Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Hton 'fhf jfmi
207 Second S'lrttt1
Medford Mail Tribune
Mnx. .11; .AJln. i!H.n, l'alr
Llght I'Yo-t Tonight.
Korty.flflli Year
Unity Ti'iiiii Vrnr.
Aflcr n Twclvc-Hcur Bailie Czar's
Troops Capture Main Mountain
Crest, Considered Impregnable
Battle In Prepress AIoiiji Hundred
Mllo Front.
I.KMIIKIKI, Aiuil IHi vlii Plrn
print mill I.iiiiiIiiii, April II, til"' P-
III. Ill II ittHUiltU nlluok l.v tilt'
IdHxiiiiis mi Hi" right Hunk of Hi"
Austrian position nt .Mornlaboritf, on
tin' Hungarian shin nf Hit! cant Hi
skht mniinlniiiM, nml iilniut filly mile
Mintli il' Prom.vsl, tho AuMrimis
were forced nller a Ittflvr-liiMir lint
lie in make a pteclpitate ii'tti'iit. Tin
vlnil iniiiii most in this district
which tin' AiimIHimih cnn-nlcied In In1
impiiiiiuthli I now in lliinsiuu hand.
Tin' iniiiii limlv nf tin' AuMiliin
niiiiy tlmii mow-it on l(nlnin, wheio
tlll'V fllllllll (III IttlKxillllK ptCplllCll in
ii Mintiv ili'lViiniti' position, nml tlii'.v
nuiiiti won m'iiiImi. Another nltiii'k
iiiinli' liv tin' AiilrimiH in Ii"' "iinlli
mi ili-liict i'l' t'wmk mill Vcrrtxkini,
met with it nhuihir check, tlif ltii
hliuiM ni'i'iii.iti(( n initinii I In i'l- inili
finin ('."ok.
Tlii' left flinili nf litis Aulriiin
mm.., iimli'r I'liiiiiiiniiil nl' Aiehdiiko
.lni'ili IVnlliiiiiiil, I Ih'Iiik gradually
exposed liv tin lliihxiim mlvmii'i'H
Inwiinl Itnttfelil mill (Iiiiiiuiiim.
tViiti'i-Mnsl StulilHirn
Piri'HOIIIIAlV Airll II. lii'IHI ji.'
in., via l.niulnii, 'ItlTt p. m.-Ail-tm-(Ii'IIiimii
Imi'is which f I ill linlil iso
lated miiiiiiiIIn nf tin' CuipittliiniiH mi'
ennlexling stubbornly t''iv font nf
llli' l(lliilll llilvillirt' lllntiu till' frilltl
fimn Itartfoht tn Ntry. Tlti-t finnl
i inn uliimtt iliiu cant nml west fur
11.' mill, lliirtfi'ld U in mirtlii'rii
Hungary mill Slry in euMoin Oalii'iu,
In lln miiiiIi nf l.omhcig,
Attack nml cnitnlor-ntlnrl.s fol-
low with kiii'li nipnlitv tlint Imtli side
mny In' Miiil tn In' Inking Hit' nffens.
in -imiilliMii'iiiily, Tin shock nrr
ii'iilliiiK in iiihimihIIv homy cnunl
lii'M, with niily n Mlijihl change in Hit'
I'imipnniliM' pcn.ilinns nf tho nppns
iiifc force,
Aicdlniis Ilnlil tr.nk
IV.nk, nenr tin' pass nf Hint 11111111,
hi ill ioniums III tilt' possession nt tin
Austrian, nil I in Kiismiiiis lum
coiiiplclcil Hit heights In tin inn Hi
.wild, coming within tlirci miles nf
tin iiiilimiil htnlimi nml tlirir ncou
piitinn nf I lio tnwn itself it expected
Tlin AiHiimiH uro vinnmnly iv
penting llit'ir cffuiU tn pcnclrntc
110111 llul.nwinu iuln Itiissinn tt'iri
tiny, 111 I In iliii'i'tiini nf t'hnlin. Tin'
Hussions t'liiiiiu'lt'iici' thi- mow iih n
dowco on tlin pari of lln Aiislrimis
for drawing L'usshin troops I iiuii Hit1
CiiipnlliimiH. Tlii'v ntlit Hint tin
Aulriuns have Iicimi iiiiiiIiIi' (n Iiiiiik
up MilTiririil ri'iiifnri'fiiifiits In clioi'l;
Ilin KiiKMian inlvmii'i' ami Hint Hit'
nnly nlli'riiiilivn for Hit AiiNtiiiin i
In ilixi'it purl nf Hid I'iismmii fnici's
in nthor iliii'i'limiM, '
On I'iumIiui I'Yontli't.1
Tn dm inn Hi In Ilin iliHhict alniij;
Hin l'riiMMiiin frniiHt'r tlioru nut no
mnM'ini'iilK nf fiit tiiipurtmii't'. Snmll
Imllli'H art' a ilnil.v ncciiru'in'o in tliu
iMiiiimnpul ili-liicl. Tim ''eiiiiium
(Cinithiiieil on Pncu 2.)
