Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ftlEDirORD atAtt, TRIBUNE, MWDFORD )K1'.(10X, -MONDAY, APRIL If), 1015
I.. . . 1 '-!
Nov P. V. CArston Ir.-tvpa IhIA af
ternoon (or Ca)lrurn;n nnii will re
turn with hi family about tho 2Sth
f-HnvQj-f)iiii lawai tttaycr alinrtxjnod
;fay J.HvfM.llriill,hfno XibS. ' tf
IJ, I), rinjdwln, prlvnto poorctary of
CoKroRinmiuBlnndtt, hnt nlso socrc
itnry of tho rtiml)llcnn Matp ccntrnl
VommlUoownn viMlliiR in Mt'dfonl
Mo?idnSr. :
Another flvu liinrtrcit pound ship
ment of thoflo delicious chocolato
.creams going nt thirty cents n pound
ht Myobja:? T ;.".
Jnc-olj Outrpntpr, formerly of llet
teroht, Germany, more recently from
Prlncu Ituport. 11. C, In seeking to
find n fellow countryman from tho
town of'Alflcn, l.uzornht, postortlce,
Krcffl-Kochen province, Germany,
whoBO nnmo he does not know. He
received n letter from tho brother-in-law
o'r tho party soucht, asking
him to look him up at Mcdford, but
tho letter was left In his room at tho
hotel and destroyed h ythe Chamber
maid. Me wishes nny German born
In tho nbovo mentioned province, or
having knowledgo of any one so born,
to leave address at Mall Tribune for
hlin. Ho Is not asking any favors,
hut tvlshes to convey some family in
formation. Tho Alco Taxi Co., originators of
15c rato anywhere In city. Phones,
office, 8S2K: residence 238R. 41
Miss Knjd Hamilton, daughter of
Mr. aJd-'Mrs. J. U Hamilton, and
llobert 8. MacCuIlough, son or Dr.
and Mrs. It. MacCuIlouch wm
married at noon, Monday, April 19,
In Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Mac
CuIlough will reside In Seattle.
Wlion you are tired como to our
"hop for whatever treatment you
need most, facial, scalp, halrdross
Ing, manicuring, etc. Tho quiet
ministrations of a trained Marincllo
operator is tho most restful thing In
tho world. Marlnello Hair Shop, 407
Garnett-Coroy flldg.
Saturday afternoon tho engage
ment of Miss Mabel Burko to Donald
Clark was annonncedfat a, tea given
tho affianced couplo'at'her Jackson
ville residence by Mrs. Charles Con
ner. Tho Immedlato execution or all Ju
dicial bonds without vexatious delays
is tho service i offered you by L. B.
Wakcman, M. F,t& H. BldgA, 34.
II. G.jtaWJllldms of As'hland was
n Mcdford visitor Monday.
Asklngn friend to go on your bond
Is Indefenslblo and dangerous and
you Incur an obligation that bas no
limit. Corporate Surety costs Tery
little. I make a specialty or tho bond
business and offer you "on tho spot"
servjeo. u. E. Wakcraan, M. P. &
II. Dldg. 34
Cpunty Commissioners Leever and
Madden are appearing before the
state highway commission today seek
ing an understanding regarding set
tlement of contracts and futuro work.
As soon -as an agreement Is reached,
tho uostlon of this year's construction
work will l)e taken up.
Maxwell Taxi Co., new cars. 15c;
Thone 878L, PJerson & Tarbcll.
Miss It, 12. Rollins of Gold Hill vis
ited frlonds In Medford Sunday.
Mrs. C. II, Pierce of Mcdford
Heights sustained painful Injury Sun
day evening, ns tho result of a fall
to I ho sidewalk fn front of tho Nleh.
ols & yVshpolo meat market on Mnln
avenue, .rs, IMerco .tripped over a
slight r,lse in the pavement, nnd fell
heavily, straining the ligaments In
tho leg. The elevation Is the result
of n widening of tho sidewalk nt this
pojnt, the extension not being up to
the grade. Mrs. Pierce wnn niinmimi
by-.t:.h Seoley., fjlie Is resting
easily today, nnd will suffer no ser
lous complications. Many pcoplq wit
nessed tho accident.
Why not got It nt DoVoo'at
Tho regular mldMnonthJy meeting
of thn city council will bo held at
tho rlty hall tomorrow night.
Sco Dave Wood about that rlr In
luranco'pollcy. Office Mall Trlbuno
Oregonlan' agency at DoVoo'a.
