Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.-" lffv"Tfrt A
PAIIIH, April 1 1. Tim will iiniini
of Hid limit luiowii ii h Itu in innl Hvvo
lioiln, now on trlnl Imfuro n rotirt
liiurtliit on rlinri;o of union anil en
Vloimnti, In Itnyniiiiul Kurt Bchwliul,
Ih wiih ilnviilopoil at tlio lumrlnit "
tcnlity, iicronlliiK to tin .loiiriuil, Thu
jirlnoiuir, wliiinu nriimt renuKiii from
tint InvoHtlKiillon Into Urn flru iihimjil
tlm stimnishlp 1. 11 Tournlno, iiiiswiir
ml without honltiilloil (litntlons nr.liml
hy Cuptiiln .liilliin In nn tfoit to
(jnIiiIiIIhIi lift ItUntlty. This wns tlio
most liiiporlaut point hiouithl out
durliiK tlio vxniiiliiiUlon,
rkhwlnil, iloclnrliiK tlio chnrKon
mtitlnst him Imsi'luss, rmnpliilni'il of
tlm ttlow proitronH mnilo In tlio lnvu
llKiitlon mill appi'itrt'il illHappolnti'il
Ih'CHiimi IiIh Inwynr wan not iKirtnlttcd
to tin pri'Hcnt ilnrliiK tlio Inquiry.
Hchwlnil olitiiliiml no Anmrlrnn
piiHiort hy n nuliliTfuiii), ucconIIiik
to tlio I'Ikiiio, KiiowIiii; tlinl tlm
tiiunlclpnl ri'dinlrt of Hnii I'riiiielsco
vr.i ifnlroml In tlio flru which fol
lowed tlm onrth'iunho, ho In imlil to
liuvo Inforiui'il thu 'iuhnimy Unit ho
wns horn In Hint city. Hlnco It wns
ImpoMlhto to ohtnlii proof of thin
stiitoiiiunt, tlio oiiihiiNM' ticci'ptcd his
v,onl unit IhsiiimI tlm passport. Tint
pnpnr hityn IiIh conduct nrouiwd sun
plclou anil ho wiih iinilnr Hiirvullliuirq
lioth In 1'iirln mill Now York.
A Loudon hiislni'ss limn In (iintod
nn iiNMorllmt that, ho rrroKtilrn In
Hcliwlml n man otiro ouiploycil mi n
(Icrnmn clerk who unlit Im wh horn
In JlntiiU'ii mid thnt IiIh fntlicr wiih n
(Inrinnu fluent official.
ASHLAND, April II. On .Momln.v
tlii'rn won it rnro lirtwttii n local
cli'iMiiiiu mill tlm Sniitlu'rii l'licifif,
nod tin' domiuif won out. It MTtint
thnt tlm l'rctiytiTiiiu iilnr liml on
rortrtl hi dniiKliliT to tlio depot to
iiiiiiiiko Tor her pMMHiit" on tlm way
to Sun l-'rmit'iHi'n, in onlrr to im'rt
mi mint them niul wit tlio .iom
lion, AliM-nt-iniiiitrilly. nml prolmli
ly tliinhinn of Hi-rKjun-nV luilf-fnn'
perinitH, n poi-ki'ti'd tluvrmlwiiy tick
i'Ih mnl iituniril lioim. Arming il
tin iiiiiiiHi-, it iliiwui'd upon him that
nltlii'iili tin' iIiiukIiUt wiih hnfely on
liounl tlio train, kIii wiih 111111111
inoimy anil hiiiih lii'keln. Thou rn
hiu'il a raro between time mnl tall
wny hoIii'duli'H, upci'il imliiiniu'i'K bo
iii utterly di-reimlcd. Tlio pnntor
ih a M'lf-Mnili-r ami Millionth lie
writtlm 1100 hiuiiiIh, ho ran tlio rutin'
iIIhIiiiich "on liili." The I'niirMi lie
(tan on .Main htreel, thence acrons
Water ami down It. At tlio lininit
Ntrvti'li on Fourth street llio cnpim
hell riiiij an adinouitiou 10 "lie jubi
lant, my frrl," and tlio race was won
in t'aro of 11 eleur traok. iiuiMiiiieli as
not only pcili'hlriiiiiH, hut every con
ci'ivahlo wort of motor voluclo jtnvo
Urn parnon tin,' ri;lil of way. Tlm o..
