4"Tf- r-ri&T '" w MEDFOllD MAG TRIBME. Jfa'Dj?6ftfJ: JJKTCtttiN. TTWRfcTUY, APRTTj 15. 1915 o IE ' it gj.'gcr u jjg Medford Mail tribune an tfNhHrfiNnriNT Mnwftt'ArBn PUUtJlHHKO KVIORY -AKTHUNOON ICXOUPT HUNOAT HY T1I1C MKIJKOniJ I'ltlNTlNO CO. Offlofl Mall Tribune ilultilln. sVs7-2! North I'lr anrcotj telcptiono 7. Tlin Democratic Times, Tlic Jdedford ainll. Tlio Medronl TrUiunn. The South rn Orvgonlnn, Tim Astilriud Tribune. rfUaSCRXFTIOH &ATEI Ona ynnr, by mull ,. - ....fS.CO Oho month, by mall , .50 I'cr month, Oi'lUcrtd by carder ta Mcilforil, Phoenix, Jacksonville nint t'rnlrnl l'olitt , 10 JslurYlayjmly, by mall, per year S.00 VVwrklj', pot your- 1.50 orriolnl IMpcr of the City of J.Wlforl Official I'artJC of Jackson County, tinlurrtl rh noccma-clftiiN matter M Molfortl, Oregon, under tho act of March t, 187V. Kworn Circulation for 1914, J5SJ. JCull IciukmI wire Associated Press ills vxttclicn. f 4- Subscribers failing to receive papers promptly, phono Clrcu- lntlon Mnnngor at 2 5 OR. . SAYS Few men havo over been homesick for n boarding house. Wltnmln an' cigars aro something nllko causa you can't always tell their valtto by f.ortn aa" wrapper! LAUGHS ltctraycd KinoUoa "That heiress seemed much ngl tated when she mot you. Is it pos sible that you have entered her 1Kb before in norao romantic way?" "Nothing particularly romantic," salt! th newcomer at tho summer resort. VI collect tho payments on that heiress piano." Seattle Post Intclllgcnccr. Has IU Effect Frost Do you think (ho auto bos an ennobling influence? Snow AVcll, speaking, personally wo htxvo been fined and refined. Judge. Slio Knew "I nm collecting for the suffering poor." "But aro you suro tlfoy really suffer?'' "Oh, yes, Indeed. I go to their housesnnd talk to them for hours at a tlnfc." Kconomjr She But if I can't live on my In come and you can't llvo on yours, where would bo tho advantago of our marrying? Ho (thoughtfully) Well, 4y put ting our incomes together, ono of us would bo nblo to llvo, at any rate." Boston Transcript. V rUyltiK Politic "Vhy docs that Senator keep droning on? That's no way to talk at a banquet." "You'ro right. Looks liko a fili buster to keep us away from tho champagno and cigars." Louisville Courier-Journal. Answered Son I Bay, pa! Father Well! Son Is n vessel a boat? ? Father Yes. Son aftor boiiio thought) I say, pa! Father (lmpationtly) What is It? Son What lclntl of a boat is a blood-vessel? Father (absently) It's a Ilfo-boat. Now run away to bed. What's tho Umj "Aro ou putting away something for a rainy day, Tommy?" nskod tho llttlo boy's aunt as alio saw him at his savings bank. "No, ma'am," was Tommy's reply, "thcro ain't no ball games on rainy days." Yonkors Statesman. Tho Hilling I'iw.on In his last illness, whon out walk ing, Tom iipo'd was accosted by a frlcn-,', v-ho said "All. Mr, flood, Ojt wuik eiu. , "Ycfl -but I'M ,50lnt N.v W.IS tho reply, , KnUittfljuiUc Pallopt I Suppose your father la qullo d'dogtor. -Most of tho pooplo hero havo him, don't Ui0y? Doctor's Son I should say bo! I botcha' there, aln'J. a person that's died In this town thai ain't had him. An fobltuarr "Why didn't you attend Jack's wedding?" asked a visiting friend of a Jacksonville girl. "Why? lieca'uso I wanted to rq wewber poor Jack as ho looked in lit;" implied (ho inttor in i pHyiim rt- frssm GERMANY'S WORD rtoin Washington is to tho oCfotst that Com von BornstorlT, Gorman ainbassailor to the Unih Mutes, has made unoffieinl ponce. Though officially denied, it. is authoritatively stated thatBemstorff is responsible for peace reports cir culated. The peace proposals