if i t-( MEDffORD MAIH TMBUNJD, MBDJTOltU, OinWON. KA'ITUDAVt AIMtlb 17, 11)15 jtoqe rum i k AT THEIR GAY PRANKS t OSCAR AND ADOLPH Famine Makes AdolphAct Quickly At the Churches S MY, JJC.R i V MIM TXP5 ! 'Inn Lutheran RnrvlcPH nl .Ion Lutheran, n 12 W. (th ntiixit, will liu conducted In (lor iiiiiii ut 1 1 . in, " llllilo school nt 10 n. mi, CONHAI) WILKICH, I'nMor. HI, Murk's. Church 8 n. in. Holy Coiniiiiinloii. Hi n. in, Sunday ticliuol, 1 1 n. in,, Morning prayer. .AS - yfe . viii'' TO GAT MIT, OH,3A,-YOU rwiw! AHOLP Hi ) "W1 unc no Voobol ) ioncf mock Me. - -tTCV V i' a r.p n V Yo0R Sfleu. t J j&sj.y jt MWh jj y. M . x i . .. .. .i ..j.. I. ( :iK 7i:mi (i. hi,, Evening firnyor, VM, II. HAMILTON', Vlciir. f.i ' Ohkrthto AVi'lHin MelltlMlM Sunday .School nt 10 n, in, Preaching nt 11 n. in. nnd 8 p, in, Upworth league at 7 p, in. PrAor Meeting Thursday evening. Conitt nnd worship with iih. Ho member to keep (tin Bnhhnilt Holy. II. M, IlltANIIA.M, Pnntor. ItnptM. Morning norvlco 1 1 o'clock. Sermon, "Getting Ihn Curl lloforo tin llornft," Bpeilnl music. Evening 8 o'rlork, sermon "Tim A II C or tin Gospel." Special iiiiihIc. Illhle Hchonl nt Us 45 it, m. II. V. I. U. 7 p. in. Topic, "Ono ilny In Seven for Ihn Highest Things." Lender, draco Bchllnsog. I'Iim Chiinli of '('In M, HilentUt Sunday service nt 1 1 o'clock, Bub Ji'rl, "Doctrine, of Atotiutuont." Wednesday evening testimonial innilliiK nl 8 o'clock, All am cordially Invltod. Bundny itcliool nt 10 o'clock. All timliir the lino of SO ftro welcome. Himdlug room In church edlflcr. 3 IS No. Onkdalo, open from 1:30 to 4: no dally except Snndnyn nnd holldnyx, Piv'.byteiinn Clitirth Prenrhlm: nt II n. in., subject, "Tim Tent of Dlsrlpleshlp." Ilnlo, "Tho Hint With tho Broken Pinion," by Johnson, Florence Hni elrlgg. Preaching nl 8 p. m , subject "The Unexpected." Bolo, "Tim (lontlo Bhophonl," by Adnmi, Florence llaxrltigg. Hnnday school nt 10 n.m., kin dergnrfen nt 1 1 n. in. Y. P. 8. C. K. nt 7 p. in, Prayer meeting nl 7:30 p. in, Thursday. Tho Woman's Prcuhylcrlnl Mission, nry society will meet In Grants Pabu Wednesday. The lornl Lndlea Aid noclcty will not- moot TncKdny, Presbytery of Southern Oregon meets In nrautd Pnsa Tuesday, Wed noadny rind Tluirodny of this wcok. Ilccltnl FlrslfMiithodlst Episcopal church, Wednendny. April SI, 8 p. in, Plrtno nolo, "Rhapsody," liy Lite, MlNk Veiieta Ilnmllton, Reading, (n) "Naughty Zell" (1) "OrphnnM Anna" ,c) "Tho Coquette," Mm. J. K. Hawkins. Vocnl nolo, "A Hiimutor'a Message" Mm. W. M, CmiRCoyoc. Rending, (a) "HiikkIo's Dinner Pnrty" (h) "Lnscn." .Mm. J. K. Haw It Inn. ' Vocnl nolo, "Tho Rosy Morn," 1y Lnuilnr. Ilonnld, Prof, Forest Kd tnendes. Heading, (a) "Tim .liners" OH "College. Oil Cans" (o) "Tho Hoot lllnck," Mm. J. K. Ilnwklnn. VornI nolo, "Last Hebo of Bummer" from Mnrtha hy Flotow, Miss Thelss, Heading, fa) "Chrlstmna Dinner" (h) "An Old Woman's (lomiilnlnt" (c) "Thli Confessional," Mm. J. K. Hnklna, J-'IrM rin 1st Inn Church Cor, lUh nnd Onkdnlo Wo extend a moHt cordlnl Invita tion to the public to nttond our nor lccn nnxt'Bunday. MomltiK prvlro 10:45. Bormon, "Yo uro no nioro utrmiKora nnd no Joiirimra . . follow-cltlzcns of tho hoiihohold of Clod." KvAiiIiik hoivIco 7:45. Mm, Krnnk Jonoa of 1'iiKimo, OroRon, will oc inipy tho pulpit nnd will hnv n Rrvnt mi'HRiiRii for all. On Monndy nftor iioou Him will hold a conforonco with thu woiiimi of tho church nt 2:30 o'clock. IMoaatt romo nnd honr nnrt know, Illhlo Rchool will hoRln at 0:45, Lot un nirlvo on thuo anil put Into prnctlco tho wholoaomo BiiBgoatlona hy Dro. HllllnKton, tho Sunday clt6ol oxpurt, Tlio Christian i:ndiivor l on tho U Kirudo now and you ran profit hy aUonrllnit t'holr niootinWi WMiiomuor In'lf that you aro welcomo. 