prrii'iu'o waw a hovoro om, how ever,
and tlm miniMi'i has linrdly pit his
liroiilli yi't. Tlio ilUtuni'o is ahout
liulf a milt' iih (ho orow Hich, hut
nearly llirci'-ipiiutorrt ovor tho minis
turlal traok.
On Tiii'mliiv afternoon oeeurred
uuotlier hiinilar o.xperii'nee, nlthoiij;li
on a Hiuuller neale, when 11 tinl
inenelmr harely missed the auto
bleamor on itn I :''tl tiip to Meilford,
Tlm iMiuivc wiih over .11)11 yards, fioin
tlm KlkH temple In tlio Hotel Oregon,
mid wan eovereil in one minute and
ten M'oondrf. Hy a hIiikiiIiii eoiuei
ileneo lioth tlicso jireaoheiH wen
l'rt'HhyleriaiiH, one heinj,' iinKaed in
lioiuo inisHionary work. Korlunately
for tlieiii, their fns paeo did not oe'.
eur on tlio I'aelfio hi-iliway, in which
event they would liavo incurred tlio
f unity of iolatiut; county iih well
us city Hpeed u'uuliitioiiK.
MIL 10" If
JuiIko H. H, I'enlr. who rucuntly ro
tiinmil fiom an oxtonded dojourn of
Hovoral yiiarr In tho roiirnu of which
ho vlnlled Moxlco, and renlded at
vnrloim polntit In California, nnnntin
that Meilford and tlm Itoguo rlvur
valley In an proMporoun an any com
munity ho hiiw and that Itn )ropnctn
for futiiro Krowlli and diivolopnmnt
urn holler, llo itnyn:
"I finally londed 111 Ban DIoko,
heliiK eoiivlncod of ltM itreat future,
It helm: tho nenrent Anmrlcnn port
for tho I'nnimm rnnnl. Aflorwardn
I wont to Hnn Knuiclnco wlmro I wan
laid up by a novoro accldont for
oloven uiontliH,
"In all my traVelM ImrrliiK foretell
trnvol I found Hint Medford wiih fnr
ahead of any city of eijual also In
renpect to cllmnto (navo Hnn I)Iok)
liroKrenn, KO'iiliendatlvonoxn, ontur
lirlno, hoinen, cleanllneHH, order, Cen
tal, tntolllr.cnt renttlentn, and
ilntniiHH. Koneral denlrnblllty, both nn
to opportunllloH, IntiilH, of nny city
of oiiunl nlro nnd hoiiio larwor, tlinl
I nnw nml vlnlted In Cnllfornln.
"I found there wore hut two clnnron
In Cnllfornln, the rich nnd tho poor,
with a nmall HprlnklliiK of middle
"I found tlm lnrer Cnllfornln
cltlen wero ferelKiiUed: Hint mor
nllty wnn at n very low IiiirIh: that
tho dollnr waH unrenrhahly hoyoiul
tlm lievt ami moiit upllftliiK tlioiiRlitn
and nnplmtloiin of tlm people; thnt
Inhumanity mid nlmont total dlnre
Kurd of tlm Hftcrt'dnenn and value of
human life wero very much In ovl
dencoi thnt In Hnn I'rnncUco tho po
llen force wnn mint ornnmvntal and
"I found moral rnudltloun hnd In
Hnn l-'rnucliico, that poul roomn,
ilriinkunni'HR, KnniMlim', vice, etc.,
worn to he necn on nil kIiIch; thnt no
hotel, IiIkIi or low, wnn froo from
KUcntH of very qticNllnunhlo chnrnc
tor Itev. Dr. I.nthrop, rector of lend
liiK ehurrh can ho conmilted In thin
and every thltiK run widely open week
dnyN nnd Holiday; thnt tho "red
llKht" dlntrlct Hnrhnry const, ot nl
were oxiity runnliiK.
