G ' i n tf) i(i nf r i- PAGE TWO MEDirOUD MAIL' '.iMttUUNIO, MHmrOUD OKl'MON". MONDAY, AIMHL 20, l!)ir IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Jtiur Korahaw, Jr., ami 13. M. While of the Climax district Satur tin)' pold lliolr clip of mohair amount ing to .1000 pounds n 32 cents a pound. 12. 12. I'ottenger of this city Mas the purchaser. HaVa yourunwrimdwor Rltn'rnonod by J. W. Mitchell, phono 32,0-1. tf Mlna Dorofhy'Cbnnor of this city loft .Sunday jTor Now Yorjf. from whore nht will sail for England. Miss Connor will join n unit of tho Hol Rlan Hod Cro. of which hor Bister J.hcnjK' Ahojhcr flvo hundred pound ship ment of thoso delicious chocolato creams going at thirty cents a pound at DoVoo's. A bubstantlul shower fell over tho valloy Satinlny night, and a trace of moisture foil Sunday. Today the sky la clour, and tho mocury Is near SO degrees. Conditions are Ideal for frost, and it Is predicted that orch ard heating will bo necessary tonight. Tho'AIco Taxi Co., originators of ICc rate anywhere In city. Phones, office, SS2R; residence 238R. 41 Jnmcs Hoffman of Montague. Cal., Is among the out of town visitors In tho city this week. Tho Immodlato execution of nil Ju dicial bonds, without vexatious delays is tho Borvlco offered you by L. K. Wakotnan, M. F. & If. Dldg. 34 Louis Young of Salem Is spending n fow days In tho city transacting business and visiting friends. Asking a friend to go on your bond is indefensible and dangerous and you incur an obligation that has no limit. Corporate Surety costs very llttlo. I ninko a. specialty of the bond business and offer you "on tho spot" service. I.. E. "Wnkeman, M. P. & H. nidg. 34 Tho first team of tho Medrord baseball squad went through a light prnctlco drill nt tho baseball park Sunday. It Is expected that a reg ular gamo will eb arranged for next Sunday. OroRQtiian agency at DoVoo's. "VVIltfjfJY, Caruahan, flvo year old son of jirnnd Mrs. F. V. Carnahon, was reported to tho pollco Sunday afternoon as lost A short search by Clilof Ilittson found tho youngster at play. Tho llttlo chap wandered from h,pmo, Inquest of now adven tures, and till found created consid erable) excitement. Maxwell Taxi Co., new cars, lBc; Phono S78L, PIcrson Tarboll. 237 John Towors, who Is walking from Portland, Maine, to tho San Francis co fair and back again passed through Medford Sunday afternoon on tho homeward trip. One provision of tho globo trotting contest Is that bo must step off a thousand miles In Can ada. "Grown in Medford" vegetable plants for salo. Many varieties. Or der now for future dollvory. Mad- dox &. IJonney, Portland Ave. Green- houso, Phono 67R. 30 Frank Marshall, arrested in this city Friday night us being an undo slrablo citizen, wns fined I2G In tho pollco court Saturday afternoon. Up on condition that ho leave town at onco, the fluo was suscnded. Tho offer was accepted. If you C. A. DoVoo, you can got Tho Country Gontloman for one dol Tho second Medford basoball team defeated tho Jacksonville second team nt tho ball park Saturday afternoon by tho ono sided scoro of 8 to 2. J. O. Corking, tho best all around photographer in southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any. where, t(mo or place. Studio 228 tyajn St. Phono 320-J. Miss Leah Slovor of Grants Pass has returned to hor homo Jn Grants Pass after spending a week visiting friends in this city. Sweet elder at De Voe's. Charlea Young bus returned from a wcok spent In tho Evans crock country on business. net Jt at Do Voe's Tho Oregon Marble caves of Jos ephlno county will open for tho sea son June 1st and end September HO. The Southern Pacific to augment travel to this point of Intorost will waive all fitofag.) charges for bag gage t Orauta Pass provided tho holder thereof bIiq'wa. a r.ecolpt for fare jmjd to and; from' tho caves. Kodnk finishing tho best, at Wes- tqn s Camora Shop. Opposite Hook Storo, jko Frldlger, Artcmus Spoonor, U,ar,voy Ling, Lejand Noel, Jtobort Strang, and Carl Tengwald, were anions the Medford visitors. In Ash land Sunday. Bee pavo Wood about that fire in surance polcy, Offce Majl Tribune DJdg. 