Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    I i
IL Lgl
At n spt'ciril meeting of the school
board held Inst week inerensot lit
salary for four of lliu live principal
of .schools were made. Pinir primary
guide teachers also received hit
cjcnbOS in pay. U. H. Moore of the
high school was promoted to piiuci-
pal nl $11100 111 place or Professor
llnwuinn, resigned, (o nCccpl the su
perintendeucy of tho KJnmnth Fulls
schools, who received $ lf00 a tv'nr.
Tho principals bcucu'ted hy in
creases are:
1'. 11. Dully, principal of the Wash
ington school, from $1200 to $KI00.
A. J. Hfluby of tho Jackson school,
Horn .flOOO to $1100.
J. W. Reams of the Lincoln .school,
from $000 to $1000.
Mrs. I. T. Galligar of tho Roose
velt school, $900 to $1000.
V. Meldo llillls, tininiM superinten
dent of city schools, will receive n
twlnry of $2'J.r0 per yenr, nn increase
of $-tf0 oyer that paid U. S. Collins,
resigned. Professor Collins up to
"last year received $2000' per nuuum.
All of tho primary department in
structors received increases. Miss
Kmily Dovore receiving $1(10 iMr
monili, because of exceptional null
ity in teaching little folks. The .Misses
Maud PlulhrooTi, Fannie llaskuis and
Y.l It ll tf ' . .-
una riemcp-1 win receive .U0 per
month, nu Increase of $5. All of
these salaries nro for nine months'
In tho high school the following
iMilnry recommendations were adopt adept
ed: Miss Florence Carpenter, $100 a
month for nine months; J. M. Orotsly,
$11)0 per month for ten months; Lu-
ciio .Marshall, $100 per month lor
ninu months; Ruth .Merrick, $100 per
month for nine months; C. H. Pratt,
$100 per month for nine months; Ina
.a Kins, )j.iou per nioniu jor nine
months; Lucilc Davis, $00 per month
for fifo nod one-half months; Ot.o
Ivlum, $100 iipr month for eleven
months; E. ,Kd Hull, $100 per month
for eleven nnd one-half months; Ma
bel Menrs, $100 per month for nine
months; Oraco Mitchell, $100 per
month for ninu months; Klla Gaun
yaw, $00 per month for nine months.
Tho following grade teachers re
ceive $80 per month for nine menths:
Tho Misses Om Cox, Mabel Myers,
.Myrtle Clnyvillc, Elizabeth Ferguson,
Viola I'heister, Anna Purucker, Amy
Harding, Kate Stinc, Ktithryn Dnn
hnnl, May Mordoff, Anna Hansen,
Hess Kent tier nnd Hluuchc N'eff Cnn
odc. (Jrade tcaphers listed nt $75 per
month nrc:, MUs. Inez Coffin, Mrs.
Jano N, Guernsey, the Misses Jos
ephine Riley, Grace Pearce, Carrie
Jacks, Throne Carkins, Genevieve
Wortmnii, Jennie M. .Sneflicor nnd
Agnes Hobinson.
The tencherh' committee, composed
of Directors J. II. Cochran and Mrs,
K. L. Gore, imidu the salary reeom
LONDON, April U0. '2:22 p. in.
The Hritish ndmirnltv announced of
ficially today that the Hritish sub
marine K-lfi was destroyed hi the
Dardanelles hv Hritish picket boats.
The text of the admiralty an
nouncement follows;
"The submarine K-l.l, which
grounded on Kephez Point lnd Snt-
Lurdny, appears to have been in dan
ger of falling into the enemy's hands
in n serviceable condition. Great ef
forts were made hy he Turks to se
cure ncr. Aiiempis in uesirov Her
by long-range fire of battleships
I.IUI'U. (
"During the night of the 18th two
picket boats that of the Triumph,
Under Lieutenant commander Eric
Hobinson, who commanded the expe
dition, assisted by Lieutenant Arthur i
Jtrooko Webb, It. X. ft., and Midship,
man John W.voley, and that of the
Majestic, under Lieutenant Claude
Godwin, both manned by volunteer
crews, attacked the submnrine. The
boats were subjected to a heavy fire.
estimated at '22 rounds, from' fort
.Xo. 8, which was only a few yards
distant, and a number of small guns
nt short range. Notwithstanding
this, the submarine wns torpedoed
nnd rendered useless. The Mnjestie's
.picket boat wns holed and sunk, but
the crew wns saved by tho other
boat, and the only cnsnulty was one
man who died of wounds.
