207 Sccof epe.- - , "V Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Max. (iH.r.j Mln. an. nlr Tonight nml Friday, rorly.firili Yrnr Dully Ti'iiih Year. AGAIN HALTED Orrlin Reports Efforts to Force Lup kow nml Dunkln Passes Ftepulscil Petronrail Drnles nevcrses French Report Gain of Allly Wooil nml Mile Advance In Alsace. LONDON', Apiil IV Ka Hiiro of the KiiNHiiuiH' iillompl to Invade Hungary was niiiioiiii I today lV tho Gorman war office. Tho hlnloiiirnl N miitto llml llin offorl of (In; Uuh1iiii rinny ft Kill I'lOIII.Vhl to fill OH III"' LllpKlMV nml east DuKIa Piihkom wiih no mic cchIuI, nml tliul its atliioKH at set 4 i it point nloiijj Ihl front icuiHed in ilolVat with hoaw lie. lu con H'ipii'iioii it In Niiiil Hit' nltuckimj potter of tho ItiiHHimiH lini les'.enod Ulbly. AIMioiikIi offioial icpoil fiotn I'otriiK'nul concede no mh'Ii rcvoroM, they imlioatii the itusiiin mlvmn'o Jiiih lii'on hroiiitht vit tiuillv to a halt. Tin lliiHuimi war offioo nay "sl'mlit pniroHH'1 mih made near lVok I'm-h nml a ootinlor attack at Koi own liy tho AiiHtrii'Oi'niiaii force faih'il. Tho Gorman report spoukinjj of tint Korinwii ii;lit iiscrl tho Hus. Man won' repulsed with Iihjjo lonse. Tho ltuxiun roport make no claim In further proitre in llio Oarpalh laiiH except at I'.sok Pas. Advice Imtn liooii leceitod ia Koine from Kalunil.i that tho inter volition of tho war of Uimiania np pear to lie iniiniaont. It ii Haiti tho Kiimnnlaii anay in woll equipped nml icndf for in-tmil aotinn. Four attack liv tho French aio tnonlionoil in tho llorlin war nffioo Hldtcmont today, mill all arc said In linvo lotoiltoil in failuro. Tho Paris ntnlemont, howotcr, iinciI that in llio Ailly wood, it M'otion of Kronuil Hill yards loii.'.uiid 1011 yard iloop, wiih won, mill that in Alsace an ad vnnco of ncni I v ono iuilo wa iiiailo. The Itiitilj-CMincr IMariuicmi him hoon Mink by' Jnjeiuiun submarine in tho Ninth sea. Woven nion of lior oiow of Iwcnt.t-tttn were Miteil. Four Menm trawlers flunu tho flaj: of Hoi lanil IniM' liooii soured Iiv (loriumi waixlnps anil InKen lo ('uhutcn, T E OF BOLTED SILK IIUIM'AI.O, N. V., April l.V Tvvolvo iiiblioiri IidIiI up a Now York Central ram fiolBht train at Sun liom, nlno iiiIIoh oast of North To nawnniln onrly today, stripped several rarH or lioltod Milk valuod at sr.0,000 ami niod away In nuto trucku upon which tliuy liad loadod tliolr pluiulur. Tim lobboiH rirod Hovoral nliotu at (ho crow. Artor fori'liiK tlio oiikIiio crow to iiui'ouplo tlui locoiautlvu ami run It a nliort illHlauri) down tlio tracks, tho robbers llnod up tlio oiikIiio mon and tiroo othor nioiiiboiH or tho train crow HKitliiHt a box car and loft ono or tliolr niunlior iih pianl wltllo tho othom looted tlio nioichuudUo earn. Four rivo ton auto truckH woro waltliiK and woro quickly londod with hooty. Kimlnoor Oobh or SyrncuHO oHoaiiod tho gmiiil mid runnliiR a fu nldiilo or Hliotu, roaohod IiIh oukIiio lu naroiy, llo nindo n rocord run or olKht iiiIIoh mid Knvo tho alarm. 1 NKf YORK, April 1fl. Mrs. The oiloro ItooHovolt wiih opornloil on in llnnsovolt hospital loilay, Or. Alexander- I.umhoit of thu Cornell Medical hohool WllH Uiu Hlll'KOOIl in cliiuso. Whllo tho natiiro of Jfru, KoosovoICh nihui'iij, wjih not iIIhoIohoiI, it wiih Hinted; that llio ojiernlion wiih kiiii ookhI'uI, Colonel lMonovell n prion ro1 at tho hoHpllal with Mrs. ltoiifccvolt liint ninlit. Ho remained wiih her until tlio wax taken lo llio ojierntinj; room, RAIN BANDITS EUR 50.000 I BY KAISER'S SUBMARINE MMHMf Hf LONDON. April l.V Tim lliiti-di HlomiiHhip I'liiniiiynii Iiiih hioii totpeihii'il mid miiiiI; hv n Gorman Niihnmi'iiic near tlio N'oilh Hinder lightship hi llio Ninth i'ii. KIcm'u hiiiIoim o' tlio PlaiiuipaiiV ciow of 'J2 men wcic Mircil, The I'laimimiu liiut n duni aye of IT'i tic! ami wiih limit at Dunio in IHIM. The vohhoI wni '21H feci Ion-. :t(l let heam ami 10 fool ilccp. She wan nwiifd by llio General Steam Nitviynlinii compnuy. E PHOFNIN, An., Apnl l.'i. -Din-palolu'H