Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 15, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mrr T"
(Klittniilli NorJIiwoiilorn)
MimIiio mill Klnmnthri will meet
nl Captain Jnck'ii idronghold In
(ho I .a vu lludu mi April "-. Tho
mooting, however, will li entirely
friendly ami not at nil 1 1 Iui tint
historical meeting them In 18711
Imtweiin llm Mdilnni ami white men,
Tim Moducri urn itmlilimtn of I ho
Upper ciiit of .Modoc ronnly, Cull
fornlii, ninl tint KliinialliH am resi
dents of Klamath I'iiIIh. AH arn
while mill no feathers or wnr paint
will ln worn. Tim purpoMi of llio
uniting In to vlow out n roml con
necting Lookout, California, wllli
Klumiilh Fulls nml In pirn llirnnitli
tlin moid noted Mpotti In tliu I.avn
Hlnklyou county will also bo
nskod to Join In Dm conforeiico
nml It In hoped that sufficient In
terest ran lio moused no that a
roail w Iui luillt through Itiu I.ava
Hods thin summer In llimi for tourist
Thin decision wan inniln yontorday
when M. It. Cnnloy of tlio Ixxiltoiit
(ionil Honds niKorlatlon, met with n
rnuimllteo from the, Klamatli Chum
her of ('ominerro. It wan ngn-od
(lint the proponed road Mould mako
winllalihi to tourist nml local people
onn of the most hlitorlc spots near
hero nml that mi effort will lio inniln
to rnlxn tlio money for tho first work
to Im ilono on thin roml. Tlio Moiloc
people are willing to hulld n roml
from lookout to the HtrnuKhnld nml
It lit oxHclii Hint Klamath will
lirliiK tlin roml to thin city.
Tliero nrn two routes out from
Hid stronghold, ono along tlio odgo
of Tnln Lake nml tlio other liy way
of Hear Toot Cove. A commltteo
ronxUtlitK of J. C. Itnlenlc, (). C.
Applognlo and A. Deliell will go
to tlio HtroiiKholil to meet tlio com
iiiltimi from Lookout nml view out
tlin roml,
A commtltei) consisting of J, I,
dueller. J, A. (lonlnii, V. T. Loo nml
I,, Jacobs worn nppolnted to raise
tlio money necessary to Mart work on
Hid roml. It will reiulre nliout Jlf.00
to ilo thin work. It In tlioiiKht Hint
TUodoc roitnty will keep up tlio por
tion of tlio roml that lion within It
borders after It linn boon opened nml
started. Siskiyou County will ho ak
til to do tho name.
Tim i-oiumlltco on funds raid yon
tonlny that Inasmuch an nil tlio l.avn
lledn Ho In California, ronnty inonoy
could ln lined hy Modor and HIkl)ou
couiitlen, hut Hint nil help given by
Klnmnlh must ho rained liy milmcrlp
Hon nml not HiroiiKh tho comity
HAU:.r, Oro April 15 Accord
liiK to nn aiinouneeiiiont mnilo liy
Judgo Webster, secretary of tho Unit
ed Copper & Hold Mining company,
of tli Ih city, (ho company hint cxn
filled n contrnct for tho snlo of Its
copper in I no Inn .lovuphluo county to
Churloi O. Wheeler &. Co., of Hcran
ton, ln. Tho purehano prion wan
Klveu nH $2fi0,000 nml It U to ho
paid In InntnllnionlH In thu next throo
Tlio mlno IIh nltuntod .1.1 iiiIIoh from
(IrnutH Pnss, nml according to
Wheeler, work In to begin Immodlntu
ly. W. H. Low In prenldent of tho
eoiiipauy, nml tho illreclorit uro,
ChnrlcH I.tiholil, K, O, Moll, .InmoH
drlog nuil ChnrloH lllckuor. MohI of
tlio stockholder!! reside. In thin city
ami vicinity,
ASHLAND, April IK. 0. II, Mot
culf, manager of tho local Fruit nml
Produce iiHHOclatlon, Iiiih quit tho jolt,
i Ills resignation wnH prosontoil hov
ornl days ngo and wiih voluntary.