11AUY B. TUCICKH, MlnlBtor. i nmrcli NoIoh Tho Klmt Mothodlat Hplscopal rlunch, rnrnnr of Fourth mA Hart lott BtrcotH, J. K, HawklnB, PaBtor. Tliji Haci union t of tho Lord's Sup por will ho ohaorvod at tho 11 a, m, norvlco. All who aro In lovo and charity with their nolKhliors, nnd In tond to hind tho christian life, of whntcjvor ioIIkIoiib nnimi, aro Invited to vonuii)n with un, Thj ovonlrtK fioi'Veo nt R o'clock, HoVinon' piihj'ect, "Tho Homarkablo' DlHCove'ry of thn Klrnt DlRclploa." Tho pnalor denlrcH to rIvo any nn opportunity to nok (IMChIIoiih, mid will endenvor to innko IntelllKont reply to iiimrliiM. Tho iiientl(iim iiiiimL ho In wrltliiR mid linked In Reed flnth, Itopllcn will ho mndo on thu Miicceed InR Hnnday ovoiiIiikh, "Whiit'n on your mind?" Bpeclnl iiiiihIc Ii (ho choir nnd roimltiK cotiRreKiitloual hIiirIiir will add r. really to tho uttractlvcncim of theiio HiirvlccH. Tlido of tho otjier hitvIioh nn fol fel fol eows: Hnnday School : 4 fi n. in,: .Junior I.e.tRuo 3 p. tit. ; Kpworth I.etiRtio itevotlomil norvlco G;45 p. in. Moro than one hundred joiinc peo pin were nt (ho Kpworth LenRim nor vlco Inut Bundny ovcnlnR. Tho nver uro for thn month of March wnn 02. ThlM orcanlallon will entertain tho Klamath Dlntrlrt I.eiiRiiit Juno 40. 'rv .MeltiiMlUt (liurr)i Cor. 10th and Ivy Hnnday mcIiooI 10 a. in. PrencrliiR 1 1 a. in. Prayer and prnlw ncrvlco 0:30 p. in. ProachliiK 7:30 p. m, Special revival acrvlceB durliiR tho week. Dlhtrlct Quarterly mcetliiR licglnnlnR Thiimdny nnd contlnulnR over the Bnhhnth. Watch for furth er announcements Itev. 1). 1). DodRe, our district old er nndjllov. M. K. Chllda. our con ferenco ovntiRollat, aro with ua In thi-mi itervlceM. Alao Hnv. J. W. Bhnrpo of Medford. Cnmn and wel como. J. i: HltADIXY, l'nator. 1ER1E RUrtES Mn.. !'. K. Wnlil loluiiieil from Medl'onl the first of the week, liavinu miide mi over-Ktiinlav tsit them with her Inpuiiul. t'. 1). Wioh erlon nnml Jlis Hertlia Wool cr(on were (Jniutrt I'iikh vi-il-nm Momlay. Pmfesnor Aroliilialil Ilcildie nnd Heveral of the iiuivemitv Muilenlx of I'liKene were plenHiint enllern nt the Itoral'iH raneh Wednesday, l'Yiinl; I'.lliutt pf .Medford ImH been down HdVcinl limeM of late to do work on liiri milling iinipeity on FootV erepk. Mr. nnd fm. II. I). .low were ovpr Kiinilav j;uets oT Mr. ninl Mrs. 0. II. Aldcii.' .Mr. nnd Mrs. I). II. Slead were din ner i!U''Nts of Mrs. Kieo ut Oold llill Sunday. Miss Harper nnd Jrrs. Sprapic en terlniuiil the Keerealiou eluli Thurs day afternoon in their uhiiiiI hospit lihle and pleasing way, In tho ni heneo of llio leader for Hie tnpie us xiued, that jinVt wu ninittod and Hid hour given to Home fine KclPctiiins on I ho Vietrola. A verv delieions Iiineli was sened, Mr. II, ). Jolles enter- taiiiK iiONtjneolinK Mrs. Doin Siilliniir"li and family of Hiineoin spent the day in town re cently, heiug iiccniupmiifd Inune hy Mrs. Kiln Cook. Mis. Kttn Kuiiih has returned from Ashland, where nhe has heen in the hospital for the past two mouths, Her condition is sliejitly imjirovcd. Mr. nnd. Mrs. Thomas iNillon r(5 timied to Montague,, CI the first of tho week after n Hhort visit'with rel atives living hero, Mr. and Mrs. fleni-go Henry and daughter