teflon flhfrt'frnt ' Second Slrwt Medford Mail Tribune V SECOND EDITION WEATHER Probably fulr tonight ami Hat. May. (lis Mln. I5.rt. Torly fifth Yiitr. Unity Ti'iilli Vour. MI3DKOUD, OKIWON, FKIIJAY, API? II, '2'.), 191.1 NO. 28 BARNES A 01 OF JEKYLL-HYDE Doss Viewed ns Mixture of Good and Diid iiml T. R. Endenvurcd tu Have the Dr. Jckyll In Him Absorb the Mr. Hyde Followed Barnes' Ad vice In Flllliifi Offices. HYIt.UWHi:, April 23. Tim trlnl of William lliirucn IIImiI null against Thimbu o Itoou'vclt look n rt'cudH Into tnddny until Monday after tint col onel Iiml been tiiiNtloiiinl nloni'ly In niKiinl to roiitrlliiilloiiK received dur ing li In pionliloutlnl campaign, NYIIAVSi:, Apiil 'J.'l. DuiiiiK III" second iuy u' hit oro-oxuuiiiiiition ill I III' Hllll'(lll t'lllllt hem (oilny, Theodora Moom'M'II Miiiil Hint he Iiml ii'uniili'il William llmnes h it "soil n' Hr. .lokyll iiml Mr. II.mIi, who, lik other politician, lunl his kmhI sob's iiml liJH Imil iilo." Tin ruliiiii'l mi lie iliil mil, iim ftiiKKt'li'il by Williiiin hin, his I'nutrf'i'.xiuniiicr, try to sever till' IikiH'II'IIIm between HlCso Sillllll'KO I U illH llf politic. (,'llil' Oil till- (Mill- trwry, Ini dci'lurcd, lu cnilcnuin'd In hum tho "l)i. .lckH" in hiin iil.-oili llio '.Mr. Hyde." II huh llm colonel'A i'oiiilli day upon tin' witiuww stand mill lin ni'i'iiii'.l u he mm fniftli n hn whn mi tlic firol day. Mom letter, tending In kIiuw llu friendly n'lnlioiit between himself ami Mr, llunios, wero introduced. 'I'll.- colonel nilmitli'il Hint lie IimA I'oniplii'il willi ninny of tin suggc. lioiiH niitilc n Mm liv Haines in re gunl to tin' filling of nflices in the stnto government tint iutC tiic I wo iiHro hi) was governor. Imlslldo (.'otcriiiiiciit ''Willi, now, while you weie govcr imr, Ihero wns invisible government, vim suy" ukcd Mr. Ivins. "Why iliilu't .you innko mi nttnek then, him iliir to tint iiui' you inmlit on Mr. Iliirnef" "If tlii'.y I1H1I blocked tin.' legislation ! WHIltl'll, I Wlllllll 1 1 inc." "Did you ivir discus invUiblc ov. I'lniiiiiiit with Mr. Harm in Albany" "I illil not diseii,. tin' spcoifin phrase. I did discus my olticinl duty iiml I'ontiiliutioiiH to tlm emu pni;ii fiiiiil by big hiiaiuoss inter- Mr. I in iniil u sentence froiu I lie mitohlogniphy ulioitt Mr. Plait's iiiikI efficient lli'iiti'iiiiiitM being tiii'ii o llio highest hlmuliui; in ll' eoiniuiuiily. "If oti did tint n legnnl Mr Humus in lliin ciitugnry, whv did von I'niiHidl mid u'oioi-iiitc with him 7" Dr. .lekjl mill Mr. ll)ilo "Hi'i'iitiKo I thought lie wim ulioxo llio iivei-age of Hm run of politii'lnux I believed In miiiil become n inoxt Useful nilicil." "Did you discuss Ids nioriil stan dards with liliut'' "I did. I e.xniossed my hopes to mm. "So wliilo you with In Albany yon wero lifting iih n political iiiniiitor in older to iiinko 1 11 1 it a gaud niti.cir?" "I Died In jjcl uvi-ry limn In ifet liy lit ly. Mim( pulitliiinurt Iiml twrt liutiiii'S, liownver. I rejinrded Mr. lliiincH ns n Dr. dekyll mid n Mr. Hyde. Ili hud two sides a nund mid ii had one, iim other politicians lunl." Mr. Iviiis rend u letter wrltteu nu wliitn Iioiino Htutioueiv liy Colonel HiMMevelt In Mr, llaiiicn, telling liltn of iippolulinj; him to office. Ouo In Alisorh llio Oilier "Did you uppoiiil Mr. llydu I In inert or Dr. .Inl.yll llnrnert'"' "I wanted ( Ket the Dr. Jckyll out of hiin, Tim treasury department (Continued on l.tiut 1'ar.o) z lMIOKN'IX, Ail., April ll!!.