roeciM'il hcu todnv lolling of tho hreakiut; of llio l,ymau loM'rvoir dam near St. John, oxlimiito tho to tnl diiiniip' mi far in tho Hooded area at 100,000. St. Johns in fifty milcx fioiii a railroad, in tho uoilhcuxtcrn pint of tho ato. Tho Hunt dam, two mile from St. ilohtiM, was oanieil out hy tho flood hhoitly heforo noon. Tho water hwopt towaiil the dam at Woodruff. H ii feared Woodruff will he hadly dam hkoiI unlciH tho dam hroakx. If the ii'hi'rvnir IioIiIk, llio water iiiuhI ho di- M'rlcd directly tlmmxh the hliceH of Woodruff. The flood will roach Woodruff jo nic'it and H'oplo mo ulieady moving out of llio leaeh of Iho water. Tele phono wnruinuK have heeu scut lo thu IIIIDO people who live in tho flood d'o tiiot, which in inollv crorinj- eoiiu hy, wiih Miini' Miiall iirirnltiiral spotfi. HOI.nilOOIC, An., April l.VI.y man reservoir, which inipoiituU wat ern of the Little Colonulo liver, 1'J miles south of St. Johns', Apache county, hi oko shortlv hefote inidui;:lil last niIit r drowning t-ilit poi'sous, A icservoir ut Hunt, northwest of St. Johns, is in the path of the flood, mid if Iho dam there, which is thieateiied, uives way, Woodruff, Iwolvo miles southeast of Holhrook, will ho in dmit; The ciphl persons drowned at Lv man had hceu livinc directly under Iho reservoir dam, which collapsed, an did a similar hut smaller dam ten yearn iiko, At St. Johns today tho flood released from Iho lescrvoir had leached a depth of three feet in sotuo places, althouuh no renter dauuiio has heeu done I here, Tlneo of tho cinht persoiiK drowned at Lyman dam weio tho children of .Mr. and Mrs, F.llis Palmer and the mandohililien of Mr. Kuohel Horry, ono of tho two women memhors of tho Arironu stalo loKishiture. Lyman ivseiMiir furnished water to irrigate ,'10,000 aoios. E INSTRUCTED 10 FIGHT YELLOW FEVER WASHINGTON, April K.. Sur Koou Crool or tho puhllo health Hur vleo wiih authorUoil hy SurBoon (Ion oral Hluo today to uuo hla own din erellon In denllnt; with tho Hltuatlon which haB arlKon ut Moikiui City, l.u tliroiiKh tho arrival thcro or tho Amorlcan Hchoonor Porsla A, Col woll from llrltluh (lulneu with mom horn or hor crow hollovod to ho Biir rorliiK from yollow fovor. F SEIZED BY GERMANS MHiniW, Nollioihuids, April l.V Tho local ownoi'rt of Iho htoam trawl K Ih'et have heeu notified that four of Iholr trawloiH llylnj,' tho I'lajj of llollnnd have heeu Hcixcd hy German wnibhip mid taken into Cuxliaven. ARIZONA TOWNS OD MENACED DAMAG 400.000 MEDFORD, ZEPPELN RAID QNBRTANNETS H RESUL1S Ahorllvc Attempt to Dnmnnc Shlp hiilliliny Works Alonu River Tyne Cities Promptly Exllnijulsh Llylits-Ornnnlzc to Utilize Full Resources of Nation. LONDON, April IV-KiiKland's ex- peiieiiced a hoeoinl .eppelin (aid last uluht when a German airship made mi extensive flight over the ninth caslcni coasl in an ahorlivo atteiiiit to damage shiphuildiu winks along the liter Tyne. With tl xocptiou of ucgligihlc damage to propel ty mid slight injury lo two oitiliaus, the nt laek was fruilli'ss. The pioiiiplness with which the cities mid towns in this pari of I'ng laud woie plunged into darkness when the coming of the Zeppelin was uii ;iounceil, iiudouhledly pi evented tho. infliction of gieater damage. As it was, some narrow escapes were re corded, with hoiiihs falling near a passenger train in ono iiislaueo and close to a shipyard in another. Aeeoidiug to special dispatches appearing in London, hoth the Has. Mans mid the Auslrians still cotilmuo lo claim local successes in the Car pathians. Xeverlheli'si, it would ap pear as though reinforcements of Aiistro.Oeimau forces liml cheeked the inn in ltusian olfeusito in tho re gion of the IV.sok pass. Chancellor of Iho F.ehon,ucr Lloyd George has presided at the fiist meet-j ing of the hiisiness committee, which is to orgnuir.o to Iho full the resources of the nation in the production of war material. The war office and ndinir ulty and Iho hoard of trade each is represented on tho committee. Com plete details as to tho needs of