Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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tftirrp' -
Ildnccrorth, there will bo no scll
Iiir or nlckol clours six for u qunr
tor. Hctnll clgnr morcliants of tho
city mot nt McQulrk'a clar factory
Tuesday iintl decided tOj toko this
'Action'. ,-tt fl'o i shown 'that many
jelgnr smoktjrs put iinntlty beforo
flilaW mill btfilkfil ho "slx-for"
)tihtlc.i. .'''''
I llavo your lawn mower Rhnrponed
jiy J. W. Mitchell, phono 320-J. tf
,7;&tVPlyi'ua)ri Irtt this morning
for Klamath Kails whore ho will
spend'lhrijmmmer worklnit on a kov
drnment irrlpatlon project.
AnotKcr-lvo .hundred, pound ship
mont of thoso delicious chocolato
creams going nt thirty cents n pound
at DoVoo'b.
Tho Iowa society will hold their
regular banquet and social at St.
St. Mark's hall tomorrow nlRht.
Taxi llic. 2 for 25c. Foster &
Holbrook, Phono SS5. 42
Fifty yearn ago tonight Abraham
Lincoln wnB Bhot by J. Wilkes nooth
In a box of tho Ford theater, "Washington-
Many Mcdford people recall
this tragic Incident of American his
tory. Fifty years ago tomorrow Lin
coln tiled. Mrs. M. M. Putnam of
this city was In nttondanco nt n
theater in HoRton watching Edwin
liooth, tho tragedian, while his broth
er Wilkes was firing tho shot that
snuffed out tho life of the most be
loved of American statesmen. Tho
announcement of tho tragedy stop
ped tho performance.
Tako atlvantago of thin offer and
mako your own Spring clothes. 45
days sowing $15; drafting nnd 45
days sowing $25. Also let us show
you our lino of American Queen Cor
sots. Kclstcr's Ladles Tailoring Col
lege. 42C M. F. & H. Bldg. 21
Tobo Ilrou8 has returned from a
short business trip to Grants Pass.
Marwclt Taxi Co., now cars, lGc;
Phono 878L, Pierson & Tarboll.
Herman "Wcndt of Jacksonville
8iKntTucsday Jn this city attending
10 uuuness manors.
Eonlan agency at DoVoo's.
i 'baseball season opens today
in tho American and National leagues.
C. A. DcVoo for subscriptions.
C, E. Swainson who has been con
fined to his homo by illness for tho
last four weeks, Is ablo to bo uround
"Grown In Mcdford" vegetable
plants, lor salo. Mny varieties. Or
der now for future delivery. Mad
dor & Bonney, Portland Are. Green
house, Phono S7R. 30
This is tho nesting season for spar
rows, nnd the llttlo birds aro proving
themselves something of a nuisanco
b'rTulIdlng- their nests in awnings,
etc., of tho business district. As
fast as the nests aro destroyed thq
birds rebuild,
If you C. A. DeVoo, you can get
The Country Gentleman for one dol
A number of amateur Portland
baseball teams aro seeking games In
this city. It is llkoly that tho local
team will accommodate ono of them
after tho first of May.
J. O. Gerking, tbo best nil around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Ncgntlvos made any.
whero, time or placo. Studio 228
MaJnBt'' Phono -32 0-J.
flltudolph Schultz Sr., who has been
spending tho last three months in
southern California roturned to Med-
rord the first of the week.
Candy, candy; get it at DoVoo's.
A skunk wended his odoriferous
way through tho business district
Tuesday night. Tho prowler could
bo smellod hut not locatod. Tho po
lice hollevo this is the samo skunk
Hint was Interned for two days under
Dr. Ulddcll's garago on South Oak
dale. Oct It at Do Voe's
Corhln Kdgell has returned to his
ranch at Eaglo Point after spending
a short time in this city.
Why not got It at DeVoo's?
Tho Alumni association of tho high
school hofd a danco nt tho Natator-
lum last night. A largo gathering
of past nnd present students of the
high school wore In attendance.
Matinee, tho Page today.
Judgo F. M. Calkins of tho circuit
court bench, nnd Itoy Davis, court
reporter, spent Monday In Grants
Pass (Jiucburf business. A grand jury
was called,, fori tho April term, hut
aiJJormjiLimtlltAugUht 30 thoro he
Jnp ngi buijjncs to transact.
Papering and painting. Phono
544-M. 'r l
E. E. Gore roturnid this morning
from a business trip to Portland and
otbor northorn points.
Got your butter, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voq'h.
Miss Enid Hamilton nnd Cousin
MUtloberger. will uppoar at tho Star
tonight in vaudeville offerings.