-Thu Hlutn leisliituru I'onveneil today in hpcttial NUKHion Hiuiuiioned to providn for Hm luiiiutciiiuici) of Hie Htuto pov enimenl mid to fix the tax rate, lioth of wliluh fulled of piihsnpi at Hie re cent rcidur hcksIoii, Id a brief men. hiiko ui'duir u hliott hi'hsion flovoiuor Hunt told Hm le;lsiitiii'H Hint prompt lll'tloil WIIH IHM'UHHMl'V lO felieVO II hiuiium criniH with which Hie niiIo In iionf-oiiiw( , SAYS ROOSEVELT ALLIES RENEW NAVAL ATTACK DARDANELLES Four British Warships Bombard Forts, Which Arc Also Fired at Across Peninsula From Gulf of Saros Smyrna Again Shelled French Take Half Mile of Trenches LONDON, Apiil J.I.- The n.-milt on the Dmilmiclli'x lum liecu renewed iillhuiiKli it l not iippmrut uhellier the nllied I nice mo iciiilx to Ihriii tlm cvpccleil cciicimI iitlnck ic our lliili wuihliipn eiitureil Hie t-lrait-i yeiterdiiy mid hoinlmideil llm Tin I. Uli I'nitH, uhieli ueio Miiliected ulsn tu indirect Iuh iiciom the pciiiiwulu rrom the (lulf of Sunn. The result of llli lighting lllls not liecu dlxclort I'd. Iloiiihiinliiiciil of tin1 Tuil.Uh fin In ut Suiyiiin, Aiu Minor nl" h lielli'Vi'd to luue lii'i'ii icniiiurd. There in iiothiiiK In iiulicnte, however, that miy iiiiinc ha liecu iiiiuli', town til mi ultiiek liylhc force landed from Hie (lulf of Sum-, uch us is expected In iii'compiiiiv the next effoit on u lurvi sonic to win the Danliiiiclle-. Capture of ncarlv hull' it mile of (leiiiiau ticiiches near St. Mihiel, the Houtlieru cNlremity of the (leimuu weil)e, which tht Ficncli Iiiivo hecu ntli'uiptiiiR for Mi'vcml weeks in furce hack, is iiiiuoiiuci'il today in Hie of ficial coiiuuiiiiicntiiiii ft out Palis. Spirited fiulilint; in lleluituu ulsn is reported, mid the admission h iiiailc Hint the (leimans compelled the idle to ictire frnm poitiotis north ol Vprcs'to Hm south of Yprvs, nlliw re Kiiiucd ground mid took inniiy pris Diinm. Two men were killed liy the blow ing up of i Hrilish trawler in Hie North sen by a (leriumi submarine. A Ioiik coiil'cience between tlm Hal in tt foreign minister mid the Austrian minister ul Koine i expected us a siu that tie,otiaJipus are still under way between Austria ami It My. It wim leporteil yc-tcrdav that Italy has sent an ultimatum to Au-tria. No oflicial cxplaiiiition is forth coiiiiu of the stoppiic of traffic be Iwecii Kiujbunl mill Holland. One theory is that this is u sttike aimed at supplies mid miotlier is that the men is hem;: cleared for a naval but tle. The hitter explanation seems in complete, Iiowcmt, in Hint if such a step wcic heiui; taken ship running tu Scmiiliuavimi pints alo would be held up. LONDON, April ti:l. Kmperor Nieholiis nrrived today ut Lcuihcri:. A lli'iilor dispatch from PelroRrail siiyn the ('iiiioror was met at the rail road station by (Irmid Duke Nicholas, with wlmii) be held U conference coll ect minr tlm (irnathiau oiicrutioiiH. A crowd gathered in front of the palnci', where Lmperor Nicholas is hluyint,'. AddressiiiR the crowd, the I'liiperor Knidj "1 tliunk you for this hcmlv wel come. Loiir livo indivisible Itussia! Iliirralil" OEM BLOCKADE OF GERMAN WEST AFRICA LONDON, Apiil 'Jit, 3:15 p. in.