifT jni'ks up a little spmv elianxo l Intuitu;- pu,cneix. "It's tunic for tin' l'ti u tlinn the niitiu,, inuior," ilivlanN tlu uvtl kiiijr. "Anil then, tint, I like to take it kIiiiii nl niv old Itu'tnl, .Mr. Site'! Cut' Miimpti." HIGH SCHOOL PLAY ENDORSED BY LEAGUE The Xmiticnt Knot which will lie jien Friday night Its students of the high school luw uveiwil the cntlnw intio support of the Med ford Driiuin Li'iiSMie, itiiil i eiH'r.illv conceded to bo one of the mo-t elaborate nml sin ci'vdui production ever given ny a school in MciltWil. I'.verv member of the Uraiim League is urged In at torn!, not only to aid a wot thy drn matic effort hut to enjoy one of the prettiest and brightest little operettas over produced on n local stage. During the illnc- of Mr. Hrack inrecd iliss l.iiiiic Burke, first icc president, in attending to the duties of the president. HUNGARIAN EAVORS ITALIAN ALLIANCE TURIN', Italy, April 28. Count Apponji, lender of the opposition in Hungary, is (pioted in nu interview in the Stumpa ns declaring that Uic war must lead to the reconstruction of a powerful Gennan-ltiilinn al liance capable of enforcing peace lt force and also tho freedom of the scan. To nttnin this object Hie count is icpoiicd to huo declared it is necessary to avoid resentment be tween the rountricH which would lie invohed. Ho thereforo urgc Italy not to be temped by what seems- to be a favorable opiwrtunity to push her pretensions iinieasouably. Count Appouyi cxprcflKcs the hope that tliitre would be no lneak in tho rela tions between Austria and Italy, for "if Austria is crushed a Hussian vic tory would constitute a jriincovite danger today nnd not tomorrow." GRANTS PASS AUTO STAGE DISCONTINUED The Hall Tn.xi company nre today making the Inst trip on the Medford Grunt I'nss auto stage line. The lino n being abandoned because of lack of patronage. It was started ton days ago, in response to public demaiid, as an oxpciimcimt, but the business prmcil insufficient to justify its continuance. Bronchitis and Severe Coughs Promptly Relieved with 'J ouncoR Schlffmnnn's Concen trated Expectorant. Ounrantecd to give perfect Rntlifactlon or jour mon ey refunded at Medford Pharmarcy Adv. TO VISIT RESERVES WASlllNOTO.V, April US. Sccrc tar Houston started west today to isit natioiiitl forests n nhscne to what extent their limber, loragc. grar nig nml water power resoni"cs, aic being dccloM'il lor the public under the picscnt methods and to make a study of the itiluuuistrutin pioblcius of the foicst service. In onlcr to liae time to reach places oil the beaten tracks of I rax el wlieie the actual problems of toiest admiuist rratiou uic being winked out, he will for the most pint avoid stops at im portant cities. IT Theatre SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics la A soluble AfttiMptfc Powdk to b dluo!vd in wafer m ndL As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In Ireutlnjf catarrh, inflammation or ulceration ol novo, throat, and that caused by femlulnt) HI it has normal, Kor Urn your tlio Lydla 18, I'liibhswj Medlclnn Co. lias recommended 1'uxlliio lit their privutu unmixm'tunca wIUj women, vvhlrlj piovoa Its nuperloilly, Womi) who luvo liwn ourud uuy It Is "worth lis wvljflit In Hold," At driiKKUl tOe Juitfu ix, i,r y wall, 'J ho J'tuUU Twllvt Cu, lUrtmi, Hum THE PAGE tyedford's Lcadirvg Theater WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ALICE