It tnkoH offoct today, In tho mean
time doorgo Mlllnor Ih looking after
tho iiHHoclatlon uflnlrs pcndliiK tho
uppolntmont of n now mnuiigor,
Mr, Motealf hna hold tlin position
about alx wouks, having Biiccuodod
C. A, IIHkkh early In tho spring. Ho
cntno lioro front Los Angolos nml for
n tlmo wnH un Instructor In the I'oly
tochnlo Hchool,
If you want good window and door
Hereon linvo uu mnko thoin.
"Home of tho Pacific Codnr Cheat"
... 3
I'nill, Mih. Kit'c, Mr, nml Mih. HI.
mut mill iliuilitnr (Irni'iii, MrM. Kny,
Mr. nml Mrx. Ailliur Ilono, Vorn Vim
Dyke, (Jllo (JitMlor, Mrn. Ilonrii, Mrn.
K. ColeiiniM, Mih. I. A. Koiiiiih, Mr.
iiikI Mm. IM Amlerrton, Donald An
ilerHon, Mill Andormiii, Lloyd Culver,
Mrn, l(. Moor, AUhh lay Carver,
Wo uro rimoil lo hear of llio dcalli
of Tlioriilou Kmitli of Talent
Irom pnoiiiiKMiin, Tlioriilou wiih a
yniiiin man of ulcrlinj,' worth nml
(troii I ly liolovcil liy-all who know him.
lie wiih 2'.l yen rrt old. Murial at AmIi
laud on Wi'dnt'Milay, April II, from
llie Mollioilint church, of which ho
wiih a ineiiihor.
News From Our Neighbors
"Anhland tiny at tho I'aumnn Kx
ppnltlou," nn kIvoii nl thu VlnliiK
Monday evening, wnn tho Initial en
turtnlnimmt la n tturlva of thrt-o
which nrn to ho nfforded hy thu Aux
iliary Civic linprovflinoat Cluh. Tho
nltmrtlon wnn liurlvmiua In ono net,
cxrliinlvoly hy liomn talent. MIkh
Wlnlfrod Wntnou plnnnud tho ontor
talnmeiit and It wan ntiiKod hy Minn
Hortliu Cnlklan. It wiih a Jolly foa
turo HiroiiKhout, full of nmuNliiK ttlt
untlniiH. l-'IclltloiiK nniiion wero nn
Miimed hy thu ontlro cant. Mimical
M'lnctlonn (itnliraccd a locnl nuttliiK to
popular nlrn. A huvy of Anhland'ii
protHent Ktrlit formed mi Imposing
Tlio locnl Mooho IoiIko Innlnlled of
flccrn Mondny iiIkIU, tlio ovonlnp con
cluilliiK with a linaiiiut and dance. K.
1 Klnckiin U dictator; J. C. IIiuikIi
man, vlco illc'tntor; (1. M, Uiwo, pro
Into, X, X. XutMcnil, trennurer; .1. II.
Haundcrn. nccrctnry; i. K. Kuilth,
truntoo; M. K. KIiik, pant dictator.
Tim liiMiillnllnn corumonlon woru con
dueled hy 12. V. Jonon, district deputy
dlctntor. Thu iiioiuliornhlp Is now
over 150 and rapidly IncrcnaliiK.
March weather wnn varlatilo In thin
latitude, vnryliiK from n maximum or
NO on thu Jlnt lo a minimum of 2.'
on thu tith ami 'JiUh. Tliero wuro
olxtcen clear dnjH, ton cloudy, nml
five Indeteruilnately nchedulml hy
LoiiIh DoiIko, locnl co-oH;ratlvo oh
norvor. Ijwln NV. Mooro, no enrly Hfttlor
and nlmoHt a pioneer hy vlrtuo of
continued ronliloncu In thin Miction,
died on .Sunday In IiIh 83rd year. Ills
wlftt piiHnod away novural yearn hk.
I'll ne nil norvlcon woro hold Tuoailny
afternoon nl Stock'n iindertakliiK
rooiiiH, Interment wnn In Mountain
Vlow comotory. Mr. Mooro wna for
merly tlio owner of nn oMoiihIvo
ranch In tho vicinity of Slolnuiiin.
For miuio tlmo pant IiIh homo hand
lieeii with IiIh on-lii-liiwt .liiiiica
Ilalley on llearh iivenuo.
tleorKu Hone, locnl Soiillicrn Pa
cific trnlnmmi, hail piirchaHcd tho
Macl.lo htiiiKiilow property on A1II
kou ntroet, and will occupy thu namu
after inaklnK various Improvements.