--An oflicial order concerniiiK' tlm blofkado of (leininn WVst Africa is published today in Hm official t-a-iretto. It is signed by llio comiuun der of tlio allied fleet before Kuine I'Uii, mid auuoiinees a blockade lie-in-niiiK nl niidiiilit tonight before the coiihI of this West African Ueniian colony, between tlm month of the River Akwuyfc. and Hie mouth of Himbii creek, mid aUo between the month of tlm river Siiiiiiku and the mouth of tlm liver Caiiipo, under the i-iilen of iuli'inntlnuiil law, In coiieliiHiou, (1m order says: "Tlm (lerniiin iuillinrilien of those parts not occupied by nllied troops llivo lu'i'll notil'u'ili I CZAR NICHOLAS V LEMBERG COLORADO LEADER, Inbn It. Uimmiii mill ".Mollicr' In lil Wnll hticcl office ami told Ii niir. OREGON BUTTS IN TO GET LAND GRANT WASMINCJTO.V, April 53. Attor ney tiuneral Ilniwii or OroKon ot permllon from thu supromo court to.fllu n brief urging Hint tlio Btnto'n rlKht to tnko tlio OrcRon ntul Cali fornia railroad Inuu Kraut bo protect ed. Ilo miKROHted tlio rallroml Ihj ro uulrt'd to null to actual BOttlum, nnd Hint tlio purclumo prlco aliould Inuru to tlm benefit of tlio United Stnti'8 limtond of (lie rallroml. The land U valued at npproxlmntoly $.'0, 000.000. Tlio lands In question worn Includ ed In tlio doiunlu Kranted to nld In tlio construction of tlio Oregon & Cal ifornia railroad. Tlio rallroml now claims title under this Krnnt. Tlio federal Kovorniueut Is HookliiK to have tlio courts dcclaro'tbe land forfeited liocauno of tlio unto of n part of the Imid lu tlio Kraut which nrovlded tlm land should bo void to actual Hottlers at not inoro tlinu 2 ',0 an aero and lu ICO ncro tracts. Tlio railroad fold In Iutko tracts to timber companies. lliindrodD of nrtuul Hcttlors nnd claimants of land are ciiRiiKcd In tlio lltluatlon to protect their rlKlits, Trawler Sunk by Submarine (IIMMSMY, KiiKlnml. April 23. Tlio (irliuiiuy trawler St. Lawrcnco wim torpudood nnd sunk lu tlio North Sea yesturdny by a (Ionium Hubina rluo. Two members of tlio crow woro killed and buvcii aurvlvors wuro brought lioro today by tlio trawlor Queonstown, whoso sklppor roporta that tlio HUbinnrluo fired on his ves sel while cnisuKcd In rescuing tlio crow of tlio St, Luwronco. Picador?. 'Roosfvp RALROAD 10 PLANNED MINERS DEFENSE, NOW ON tones. Ilolli cnllcil on Itorkcfellcr, Jr., I in the truth iiIkmiI tlio Color.iilo inlno E E KOMK, April 2.'l. Four is felt thai the shortage of food in Trieste inny result hi di-suders of sut'h impor tnneo Hint they will lead to serious trouble hcrCj. where oxorythiii(rii)fcct iui; Trie-to is watched with thu clos est iutenist, becnu-e the population of that Austrian erownland id eliiofly ltnliau. The people of Triete are now re ported to bo iiiarcbin through the street dcmmidin;; bread, crying down with war nnd idieorititr for ltnly. I'n der the rijjid Austrian reputations of the past this procedure would have rvMilled in urro-ts, us the dipluy of ltnliau colors or the siupiii of the Italian uutliem were prohibited. If the situation in Trieste lieeouu-. worse it is believed hero it inav be sufficient to force the hand of the Italian orcrumcnt becmisu of the sympathy nnd excitement it would u rouse union;; the people of this coun try. FLEET 10 BE IN L 4 WASHINGTON', April 