207 Sccwii Wrw! Medford Mail Tribune - I . - fc...t. . V SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mnr. M MIh. H..1. Fair Tonight nml Ttiemlay, 0 tx i 1'orlv.flflli Yrrtr. Itiillv Ti'iilli Vi-nr, Federal Tribunal Denies Writ of Ha hens Corpus In Celebrated Atlanta CaseFrank Given Every Oppor tunity to Be Heard anil Accorded Fullest RtMs In Trial. ATLANTA, (In., Apnl t(. - "I "" vi'iy much disappointed, It'll I will l.eo'p no the right," wild Leo M Prank, when informed Hint liishuheitH corpus in.riino nguliiM Min. I'i link's iitloriieyH said Uh'v holicv rd ry menus in Frank's hehnlf bil lot o I Iti' coin is I nl been exhausted. They added llmt they would probably prepare u petition asking Ih Georgia pMHItll I'lHIIMIlHNillll III I'lllllllllltfl Flunk' Mrntriirr. WAHIIINOTON, Aplll lt. Leo M. Trunk, tin llrooklyn iiiint under ileu Hi sentence for tho murder of .Mary I'lmKnii, nn Atlanta factory i:lrl, lout another utep In hi Hunt for ll( In tho supreme court of tint Pnltod Hlntcs today. In n decision to which Justice nullum nml IIukIica dissented, tlio court dlsmlssud Frank's npponl from tlio federal court or Ooontln, which refused to r.i'il'no him on n writ of habeas corpus. Frank contended that "ultcRcd moh violence" at lilit trial mid tlio fart that li was absent from tlio court room when tho Jury returned Its vcr. dirt had removed him from tlio Juris diction of the court of (leoritla. Tlio majority opinion of the su prcoin court rejected nil of those rntitcnllnnn hnil drclnrcd i'rnnk en joyed nil his li'Kiil Haiti In tlio Geor gln court, HcemltiRly no other nvcnuo of es cape fiotu tlio death penalty In open to Frank tliroupji tlio courts. The Mute pnrdon officials inlRht relievo lilin. Court ,rroU Thorough Justice I'ltuey In the majority de cision hinted (hut tlio ohllKatlonn tested upon tin; supremo court to look through (ho form mid Into tlio very heart nnd substance of tlio mat ter, not only of tlio n Vermont In Frank's petition, hut In the trial pro. reeding In tlio state courtn them selves. Tlio petition conlnlnH n nnr mtlvo or disorder, hostile manifes tations nnd uproar, mild tlio Justice, "which If It Blood nlono and wero In ho tnken nn true, may heconrvded lo have been Inconsistent with u fnlr trial mid nil Impartial verdict. Hut to consider thin an standing nlono In to tnko n wholly nuperflclnl view; for the narrative In coupled with oilier statement from which It clear ly uppeurn that tlio name allegations of dliiorder worn submitted to the trlnl court qf CleorRln nn a ground ror nvnlilliiK tlio consequences of tlio trial and Iheso nllenntloim xvoro con sidered hy those courtn successively ut time nnd plitrcs mid under clrciure HtaneeH wholly apart from tlio ntinos phero of (ho trlnl and froo from any Miguostlon of moh domination or tlio like, Allegations (imiinilless Thn fnctn wero examined hy those courlH upon nvldeiiro auhmlttod on hoth nlden nnd both courtn found Frank' allegations to ho Kroundloss, except with respect to n fow matters of Irregularity not harmful to tlio de fendant, "TIiIh court holdn that hiicIi n do- (Comiod on Vnw 2A f.G0LF'!5I SAN FRANCISCO, April 10. Tlio qualifying round in Ilio Puhnmii-Pn-cifin exposition iiiunteur koU' eliiiiu- pioiiHliip Ih'kiiii today on llio liukn of tlio Sun Fiiint'ihoo uolf nnd Country cliili, Golfer from nil purtH of tlio country mo entered. Tlio mediil roiiuil will ho played over tlio thirty hIx hole routo mid hixtyifour will qiinlil'y to eompolo for tlio title, ChnrlcH Kviiiih, Jr., of Cliit'iipo, wohIciii ehiimpion, is iniili'lied today iiKiiiimt Holiorl (1. lln.vne, oliimipioii of iioilht'rli Culifoi'iiiu, Tliiiro uro niiiuty enlrien, tumuitf them Chuiullor 1'uiui nf Medfovil, Or,, forinoi' iinlioniil t'lminjiloi LEO M. FflANK BRITISH BEI1IN loses Win another drive SUPREME