"?! CP wroircmn mot; TrcmtrNT!!, medford, ominosr, Tr-rcsPAY, 'aprtl 20, mm AT THEIR GAY PRANf OSCAR AND ADOLPH AdolphIs Never Satisfied A 2j J tiLl, wa MIGHT "S VCCC 'STVQY HURRAH J YOOD uorirvT uot.rri. tqav i AT V.IST i OH 73133 TRCC. .1 H FRIENDLY SUIT TTi , ( ?, .a m ROCK ISLAND RECEIV ER NAMED H'My vnn poem Vi PROOLBM OH DISS J 1J ISLNT I3r FICRCCj' I N03)t)IN(7S TO. 6sAl b"-noTMiR yUim r.'t - - -- ".- i ) W'f J I Veuu, U)HY DON'T YOU OAT Jf! I . Jfcto"V. irll i x Y0UR orcat fruitl li f .z v nr ,Tj rfPX.nilr -7 n'sw r -. Ill ( vr' rr.lTi V ft T3I33 TRCCj bst? V. TR3Cr." J 3 ' VZ13 -m')Wll U riV7i V0ND6RING , F N. " .t k t CIIH A(H, April J(l.- Tin Clil i'iii, Knelt 'IhImihI A I'm'ilic Itltllwny ('iiiiiiiiii,v wan pliMTil In li IiiiihIh nl' leeeiwrs 111 Inline , Ciiiii'iitnr'H binneh nl' Hut United SIiiK'm iliMtiirt eotut Iikiii litilny. 'I'lli' Hindi dropped II) iiIii(n mi Ilin Now Yolk Htnck ox I'hiuiHi. Tim i)oiiiiiuiv iiiliiilltiil Dm inabil ity In ini'i't 1 11 0 1 ii (linn $.ril(ll)ll,OllO hi Miull-leim nnli'H iiml Other nliliii tlium title betueeu now iiml ,Mny 1, mid (In intuit appointed II. I'. .Muiluc, pnwiiieul nl' the iMiiiiuiiiy, Mini Jit enli .f. DieliiiiHiin, former K'eiolury nl' War, leeolvoiH, Application I'nr llio reeoivemhip wit made Iiv llie Amoiieuii Hied l-'iimiririra I'limimiiy, which him n claim of f 1 7,0011 tiKitiiiNt the ili'lVni. nut. A. C. Iliduowuy, vl president "f the rallunv roiiiptiiiy, Iiml W. I'". Ilehiin, il general attorney, up. pemeil in eniiM. AnWoiilijr tn pe tition, Mr. Kiducuuv Milled thnt n riecerhii wiik the beM inrmiH of proleeliiiK ereilitnin, IiiiihIh iiml Miicl.'lmlilom unit collateral jncreHK The iiiihvny eoiiipnnv was the Iiiimc property fur the I'nrmntioii nf the Hook Mmnt eninpniiv, which N ald piacticallv to haw tlUnppemeil from the fiiitiiielil map, mill Hie Chlcngo, llnV'k Iwliilul f; Pacific Itnllrnad com pany. The railroad enniiinv (tuned H.'i pet u( nf the Mock nf the i nil- way ennipimv, which nctiiullv oper ated the mini. II him been in the hand ufn receiver nppniuteil in New York fr n considerable rind. DROP ARSON CHARGE AGAINST SWOBODA I'AIIIK, Aiiil ai).- French militiiry niithnritirn hitre decided to ilrop the charge f m'IIiiii; fire in the Mcnitutr l.a Tininilini vilnch wn preferred iiiralu! the iniui known iih Itnyiiininl Swtilnnln, nay the I'etit I'nnaieno. Cnptnin llniielinnlnn, the olden tip pnlnleil tn iiivcHtigulu the rune, ,h eieilitnl with hn ills' cprccd the opinion UinL there. ii. not xufficieut evidence In nliOiiu n conviction nn thirt ehiirpe. lie Mill facet mi no ipilnillnii nf oHpinuiige, however. Swnboda mlmltlrtl nt n preliminary lionrinu; thnt lit-t real inline wiik Hay inninl Knlf Seliwiinlt iuuI wan icmocd yeNtHi'iluv from the Santa piNnn to the I'iiImih ile Justice, where he was i v iiiniuil i I'apinin nniiehiinlini. Waul, in w.itch his fill ehcelv in the leiir that lie ina ntteinpt Minnie, E CIIICAdd, Annl lilt. Twenty-two tnwim nml villiiKO in HliimH vnteil today mi the (pientum nf nlinliliint hiiIooiih. CIomi tn I .'ill nalooiH mo iiiMilveil in the irHiie. I'mhihitinu leiulers weie eonfiilent that uninen will prove an important fnetnr in the liiilloliiij ami thnt nt Inihl four eoiiutii'H will he ailileil to the dry eoliiinii. PRESIDENT OFF TO ATTEND ASSOCIATED PRESS iANOUET WAHIIINnTON, April 20. Prci. ileal Wilhim left heie nt S a. in. Imlay for New York to attend (ho