Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Iii etfftfflt StftM
Medford Mail Tribune
Mnr. 05..T, Mln. .. Fntr
Tliurwmy Kront TolM.
Forty-fifth Ywir.
Ditlly"Ti'iilli Yi'iir.
NO. 55
Details of Election by Barnes Repub
licans, Assisted by Murphy Demo1
crals of an Official Leader of Re
publican Party Clash of Hiinbes
and Barnes Raclnn Dill Defeated.
KYHACtT.Si:, N. Y., Aliill 21. Col
bnol ItotiMivolt concliulcil IiIh direct
testimony Into toilny niter ntntlns;
tlmt tlio nolo purposo tif lilri nttnek
on Mr. llnnics nml Mr. Murihy wns
to try nml lurrccl nbusea In tlio ntntu
KHViiniiiiuiit. llu sworo thnt lu dlil
not menu to iiinlto nny chargo of cor
ruption against tlio plnlntlff.
SYHACCSE, N. Y., April 21.
Koiir nlmptrrH of Albany polities wore
i elated by President Koocvcll on I lie
witness Ktiitnl loduy, 'l'lit former
ptiidcut vtnvo what Ik claimed lo be
dclitlls of tlio election Itv I lit rue ro-
publicum, iih1nci1 Iiv Murphy dcni
oi'inU ill' mi official lender of llu
icpuhlicmi party in Now York; tin
i'iiiim) of the rhifli between William
llmnes nml Governor Hughe; tin do
fi'nt or tin lluilAgiicw rncing lull by
llu republican iirgnninition nml I lie
Hlit In mi id (lit) combined democratic
nml icpiiblii'iin .iniiehiiios, tin In It it
li'il by Mr. Hume, mudo iiguiiml ill
icct prinnniKH legislation.
Hi) nl-ii Identified n letter written
by Mr. Barnes in which Ihc latter tobl
him "Hiu iili'it of getting lid of
hinsrs irt nliNiiril no Imi); it yon have
ptiity government."
lUnt Itnlo DUciinmiI
"I told Mr. Barnes tlmt 1 didn't in
tend nny mini should say who I
should nppoint. Mr, Bnrnc said in
I cply tlmt Senator I'lalt wns light
nml tlmt tlm lender or mi nrgiini.a
.t it it i nniit lutvi complete control of it.
"It una in 11108 tlmt I told Mr.
Haines my views of tbt mutters wore
tin sumo ns they nlwuys wero. I
told Mr. Humes In Imd my sympathy,
but tlmt Governor Hughon iiiiihI he
independent, I icfcrreil to my talks
mid letters to Senator I'lntt. Mr
Humes said tin orgnnmilinn bud to
bo iloiuiunul nml tlmt Governor
Hughes bud tried (o hrenk down Hit'
iirgmii.utinii mid tlmt be would op
iiiHn (loveruof 1 1 unlit". ' icnoiiiiuu-
OruitiilJitlou Dominant
When the examination of Colonel
ltiioci'lt wns resumed, Mr. Bowers
questioned tbi) witness, who Hitid:
"I hud cnnverxulfoiis with Mr
Huiiii'H lognrding tlio giihcrniitoiiul
'election in llHIH. Tilt conversation
bud wen in icgurd to Mr, Maine'
doiiiiuntion of tin putty, Now,
judge, they wen continued cwiVt'rMi
tioiis. talked over u letter I wrote
in lllllll lo Senator Plait. I repeat
edly lefei'itd to thu domiuntiou of
tin paity liy Senator I'lntl mid Mr.
Mill nerf. I discussed the righteous
lie. of lioxri rule. (Laughter by
"I told Mr, I la men tlmt prior to
my becoming gnvc.rnor Mr. I'lntt hud
asked me lo eomti lo nee him in New
Yolk. It wiih between tlio limn i wn.
elected mid the time ahhiiiiied of
fice. How Miitliliio W'oiked
"I (old Mr. llimirri tlmt 1 told Mr
1 "lit 1 1 ruther, I expienht'd Hiirprise
that eonunitteeri were lieinj.' appointed
when tlio hpeiiker of the usmbly bud
not been eho'-eii, I itlno told Mr
llarnert (but Mr, l'lutt told mo no
npeaker would ho oliosen until it mini
who wiih HUliNfnelory to thu or;un-
(Coiilinncd on Pnw 2.)
IIAZKIUtniTIC, Frnuee, Apiil HI.