the military departments and the means at present available to supply them arc heing collected. When the infor mation thus ohtaincd shall have hecn examined the work of co-ordinating the national eneigies will ho started. YIS NEAR DEATH NKW YORK, April l.V-John lluiiny, oomedian of the soroen, was thought lo ho at death's door today of a complication of kidney mid heart ailments. Ho has heeu ill for three weeks at his homo in Ilrooklyn. To day was one of his woist days. Mr. Huuiiy, whoso face and figure are known to millions of moving pic ture devoleeH, is fl'J years old. Ho has hecn on tho htugo for thirty years, achieving hi- greatest sueeoss within reeent years as a moving picture no tar. LIONAIRE FREDERICK FEDERAL SAN KUANCISCO, April 12. "Tho host Kjiont tlmo of my llfo." That wiih what Frederick A. Hydo, millionaire land attorney of.thlH city Kuld or IiIh it. months' term In At lantic rodoinl prison, Borved for Pa cirio Count land f i amis, upon hla rec ent rutin a hero after rolonBO. "Of coui'Ko," ho oxplulnuu, "It la iIIhukiooiUiIo to ho Imprisoned on a criminal chaiKO, hut porhapa It la hot tor for mo to hovo gono thoro under thoHo clrcumRtanccH than not at all. "Certainly, It haa hrondonod my flows or llfo and mudo mo n moro UHoful mombor or tho community. It baa mmlo mo feci that I can do a grout deal for prisoners and their proper restoration to society." llrlmmliiR with plana for wider extension of tho reforms ho was ablo to Inltlato In tho Atlanta pofr Itentlary, oven though u convict, Hydo rosumed his business Just whoro ho was compollod to loavo off l(i mouths ago, "It was difficult." ho said "to break through tho traditions ot prison discipline. And wo aro far behind our civilization in dealing with crlnio and criminals. A pris on cannot, uufot'tunntoly koop ajionil or piihltu opinion, tlio public, must JOHN BNN ORKGON", Till7 K.SIM J.r, AI'KIL 15, 1915 Oyer the Alps IImIIaii t'linssciirs rn the uuirrli, skU lo miM iiioiinlnh.. Itnly pre LOST SUBMARINE WASHINGTON', April r..-Iteur-Admiral Moore, ut Honolulu, Mini ma ri.ing ycstoi dnt's operations to raise tho wrooqed siilimarine, sent the cablegram to the naty department: "Diver Xeilson jeporls line under stern of K-l, hut that tho forward lino is foul of tho conning tower. This lino will ho sliilted tomorrow (Thursday). Tho superstructure ap pears to ho caved in. hut he saw no holes. I'xmniuatiou incomplete." Raise for Copper Miners CALl'MLT, Mich., April l.V Twelve thousand 'men employed hy the Calumet & Heola Mining com pany and subsidiary properties re ceived an increase of it) per eent in wages lv an announcement made to day. Tlio wago rate in of fee! prior lo tlio outbreak of the Kuropean war is thereby restored. A. HYDE SAYS PENITENTIARY Fretlei'Ick A. Hyde. ho educated to tho realization that mon cannot bo made good by punish ment." In turn assistant librarian and odltor of "Good Words," tho pout- tontlary Journal, Frederick Hydo round most pleasure and opportun ity to bo ot asslstanco to his fol low prisoners as assistant to tho chaplain. f - ft J0" " I k yV SHI HBhHWW W i 3BBmjJ VB DIVER INSPECTS Lies Austria Alpine iniiitioi-sim'ii ciuilpited with pm-lng to slrikr lit n inonients notice. u KILLED AT FRONT LONDON, April l.", 1:07 p. in. William G. C. Gladstone, grandson of tho L'leat liberal statesman, ha been killed in action in France. Purticu- bus of Ins death are lacking. Mr. Gladstone was ''0 vear-. old. He was u liberal member of the house of commons. In 1010 and 1011 bo served as an attache to tho Hritish embassy in Washington. Ask O'Gorman's Reasons NKW YORK, April l.". Mr. O. II. P. llelmout announced that oOO wom en of Ibis oilv will march to the of lice of Tnited Stales Senator O'Gor mau. here on April 110 to obtain his views on woman suffiage. This, Mrs. Uelmont said, would ho Iho first of a series of calls to be made upon members of eongros in a nation-wido campaign begun by tho congressional union for woman suffrage. G NE'S N TERM SPENT IN THE WAS "THE BEST TIME" OF HIS LIFE This post permitted him to clr ctilato freely among tho convicts, to study their needs and to bring about reforms ot many continued detri ments through proper channels. "When I first went thoro," said Hydo, "I found that nearly all tho men had trouble with their eyes. This canio from Improper lighting ot tho colls, tho Illumination being a single old-stylo 10 watt light Just enough to tempt a man to read, but bo Insufficient as to Impair bis eyesight. "1 told tho warden It was not right. 