Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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HA013 two
Xho Xlullls Btrcct car Jumped tlio
trnck near Jnj'no'u crosstnK this
morning nt sovon o'clock. Tho car
cacftll tho control of the motorman
en n curvo and was clorallod, tlio
trolley wheel drowning off. Tho ac
cident was caiiFod hy weeds over
growing tho rails. Thoy mado tho
track Bllnuery. Tho motorman jmt
Band on tho track when ho realized
his difficulty, and applied tho cur
rent for nhcad. Instead the car went
backwards, and tho derailment fol
lowad. ,Tliero woro no passongors
at tho tlmo of tho accident. In over
n year of operation this Is tho first
Havo your lawn mower sharponod
by J. "V. Mitchell, phono 32Q-J. tf
Tho regular weekly drill and meet
ing of tho Seventh company will bo
hold nt tho Natatorimn tonight.
Sonio of Mcdford's most talented
pcoplo will tako part in the recital nt
M. E. church on Unrtlett, Wednesday
evening. C5
Will G. Steel, superintendent of
tho Crater Lake park will leave Fri
day for tho park for his summer's
work, Mr. Steel will report to Court
Hall on tho condition of tho roads,
and if conditions permit a trip will
bo mado the first week in May In a
Podgo car.
'Another he hundred pound ship
ment of those delicious chocolate
creams going nt thirty cents a pound
nt "DeVoo's.
Attorney D. It. McCabo transacted
professional business In tho county
seat Tuesday afternoon,
Tho Alco Taxi Co., originators of
15c rate anywhero in city. Phones,
Office, SS2R; residence 33SR. 41
Frank Bybeo of the Jacksonville
district spent Tuesday afternoon in
Medford attending to business mat
ters. The Immediate execution of nil Ju
dicial bonds without vexatious delays
Is tho service offered you by L. E.
Wakoman, M. F. & If. DIdg. 34
S. S. Swcnnlng of tho forestry
servlco, formerly of this city, who
has been stationed In Alaska tho last
two years Is spending a fow days In
this city visiting friends and rela
tives, Asking a friend to go on your bond
Is Indefensible and dangerous and
you Incur an obligation that has no
limit. Corpora to Surety costs very
little. I make a specialty of tho bond
business and offer you "on the spot"
servlco. L. E. Wakcman, M. F. &
H. DIdg. 34
Dr. Klrchgessnsr has returned
from a week's visit to Florence, Oro
gon. Maxwell Taxi Co., now cars, ISc;
Phono 878L, Plerson & Tarbell.
P. D. niackden of Climax was a
business visitor In tho city for a
few hours Tuosday.
Do not miss tho recital at tho SL
E. church, Bartlett street, Wednes
day evening at 8 p. m. G5
F. F, Howard of Butte Falls spent
Tuesday In Medford transacting bus
iness matters.
Oregonian agency at DaVoo's.
Residents of Qulnco and Main
streets have protested to tho city
council against lito closing of the
alley between Sltx and Main streetts.
G. 0. Potter of Hilts, Cal is spend
ing a few days in tho city attend
ing to business matters.
"Grown In' Medford" yegetable
plants for ealo. Many varieties. Or
'dor now for futuro delivery. Mad
dox & Bonnoy, Portland Ave. Grcon
houso, Phono 87R. 30
Lester Admits returned this morn
ing from a month's visit with friends
and relatives in Wallace, Idaho.
If you C. A. DoVoo, you can got
Tho Country Gentleman for one dol
lar. Painters aro at work on tho ex
terior of the Nash hotel.
J O. Corking, the beat all around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives made any.
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St Phono 320-J.
Judge John h. Chllds of Crescent
City, who Is contesting Impeachment
charges boforo tho California legis
lature, preferred by political foes,
began his defense Tuesday nJght.
Judgo Chllds is well known in this
city and valley.