edURT UPON GERMANS UUALIFYIHG French Claim Capture of 600 Yards of Trcnchcs--Germaiis Deny Kaiser's Plans for General Offens ive In France Ahandonctl to Con centrate on Eastern Cainpaiuu. l.OSMHlS, April III. The ItriiWi in my )Uh liepin iitmiliei' impoitmit iliivo n't the (lei mini hue whieh hotiU eoilq tovil slti'lpiiuii. Sharp liKhtin oiiejllVifd 'yenlenhiy in lleihiiii nml the offli'ml Kieneli lepoit of today Mnlvk'ihnt the IIiiIinIi eiiptureil 'JIIU yitnl of (li'iinnii liciieheh, letninini; tht'li' ponitimi in lln laee of MiVerul eoiinte.CMittnekM. The stnteinenl Iroui Merlin, however, uly III Mritlh were ejeeled Tioin minor imsiliouH they hnd taken from the OennaiiH nml that Mritixh nllael.M near Ypien hrokn down with heavy losxev The Fieni'h are iiKiiin on the offen h'imi on the eiihtein end of the line nml Niihktmitinl prorcx in Alxiiee is nminiiiiecil nt PiuiH. The French tioops nte Haul lo have pressed for wnnl nloiij; the Feehl river. The llcr liu repoit iimm'iIs that French on HlniiKhtN near ComhreH nml in the Voip'H failed. Iiifonmitiou Iiiih reached Petro(,rnd thnt the Austrian attempts to regain pntilioim in northern Huiipiry, cap lured recently hy the Hiisxinim, linvo lieeu uhaudoiu'il, l.'eniiaii Offenxho AluindoitcMl Ahniideiimeiil: hy tlio (Termini crn rrnl Muff o pliini. for n p'ncrni of fensivo lit Friineo 1h inferred in Horn frtm information received there, ll in tiiiil thin ilcoisjon is indicated hy official eoimnuuieittionx to lite Italian cabinet as well iim hy Htnlcincnt of (JennniiM in offielul clrelon nnd that ho'po of penetration further Into Ficiich territory ha heeu put nhiile. A dihpatch from (lenevn i;ives the iiuprcfhioii thnt the Austriaim mid (lennaiiK have drcided to eonccntrute their eiierio on the eiihtuni com paicn. It in said that at n eoimcil of war piexided oer hy Field Maihhnl von lliiidciihui-K it was detcrmiiieit lo traiiHl'er the Austrian heavy nitillery, now hefore Verdun, to Poland nml to m'ii hack to Cracow, weslern (laliein, the lluiiimrinn cavalry now in the western front. ItusslniiH Claim Vlrtoiien The hiluntiou still in to hu cleared up. Confident nxneitioiis fiom Merlin last week that tlio ltiisian iiihauuo in the Carpiilliinii regions had ht'eu halted are offset hy the claim of the PctioKiud war office that the princi pal chain of the mountains, eonipiis iiiR n 7."-milo seelion of the front, now in possexsiou of the Itussiuus nml that 70,000 Auslrians lmo hecu eiiptured In tlio hist few weeks. It in Hiild in Petro);rail that the movement toward the interior of Hungary will he roHiinied niter tlio troops linvo heen rested and reinforeed. The Aiislriuii war office, however, tuaiiituiiiH that tlio AiiHtro-Ocrmnn forces uro gain iiij; furlhcf victories, Count Alvnro do KoniaiioneH, for nier premior of Spain, has made a puhlio statement that "n solemn dec laration" should ho mode hy Spain to show where her sympathy lies in the war without violating her neutrality, lie pointed out that Spain's relations with the triplo entente, i-onsihtin of Great Mritaiu, France nnd Russia, had heen mora and more friendly dur ing leeont years. DELAY EFFORTS TO E F-4 HONOLULU, T. 1L, April 10. An effort lo raise the subinariiio F-4 was delayed n few hours early today to strengthen minor defect of the driiiiiholiler of ono of tlio scow pon toons. In it liftiiiR tt'st nuulo last night tliu other scow to he used in (ho work of bringing1 the scow to thn Hitrl'ni'ii was found to bo l perfect condition. Tlio result of I ho lest convinces Hear Admiral Charles 11. T. Monro mid the other uiivnl authorities in charge of the oporntioiis of the fens iblllly pf the plan to remove the ornfl to Hhiiilow w'alur by nllerniito lifting hy tlio Hcoiyu nml lowing wlti tiiiJ. MEDFORD, ITALY AWAITING ULTIMATUM TO START HGHTING Austrian Protest