as published are substantially as follews: (l) That Berlin would not sue for penco; (2) that tho subject might be discussed on tho basis of n return to the status quo at tho time war was declared; (3) that Germany Is unwilling to consider paying nn Indemnity for tho damage to llelglum: (4) that Belgium bo evac uated by tho German acinles; (6) that Itussla shall havo a way out through tho Dardanelles and that proper arrangements should bo made by Germany with turkey to accomplish this result; (0) that Alsnco and Lorralno must remain German territory; (7) that Germany shnll purchase the Belgian Congo for a reasonable sum; (S) that In case of future wars, neulral commerce on tho high soas shall not bo Inter fered with; and that other matters should be left to futuro adjustment. President "Wilson is unable to take official notice of these unofficial overtures, and in their present form they will be ignored, as British, French and Russian ambassa dors have announced that in their present form the pro posed terms are entirely unsatisfactory and that the pres ent time is no time to enter in vague and indefinite pour parlours. "Wlion the time, conies to talk peace, which will not be until decisive battles have been fought in both the western front and the eastern line, Britain will insist upon an .n- demnitv to Belirium and the neutrality.- All the allies will to make impossible a recurrence ot such an outurcaic as that which started the war. The allies do not consider these proposals as' seriously made, but merely prfyfc of the German program' to effect public sentiment in the United States. Peace will not be seriously considered until further ef forts havo been made tb defeat the Teutonic allies. A mil lion or two more men must be sacrificed before the dove of peace will hover over Europe. Tho combatants are far from exhaustion. Germany still maintains the struggle outside her own borders. While she has won no notable viet6rj she has held her own by the advantages gained by thorough preparation in ad vance. The eight months' preparations of the allies are nearing completion. They arc nearly as well prepared for the spring campaign as Germany was for the fall campaign. The allied fleet is at the door of Constantinople. Kitch ener's million arc ready to strike. France has filled her depleted ranks and awaits only word for action. Russia is crowding over the summits of the Carpathians. Italy and the Balkan nations only await word of decisive success by the allies to .join tlipm. Only Austria and Servia show signs of exhaustion. Peace talk at present is futile and can accomplish noth ing. Three months from now, or six months hence,-it may be a different story. . - - Oregon as First Fruit State (From tho Portland Spectator.) Portland, April A. To the Editor of the Spectater: The starting pojnt of the Pacific const was in Oregon, beginning with the advent ot the "Traveling Nursery," which was brought across the plains from Salem, Henry county, Iowa, by Henderson, Luelling nnd his son Alfred in 1847, htnrting in April nnd rcuchinfj the end of the journey five nnd one-half miles south of Portland, nbout the middle of November following. The best varieties known then, among them the Newtown, Spitzcnbur?, Northern Spy, Wincsnp, King, Hald win, Red Checked Pippin, etc., among apples, nnd the Ilurtlett, Winter Nclis, Seek-no-Further, Fall Butter, among penrs, aro still anions the leading va rieties. The following item indicat ing conditions fifty-eight years ngo, may bo of interest: "Fruit Treprf Wo nrej;lnl to sec Fruit Growers To tho Editer: Having had several years