of Dviby spent Sunday in town. C, C. I'urnell was a InisiuehH pallor from Mitncnm this week. Mi's, (1, A. (larduer enloitm'ncd u few friends Wednesday. The' after noon was spoilt with sowing, after which dainty rofvoidunents weio sorvod. Mm. Cliuulo Miles of Medfonl wns tho guest of Mrs. Irwin Kekelson on Wednesday. Mrs, W. I. Hailoy has roturned from F.iie.eno, where she took Iter hushaud. hoping the eliaugo wuud piovo henetieial for her leeeiit ill- nnsH, Mrs, W. 0. CrantU'll puloilniiiod the Kpwoith leaano last WVdnoi.dav V liinK. (litnu'H opeupioil the greater jmVt of tho oveniiie;, followeil by deliu JACKSONVILLE ITEMS ioim lefreHluiietils. Minn Lulu Will -ianiH tiKHlsled the IiohIchs hi NenitiK. Thu following meinheis wero present: Mm. WaImIi, Mi. Ahhotl, Mrs. Uuvm, MIsm's Nellie linker, Dm Klout, '.inula Keiilenueer, Oretehen I'uhl, Cora TliomiiH, Cdith lloef, I'lorn Hall, Lueille Ahliott, Mildred CoMlett mid llev. Coslel, Floyd .lones, Denver Mntli, Ilurrv WiiUh, lieulien Pit. Kilward ninl JMwin lleeiv returned from Hrawley, Ciil,, Weiliiesduy, where they have been employed this winter. Mrs. Kuiiiia La Iloeh is H'ciiiliiiK tlio week with r hlster in Medford. Mr. mid Mrs. James Hueklev tire ieeeiiiiK eoiigratulatioiiK on the liuth of mi e1een-Hiuiii1 f-on. Mr. mid Mrs. Miles Cnntr.ill of Hueli were h-liojijiiu in town Thurs day. Misses .Marion Ilowen ami Mahel l(een mid I'dith lloef of Jackson ile will niitulier amoiie; the crudit ulinjr i'Iiish from the .Medford IiikIi seliool this ear The Indies' iiuxilinry held mi inter estiu; meeliiiK in the hludy room of the 1'reslijtcriun ehureh Tlmrsilny af ternoon. Mr. Lewis lh iclt entertained with a dinner party Thursday evening, covers heiu laid for the following kiipMh: Mr. mid .M'rs. O. ('. Kinp, Mr. mid Mrs. JIiihcI flregory, Mrs. Smith, Miss Hlaeklmni of .Medford and Mrs. O. Whitman of Klamath Falls. Mrs. J. P. Wells entertained Dr. nnd Mrs. .1. W. ItnhiiiHin ami Mies Dor land Itoblnson nt cards Wednesday cvenine;. Mrs. .1. W. Opp nnd children spent last Saturday ut the mine. Mish Fleta IMrieh mid Mrs. Minnie ' Kellpy were Medford callers Thurs day nfteruooii. A fire nlnmi wns turned in Monday cvenine; which prmed to lie the flue of ihe K. Coii(,er home. Xo damage was done. MUhpk Alice Morgan, Paulino flreaes, M"ary llan.haw mid Lou Hu kcr, Toots Thompson mid Clint Dim inution took hi the hhow ut Medford Thursdnyeeninr. COURTHOUSENEWS Reportod by Jackson County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Fir Sta. Circuit Kogiie River Public Service corpo ration vs. City of Gold Hill, answer. Pacific Mutual Life IiiMiruuPP Co. s. Lester W. Doud et nl., return of summons. rroluifo IMnto of T. .1. Tripled, objections to final account. Kslnlo of William (L. W.) Moore, petition for probate of will, appoint ing of executor. J llonl I Ma to Transfers H. II. Hutch et u .v to George U. Ogg et iix, lot in Ashland -? 000 U. C. Stoddard et ux to J. P. Hoiigland, lots in Queen Anno Add., Mcdfoid . . . 1,500 John Morris et nx to J. L. Youngur, lot in Ashland . -- 10 Caroline Whitman to Mortimer John Morris et ux to J. L. Yoiuigker, lot in Woolen's Add., Ashland . . 