Aualnst Massing of Troops on Frontier Expected to Be Sl(jnal for War Allies Anxious to Close Door to German Shipments Action at Dardanelles Expected. I.O.VnON. Aniil Ifl. Whether ne. Initiations liclween Home nnd Vienna coiiecniiug ltalV ileiuands for ter- ritoijul eoneessioiiH buve been broken off renin iiw lor the mouiout an olfie ial secret, hut it appeals lo be utii versnllv ncreeil that the tension is approaching the bieaklnu pdut. It is siiggeHted heie that the Italian lor eigu ofliee is mvailint: nu iiltiniatuni from Vieiinu on the subject of ltnl' miliinrv picpmations along the frontier ns a imtext lo sever the re miiiniii tic, bringing nu outbreak of hostilities. Wnllloi; for Italy The nleilness with which every inoe, iliilomntiu or otherwise, mnde bv Italv Is now followed In Loudon, fiudieates the high importance attach ed here to efforts to bring Italy to the lighting lino. One of the main ren sons udvaneed for Ibis desire to in clude Italy in the partnership of the allies is that in no other wuy is it possible to chue effectively the door through which supplier still nre reaching the Teutonic allies in con siderable, amount. A ease in point is the confiscation by Hie Swiss- authorities, announced in Geneva today, of n enrload of ma chine guns of American iiinnnfaoliiro, which was on the way to Germany from Genon. Shipments of iron, cop per, antimony nnd sulphate have been reaching Oertnany with n fair degree of regularity. Austrian Kiultargo It is asserted today that a sudden embargo lias been placed at Count on a trninlond of these supplies nnd that Italy mid Itumania have, taken joint action in refusing to allow foodstuffs' for the civilian population of Aus tria. Hungary to traveise their terri tories. Although there has been much fighting in both the eastern mid wes tern fields, operations on u big scale nrflstill awaiting improvement in the wither on one sido nnd adequate supplies on the other. Indications tire, however, In both the Carpathians jnri Pohtnd that the grentest hnttib yet to be fought is imminent and that thn coining clash in the (ipathiuus will coincide with n great German advance from the direction of Cra cow. Activities in llio Dardanelles nro taken to presage mi important move ment nny day now against the Turk ish positions on the straits, DUNNEMilI CHICAGO. Aoril If). Sessions do- signed to bring about a settlement of n strike of 1(1,000 union enrpenters wero begun hero today by tlio stute board of itihitrutioii. Tlio hoard is meeting ut the request of Governor Dunne, "1 view tlio striko ns n enlamitv." Govcrrtor Duiino said after a confer ence with members of tlio board. "ClneaiTii and the stala of Illinois nro ins! lrutlinr? n norioil of nrosncritv v n p. --,--- , , . nicely under way when n striko is pushed In the way ol u period ot good jnisineHS," VILLA RETREATS TO WASHINGTON, April 10. General Villa, rot ren tod yesterday from Ira puiito to Agim Culicnlcrt with four teen troop trains, according to offic ial dispatches today to tlio statu de partment. Villa announced, tlio report says, thnt ho would usseinblo his forces ut Agua CnlK-ntes for mi nttliek upon Obregon, at Celityn. His losses in tho recent engagement nt Cclnyn nro es timated ut 0000 men. Ohregou's losses nfo unknown. OKKCION, MONDAY, AVllL 10, 1015 HUERTA GLAD TO BE UNDER FLAG HE INSULTED Cruet ill lliietta, cx-illctnlor of Mcxlro, mIio rntisisl I'tirle Sam to sonil wurshlps to .Mexican Maters liy his rofttsul lo miIiiIc (he Aineriraii flag, Is tsltliitf In ev Voik now. HuMtys Ills nip Is purely for Krvoruil trji-ons and that he Js )uilii; an eiijoynhlc time, but from oilier sources It Is minoriMl that Iluertn Is plaiiul iik another revolution In Mlro. In llhe jdctnrv nlsiw lie Is seen with A liiuhnin . Ilntner, one of his rlo friiMKlx. ltutner. with his