exper ience in smudging In Hogue river valley, both with wood and oil, wish to say to the fruitgrower that they should not growl at tho cost ot their smudging plants. Listen to this. In planting lemon or orango groves hero In southern California, tho next thing dono after planting or tho following winter Is to equip every aero with 7& to 100 (Ivo gallon heaters, with chlinnoyB or pipes, two to four or five feet high. Theso heaters cost mo'ro than a lol!ar each. They aro placed In tho rows between tho young trees, and most of them aro loft In tho Hold a,il Jho year. Theso heaters havfi to cb painted every year to pro vont their rusting out. Wo Bell paint or enamel by the barrel for this pur pose Tho anxiety of tho fruit grow er hero continues all winter, and tho degree Is, I should Judge, tho eamo as that tho Rogue river valley grower undergoes for (lireo or four wooks each season, Fuel for tho heat ers costs less bore than wlih you, but the cost of equipment per aero Is several times as much as in Roguo river valley because the young trees must be proteced from the time they aro planted. Protection Is accomplished hero by heat and not by smoke. The lemon and orango trees being full ot fruit In different stages of growth, all tho year, it would not do to cqver tho friitt wit litlin oily soot so often soon mi the ionr trees nroiind Modfonl. PEACE TALK onnl od overtures" looking, toward permanent guarantee ot its insist upon acting together that tho demand for fruit trees in California fully justifies increased shipments and nowhere either on this or tho Atlantic const are to be found better varieties than are raised in Oregon. W C. Hull, wIioko exig ence as a dealer in upple.s for the past two years enables him to select with judgment, takes down, on the. nest steamer from eight to ten thousand two-year-old apple trees of tlte best selection, besides otlier varieties n fruit trees and shrubbery." Portland paper, January 10, 8."7. , From this firt nurnery, Luclling & Meek, proprietors, fruit trees were sent to nil parts of the Pacific const. Wugon loads of npplcs. raised in Mar ion county in tho vicinity of Silver ton by William S. Moore, were hauled in hoses, wrapped in paper by his wife, n pioneer of 38-l."f, now a resi dent of Sellwood, to the California mines in 38fi7. George J I. Hiiiies. Take Courage So I can say to tho Iloguo river valloy fruitgrowers, congratulate yoursolves that your smudging propo sition Is so much easier than It Is In till spart of tho country. C. W. POTTBR. Santa Paula, Cal. April 13, 1015. FREDDY WELSH TO FIGHT HARVEY AT COLUMBUS, 0. COLUMBUS, O., April If,. Fre.l dio Welbh, chumpjon lightweight boxer, lias been matched to meet Johnny Harvey of Now York in a twolve-round bout ht'ro April 23. t.te ft ObU). -CItr ot Toledo. Lull Countr. .Krok X. Cbenrj make utb tkt b ! Malar ptrtntr o( tbiSru of f. J. Cbou.y Co., do; In botlnMi In th CItr o( Taled. Countr ! Hut foreMM. tad tbtt mI4 Arm nlll 17 th ium oCOXK HUNDtlKD naiAAItS tut Cicn ni crer mm ut CaUrrtKbt rtnout tx cured If tb iui vt 1UH' Catarrh Cure. F1UNK ,, CttBSEV. Sworn to before tne unit autorUied In mr prraruce, tbli Ctb tlar of VeeemUrv A. U., 11W. Beat. A. W. OI.KASON. .Notarjr.Pu&llc, Hall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Intersallr an1 acta dlrtctlr upon tbe lilwxl anl inucoua aur fatra ot tbe ajitem. Baud for teetlmooiali, "' V, J. CIIENKV As CO., Toledo, 0. Bid by all Pruet late, -73. , XU Ilall' Tamil? 