'Mrs. Don 0. Taylor of ths cty haa returned from a week's jslt with friends find relatives In Grants Pass. The AlvenJst, camp meeting for the 'Southern p'rogon district will bo bold of Qraijts Pass beginning Wed nesday, tyay 50. Fgncy grocerjos at DoVoo's. Charles Greer of Ashland spent Saturday In this city attending to business mutters and visiting friends. Matinee, tho Page today. Judge J. It. Nell of Jacksonville was a business Visitor In tho city thin morning tor a fow hours. Candy, candy; get jt at DoVoo's. Gcorgo Lance of Gold Hill spent Sunday In this city visiting friends and relatives. Get ysur minor, cream, milk and, butter-milk, at Do Voo'. John T. Snmmervllto has returned from ii trip to Portland, nml has ac cepted a position with tho govern ment as deputy collector in this state for the Income tax. Mr. Sumniervlllu wll make his headquarters Id Port land. Taxi lRc, 2 for 25c. Foster & Holbrook, Phono SSfi. . 42 Arthur J. Itoso has returned from n short business trip to Spokane and other Inland Kmplre points, C. A. DoVon for milmrrlntlnn Sam llowdon of Grants Pass spent Saturday in Medford attending to buslnesss matters. Tho Puraclcnn Home Dairy In creased their herd this week. No need of cutting prices or doing small work to get customers. Purity and cleanliness their motto. Phone 5S2 W, for a trial. 33 Col. O. P. Minis of Seven Oaks was a Medford visitor Monday. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite Book Storo. i H, M. Coss of this city has return ed from a business trip to Josephine county points. Why not get It nt DeVoo's? Tho Kcrby Queen, a mlno near Grants Pass owned by Salem people Is shipping oro to the smelter nt Kcnnett, Cal. Maxwell Taxi Co., new cars, inc. Phono 87SL, Pearson & Tarbol. 240 F. K. Merrick has returned from a month's visit In North Dakota and other middle western states. Thero aro ten million accidents each year In the United States and eighty thousand result in death. For this reason you need an Aetna Acci dent Policy. See U. H. McCurdy. Miss Uess Cloitgh of Portland Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Lucretla E. Enyeart. Charles Champlnin of Gold Hill was a Medford visitor Monday. Francis Dennett, who was acciden tally shot in tho leg a week ago by an "unloaded" gun, is ablo to bo in school again. Mr. a'nd Mrs. George I). Carpenter Bpont Sunday In Gold Hill visiting friends and relatives. Carl Tcngwnld and W. Harring ton spent Sunday on Rogue Hiver. The first moves of the campaign inaugurated by city authorities to elminato danger spots throughout tho city have begun. A forco of men are at work removing tho pavement from In front of tho Nichols and Ash pole meat market. The sidewalk will bo made level clear across eliminat ing the elevation over which .Mrs. C. H. Pierce tripped a week ago, sus taining Injury to her leg. Owners of property facing on sidewalks con sidered dangerous will be instruct ed to mako repairs. Two or threo accidents within half a month Is the cause of tho step. Rainfall for April to dato totals .87 of an Jnch, ,3r, of an Inch fall ing Saturday night, and .52 before. Tho rainfall was not general, the southern end of tho valley not feel ing tho effoctB of tho first showers. The average rainfall for tho