BRADY IN As Ye Sow A Win. A, Brady Feature In Five Acts Hearst Selig Weekly Mimr; ny Wurlitocr Orchestra Mr, l,)fa i; 'I'ljiit, OrgunUt U ID I m wi:i).i:si.v.Tiinisi.v nkjiit The Mills of the Gods A Great Prama In Two Partx. The Kaffir's Skull A Thrilling Urania In Two Parts. Love Finds a Way Hojal Comedy. Fatty's Wine Party Keystone Comedy Tl and lOr IT IS HI'.ST 5 nnd 10c. STAR Mcdfortl's Most Popular Pta) house Last Time Tonight The Photoplay You llavo lleon Wnlt lag Kor It's a Long, Long Way To Tipperary A Stirring Pntho Drama Parts In Threo The Call of a Child TWO 1MIITH Klvo and Ten Cents THE PAGE Medford's Leading Theater BIG SPECIAL MUSICAL i PRODUCTION The Nautical Knot ' i ii i ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIPAY, APRIL 3Q 50 PEOPLE 50 Produced by BEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL Undor Direction of Mins Inez Coffin BEAUTIFUL MUSIC GRACEFUL DANCING Supported by Full Oroljwlra Seat Salo Opon Thoatro Box Office Vliurffday. April 20th, 10 a, m. ' POPULAR PRICES; 23o, GQo. All goato Rjoryod frvkdVcimal' ' Astc Fof jf Against Substitutes Get tho Well-Known Round I'nokngo lj Caution Avoid Subitltutc HORLICKS the omeiHAL MALTED MILK i,,"r 1FTako Made in tho Barpost, boit quiiipoil mitl nantlery laltodl Milk plant i:a the world We do not miko"milk products"--Skim Milk Condensed Milk, etc. Hut only IIORLICK'S THE OniGINAL MALTED MILK Murio from clcitn, fnlluroam milk and tlio oxtruct uC oolect niultcd rfroln, rodticoii to nowdor form, tiolulilu in wator. licit Food-Drink (or All Agct. Uood for ever a Ounrtor Century Unlets you may "HORUOK'S" you may got m Substitute, at Paokago Home n''"" SCREKKS Mm Wi T'MHll'll' T.f T fi It . Ill M FTT SiKRftbP ttMawMWHlHU SiMthftFlvl lutuijLrifKilTuliiiTll nil ini imiin ii Hi.iTlT A'wi DIRECT FROM FACTORY I'RICr-S 3AVK YOU MONEV VV in, ii ami .i rnlr ll.r Ui iliir, I ft tn ,, til I., ur Uiinir III IU l r. I V Mkr )nl U trlallrr u( Ul ! MNT, nnil HIKTItir itnii llMlb rxnr I'lif tualtty V ilrlilri- VV iMtkrtr tlrr,i hAall llif liMlf MIihViM) Mlr I ris-i, il & rtM. Mttl ,Ih IV ! Mm.' n mulii ! Hill' I IK' .iir l( il.. Nr I rllUMItt iHlrtlut llM V I UlttliMH iHHil ilml l,llni litwl ulwWii ItHliir- lo"H il tl 4- , AHttlll -(MM NU4lu "j(cll mlttHllw (lulll l Ml", luiki" immrilUio Mi'iiiri I inl Mir II ) l'i lll II V'V Hl II III It Hl tl Ml Ul UV, ttl . VII Ht I I . Ill', Ii II I up WIMTE foil CATALOG NO. SI 03 WILLIAMS CO. tTt i f 1 1 1 1 i i r ti tl t ti T i SMHKS-iOORI Provolt Race Track MAY 1 AND 2, 1915 Horse Races, Bucking Horses, Bucking Bull Murk Mum nl 1 1 ,. ,M. I'jMn Si'ivctl liy ( UiiIIok of I ln (iiaiiKo nl Iti'iiMinnMo 1'ilnv., Ititrlntt iiikI HiiikliiK nl ii l. ,M, Big Dance at Night by the Campfire At Hiilil I. M, I'rof. MaHon will illvo fioiu (lie liw tif (n-on IIiumikIi flititii'H if ttv; a foul lie v it liifni nl li'iiipliil. .iliiiU.liui: I'or AiIiiIin, r.iict tinier Mfli-vii, U.rj (lilldnn I'mv, MkIiI IVrforiiiiinris ' ritovoir, oiiixso.v (1. h. SU'IKII lilt, .'MKr. YOU MAY STOP 10 DAYS at SAN FRANCISCO H ' '' aa ' ; ..- -10 DAYS at LQS. ANGELAS i Hii roiitrt to tlio 'EiihI. Why nt Hue C'nlii'orniu nnd ity Two AVorld JOxpoHilioiiH on youi; wny (jIou iiyni'CfitAKOiii for full inl'oniinlioii, lilnniliini, lljikidrf, j'OHyrvnllon, f riifn hcIu'iIiiIch, uhi. SOUTHERN PACIFIC f'obn Mtfouli, (h'iMMVil 'Himwiwr Agl,, J'oi'llind, 0i:, w . AitAzl AutiiJkmd 4& lifc, i,A jtA