Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    't k "
Plciliio of City Council nml Aurcc
mcnt Mndo Willi Contractors, Who
Arc Given Wlilo Leeway (or Pro
Jcct, Unhampered ly Plans or Con
ditions. To tlio Citlrciiu of AhIiIiiikI:
Yon wni' ilil iscil iiriuly ii yrnr
ii(,'ii Hint ii project to exploit ln inlii
I'liil HprinH immiIiI mil lie nuiii'il mi
iin mi auxiliary to tlio iiniiiii'ipiil vn-
!'! N.Vhtl'lll nf tint oily III' AxllllllllU
Unit IiihhIm ImhiiciI hi iiii.iliiirv writer
ImiiiiIm cinilil nut liu hiiIiI nml lint
money iihciI for tin1 lirini;iiiK of "''"
'nil Mpiiiin wiit imm lulu tint i'lty r
AhIiIiiiiiI. TIiIh Ih true twlny IT tlio
liuitiiripnl KiiviTiiiiii'iit of tlii) rily of
AhIiIiiiiiI Ih iiilnilnlhlnti'il in mi lime
et, Icpil nml biiNiiii-xlil(i iitmiiiiT.
lli'Tnnt Hilton, Thompson & Clay,
iittnriii'yM nl Now York City, woiilil
uiv tlielr fiiiiil iipprovnl to llm mix-
ilinry vnler IioihIh lln'V ilriiiiuuli'il of
tlio oily of AhIiIiiiiiI mi iiNHiiniiioo tlnit
I lie proiMTiIrt nl' tint hiilo of tin'
IioiuIn would In) UM'il for tint eoiiHtriie
tion of mi iiuxilinry wnter hnleni, to
l'urnihli water to tint liiliiiliititnt for
fin1, Ktri'ct HpriiildiiiK. irrigation uml
(loinontio piirpoHi'M. Thin iiHwirimeo
viih kivi'ii liy llm oitj I'nnni'il of AnIi
lninl mnl N piintrd lioie:
"A resolution ilcclnriiiK' the uex
mnl pnrpoHi'H for wliirli tlm fuiulH lo.
iifil li tin Hut sale of tlu flT.'i.OOO
nuxilinry wntor ImmiiIh uliull lie ox
irmli'il. "WIlI'M'MH, 11 lUOhtioll Nt'l'IIIH to
luivo nrUoii in tint iiiIiuIh of Dillon,
Thompson i Clay, attorneys of Now
York City, iih to tint umm nml pur
iiohom for wliloli the fiimln ileriveil
I'm i n tlm hiiId of ."IT.'i.tHM) nuxilinry
wnlor IioiuIn hluill In) expemleil; ami,
"WIii'itiih, lieforo reutloriiiK tlicir
final iipprovnl of miiil Imml jmiiiu ami
tin milo thereof, tin) Kiiiil iiltonioyH
ileiiinuil a rc'Holution Heeifioally M't
tin' out hiii'li noon ami purpo-ei.
"Now therefore, In) it HohiIvciI, lt.
llii' I'oiiiiuoii eoiiiieil of tint city of
Achhiiicl, Or., in reyulnr mljoiinieil
Heftxinu liNxcintileil tills lilth liny of
IMnreli, III IT), that tint proceeiln of
the uiixiltarv water honiU of thu city
of Alilaml, Or., nIiiiII he used ami
expended only for ooiiMriit'liiur ami
neipiiriiiu' an auxiliary luuiiieipnl wa
ter HyMt'in, to-wit: A f.Vftem of wit.
terworkM, Hiipph'ineiitiirv to nml in
addition to the existing ityMtem of
hiiiil fit v to furnish water to said eity
ami its iuluiliitmilH for tint purpose of
'tii;iiiliiiu: fire, Mieot bprinUuiK',
tnipplyiiiK water for ilonii'stiit uses, ir
liatiou ami other purposes.
"The yeiiH ami iiii.vh were ileinmiil-
nl ami taken upon miiri lesoltituui iih
follew: teas, Ciiuaiii;liaiii, Ash.
eraft, Werlh, Ware, Ilici;vly CorueliiiH;
nays, mine.