month Is 1.43, a deficit to date of .5(5 inches. Tho Ladles Aid of tho Christlon cnurcu win jioia uieii social after noon at tho homo of .Mrs. W. E, Mer rill, corner 2nd and Olson, Instead of Mrs. Gurnett'a as was announced, Tuesday, April 27, 2:30 o'clock. St. Mark's Guild will glvo a May Day dinner at St. Mark's hall, Sat urday, May 1st, 5 to 7:30 p. m. 30 F. C. Edmoades brings to tho Com mercial cfub tho first box of ripe Magoou strawberries, picked April 25. The two frosty nights this month when they wore In blossom did no damago, and they were not covered or smudged. Mr. Edmeadea has an acre in borrles. Stato Highway Engineer Cantlno has notified Engineer Klttredgo that ho will arrive Wednesday and mako a thorough examination or highway work lu Jackson county, including tho Siskiyou section. Tho county court will accompany the engineers on tho tour of inspection. Tho land contest case of W. S. Ilalley vs. George Dlllott, Involving land In See. 30, T. 37, It. 4V, on tho west county Hue, on tho Applegate side of Foots creek, Is being heard boforo Commissioner Canon. Dallov, claims tho land for mining purposes; Attorney Harry Norton of Grants Pass was a Medford' visitor Monday. F EON MOTHERS KILL BABES 10 D SUFFERINGS D1LXIAX, Persia. April 'JO. Tlio exmlm of from '20,000 to IIO.OOO Ar meuiiuis nml Xctorinn christian from Ar.oilini.iun province, the mas snere of over lfiOO of thiwo who were tumble to flee, the iletith from dit'ui of '2000 in the compound of the American mission in I'niminli, nml Miilily of nu equal number of refu gee in the Ciiuenu have been eon firmed. Wlien it lieetinie known the night of .liiuunry l-'2 the Rimwiii forees hud left J'rtiminli, about ten thousand christians fled, mot of them without money, bedding or pro-viion. The caravansaries wore so crowded that thousand slept in tho mud mid the snow. Children were born on tho roadide or in the eorner of n earu vniiMiry. Arriving nt Jnlfii. on (ho Itui-iuu border, purport difficulties added to the trouble -of 'the fleeini; people. Maddened women threw their children into the Ar.ie river or into pool-, in order to end their suffering from cold and hunger. The mud and cold and the shelter Ic nislits diirini: which jmrnu'iiN of the refuuees wore frown knee hiuli. continued fop three week until the people were tdowly lisH'r.ed by mil. In u single itny during the cxodtit twenty persons died in the railway hlation nt Nakhitebevnii, ncross the bonier in Rusmii. Tho entire eustial tii" ngrenled hundreiN. People died unheeded und iinmoiirned. In fact, thixe who died seemed to be en vied by the living. "THE MAN FROM HOME;' AT STAR THEATER TODAY BHjHflKri jig l ipEiiE fruit li'iii ASSOCIAriON ELECTS ODDFELLOWS PICNIIJ AT JACKSONVILLE Oild Fellows nml Ileheknlw of .southeni Oicoii ure holding ii picnic in Ulrieh's f;rove, nt Jaeksotiville, to dny in celebration of tlui Ofltli ntini- vernry of the fonnntiop of tho or der. .McinliiTrt of the lodge from Atdiltind, Gold Hill, Hojjue Hiver and thix city ure in tittendnuee. The Med ford brasK band, under the direction of Lender Cnnw, made its first pub lio ii)iR'arniice on the street this morning, and ij the musical feature of the picnic. ALLIES' FLEET SEIZES AMERICAN VESSEL The annual meeting- of (ho Itoguc Hiver IVuilgroweiN Co-operative iim sociutioii wits liulil at the of ices of the onriiiiiation Saturday ufteniooii and tho following officers mid di rectors elected for the vear: Presi dent, ,1. A. Perr, re-elecled; vice president, 1). W. Stone; Neereturv. S. A. Nye. Directors were named as follews: J. A. Perry, I). V. Stone, W. II. Ilrown, S. C. (leorge, S. A. Nye, P. S. Carpenter, C. A. Knight, William I fudge, and