"Ah to tho farmliiK clnnn, they nro
much better off In Jnrknon county,
for they hnvo better noil, nro not
troubled with blanket men, lmvo
much better tinmen, better water, bet
ter luiprortinicntn nnd equally an
Kood roads, nchool hoimon, churche.i,
not 0110 half ho ninny tvmptntlonn to
overcome, ,
"Tlio cltlen and towns of Cnllfor
nln nro Koncrnlly liberally nupptlod
an well oh tho hlghwayn, with nnloonn
and plncen of questionable meotliiK
nnd refrevhinent fenturen, all nloni;
most of tho California rondwnyx. Our
fariuerx nro equally nn publicly Rptr
Ited, drenn nn well, do not do "tolo-
phono" farmliiK and rnleo equally an
InrRo nnd nrled crops as tho Cali
fornia farmer, and nro much bettor
regarded. That they aro more de
pendable, refined, courteous nnd res
pect illvln ennd human lawn and their
famlllcH more obneft'ed with moral
reflections and a Ood-nbldliiK spirit.
"I believe wo nro on tlio ovo of
a very j;renl revival of biiBlnesH In-
lorestn. ICvorjtlilnK points Hint way
tho war will close hy July or not
luter than September of thin year,
tho foreign countries have suffered
driindfully and (ruiiiontloitn navo boon
their lomicH In blood, llonicii mimt
ho built, c.ltlcK uiunt bo robubllltatod,
labor niiiHt bo iiuppllod, mntorlnla of
all IdndM uiunt bo furnished, To tho
II, H, of tlK'im condition! will
ho preHoiitoil. 'iy muni supply most
of thorn and bo ready to furiilMli near
ly all tho KooilH, which and inorcli
iiiiiIIkii Incident to hiicIi calln,
"Kvory fnctory will hum, ovory
wheel of Indiiiitry will turn, ovory
field will bend benoath thu golden
harvestH, ovory naw must buz., ovory
linmmor pound, wlillo bank and brok
er, merchant, IiiihIiichh id tin -young
and old iiiuhI ho crowded with
ordorn, and a wave of general pros
perity nweop and linger for hoiiio
yearn to como, over our glorloim
"I lmvo returned to Medford bo
cailKo It Ih unexcelled In general
climatic tondllloiiH of tho uiohI Invit
ing, attiacllvo and denlrnblo char-
actor, thnt I havo noon, ValloyH of
moro wealth, but notio that hnvo
hiicIi certainty, flattering promlm an
.laoliKon county, iih tlio famoiiH Itoguo
river valley, iinno whnro opportunl
tlen aro bettor, whero health Ih bo
nun,', whoro tho aplrlt of gonulno
progress, moral uplift, courteous,
kind people nro moro numerous,
wlmro nearly all own their own
honied and display moro refined tanto
In arranging and fixing Hiuko homes
"f cannot refrain from commend
ing tho superior oxcffriicy, wifely
ami cecurlty of your banks and tho
ourteoiiRnesH of their officers; tlio
splendid serviceable ptihlla Institu
tions of modern construction and ac
commodations, your beautiful hos
pital, thu Onrneglo library, your clnnn
sanitary Directs, alleys mid beautiful
pntk, drlvewnyn and handsome
lawns and homes and tho general air
of comfort, prosperity, your ambl
Uoiih mid progressive nplrlt shown
on all sIiIch and tho seeming unity of
action, harmony of thought In all
nets tending for tho uplifting of your
homo city mid must feel thnt Mod
fotd and Jackson county hnvo a most
promising future nnd 0110 day will
bo filled with u citizenship rivaling
any metropolis of equal Importanco
and become the loading city of south
ern Oregon and ono of great In
fluence In state affairs," ,
v tv x
the New
J l Summer
A collar cut to fit the neck and the prevailing fashion in big knotted
cravats. A manly, good fitting, good looking collar, zfoitunu
A free enteilninnieiit hy experi
eneeil playerH will ho j-lveit in the Ath
hull, .Trail, Kntunlay evening, April
17. TIiIh will ho worth traveling
iniiiiy miloH (o hoc. Hight vaiulevillo
ni'tM, al( f Which ijvo" brim full of
Hido-Hplittiue; eharaeter inperHoua-
tioilH, jokCH, HOIIRH, llll ltllOll.V 11)1(1
iniiHie, In connection with tlm enter
tiiiuuient there will ho u hox Hoclnl
under tho niiHpici'H of thu Klk Creek
Huiiihiy Hdhool, tlm )iroeeedH to ho up
oplicil on tiiiyment of organ, Ladies
aro roqiii'Hted to bring Iioxch and en
joy u vitro treat.
