- ' . i-r nUDF0nT5 TSfATTJ TRrBUNR MTCTVFORT). ORlWOtf, FRIDAY, APRlt 2.1. 1015 tfraw TOJjn A y llM 12' .1 -en MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INhlH'HNhKNT NI'AVSPAI'Kft PUIII.IHIIKI) KVKltV AKTRHNOON HXCKIT Hl'NUAV 1IV TIIH Mliin'OltU IMUNT1NO CO. Otflcn Mull TtHmniTniillrtliiji. JR-J7-M North rir mrool; telenhaiie 75. The DrmourMla Tlmr. Tim MM ford Mall, Th MMfora Tribune, The South, trn OrcRonlnn, The Anhlimtl Tribune. SUMOCHIPTION KATES On year, by inall..r... - ,l.fo On monlh, by innll.. b - .tu l'r month, deliver! by carrier It, Mrufonl, riiornlx, JRkavill and Central Point .. .-... .0 HHturtlay nnl, by nml' r y?ar S.OO tv.'cU'y, tier yr .... l.BQ Official I'Hfwr of tl.u Cltr of Hertford Official l'nwr t Jackson County. IJntriiMl ot) HjCtmit-clni's matter at Mtiitferi), Oi-rtjoii, under t lw net of March J, 18t. Kworn Circulation for Hit, ISS8 t-'iilt leaaetl wlr Associated Pres dl- (IHlchCB. t.4...-.frt Subscribers failing to receives e papers promptly, phono Clrcu- l.ttlon Mnnagor nt 3R0R. JCrSW "CBFi&bT W mm SAYS "About the only silent curfew I know of In when n girl yawns In tho presence of n gentloman caller." LAUGHS Ills Jllto "George, whero arc your school books?" "When notices nppenrcil that books were wanted for the wound I'd, I gave inlno to them." llumor laticko Llity (Prague.) Hero's Something Xueiic They had cut off a Chinaman's queuq. And were painting bis head a bright blueue; So tho Chinaman said, As they daubed at his head: "When I sucuo yucue, yucue'll rueuc what yucue dueue." A ItriKht Hoy "Doy, why did yon give me tho signal to duck out ot my office yes terday afternoon; did you not know that tho lady inquiring for me was my wlfo?" "Yes, sir; that was why.' Hous ton Post. , Ilotmyc- Senntor I.aFolletto was talking about tho dodges and squirms of a certain corrupt railroad official. "For all his dodges and squirms," said the senator, "the man was well shown up. It's like the case of Smith. "A collector entered Smith's flat, pushed Jnto tho parlor, and said to Smith's little sen: " 'Where's your father?' " 'done away,' tho urchin answer ed, according to orders. "'Gono away? Humph! Whero to?' " 'That closet thcro,' was tho pe- ply.'" Washington Herald. Down in Mexico "Who led tho army in thai re cant expedition?" "1 did," replied General Tnmalo. "1 thought tho attack was Jed by Goncral Concarne." "It was I who prevented great loss of llfo. Ho led thorn going forward, but I led them coining back." Washington Star. In I Lid Shak "It or Boenis," said ho, regard ing tho unfortunate with scientific Intorcst "that tho attacks of fever and chills appear on alternate days. Do you think Is It your opinion that they havo, so to Bjicak, decreas ed In violence, If I may use that word?" Tho patient smiled feebly. "Doc," said he, "on fover days my head's so hot I can't think, and on aguo days I shako so I can't hold un opin ion." Well Xniuetl 'Why do you call this show 'Tho ABtronomy Hurlbsquers'?" "HocauBo It is composed of a few Htarp and several heavenly bodies." Jaded "Whero are you going on your v.v cation this year?" "Oh, dear, I don't know. There's really no place left to go." "Havo you been to Niagara Falls?" "Oh, yes; I passed by that ono night." Straw flour is Germany s newest food niutorlul. Quoth the German prosfl bureau; "Straw contains four times as much ulbufueri, and from fdiir to five times as much fat as tho TWtftt'o." )f you have an old straw wstttHw In tho Jiouho, don't throw JtRW liat ,lt, and bn strong. l'uek,. 