10 iiura M. Kershaw to James L. Kershaw el nx, land in sees. J'l- )ll l! '"" io. twp :7-in i.ooo DUSINKSB OITOUTUNITIICS FoTt SM?iJarbor Shop for aale. This ono chair shop do ing 1125.00 nvorago monthly; electric lights, bath 'rooma, city water, In n wet town, ?200 cash. Apply to Hlchard Anderson, No. 122, Gold Hill, Ore. 46 FOH SALKHost Paying business for thn amount Invested In Med ford, best of reason for soiling, act quick for thlH won't lust. JG500 will handle thlri, will Involco more than double tho amount aaked. llox Bargain, euro Mall Tribune. UUY Q1L 8TOCIC In 1,000.000 company, jhut qrganlzud; ground floor proposition; 100 por cent dividends 00 days possible; 20 wells at once; quick action on your money; limited number shares at 2 cents share: ?10 buys $500 par value stock; hU advance- In stock soon; selling fast; remit now, write for free Information; dividends declared noon. Amalgamated Oil Co., 1131 Colcord llldg., Oklahoma Okltt. , 23 Vim IlKNT HOIJMRKHIIPI.Vn FOKHAMI MTIWTOCJS J I!03inSTi:AI)S I1U HIWIgJUinKOTUItg I'Oll HUNT Bulto of 2 or 4 hoiiRO kPiipliiR rooma, furnlRhed, lower floor, modern. 729 W. 11 Ut. KOIt IIK.VT MJHMHFIRU ItOOMH I'OH HUNT FurnlRhed rooma. nlao llRht houBekeepluR rooms. 322 B. Central. 23 FOH UBNTModern furnlahed rooma. Tho Cottage, C04 Weal 10th. 44 FOH HUNT Blc-plnB room In mod ern house. Phono 372J. THU PALM rooma. Iipri rooming hoiiBo In Medford. Prices 35c and 50c. Weekly ratea. 28 FOIL KEM-rii7ihP FOH iuilNT 2 room furnlahed houno on North Ilartlett: partly modern. Imiulro 345 North liartlett. FOH HUNT rnrnlahccl 3-room house at 421 Woodxtock. Sec Dr. Seely or J. W. Herrlan. 27 FOH HUNT Five room furnlahed hutiKnlew: modern, gna, aewini; machlno, atrawherry Isjd. Call aft er 5 p. in. 312 S. KlnRSt. 23 FOH HUNT One 8-room retldence: nlao furnlahed housekeeping rooma. 310 N. Hartlett. FOH HUNT Modern furnished house W. II. Uvorhnrd, 1013 W. 8th. ... Phone CC7J. FOH HUNT -Furnlahed houae. 4 rooma, strictly modern, one nlocu from now federal building. Phono 031L or call at 243 N. Holly St. FOIl SALKKKAIi CSTATH FOH SALK Acreage near the city at apeclnt bargain prices. Seo owner, Phone 374, 1005 K. Main St. 33 FOH SALE IfTou want a 'lino 80 acre farm and fruit ranch near Kaglo Point, Ore., G3 acres bclug cultivated, on county road, all fenced, flno water, all noceasary buildings, seo J. T. Carpenter, own er. 345 N. Dartlctt St. S3 FOH SALU 200 ncros with about 50 hoad of cattle; two hams, 5-rooin house, to be sold with rattle, or net: 140.00 per acre. A Gallag her. Ono, Oregon. 34 FOH BALK 2 bargains. 1 1-2 acres In alfalfa, 4 room houae, 4 1-2 tulles from Medford, 2 1-2 miles from Jacksonville. Prlco $250.; 4-room bungalow ono block from pavement In Medford, city water nnd llghta. Prlco $425. For partic ulars nddrcKs thu owner, II. U. llowman, Talent, Ore. 28 FOH SALU 40 aero ranch, prlco $500; tonus; small cash payment. Ilox 4. Mall Tribune. 2S FOR SALK OH THADU A flvo or ton-ucro tract unimproved Innd 1C miles southeast of Stockton, Calif. Ono mllo from station, J. 11., Mall Tribune. 25 FOR SALIC MlHCRlAiANKOUS FOH BALK Seed corn nt Ilurmuda ranch. Phono 6U1-J-2. FOH SALK Hambler bicycle, good tires, mud guards, special saddle, luggago carrier, $12.50. Child ren's bloyclo $5, $7.50; Hoys' Irish Mall $3.00. Foard radiator, good shape, $9.00. Phono 9 15 J. 23 FOH SALK Largo, early, homo grown tomato plants now ready, any quantity. Also egg, pepper and other nlantB for salo at Grocery Stores, Public Markot and Green houses, wniluox & llonney, Port land Ave. Greeuhouscs, Phono S7H. 44 FOH SALK At once throughbred Flemish Giant rabbits, Angoras, Pntagoulans and Helglnu hares. Chas. U. Grahum, It. I'. I). 3, Ilox 10, Spring St. 20 FOH SALK Or Undo, n high class parlor organ In good condition. 121 S. Cottage. 