Tho mercury registered 83 degrees
Sunday, belpg tho warmest day of
tho season to date. Today there Is
P. Plight hazo In tho sky, and though
Ui weather prediction is for fair
and warm for tho next 3C hours.
fruitgrowers and, farmora are hoping
for rain. Just at present molsturo
Is tho most pressing need of tho val
ley. Unofficial weather sharks an-
nounco that If April runs truo to
form tho last week will bo very wot.
"Grown In Medford" vegetable
plants for sale. Many varieties. Or
der now for future delivery. Mad.
dox & Uonnoy, Portland Ave. Green
house, Phpno 87R. 30
The railroad commissions
wJJl hod sosilpntj in this city next
Monday, The application of tho Dili,
ljs street caMinp for tho right to
cjpss, ho Main" avenue grado of the
Southern Pacific will bo considered.
Matters pertaining to the California
Orogon Power rompuny in this city,
Gold llll, Granfrf'l'ass Qnd Klamath
Falls will ho I) card, on the southern
Oregon visit of, tlio commission.
If you" qSrf pjVpQ, you can get
Th,o Country Gentleman for one dol
lar., P ilfilfl f
tPr. JAOLTrtilITal?nCpept Sat
urday In Medford attending to busl
'ness matters.
J - PGT,k,nK. tlyj t?t n around
Hiipio8rpner; mo- sootniirn Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any.
where, time or placo. Studio 228
Mnn St, Phona 380-,T.
If H. fjriovo pf AHhland spent Sat
WiV ,n tla .city and Jacksonville
vlsjtlng frlepd and relatives,
Get It M D Vwi's
.MrsH ,), jat Whptsql ,and daughter
arrtynd .Supijay rpm McAllister, Ok
J a will maki tholr future homo In
hijtv , i
iriiiK mm painting. pnone
Prank Ilyoeo of Jncksonvlllo spent
Saturday In this city attending to
business matters
Matinee, tho Page today. .
Word was received In this city that
tho mother or Mrs. C. P.. Ilowhmn
died josterday nt her home In Pre
mont, Neb. Mrs. Dowman wnn nt
tho bedside.
Candy, candy; get It at DoVoe's.
Mose Harkdull, naldy Worthing.
ton, Enrl Itnlston and Harry Helms
returned Sunday evening from a fish
ing trip to .Squaw lake. ;
Got yqur nutter, cream. Tallk anf
buttor-mllk, nt Do Voo'.
"William Vawter and Harpld Coch'
ran returned to tholr studies at the
U. or O. Sunday after spending thit
spring .vacation In this city.
Sweet elder at D Vo".
County Recorder Chaupcey riorey
spent Saturday in this city attendlnx
LtOy.buslnesa makers.
laxi inc. a ror 2Cc. Foster &
Holbrook, Phono 885. 42
R. n. Howard of Gold JIM spent Sat
urday In this city attending to bus
iness matters.
C. A. DeVoo ror subscriptions.
W. J. Rodgers of Deagle Is spend
ing a fow days in tho city attending
to business matters. j
Paporing ana painting. Phono
Attorney Evan Roamcs left Sunday
for San Francisco to attend to legal
matters and view the exposition.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Book Store.
Corbln Edgell of Eaglo Point spent
Saturday aud Sunday In this city vis
iting friends. .
Kodak, finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. . Opposite Book
Sunday was the ninth nnnlversary
of the San Francisco fire and earth
quake, one of the most devastating
holocausts of modern times, occur
rlng'Aprll 18, 1900. Tho first shock
was felt at 5:30 o'clock a. m. Relief
to tho rofugecs whs furnished in this
city, coffee and sandwiches being
served at ihe .depot. Yesterday waa
also tho fiftieth anniversary of the
capture of Wilkes Booth, assassin of
Abraham Lincoln. C. C. Krlbs took
part In tho capture, being a member
of tho regular cava'lry at the time.
Fancy groceries at DeVoo'a.
Henry Lowo or Corvallls Is among
the out or town visitors In tho city
this week. ,
W. A. Lander or Moscow, Idaho,'
is spending a row days In tho city and
valley attending to business matters.