lo-ollier, ouned the Tiuuplro Xewx Co., in .Mexico City, hut xvns rxlleil liy the .Mitilero Kovei-nmetit. They returned to fnxor miller lliietlo's n'Klme, ns purrlinslui; aeuls of utr supplies. E YPRES.HJLL 60 LONDON, April 10. The following official statement was Wsiicd tonight nt the wnr effice: "A successful action commencing on the eve of the 17th culminated hist night in tlio capture and complete oc cupation of mi important point known ns Hill (10, which lies about tuo miles south of Zillebeke to tlio east of Ypres. This hill dominates the coun try IJ the north nml northwest. "The successful explosion of n mine under the lull commenced the operations, and iiiaiiv Germuns were killed hy this and fifteen prisoners weio captured, including mi officer. At daybreak on the 18th the enemy delivered n heavv eountor-nttaek against this hill, but were repulsed with n heavy los. They udvaneed in close formation mid our machine gun battery got well into them. "Desperate efforts wero made nil day yesterday hy the Germans to re cover tlio hill, but they were every where repulsed with great loss. "In front of the captured position, upon which wo nre now consolidated in strength, hundreds of dead nro ly ing. "Wslerdny two more- Gorman nero plmics wero brought down in this area. Since tlio Villi iust. the total loss to the enemy is five neroplanes." VILLA LOSING T ON 110AHD U. S. S. COLOHADO, MJirntlan, Mox., April 10, Tho Villa movement on tho west coast of Mex ico is said to bo vapidly collapsing. Gunymns is tho only port on tho mainland eominiuuU'd by tho Villa forces. It is believed tho Lower California towns held by Villa troops uro iinnhlo to resist mi attack. .apotlan has been avuouated hy tho Cnrrnnzn troops, General Dieguez, n Cnrrnnzii commander, arrived to day at Colima, 143 miles south of Guadalajarn, with many wounded. Tho homo of n Chinese nierehnnt at Miiiunnillo was seized by Curronzn officials. As n result of n deoreo is sued nt Mnzutlun all Cliineso huve disappeared from tho booths in the markets (hero, Ynrpii Indians nro now conducting nn independent wnrfuro and nro giv ing trouble to both tho Villa mid Ciivrniixu foiVcs. BRITISH CAPTUR FROM HN WESTERN OAS AUSTIN ATTACKS IN PKTHOGHAI), April 10. Austrian attacks on the heights of tho Mczo laborer, district of Hungary, where the Aiistrimis for ix days have been furiously nltemptiiig to regain posi tions recently taken by the Ku-sinns, appear to have deliuitely subsided. The attacks, which exceeded in vio lence any action on this front, reach ed their greatest intensity on April 17, when sixteen n-uiils nre rtorted to have been made on thnt one day. The encounters ended in tho evening .its a desperate bayonet change mid sustained hmid-to-hmid encounters, which left the Itiissjmis, nceording to reports received hy the Hussion offic ials, firmly ensconced on the height of Telepoteh. After this the Austrian attack appeared to have spent itself and there nre no indications of a re sumption of ni'tivity in this region. Austrian nssaults upon the other important height in the east De-kids, nainelv Zeloe. were renulsed chiefly by the fire of rillcs and lnnohiuef gun. After three sharp couuter-nt .tacks the Aiistrimis here, too, gn;e, up tho nttcuityt to regain the summit. On the northern front the swnmpy condition of the thawing ground pro vents operations on n large scale. sale1at PKTHOGHAI), April 11). Petro grad butchers refused to sell meat to day in protest against a recent gov ernment order warning nil retailers that prices must not hu raised abovo rates fixed by tho government. Cus tomers who went to tho shops for their usual purchases found . tlicm empty. Tho hatchers siiid'thero was no prospect that a .supply of meat would bo available, This notion led to disorders and in somo shfip-s excited