23 FOH SALK Tomato plants now ready. C. Carey, phono 1C-F11, Address Talent, FOH SALU Pour Jo six weeks old Haired Hock chickens, 35c each; also kule plants, 15c u hundred. Phono 3F2. 20 FOR SALK To orchard bonds In Hoguo River Conimotclal Orchard No. 2. Coat $C00 and will sell for $500. Addrosa M, It. Yutes, 922 Kmplro llldg., Atlauta, Georgia. 340 WANTI5I) TO UUV WANTKI) TO HUY 75 mill; cows on tlmo; dafcrrod payments well so curod. Slcopy Hollow Farm, Gold Hill, Ore, II. A. Knslgn, Manager, I.OS LOST A gont'H gold vest chain, finder please, return to this office Suitable rcwurd. FOR SALK Good ranch team. Ono a good driving bora, prlco right Phono 500-J-5 or write box It, Mall Tribune. 23 I'OH BALU- First clnss driving mnro black, six years old, weight eleven hundred, stylish traveler nnd nbo luetely gentle, $150. Also bugs and harness. Phono 700. 23 FOH SALK Duroc Jersey Spring pigs, both sex's, the big kind sired by Golden Nugget, No. 142,785, Palmer Investment Co., Modoc Orchard. 43 FOR SALU uit TRADB One Hol steln 3 yr. old cow. been milking 15 months, duo to be fresh May 10th; one 15-months old heifer, calf of said cow, both extra good; one Itcd Durham cow, 5-years old, fresh last Dec; one h-yr old extra good family herse: one top buggy and harness: one double hack har ness; ono 3-inch Haln wagon with doublo box bed; good as new; ono 1 1-4 Inch Mandt steel axe wagon with bed; ono almost new riding saddle. Would consider trade for good second hand automobile. Ad dress "Owner," Hox 282, Ashland. Oregon. FOH SALK Two good cows, ono fresh; also good work mare. Jas. Campbell, phono 31 1-H. 25 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey heifer. A bargain. Phone 500-R2. 23 FOR SALE Driving horso and bug gy. Phonol48X. 23 FOR SALE Pair young work horses, team or single, time It desired. Phone 317. FOR SALE Cheap, span of mules, Harness ana wagon, as souiu cen tral. WANTEI IIMCKliliAEOUB CxTEDTo hire good work team with harness for two weeks. Phono G. Allder, Ross Lane. 24 WANTED I havo a good heavy team, want work for self and team. See mo nt 1111 X. River side. 24 WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. Send cash price and description. B. F. Hush, Minneapolis, Minn. 22 WANTED 1st class auto repairing reasonablo charges, guaranteed work, local references. Phono 48SM. 23 WANTED Loan of $500 for two years on Improved ranch property. Address Y, Mall Tribune. WANTKn arruATioxs WANTED Young man desires posi tion as retail salesman; under stands buying, neat In appearance. Will work cheap it something steady: has S years experience. Box 75, Mall Tribune . 23 WANTED Caro of orchard by man who know a how and has good cre dentials. Box Orchard, care Mall Tribune. 24 JIKLl WANTED MALE WAEDCgen room 2, Hlalto BIdg. 23 AGENTS Wo havo an exceptionally attractive proposition for general nnd special agents, Kxcluslvo ter ritory granted. Excellent oppor tunity for paying business of your own, Tho Pathe8copo Co., 7 IS. 1-2 Third Ave.. Seattle. 