Sweet elder at De Voe's.
The- regular meeting of stockhold
ers upd election of offlcors of tho
Koguo nivor Fruit and Produce nsso-
c,lWiWJJwf-ftt tho public
library May 11.
Elmo Throckhiorton of Huch spent
Tuesday In this city and Jackson
ville attending to business matters.
Sea Davo Wood about that tiro In
lurnnce policy. Office Mall Tribune
students or tho high school nro
canvassing tho business district this
afternoon with tickets for tho ap
pearance Friday evening of tho Uni
versity of Oregon dramatic club In
"My Alan and Lady," at the Star
Clara Kimball Young In tho great
Broadway success "Tho Deep Pur-
plo" nt tho Page.
James Crandall of Phoenix spent
Tuesday In this city on business mat
ters. It was-reported to the police this
afternoon that an unknown man fell
In n hole In the sidewalk on South
Front street last night, nnd sprained
his ankle, threatening suit against
the city as an aftermath.
Kodak finishing nnd supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Dook Store.
II. G. McWIlllams of Ashland Is
spending the day In Medford attend
ing to business matters.
Clara Kimball Young In tho great
Broadway success "Tho Deep Pur
ple" nt the Page.
B. It. Greer of tho Ashland Tidings
was a Mcdford visitor Wednesday.
Tho Inter-class track meets of the
high school will bo held tho last of
tho month. , iT
Judgo J. It. Nell of .Jacksonville
was In tho city for a few hours Jthls
morning visiting friends and attend
ing to business matters.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Book
Councilman Medynskl Issued ord
ers this afternoon for the arrest of
the driver of a brown Stanley steam
er, he cllogcs was going 40 miles
an hour down North Central avenue
this afternoon about 2 o'clock. As
soon as tho police can locato the driv
er ho wljl be arrested.
Telford Bros, will bo In Mcdford
demonstrating tho new Metz cars in
a fow dnys.
W. K. (Deko) Buckingham left
this morning for San Francisco.
Lloyd AVolgamott, Cecil Randall,
and tho two Anderson boys, arrested
as chicken thieves by tho pollco Tues
day, aro held In tho county Jail and
wlll'bo given a preliminary hearing
Friday beforo tho Juvenile authori
ties. Wolgamott Is 19 years old, nnd
his alleged partners In crime between
17 and 18 years. From the evidence
now adduced It Is tho belief that tho
boys committed most of their dopro
datlons after midnight. Upon ono
expedition after chickens they were!
out until five o'clock.
Fnncy groceries at DoVoo's.
Fred Hopkins of the Snowy Butto
orchards noar Central Point, is spend
ing tho day In the city attending to
business matters.
C. S. Lcbo of this city spent Tues
day in 0 rants Pass attending to bus
iness matters.
D. T. Wagner of Steamboat was
a business visitor In Medford Wed
nesday. When your feet hurt don't try to
put up with it. Have them cared for
by a skilled Marlnollo operator. The
comfort It brings Is -worth many tlraos
the cost of treatment The Marlnol
lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Utloy, 407
Garnett-Corey building. tf
Miss Marlon Towno, representative
from Jackson county, will talk to tho
peoplo on tbo laws passed In Salem
at tho last session of the legislature
and especially tho Anderson bill, at
tho Baptist church, April 15, at 2:30
p. m.
George Barron of Ashland spent
Tuosday In this city transacting bus
iness matters.
Mrs. John M. Root announces tho
engagement of her daughter Jose
phine to Seth M. BuIIIs, son or S. S.
Bullls. Tho wedding will tako placo
in the early summer.
Papering and painting. Phono
Mrs. Walter Gore or 34 C S. Holly
reports that her roses aro In bloom
three weeks earlier than over beforo.
Hor climbing Alfred Carrlore are un
usually beautiful this year.
See tho now Mctz 5-passcngor be
fore you buy your car. Telford Bros,
agents, address Ashland and' Klam
ath Falls.
George F. Hall of Prospect is
spondlng a few days in tho city at
tending to business matters.
Tho Alco Taxi Co., originators of
15c rato any whero In city. Phones,
offlco, 882R; resldonco 238R. 41
P. D. Iilnckden of Climax Is a bus
iness vlstor In tho city for a fow
Leo Watlilns & Co., 307 South
Front street, rails attention to their
cpmpleto stock of feed, hay and grain,
Just received -a car load of beet
pulp, $1,35 per sack; 25 per ton.