"Approved "Will day of March,
31) in.
(KiKiied.1 "0. II. JOHNSON',
'.'.Mayor or the City of Ashland.
"Attest: C. II. dillelte,
"Hcconlcr of tint city f Ashlaml."
1 umit to iiiiprcNs on the people of
Ashland Hint in order to m'II the aux
iliary water honds it was ahsohilely
necessary to assiiro the luind attor
neys ami tlm Imml liuyers thai the
money derived from thu Mile, of the
honds would ho expended in the con
h! ruction of nil addition to tint pie,
ml water nysleiu for the miiiio uses
and put poses derived from the exist
ing system. Is it the intention of the
fity of AhIiIiiiiiI thrmijjh its city
council to inakit this ussiirmien piod,
There is on file, with Hut city council
of AhIiIiiiiiI tlio following 'contract,
which k!vch in Nouin detail Hut milli
ner in which thu proceeds of Hid sale
of the nuxilinry wiiter honds is to he
Thi manner in which this money is
to lm expended, us outlined in thu I'ol
lowing contract, was generally known
liy (ho city council at Hut lime they
gave, Dillon, Thompson & Clay the
asbiiraucu they did.
.Memorandum of Agreement
"This memorandum of agreement
liindo and entered into hy the city of
Ashland, a municipal corporation, or
ganized ami uxisiiug under uml hy
viiluu of thu laws of thu stuli) of Or
egon, hy ami through its springs wa
ter tioiuiulssioii, under thu charter
laws of Haiti city provided, thu party
of thu first part, mid Smith, Kmery
& Co. of Sun Krancisiio, Cn a cor
poration, duly organized ami existing
under ami by virtue of thu laws of
thu state of California, ami having its
' principal office ami place of husiuosH
in thu uity of San Francisco, in said
ctnto, party of thu second part:
"WitnusHeth: That whuruas thu said
party of thu first part have miulu
provision for tlio infitallution of an
auxiliary water plant and thu bring
ing of certain mineral springs into
tint nnd eity ieitiiing teclinloal and
fcciontifia knowledge, and
"Whereas, tlio party of thu second
pnrt aru chemical engiucora nml
piiilificil to cany our tho phum of
Hut said eily ami aru willing lo iin
ilciliikc the Haul enterprise, now,
therefore, Hut said pa i lies hereto
hiivii eiitcied into thu following
ngictmeul, Hut gem rut plans of which
"ciicinl riniiM
"I. Thai certain Hpriug known an
Hut 'Now l.lthla' Mpiing, with whli'h
the piuty of thu second part is fa
miliar, Is to be fuitlu'r developed ami
the waters therefrom conveyed li
suitable piping from said spring to u
central station to bit loca ed in the
city pink of Hut city of Ashland,
hereafter lo be designated ami point
ed out by the party of the fir I part
and there to be tillered mid ciiibouut
cd ttitli gas fioiu Hut Cunningham gun
spring, iimler the hiiuui prvsKiite iih at
thu spring, mnl thence delivered ill u
terminal within Hie citv park of Ihc
citv of Ashland, at a locution to bo
detcrinlui'il by iigreciiii'iit.
"Tint di'Veliipuienl of the "New
l.ithia" spring to include icin forced
concrete retaining walls, fencing nml
ormtineiiliug the sptiug surrounding
pedestrian bridge, building over llm
spring,, aerating taltlci;
settling (links, reservoirs with build
ing to cover thu same and pipit line
lo central station ami from thence to
the park fountain.
'"J. That certain spring known as
'l.lthia Soda,' or 'Dodge well,' is to
be further developed and lint water
therefrom conveyed fiom said well to
a central station in thu city park,
there to bit filtered ami carbonated
with gas from thu Cunningham gas
spring under the same pressure as at
Hut well, ami from thence delivered to
a terminal within said park, Hie loca
tion of which is to bit determined by
"Development of Hut M.ilhia Soda'
well to include fencing uml orna
menting thu spring surroundings,
shutting off surface water, pump,
aerating tables, settling tanks, reser
voirs with building to cover same, ami
pipe line to central station.