Get It at Pa Voo's
Tho ppllco report tljat thoy found
a wheol tlts mprnlng believed to
liave been sjolen, Anyono losing a
whool Is.roquofltod to come to tho
pollco station and Idontlfy sarao.
See Dave Wood aDout that tiro In
wance policy, Office Mall Tribune
The Rev, W. F. Shields of the
Presby.terJan church Is in Grants
Pass this week attending tho South
era Oregon Presbytory.
Papering and painting. Phone
F, O, Hoefflor of Cottago Grove,
Oregon, (a spending tho week in the
Uy Mi valley attending to business
Fnoy groceries at DVo'i,
MIbs Flora Thompson of Jackson
ville visited with friends in this city
Tuesday evening.
Why not goj It nt DeVoo's?
At tho meeting of tho. clly council
Tuesday night n IIttior license was
granted to Solsby mid Kennedy.
Stockmen of tho southern Oregon
districts aro distributing their cnt
tlo on tho vnrlous ranges for tho
Matinee, tho Page today.
George Rowers, tho well known
timber cruiser, goes to Sowartl, Alas
ka, this week on nn exploration trip.
Country districts report numerous
petty thefts, several chicken coops
being rnlded tho last week, Owing
to the fact that Just enough of tho.
fowls for a meal havo been taken
at a time, the work Is laid to hungry
Candy, candy: get It nt DoVoo's.
Farmers of tho valley havo been
planting tholr corn tho last week,
the acreage showing an Increaso over
last year It Is believed, though there
Is no accurate way to tell. A rain
would bo n boon to tho corn.
Uet ycur outtor, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voc'.
The state railroad commission will
begin its session in this city next
Tuesday In tho city hall.
Taxi 15c, 2 for 25c. Foster &
Holbrook, Phono SS5. 42
Frank Johnson of Glcndalc, Ore
gon, is spending a few days In the
city attending to business matters.
Sweet elder at D Voa's
Friends of Mnjor W. J. Canton of j
this city, whose conviction In tho
lower courts was affirmed by a de
cision of tho supremo court Tuesday,
will tako steps towards securing bis
pardon. A petition will Ilkoly bo
prepared, and an effort mado to se
cure tho signatures of thetrlal Judgo
and prosecuting attorney. Until tho
arrival of the mandate from Salem
no action will be taken against Major
Canton. It is probablo that a rehear
ing will bo askod -by Attorney B. F.
Mulkcy for Canton, as a final legal
C. A. DeVoo tor subscriptions.
Tho senior class of tho high school
has begun rehearsals for tho pres
entation of their class play "Tho Col
lego Widow" in the noar future. Miss
Catherine Sworn has been chosen to
tako tho rolo of tho "widow," and
Jimmy Vanco selected for tho char
acter of Bobby Bolton. Robert Pc
louzo will take the part of Stub Tal
madgc. Miss Gladys Wilson will play
the opposlto rolo.
Papering ana painting. Phone
The condition of Francis Bennett,
who accidentally shot himself in tho
leg Sunday night while repairing a
.22 Winchester rlflo, is improving
Kodak finishing and supplies nt
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposlto
Dook Store.
Constablo Al Hammond Is spend
ing tho week on official business In
tho Butto Falls country.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Book
Big bill at tho It tonight. In ad
dition to splendid pictures thoro Is
a good vaudeville bill by Bud Wilson.
"Evcrywoman" at Vlnlng Theator,
Ashland tonight. Intorurban theater
car leaves Medford at 7:15 p. m.
Round trip 50 cents. 05
Tho library Is tho recipient of thir
ty dollars, proceeds of tho Medford
Entertainment association after all
oxpoqscs wero paid. It was tho un
derstanding, that any money on hand
at tho end of tho course would bo
given to tho library, and It Is now
planned to buy somo books suggest
ed by tho Ministerial association nnd
a fow for the use or tho high school
as a slight recognition of tlio efforts
Mr. Shields and Mr. Bowman put
forth for the success of the course.