1'iiii)iiihIh h Kvlen to tlio import
itneo of tlio HueofhH jjuiiied by HritUh
troops nunr Yjnvn by dntnllH reeuived
hero reptrtliu tlio operation. Tit
eaptnrd position poKHCHsen uouslder
ublo h I Valerie importuuei) nml Iiud
been ilofentled liy tlio (leriuiuiH with
(lehpornto pillimtry fur wcekx,
A niuiilier of (loiiiuin prihonorri who
j)HKed throunb hero llflo (ho (iikiiko
inent oxpreHkOfl little. verct lit liftviiiR
to leavn llm finlil. fm ilntv unii) (line
Imd hcep in tlm (ro.telies'nli vint(.njHOn' r,,,cl imr Nw
Berlin Reports 20,000 British and
French Troops Land on Shore of
Gulf of Saros Additional Forces
Arrlvlnu Dally From Egypt Tor
pedo Boats Try to Pass Straits.
W'AHIIINOTO.V, April til.-lnfor-miltiou
hiiN ri'iii'lieil muiii1 of the em-
buNHien hern that the uII'iih lire ubotit
to leiuforce the naval utlaek on the
DnnbiiiulleH I'oiU by u powerful foree
of troops pithereil largely from In-
Ha mill Miiitlietu r ranee. I ho eajn
pai(,'n Iiiik been euiefully planned.
LONDON, April St. A In ml nnd
den ntlitclt on tlio DuiiliiiiulleH, on n
InrKor Hcnlo t hit ti nt nny tliuu itlnco
tlio allien began their effort to win
CoiiNtniitluopU), apparently Is liiiml-
liuut. Merlin report that S0.000
llrltUh nml I'rearh troopn hnvo Iwen
Inuiteil on tlio north xhuro of the
(lulf of Haron, ICuropean Turkey, In-
illcntliiK Hint Inuil opurnlloiiH arc net
ttnlly under wny.
Thli force proRiiinnlily will bo cm
ployed for nu nttuck from tlio ronr
of tlio Turkish rorllflcnllomi iiIoiir
tlio Kuropcnn slilo of tlio Htrultn, nt
tlio unma Hum Hint n bniubnrtluient
from tlio Men lit undertaken by tlio
nllled fleet. Aililltlonnl IlrltlMh troopx
nro nrrlvltiK dully from l.'Kypt on
IrniniportM nt tlio lilnml of I.emnon,
went of tlio entrnnro to tho Dnrtln
iiellun. No lienvy flnhtliiK linn tuken plnca
ulnce the nttemptn to forco tho strnltK
it montli uko, In which two IlrltlMh
nml two Trench tmUlonhln wero loit.
An offlelnl Mtntemont from Cotmtnn
tlnojilo n)n Hint nix torpedo bontH
nttompted to penotrnto tho aniltn on
Momlny nlKht nml yeHterdny there
utiN nn onKnk'onicnl botweon wnrahlps
nml Turklnh fortlflcntlonn, prelum-
nlily In connection with tho Inndlng
of troops.
CoiiHolntlon for Ititly
At n pntrlotlc demoniitrntlon In
Home n member of tho Itnllnn 'imto
ndilreMHed n mnnlfesto to tho proplo
to tho effect Hint "connotation li n
proneliltiK for tho Itnllnns who hnva
wnlted mid Buffered," roferrlm; ovl
deutly to tho nation's deitlro to nb
Ktirb "iinroileomeil Italy," or tho Aus
trian provinces to tho north. Aus
tria Is reported to bo concentrntlnR
troops hastily iiIoiik tho border In
fear of nn Invasion by Itnllnn troops,
but I'rluco von lltielow, (Ionium nm
bnsiindor nt Itomo, tleulea thnt n rup
ture between Italy nnd Austria Is Im
minent. Lull on llutttlc l.luo
Conditions wero virtually unclinnK
oil yestorilny nloiiK tho western front
nnd In tho enstorn unrenn nlso n lull
tins eomo after tho violent flKhtlm; In
tho CiirpntlilniiH of tho Inst month.
Tho offlelnl French nnd (lermnn
statements today report rompnrntlvo
ly small oiiKiiRomentH nt several
points in Krmico. Knch sldu claims
to havo intuit ullKht proKress mid to
hnvo repulsed tho attacks of tho
NHW YOUIC, April 21. After tho
ndjouriimont today of tho annual
moottiiK of tho AKMocltitctl l'fess, tho
lioaril of illioctoiH mot and orKnnlzotl
with theso efficers: Frank II. Noyea.
o ft ho WuHhltiKton Star, president,
ro-oloetetl; Daniel 1, Mooro of tho
Now Orlcnns TIiuos-lMcnyuno, first
vice president; Honjnmln 11, Anthony,
New Hodfortl, Mass., Standard, hcc
ond vice president; Molvlllo 10, Stono,
secrotnry and Kouernl liianaKer, rfl
elected; Krodorlck Hoy Martin, na
slHtant secretury and assistant gon
oral nuiniiKor, ro-olectod, mid J. R.