Good grades of flour from $1.00 to
$1.75 per sack. Cerctena, PUlsbury'a
Best on Earth Flour, per 50 lbs sack
$2.15. Have Installed a mill for
cracking and grinding all kinds of
'feed to order. Glvo us a trial at
307 South Front street, Phono 2C9.
Tho groateBt value ever offered
In automobiles Is the Metz 25 5-pas-songor,
?C85 delivered. Tolford
Bros., agents,
Tho Parents-Teachers circle of tho
high school will meet In tho high
school building Friday, April 10, nt
3 p. m. This will bo tin Informal
mooting for tho purpose of getting
acquainted mid forming plans for
next year's work. An open discus
sion of subjects of Interest to the
high school will be followed by n
social hour. Refreshments will bo
served. All patrons of tho high
school are earnestly requested to bo
H, L. Irwin nud Mrs. Irwin have
returned from Chicago to look after
their orchard Interest.: Mr. Irwin h
tho owner of tho prlno block of ltnrt
lotts In thi llurroll orchard nnd
states that by orchard heating this
orchard hns escaped damago from
The state railroad eouunNsio. will
hold M-sion-t in thi city the nook
beginnins; April J(l, at which time tho
application of the Hulli- sheet car
line for the rijilit to cros the truekt
t Mum street of the Southern Pa
cific will he heard. Sessions will
nNo he held in Grunts Pass anil fluid
Among tho matters to be con-id-crcd
will he the complaint of Klamath
Fulls, Gold Hill and Omuls Pins
niriiint the (.'nlifomin-Oropm Power
omiinuy for tidjusttocnt of nitc- and
other difficulties existing between the
company nnil the in tittit ipnl it u.
The deeiion of the railway ooni-
mh'siou on the hearing of the Midlist
company will mull work on the ex
tension of the line to Wiwt Main
street. The Ilitllw interests are given
until Juno for tho completion of this
work, under the terms of their con
(Conttlnuod from Page 1.)
hnvo occupied fortified positions
from Mnrinmpol to Suwitlki since
their unsuccessful inwisiou of u
mouth ngo. The lusiiins nro nt
tempting persistently to oust the Qer
mans from this region. The Szesztipu
river, flowing northward from Mnri
nmpol, forms n strong protection fur
tho German left wing.
The Germans tire attempting to un
dertake nn offensive movement nt
several points along the Xnrew river,
hut nre avoiding buttle in the district
Pal! Listen to this:
Prince Albert is the one pipe tobacco
that gets right under the epidermis of the
most veteran pipe smoker. Men who
have become case-hardened to tongue
tortures are falling in line along with
young fellows who
are just getting
pipe broke.
Men every
where love the
ripping good
flavor and
fragrance of
the national joy amokm
but what they like
most is P. A.
They like the absence of the
tone:ue and throat suffering, taken
out of P. A. by our fampus patented
process. P. A. is sold in the tidy,
pocket-handy red tins, ioc; toppy
red bags, 5c; also in pound and half
pound tins; but the pound crystal
glass humidor is the jim-dandy pack
age for home and office use. You go
to it!
You can buy any of these at any store that sella tobacco,
hoynud tlio Nioniou, whole Mm nilroy.
condition of Mm ground miikcs man
euvcrs difficult.
Sorties to the South
The Germans arc making noons
iouul sorties farther to llio smith, pre
sumably for Ihu purpose of iclioviug
tho pressure in tho AliuiiunpoUStiwnl
ki district. Tliev hnvo uttuoked the
town of CltufranUn, on tho Kkwu
liver, fifteen miles ninth of Oslrol
ouKn. At Kvnhno it ponistent uWil
lory buttle is in progress,
Tho Hussiutii nio pressing the Gorman-
on both sides of Osswi'U, which
is again under houvv lire of (loruiau
howitzer-. Efforts to do-tiv tho
bridges out (he llobr nor, opposite
tho fortress, ,y the use of mllant
muble rafts w fiu-lrated bv Rus
sian nrlillory lire.
Sunday school workers nro looking
forward to tho meetings to be hold
Tlmr-ility evening. Friday nftemoon
and owning by F, E. Hilliuglou,
northwest district field sccrolury.
.Mr. ltilliiigtou comes fro-li from
other schools who me doing things,
and his evening
nddicxses nt thoUhn first half hour.
will be of special! Ulsnnhcro thu murknl manlfiJtod
Christian chore!
interest to nil Sunday school people
Conferences will bo hold ouch doy,j iilatlvo Inquiry,
nnd Medford folks will have an op.( l)pallns In tho first hour nmoilnt
portuuily to present tho ideas and oil to 375,000 shnrcs of which llctli
problems which help ami hinder. leheui Stool contributed it relatively
Invitations are extended to nil small quota. Tho stock recovered
churches to attend, and already a i from 130 to 135 by 11 o'clock, by
number of people of the various do
nominations have signified their in
tention to he present.