7JFK, SWI PARTY GOVERNMENT 4 A NV ith'.-i of netting rid of beat's LOibsiml, so long us we havo party government." Titus spoke Uoss tunnies to roionei Kooseveu nor. liarnes ought to know. boss in our wealthiest state. AVhat is the full moaning of this? 12 very candid man knows that party bossism means an alliance with big and little crooks and thieves: it means an alliance with corpo rations and trusts that steal franchises, secure special privileges through favorable law, and rob and plunder the people; it moans confodorjiey with vice and crime and all that is nasty and vile in humanity, provided the votes can bo delivered. If Hoss Barnes speaks truly and he doubtless does as long as we have party government we will have these vicious conditions. They go with party government, like pustules with the smallpox. For yours the public has been trying to rid itself of the pustules. The next move will be to cure the disease. There are still those, however, who, drawing their in spiration from tho cheap claptrap of party orators, Will seriously prate about political parties being necessary to flic existence of a republic. They are .just as nocossan as fleas are to the existence of the dog, or ticks to the range horse. Jn the earlv historv of the count rv we had no political parties as they exist today. In those early times tjie party, so-called, was tho following that crystallized around an idea advocated by some man or set of men. "Permanent parties did not exist except for the purpose of promulgat ing some idea. Tho candidate s plattorm was generally made by tho candidate, and came from his heart. These parties, so-called, changed rapidly. That cause of intellectual slavery, party loyalty, was unknown. Abra ham Lincoln was identified with three different so-called political parties in two veal's. Since his time the political party lias grown to be an organization along militant lines. Tt has its generals, colonels and captains, who rule with despotic powers. It has its spies, and punishes all who refuse to obey its dictates as deserter. .It issues letters of marque and reprisals to its Favorites, who ruthlessly prey and plunder the public. Unlike the Romans, the spoils and bootv are not divided among the soldiers of the generals and their patrons, Tt is an organization on the military plan, but not for part of the nation, but, like barons of the old days, its use is to rob and plunder the peaceful people of the land. Such is party government in America. Tt is the political bastile that holds imprisoned the best thought, the noblest aspirations, the holiest purposes of our citizens. It must be destroyed, every vestige effaced, before we can bo free. A LITTLE A WONDERFUL tninsformation can be made at small cost with a little paint. As an example, the ap pearance of the historic Nash hotel has been improved a hundred per cent by its new coat of white. The paint has not only improved the appearance of building, but the appearance of the city. The example set by Captain Nash should be followed by the other property ownei'S, especially