Birthday and anniversary cards
nnd girts, Handicraft Shop.
Miss Fara Van Meter who was re
elected as teacher in tho Medford
schools for another year, was grant
ed leavo or absence for next year to
finish hor normal courso at tho Mon
mouth normal school.
Wig Ashpolo returned this morn
ing from a twto days business trip
to Portland.
II. O. Frohbach of Ashland, In
chargo of tho Southern Oregon ex
hibit at tho 1315 fair, la In tho city
today, Ho will return to the exposi
tion this weeok.
J, W, Swoonoy, tho contractor, is
In the city on business from Klam
ath Falls.
Clins. Stonnott of Ashland is in the
city for a, fow (Jays visiting his son,
A. F. Stonnott.
WANTCDVTo"lIUV-" Z rugs""and a
dressor. Address Box P. 57
FOR SALK Good work and driving
horses; also good heavy mulo. C.
E. Gates. 59
WANTED Japanese Day Work Co,,
wo will do all kinds of work by tho
hour or day, such as cooks, wait
ers, houso cleaning, caro of gar
dons, wash and polish automobiles,
etc. Call Phone 03, or write P. O,
Box 702, R, Miyamoto, Mgr, 51
(Continued from fago One.) ..
" i
ir.ntion was found. .Mr. H:nios ro-J
plied that Mr. I'lnU wih rifilil, even
niter I muiI mu'Ii government
bound to lend to rntteiies.
"1 told Mr. Raines Scjmtor I'lnU
had told mo ho hud decided ujVm n
superintendent of iiublio works who
wan Mitfcfnotory hnd thai Senator
l'lntt hnd eoiijsriitnliitotl me upon yet
tiujr sneli n good man."
"In 1008 Mr. Rnrticx spoke with mo,
cenernllv on the subieet of lt'Kid.
tion. Ho said Governor Hughe win
favoring- legislation against tlio inter
rsts of tlie orgmiimtiou mid thai the
demoerntio organization was bucking
up the republicans in dof eating legis
lation fostered by Governor Hughes,
Itiunes !WasUs;l of Control
"Mr. Ramos said lie and bis
friends bud control of the party. He
did not say ho himself was person
nlly in control. He did say tlint Mr.
Hughes could not take tho control
away from those in whom it was in
vested." A letter from Mr. Harncs to Mr
JJoo.sevell was offered in evidence. It
was dated from tlio Albany Journal
office and in part said:
"Kver ninco bo has been governor.
Mr. Hughes has endeavored through
.his Hiecclies. and Ids attitude to
arouse resentmeut in every locnlity
ngninst the men who bnvo been doing
the political work of the republican
party. Some of these men nru the
beat nnd moit unselfish of men.
of them nre the meanest and
selfish of men.
Barnes IiCttcr Offered
"Ft was a gunge of battle thrown wa tolJ " M M,r- nmes order
down which it r.n8 my duty to rc-iM, ' '" tvot oppositely nnd ho was
because if I nm to remain in the lead- forcod to do so. Senator Grattan a
ersbii) of this country, Hint Iwlcr- ono voto. defeated tho bill. Senator
Hhip must bo satisfactory to the re- 0ttn represented Mr. Barnes dls
publican people of the country. 1 lr,c1, 4
cannot be exploited tin u machine- "DM ou talk to Senator Davenport
mndo politician or n patronage broker ot Senator Jonathan P. Allds?
without resisting tho chargo to the, "Yes." replied tho witness,
best of mv strength. I A,I'8 rc8'nc1 trom tl,1" ."f"11'0
"I never could subscribe to the "r he hnd been charged with nc
doctrino advanced by the gmcrnor, coptlng bribes,
which was this: Disagreement with Deniocintu Hlwt AUU
him meant that n mnn was a rascal.' "Mr. Xowcumb or Mr. Davenport,"
"What I nm most deenlv interested said Colonel Roosevelt, "lolt me thut
in is this Mibjoot of direct elections.
lilt ty
It. J.