Yountt, treiiHiiror, ro-oloctod,
Tho oxocutlvo commttteo wns ro
elected iib follews:
ChurloH W. Knnpp, St, I.ouls rto
ptiblle; Charles Hopkins Clark, Hart
ford Cotirnnt; Cluuica A. Hook, IMHb
lmric Dlspatoh; Frank 11. Noyos,
WnsliliiKton rltnr; Adolph S. OcltR,
Now York TIiiioh; W. U Mcl.onn,
l'hllntlolphlu Hnlltitln; Victor 1 I,nw-
W '" fL (you are a r
t --am i-uni rm
rr J JSamy ' k TB
. mmBmm mmm-m mmmmmmmamm
HO.MU. April 'il -Tho Messnj;
gero today publishes nu Interview
with Honslor Hlccardo Cnrnfu, which
Klves n pessimistic foreenst of tho
outcome of tho negotiations between
Hnly and Austrln.
Tlio paper says the senator, who
Is u frequent caller nt tho IioAjdo of
I'rlnco von Houlow, tho Herman urn
bnssndor to Home, makes tho state
ment that ho liennt from tho prlnco
n "confession'' which wns aubstnn
Unity ns follews:
"I'nfortuuately tho Itnllnn-Aus-trlnn
ncKOtlatlons nro not proceed
ing satisfactorily. Their failure will
bo followed by n rupture between
Itomo nml Vienna. This will bo re
gretted by (icrmnny. I am sorry to
affirm thnt In this sail cventunllty
Germany will do her duty to tho end
by tho side of Austrln."
Continuing Scnntor Cnrnfa de
clared that ho repented this conver
sation to Premier Snlundra, who did
not seem surprised at It. On tho con
trary ho said to tho sennter:
"Impelled by tho paramount In
terests of our country wo will pro
ceed with our duty ngnlnst nil our
CHICAOO, April 21. Jucob M.
Dickinson, representing tho court In
the receivership of tho Chicago, Itock
Island & Pacific Hallway company,
assumed formal ehnrgo of tho com
pany today. II, U. Mudge, president
of tho toad, also Is a receiver, but
Jutlgo Dickinson lina tho deciding
Tho court today granted tho receiv
ers formal permlsslos to pay current
expenses or tho road nt their ills
rietlon. OF 74
CUirACH), April 21. -Mrs. A. U.
Cunfield, 74 yenrs old, wits elected
ninyor of Wnrren, III., vi"dordny, de
feating her opponent hv only four
votes, Mrs, CuuHold is tio tipt wo
man in Hlino'K to have been made
chief executive of a municipality,
Warren's population is iihoiit loOO.
NKW YpHK, April 21. -Vincent
Astor bus )itvehiised u flying boat
for Ills personal uo mid will probably
niako trial flights in it within tho next
few weeks from tho Hudson river,
near bis home, Ferueliff, at Ilhiiie
beck, N. Y. Tho bout is built fm
two passengers, mul "-If is said that
Mrs, Aslor intends making flights
with lior InisbHiitl,
Hllin.lN", via wiiclce to Snvwlli-,
April 'Jl. The Thkos Zeittin todnj
ptibli-hcs ii hpociul tUputch, the or
igin of whieh, however, is not jiiven,
haying that 'J0,)()0 Hritixh mid Freneii
troops have been landed near Ktio,
in Huropenu Turkey, on the north
side of Hie (ittlf of Saroi. A beavj
eunnoiiuding took plnee between the
Turkihh batteries nrotind Hnos nnd
the warships of Hie Jllte.
A dispateh reeeived in llerlin from
Athens says frent activity bus been
noted union-; Hut llritih forces on the
laud of I.eiinios, which lie to th6
we-t of the entrance io the Dardan
elles. Troop trmixpotU are arriving
daily nt I.eiiiiius from Ale.uudria,
Kc.v)t the c;cnsorsliip is inore risnl
and all indication point to Mronn
action UKniust the Dardanelles nt tin
early date.
A dispatch received in London yes
tcidny from Kdeiinteh, llulnrm, n
shoit ditnnco to the west of F.nos"
siiiil a violent enuiiomido oeeurred in
the flulf of Snrox Sundity evening.