N. O. Nordwlck returned Monday
from a weok'a business trip to Mon
tana and tho Sound country. In Mon
tana tho sinqltcrs are nearly all start
ing operations after several months
of Idleness, says Mr, Nordwlck, and
In Seattle In fact In all tho pound
country lumbor mills aro nearly all
now running full tlrao.5 "Thero
Beuum 10 ue a leenng prevalent tbut
all business Is on tho up turn. In. the
stock scctlopq of, Montana business If)
good and getting better, WJen a
3-year old steer brings $110 business
cannot well help being good and the
stockmen prosperous." ,
Iko FrJdlger spent Sunday In Ash
land visiting friends and attending to
business in at tors.
There was a cenoral cxodim nf
Medford peppjo 0 the tills and coun
try Sunday under tho lure, of tho
bright sunshlno or a porfec't spring
day. Scores went fishing In Hear
Creek and Rogue river, but owlnir
to the murfdlnesH of ,thp. water tho
catches were slight. Every npssessor
ui an auio was out, me ravorlte tour
Ing plapes being tho Pacific high
way, tho road to thp Appleguto, and
Sapi's valloy. AH tho county roads
aro In fair shape,
Spragijo Relgel or Gold J1J spent
Sunday this, cJty visiting frlonds,
A picked team pf Medford bal
plajera went to Jprksoiiylllo Sjituj
day nftornoon, und met doeat at the
iiamiii.pi mm (earn uy tijo cjobo ana
exciting scoro of 9 to 7- Local toss-
ers wore out SUnday 'practicing apd
It Is expected, t"at a Hne-pp wljl hp
secured for u regular teum In a few
W. P. Stanclff of Phopnlx ppont
Saturduy In Medfard attending to
business mutters.
Travojera from thp Applegqfe dis
trict report tho roads In that sec
tion In good shape with tp exception 1
pf a short strptch between Jackspn-J
Vjllq and Ruph,
W. I. Ingnlls of North Ynklmn,
Is spending n row days In tho city
and valley attending to business mnt.
President Gates of tho Commercial
Club will call a mooting of tho com
mltteei of Mo Merchants' ussocla
tlon ami Commercial club In n few
days to completo the arrangements
for a Fourth of July ctebrnflon In
this city. TJie tentative Plans call for
n celebration, barbecue, and general
gathering or thp clans or Juckson
Despite repented warnings nulolsts
still persist In speeding on the Pnclf.
Ic highway nnd arrests arc sched
uled. Reports have been, filed of
tho extreme recklessness of somo of
tho drivers, mostly boys, who mnko
the distance from Ashland In from
17 to 20 minutes. Thn authorities
are still on the trail of tho uniden
tified Overland car. that crashed In
to a farmer's wagon on the highway.
speeding away without giving aid.
Arthur J. Rose of this city Is In
Spokane attending to business mat
ters. ,
District Deputy Game Warden Sam
Sandry spent Saturday In Medford on
legal matters. He reports violations
of tho fishing laws by fishermen on
tho lower Rogue, the poachers being
unable to resist the temptation to
catch the salmon. Chlnoqks are now
running In good shape.'
(Continued from Page One.)
Scene from "The Man from Mexico"
(t the Star Theatre Monday
wm mm mm, anarchs
termlnntlon or tho facts cannot. In
this collateral Inquiry", be treated as
a nullity, but must bo taken as set
ting forth tho truth of the matter
Until somo reasonable ground la
shown for an Inference that tho su
premo court of Georgia either was
wanting in Jurisdiction or committed
errors In tho exercise or Its Jurisdic
tion; and the mere assertion by tho
prisoner that tho facta wore other
than tho state courts, upon full in
vestlgatlon, determined them to be.
will not bo treated as raising an ls
sue respecting the correctness or that
determination; especially not whore
the very evidence upon which tho
determination was rested Is withheld
by him who attacks the finding."
On Contested Point
"Respecting tho fact that Frank
was not present In the court room
when the verdict was rendered (his
presenco having been waived by his
counsel(, but wlthotu his knowledgo
or his consent, the Georgia court held
that because Frank, shortly after tho
verdict was. made fully aware of tho
facts .and he then made a motion for
a newfrlal upon over 100 grounds not
Including this as one, and had that
motion heard by both the trial court
and tho Bupreme court, ho could not,
after this motion hnd been finally
adjudicated against him, movo to set
aside tho verdict as a nullity becauso
of his absence when tho verdict was
rendered. This court holdthat there
Is nothing In the fourteenth amend
ment to prevent a state ofr madopt
Ing and enforcing so reasonablo reg.
illations of proceed 11 ro.
Justice Pitney said tho practlco
established In tho Georgia courtt that
a defendant may walvo his right to
bo present when tho Jury renders
its verdict. Is within the authority
of the stato to adopt.