A laugli a iiiinuto (luring tho en
tire program Ih tho giinruutco of thu
players, who lmvo donated, thoir scr
vireH (o liolji u j'ood pnnno,
Why Suffer With
Impure Blood
An Effective Remedy That
Can Be Relied
S tCTm fr
You can step Into nlmnnt nny drug
stern In tho U, H. nml got a bottto of
H. H. II, tho famous Mood purifier. 80
tlmro u no noeil to atruKgla or suffer
with any blood disorder. It dopin't
muko any illrtcronco how severe Is thn
outbreak, 8. B. 8, will ovoreomo it.
This famous rcmody stets Into your
Mood at onco; It works with a will, It
Just lmply nnnthtlutes dlscaso Rorms,
It drlvua thuin out, converts them Into
11 liarmless subalunco. ror quick ollm
Inntlon. Clot a bottlo today and you
will quickly realise that H. B. H. Is just
ns (incntlal to blood health as are tlio
numts. fats, Rrnlns and suKurs of our
dally food, And It yours is a stubborn
esse, wrtto at once to tho Medlrul Ad
visor, Tae Hwlft Specltlo Co., 113 Swift
111,1 ir.. Atlanta. Clu. llo will put you
rlfvht. This department hus been of
Inciwculnulo servico io u noi 01 men
nnd women. It has enabled thorn to
undorstund their true condition, to take
euro of thoniselvea In the rlKht way,
to so use 8. 8. 8. In conjunction with
health helps as to obtutn tho desired
results without jtilstakes. no not
irni.t nnv of fhiS liordo of substttlltes
so often displayed for those who nro
silly misled. H, B. B. lias been the.
standard ror nsir a ceniury n n
questionably tho safest medtclno you
eau uoe, . . , 1
.T" . . iy'A.
JhSSBBjJ 'fl iTHjPBrM ' 'fiBMllr 11" I'S''.TjBff II 1 u0 f tiPjBMBrrjlJBrrJBBlBnriiTiJBBMBBBSBV
WffWtfBft5lBjSr"mjtl iP 1 TMllfllBBTBAy'TaVMBfSrTTTi T MiTBlt iTSCTlr'HffBBnBBMrTy
ill TiaH' " lrkBMlBMJBMfcwrlBsjfffFTTwTwyssBt'-y-tyy
JBk1 . BwMsdBMBw TrfJ3WfiTBJlsu ' y l E3K-?rrmTri'yTm0UfU'm7'llvmBi9 " iv WPrr ifftfTtifJI ' &bm1bbbmM
38,000 owners have given the "acid test"
to 38,000 Maxwells in the last 1 8 months
Every car made in the gigantic Maxwell factories is just as finely finished, just as handsome
an automobile as if it were especially made to be exhibited at the New York Automobile Show,
or some dealer's fancy Showrooms.