" ice-Admirnl Dc Itobeek speaks
in the highest terms of all concerned
in this gallant enterprise. Lieutenant
Commander Erie Hobinson has been
promoted to a commander by the ad
miralty and A report has been cnlled
for on the individual services of the
other officers nnd men with n view to
their recognition.'
The Truth About Twilight
Modern Miracle of Painless
(Editor's Nete: ThU i the second
of three articles nn "painless child
birth" by Dr. Francis II. Wakefield,
recognized us an American autboii y
on the use of seopolainin for "twi
light sleep" maternity.)
(Hy Dr. Francis It. Wakefield.) I
The whole object to be accomplish I
ed by the use of .seopolnmiu, the ding'
that induces the "twilight sleep" in I
which childbirth lakes place wi bout
memory of pain on the part of the;
mother, is to produce a semi-con
scious condition without interfering
with the normal progress of labor.
This may sound easy on paper, but
is really a very ditficult lieiitincnl ,
to carry out successfully. It is eosyi
enough to get the patient into the
desired condition, hut it is by no
means so easy to perpo'uatc this
state over an extended period, often
trom twelve to fifteen hours. Par
ticularly is it difficult to maintain the
delicate half-sleep toward the con
clusion of childbirth.
A sharp sound will throw the pa
tient out of this delicate psycholog
ical ciiioisc. If labor is well ad
vanced it is then almost iinsssible
to' again induce the semi-conscious
doses administered whenever there
at a time, and at the same time lie
protected from light, noise and eon
I'ussion of any kind.
The attending accoucheur must re
main with the piiiieut during the en
tire time of labor after she is under
the iutliienee of the drug. Me must
watch her closely. er condition
must be carefully gauged and fresh
" - ..
- ? VS ST a
. I
JG3H& ..v'
mtitJZ. 4
tending physician
Itlcal Conditions Necessary
The twilight sleep treatment prom-
state, and most certainly the pa'ient'ises never to come into general use in
will carry awav the memory of a cer
tain amount of pain, thus, in her es
timntion. making the twilight sleep
treatment unsuccessful.
lJlllle Wilson, gc .1 wevks, horn In "TUIkIiI Steep," nnd tils niolher,
to preserve the nre signs of the drug's effects wear
ing off.
She will not consider the pains she
has been spared, but only carry awav
from the treatment recollections of
those she felt at the time the drug's
potency had been shattered by the
noise, confusion or failure of the iu-
While it is ipiite possible to carry
out the ticatment in a perfectly ideal
way for any length of time, it re
ipiires deep special knowledge nnd a
degree of judgment on the part of the
almost in a
public hospitals as at present con
ducted. The itntnlif tnti riiiiiin'it t'nr
the successful us., of s lobimin in' physician amounting
obstetrics nre not to be secured in h,3t,h M'"M' f,,r ",0 '''",t f tin
the overage hospital handling a mul-.h,K"s 'l,l"011Hh which the patient's
tiplicitv of cases. (State is revealed. This comes from
In the first place. th dclierv;'lu' ,,,,,,,,,Im? of '"""V n"cvdeep
room must be so Wtuatcd and so "M,,.V '".l psychological genius,
equipped that the patient can be mndcj While innn men will dotibllcss
coinfoi table for au number of hours practice the scopoluuiiii ticatmeiil,
relatively few promise lo make a
hi-illiiiuljsiiecesH of it. And much of
that success will depend upon the
stuff of expert assistant with whom
they will be able (n surround them
selves. ,'fv
Pcihnps mom tlnhi'. In nn o'her
hraueli of luediclhe, the pcrsTViuil ele.
itieul will play an iiapoitaiil pait hi
the twilight sleep ticatmeiil.
Tivatiucut More Costly
Naturally Ibc liealmcul will ieittiie
more caiv than the old accouch-
meuts becaue the doctor in charge
will have to devote, his full time to
every delivery, from beginning to
end. This necessitates sacrifice of
other office practice in the meantime.
It is not going to he popular with
the average man of the profession.
And it is for Ibis icasou largely
that twilight sleep Is being "knocked"
so persistently in ln medical profes
sion. The tesults to the mothers and
children of the new method of child
birth, however, amply justify nil sac
rifices, and the time is ceilalnly
coming when imiuilnr demand will
compel all of the larger cities at least
to,.havc twilight sleep wards in their
Those obstetricians who have de
livered women under the scopolaiuiu
treatment and who haxc the slightest
degree of human feeling, asseit that
they would under no eiicuinstnnccs
go back to the obi method where a
woman was allowed to undergo her
ordeal with the full measure of use-
less suffering. I would certainly not
go bnck to the old bungling methods.