1 orfored to furnish bettor lights for tho colls. Hut that, ho said, was 'against all precedent.' It was finally dono through tho Attor ney General, to whom I bad sent urgent appeal through tho warden and Dr. J. S. McKelway, an agont of tho government. "Tho ofrcet of tho now 40-watt lights on tho prisoners' eyes was tuarvolous. Thoreattor thoy had no troublo In reading, and tho ettcct on tho Improved behavior ot tho mon was marked. "This is but ono ot many Im provements brought about by a llt tlo thoughtrul onorgy lu behalf or ImprlBoiiod mon." PONT Ff BLESSES KNIGHTS LABORS FOR UNIVERSITY Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Cath olic University Celebrated by Most Distinguished Assemblage of Cath olics Ever Gathered in America- Pope Benedict Praises Institution WASHINGTON. April 13. Tho twenty fifth anniversary of the Cath olic university of Amerlra was cel ohrnted hero today In tho presence of one of the most distinguished as semblages of Catholic clorgynnd lay men ever gathered In this country. The three American cardinals, eight archbishops, thirty bishops, thirty monslgnors, eight heads of rcllgloua orders, sixty representatives of col leges and universities, over three hundred clergy and hundreds ot dis tinguished laymen and women from various parts of tho United States were present. Tho ceremonial began this morn ing with solemn pontifical mass at St. Patrick's church at which Cardi nal Farley of New York was cele brant and Cardinal Gibbons delivered the sermon; followed by a luncheon and later ncamedlc exercises at which a letter from Pope Benedict XV was read and addresses wcro delivered by Cardinal O'Connell of Iloston, President G. Stanley Hall of tho Am erican Association or Universities: Dr. John Cavnnaugh, president ot Notre Damo University and Hlsltop Shahan. rector or the Catholic Uni versity of America. rope Letter INiWMicd The pope's letter foljews: "Beloved sons and venerable breth ren: "Greeting and apostolic benedic benedic teon: We have recently learned that preparations were being in a do at Washington for observing with due solemnity Uie 2."th anniversary of the founding of the Catholic "Univer sity and that tho celebration, graced by your presence and by that of dis tinguished members ot the laity would bo quite In keeping with the singularly happy character ot tho oc casion. That you, beloved sons and venerable brethren should above nil. rejoice at tho prosperity of tho uni versity Is obvious to everyono who realizes that the beginning and tho gratifying progress of this seat of learning aro owing especially to your wlso and timely care. And yet this Joy of yours Is not so peculiar to you but that wo also may In somo wise sharo It. For wo lovo. nay, wo dearly cherish tho American people forceful as they aro with tho vigor of youth nnd second to none lu effi ciency ot nctlon nndthought; and earnestly deslro that an over wid ening path to tho highest level ot human achievement may open before thorn so wo cannot but feel the deep est pleasuro nt everything that furth ers their progress. Light That Falls Not "Still In your tireless endeavors yo ualmed not morely at enriching tho mind with learning; what you chiefly sought was to Imbuo It with heavenly wisdom whoso 'light can not bo put out' nnd 'with which all good things' shall come to your flocks Theso proofs Indeed ot your pastoral solicitude must appeal to every fair maluded observer as worthy ot tho highest commendation and deserving of tho