I'lTTSIU'lKI, April ll.-Stniit'rt nf
innihiinl iiiiliirti'iiil activity in H10
Pillhliiiri,' ilihtricl bi'i'mif." nf lit"
lirt'Hi'iii'u nf'ni'ilui'rt i'nr ynr malt'iinl
wt'io i-niifiriiii'il In tho Assnuiatt'il
l'ri'hH tn(lny liy ri'pn'M'iilativt'H nf a
niiniliiM' nf nimiiifai'liuiiiK cnnt'DriiH.
At tho WVhlh'KhoiiKo i' Urakti
cninpaiiy il wiih finiil t lint hpt't'ial inn
cliiiu'ry hail lii'i'ii iiiHlullcil anil woil;
iih'ii'wuVu now nuikiiiK hlirnpiit'l hIii-IIh,
'iirlriilKi' t'lihi'H ami fiiht'n on 11 t'on
Irat't thul will rt'nuii't' )'' l cm
iloi. Tlin Vi'wliiiKliniiu Kli'i'lrin ii
Maiiiil'aoluriii,' Co. it finikin;,' Iiiiro
)iojin'tlUiH I'm tliu war. flpoHnl uia
I'ldatiry Iuih Iuhmv put in Ilio nluiw. A
lliiinlii'i' nf Himtlh'f' ciiiiimM'iih iiIho art'
juuliinj; iiiiiiutmllion.
Frniimcnls Picket! Up nn Battle Line
Show American Manufacture
Tremendous Losses at Neuvc Chap
pclle JustlfM by Developments
Mild Wcal'-cr Prevails.
(ii:si:it.M. iii-:.iKjHAim:itH oi
Tni'Niluvt April I a, via London, Apt II
II.- In Dm Iri'iirlii'x 11 to 11 k Hid llrlt
InIi finnl, Mprnwllni; from Ypri'M to
l.n llinnn, nfflrrm nml mi'ii nllkn nro
Hllll inlkliiK or Ilin buttle lint month
nt Ntiuiit 'li:iiii'lli. Tho ofllri'nt
rhiiiiU'tcrli' IliU lit It lull victory nn
lllii'lv lo In' fitrorili'tl im tho Kri'itloitt
locnl nurroiin or Ilin wnr, nml tlin prl
vuli'H hull Ii nit I'vlili'iirn tli ill tho
Oi'rinnn lino enn Im hrolin wlii'in-vcr
llii'lr li'inlum ilceliln thlN iiiiihI Im
ilnni) nml Unit tlin nrmiml niilin-il will
oiitwi' tlin Imivllnhln Iokhi-h nun.
limit- lis .liisiiriiil
Tic iiiInkIvIiirr lii I'iikIiiiiiI with
n'Kiml In (Im llrltlfih Iouhcx nt N'cnvo
Chnpi'lln nn linrill) Jtnitiricil In view
of the iiilvnnci' Kflltifil In tlio nplii'
Ion of Mtnff nlflrcrn nt thv front. One
ufflror. cxiiilnlni; loilny (ho tUriUc
Kir linporinnci' of HiIh ili-nt In tho
(Iciiunn lino, unhl tho CcnniiiiH In
hIx wriekn more, hnil (hoy mntliitipil
lo linlil Nciivii Uhnpnllit, UiiiB fhuikliiK
tho llrltlith cu( tho north ntul tlin
Mouth, would Iiavii infllctoil InmiKii
'ipnil to Hi 0110 miHlntiicil hy tho nt-
tnikiTH on Hint iiii'inornhlo Mnrrh
inornliiK. Tlum the Ilrltlnlt would In
n rtiort tltnn hnvo lout Jnit ah ninny
liii'ii, tin npi'uki'r ilrclnrml, without
tho phynlrnl nml morn I inlvnnlnKo
ncoroil hy tho tpurt forwnnl.