Charles Holdridge. Verbal reports on fruit condition were pveu. OptiiaiMii marked the pro-peets for tin- vur, mid it was shown that nil fruits were in K"'"' coudiliou. POSTPONES HEARING E SUIT iS RISMISSED LONDON, April 20. An Athens dispatch to the Evening News says It Is reported in shipping circles at Piraeus that warships of tho allied fleet havo captured and taken to Lemnos and iiadjl Daout, tho steam er Virginia which was carrying tho American flag. Sho carried a cargo which was said to be contraband. ATTACK ON DARDANELLES (Continued from Pace 1.1 CHICAGO'S PROSPERITY PARADE I? MJLES LONG CHICAGO, April 2fl. Chicago wuh decorated with miles of flags and biinthij,' todu.y for the inaugural eer ouiouiett of Muyor-Klect Willinm jJalc I'lioinpson. The celebration included n prosper ity parade, which it was plunucd youIii bo Iwelvo miles lou. conforenco Is held In tho Downs. Some oi mo uoiegaios nr.vo sent an np peal to Ambassador Page. Operations in the North Sua are still a deep mystery but apprehen sion concerning thorn has virtually ceased in London. Army nt Dardanelles Private advices received in New York today from London convey u report current in Kiigluinl (hat Karl Jvitchener'K new nrniy to the number of 100,000 and even '2Q),flOO men, U in tho Aegean, It was supposed these troopw, which liuvu been Icavinij Hritr ish hhores in largo numbers, were going to the continent, but observers wlpi havo relumed from thu Urilitdi front in Franco have commented on the fuel that nono of Kitchoiicr'n army is (here, nnd it is known (hut thousands of them left Knglaud dur in' hu lust six weeks, ITALY DRIFTING TOWARD WAR (Continued from Page One) NEW YOltlC, April 211, -The '2.'.0, 000 damage uit bro..it agamM Kd ward N. Ilreitunit, capitalist of .Mnr fpielte, uud his wife by Max Prcil crick Kleint, their t-on-in-lnw, was dismissed toilay by Federal .ludgy Hough. Klcit clituged his parents-in-law with alienating hi- 'wile's af fections. In diMiiissliiir lHe suit nftcr the oi- di'iieo was all in, Judge Ilou'h read u lengthy opinion in which lie nid the parents were in no way obliged to account for their conduct to a son-in-law. The court ruled that luist had failed to prove any improper net on thu part of tho defitudiiiits in their treatment of their child. Kloisfs at torney announced that ho would ap peal. Mrs. K. N. Itrcitiuig, defend ant with her liiislinud in the nisc, mi the fttutid today, (entitled she had ;uut Kloisl only twice. The witness denied huviiiL' u fight with her daughter, in uhich .Juliet re ceived a black eye, u loose tooth and n torn wniM, as testified by another witness. UK M I PLATT CHOSE OFFICE-HOLDERS (Conttlnued from I'aijo 1.) Word hhH been rmuv ed "in this eitv that llie hearings of tint state rail road couiuiission selieduled for today in this city hule been toMoncd until Wednesday, ilny .1. Tho principal mutter to come before Hie commis sion is the hcnriii of the application of the Southern Oregon 'lVictiou company (llulli Hue) for the tight to cross the Southern Pacific trucks nt A(niu street. Hearings relative to thu California-Oregon Power com pany will be held. Citizens of Klam ath Kails will come to this city to tcMify. A hearing will also bo held in (Irauls Pa.