appreciation and support ot your fellow citizens especially of our Catholic peoplo and In particular to your clergy. "In this connection wo will not withhold our pralso from tho Knights ot Columbus, who as you lately In formed mo, by their splendid contri bution to tho funds of tho university havo carried Into etrect their wlsoly concolved design ot extending to (Continued, on Last Page) SE FOR 87TH IE nKliniNO. fab. Anril l.'i. Lassen Penk orunted for tho eichtv-soventh time onrly today, emittinjj a great vol. umo pi euioko and allies. "i.ii erup tion beciui ut daybreak mid lasted more than an hour, tlio piuoko rising i i i i i i only to a mouoruio lungm. MTLAS N ERUPTS NO. 21 OBREGQN ARMY SURROUNDED BY VILLA FORCES Villa Attacking Celaya From North, Armeies From East, and Zapata From South Villa Worsted In Battle Last Week With Loss of 4000 Quiet at Capital. , Y., PASO, Tf.V., April 15. Offic ial repotbi jhat l)ie OlireKon army at Colnyn vrnti be'insr surrounded by Villu nnt Zajmtix troops were confirmed (odity by private! nilvIccR from tho south. It wan slated that white Villa nf,'itfn wn? ttltneking Cc1n3a from tho north, Ociternl Anjjolo bad nrriveil from .Monterey with 1.100 men anil ii lnrjjc amount of nrlillcry lo niinult the Cnrrnnr.n position from tlio east, while General 11indernn witli from 8000 to 10,000 Zapata troops tbreo dajH ngo bad renched San Junn del llio, just south of Querctnro, Ob.f gnn'a base. Together with this information camo details of the fir4 battlo of Celnyn, in which tho Villa nrmy wn defeated severely Inst week. The Cnrrnnzn commander allowed the en emy to enter the nutlyin? districts C the town nnd then nbowereil the crowded street with machine guiH nnd fdirnpncl fire. Tho Villa troop fled, leaving larjn number of. killed nnd wounded in tho MroetH. Villa' losso in tbi hutllo were estimated at 100n killed, wounded nml cnptureil. Ono thousand of the Villa wounded, were scut to Guadalajara. Condition nt Mexico City were re ported quiet in n dispatch reaching here today. The MtiiHtiimj'mi.Kcil for wnut of food supplies, however, wiih still critical. A German citizen on tho firt of tlio month wn probably fatally wounded by Zapata soldier, who sought to rob him in n xtrcot of the capital. MANUFACTURING OF LONDON", April lii, 37 p. m. An important committee under tlio chair manship of David Lloyd-George, tho chancellor of the excherpior, to or ganize and noed up the Ptipply of munitions of war, was completed to day. Mr. Lloyd-George will have the co operation of ex-Premier A. J. Hal four, Kdwin S. Montague, chancellor of llio duchy of Lancaster; Harold T. Jlaker, member of parliament for the Aceriugton division of I.niicanh iro; Arthur Henderson, member for tlio Harnard castle division of Pur ham; Major General Sir Stanley II. Vim Donop, master general of tlio ordnnnco; Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith, permanent serrotnry of the board of trade, and n represent livo of tlio admiralty. Premier Ain,uith announced tho composition of the committee to tlio houo of commons. Ho explained that its functions woro to "insure t)m promptest mid most efficient nppli eatiuns of all tlio available productivo resource- of tlio country for tho manufacture- ami supply of war munition'? for the nrmy and tho navy, mid with authority to tako all necessary steps for thht purpose. The Hritish war office simultane ously has appointed a departmental commitu too to asijt;in. thfsamo o!.' dor the chamniuisljih of Field, i 1.V...1 rf.;i.....A it." ,.,.! ject undo Marsha! Karl Kitchener himself. 57! TTTT DENY THAWiPtEA ' " FOR JURY TRIAL NKW YOKK, Apiil .15. Suprvme Court Justice Jt'owbertjer declined to day to consider tlio motion of Jaw yers for Hurry tK. Thaw hnt bt ba granted a jury trial to determine bin snnity. Ho held that, thft.yrrit. iu llwj imijo waii returnable next Monday ami should bo entertained by llio jtutitt then Kitting, ho will b'jutitw IIn? driokd. , . ?J BRITAIN SPEEDSUP WA MUNITIONS ' 'I ?' P 111 'A . i ft