Co, I
?. vsrhivvT' m '
ff, i&yr
' T j. v.. j . V ttA-
,.' t,K Ai-'W
. mmu mioj iiiMiip in hi in i iiinsii Trnrii, L'l'L - ..,' J l'"" """ "rr"" " "" " l"J - , '
ra. IRisL 1? . n'.i ...ii I.HIMBIIII- - - .... . -.,. . i .i i hi iinimii TWJPJlLl'Mi "n v U
which, If ndopted lv tlti slate, will
d to untold euto m puniin
I tln.pmti tint lilll'lllU'st
kind of
!.... i. ...v. .. , -
In the letter Mr. llarnos snyu:
Klglit on Primaries
"Tho men with whom I lnuo boon
cooperating will never rollnuulsh tho
fight against tho principle of tho di
rect nomlnnltons,'" and declares that
tho, so-called sentiment for direct
prlmnrles Is purely pro-Hughes son
tlmont nnd had nothing to do with
the merits of the proposal,
"Direct nominations arc an Invi
tation to party discord, but their ovll
could bo minimized by tho holding
of unofficial prlmnrles nnd unofficial
conventions which would bo unuuos
tlonnbly done.
"Tho Idea of getting rid of bosses
Is absurd, so long us ou havo party
Mr. Roosevelt centinued:
OrdertMl Senator Vnto
"I learned that Senntor Grattan
had expressed his opposition of tho
legislation, but ho changed bis mind
after talking with Mr. Burnos. Mr.
t Grattan, pleaded with Mr. Barnes to
' allow htm to vote as ho wanted, but
Senator Allds had been selected for
iEH JsMPzJexHmc IsP
mL '05811 Vf.
Don't stow this away
under your hat Use it!
Here's the dandy-handy package that's full
of the tobacco that lets men know what a
good time they can get out of a pipe or
makings cigarette.
Prince Albert
the national joy
is genuine pipe-joy plumb full of smoke
happiness and that means flavor and
fragrance and dream stuff. But the
one thing that puts P. A. in solid is the
famous patented process that has
sent the tongue-torture kinds back to
the hills. The patented
V'K.-Xv. .' . v- ."' V'V.fA
S'mtt ; ,. '0:-.&-k vM
tfW vMMWMM iota mixvcmm .
president pro tempor of tho senate
by tho machine republicans. There
wan opposition against AIUIh by other
republicans, so the liiachluo repub
Denim woro unable to cuntrnl a suf
ficient voto to elect Allds. Then
Souator Nowcomb told im the ma
chine democrats co-oporntod with tho
mnchlno republicans In order to elect
"And In tho position Alldt, wni
elected by Tammany democrats, ho
was tho ufdclnl leader of tho re
publican party In this stnto.
"Senator Nowcomb Informed me
later that tho combination between
machino democrats and republicans
continued nnd that what tho demo
crats had dona was reciprocated by
tho machine republicans at the tlmu
of the Stlllwfll aHalr. Stlllwell was
retained In tho Fcunto by the ma
chine men, but hu wns convlctod In
tteh courts and Kent to tho peniten
tiary." Colonol Roosuvelt then went en: .
Crooked lltislncos Combine
"After I had scon tho Iloyno re
port, I had conversations with a per
son lu Albany about It. I talked to
William Loeb about It.
"Mr. I.oob Informed mo that tho
combination of crooked business nnd
crooked bosccn extendod not only to
businesses like printing, but to bus
iness of tho worst tyno.
"Mr. l.cob told mo nt one tlmo he
wont to Mr. Barnes to ask It tho re
publicans In tho leglslaturo would
support an nntl-machlno democratic
candidate. Mr. Barnes told Mr.