-s, 3000-POUND MOHAIR CROP SOLD BY KERSHAW i:. M. White and James Kershaw of tho Climax entiutry brought 3000 pounds of mohnlr to Medford the middle of last week am! sold It to Kdwnrd Pottetiger of this city, who purchased It for n Portland firm. Tho hair was sheared from about 100 Angara gnats on tho two men's ranches. The print paid was 32c a. pound, a very good price for thu nrtllo. Tho raising of Angora goats for tint hair Is becoming a prominent and profitable business In thu hill country around this valley and more territory Is being devutod to It every year. Thu market Is always In good condition and good prices nru always to be had. The demand for mohair Is Increasing every ear ns (ho article Is being put to more uses every day. SPECTATOR PRAISES MOO STAMPS The Hpodntur, a weekly magaxlite, published In I'oitlaiid, contains tho following! Medfoid's Poster Slumps - People who are fortunate enough to have frtyiuR In Medford havo Imciu receiv ing ldinides of the heiiutlrul poster stamps ISHiieil by that charming and enteitalulug city. The poster stamps aro highly nr tlstle and present views lu and about Medford, and should prove an excel lent means of advertising tlof Heenerv and pioductlvlty of the Hondo Klver valley, lu tint mules are view of the nptcndld orchard, which' havo mado Mijdford famous for Us fruit; of fuller Lake, which nf folds Med foul the opportunity to say that It has one of the scenic wonders of the world; of tho lioguo Ithcr, whotto pools me full of trout, and of (he flue loadn of which JiicKxoii county Is Justly proud. The stamps were pi luted In the office of tho Mall Tribune, and are beautiful examples of the photographers, engravers, and printer's ait With Tins Treatment No Impurities Can Retain A Foothold They're Driven Out. impression that every necessary meafiiiro will bo taken to prevent It aly from abandoning Iter neutrality. It is affirmed Unit in the end Austria will bo convinced of the necessity of making siiitnblo territorial entires fiioiiK, even if Oormany is compelled to compensate her by reditu; territory in Ihivarin or Kilesiu. On this theory thero nro being pre pared iniiny imaginative lists of dis tricts to bo exchanged between Aus tria and Italy and between flormnny and Austria. The truth of tho. mat ter is, however, that there is little basis for theso various reports.- It can only be said that thu negotiations aro still proceeding and they are Hiir ropnded )vj tlio deejieit bcureey. didate for stale architects uii that ho received a "bully letter from Am bassador White about Priest." In reply to a ipiestiou, ho said he could not answer (piestious about each specific appointment. ''There were '10,000 men, I believe." he added. "Were there times when yon iclicd entirely upon Mr. Plait?" uskd Mr. Ilarnnm, "I relied upon him, unless (here was reason not to," A (iciict'ous Contributor Mr. Kuriium lead n letter dated MJtrcli 18, 1880, in wiich Mr. Piatt wrote that it limn under discussion "would bo as nrcci)tiible,us any one else. Senator Plait iilsi wrote that he would advise the uU)pintincnt of a Now York jeweler mimed Htorji, us ho hud been u "generous contributor last fall." On April I, 1801), Colonel Hnofrovclt wrote Senator PlatU"A right, I will appoint Stern." The same day Senator Plait wrote (lint () Jidil received Colonel Roose velt's eer inclosing a bill introdito ed by Scipitor flruy providing for (lie expenditure of nioiiu.y'ou tho New York water front, "Do you remember Unit?" Coloupl Hoobovolt was as;cd. "I don't remember annul it." "What I You don't joniomhcr about n $12,000,000 appropriation?" "i by, of course not. I have been concerned with appropriation of billions." MARKET REPORT ' FS) SWlWTrTMTi LBfl Prlcos Paia r,y Dealers HOGS lo(u. 17 '.. IIUTTKIt Ibiiry, two pounds -loc. POTATOKS- l.7f. per 100 lbs. ONIONS li,4o peril). HOXKY-r.'cu peril). CIIJKK 2oc. pokk nmi'.. JIKKK- Oflle. LAHD-JOc. UACON l.'IfJfle. SIIOIJI.DIMtS l'J'c. IIASr-Kie. IIIITTKU KAT-2:i. HITTKH-Wholesale, 2l'je. IJrrslncK IIOOS Alive, (le. STKKHS Alive, r.'