those of Main street. The old red brick structures should bo painted white, for a red brick face in a business block is obsolete. If the buildings on each side of Main street were thus transformed, it would modernize the appearance of both street and city and make it one of the most attractive streets in the northwest. Jt would add to its cleanliness and beauty. The cost would be slight, the improvement so marked that one would scarcely recognize the street as the same thoroughfare, now lined with a miscellaneous assort ment of structures of various colors. The Commercial club and ladies of the Greater Mod ford club should take the subject up at once and see if a concerted effort cannot induce the owners to co-operate in really creating a city beautiful. CHICO, Cal., April 23. Ten min utes after receiving a telegram from tho authorities at Mcdford, Oro., re questing tho arrest of William Fras- cr, Gcorgo Gordon and a red headed girl traveling Jn a red automobile, officers hero landed Gordon, but tho others escaped. GordondoclaTeilTlTo car was stranded nlno miles north ot this city and that ho had come hero to get aid. The officers readily took tho halt and with two automo biles hurried north. Later tho trav elers were located south of Hntto City. Thoy were headed for San Francisco, Tho three mentioned In tho .abovo dispatch passed through this city Sun day morning, and inquired an to tho condition of the roads over tho Sis hiyous. Krazer is alloged to have stolen tho auto, and fraudulently col lected on a number of unfinished painting contracts at Hoseburg, He 1b not wanted In this city. Attention A. P. & A. M. A Grand Master TJrlstol wlBh cs to met nil Masons nt Ash land, Oregon, Frldny even ing April 23rd, on his official visit to Southern Oregon, Special Intorurban enr leaves Main and Central 7:30 p. in., round trip DOc, wnen tne latter was miver Kor years lie was tin big the legions", but all is kept for offence or defence on the the armed retainers ot the PAINT ASHLAND, April 2.1. If tiiluiion will do it, Anhhind cemetery, one of the old lundmurkH and located in nearly tho center of town, will he cliiniiintvil. The city has three cem ftericri iriii(,'iidine, Ashland mid .Mountain View, the latter hein the later nml modern. The east t-iilc school is located on tho cdj-c of Ahh hind cemetery and tho burial ground is MiiToundcd by a residence section. I'reliniiriiiricft will feeek to have inter ments eriiHe in the Ashland plot and later will follow tho removal of all hodicH to Mountain View; Thin in n matter of Kcntimcnt anil much con tention will arise over the result. The Knst side Pnrcnt-TfUfhorri circle is bnek of tho movement. Thin organ ization advocates tho mnovnl on Hanitaiy (.round as against sfntl mental jirojutlice. Furthennore, the parcnt-ti'iteher element tlsscrt thill children attending' school in that lo cality are being brought up in an at mosphere of uneasiness in jho ceme tery environment, u eiiciuiiHtance that is difficult to deal with, especially in those of tender ago. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant JW S. IttltTMvTT Phones M. 17 nd 17-JU Ambulance Service Corouer WOULD ELIMINATE ASHLAND CEMETERY "WHO WANTS TO WEAR MUSSY LsibsibsibsibsibsibsibsibbK bLsiHbj V TaBBLk S1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1IB P iPH iHiiiiisisHiiiiHBHRIiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiHiiiisHA MJBBBwiyJHMLsl BBBBBBBBBBK " v FBBHtBBBBBkVBK. 