Locb It was lmpoanlbte, ns ho had an
Iron clad nrangemnnt with Mr. Mur
phy and that Mr. Murphy was to
have a fie hand to do an hu pleased
In regard to tho election or a United
States senntor."
the toppy red bag, 5 c;
also, pound and half
pound tin humidors.
Hare' t a hunch i W $ure do rtcommtnd to our
friend thm 16-ox. cry tal-elan humidor with
the taonte in the top that keep P. A. in fino
condition. One home, one at the office,
alway a$urc tome iniokef
Winston-Salem, N. C
f i
'" v""?i
. ,
4 AM
!J t(tir".
PARIS, April 21 Tho Kiencli war
department today nuiiouucod that al
lied foicon had gained u victory In
tho operations uitiilnut tho (luinuiuii
In Kiuiienin, a Gorman colony of
Western Kiiuutoilnl Afilcn. The toil
of tho statement follews:
"After honvy fighting of tlio last
few months tho Gorman troopn In
Kaiiioruu havo been forced to reticat
from tho high plateaus situated In
the renter of tho colony. The seat
of tho government linn been trans
ferred to Jaiindo. The movement of
tho allied foicon lu this direction con
tinues. "French native troops from Cenlrnl
Afilra havo attained In tho oast ijf
tho Hue Lomlo-Uumo. Toward tho
west tho troops commnndod by Col
onel Major following tho railway lino
liao succeeded lu forcing a passage
aciosH the Kola river.
"Hrltlsh troops marching In n
northerly direction nnd following tho
Kdoa-Juuudo toad have taken pas
session of tho Ngwas bridge.
"Two billllaiit ongngoinonts caus
ed tho allies Insignificant losses."
I'KTUOnitAD, Apul 111. -Ten Oer-
man aeroplanes raided the town of
llinlystok, in ItiisMiui Poland, forty
five miles hoiithwext of (Inuluo, on
Tuesday morning mid throw down
upon it more than 10(1 bombs.
Lunfl Trouble Yielded
to Tills MtMlCrC
If you nru MiftvnuK w in .iiou
Iuiik troiiWi'. It wll h i full lit
iU,uto K k' u. Aiirraiivu. n
rriiit'th wlurli iioa . .ukihI ninny re
cuvrin ini foil ",
.v.12.1 lllrnr.l Itf, I'lillu., I'n.
"lirnllriiirnl In Ihr lntr ul
llxin I lmJ mi HllurU r (lrlir, f"l
liMtril li I'liriiniimln, mill Inlrr lx
I. una 'Iruulilr, In Ihr nlrr ol
11X11 I l ail ii riniuli. ullit iirnl
frrr nml mlonl ni'ajitlllrs ,i ni.flll.
liMiklbK 11 HIT, Mini lolrr I IlliU niuli
lirtmirrtinura. nl m limp Ihrrt In
Ihrrr nuriTtlr ilj. riirrp iih)l
rlnn trrnp. mi I on" orilrinl lu
Hi iMiMinlMliirt. hill ilM nut ,;. Itrk
lunn'K (llrrnlliK ! ii-pniiiliiriiilr,!
hy n frli-ri I. After lnl.hi n Kmnll
lunntltz I hml tlif llrol iiiilrl nt ''l'
nlrp, rr ,rpK. ly iiiiir-.i -
ntMrhnt fr- - : il .
trriMlli nil! nnJ nliii-lllr
I nrirr S-4 -- h-i.lli"'ir nil'
mr isnikh Krnitiiiillf fri,i until
rntlrrlj kimii. I ntti in-rfrplljr pl,"
I llili'Ptlittril.)