Tlin tit 1 11 wonthiT of uprlnj; pro
vnlU toilnv nlonK I ho Imtllo lino, nml
tin llrltlNh prlvnto, tho man from
I'niimlii nml Hit fltUitor from Imlln
nil fi'i'l vory innrli llko 11 football
loam, cnnflilont of IU nlilllty to ncoro
nitnliiHt tho other utile whon tho
Kroiiml In n little ilrlor.
t'fclui; Amoilrnn SI10IU
Tho (iiTiiimiH In hoiiio InRtiinroR nrn
now uhIiik Aniorlcnii innih bIioIIh.
iiovornl frnKiut'iilR of hIipIIh hnvo boon
plckoil up within tho Mrltlnh IIiioh
ninrkfil -II. Slock & Co., 17. S. A."
NVhothi'r thomi nro rccunt nrqiilal
llotiH or old MioIIh hoiU to (iornuiny
from Amorlrn Ioiik uro cannot ho do
tormlnt'd In tho lines.
NM:V YOIIK. April 1 1. An offl
clnl of tho ItcmliiRtnn Arum nml Am
munition company, who tmlil ho wnn
rnmlllnr with tho ihtirklnH of hIioIIr
In thin country ilurltiK tho pant flf
toi'ii yonm, niHortcil todny that no
nIioIIh mnilo In Amorlca durliiR that
tlmo horn tho liiHcrlptlon "It. Stork
Co., IV S. A." or innrklnRH which
could ho mlHlakon for It. Thoro wiih
no firm mnkliiK nmmunlllon In tho
Pnltod StatoH, ho until by tho name of
It. Stock & Company.
ThlH official ndilod Hint ho wns
cr-rtuln Ormnny hnd purchacd no
iiuiiiiiiiiltlon In Amorlca.
LONDON', April -I, After 11 pro
lmiKi'il lull in tho opt'iatioiiH at iho
Darilaui'lh'ft, fiKhtiiiK has hcon to
suuicil on 11 miiiiII Ht'iiltv An official
icport I'l om Oomitmitiaoplo mi.ys tlio
liattciioH at Hit' cntruiu'o to tho
blrailH wt'io hoiuharili'il yohlonlay and
that a fiiiihiT ami ilt'htroyor woa
htraok hy Iho Turkinli firo.
Jlcfisii;iw finin Vienna tn Home
quota nn AiiHtrinn offioiiil im wiyiiij;
that a Hlato nf hiejjo prohahlv will ho
inoclaiiui'il in Austria on aot'ount of
popular unrest oer-iiMoncil hy Hit' '"I
vant'o of Iho Uussiaiis throiih the
CiirputliiaiiH. It in reported alo that
Kmperor l'Yniiris Joseph has tlut'itli'il
to mako tlio ti'itilotial ttoiiot'huion ile
hiivil hy Italy, provided Hint nation
will tako up uriiirt for Amtlria ami
(lonnauy. Tliis report, however, is
not Kouornlly urvilitetl Iu Home,
Fifty Years Ago
' -in
Man Who Hoard the Shot; Who Saw
Tills Man
(lilt A(iO, April 1 1. Pro-pert, of
11 win Id r-hoitiiKf 111 wheat awiilnhlc
for inuni'diiitc xhipmeut ri'Milteil to
day in n M'liMttinmil hnlyo in prioos,
Iitisiuos- Miitdouly iihMuueil liue pro
portiotw in tho I11M hour of timlinc,
mid prices fluotualcil widely, jumping
up nt the rnlo of '-jo helwecn trans-
Mny wheal' ro-t swiftly (P'i tn
.ft.ti:i,'ns- niiinst 4I.."llt, nt tho clo-e
last uihl. Tho uilvunei' wns to with
in -I cents a hiishel of tho topmost
level since the hopnnin;: of the war,
July wheat rose ccu morn sharply
than May, timi'luiu; Kl-'j. 11 leap of
Do 11 huslit'l ahtiM last nish'l. The
ascent was accompmiicd hy assertions-
thai thc'llntish Koveriiiucut lind
ceased liuyinif, linviii': obtained all
that was lcquiicil for Uritish needs,
ami that a scrmuhlo wns expected on
tho pint of other countries, for small
ifmniuiuK supply,
lleforo the finish July son led
higher to Kill, a total ascent of D'-j
cents t'omparcil with last nilit.