custoiiiers broke into the incut collars, and on finding them well stocked, insisted that they bo served. Incipient riots, which re sulted in tho partial wrecking of sev eral shops, wero ended by tho polico, who mado an investigation ns it basis for court procedure uguiiiht tho hoteliers, Shops in which no meat was found were dosed by tho polico and will not ho permitted to reopen until special permission has been obtained. Dutch. ir who concealed meat will ho fined or imprisoned. CARPATHIANS m ABANDONED IN PETROGRAD STOPS i in w mmm" POWDER TRUST OF Secretary of Navy Slnple-Handedly Maklnrj Government Independent of Monopoly -Has Forced Price Down From 80 Cents a Pound to 32 Enemies Seek His Destruction. (Mv Gilsou Gardner.) WASHINGTON, April II). Fil oho respect, .InscphiiH Daniels has been the best secretary the nnvyover hii(l, lie has done more than nny'iiredecos. nor toward making the government independent of private interest In the innlter of its ammunition mid na val material. Within two years- the 'overnment will be making nil its powder nt Indian Head. 1'siii'r an ap propriation grnnlcd by lljn recent congress-, the secretary is greallv en larging tlie capacity of the smokeless powder plant at Indian Head and the capacity for the full requirements of the navy will bo reached, it is behev ed, within thnt period. As a result. the price of powder has been drop ping. Originally tho powder trust took 80 cents a pound from the gov ernment for its smokeless; then they dropped to oil cents and then the gov ernment begnn making its own pow der for Hll cents "nil now with un proved equipment is making it for 3'J cents a pound. Trust Fights Daniel It is in doinc things like litis thnt Secretary Daniels hits made, himself one of the most oritioUed navy heads. Ho hud tho temerity in his first an nual report to exK)e the collusive bidding of tho armor plate ring and to recommend the construction of a government aniior-uiuking plant. The wnr frnst'rt influence with congress has been strong cnnuult to prevent legislation to carry out this proposi tion. Kven in the late congress it was defeated for about tho ninth time. Hut DanielxMS dniw: whnt he can to smash this combination mlso, The ivmiII is that nil the tremendous engines of publicity. are nt work to brin;; the Daniels admini-tnition into discredit. His enemies do not join issue on the real grievance. Nothing is said in their publicity about the armor factory or the powder making activities; of the government. On the other hand, the criticism is directed to the introduction of education in tho nivy's personnel, the abolishment of liquor nnd tho supposed disorgan ization and neglect of discipline. Houson for Efficiency Thnt the navy has become less ef ficient of late years there is no doubt. A good reason is found in the influ ence of tho "little navy" members of congress who have denied proper ap propriations and used their influence for tho misapplication of money di verted into political navy yards nml AKvata construction of armament and '-Icwi' 'iS"ided economy has cut down mo nuinucr ot enlisted men re quired, so that there nro not enough to man the ships. Hut all theso rea sons nro not the ones which inspire tho hostilo criticism directed ngninst Secretary Daniels. He is n much bet ter secretary than he is painted. VILLA MODIFIES WASHINGTON, April 10. General Villa s mining decree will not ho en forced until "ho is in rt position- to give guarantees nnd transportation to tho industry." Stnte department ad vices today from Villa's headquar ters n,t Jrnpuuto sent April lfl said tho protest of tho United States mid Great Britain had been laid before Villa nnd ho had given assurances that ho would modify tho decree to avoid possibility of international complications. Tho decrco provided among other things