9H! HBBBBBBBBBBBHBf ' ''itBBBFdlVSBK. ,W,1B bbHPI x iBBBsBkaBH mP IbbbIbIW FS '-iiaBBBHBSBBlBlBV BA ilesslt loly (left) and (Jooifjht tSeri l.OS.ANGUI.KS. Cal., April 10. "Hoys have nit easier tlmo tluin girls and. besides, uho wants to wear a lot of musey skirts!" So spoke Jossle Mosliy, IS, of Glen dnle, Cal., whon she and her chum, Georgia Gerrson, were dntalued by tho police for masfiuemdlng as men. "Overalls are a lot hotter than hall gowns," continued Miss Mnsby, "and It's easier to get work as n man." The two glrM with their brothers, Klmo Moshy. IK, ami Glen Oownj (lemon, 1", were all arrested nt thoy HOUNDED BY ROCKEFELLER (Continued from I'ugs 1.) Tlie trial of the labor lender fol lows three or four other in ovtrl counties of the slate. It etiines im- Jjneiliuti'ly nfter the two trial iiec-en- iary to uonvinl l.ouis hiiimiiiik'Hi of killing fleiip' W. Holehnr, u Ilalilwiu Felt lUteettu'. who with under it ;? 1 11,11(10 lmiiil on it murder ehuipt lit the time he wus lnl o'u the ninin Mrcct of IhUeity in November, l!U:l. The ense ot Waller llelk, another Ilahlwm-rVlN tU'teetiie, Irro under hoiiiljtii.ii murder '!inrm', wim eon timu'ili nrul lhoe of four miners hs niis.stil t elour the ground to rvneh I.'awMWi. The manner in whieh Hie jipweeu. ttoft" 'of the-c elites is briiiir llsie.l sliows wh.it .i roal i ftort is linius; mnde to I mi the tniUleriiii: emhers of the Inlt i v.ir. 'l'w tint Jlmt $KIO,0nO ot tit- 1 (U.t"t).tMI( ltorki-- FRECKLE-FACE Hun nod Wind Mrliig Out I'gly SpotN. How to Itcntnve I'jislly Here's n chance, Miss Freeklo-faco, to try n remedy for freckles with tho guarantor of n reliable doalor that It will not cost you a penny unless It removes the froaklos; whllo If It docs give you a clear complexion the expeuto Is trifling. Simply get an ounco of othlno doublo strength from any druggist and a fow applications should show you how easy It Is to rid yourself of the bomoly freckle and get n beautiful complexion, ltnroly Is ninro than ono ounce needed for tho worst caso, lie mire to ask tho druggist for tho double strength otblne ns this Is tho prescription sold under guarantee of money bark If It falfs to femoVo freckles. TT Theatre FRIDAY VN'I) SATl'ltDAY MATINKK 2 I'. M. t Red Bird Wins Featuring Win. Garwood and Vivian Itlch In a Two Act Haro Track I'hoto Drnmn 20 Million Dollar Mystery Two Acts (.'omploto With ThrlllH Mutual Weekly News Lovers Luck KBYBTONK COMBDY JIBItB Sl'NDAY ONLY, MATINBB AM) BVBNING "Kissing Cup" Tho grjmt r'aclty? lnoodmmii In four Interesting parts that Iiiih drawn capacity houses ut advanced prices everywhere, ITiO thrilling scDues. ALWAYS I0o SKIRTS?" SAY MASQUEFIADEnS ? - Miu, In tholf hoys' co-tnnn- were walkluic townrd l'rostto. 