(Continued from Vage Ono.)
he rushed from tho stage, but ho was
outwitted when Mouth shut the stage
door in his fnoe. Tho audience seem
ed stunned; for a few second- there
wns no pursuit; then several urmy of
ficers sprang upon the Htuge, but
they were turned buck bv the myster
ious man iiijevcning clothes, supposed
them to be an attache of the theater,
when he iiiiueiiucril: "He has been
.Mystery Kl Jit lleinnlns
"Who wnij.Mifil limit?
"Wiry wns hu on the stage?
"Why did he delay pursuit of the
nssassiu with a lie?
"Those things hnvo never been ne-
CvA.:Ay.:.y.v.y.'.fc'..aAiiiiAw.-y SSWw!mSaStlSSBSXSXSt2BX3BWa-x
'. . .ySMMMMMMW.ei ' ll ' ' ' " I I I I M I mm fffffW,',' SJ
m Imiii 1 1111 1 wmmB
counted for. In fuel, I never honid
iiihoiil llio imin dining tho excitement
Mint followed Mm tragedy, mid none
of llio hislorios of llio assassination
refer to him,
"I remained only u few minutes in
Mm Lincoln ho.x, but before I loll
l.auiii Kccnc hud touched llio living
president. Her bountiful white sill,
gown was soon ivid with the blood of
tho martyr whoso head sho held in
hor nrms.
"Ono actor iissassuiiitod Lincoln.
Auolhor aotor uuuNtorcil to lilm ns
ho died."
NEW YOltIC, April I l.llolhlo
hem Stool was ngiitn In tho fore
gtound at the opening of today's act
Ivu stock mnrket. It opened with
n sole of louo Hhnres at I2S to 12t.
nn overnight gain of four points,
from which It rose mostly In small
lots to HO. It then Jumped to 115,
and us suddenly foil back In breaks
of I to 3 points to 130. all within
general strength with increased spec
whlch Unto It ceased to oxerclso any
Influence as a mnrket factor.
WASHINGTON', April II. No loss
than sixteen American vessels with
cargoes of various descriptions have
been detained in llritish ports icccnt
ly, according to llritish officuils hero,
solely hcciiuxo of tho failure of the
shippers to obtain or use proper cer
tificates nud to glvo notice Mint con
ditions laid down by the llritish gov
ernment had been complied with.
Another u voidable cause of delay
is said bv the llritish officials to he
failure of American shippers to sepa
rate contrabiiiid from other caigoos.
iowa socnrrv
Thursday evening at Otiu n ban-
ipiet will be served by tho society
at St. Mark's hall, All members aro
urged to attend. Thin will bo follow
ed by u aortal evening. Don't for
get tho time, place or occasion.
JP' wm0g2Xsm
JKI' .vafe.asm
WmmW1 ' in mi smMaWkWSSSSBsWMt
tt?iwm?z$Wi& Y-ic- "-- -"j:j
vwmmmmmswr mTzmzsmmsm!!!.
M ; IIBI 1
m mmmmmi
V 5J tfr&iK smsMMmsm 3 zi
I inn
Oivluud lioalmg Wiw general Tuos
tlny niuhl throughout tin valley. Hut'
vov of the situation this morning by
'llio Koguo Kivor Viuil A Produce )is
sooinliou indicate (hut llio ilntn
Iroiil the host was slight, Uild t
(ouliiii'd solely lo Mio-e oiohnnU
(hat did not boat. Woollier condi
tions point to niotc healing ligtiin lo.
night, but of hoi'lcr duriilion. An a
precautionary scp iinollior oailond
of distillate has been otdoiod for tin -mediate
ioieiy, I'raotioally uverv
orchard in tho alloy Inst night wits
prepared lor tho coining ot lack
Fiios woio hlilcd in mime of Mm
oichurds iih caily us I'J.vlll o'clock.
From this time until alter innio
huge volumes of Ntnuloi wore kept
poiirinir into the -ky. It is estimated
that tho iiKurcguio cost of llio
suiiiiIko woi .fjllllll. This morning a
heavy haxo hung over Mm foothills.
An uuimiiiI foalinc of the frost last
night was its length. The lowest
temperature was 'J I degtecs, at tho
llollowav orchards.
Tim low temperatures as gatlojied
by Mm Itognc Hivcr Fruit association
fiom llio orchaids are:
Kiiucrcst 'Jii, IIH orchard 'St, Mill
crest '.S, Poller - Gould V.8, Hollo
way 'J I, A. Conro Ficro 1!7, Itoguo
lunds ytl, Vilas 'Jii, Kliiiuuth 'J1, A. ('.