23. Seere tury Daniels reiterated todny without ipudifieiitiou Hint the Atlantic ileet will pass through the Panama canal to tlio Pacific in duly. Some doubt had betn expressed as to whether cm Ih movements would Juivo ceased by that time, mid enouuh drcihmi; FOOD SHORTAG CAUSES ALIAN RIOTS IS PEN SKETCHES OF MEN PLAYING BIG PARTS IN TRIAL OF ROOSEVELT-BARNES $50,000 LIBEL SUIT AT SYRACUSE, N. Y. F W OuvW f Wuvplu vS- !PBPvhKi 'ToIiii It. l4iwMii, iioiv on trial for 4Be?riJKV I ""''K01' murder of mine uunrtl, Ills yZjtfNb&lr- ' u'ro iluuKliter. SANITY OF THAW TO BE DECIDED BY JURY MAY 17 NKW YOHK, April 23 Tlio quoa tlon of the Haulty of Harry Tlinw will be determined by a jury. Supremo Court JiiKtlco llendrlcl;, in a decis ion handed down todny, granted tlio application for a now trial inado by Thaw's attorneys ou u writ of habeas corpus. Thaw was lu court whan Justice llondrlck announced his opinion. Ills face at onco lighted up with pleasure. Ho was kept busy for nearly half an hour Bliaking hands before ho was taken back to tho Tombs. "It will bo Reed news to my moth or," ho told nowspatior men. "That's all I want to say for publication." Tho moot question which Justlco Hcudrlck bad to decldo was whether tho court had power to grant a Jury trlnl. Ho held Hint ho did have such powor. Ho pointed out that tho jury was called In "to nld tho court by their advice" Mid Hint the finding of tho Jury would not bo binding It tho court was satisfied that it was not lu accordance with tlio evidence and with Justice. Justlco Hcudrlck sot tho dato of tho trial for May 17. would be done to mnko tho channel of sufficient depth. "V nro making all our plans to go through and will be in the canal July -J," said -Mr. Daniels. "Wo will o through and we will go through in good sluiiy." . Wli.MAM'M.IVlW?- TRIAL FOR MURDER (By William Maeleod Itniiie, author of "The Vi-ion Splendid," "Tlio Higlisrnde,' etc.) TKINIDAD, Colo., April '23. Col orado's great coal strike i over, but the Koekefcller's are busy rubbing the -alt of persecution into the wounds it left. The. trial .af.J.ulm, It. Luwson, of the Colorado miners' strike policy committee, which began here April 1!), is Hie crux of Hie legal end of the strike, and the most important labor trial since the MeXamani cases. Nominally Hm labor leader is to be tried for the murder of a mine guard named Xcnio on October '23, 1H13, but the real iue at stake cuts far deeper. Upon the result of this trial hinges the ipiesliou of whether citizens have a right to organize, to gather ou ground legally their own, and to de fend their property nnd their lives ugaiust the attacks of oppressors. Crime Is .ending Strikers The legal battle is not one between the state of Colorado and I.uwsou, with the death of Nemo as the point in dispute. There i no pretense that i.nwsou aeiuaiiv snot xxeiuo. it is charged that he was the nominal leader of a largo body of strikers, some of whom nro tispected of hav ing shot Nemo during ouo of the many strike battles. Through their hired attorneys the eoal companies nnd tho influence buck of them mean to get thu last pound of floh from the men who fought them to u finish in the recent strike. Tho desiro is not to convict the man who shot Nemo, but tho man in command of tho Ludlow tent colony. I.nwsou