History of Case
Leo M. Frank' legal fight for life
nns tiiken it place iimong the cclebrat-
.ed injiruV canes of recent yearn.
Seven times nnee his conviction in
August, llfV.), the lower mid Mipreme
courtH 01 tne stnte o (leorFii refus
ed to grant Frank u mm irinl or to
feet ntfide the creliot; lliree times the
hentence of death was jm.Pi) upon
lilm mill twice appeals were made (o
tllo United fllntcs supreme court, tin
Uil being unstiecessful nnd the M'C
ond resulting in the decision toiluy,
Mary 1'hngnn was iniiritercil Ahril
10, Ifll.'l, op n southern Holiday in ob
servance or conleilernte inenmrln
ilny. filiortly lifter noon nl tl'mt ilnv
euo wns seen to enter (he nene fnc
(orv in Atlantiij, where hho Intel been
employed nnd wherp slio went to ob
tain wugeslup Ijer. Her body wns
found next inoniinp;' in the basement
pf the fiivlory, wilb n cord tied about
the peck.
NKW VOIcIC, A.iil.ll). Supieme
Court .Iiihtice Hemlriek reserved de
cision today on tin) application ot
counsi'l for Harry K. Tlmw I'or a jtirv
trial to lU'tenuine Thaw's silnitj. He
reipie.teil eouusel to submit liricfs
nnd nuiiouneirtlint he would return
Iii decision before Thursday.
That date was Jixul for (lie teap-j
NKW YOIMn, Apiil lit. MlrPotuM
of Hie Tniled Slates Steel corpora
lion, it heeaiae Known lntia, in vol
lag at their iel( HrtarleHy IneOtiug in
January in tfnss the ilU'ldead rtu tilt
eliininoii JllieK, tlnl so in Hie 1'nea or,
opiitixltina 011 Hit hart nl' n'miis'
Hiooltlibldet wliti' (Imrtglit Hie illvl
ileuil would be delbivil evea'lf tint
eoiporaliotl had to letlnl'e 'vtpgM (it
olitaiii the nianev.
l'llart II. (Inry, elialrmnh of b
eotpoi'ntloii, JKulgi'd HlM ftituafion at
llni illiiiliuWIttekliillileiN lueeling in
llnhok'cri ttulay. ritiilbiiiilig biii slate
ini'iit, Judge (larv said:
"1 aoMinvvnii Hint (lie eoualrv will
prosper atnt 1 waul to plcdp- aain
(hat the maiiageiiieiit of (Ins eorpoia
thin h untng to be Ibtuoiigli, open and
"Our tiosiliou amoiiL' llie niiliiiii of
tin woiltl Is taking the lead, riniiiiec,
industry and t'tiiniiiene are heller lo-
dav than ecr.bcfoic."
The announced plan of icdnciag the
directorate I'kmii Iwcaly-foiir to eijib
teen memberx was apinoviil at Ilia
slocklioblcrs' meeting tndav.
NKW YORK, April 19. Frank
Aharno and Carinlm CnVbone, an
arrhlits, who uiado nnd set a bomb
In St. Patrick's Cathedral March 2,
when -hundreds were worshipping
within tho edifice, wcro sentenced
today to hero not leu- than six years
nor more than twelve In Sing Sing
iMiarun and Carbpuo worn found
Slatenieiits That May I lit Inveilluatt'd
-Testimony of Medfoiil
, t'lllyeiis.
AVliuit n Medford rlllp'11 ronies to
t! froat, (ellliiK his ftleailii mid
iiolglilmrs of IiIh otput Ioih-o. you can
lely on Ills Hlncurlt), The stntptiimilii
nf tint people riwlillng In far awav
pilees do not ctiuiuiaid, -oiii' ytinf I
ience, Home ciuloinotnoiit Is llm
l(ud thai lmclfa ijoiin'ii KliliciV, lnk
Such toHlmony fs t'oiivlnejng ins'is
tlRatloa proves," It'tnie flolow fs it
Klhlomtiut of n Mlidflttd ikhI'iIimiI. Kli
HlrtAiIter pi'liof oir iiitlrli enn ,llo l7i)l.
F. W Gray. ftoT v Vali'n street.
Medford, says- ".Siy kldrnVii bogiin
to liutlier mo hud UuiHeil seVee linlli,
I (lillik tint tr'oiilibi was 111111M wotsu
by (he strain of being ob mv rout sit
much, ftunioltpio during thn da's
worl, my buck pulinul nv dreadfully
and by ulghl I ronli( hardly sltttid
After I quit work, I couldn't ni.l.