Tho llonvor Itonlty company nci;
tinted tho trmiHfur.
A liunovolout 'old lady, whllo o
putlutliiK la a locnl harihvaro Htoro
locnntlv on tlio merlin of aluminum I
wnio, declined, In tho way of cooklni;
iiIouhIIh, alio uhciI iioHiIuk but "lin
oleum," Thu perennial rumor Hint S, P.
train dlnpntcliont liotuliuaiiorn uro
lo ho removed hero In tho near fu
ture mo lieliiK ruvlved. Thin tlmo
tho utory In inoro tipoclflo mid Ih to
tho el feet that Aithlumt will ho tho
pilncr at tho oxpeiiHO of DuiiHiuulr.
('. A. Doll, tiiKlnour for tho Smltli
Kmury Co., contractorH on tho min
eral nprliiKH iirojoct, Ih oxpocled hero
any day. Ilo will como direct from
.HnratOKa, X, Y., where ho Iiiih boon
for Hovoral iiioiiHih pimt InvoHtlKiitliiK
tlio IntudlliiR of mineral wuterH at
thu: IiIh romirt. If there are mill
doithtltiK ThomuHeH here roKurdliiK
AhIiIiumI'h dovolopmeutB, Mr, Hell can
enllKhteii them.
Ilov. .1. K. Smith, locnl Mothodlnt
clergyman, who Iiiih lien Hiiper.icded,
hut Ih not hy any ineniiH miporan
nunted, Ik tho temporary mipply at
Central Point, where ho will officiate
Imlorinltely, filling tho placo nmdo
vacant hy llov. 0. L. Croosy, who Iiiih
kuiiu to LncrotiHO, WiiHliliiKtou. Mr.
Hinlth was roHldeut pimtor hero in
HP8, a period wlion MetliodlHin wus
ut Ha hlttli tldo la IIh hlHtory na to
attendance. Tho choir wiih also a
powor In Hioho former duya, wlion
under tlio direction of lUuh "Wllllta
an leader, 10, I), UrlKR", T, K. Holton,
Gen, V, Ti'ofrcn and ninny other of
tho old lmorH lifted up their vuIcoh
Jn BoiiR to tlio nccoinpantnient of tlio
prmtornl tt'Nt,
.Mih. ,1, II. Joiiom oT VooiliioK was
tradiiiK in Medl'ord Saturday.
Mrx. ('. II. OinvoH nml liin winter,
Mrn. Jl. C. (Iui tlciHT. wcio in Mod
foul Katurday from Talent.
Mimk Lulia UoIioiIh wiih n Medford
visitor Saturday.
Mrn. Klixnliolli ('ox rclurucd to Iter
liniiii) woht of I'liooniv laol week, af
ter ii vixil with hor hiiii, William Cox,
at Tinner, Or.
Tlm-e from Talcul lo Mi.lfor.l Sat
urday woior Miv. .1. II. Colomaii, Mr.
ami Mrn. Kmmott Hcomiii, Mr. and
Mrx. .loliiiii I'nllerwoii, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Caioy, Ifoy Coffmaii, Mr. ami Mrs.
Koiliy, Mr.
Mrx. 11. C. (iaidoiior of Los An
Kt'loji in visiting hor ilor, Mrs. C. II.
(JravoH, of North Talent. Mr. Har
dener in in love with this vnllov.
II. X. IVonoli of North Tnlonl had
llio miNfoituiio to Inso n valimhlo oao
cnr old ciit Salurday. Tho animal
rolled over upon i(x hack in a Mimll
nivitie ami tlii'd hoforo it wiih found,
(Juite (i iiuuilicr of llio Talent young
people jnvo Minh Poail Hartley a
suririie Saturday, (he ocoaiou he
iu licr ISIIi Idrtlidny.
Ouesls at a dinner given in honor
of Mr. ami Mrs. Noah Chandler, at
Hie Inline of Mih. CliandlorV uncle, C,
Curvy, were: Mr. nml Mrs. Orvol
Uoiihti of AhIiIiiiiiI, Mr. nml Mr. II.
(J. Shonior of Medford, Mr. ami Mrn.