annual liniehenii of the - Ankiii'IiiIpiI I'iimh. OHutn in the piuty were Seeretary DnnielH, Dr. C. T. Clrayhon, the presi dent' naval aide, ami Secretary Tu multy. The president will return to iiijtlil. STAR SINGS FOR SOLDIERS trganvrk Grre , .Mll.s. Srai'Kiieillo Cai'iv, OjMni - Comlipio HI ir, Who Is HnotliliiK Uio -Ternirn of AVar by (llvliij? CoiuuuIh for ('oiivnloMi'viit Hnldlur In 1'nrlx, APPLEGATE I'reil I ten edict nnd Tom Ilurrlott drove In CruntH Pumu Moiulti). A liirue niiintiur of earn pnioted ttirniiKli liero Htinday; Tho follow lim Htnpjied nt Hid creninery: Mr. mid Mm, lloileii nnd Mr. and Mm. I'urry of Medford, Huperlntetidetit Hull nnd A. II. Cornell of (IrnntN Parni mid t K Tlllon of ,Uhlnnd. Mr, mid Mm. llerrottH and Allen I'uriinll nttendeil the play, "My Man nit I. ady," Klven at Central Point Tlitimdny nlKlii. .1, II, llerrlott motored to (irniitx I'linit I'rlilu). Mr. Hone nnd dniiKhter and .enter I. nylon made two Inmlnenn trips to (IriintH I'anH tho latter pnrt of thin week. Mr. nnd Mm. Men nnd dutiKhtorn, MurKQret, Itutli mid (iertrude, to fcoth.tr with Mm. I.nnrn Knntxen nnd Joule Wrlttht, Nietit a fow dny laHt weik In Central Point vlnttlnK frlendn mid relative, Irvln Slicnrer left lat Monday for Portland where lie will IiIh pnrenta a vlll. Minn Mnry A, Mue of Central Point linH lieon vIiIHiik Iior mother nnd lirother of thin ronuniinlty. Mr. Clute linn rtnrted to trnlnlnR hopN, It ixdiiK about n month enrllor than Inkt year. Mr. ntnl Mm. J. P. Well nnd tho ftrlmol board vlidtetl tlio nrliool lnt Tlmmday. It wnn decided to main tnln two yearn IiIkIi xrhool aloac with the other Krnilex. Stejm were nlxo Inken t?ecuro tenchorn for tho next term of school, Mr. I.vo of Portland In vlsltlnf; Mr. I'aync. Joilu WrlKht nnd Oortrtuln Men nttonded tint piny, "My Mnn nnd Lndy," which wnn Kln by tho Oro Kou Htnto unlvemlty nt Central Point Tlitimdny evening. A mirprliio inrly wns given lnt Thumdny ovonlnK in honor of John 0'llrlen'n birthday, (lainen were plnyoil until ntiout 10 o'cloek nnd then overybody took pnrt In n candy pull. Thoim present wero Frank Knutzen, Tommy nnd fleno Men. IIiirIi llrown, Kdwnrd Knhll, I.oo nnd l.anro Offenbnchur. .Intnen nnd' Henry llnklll, (llenn McDnnluls, Kon noth llnldwln, Martin Ilnimen, Mar caret llrown, Alice ninKlnun, lleat rlco MrKee, IMItli Kulill, nenalo Head. Thelhin McDnuliil nnd Mr. nnd Mm. Wheeler nnd Mm. Wright Hpont Innt I'rldny nt Mm. hnyton'H borne. Mr. mid Mm. McDnnlel hnd child ren, Tludmn nnd (llenn, worn op to tthn Spark plnceon TompHon crook Untnrdny. On Sunday. April 25th n nnmhor of people of tho community have, plan ned to come nnd clean up tho school ground. The Indies nro requested to lirliiR tho lunch and It In hope.d thnt they wilt not forgot to bring tho cherries. I lurry Luy won out from Jnckunn vlllo Sunday. Mr. Hoxford purchnRed n now Ford from tho C. 1J, OntoH' company. OoorKO nnd Mlnnlo Wnltora, Prod Offonbachor nnd Mr. Cnmoron vlBlt od nt tlio Kiiblt homo Sunday, Mr. nnd Mm, Harold Kulill drovo a hitnch of homon to Squaw lake Innt week. (r. uml Mm. J. A. O'Urlon nnd .ilauKlitor Ilontrlco woro nt Ituch Sunilny vIhIHiir nt Mm. A. Throck morton nnd Mm. C, M. Unch. Chester Kubll mid wlfo spout a fow dnyu In Jnoksonvlllo Inst wook. I?. V. lonn nnd fiuully of Willow HpriiiKH fpont Sunday wjtli Mrs. (Hush. Hhinelio liodgoin Mnyril Inst Sat urday anil Sunday with hor histor, Mrn. I'erey