Uoitn's Kidney Pills were JiimI wliul
I needed and euied mo In a -lioit
time." ,
Price fiOc, nl all dealer. Iion't
simply ask for a Itldnny remedy get
Dimn's ICIiln.-y IMIIh the nnme II111I
Mr Gut) had. Fostor-Mltburii 'o,
Props, lluffalo, N " Adv.
e 1 1. ..,.. 1.1 r ii. .1
" '" '" '"-' " "it me ,.,.. .... w,,ki T,.,, .I,,.,,-..,,.. nu.i
writ of habeas corpus which the up-1 ruuvlctlon wns duo to tho work of
plication was based. If bis decision a young Italian pollcoman, Amcdlo
Poltgnanl, who posed as an anarchist,
won tho prisoner's confidence and
V s.r.rvri a..v TM
m xwn k.iYi; j m
I A ncry? I
I H o I
I '& Collar
Kxporlmnntnl Work, Model .Mnl.lug,
Din Mnklng, D.islgulug mid Mfg.
speclnl muchlnery.
('orrespondenc.i Hnllrllcd
Hecbiid St. , . Portland, fbe.
favors Thaw's lawets, n date for
tnal will be fixed. If trial is denied,
Thaw's, attorneys stand ready to call
witness in support of their conten
tion for (be decision of llie court in
person, unaided bv a jiuy.
followed every movo In tho conspir
acy, keeping police hcudqunrtcrs ad
LOS ANOKl.hS. Cal.. April 19
Queen Helena of Italy may suffer the
loss of her right arm ns a result ot
Injuries received seven years ago,
whllo working among the Messina
earthquake sufferers, according to
an autograph lettor which Miss Irma
Guthrlo Wright, a cousin of George
W. Guthrie, American ambassador to
Japan, said she had received from
tho queen. Miss Wright recently re
turned from Itnly wlero It Is said saloonkeepers,
sho had been a protege of Queen ' elused also.
Klona's. Tho letter stated that a '
malignant growth had appeared on
tho queen's right arm at tho point
of tho old Injury arter the birth or
a princess last .lanunry, and that tho
royal surgeons reared un amputation
would be necessary.
IIAKKIt, Ore., April 10. Arter
seven hours deliberation a v.nllct tor
tho defendant wns returned Saturday
night by the Jury before which hnd
been tried tho damage suit drought by
William Wfegand, formerly n saloon
keeper at Coppcrfleld agnlimt Oswald
West, who as governor hud caused
the seizure of Wlegnnd's stock and
the closing of his snloon during a
rnld conducted by Mltt.s Fern llobbs,
the gtnernor s secretary Jan. 2, 19 It,
The result In this case, It was an
nounced, would cause thn dismissal
uf similar suits brouiiht against tho
x.goernor by II. A. Htownrt and
Antone Warner, nlso CopporNcId
whoso nlarcH 'were
The only food
for hogs. Plant
them and. have
am everlasting
crop tor .trie
hogs to root in
Monarch Seed:& Feed Co.
SPOKANK, Wn April 1. Tho
lone progressive in tho United 'States
senate, Miles 1'olndoxter, or Wash
ington, has announced that
ho would seek re-election on tho re-
tiubllcan Mrkftt lln Innir liln ennt In
the senate as a progrowJlvo April 17,
is 11 and his term will expire March
3, 1U17.
Portland Livestock Market
lull.,.! . t x . . it. ..
1 wit iim.mi, or., April 111. i nine
hleady. Receipts 801. Steers, pulp
fed, $7.f0(Ji'7.7.'i; piiuie iglit. i".lHJf?i)
7.:i5; clioice, fll.7."fn 7.0(1; rows, prime
f.J."i(??7..r05 cboiciv .Ki.T.ifni.l.' ;
belters, prime, .$l.00frtlfi.7A: ImiIIh,
.f.ri.,J.i(j'. 1.7.I; Hlags, ."f(l.l)Oti(l.fiO;
i-hoice, !r,1..1l)fd(1.00.
HitgM 1.1 to 'JOe bigher. Receipts,
10100. I'rimo light, $TM)G?7.1lfa
eboico medium, $7.10(7.110; lgbf, Ti(7.-I0; rough, fl).r.0(p7.00. ,,
Hheev Heeei.trt 'J07, , st'endy,
Wethers, bent yearlings. 7.7rifiVrt.'J.i:
.1.1 r rnif. u un 1 1 A.SXJAV
", r'.""if 0,1m, vivrti, ncsi, Tl'.'VVi'
7.00; el.oiee, ,f 11.(1.7.1; i!ilxn
sheep, !(l.r)0tii7.,10; Jiuijbrt.' tiilme.