C. Carey mid little Irene Slnmllov.
'I'lio-e rt im Plioeniv in Modfoi'd on
Salnrdav woro; Mr. mid Mr-. I-'rcd
(). L. Irwin of the power plant wont
out on the Htuuf Saturdav niorninj,',
relnrniii Sunday in a now Kurd au
tomobile which ho had purchased in
Medford. llerl Niihoii returned with
Mr. Irwin.
Mihm'h Marjory Krokine and Unzcl
UitHWorth Hiicut Saturday nihl and
.Siinilay iMt!iiK fricndH at 1'cylon.
Mr. mid Mrx. Illauoliard Mpcnt Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, Kincnid.
I'carl and Kalpli Peyton Kpcut
Sunday at Mr. and Mrn. IMwmiu'h.
Mr. nml Mrn. T. It. IliKinhollintn
vihilod Hcveral ilnyn recently with
I heir children living near Derby.
Mr. K. S. Kcrby of Odexna, this
Hlato, camo up on the nUin Tuchday
to tho luuiie of her father, (I. v. Kin
cnid. Shu left her Ktnnll Hon in her
molher'H care and Thursday Mrn.
Koiby went to Medford to join her
husband and o on lo San l'ninci-co
wiih him. They expect to HH'iid ii
couple of weeks at the exposition.
There wiih a small informal parly
nt l'Ynnk Ditsworth'H Saturduy nihl.
.lames and Karl Peyton hauled two
loads of lime, fertilizer from Derby
Saturdav for llio Mansfield plnoc.
Tho V. C. T. U. mot Saturday with
Mrs. .1. F. Ditsworth and hud a very
intorostiue; meeting. They arc jilnn
uitig for a medal eoulosl in the early
Hummer. Mrs. Nelson Nye will hii
porinleud tho affair, according to
present nrrangementH.
lack Viiuyhn spout Sunday at the
(onion ranch.
Miss Ha Lytic went on the singe
Saturday evening to visit her friend,
Mrn. Irwin, for several days.
Satuiday being Ilurold Peyton's
17th birthday, ho spent the day with
his sister, Mrs. Dawsmi, who had
prepared a dinner for him.
PAULS, April lo. The offices of
thu American embassy and the Ameri
can consulate were closed today and
the flags over tho buildings wero nt
half must in observance of tho death
of Abraham Lincoln. Instructions to
ob-orve tho day wero heat out from
A cniiipniKn of nation wide pub
licity In lielnK promoted hy tho
Knlglitn of Pythlnn for their conclnvo
nt Crater Laku next Anoint 17, 18
and ID.
Tho proponed Initiation In tho
crater of Wizard Island Augunt 18
In attracting no much attention that
tho locnl IoiIro In beginning lo worry
about transportation from hero to '
tho lake for all who want to attend.
Among notables who nrn expected
In Governor .lohnnon of California,
who nay ho will nurely attend. Sup
erintendent Steal Hays that Win. J,
Ilrynn, who In on entliunlaotlc Knight
ban told him that when ho can so
arraugo bin tlmo ho wants to visit
the lake and an otfort will bo made
to get him hero nt that time.
Jtobcrt S. Yard of tho department
of tho Interior at Washington. D. C,
ban naked about tho particulars of
tho occnnlon no that lie can giro It not
noly national but world wldo pub
licity. It In bin nolo luminous to look
after all Items of Interest, especially
thoxo out of tho ordinary, In regard
to tho national parks and ho writes
them up In Interesting stylo for tho
newspapers and magazines at homo
and abroad. ,
Tho Hcarst-Scllg company with of
fices all over tho world, has written
hero offering lo send men to get mov
ing pictures of the unique affair and
their pictures arc flashed on screens
nil over the world.
Tho grand lodgo officials of this
ftato are working hard with assured
success of the conclave. Tlioy have
sent to each lodge In Oregon and to
mnny others In tho northwest nn of
ficial circular letter telling of tho
proposed trip and Initiations and
tlicno letters aro being read in lodgo
to thousnndK of Knights. Kach let
ter was accompanied by a well writ
ten descriptive circular telling about
points of interest In connection with
tho trip and each lodgo Is requested
to give tho proposition publicity to
day, April 15, through tho columns of
their city papers.