The firing was so heavy Hint build
ings nt Dedengateh were shaken.
There has been no previous an
nounceinent of a concentrated effort
.Monday by vessels of the allied fleet
to run tlio straits mid tlio above dis
pateh fuiU to iHm'Iooc what was the
roult of tho operation.
official stntement isued today b.
llie war office says:
"It U now definitely known that six
torpedo boats attempted to penetrate
tlio Dardanelles Monday night."
SANTA MONICA, Cat., April 21.
Mounted policemen captured, after n
fight early today, it negro who is ac
ctiM'tl of having attempted to kidnap
Until, tho ll-yenr-old daughter of
Hrneo Saylor, oily cemetery iniuincor,
through tho window of tho child's
bedroom. A second negro implicated
in tlio attempt escaped, after several
bullets hud been fired at him.
Tho (wo negroes nppoured at thu
girl's window shortly after dawn. Ono
of them grasped Ruth by one of iter
feet ami was dragging her through
tho window when her ories and those
of, her Miialler sister, awakened their
father, lie gave the ulurm.
WASHINGTON, April 21. Kddte
Ainsiuith, premier catcher of tlio
Washington A'riean leaguo hnse
hall team, was sentenced to thirty
ibiys in the workhouso without option
of a fine, in polieo court after con
viction of mi nssnult iipu a street
car motorman, Joe Kngel, a pitcher,
was fined if.")0 for piutieipatin;r in
llio nssnult. Appeals ycro lk.'li
LONDON, April 21. DIspotches
reaching London from tho French
front show considerable military ac
tivity, with the artillery taking a
prominent part In the attacks made
by one sldo or tho other. There Is
llttlo evldenco, however, that cither
sldo has gained, but whatever small
advantago has been reaped seems to
rest with tlio Germans between tho
Mouse and the Lorraine frontier. Tho
French have made a slight advance
.it Fllrey, but their report suggests
that tho gain was not proportionate
to tlio errort put forth.
Herlln claims several minor suc
cesses, ono being he rccapturo of a
small village In Lorraine, tho loss of
which had not previously been ad
mitted by tho general staff. Another
attack In tho Pont-a-Mousson district
npitear to have made an advance.
The English newspapers today are
devoting columns to comment on tho
optimistic speech delivered at Now
custlo last night by Premier Asqulth.
Tho utterances of the prlitio minister
aro In substance tho putting Into ef
fect of a sort of Industrial conscrip
tion by which employers shall fore
go some of their profits, tho trado
unions agree to suspend soma of their
rules necessary In times of peaco and
the tax payer shall contrlbuto an In
demnity to factories In cases whero
tho loss hits been caused by comman
deering for tho government.
Sofia is rcsponslblo for a report
that bombardment violent enough to
shako buildings nt Dedcagatch has
been going on In tho Dardanelles
and on tho gulf of Saros.
LONDON, April 21. Arthur Ham
ilton Lee, M. 1'., who wns HritUh
military attache with the United
States anny during the Spaai-h-Ameriean
war, and who married Miss
Ilutli Mooro of New York, is serving
ns colonel on tlio continent, lie has
written a letter homo from tlio Hrit
ihli hcntlqiuutoRj in Fnuiue, in whieh
ho says:
"The allies have it in their povvor
to win, hut this does not mean tlmt
victory is close nt hand or tlmt tho
hardest fighting and tiio heaviest
losbo are not yet to come."
WAHSAW, N. C, April 21, For
mer CougrehMimn John M. Faison of
Faison, N. l, was found dead in tho
bathroom of his homo early today
with a revolver wound in his lower
WASHINGTON, April 21-Fresi-dent
Wilcoii today appointed Joseph
L. Axlihritlgo of ltoundup United
Slates itinrslml for jr.ontain,
LONDON, April 21. -Amerieitn
shippers aro complaining vigorously
to the American embassy and consul
ate been u he thev arc compelled, un
der Hie regulations of the Briti-h ad
miralty to bear the expense incidental
to delays in the examination of car
goes of ships detained nt Kirkwall
and other Hritih jtorts. Charges for
loading nnd unloading cargoes nnd
other port expenses incurred in the
examination of suspected goods are
assessed against the owners ot the
cargoes or snips.
The procurator general gave as
surances today to Hubert I. Skinner,
the merican consul general, that ev
ery effort would bo made to ltnsten
the relea-e of cnrgoe of American
apples, Iirgc ouuntitics of these
npples principally from Washington
and Oregon, are being held in llritish
Six hundred bales of cotton from
the Swedish 'tenmer Georgia, from
Savannah, March 22, for Gothen
burg, have been thrown into prize
court nt Kirkwall becau.e they were
not certified as having been loaded
prior to March 1, which would ex
empt litem from the operation of the
order in conned.