1'Ule for coaitlpatlco. Jojijn A, lerl UNDERTAKER Xady ABBlstant SM H. DXllTfjETT Phones M. 17 Htnl 17-J3 Auihulaiipo Bervjw) Otroner WASHINGTON BELLE tBBaS ' i i'V( MtlG" flBP' '" ' 1 HL ''''"Tk MaLaaLN k sW'x ur tj ,-ff VI Another niuiio has Ikh-ii ihMimI Ih'Hcs m nlli Ih brhles In Jmiio. of Mr. ami .Mr?i. Nyltnnns Stoki-, has King Stone, nlv of 'nhlngton. CAME FROM HELGOLAND LONDON, April I.I. The trippers of tho Ilritish trawlers who Mghtcil the Zeppelin nirship whieh lust night raided the northeast etut of Kng land, describe her as the Z-H, ono of the very latest typo of Herman air hhip. The trawlers lighted the craft 100 miles from land. They hcliewd she 1'iiinu from llelgohiinl. If Mie re tunied to that Nlnml the nilctilittioii is made that hhe mut hno covered on her trip riomethiiig like 800 miles. The trawlers rntno tit full sMeil for port immediately after they wogni. td the Zeppelin, wilh Hie olijrci of giving wurning, hut of eour-e thoy were easily itiitdi-tnnrcd by the mr hliip. AT CHRISTIAN en rum Mr. Illlllngton, northwest Hlblo school superintendent for the Am erican Christian Missionary society, will speak on tho subject: "Is tho Dlblo School a School?" Under this heading ho will discuss tho moaning and work of tho Sunday school. At the closo of tho address opportunity will bo given for questions nnd gen oral discussion. 7;. 10 p. m. is the hour. xetici: Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford. Oregon, at Its next regular meeting, April 20, 1915, for a Ilcenso to soil malt, vin ous and spirituous liquors at their placo of business on North Fir street Medford, Orogon for n period of six months. mted April Cth, 1915. ROOUI1 IUVBIt VALLKY UNIVKR ..S1TY CLUU. THE PAGE COMING APRIL 19th ONI3 NIGHT ONLY JANDREWS OPERA COMPANY IN A BIG DOUBLE BIIX FAUST and MARTHA Garden Scene From Fallot mill Kutlro Opera of Murtliu POPULAll PRICES Rex Sc'ats $lf Jowerfloor, first G rows 7Gc; Jast 13 rows C0c;; bal cony first ! rows GOc; last 13 rows 2Gc. Seat salo opens Theotro Rex Offlco April 17th, JO A M. LATH Full bred Purcheron stallion, for merly owned by Rob Crowdor, 1b now making tho season's stand at Vin cent's barn. Service ?J-0 to guaran tee foal, FHA.VK IMNMMCV, .Mrdfoid 1 WILL DE BRIDE IN JUNE JVWDGE HCKETI jSTOKES. r tn tho nlivaily long INt of Wic-lilnutoii Jlhs Mmlgo Plrkitt Sttks, ilauglitt'f itniiouueetl lief ciigugi'ititMit to It. SALKM, Or., April l.n With u capitalization of $1,000,0(10, mid O. K. Sunder, (leorgc Noren-on of Onuits Pahs uiitl Wliiirten Pltimiiier of Chicago us inctirponilors, the Hell Onto Canyon & Cotiiillc Pouer com puny filed articles of incorporation with ('orNirntion CommiiHioncr Wat--on yestenlav nitcniooii. The head (Itiititers of the oiuiiptiuy will he (Irauts Pii,.s mid it cotitrmplatcK pro idiiig power for the city mid for ir rigation purpoxes. ' CHICHESTER S PILLS M Cl lllHlMn ItllANIt I'lLI. .tt l H IMat, StlMl. A I M,t S tllaMa 01B BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TT Theatre "Salisbury's Wild Life In America" Here April 13, 14, 15, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Positively tho fjrcalcst animal pic-, turc ever produced. Prices 10c and 15c. Others net 25c anil up for this hln feature SANDERS INCORPORATES NEW POWER CONCERN fllTrv I4l.al A.k -r 1'n.f Ml.t (- a I'llla !( J e.l tlU miuy l-m, rnlri H4 Mm KUJx. T Tales t.r. Mr ( jr.r v w 3 H.TKHH v m ! 