VIMitmlll INMIII'. I.OMillMtN
lrlimi.N Alii" kl'Vi- U it,., rflifH
nluun ' rin Hlnl hIki'iIi iI
vrri Uii"nl mill lunr iT-1Imih nmt
llll-IHlllil,", Hi" nl-'Mi 'ndiiHf
hi, linrnif"! or li' II f irinliiK ilrujrn
Ais-mit in, 'H' tut "i'i.t'l t
rrrulMr alio 11 MM I'V IrniMiii
ilruieirl-'- Wrltr fur loWltl uf ro
rovnrfi i
ICnlni Hi l.nliiirHliir), l'lill.ii!rlil.ln
I'riiui l nml J n linllln
that makes P. A. so
friendly is controlled
exclusively by us.
That's why we say
there never can bo
another tobacco as
biteless as P. A.
Prince Albert is sold
at all smoke stations.
The tidy red tin, 10 c;
-LiASfflt 2
F8TY TflPf"'f', " r'"H fr
4 ftSfeTO . A' 1, .A , - v.
mmts.v'"- a or a
" , ' ,llk
Compels All Impurities
To Abandon System
Blood TrouWcn Crtn not Re
ninin If Properly
Itiere It In M. K. H , Hi fn innn til I itl
ilir, n iU'MTtj thnt olmiiu'rly phiiiih Ih linrin
Inl Iniluriueii to ill(liii-iiriii nml l't lliclr
litfiillly. No limtlir vslml itn-y iim rnllf'l
imr liuw ilMtfiirllni tlicy nn' tlirr l In '
H, n iwwrrMI, (mkIiIiik oniinliT Intlii f
muillillali' llm iniiat rii'llt nrriii, wii" tn
tniiroii. Ilnlni:. In nniirl H Ittl no luTt
riilwlmii-n llmt I julrkl thrown iK uf tlio
IiIihiiI nml out ir tlu Ixxly hy Jim kln, l'iJ.
kldnryii, ImwrtN, unit ilmlruji-'l In III" Hv-r.
Tlirn) U nut n ulticln nilvniid- In innllrlnn
Imtiiy Hint lu nuy m-ii'h U nil liiiprnri'iiicMt
uvr H. M, H. Nurei'ry In n wmntorriil mn
Irrful ii-lrnn', lull wlirn Itcniiiiii In i'irlfrlni;
III tiluott II. H, H, MhimU iiIuiw. 'I li.iii.mnU of
iliirtiini hr iin-mTllx'il It, Tlit'lr imlliiil
tin not nlitnyn Vuv, HUH H. H , lirrAilun
lliry liit lilt' Irrnlmrnt In tlio ilH'lr Im
plliltly. Hut rlr mliuli-it ilni'tnni iui; ni;
rrnlltnl thnt In the Ti-ctntiln tmlurii uf K H.
H. wrri 1-rtlnln limriillfliln thnt tit Hi" llioi
In lcklir jiltt n. rwtill.l n I In'
t'lillilltit: rli-tnriitu nf Dm em I tin mi .(, fnli
mill .'iiinr. f tuit ilnlly f'Hl. 'Hn' nFrnnu
ilm'lnr In liniiiiilii' nmt nt Itnlmil lulrlllitniri'
lie tins rrn llm rrniimlni ffmn wnmt rnm
of IiIimmI trtxililf by tli tii nl K H Uft
twlllr n( H. H H. My nf nliy ilnmiilil.
Arrrpl nn niiMlttltt Anil If )oii "lili
iiroiwr n,lvlr n nny fnrni of lilil Itiiiililc,
nrllK Id thn Mnllcnl AiUImt 'Hi" Hwlfl Hi
clflo (... HVJ Mwlft IllOtf., Atlniita, ll. It U
wurlli while Joint nu.
The only food
for hogs. Plant
. them and have
an everlasting
crop for the
hogs to root in
Monarch Seed & Feed Co.
Como Sec It Made at
1 15 North Central Avcnuo
A. A. MOODY, Prop.
208 East Main Stroot
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Madu nny tinio or
plnco hy appointment
Phono K7-.T
We'll do tho rest
Is Your Car Insured?
Minwoiii), oiikuox
. i
i ij