Chnpmnn. Claude Chapnian wan n visitor nt Hold Hill last Thumduy. It. I). Ittihrivll of Medford wm out nt Henj;lo ouo day fast week and ro turiu'd lioino with his eows. The Skels Itros. of AkI w Hhonriifir HheCp nl V. C. Chapnuui'rt last week. Tho HnniD Vallov hiisehall team played Table Hook last Sunday Tho Kftiilt idood ill) to l'J in favor of Table lloek, Tho UotnS Valley routers did not do any (nod. There wuh a laro crowd nt the Cliuparral literary lnt Tiiduy nlhl, There wns n lino prorntit and every one hnd n pood time. Iter! Cliiipnfmr mid family of Itca- kI" kjk'iiI Sunday with .Mr. mid Mrn. I.tieip). Thd SamK Valley lianeliull learn in tends, to play Ihe iioiifdc team next Siiudil.v on the lleufle yroitniN. Cliris Wolfe and wife of Medford motored out into (his vnlle. Sunday. There are n number of pupils nt Antionli that intend to take the eighth Krniln examination next June. We winli them Hiieeess. Mr. Monro nnd Lillian Chapman Mere Sunday afternoon vlnilors at Itcrt ('hannmi'H. Then Ohms and family mid Clar ence Cnne were out riding Sunday in their automobile. John Mitchell of the .Meadows passed through the valley liibt .Mon day. Reportod by Jnckson County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Plr Sti. itenl )jtit Transfer John I.. Million to Kmina Mill ion, lot r, Idle l'J, Axhland 1 John W. Miller et u.t to .las. W. .Miller, land in .ee. 17, Ip. IKI-lll .. . 10 Meiirnnl Lodge No. SII, I, O. O. R, to MnrRiiret 11. Da vis, lot in Odd Fellows' ecin etery, Mvdford 37 John W. Stabler et ux'to A. M. Hart, lots in lilk. 1, I.au relhtimt Add., Medford 1 John Coleman Hayes et ux to M. A. Aiitry et ux, land in Ml'. 'J'J.IltJ.'JW. . . . Ill Kffie I. Taylor to (leorgo Wallace, lotK in lilk. r7, Cen tral Point - 10 netici: ov .Mi:irriN Tho annual meeting of tho Ilomio Itlvor Co-oporntlvo Fruit Crowom' ns soclntlon will bo held nt tho offlco or tho nssoclntlon In Medford, Satur day. April 21, at 2:30 p, m. Klcctlon of officer. Members nro requested to nttend. J. A. PHItltY. 57 President. netici: Notlco In hereby Riven that tho pnrtnemhlp heretofore cxIhIIiir Ik t,ween John Ilrowuleo nnd (loo. !. I.lndley of Medford, Orojwn, under tho firm name of Ilrowuleo nnd Llnd toy, this 10 day or April, 1015, dis solved by mutual consent. Tho bus lues will bo continued by John Ilrowuleo nnd Ceo, K, Corey, who will pay nil bill and rolloct all jnonoy. Dated thin 10 day of April, 101H. JOHN HUOWNU5K, Gt OKO. F. Ll.VDLKY. RTOCKIIOI.DKItS MIJKTINfl Notlco In horoby Rlvon that tho roRiilar nnnunl ntoctltng of tho stock holders of tho Roriio Iltvor Fruit & Produco association, for tbo election of directors nnd tho transaction of such other business as may properly como before audi mooting, will bo hold In tho Public Library, Main St.. Medford, OroRou, on tho 11th day of May, 1015, nt 10:00 o'clock n. m. HOMJK lUVRIt FUU1T & PKODUCR ASSOCIATION, Uy Av C. ALLBN, A. C. F1KUO, President. Socrotnry. Dated Medford, Oregon, April 7tb, 1915. notiom! Notlco Is heroby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil nt Ita meeting to bo hold April 20,. 1015, for a license to sell malt, spirituous nnd vinous liquors In quantities loss than a gallou nt Its plnco of business on lot 11, block 20, city of Medford for a porlbd of six months. Dated April 10, 1915, 8ULSI1Y & KBNNBDf, 22 North Front St. rl FOlt KKNT IIOUNKKKKPING JtOOMS FOlTm?NT SiiI(o" of" 2 or 4 "iiou7o kooplng rooms, furnlshod, lovsur floor, modern.' 