23 WHY? IT IS YOUR BUSINESS TO SEE ME Because my stock In trudo la to havo optioned at tho lowest cash price tho bost buy In this county. I have boon on tho groiiud look ing out for you for the past flvo years. Nearly everyday I have in vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated evorytbtug except those deals which I am convinced will se cure me satisfied customers. In a few hours ttmo 1 can give you the boueflt of this research. It is my business to show you over tho county and introduce you to tho possibilities and opportunities bore. See Med ford first and J. C. BARNES Room SOI, First National Bunk llldg. FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE Rogue River Valley Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonliatlon Tracts. Best all-tho-year-round cllmnto on coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springa, Heaver Kkjr Ow AaWi, Ore, DIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPUN 750,000 acres for settle ment: fruit, timber, general farm lands; send 25c with this nd to J Wenatchfco (Wush.l Dally World, Dept. T, for reliable data about this region. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Will loan from $1000 to $5000 upon farming property. Earl 8. Tumy, 210 Gar-nett-Cory llldg. FOR K.cnA."Tc;a. EXCHANGE Want to aell or buy anything? U C Rsder. 114 N. Front St. Employment office and rentals. Phone 125. Nuff Bed. RUB1XES8 DIISKOTORT Auto rJwppnen LAJIER AUTO 8PRINO CO. W are operettas; the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our spring! when others fall. Bold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth St. Portland. Ore. Attorney PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALBI Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 8 and 9, Medford NaUonal Bank hide. A. E. REAME8, LAWYER Oermett Corey bids. Wm. M. CoItIk, George M. Roberta COLVIG it ROBERTS, LAWYER Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKEY ft GEO. W. CHERRI Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDOES. Dr. Louise K. Hedges Mechano-TherapUri, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, Including dieteUcs, enrft Ure gymnastics, bydro-therapay, etc.. produce resulta In both acuta and chronic disease. Consalta tton free. Over Deusl ft Co., cor ner Main and BartleO. Hoars 1 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. PR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor nerve specialist Rooms 203-304-205. Garnctt-Corey bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage given; needle spray, head and shoulder shower In connecUon; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics hydroptberapy. Lady attendant Phone, office 543, residence 511-R Deatlata DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Coroy Bldg., suite 111 Medford, Ore. Phone 956. W. H. SPRINGER, DENTIST Of fice hours 9 to 5. Evenings and Suuday by appointment. Otflco M. F. & II. Bldg. Resldenco Phono 153J; Office 319J. Engineer anil Contractor FlYEDCUMMINGSEnglneeVand contractor, 404 M. F. ft II. Bldg. Surveys, estimates. Irrigation, drainage, orchard and land Im provement Public Stenographer SARAH M. HENRY. Public Stenog rapher. Room 317 oarnett-coroy Building, Phone C57-J. Truastcni EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Phoai 815. Prlcea right. Service guar anteed. HEAL ESTATE BROKERS Wo Ijavo tho best stock ranch, ' goneral farming and orchard propositions that aro offered for sale In this county. Lowest prlcos, any slro ranch, best loca- tlons. . TALK WITH TUMY & ANDREWS. 