1S0 mlies. Tho girls wore overalls, "Tho police didn't know 1 was u girl until I talked," xuld Miss Gcrr son. "We were roIiik north to work on my nude's ranch, I don t know where my father Is nml mv mother Is dead. Jessie's father lives In Gloudnle. We are praetlrnlly alone In the world and must work, n litiftw n girl would be molested, so we took the hoys and dressed as near like them us possible and then start ed north." til au r-. i" felley fitiitiditlinii fund is hung spent in this state eniniol prevent expics iou of the tnie ilissntisfactiou I ell nt the conduct of thexe ease, 'iiiicniielll's Ttlal The firt trinl of X.uueniielli was before .liuUxc (Irauliy ('. Ilill.ver. 1 111 yer had just heeii upHtint'il hy (lov ernor CnrSou to nsniue an nddi tional judgivhip created hy the leuts litlure enrly in itn renent sesitin. The ehiiirmiiirof the senate judiciary committee having thin lull in charge was t'lmrles lliiydeu, the Ifoekefeller iittoruey ut Wiilsenbuig, the eount seat of Huerfano count. . The hill was denounced hv the iBrctik Up Coughs, Croup and Colds Promptly with Srhlffmaiiu's Concentrated tlx pectornnt Giiarant'fil to give In ftnet relief nml If not found tho very bent inediMne, mono will be return ed l nu Druggist Adv THE PAGE Mctlford's Lcnilliin Theater I-'IUDAI NI SATl'ltDAY 1 CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE TRAMP" AMOK JOYCI5 In Three-Act Fealuro 'The Girl of the Music Hall" IJBSBIK KYTON In Sollg Jungle-Zoo . Drama A Night In the Jungle n-io-ic cunts For That New SPRING SUIT Tailored to Fit KLEIN 128 East SEE MAIN Upstairs I V IM'cmh in a si'lii'inc lo gie Ihe Koclie feller Interests n tlWricl ,iutle who would gft Id any limit to wiithfv thf iltiiimiMls of tlnwo wlfo wan I od to hnw Iho woihl hv legal insult'" lint the ('oloriuto coal haroiis were uuhl anil Ihe mliieiN wiong. llefoie his itipoiuluH'Ul llill.ver wv an attornev for the coal compiiim lie iiinile npii'ohes ihiiiiig the tain paiu, ih'cokIihk lo iitlulaviU ii t senlml by llnwkius nl X.iuti'Kiint'Ut' first dial, iliMiouiieiuu Iho -Inker- n oittliiWH umli'sertiiiir of un nu'ti' cl Ihe liuiidn "f Ihe tale. These nth davits, niHilc lo nhovv uli nnolhci' jiulge sliutilil he called t ticsi" u ; Ihe trittl, wer iuiiorrd h .Ittilne Mill j or, who procoeiU'il to ti the en ( Irtinnelf. i ltullng after liitinvt was madi itirnint the ulloinevs Im the ilel'cu-e which hsIoiiImiiiI i'en the Mpeetnlol-. Vol in wpite of this Ihe jury ili ajltepd, otliig eitht to four for hc (ultlJ. The scpoinl trial followed ut onec. The couutv iMiinihisshniers nte ic ipilVil b lutt lo eerlifv Mllll lllitucs iw jurors. AMcr uil tint I v ot Hies hud heeii exliitu-tnl It un- siimsici i 'ui.f III i i InitliH'il Imvc l'ii the pioscciitmii in llu in e, too, that (he I'ldui ii iii-'uii mi oK'ii M'liite from the sttvet Stagnant Blood Given A Quick Impulse Wonderful Activity Im pnrtctl by a Fnmou Remedy. The appfurMvn it rlmpl, ii', kkln rrnptlnni ami nil ftl'lmr t !iiiiir- hi l. rsll dr M. H, M . tin. fniooin Mo.hI iurlllr t'altiarllc. initio, buwil luntria nml Ui ntlvr Mtm t ilu. .Nit nmiKiiit nt Ul will ilrttrnr rrrlsln crrin which raiii liloxl ami tVlu rrmitloli. Iln-jr nrr awnjr down Wi In lh Hmih, wrtia(ta In Iho rry marntw iif tin1 hn Anil urti a cnillllixi mils fur tlir Mstrtliliif Intliimrr of H. H. H. It U IihItiI a rwfk alil rrmnlr, '"" It I takrn up hjr tli Mwsl trrani noil urrrr Iimci nirdlrlnal lltflii rnrv. Un and on It gura, through ami Ihrutish I lie rntlrc ajulrtu ami nlwiijt with llir amnr Oftlnlln nrllnti to iIIiIihIk,. Krrm, OMlru lli'lr activity n'ul mlmnlaln ibe II.tt, tinr, klilnijra, lxitvrl anil aktn tu throw tlirm out ritiupklrly It allmulnlM ulagnant Mnol, prrtMi- n ralloniil nlilUrallun In Hip tifrtn ri-ntcm nml thrrrtiy the nntnral funrilun of tlm IhmI ar orotiu'it in rant mit IniruilcM, tin tinier hiw tmiielr tntrcnrlirit thtj mar I" It refute tlii mnl.'iil IhtNirj that tu ilnir-y wllliln tit tin Knna that rat Intn mir rltal rIU tr ilruirt HiMt tlntror or very filiUnrr, lift a l.itll.