( lo be continued tomorrow.)
CONSTANTINOPLI!, April 20, via
London iiiW p. in. -The iillnok lit' a
Turkish toipedo boat on the British
trausporf .Matiiloti off the coast of
(jlttofijliist Hatilnluy and tlui.subsj'.
lUcuLdcstruv(inii of jhe torpedo h'ont,
weie reported lit an dfliclal sliileincnl
Issued .today at the war nlfico hole.
The statement follews:
"A'TiirMsh torotslo boat Ami! 17
Htieecsstully attacked the Hritish
trnnspoii Mniiitou in the Aegean sea.
The torpedo was pursued hv lllitislt
oiulsersjiud destroyed to Chios,
whore- the crew blew up the vessel In
older that it might not fall into the
enemy's hands."
London reporls of April I" and
1H said that tho Tuikish warship
which attacked the Mauitoit was
driven ashore and destroyed by Hiit
Ish vessels. The Hiilish niltniially
announced that tho Mauitoii was not
dnmuged hy the torpedo boat, but
that twenty-four men had been
drowned and twenty-sown weie miss-
lug, owing In the capsizing of two
small boats.
-1 !
PIIIDADKLPIIIA, April 20.-l-or-
est fires which have been ra-jinu in
Pennsylvania and southern New Jer
sey for sevcralnilvs, are assuming
alarming proportions. Vast areas of
valuable woodlands have been de
vastated nnd several houses and
barn have been destroyed, while
several towns have been threatened
with destruction.
More thiirVjeigliteen miles of forest
land have been laid bare in the vicin
ity .of PIcasantvillc, X. J., and fire
companies from that place, Egg Har
bor and neighboring towns were
fighting desperately last night to
eheek the flumes. Property owners
in tho fire zone estimate that the
damage so far exceeds $100,000.
OLYMPIA, Wash., April L0. The PAWS, April 20. Ilnlv some time
supreme court today denied the fixed April 'JO as the latest date
tion for a rehearing filed by the stntelfor the consideration or any propos
iti the case of J. W. Hrjshiwn audi ids Austria might wih to make, ae
others against Kdward Meath and j cording to a report ciincnt in Home,
others. In this ease the court de-'says a dispatch from the Figaro's
elared that the emergency clause uf-1 correspondent. Huron de Maecheo,
fixed to the mcasiiie passed by the! the Austrian ambassador, has already
J01." legislature, changing the per- ;gien notice to embassy servants who
.sound of the state hind board, un-'now are paid dailv, it is said, and the
constitutional. The law will not go
into effect now until June 10, or
ninety dnys after the legislature has
ended its sessions. As a result of
same is true of the payment of
tradesmen's bills for goods miplied
the embnssy. The Figaro's dispatch
declares it id stated in Vu'icnn cir-
the courts decision the April Inndlcles that the visit made to the pop.
sale was annulled. Thero are nowi a few day iiuo hv Prince von Hut-low.
the German ambassador, wns to bid
LONDON, April J0.-The prcserva
tion of the common interests of nil
the powers in China hv the insurance
of the independence and the integrity
of the Chinese nnd the principle of
c.pml opportunities for the commerce
and industry of all tin ions in China,
was declared by Sir Kdward Oroy,
foreign secretory, to be the policy of
the Hritish government in China.
Lust night's performance of
".Martha" and u scene from "Faust"
by the Andrews 0cru company was
the most enjoyable oiieniiiu treat that
Medfonl has had for somo time. The
jM-rformnnee of "Martha" showed a
marked smoothness over the first pro
duction hero bouiu time ago. Hignor
tiioniano was n favorite m both roles
that ho preseited. He is, indeed, a
great tenor. The part of Mephisto
buits George. Andrews peifectly. He
was in good voice and sang both
Plunkett and .Mephisto in a thorough-
Iy artistic manner. Julia Zumwalt
has grown in favor with Med ford an
djencos. She was very good in both
Nancy and the iiTnt of Mar.a in
Mrh. Ed Andrews, who always
pleases in "Minlhn," was a surprise
to her friends in the more pretentious
role of Marguerite, She is an urtitd
fully oupnblo of holding lutr own in
tha hi'hl of operatic casts. Ed An
drews had but lit le to do, but' did that
little very well. Theio Is nothing but
wnnbi -of. praise forthv Andrews Op-
era 'company sinen their lut per
fnnmtnec, Thov are one of tlm prod
ucts of the Knguo Hjver valley.