Heavy profit-takini; hroko the mar
ket hack I cents from tho top, hut on
n rcsiunplion of netixo liuyiii,' prices
started upwind again.
Tilt close was excited, with the
market as a whole i'iuikIiik H:,4 to (le
above his) nielli.
WASllINOTON', April M. PrcsJ.
tlcnt Wilson fornially opened tho
American Husehall leaj;uo season to
day, iosHitiK out Hid hall used in the
initial Kiimn hot ween Washington and
Now York.
As tho president arrived at the
park tho hand played 'Tho Htar
Spangled llanner" and tho great
orowd arose and eljeerctl.
Tho team with Pitcher Walt 01
Johnson in tho ounlor, gathered in
front of tho president's box as he
throw out tho hall.
Secretary lhyiin, who seldom wit
nesses hall games, Kecretary Daniels,
many officers of Iho ariny and navy,
diplomats mid lenders in Washington
society wuro In tho crowd.
Tonight Lincoln Was Assassinated
the President Fall: Who Saw the Assassin Trip on the American Flan
Tells the Story of John Wilkes Booth's Deed.
Lincoln .MiMiiini'ii .skHrlioil fro 111 Mt'ttli-nnnt
When John Wilkes Booth sprung
fioni tho president' box in Ford'.s
theater, April I, lSli.'i, ami challeug
ed the world with his dramatic cry,
"The south is moused!" only one miin
in the audience seemed to fool iho
shock of the world tragedy.
For several second, at tor the bul
let carried its death blow to Lincoln's
brain the audience seemed purnlyzru
with fright.
Hut from tho topmost gallery n
young mini leaped to the balcony rail
lielow and swung into the president's
box just in time to see an incident
that seems lo have escaped everyone
ejse on Hit stage mid in this theater.
Story tif the Tragedy
Lieutenant Charles II. Jones then
connected with tho quintermastcr'
department at Washington, is the
man who sprang from the gallery in
timo to hear u man on tho stage an
nounce, "Tho assassin is captured,"
mid thus prevent immediate pursuit of
This is Lieutenant Joae.s' story of
Lincoln's assassinut ion ;
"It was tho third act of the play,
Our American Cousin.' I lieurd the
shot in the president's box; 1 saw
Lincoln's head fall i'oiward a mini
sprang from the box, tripped on the
American Hag that cuitaiucd it, ami
stumbled to tho stage, fourteen feet
''As he nrose to his feet ho cried:
,Tho south is avenged-'
"Not half a dozen people in the
then tor realized they wero witnessing
a great tragedy, but 1 seemed to tli-
vino what had happened. 1 lenped
over the. gallery and balcony rails,
swung Into tho piesident s box just
in time to' seo Major Hathboiio re
move his hands from tho president's
head. They wero covered with blood.
I knew then that tho emuneipator was
Pursuit Tn mod Hack
"Histories havo been written about
Lincoln's assassination, but nil of tho
histories omit 0110 important, thing
a thing that I paw mid no man can
contradict my statement in regurd to
"As soon ns Hooth disappeared
from Iho stage n man in uveuiug
clothes announced, 'lie has been cap
tured,' and turned back tho peoplo
who wero pursuing tho assassin.
"Oao man had followed Hooth when
(Continued on unte two.)
APHIL II, 1015
.Jonos' Story.