- tif H II. H. IimIit or any ilnm;il"t ami fur Hal niWIrfl on ffn-rr hlwxt illinrWa wrllr nt tmro In tlir- Mrtllral Mrrr. 't Hwlf, Hprrllfr (V., 10.1 Hwlft ll.l Atlanta fla. I'm not arr,it a aubatltutr. Inilit upon what yuu oik tut. With Meilford Trade Is Meilfortl Mntic Buying Jewelry by Mail Ifiu'l nn rnmmou a habit uh It lined to he Tbat'H because the ieople are be ginning to find out that there In nothing for (hem In Iho prartlce, Nothing caved In money, nothing gained In iiiillty, no advantage any where. lint there are dhtadvautugon, ' Uncertainty about what ou am getting, tedlniiH waltH, Inability to examine gondii, And dUuppolutmcntn nil around. Iluy at home, hero where Jewelry vuIiich are eiiual (o any nn where, MARTIN J. REDDY TIIK JKWKI.KIl 212 K. Main St. MKDOItl), OHK. iL i II h ' .1 A llrfxk AMBITION If you, young man or young woman, have It- plttii DKTIJIl.MINATION and CMIAIIACTIilt, you are wanted at tho Medford Commercial College , "Tho Scliool for Amblllouq Yotinli Pimple of Gharnctor' Commercial, Shorthand and KubIIhIi HubJeclH Thoroughly Taught. , Kchool All Hummer Day and Kvonlng. Ill .V. (Jiiipo Ht. m When Old Age Comes then Is tho tlmo you want to enjoy the comforts of lire. Now Ih tho tlmo to iiuvo-now Jn tho tlmo lo etart an account with uh. I I'KlirKNT TNTKIIKKT I'AID ON HAVINflH ACCOINTH QVER 22 VCARS UNDKR OHC MANAGKMEt4f I IKS lO en, -JS fimolitrn of Turkish Trophies ClKrott"ti llftceu yenre g( isrc niitnheri of Turkish Trophies Clgtircttctt today! anjfyfilirt tttT(Wi MUtU mmMmmimMimmwMm MEDFORD BUTTER IT IS I'ASTURIZFJ) Conic Sec It Mntlo ut 1 15 North Central Avcmio A. A. MOODY. Prnu. STOP! m iwi' AiNSS I jSSSpi & Cp..I''WMSA emsam ' tmmw KMf TSSLt li.37J W. Is Your Car Insured? IF NOT, SEE R. H. McCURDY Mi:m intn. oiti:;ov I VTIIII Hlllf Gan Undo Sam rcservo.Heutralify? tlnr fort'ttn iII'ib Iii bn f tatnnl hIiiukC In ll l.ink -j y i Tl. I inlet hiM ) Ucil.d .i(iit t ,nr i tlnk r ( r . 1i.t..r iip ,ltitll.vc a if h4,al' uif (.lllipnitit nl Oi tin f-4, a t Hr r, f.ilM ii mhi Ihrir -a Oil, irltllKl ihi.lrr In ll.o nilni liuU'ri. CARTOONS' MAGAZINE (fWMfH, iytrkWt.WftwliVBttcui) ihtwfiU trrvry iiumlb ibn rrvAin vt tflttur U'lK In Atm-flt nnl Iturt-i' II la a verlUhU linormiiitf IliAwnr. Wit)! ihn nil tun fliluk u( timlai1 IliMatuvfrMifili hrtea lliti ItirV tIirttiKltt kit Bulk ii It r lalt InMtif ih rari-i Mli hi liw iw'ff ('ailoent iutn I tit mti ia- tlhallfitl ifinlliinl ttory at uH vtruU rtrr r in vuipi Ftruia rirr hatr wfn u(tt ltinl l itntiinl aud !-! i I WflVlru. turn iiitriBi iP t" uf ifiivnir lit w Mi u-t "ltl'itM frnitti'nl ml ivu tillcliHt. Iii'mIuaIjU In Hip Iilirar, (Ui Ijuiucm uia, Iho cluUvul vt runt nl i tvuU. AT ALU NEWSSTANDS 53,00 A YEAR 75 CENTS A COPY A dtflUr MM t1 lh cuotn will btlna m ttn,r ifftVnlht If 11 MbllBUlta4 CARTOOMft MAaAZINC.CN. HUU. At. CHlOAftO baK r,.i)t Wl Mf ItMli tfJ talMU UftMbM M llfMbi m I n I Mr" iMM i ''""!-u,.,m .- vr mn? !,? a m ,j$lfoM.M..