BUT and here is a great big
BUT 38,000 of these Maxwell Cars
have actually been turned out and
have actually been driven thousands
of miles by 38,000 Maxwell owners.
These owners have driven their
Maxwells up hill and down hill over
all kinds of country roads and over
citv streets, everywhere that four
wheels will go.
Most of these 38,000 Maxwells
have been rained on, snowed on, and
Eut to every kind of a rough and tum
le test that time and use can give a
car and that's what we mean by
the "Acid Test."
If you have any neighbors among
these 38,000 happy owners, ask them
to tell you all about their experience
with their Maxwells.
If you don't happen to know any
neighbors who own Maxwells, here
are a few facts to think about things
to consider then you can come in
and see this "Wonder Car" and add
up these facts for yourself.
But doa't forget this the Maxwell we will show you is an exact duplicate of these 38,000
tried and true Maxwells that have stood the rough and tumble "Acid Test."
And Here Arc Some Vital Points to Think Of
Satisfaction and Service In a Nutihell
To the automobile owner satisfaction and etr
vlrn tiiMiin a car nt beauty, rrDnrniMit and com
fort combined. One that poiotamw the many con
venience, la cany and simple to operate ; properly
deljtnrd and constructed of thn best materials and
hose operative cost Is very low. llo wauls motor
car tendency and maximum servico.
All This Has Ueen Accomplished In
the Maxwell
Throunh the high Ideals and standards, won.
dorful MiKlneerlns; Kenlua, remarkable resources and
the accumulated oxperlonces gleaned from years ot
automobile viporlcuco, tho Maxwell ortanliattoa
hai accomplished what a few years ip many said
was Impossible.
The Maxwell It Not the Result o(
an Experiment
It was not luck or the reeult of an expert
ment on the nubile, but Kiod hard business Judg
ment that made tho Maxwell ot today possible.
Able engineers spent months deslsnlog this
powerful, ufilclcnt, lightweight car. The best
metallurgists In the world's famous laboratory (the
Maivtell's own plant) tested materials and formu
lated new heat treatment that kayo this car a re
ruarkablo Until weight and yet tho ereat strength
which It possesses and which stands all the abusa
heaped upon owncr-drhen cars.
It was real cenlus that Kara to the Maxwell
tho powerful motor that enables Maxwell owner to
ko whorvver tour wheel will travel, over all roads,
up all grades, through any sand, any mud.
Beauty and Comfort as well as Strength
And Maxwell builders added to this "wonder
car." not only all tho convenience)), power and dur
ability, but also tho reOnemcnU and beautiful line
of the much higher priced cars, l'uro stream lines,
crown fenders, fine upholstering and all the Uttla
details that mako Maxwell owners proud ot tholr
Every Feature of Mechanical Construction
Every feature ot mechanical construction that Is
to bo (ound la cars selling at many times Us prlco
will bs found In the Maxwell. And In addition
there are many mechanical fealurea that are strlcllj
ot Maxwell design. How we hsve Improved tho
lamps, made them rattto-proof by using extra brace
and eliminated the hinges, made them dust-proof,
easy to clean and adaptable to use In any desired
positien: the manner In which wo havo protected
ono ot the best radiators that money can buy (roa
the many twists and strains ot the car. In fact, con
structed a full floating radiator the way In which
Maxwell bas provided for proper lubrication and
thorough cooling of the motor and has given ono
square Inch ot braking service for every twelve
pounds of weight; bow our engineer hsve equipped
Maxwell car with a spring tension ran that adJusU
Itself to any pressuro on tho belt, mace the
The Maxwell Company's Guarantee of Service to .Maxwell Owners
No othw automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell d Jew
in every part of this country are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices;
This splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated
Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply aay part
for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners.
Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
give you your car not an excuse on delivery day
bW.CvVJiW aRMtfrw
$55 k?a
wSCXr -
amort STAKTU
r.e.i nktik
' i