J !fB.itlll V.X
Come See It Made at
1 15 North Central Avenue
At A. MOODY, Prop.
V I ltti " 111
Your Car Insured
ht. I'aul I'lio .V .Marino liiiiinuiio
fompniiy, Ht. I'niil, ,Mlninmin
Incorporated tso.1
Capital and Xci Hitrplu, .Inn. I, lm
Otrr t,(MlO.(M)li.OO
lU-sIdcnt Agent, s)cIfoid. Uicgon
SU ' til 8STi M Qi 4
ciuiici', irH.H0(iiH.;iO.
Tkif Truck Gves Best Service " "
Equipped With "Nobby Tread" Tires
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to the cJty coun
cil at Its meeting to bo held April
?0, 1915, for a license to sell malt,
splrltuops and vinous liquors In
quantities less than a gallon at Its
placo of business on lot 11, block 20,
cfty of Medford for a period of six
Dated AprIJ10, 1915.
22 North Front St.
5 s-
Notice Is hereby Elven that tlm un
derslgned will appjy to the city coun
ell of tho city of Jfedford, Oregon,
at Its next regular meeting, April 20,
iio, ior a license to sell malt, yln
ous and spirituous liquors a tholr
placo of business on North Fr
styeet, Medford, Orogon for a period
of six, months,
Dntetl April Cth, J916.
J ...SITY crfUB.
bbbbbBHbbbbbbVbHbbbbbHbbbba HVK ' 'Mr aH
i!',if "PerEo spch sever? endurance tests as those on delivery
cafj. J his big Philadelphia firm found that Nobby Tread" Tire
make delivery more certain more safe more economical.
Because pf their dependability, motor trucks have become established
as a business necessity. Everywhere you go, fhey pass you. It is tliere
fprc, a stroni' tribute to Nobby Treads" that they have been 'chosen
by a vat majority of uses throughout the country as the best tires to
withstand really strenuous service,
112 Sbutji ftiVeraide
Phono 150
208 Eaat'Mnin.ptreet ,
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographer?
in (southern Oropon
Neguivps Made any time or
place by appointment
Phone 147-J
We'll do tho reit
Kr D. WESTQK, frop.
".,'.i..t t &i
... ..... .. V4
Powell St, ntO'l'orrtll Hf
Son rranclico jf-rf
In. the heart of the W
business, .snopptnc nn
and (lidatrc district. ii:
ivn . . . . j - I. til:
Kunning distilled ice
waicr in every room. ;
inr rnninin;irtiui r.f
. .." .W WW . M .. J M , j,,
ioupy.Tincscrvicr.nnti mu
uomciiKc rcsiaurum
will attract you,
Curopcoii Plan rates
$1.50 up.
jie man
BSS?Can Unclf Sam
rWhium Mmtnlity?
to II. J'rllnt! whit"'! h rmiof UtiitM bu I
Un led iloniilo ll.o rrrr l-ilokut .r. 'lli.C.r. I
Inunl.u nl tun lotintrr luva lnlenrrltl tlia mlilt I
r.lbO tlMMW. (Hill rv tl4 0tllinK Mill, tholr Laiu I
llil. niUiUa ohiiMer u (). tmtlon'ii hutorf,
CARTOONS' MAGAZINE In Amflro ku4 Kamnv 111). Y..riuUe
wnormc. Iliowir. What llio li(lon Ihfntef
rh 01 bur I) lt told tr tU vartoun LMch uo
imdr lliif ulw mi.l Klw a llio rny iliousliUot
1 1 rKjlu. .iln Moj.jnu I. (ha iut lot.
'O. u Lil litctorliil immnrn mttt ..inila.n&...l
by wolln-l.'ill t.ilit4nrlnl toimuenl aud in'cUI
;".cT..J.'r,",".,','.'L,."0.,'u'r?' " "e
tudvnt Of (.utiviit OTnuta.
A alaiur kUl'Mial tlm ceunn will btln a i..'tialaubarlpUan..v....J
KaikMl c.d IUhi Iw l.,b MB4 Ullwuf UmiuIu. U
f ((....,.. , iliiiiiiiHHM hi
I"' U aul