5TAR THEATRE FRIDAY EVENING 8:15 Dramatic Society from the University of Oregon UNDER AUSPICES , t t J T T f t ? t T f T T y ? J T JUNIOR CLASS MEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL "My Man and mf.t 3,000 CARPENTERS UT ON STRIKE TODAY CIlU'AdO; Aptil 1ft. Wov.1 went out from union lieailiiiailerH lotltty to "pull on! tho caipeiilers when lio whislle blows it! I::t0." Without Hk' of oiiinpioiitibo there drew iicnn'r u clah lit'tuceu Kt.llllll uniiiii cnt)t,ti- tern niitl (100 itii'iuhiirs !' tho Car irpt'ii' ter Con! I tie! urn' itHSoeiatioii It is estimated a MnKc by thu car iteiiteis would llirow out ol wml; (10, 000 oilier bmliliiig mecltuiiics, mid if continued would affect ftO.000 wage caineis In allied iudiisttit's. Hoth sides said they ore ptvpared for n long Mniirglc. "I.et them striki'," was the tleflant message that passed between employ ers. "It would he business suicide to pay carpenters 70 cents mi hour." There uro ahoiil I.'IHI Iniililings mi tier coiistructioii unit the union tticii cluitii that wo 1 1; will bo stopped on 00 per ct nt of iIichc. "Ittiiltliiig operations in Chicago this year would touch .fJOO.OOO.OOO in cost if it were not for the labor troubles," said !!, N Craig, sccivlaiy of the lliiililing Ctuistmctioii Kniploy crs' association. Ilesides the normal run of business, which reaches half of that ligitre, there ucro u uitmbci' of big works under contemplation like the Field museum to cost .f(!,000,000, mtil the new Piiioii Million mid term WEAK, NERVOUS OHIO WOMAN Made Well by licllrlotin Vinol llcllefontnluo, Ohio, "My blood was ory poor I was In a weak, nervous, run-down romlltlou. I tried different remedies without benefit ami ono day my druggist told mo nbout Vluol. I tried It and It built mo up In every way blood, strength ami nerves, nnd I tell my friends It Is tho best iiiedtclno on earth." Mrs. F.arl Rrunson. Vluol, our delicious coil liver nnd Iron tonic without oil, sharpens tint appetite, aids dlgcHllon, enriches tho blood and In this natural manner creates strength. .Medford Pharma cy.- Auv. THE PAGE Mcdfortl's Leading Theater Last Time Tonight Clara Kimball Young In The Deep Purple With Milton Sills and Notable Cast. The Broadway success in a vivid nnd Interesting, Photoplay IN FIVE ACTS Hearst Selig Weekly 5-I0-I5C ' Will Present Drama In Four Acts j it Direction CHICAGO OUT PROF. REDDY RESERVED SEATS (ADMISSR7N 25c, 50c 75c iiuil, lit cos) .til,000,(lll!l. 'TheMt 111 iuivo In ho iiohlpoiiuil If Hit' naif''"' lei's go out.1' KEEP A JAR 0T , , MUSTEROLE HANDY li i.hililily Loosens tip Coughs ili lily folds mul h lii Tlnoal or Chest ,1 il.tt a Itltlc .MI'HTICItOhK tiiblied on your son', tluht client hofmo you go to lied will looHou iii congestion mul break up iiiunl hevero coltln mid eoiigliH. MllrlTIJUOhl'J Is a clean whlto olnt. niviit iiiiulo with oil of niUHtiiril. Him ply tub It on. No planter nocoMHitry, ilettur than niiiiitiiiil iilaster and tlooti not lillMor, Thoiiiuinils who iikp M PHTHltOI.il will tell what lellef It gives fioiu Horn Throat, HronehltlH, ToiiiJIIIIIh, Crdup, Htlff Neck, Asthma, Neural gia. Headache, CouRt'tillon. Plolirlny, ItheiiuiiitlHiu, l.umlmgo Pnlus mid Aches of the Hack or Joints, Hpralus, Horn MiuelvH, IIiiiIrcm, (Jlillliliilim, Frosted Feet ami Colds (It often pro. vents Pneumonia), At J our drURKlts, In 8B nnd fido Jars, mid a special largo hospital slo for $11.50. Ho snfo you get tho genuliio MU8 THIIOI.H lleftisi) Imitation K't what yn uask for. Tho Mus'terolo Company, Cluvcliinil, Ohio. Paid Adv. STAR PAfTAMOUNT DEAUTY f'Wildflower', With Maruiirllo Clark Four Parts Pathe Weekly News Last Time Friday Matinee Comlnii Saturday Only TWELFTH EPISODE "Exploits of Elaine" THE BLOOD CRYSTALS Sunday Only: Jack London's Powerful Story "Burning Daylight" Six Parts Monday Only: America's Foremost Comedian, John Barrymore, In "The Man From Mexico" Five Parts Afternoon 2: IS Evcnlnij 7:00 Lady" M IS.! ,. j