WASHINGTON, April 21,-UotH
Secretary Bryan and tho German
ambassador refused today to di-cus.-tho
reported withdrawal of Wolf von
Lohneysen, Gentian consul nt Seat
tle, on representations from the
United States tlmt he had sugge.-ted
to n fonnery German re.-orvi.t, now
enlisted in tlto United States unny,
Hint ho return to the German arms.
Secretary Garrison, however, said
he had some time ago reeeived a copy
of u letter continuing such a sugges
tion, purported to have been written
by tlio consul lo a soldier stationed
nenr Seattle, and thnt bo bad turned
it over to tho stato department.
540,000 BRITISH
LONDON, April 21, 5:03 p. in.
Speaking in the houso of commons
this afternoon on tho manner in
which the government is dealing with
the question of war equipment, Chan
cellor of (ho Exchequer Lloyd-George
announced that while Great Britain
had started in tho war on tlto -as
sumption thnt tho expeditionary force
would consist of six divisions, tho
country now had more than six times
that nuinbor of men in France,
A division of tho British army con
tains .15,0(10 men. Thirty-six divis
ions would givo a total of f10,000
Bryan Delivers Reply to Bornslorff
Effectual Blockade by Britain Nec
essarily Modifies Strength of Posi
tion, But America Has Net Receded
from Position.
WASHINGTON, April 21. The
reply of the United States to the re
cent memorandum from Count Benw
torff, Hie German ambassador, deal-i
ing with exportation of arms to the
allies will be delivered today to' this
German embassy. Secrotnry Bryan
made this announcement today, but
would not discuss the details of the
reply. Secretary Bryan declined to
ttny whether tho reply accepted tho
ambassador's memorandum as from
the Gorman government, or as nn ex
pression of Count Bemstorfi's per
sonal views. The reply, however,
gives it offieinl recognition, leaving
the ipiestion of its authority between
the ambassador and his government.
A Friendly IHschmIob
The reply is understood to be a
friendly discussion of the oints rais
ed by the ambassador, taking issuo
with the statement that tho United
States has accepted England's alleg
ed violations of international law, anil
calls attention to tho various notes
presented by the state department tu
London, asserting and defending thu
rights of neutral governments.
The effect of a declaration of a
practical blockade by Greut Britain
has necessarily modified the strength
of the position assumed by the United
States on these subjects, butnowhero
the note points out, has there been
any sacrifice of principle by tho
state department in the negotiations
with the allies. These, it is pointed
out, still nro continuing, with the re
sult Hint daily tho rigors of
the British order in council are being
Real Ilrcuch of Neutrality
Itegnrding the ambassador's pro
tent against the sale of arms und
munitions to tho allies, it is under
stood that the reply declares that any
attempt nt this stage of the war to
prohibit the sale of anus and ammu
nition to nuy applicant would ,ousti
tute a renl breach of neutrality.
Tho note is snid to hold that it is
Germany's misfortune if she is un
able to convey anus to her homo
ports, while the market is open to her,
and finally that there is no possible
application in tho present conditions
of tho peculiar legislation nml rules
made in the case of Mexico.
CHICAGO, April 21. Results of
local option elections, In twenty six
towns and villages were claimed as
a victory for antl-Baloon leaguers to
day, i
Kleven towns wero swopt Into tho
dry column, abolishing about eighty
saloons, and all previously dry ter
ritory was retained, according to lute
reports. The wots retained twelvo
towns and villages.
Tho votes of women proved to bo
tho controlling factor at several
places. In LItchtlold fifteen saloons
wore wiped out by women. In Ot
tawa, however, whero tho Issue was
btttorly contested, tlto women fur
nished 171 votes towards the wet
majority ot 1240, Forty eight sa
loons wero retained.
Figures provided by F, Scott Mc
Ilrlile, Btato superintendent ot the
anti-saloon leaguo, showed that there
aro now fifty five entirely dry coun
ties In tho Btate, forty six partially
dry, and one, Monroe, entirely wet.
Seventy county seats are dry, while
thirty two remain wet.
p in i
DECATUR, 111., .April 21. Fire
which for a time threatened the En
tire business nectioii er)y today de
stroyed tho theater und Adt ItwiJ.
iugs. The loss I estiwHted nt fty
nun. o f
m cr-
, .4
. I
' ,'.