was one of tho three strike leaders received by John D. llocko feller, Jr., in his office at Wall street during tho industrial relations com mission hearings. (Continued on Page Four.) WILIIAM . BATCHES Or? BBBBBBBBB XTK A VV (kjM- v- J"t Tl f Fr? - """I fr S3 IJUn.OOlJLOSS T Lone Star State and Eastern Okla homa Swept by Electrical and Wind Storm Austin Heaviest Suf fererStreams on Rampage and Traffic Interrupted. AUSTIN, Tox., April 23. Damngo of at least $3,000,000 has resulted from yesterday's Texas rain and elec trical storm, according to tho Infor mation available up to noon today. Austin was tho heaviest sufferer, with twolvo known dead, five missing and a half million dollars property dam age. A rain cstlmnted at from six to eight inches turned creeks about Aus tin Into rivers from half a mtlo to a milo wide In outlying parts of tho city. In the darkness last night this flood swept several cntlro families Into the water. The known dead arc: Martha Vlrglna Kzcll, a young girl; Helen King, a telephone, oper ator; Gcorgo Holmes; Tom Qulnn, a fireman; Mexican woman named Cor tez and her child; unidentified man; fire negroes. It Is said that flvo others who were In tho hoiiso with the Kzcll and King girls, were drowned. Twenty Arc Dead DALLAS, Tex., April 23. Twenty persons, perhaps more. It was esti mated today, met death late yester day and last night In a rain, electrical and wind storm general over nearly all of Texas nnd eastern Oklboma. Rcsultnt floods have Interrupted communication by rail and wlro. In Eomo parts of tho storm area tho wind and rain contlnuo today. Austin felt tho greatest fury or. tho tempest. Tho death toll at the state capital Is oxpected to bo at least fifteen. Damage. In Oklahoma SHAWNEE, Okla., April 23. Sov en persons wero Injured, threo dan gerously, In a. tornado which last night destroyed tho homo of S. L. Whlttley, a farmer near horo. Tho property damage In this vicinity was heavy. Fort Worth Without Fuel FORT WORTH. April 23. Two breaks In tho natural gas mains bo tween this cltya nd tho Clay countyy gas fields, caused by floods resulting from last ulght's storm, today loft Fort Worth newspapers and small manufacturers without fuel for their power plants and most housewives without means of cooking brcawfast. WASHINGTON, April 23. CasI mlro Fernandez, a Spanish subject, was shot and killed by Captain Lo za, a Carranza officer, In Puebla, Mex according to mall dispatches received hero today at tho Spunlsh embassy. It was stated that Fernan dez was dragged from his homo ami shot without trial. Ho was charged with being Implicated In conspiracy against tho government. Captain Loza was condemned by tho local government to twolvo years Impris onment. L ESTIMATEDFGODEXPORTS WASHINGTON, April 23. Secre tary Hedfield laid hvforo President Wdson at tho cabinet todny bin esti mates that American exports for tlio current fiscal year will rcneh .f'-,7.)0,-000,000. The secretary took to the cabinet meeting tables showing thut exports of breadstuff from (ha United Stales last month Huiountcd to irTiD.OOO.OOl) worth, iih eomparwl with 8,000,000 in March, .19H, Jhwd stuffs exported from tho IJmlml States since, tho ouibiouk nf'the wr' llltve totalled fit 0,000,000, WENTY DEM N TEXAS STORM SPANISH SUBJECT KILLEDBYCARRANZA