LOS ANOELKS. April 14.- Threo
.Jnpnneeo wnmlilps under Admiral
Xnkayamn. with nl colliers and sup
ply uhlp.-i. manned altogether by about
1000 men, wero assembled In Tur
tle Hay, Lower California, standing
by the stranded Japanese cruiser
Aaama, according to a staff corres
pondent of tho Los Angeles Times,
who has just returned from a trip of
Investigation. Turtlo Day is 409
utiles south of San Diego, Cnl., mid
is fiild to ho the best harbor north
of Magdalena Hay, the west coast
rendezvous of tho United States navy.
No effort is being mado to float
the Asama, which tho correspondent
avers Is lying in soft mud at tho en
trance to tho harbor. This was ex
plained, ho said, by Japanese, offi
cers who declared they wero awaiting
the arrival of a great enmo ship.
Meantime, howovor, tho correspond
ent asserts, Turtlo Day has been
mined by tho Jnpaneso, ammunition
has been landed and largo camp es
tablished ashore. Preparations also
wero mado, ho added, to land guns
from tho Asama. Tho mines wero
laid In tho harbor, tho correspondent
said ho was told, ns an additional
precaution against nttack by German
nnvnl vessels, ,
NKW YOHK, Apiil II. For base
ball fans throughout the country this
wns tho most nienioriible day of the
year, tho day for which they hod
waited six long months, tho day of
tho opening ot tho big league season.
The Washington weather bureau
promised fair weather to greet tho
thousands who wero to gather in
hasebnll parks in the east and the
west to welcome old favorites and
new faces on the diamond.
In accord with ancient custom, tho
great gatno was to receive official in.
doisement by Pie.sident Wilson in
Washington, in tossing tho first ball
upon tho tliniuond, whilo Mayor
Ahtehvl in New York and other of
fieials in various cities performed
similar funulions.
Operators Assert Commercial Tele
graph Companies Maintain Black
list Which Is lnterchan-::al)le Be
tween Western Union, Postal and
Railroad Companies.
CHICAGO, April 1 l.C. II. Mc
F.lronth, n tclegrnpher employed by
the Inlcnintioiiiil Now Service nt De
troit, testified today before tip- I'nit
cd Stales commission 011 industrial
relation" Hint the commercial .tele
graph 'companies maintain ukbuiok-
list. "
"I nut on il because I am a union
man," he said, and milled Hint he is
sure Iho list is interchangeable bc
txvecn the Western Tnion mid tin
Postal Telegraph companies. Jle said
the list i available to the railroad
"Jinny men have been driven from
the country in this- way," snid the
witness-, "whilo other hnvo obtain
ed work by using an alias. These
latter, however ?ire usually discover
ed in time."
"Do blacklisted men ever obtain re
instatement 1" asked Frank P. Wulsh,
chairman of the coimufcsiou.
"Yes, by slirrenderiti'.; his
hood by surrenderini: bis
card," replied JtoKlrenth.
Hank nml File Strurlc
union vr
S. J. I
Koiienkniiip, president of the
'eiul Telegraphers' t'nion of
1 nmmercuil 1 etegrnj
America, was recalled to reply to a
phase of the testimony of Vice-President
Hrnoks of the Western Union
Telegraph company, mid Kdwnrd 0.
Reynolds, general manager of the
PoMnl Telegraph compiiny:' TIn
strike of 1007. ICeneuknmp said, wns
not brought about hv the officers of
the union on the heels ot' an agree
ment made through ('. IL Xeill, then
commissioner of labor, but was forc
ed by Hie rank mid file of the union.
"The men in San I'miici-co did
walk oat tho day after the agreement
wns reached, but they did not know
of the truce nml officers of the union
forced them to return to work." snid
the witness. "Tho union officials
were hnrshly criticised hv the men
for their conciliatory altitude. Theie
wns vrnn; on both side. hut the
companies had ample warning of un
rest among the men."
Protection for dowry
Commissioner Aishton asked if ev
cry effort was mnde to inform the
men of the N'eill agreement.
"Xo. IL C. dowry, then general
mnnnger of the Western Tnion, want
ed to 'save his face, anil I wns asked
to give the agreement as little pub
licity ns possible," replied Jlr. Kon
enkamp. T. W. Carroll, superintendent of
trait io of tho western division of the
Western Union Telegraph company.
wns tho noxt witness. Ho was ques
tioncd regardm? hours, nntuio of
work, relief, split tricks and tho bo
nus system of compensation.
I.ON'DOK, April 14, .1:24 p. in.