.fJIlOc. COWSAlive, r..Oe. VKAL Dressed, 10(ul2o. POUII'ItY Mixed ehiekens, 1i)(7t J2e; dresHcd, 12TtVlJft; hens, 12 Ho"; wpnngs, .Mo'JOu. JIu aikI Grata (Iiuving Prices.) WHKATf 1. 2: bushel. OATS-f.'l5 ton. DAY Alfalfa, jjs-I ton; grain, $13. PAULEY Whole, . WQ. Portland Livestock Market I'OltriMNI), Or., April '20. Oat tlo steady, with Saturday' prices. IleceiptH 12118. Steers, pulp fed, $7.fi0((i7.7rj; light piime, $7.00Jil7..0; ehoiee, !KI,7f)(7.00! medium, $0,000' 0.2.r; cows, priiuo, $U.2f)(jiHI.7."; choice, $.r).7ri(o)0.2.'; mediiiui, $.1.00fr. fi.no ; heifers, prime, $(; good, $.1..10fV),',7ri; littlls,' prime, $.1.2.1 (rtVi.rd) ; filngHj prime, $().00(o)(l.nO; choice, '$.ri.n0(7M).00. Hogs Ueeeipts 1027; 10 to lr.e Jiigher. Prime IiKtt, $7.7ri(7.0.1 ; elioioo medium, $7,f).1fJ7.7fl ; pigs, $7..'IOf(i)7.nO: rough, IJ.2flri7.20. Tho nrtleu nf R tl tl tin f.itu um llno.t imrllUr. Is illiuit rium tin u ihi( It eiilnm tlix sOmiukIi I'nlllin f 1 Hint mint I'm urttiit upon liy Hoi illitMllv. Jlllnn, U. it. II. ,iiitn at inn a Into tin lilnixl, nml lu Iuh ttiuti tivo liilnutiis liss truvrroril tlm natlrn ilri'tllHllen. It now innlilly siiri'inl lis m illi-lnnl iirilnn lu tho nun nutwnik or IiIihmI ..n niIii nml Is llko iiIvIiik Hoi hiiii.il ii iliorntiiili tuitli, to nVHicotnu t-i i-iiiii. tilniiil tliltiKi. IkiIU Mint ntlinr I'lillillvn I'litiiiltliitiv It "tin not Inn in miiv purl nf tln y m t 1 1 1 . It iIiich lint IihIk In Urn JiiIiiIn ik do tnoriury, iino'iilr Mini otiirr mlnnritln frxiumitly l lm foiiinl In lilnml rlinill,H It I n iiMliii4l uikill iliif fur Die lilnnil, Jnt ii Mnllul in linilili If Ktrin linv itottmi Mm upiinr liitiiil it In nutrltloni fnn.l if hHit it if II nf uti Icneiin tint tuiily ihIIh f..r inmr Ullliirlll Wlirniver 'illl U't "ll urn mirn to lnirt noinn lin wlin ur. I' H H fur tti tilnoil itiul I n ulllluir wilir-i In IU wnmlhrfill liuwor to ivrr..iu.i Mniiil troillilr You enu iiliUlu H u H, III iilmiit mi)' ilruif iitnrn In I' H. ft vlKllinmnl fuel im to It wnrlli im. Its lvrlliic ri'iiliitl"u. tl.it l"itiln tmliiy. It will !u yuu KiMt.l. Wilt" in Tim Hwlfl Hicitno '. I0( Hwlft III.Im . Allaiitn, (In.. IT tlm illrprtl'ili" Willi tlm Imtlln tin nut fully iuvr your cioii UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE PULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 11U South Rivorsiilo Plume 1.10 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK "Proprlntor. WE CAN BUILD IT Kxperlmontal Worlc, Model Making, Dlo MaldnK, DonlKnltiK and Mff. Hperlal mnchlnory, Correnpondenco Hollrltnd AUMUTUO.NO MPO. CO. 4 Recoiul Rt, Portland. Oro. For That New SPRING SUIT Tailored to Fit CPHppSPILLS i'flltl W.4 .4 liu ouuluAV Lou,, iui.il iin uit mux,... vx SEE KLEIN 128 East MAIN Upstairs Your Money Runs No Risks HH4 jn w w m s lr. Mur r f aur V EIHR4i HISWD&tSSS yeilliiKmiiilUil.Ur.it.AI.iInlll,l. $0Lp y MUPQ15T5 f VtRVWHERE If you luvoat It hero In Dlnmoudii. You can tin a kooiI deal of money up In a Hintill parcel alrlKltt by buy Iiik dlamondH, Hut lotu ut pooplo eotlHlder It mniiey well InvoHted to purchuHo n diamond rlnK. They tlilulc thu rliiK eurtiH them mote In preHtlito than If (ho money worn deiioHltud In a hanlc. Anyway when you het'lu to think of diamonds, hero la the ntorn to look ii)i. Jtaro KuiitH liiiuruiiteed hlj;h values. MARTIN J. REDDY tiik .ikvi:i.i:h UIU .'as( .Main HI mil, Artichokes The only food for hogs. Plant them and have an everlasting crop for .the hogs to root in Monarch Seed & Feed Co. MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER IT 'is pasturized Come Sec It Mnilo nt IIQNorlli Central Avcnuo A. A. MOODY, Prno. STOP! iM?Bj.T:i( i nil u -"!!' Is Your Car Insured? IF not, see R. H. McCURDY Mi:i)b'01tl), OltKtJON ,; 'Tff Ltv V,.