4 ..
The entertainment at Trail Satur
day night wus largely attended by an
appreciative audience. Every act
wns produced in a manner that would
plenso even tho theater-going critic,
nnd from the raise of the first cur
tain there was a roar of laughter.
I no musii) was good and some of the
latest song hits were rendered in nu
able mamter. Speciul mention is due
McDonald Hros. in their comic black
face specialties. The acts were made
up by the following individuals: L.
Anderson, L. Ossmaii, A. Cnppcll.
Miss Effi,, Ossmnn, Mrs. J. K. Mc
Dounld nud .McDonald brothers.
five other cases before the court in
volving the validity of the emergency
clauses affixed to other bills by the
lawmakers. One of these bills re-r Home is imminent
quire n prohibitory bond from street I
motor buses.
farewell to the pontiff, as the diplo
mat believes his departure from
CAPE TOWN, U. S. A., April 120.
Forces of tho Cnioii of South Africa
have occupied Kcctniishop, the most
important town in German Southwest
Africa, next to Windhoek, the capital.
It 'is nn important railroad junction
nnd gives General Itothu, tho Doer
leader, command of tho railroad to
j CHICAGO, April 20. Tho West-
fin Union Telegraph company mes
sago rates between New York and
San Francisco and its cable rates
from New York to points in England
were pronounced not unreasnuablo or
unjustly discriminatory today by the
interstate commerce commission. The
rate to San Francisco wns attack, d
by W. N. White & Co., produce deal
ers ui Mjw lork, hecuuso ol thu lower
rates for press dispatches.
; qrilCAOO, April 20.Ordcrs for
fcLGOfyOOO worth of equipment arc to
iw pJsocd shy the Chicago' & North
ywAtwn. railway, it was announced
,JWWm,WJLio .order w
BERLIN, April 120. Among the
items given out for publication toda
by tho Overseas News Agency were
tho follewing:
"Special mail reports from East
Africa slate thnt in n two days' but
tle German troops near Pangani
routed a strong foreo landed from
British ernUcrs and transpoits. The
Hritish lost 700 men, nmong them
four companies cuphncd, besides
many rillcs and largo stores of tun.
munition. The Gorman casualties,
were seven officers and thiitecn men
killed, four officers nud twenty-two
men wounded."
mii Yaffle k&sM
PA WIS, April 20, .r.:i:. a. m. Two
Turkish toipedo boat destroyers were
blown up, says a Saloniki dispatch,
while passing through a mine belt
which Russian shiiw hud succeeded
in laying across the entrance to the
Hosphorus, while the Turkish fleet
was cruising in the Black sea. Tho
explosions caused by the destruction
of the two Turkish boats gave warn
ing to the remainder of the fleet,
which the dispatch says was obliged
to remain in the Hliick sea because no
nunc. sweepers were available.
KOMI-:, April 20.Uueho Willc,
eommanucr nl the Swiss arm v. is
iuntcd in an interview in the Trill
ium as declaring his count r' mili
tary forces must be kept mobilized.
Although no other power nt present
threat ns Switzerland, he said, an in
cident might occur on the frontier at
any time which would compel the
Swiss to eiifoice their rights and their
After describing the military or
ganization of Swilreiland, Colonel
Wille closed the interview, saying:
"Supposing us a mere hypothesis
that anyone wished to vacate our
neutrality, they must first crush us."
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 20.
All but two of the icclecled in
structors of the Klamath county high
school have declined to accept isisi-
lions for the next term because Pro
fessor W. E. Fought was not re
elected principal. The school hoard
told Faught it would re-elect him if
ho would resign, Faught refused to
do this, saying it would put hlui in u
false light, nud demanded to know the
grounds for his removal.
All the teachers then signed a peti
tion urging the board in retain
Faught, holding that he has greatly
advanced the school nud also seeking
the grounds for removal,
Tlie Doctor n,y (, Munfrrolc"
8o ninny sufferer have found relief
In MIWratOLK Hint you ought to
buy n niiinll Jar nnd try It.
Jiint Mircud It on with tho flnnem.