Parliament reassembled today with a
fair attendance. The first hour was
devoted principally to questions con
cerning iho war.
Lewis llnrcourt, secretary of state
for the colonies, promised that the
dominions would bo consulted fully in
regnhl to the terms of peace. ,
Harold J, Tennaut, parliamentary
under secretary of war, mndo tho an
ununceiiient that there hnd been 1.140
promotions to commissions from the
rnnks sineo tho beginning of tho war.
lie nlso gnvo what was regarded as
n possiblo cluo to the intentions of
tho government concerning tho drink
question. He said that beer was the
only intoxicant now permitted in tho
canteens and that it was not tho in
leutiou of tho authorities to prohibit
its sale.
Premier Asquith annouiiceil that
tho honso would sit for only threo
diiys' work.
XO. '20
Forty-five Thousand Men Engaged
Two of Obregon's Commanders
Surrounded and Retreat Cut Off
Villa Forces Defeated at Battle of
WASHINGTON, April 14. Hard
fighting at Cclnyn toilny seemed to
favor the. Villa forces, nocordimf' to
n consular report lo the stnto depart
ment, which nys nt least 4."f000 men
nre engaged.
Tlio fighting lino extended from
Cclnyn to Querctnro to I.n flricga,
and the Mntc ifcpnrtmout report fjays
two of fJenoral ObrcgonM conuiinh
dor inve been 'surrounded nml 're
treat to the south is cut off.
A tntc department summary o!
Mexican ndviccs today said:
"The department is advised, in n
report dated the 1.1th, from Laredo,
Hint the battle of Huisachito on tho
Pith resulted in n severe defeat for
the Villa forces. Advices confirmed
the published reports that tho Villa
wounded wero killed nn tho battle
field and that prisoners were execut
ed. The loss of tho Villislas is said
to bo 400." ,
JL-ijor General Frederick IJmwton
commanding the American f nfccJ iin
the Mexican border, is en routv7toJfty
from San Antonio to Hrownsvlllo,
Tex., lo take personal charge, of tho
situation there, which has again be
come threatening in consequ?nee of
the falling of Mexican bullets info
American territory. Reporting to the
vnr department today, Clcnoral.Fiuis
ton said that although bullets struck
the Urownsville side during- the fight
ing yesterday, there were no casual
ties. Fighting has not been re
sumed. IRY 10 SECURE
PHILADELPHIA, April 14. A de
termined effort will bo mndo at to
morrow's ineetln got the city council
to bring about the pnsago of nn ordi
nance permitting tho removal of tho
historic Liberty Doll from its shrlno
in Independence Hall to tho Penn
sylvania building at the San Francis
co International Exposition, where It
will bo exhibited until the close- of
tho fair. -Mayor Illnnkenbcrg and
leaders in tho council favor the
movement anil are willing to see tho
necessary money appropriated for tho
expenses of the trip. Heretofore the
proposition has been opposed mainly
by patriotic orders and by bodies of
women who fear that tho p'ecious
relic might be destroyed In a rail
road wreck or somo other accident.
Now those favoring tho exhibition
of the bell in tho far westorn city
havo obtained tho support of Admiral
Dewey and General Miles and tho in
fluence of theso distinguished offl.
cers is being felt so strongly that
thero Is Uttlo doubt the bell will bo
permitted to go away, properly
guarded by Philadelphia policemen.
Admiral Jlowey and General Mllen
nrgtio that by reason of conditions
In Kuropo this Is n good time to Btlr
up patriotic sentiment among the
people of this country and that noth
ing would, havo greater intluonca
than a trip across the continent of
tho bell which proclaimed liberty
throughout the land 130 yearn ago.
Tho details ot tho nmouut ot money
needed for expenses and the date on
which tho revered pleco of bronxo
is to bo started on its Journey re
main to bo settled.
NEWTOKT NEWS, Va., April 14.
Tho German commerce raider
lCronpriuz Willivlm, it was leimiwl
today, is in need of boiler tub
which cannot bo supplied nt this port
and must be mniuifnclnwl tdt!wkw.
To procure and iiitl w tibf, It
is said, would rciptfro,! leMt tkr-
1 weeks. . ,.
Vli 1
. SA
o a