720 Y. 11 (h. COURT HOUSE NEWS bCJ KOIl ItKNT VVUMHllCU ItOOMH FOIl HKNT Modern furnished rooms, Tho Cottage, C0 West lOtli. 4 TIII5 PALM rooms, best rooming hoiifto In Medford. Price 3Cc nnd COc. Weekly rntcs. 28 FOIl HALR MTtWTOCK FOlt SALi: Two months' old mulo foot plK. nllRlblo to rcRlxtor; one nnd half miles southeaHt Jackson ville. P. D. Lolflnnd. 20 FOU "hALH Chenji,' 200 Annorn Koatn; also home nnd bugRy. Frank K. Loomln, llrownsborn, or Med ford II. F. D. 2, IIox 120. 40 FOlt BALK -Duron Jersey SprlnR plK, both sexes, tho IiIr kind sired by (lolden NiiKRQt. No. 142,785. Palmer Investment Co., Modoc Orchard. 43 FOlt 8ALI2 Two Reed cows, fresh; also good work mare. Campbell, phono 311-11. ono Jan. up FOlt flALK Pair youiij; work horses, team or single, time It desired. Phono 317. FOIl HALK Cheap, apnn of mules, harness nnd wagon. 32 South Ccn tral. FOR BALE nEAIi KSTATK FOlt SALE C room modern, cottnRo. out buildings. lot 50x140, or will rent furnished or unfurnished. In quire of owner, 51S South King street. 2S FOlt SALi: Two bouses on fine IiIrIi lots on paved street; barn: clone In; also assessment nnd taxes jmld $1250 for both If taken In 10 day. Phono 13X. , 29 FOR SALK AcrenRo near tho city nt special bargain prices. Sco owner. Phono 374. 1005 K, Main St. 33 Fbll SALK If you want a flno SO aero farm and fruit ranch near Kagla Point, Ore., 03 acres being cultivated, on county roan, an fenced, flno water, nil nccessury buildings, seo J. T. Carponter, own er. 346 N. Ilnrtlett St. 33 FOK SALK 200 ncros with nbout CO head of cattle; two barns, 5-room house, to be sold with cattle, or net: 140.00 per acre. A Onllag- her, Onn, Orepon. 34 FOK SALK 2 bargains, 1 1-2 ncres In alfalfa, 4 room house, 4 1-2 miles from Medford, 2 1-2 miles from Jacksonville Prlco $260.; 4 -room bungalow ono block from pavoment In Medford, city water and lights. Prlco $425. For partic ulars address tho owner, II. K. Ilowman, Talent, Ore. 23 FOR SALK 40 ncro rnnch, prlco $500; terms, small cash payment. Rex 4. Mall Tribune 28 FOR SALK OR TRADK A flvo or ton-ncro trnct unimproved land 10 miles southeast of Stockton, Calif. Ono mllo from station. J. II., Matl Trlbuno. 25 FOB SALE MISCEMiANHOUS FOR SALK A 5 ft. McCormlck mow or $10.00. Phono Jncksonvlllo 21F11. , 2t5 FOR SALK At a bargain, thorough bred S. C. Whlto Leghorn hens nnd pullets, Wyckoff Htrnln, now laying bettor than 75 per cent. Tel. 788K1. 20 FOR SALK Seed corn nt Hurmuda rnnch. Phono 501-J-2. FOR, SALE Lnrgo, early, homo grown tomato plants now reaay, nny quantity. Also egg, poppoc and othor plants tor aula nt Grocery Stpros, Public Market and Grocu.- nouses, jiaauax & uonuey, port land Avo. Greenhouses, Phono S7R. 44 FOK SALE At 6nco throtiRlibrod Flemish GInnt rabbits, Angorns, Pn,'tngontnns and Ilelglnn harps, Clias. E. Grnham, It. F. D. 3, Uox 10,, Spring St. 20 FOR SALK Tomato plants nbw ready. C. Carey, phono 1C-F11, Addmsfi Talent. , FOI gALK Four to six oks'oVd Urtrrod Rock chickens, 35o ench; also knlo plants, 15o a hundred, Phono. 3F2, .v, , n 2Q FOR SALT-: To orchard bondH In Koguo RIvor Commercial Orchard No. 2. Cost $000 and will sell for $500. Address M. U. Yates, 922 Empire llldg., Atlanta, Georgia. 