Pythian journals throughout tho
United States aro asking for advanco
Information lor publication and mag
azines and newspnper writers aro
anxious for knowledge on tho subject
so It Is very ovldcnt that Medford
and Crater Lake will bo placed on
tho map as never before. ,
Class Lessons for Children
Proverb IU!lsel
It Is always darkest just before
Sidney Hocks lights his lautcrn.
llogwnllow Kcntucklan.
For every brightening and
cleaning purpose in every home
CZrAA TImcI- ip ncnrl of looof TKa onfiirantMnAinlo nr Cinin
Gold Dust is used at least
three times a day in millions
of homes everywhere.
Yet there are many thou
sands of housewives who think
Gold Dust is only for one or
two uses
They would not use any
thingelse but Gold Dust for
washing dishes, for example
Or for scrubbing floors and
woodwork, wash
ing windows, etc.
The active principle of Gold
Dust is so remarkably thorough
that you rinse away the dirt
and grease, leaving a newness,
a cleanness and a brightness
which delights.
Gold Dust forces its way
into the corners and crevices
where neither fingers nor
washcloth can reach. It truly
works for you. Any
woman who has
washed disheswith
Gold Dust knows
what that means.
Gold Dust
should be used for
cleaning and
brightening every
thing. It is most eco
nomical; it is most
satisfactory and it
is most sanitary.
Cannot scratch
or harm any sur
face, and it will dis
solve and remove
all dirt'nnd grease.
"Lot tho GOLD DUST TWINS do your work
Gold Dust is
the leading wash
ing and cleaning
powder in the
world; it is indis
pensable once you
know it.
5c and larger
old everywhere
You owe him ono. Ask him If you dont.
A watch of his very own will help to make him
I might stlmulnto him to study harder too.
And ho can't bo Into for supper, ond sny ho did
not know what tlmo It was. Thus It will tench
him to bu prompt.
And promptness Is something Hint's good for
Suro, get him n watch. Let It bo n boy's
watch, such ns we have to show you.
thk jkv::li:k
KflHt MaIii Httrot
of every sizo and description and for
ovory business. And you can de
pend on It that -what we build Is
built right In over detail, appear
ance, utility, reliability and durabili
ty. An auto body built by an Is at
onco an advertisement and an econo
my. Come and let us provo It to your
comploto satisfaction.
Billlrw' Wagon, Carriage and Aul
South Htvcrmlr
Economy In Business
Tho modern way of paying by check has been ono of tho
greatest alda to business pro grcss. It means tho right
kind of economy to pay by check. Checking accounts,
largo or small, aro cordially invited.
More and more every dny Ford ears become the no
eesMty for everybody a utility in eity and coun
try. Their great uxefulnoss is part of the daily life
of all tho pcoplo through giving universal service
with universal economy.
Retail buyers of new Ford can? from August, 1011,
to August, 1915, will shnro in profits if 1100,000 arc
sold in that time. Ak us for particulars. Keep in
mind the simplicity in operation and economy in up
keep Ics than two cents a mile.
Hunnbout SIIO; Touring Car, $100; Town Car,
$!90; Coupelct, $7.r0; Sedan, $075, completely
equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.
On dUplay and Mile nt
When You Buy a Silo, Buy
One That Has Made Good
Profit by tho oxporlcnco of others and buy a silo that has mado
good In ovory respect. Tho WKYKIUIAUSKH S1IX) has mado
Reed through years of successful usage by hundreds of succoss-
tul users.
Here are miiiio of tho reasons why
tho vi:vi:miAUSi:it silo iuu
made good,
1. Its atr tight construction means
perfect onstlngo.
2. Scientifically designed and guar
anteed nnchorago Bystoui,
3. Porfcctly 'balanced, easy to swing
alr-tlght doors.
4. Safety tread ladders.
5. Specially rolled steel hoops, thor
oughly testod.
C. Specially designed, SELF-AD-
JUST1NO roof.
7. Staves mado from alr-drlod Doug
las fir In tho largest silo fac
tory In tho Northwest.
Big Pines Lumber Co.
It has fAI)K GOOD bo-
causo it dous tho work It
was intended to do and bu
causo onco Installed It nev
er gives trouble.
I Jul !
JB1 !
Wkitk vok qy
silo hook, ira matK.