Alien U7, lliiiw 'J7, llcnr Cm 1. W,
Dillon Hill HT. Tho temperature in
those orchards was kept in Mm neigh
borhood of .'10 degrees.
It was the general opinion of fruit
men today Mutt thu frost dauuign is
Tho smudging brought no joy to the
hourts ol oiii'wio. livery coun
try dog is black with smoke.
scmAii iti:viv.i, si:iivi(i:h
The revival Is still In progrcs at
the Freo Methodist church, roruer
loth and Ivy. with preaching every
night vxicplliiK Snturda). You will
miss something If you don't attend
llio services. Itev. .1. W. Sharpo
Is with us part of the (line. Itov. I),
I) Dodge Is coming.' lie Is our dis
trict elder
Come and hoar tho story of tho
croiii. You aru wolrnniit,
.1 K. UltADI.BY, Pastor.
ggmri'mJfJtitY441j24t jsm
Tho tiiodt ucglumllenlj qloaiKJnf; nud
gormlclilul of nil ttutlmipMua lu
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
bo dissolved :'n writer urt nccdod.
An a modlclunl nntlnnptla for dnuchon
In treating catarrh, liitbtmnuitlou or
ulceration ol none, throat, nnd that
caused by feminine llln It linu nominal,
For ten yearn tho l.yillu M. l'lnldmiu
Modlcluo Vb him rccoirimondod Pnxtluo
In thulr prlviitu uorreiisindoimo with
womei), which proven Itu miporlorlty.
Women vlut hnvo boon cut oil say
It In "worth Its weight In gold." At
druggists, nOt Inriw box, or liy niiill,
Tho Paxton Totlof ' iosion, Mhsti
Gini Cliimn, China Herb Store
lltili Cures for llni-acho, IIinuIiiiIio,
ititnli, lllpbthoibl, Horo Tliont,
laiiig Toiililo, rniuoi', lildnoy
Troiihlo, Htoinacli 'I'l outdo, Ileal I
Tiioildo, Chill- and levee, Cramps,
Coughs, Poor Circulation, Car
hiiuclCM, Tiimiiisi, Cnucd Ursvisi,
Coirs all Mods of lioltret .NO
To Whom It May Cencern: I am
free front tho llioumutlMii You can
bo tho snmo hy taking treiitmoiits
from (Urn Chung, tho herb doctor.
My rheumntUni was k bud that It
iuiiiIo mo so weak I could scarcoly
got up when I wns down and tho palu
I Mifforod ono could linntly know
unless ono had tlm sumo iIIskuno, I
was truly dissatisfied and disgusted
with tlfo In my condition nud trying
to llvo. Now to niy friends that cam
to bo cured and would ll.o to bo fico
try tho herb doctor, lie can certain
ly rullovo lu a very short time. Very
truly yours, MHH. M I. KOI.i:.
IMt K I'ltO.NT HT.Mi:ni"()ltl. OltlJ.
Hall Taxi Auto Line
llclvvivu .Mcdfonl ami Ashland
Ktrerlli.. April 7, IIIM
I.v. I.v. l.v.
Medford Phoenix Talent
Kcr.Oii.m. 11 Olia.m. 11:10a.m.
t:00p.m. 1 - 1:20p.m.
4:'.'0p,mj 4:aiii.iii. 4:l0p,m.
(I Op. in. liiMtpm. 7:0llp,m.
9::i0p.ui. 0 isp.iu. 'J:b()p,ni.
l'J:00pm. 1 U :'J0ii.m.
Hatuuliiy out).
fi:30a.m. U: l.tii.m. Oir.nn.m.
Il::t0n.m. II :13a. in, ll:r.o,ni.
1:30p.m. I 1 r,0p.iii.
4'0iii.m. A 12p.m. 4:20p.m.
7:00p.m. 7: trip, m, 7:20p.m.
Phono 100 Medford,
Wo havo Inaugurated a
New Quick
Breakfast Service
Drop In nud onjov on of our dairy
or special breakfast dlhcs. It will
bo n treat and surprlso to you.
Did you know that wo nre serving
Till? I'l.N'IWT TW7U.11IT
101 West Main .Street
Come See It Mntlo at
1 15 North Central Avenue
A. A. MOODY, Prop.
Your Car Insured
Kt. Paul I'lro ii Marino Iiwurunca
Company, Kt. Paul, Mlunosotn
lucorporutoil 18GI
Capital and ct HurpliiH, Jan, 1, 1010
pier Iji t,(()0,000.(il)
llusldeiit Atsout, Modfoid, drogon
1 1
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