Hub It In. Clrnt sou feet n centl.i
glow, then n dellcloun, cooling com
fort. Ml'HTIJKOLi: routs the twlng
es, lonnenii up stiffened Joints nnd
MP.STHKOLi: l n clean, white
ointment, timdn with oil of muMani.
It penetrate to tho nent of pnlu nud
drives It nwny, but doei not blUter
the tenilerMt nL-ln
It takes tho place of thVnuimy,
old fanhloiicd mustard plnnter.
MHHTKItOLIJ In recommended for
llronchUlii, Croup, Anthinn, PImirUy,
Lumbago, Nournlnln, fiprnlnn, Ilriitn
e. Btlff Neck, Headache and Colds
of tho Client (It often prevenlii Pneu
monia). At your druKRlms In 2,'. nmt r.Oe
Jnrs, nnd n ipcclnl large lioapltnl w
for 12.50.
H miro you get tho genuine MUH
TBUOt.i:. Hefuno ImllntloiiH get
whnt you nk for. The Muterolo
Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
Paid Adv. , i
Fcr That New
Tailored to Fit
NEW YORK, April 20. The reac
tionary trend which attended yester
day's late dealings wus again effect
ive today, selling in laigo volume be
ing renewed after un irregular own
ing. Opening prices showfd gnins in
excess of losses, but only in a few
instnnces were the higher prices more
than nominal. I'nited States Slid
was the most active feat inc. Rock
Island was also active nt u decline uf
five points. Sales in the first hour
amounted to :i7,'),0l)l) shares.
Iiiuiglnary Ilcuit TrouMc.
Do you have palna In (ho region of
tho heart? Does your hcurt thump?
H'h terrlblo pounding alarum you?
What Is wrong? Do you bellevu those,
symptoms mean heart trottblo7 Or
ganic dlnenHCH of tho heart very el
dom occasion much pain. Nearly all
of thcHo pains nro canned by sonic
derangement of tho stomach. Merl
tot Tonic DlKCBtlvo Is cHpeclnlly rec
ommended for liidlgeHtloii and dyn
populn, nnd for renlorlng tho stom
ach to Its normal fuurtlniiH and nn
mora "heart iIIhoiiho? Prleu 1 1.00.1
hxcliiBlvn AgentH HiiHldns drug atoro,
123 East
Sblvcs tlm )i'ol)Ioin for a des
sert. NothiiiL' moro imlul-
nhlo. Ptiro jtntl wltolosonio.
Any riuvov. Hriflc, I'tmc.y
molds, Sliprlu'ls nnd Jcos
inttdti lo order.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
32 8. Central. Pljoiio '18!
IwiiVhatKi o(UQ04) Mod box cars midland engaged i
titty (( puiMWiutfi' caw, civek dibtrict.
(HORDE.V At San Francisco, Ap
ril J 2, 11)15, Kilu-in 0, Hoiden, aged
,r8 years. Mr. Itorden was n icni.
dent of Rogue River for inuny years
in milling in the Kvuns
The first of the big fenturo iirodm
tions that will be shown at the Star
theater will bo "Tho Christian." This
feature is from the story hy Kail
Caine, and is without doubt,, one of
tho greatest lovo stories ever writ
ten, Avoiding nny impression of the
said by many to bo one of tho best
impressions of good ocling ever
achieved by tho camera.
Karlo Williams as John Storm and
Miss Edith Storey n (llory Qiiujlo
nro ino wci known in this city In re
quire any introdiiction,"nnd (he stars
are supported by a large uur woll-
mesome box promeni, I no com net ol Known eoiniuinv of Hrn.i,1if. win.j
lovo between Glory Qunylo and John' Tho play will ho shown for two
Nlonii, us shown in this great play,
makes a new appeal to the hearts of
men and women, Tho story is in
tense mid dramatic and has beeuj
dnys, with matineo and two ovenin
performances daily, and reserved
seals nro on sale u tho box office of
tho Slur thcutor,
Sieaiy Goinfy
There's satisfaction when
your engine hums along
without a hitch. And good
fuel helps lot good old
fashioned gasoline like
Red Cf owttlSia
rite uasoune or nuain
The kind that's clean, quick
burning, with snap in every
drop every drop the same.
Standard Oil Company
208 Etiat Maiil Street
Tho Only Exclueive
Commercial Photographem
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
place by appointment
Phono 147-J
We'll do tho i rest.
X. D. WISTOH, Frop.