210 Garnett-Corey Blk, NEW TODAY A ten acre homo handy to Central Point, Jacksonville, and Medford. Flno flvo room plastored bungalow, with basement, flro place and screenod porches. Good ample baru, well built. Plonty of fruit. This la a good closo In country homo, and $2000.00 takes It at a sacrifice, Call for particulars, C. D. HOON . AsAy!t. E. R. CROUCH Assurer, chemist. metallurgist, custom Assay or flee. Mall order business kolleltee. Prices, gold. $1.00; gid and M4 ver, $1.25; copper, $1.00; gold, sti ver and copper, $2.00. Malllag en Tolopen free on reqiieat. Refer ence, Josephine County Bank. Rooms 201-203 Hall Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon. 33 Employment Agency EMPLOYMENT AGENCY We w!s everybody to know that the Old Re liable Blttncr Real Estate and En ployment agency, will &' your help, find you employment, rent your bouse or Bell your land. Mrs. J. S. Clark, manager succeeaer. Rooms C and 7, Palm' Bldg., Ke ford, Ore. EMPLOYMENT Rentals and Lai Agency. If you want help, want te. rent a houae or buy any real estate call on Wynkoop & Co., Room 3, Palm Block, Phone 336R. Auction. Saturdays. If you havo anything to sell, seo us about It. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Mrs. Ruth Smith. Room 210 Garnett Corey .Bldg., Phono 182. Seo me If yon want help or are In search of employment. Oarusge GARBAGE Get roar cleaned np for the snsmsr. Oati on the city garbage wage let good service. Phone' 374-L. V, Y. Allen. HAIGHT MUSIO STUDIO Reeal 401. Garnett-Corey Bldg. Fied Al ton Haight Piano, Mrs. Floreae Halllday Haight, voice. TeleekoM 63-W. Kei-ry PaMM HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary e lie. Bring your work to me St tM algn of the Mall Tribune. st DR. V. Q. CARLO W,1' BR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Oeteeefttils physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Cersf bldg., phoue 1036-L. ResJeeae 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteesaUM physicians, 303 Garnetl-Certf. building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Fhyetcleii surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ssr, nose and throat. Byesrt'iesv tltloally tested and glasses esisv. piled. Oculist and Aurlat for S. r. . R. R. Co. Offices M. b ft ff. Ce. Bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 57. B. B. PICKEL, M. D. Otftee Jaetc son County Bank bldg. Otttea phone 43-R; residence phone sV-lt, DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Offtee Falsa block, opposite Nash Hotel. Heura 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANOY Physklsa aa surgeon. Phones, office 36, rest dence 724-J. Office hours 19 14) 12, 2 to 5. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Offlee 309-310-311, M. F. ft II. Bldg. Phones residence, 814-J2; offlee, 814. DR. LYDIA 8. DOW Osteopathia physician, practice llmlton to oh stetrlca and diseases ot women. kn4 children. Offices 3 and 4, Ik. Marks block, hours 1 to 6 p. sn. Phone 160. Res, the Dow Hospi tal, Central Point, DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician, sn4 surgeon, obstetrics and surgery offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block. Hours 9 to 12, Phone 160. Rest dence, the Dow Hospital, Central Point. . Printers ad rabUshers IIEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tM bost equipped, printing eltloe Ml southern Oregon; book bUdlUi loose leaf ledgers, billing systesst, etc PorUaad pries. JIT KerUi "Mr sh. IT Shoe Repairing SHOE REPAIRING First eiess MMSJ ' repairing, pa modern siastrw machine while von wait. . M. Bidea, located U Kidd'g hus'sw. rnone itisj. vX Typewriters ua MmbbMss muiintunifnuno A v,r BttBUr . i. trc)Y"uata .Avv uurri(iii" rew uamiRgien, amun " m and Monarch typewrlttac a and suhtraetrag jeaohlne. r Hiachtaea tarwU.ereessvj nhd 'srKfU;h1tAj pairs tree er eaarws. Heanett, .It v MM. . ffttft ti -v ijC