for tho forfeit ure of mining property upon which development work was not carried on or when taxes wero not paid within n stated period. Consul Sillimnn nt Vera Cm?, re ported today that Alfred Tappail of New York, threalened with execution hy Carranza forces in Yiientan, now is to bo tried on n ohurgo which does not involve (ho death penalty. BACK WAR UPON DANIELS MINN NO. 03 BARNESM000 libel mm TEODYONTRIAL Opening Day Spent Securing Jury to Try Libel Case Against Fernw President by Political Boss of New York Each Side ts Allowed Six Challenges. , SYRACUSE, N. Y, April 10. Tho Jury xvliieh will try Wiljinm Dunn1' ..)(bj)06,-iii)l JoMihcI jflnmst .Then dorflJlooSfvcIt wax cmjeted Into fo day. . . --ir - SYnACPSK, & -Y ' April 1'rf. Theodore Roosevelt .lind'jVilllnm Karnes faced each 't)jff iritM 'Mil pr.emo court here" "today when Mr. lln rues' hii'iL for libel, demanding' $.)0,000 dnmnges against tho former president, was called for trial. Mr. Knrncs nnd Colonel Hooscvclt snt nt ndjoininp tables, hut'neither paid any attention to tho other. The room won crowded and outside the eoiirihouso a great crowd kept in lino hy police men awaited opportunity to gtc in. Talesmen KjiamUned Examination of talesmen in tho special panel of 7o cnlled for the caso began us soon ns Justice William S. Andrews nscended tho bench nnd op ened court. Each sido was informed by the courtjhnt it would bo allowed six peremptory chpllengwf' Tho talesmen were questioned JiyWillinnt L. Itanium, it Symouo attorney,' for Mr. Karnes. He wanted to know whether the "political prominence heretofore" of either one or both tho principals xvould affect' tltfc decision of possiblo jiirorsC Henlo- asked talesmen whether they believed Milf tieiatiR might he libelled just ns other citizens. The fact that the defamlant has been president of tho United States and governor of New York was nlso dwelt upon by the attorney in'7rnminj his inquiries. "' When the afternoon 'session oon ed, Oliver D. Rtirden, a Syracuse at torney of Colonel Roosevelt' tnff, asked tho talesmen xvhether they be lieved a person holding public officn might bo critices for maladministra tion or corruption while in thnt of fice. C'ennnn Not Prejudiced In reply to questions, ono talesman, n native of Germany, said that tho fact thnt Colonel Roosevelt, "al though having nlwnys been friendly to Germany, hnd criticised thu viola tion of the neutrality of Belgium," xvould not prejudice him against tho defendant. Each talesman was ques tioned closely ns to xvhether he had any grudge against Colonel Roosevelt because of his actions during' tho presidential campaign of 1012. The court upheld an objection by Karnes' counsel to a question ns to whether ono of tho talesmen believed that a citizen had a right to oritieiso a person in public office, if his mo tive for so doing xvns to further tho cntiso of honest gox'ernment. As the examination proceeded, Mr. Kanitun delved deeper into political and legislative matters, asking; tho talesmen to what extent they had been interested in such affairs. Onco Mr. Karnes, xvho had ehnngei his sent, swung around in his chair, and gazed nt Colonel Roosevelt for fully two minutes, then turned hack and wrote a memorandum on a pad of paper. VON DER-GOLTZ COMMANDS TURKS CONSTANTINOPLE, April ID, -Field Marshal Kplmor Yon der Qoltsc has beon unpointed commander la chief of the first Turkish army. Field Marshal von der GolU rec ently returned to Constantinople from a. trip to Kerllu, the object of hlR Is reported to haer been to urge th Gorman government to send an army to attack Serbia. In the early prt ot the xvar he served a8 military gov ernor of KolKlum, and In January xvaa sent hy Germany to, CpHUail nople q assist In dtrwtlHjt th Task luh army which he had ,rtr.i- ed In earlier years, n ! M l !, - ')