340 HOMICSTE.VUS UIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 750,000 acres for sottlo mont; fruit, timber, gonoral rurm lands: Bend 25q with this nd to Wenntchoo (Wnsh.) Daily World, Dopt. T, for rollnblo data about this rofilon. r is s y irnFi i- i yiiwirt wv.. w ru i w.r w . --j. , -- FOK niS.l-tv-HtlV81 FOR ItKNT Completely and nicely furnished r.-room bungalow, all conveniences, good location; close In. Apply 121 Jay St., off So. Oak dale. 5C FOR KKNT Furnished 3-room house at 421 Woodstock. Sco Dr. Seely or J. W. Ucrrlan. 27 FOR KKNT Ono 8-room rcsldenco; also furnished housekeeping rooms. 310 N. Ilartlett. FOR KKNT Modern furnished hotiso W. H. Kverhard, 1013 W. 9th. . . Phono 0C7J. FOR ItKNT Furnished house, 4 rooms, strictly modern. ae olocK from new federal building. Phono 931L or call at 243 N. Holly St. WANTK1 1 KiVKlA jA.T KO US WANTED t tho Depot I foTeri n Ashland, Mill iny 14c icr pound for heavy fat chickens. 29 WANTED To hlro good work tenm with hnrneM for two weeks. Phono (i. Allder, Ross Lane. 24 WANTED I have a good heavy team, want work for Mlf and tenm. See mo at 1111 N. River side. 24 ' HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Good cook for mining camp. Address stating full partic ulars. "W care or Mall Tribune. MALE HELP WANTED Wanted, first class miners nt tbo Draden Mine. Gold Hill, Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Caro of orchard by man who knows how and has good cre dentials, ilox Orchard, enro Mall Tribune. , 24 IIUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES Foil SALE Dar'bor Shop for sale. This one chair shop do ing $125.00 avorago monthly; electric lights, bath rooms, city water, in a wet town. $200 cash. Apply to Richard Anderson, No. 122, Gold IIIU. Oro. 46 FOR 8AI.J3 Rest Paying business for tho amount invested In Med ford, best of reason for soiling, act quick for tills won't laBt. $0500 will handle this, will Invoice nioro than double tho amount nsked. Ilox Bargain, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED TO HUY WANTED TO BUY 75 milk cows on ttmo; deferred payments well se cured. Sleepy Hollow Farm, Gold Hill, Ore., II. A. Ensign. Manager. I.OS LOST A picture study, water color, autumn scene, botween Dr. Por ter'n offlco mid Dr. Euunen's offlco on East Main struct about Satur day noon. Reward If returned to vMnll Tribune. Mm. M. E. John son, Seven Oaks. 25 LOST Trout fly book with flics, on Medford streets, Or between Med ford and Elk creek. Return to Ewlng'a Gun Store. 24 LOST In Medford or between Med ford and tho Phlpps orchards, . girl's tan straw hat, Roward It returned to Trlbuno office, 2G LOST Gent's gold watch botween Central Point city limits nnd Seven Oaks on Gold Hill road. Roward. 8. F. Hathawny, Central Point. 29 IXDST Kit of antomobilo tools near or In Talent. Emuiott Iiee'sou, Tal ent. .iC WHY? IT IS YOUll HUSINESS TO SEE ME Becauso my stock In trudovIs to have optioned nt tho lowest- cash prlco tho bost buy In this county. I havo been on tho ground look ins out for you Xor the past flvo years. Nearly everyday I have in vestigated somo "good thing' I havo eliminated everything excopt- thoso deals which I nm convinced will se cure mo satisfied customers. In a fow hours time I can give you tho benoflt of this roscarch. It Is my business to show you ovor tho county and Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities hore. See Med ford first and J. C. BARNES lloom 201, First National lUrnk HldK. FOIl SALE Oil EXCHANGE Rogue River Vnlioy Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry rauche and Tlmbor. Colonization Tracts, Best all-tho-year-rouud cllmato on coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici ual Springs. Ueave lUmliy Co., Asblastf, Oretfoa. .AII.SCI:IiTjANK(US. buhiwbbs iukbotokt FI8U POLES Rewound, shelacked and repaired, 60c to $1. Telephone 440J. Poles called for and return ed!. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY "TO" LOAN AVIlT loanTrom $1000 to $5000 upon farming property. Earl S. Tumy, 210 Gar-nctt-Cory Illdg. - FOIl EXWIAXOH EXCHANGE Want to aell or buy anything? U O Rader. 114 N. Front St. Employment offlco and rentals. Phone 125. Nuff Bed. business nmrxTprrr Aoto Dapplie LAnER AUTO 8PRINO CO. We are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pa cific northwest. Use our spring -when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteefita fH. Portland, Ore. Attorney PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MBALET Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford Notional Bank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colrlg, George M. Roberts COLVIG fc RODERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKEY OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. CTUropracUa DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise K. Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotberoplats. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapby, etc., produce results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel ft Co., cor ner Mala and BartlcU. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hoars by appointment. Phone 170. DR. RJ. LOCJKWOOD,, Chiropractor nerve specialist Rooms 203-304-205. Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapot baths end scientific massage given; needle spray, bead aud shouldei shower In connection; advice to dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant Phone, office 643, residence 611-11 Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN 8COYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey Bldg., salt tit Vedford. Oro. Pboue S56. W. H. SPRINGER. DENTIST Of flco hours 0 to 5. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Office M. F. & H. Bldg. Rcsldonco Phone 153J; Office 319J. Engineer sad Contractor raECUMMEfaEngincer'and contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg. Surveys, ostlmates, Irrigation, drainage, orchard and land Im provement Public StcnogipIier SARAII Vli '"HENRY, Public Stenog rnpher. Room 217 Garuott-Coroy Building, Phono C57-J. Tnt&sTcni BADS TRANSFER & 8TORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Pnom 316. Prices right Service guar anteod. HEAL KSTATK lMtOKKRS "Wo havo tho best stock ranch, ' general farming and orchard propositions that aro offored for sale in this county. Lowest' pricos, any sire ranch, best loca- tlons. TALK WITH TUMY & ANDREWS, 210 Garnctt-Corey Blk. NEW TODAY Look at my small clqso In homes of from five to ton acres at from two to throo thousand dollars. My ranch es of from two to four hundred acros at $35.00 per aero. Boar Crook bot tom two hundred acres nnd less at $125.00 per aero. Thou tho flno irri gated rauchos at less than $200 an ncro. Town properties. Good com fortablo homos In Medford as low as $000.00, C. D. HOON AMayirttf. D. R. CROUCH Aissyor, chemist, metallurgist. Custom Assay Of fice. Mall order business solicited. Prices, gold, $1.00; gold KHd sil ver, $1 26; copper, fl.00; sold, all ver and copper, $2.00. Mailing ea vclopcs free on request. Refer once, Josophlne County Bank. Rooms 201-203 Hall Btdg., Grahts Pass, Oregon. 334 Employment Agency EMPLOYMENT AGENCY We wish everybody to know that the Old Re liable Blttner Real Estate add Em ployment agency, will get your help, find you employment, rent your house or sell your land. Mrs. J. 8. Clark, manager successor. Rooms C and 7, Palm Bldg., Med ford, Ore. EMPLOYMENT Rentals and Land Agency. If you want help, want to rent a house or buy any real estate call on Wynkoop & Co., Room 9, Palm Block, Phone 330R. Auction Saturdays. If you haTe anytnlBg to sell, see us about it. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Mrs. Ruth Smith, Room 216 Garnett Corey Bldg., Phone 182. See ma It you wairt help or are in search of employment. GM GARBAGE Get Tear BrassitM cleaned up for Um iiaawr. Colt on the city garbage wage let good service. Fbote 374-L. 7. Y. Allea. butraette ta atwtfe HAIGIIT MUSIC STUDIO Rooa 401f Garaett-Corey Bldg. Fred Al ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Flereaee Halllday Halght, voice. Telephone 63-W. Sotmrf PaMM HELEN N. YOCKEY NoUry pnsv He Bring your work to sae at tae sign or toe Mall Trtnuaa. d Pkye4cuuM ana. femgeo DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. RVA MAINS CAKLOW 0teeptMe physicians, 416-417 Gaett-Uorey bldg., phone 103 6-L.' Iiid89e 26 South Laurel 8L DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physicians, 303 Garaett-Cerey building. Phono 904-Ji. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phylclaa and surgeon. Practice limit-.;; to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses we piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft 11. Co. Bldg., opposite P, O, Pboa'C87. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlee Jms son County Bank bldg. Offles phone 43-R; residence pnoae 68-K. DR. MARTIN O. BARBKR Physt clan and surgeon. Office Pala block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 11U-J. DR. R. W. CLANGY Physician eke" surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 te 13, 2 to 6. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Offlee 309-310-311. M. F. ft 11. Bldg. Phones rcsldenco, 814-J2; offlee. 814. DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathie physician, practice limited te oh stotrlcs and diseases of women and children. Offices 3 and 4, St. Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. n. Phone 160. Res, the Dow Hospi tal, Central Point. . " DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and surgeon, obstetrics and surgery, offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block, Hours 0 to 12, Phone 160. Resi dence, the Dow Hospital, Central Point. Printer mma PuUUabin UEDFORD PRINTING CO, has tae best equipped printing offlee I southern Oregon; book blndlig, loose leaf ledgers, billing systesM, etc Portland pries. 1 Nert Ftr Ht Shoe Repairing BHOE REPAIRING Firs elaas repairing, on atodera. . machines while tou watt. : Jl.t Bldea, located iaXlad's se4 Phone 3 13 J, Typewriters um MweeUes, TYPEWniTfilU New Remington, Smith Premie and Monarch, typewtltls. uMtsyf and subtraeHng maehlnes, .relmfll maehlnes let easli 'Or eeey f ent. Maeaiaea tor' rest, rilsvatst and suvpMM all klsvaw,ld sa 'iVn;'ax:arui' 18'fc.. ,. . -.A NM - ' - ' 3 -5 is J I 'Hi '5 leettPi i Sir' 3 ;- ' V ,iK V k& -A. M