"'I. That certain spring known as
llm "llerklcy Siilphm' is to be fuithcr
developed ami thu water Iherefioin
conveyed to a central station in Hu
eity pink, them filtered uml divided,
part of which is to be cruhonutcd with
gas from Hut Cunningham gas spring,
under the Mime pressure as the new
lithia water at thu spring, ami nil of
said wnler delivered from theacu to
terminals in said park, thu location of
which is to bo determined by agree
incut. It is thu intent to make of the
llerkeley sulphur water two terminals
hi tint park, tlio water of one to be
carbonated and the other delivered in
the natural state.
"The development of tlio llerklcy
spring is to include concrete well, pipe
hue intake, concrete spring building,
fencing ami ornamenting spring sur
romuliiigs, draining and grading and
pipe line central stution.
"I. Water is to hit taken from a
tap on thu citv main ami conducted
to a central station in thu city park,
there filtered and carbonated with gas
from thu Ciiuiiiugluim spring ami then
conducted to a terminal in said park
the local ion of which is to hu deter
milled by agreement.
".". City water is lo be taken from
a lap on city main, conducted to ecu
trnl station, filtered and delivered to
a terminal without carboiiation, at a
point in thu eily patk to hu dcteimiu
cd by agreement.
"(I. Thu ca i lion dioxide gas from
the ( uiiiiinghaui spring is to bo con
veyed to the central stution in said
pink, there to be applied to properly
caibnmiti) all of the above waters,
"Cunningham gas well development
to include well reinforced, concrete
retaining wall, fencing, shuitatiou of
spnng surroundings, gas collecting
and receiving tanks, pump house, mi
toiuntii) electric pump uml piping the
gus to neutral station.
"7. Thu 'New Lithia' water mid thu
Dodgu 'l.llhin soda water' aru to In:
filtered, caihouateil ami delivered to
tlio Southern Pacific- depot in Ash
land, Or., at a place to be agreed on,
rendy to hu delivered into founlaiiiK
provided hy thu snid city of AhIiIiiiiiI.
tor piihliii use, in a clear, sparkling
condition, free from silt or sediment.
"8. Suitable laps on thu mains
conveying thu 'Now l.ithm' mid Dodge
'Lilhia Soda' waters, and thu Cun-
uingliam gas uro to hu provided at
soiiiu suitable, point at or near thu
Southern Pucifiu right of way, thu
exact location to bu doloimined by
"Tint Hnid tups to incliulu cut-off
uoitks and tups of capacity to convey
full pipu volumu of water.
"I). All pumps ami pipu lines to hu
of capacity to curry tint (low ot said
springs, and'bu mndo of speoial fibur
or metal, S. & K, tot inula,
"10. Central stalioiiH to hu con
veniently looatod in city park to in
elude artistic, concretu building to
lioiiHu proper Kpeoiully onamoled fil
tors of giuirautoud capacity ami spe
cial eoubtruetion mid gas cluugilig
imichtnury, special fittiugH and all
thingH neecssaiv for proper filtration
mid charging, all of which tun to lm
Fiance lliiriiham mid her disappear
ing beauty spot.
I.OS ANOKI.KS, ('nl., Apiil IH.
lleie's fushion'H newest wrinkle the
disappearing licautv spot, introduced
by Frances lluinhain.
Hitherto thu beauty spot bus
adorned some portion of the face
where it wiih nlvvays visible Now
conies mi innovation. Miss lliirnham
has set a new example by putting
the beauty spot in such n position on
Ihc eyelid (hat it cannot hu seen ex
cept when the eyelid droops, A very
llirtatlous little weapon, indeed, is
this new beauty spot, for a sly little
wink will nlwnys bring it into view.
Hut Miss Iturnham claims that it is
not necessary to wink to show the
advantages of this latest fashion
supplied by the party of the second
"11. At llui 'New Litliiii,' Dodge
'l.ithia Soda' mid Berkley sulphur
springs convenient ami suitable tups
nrc to be installed out of which water
can ho delivered direct from the
springs in (piantitics sufficient for
domestic purposes and to supply per
sons visiting said springs.
"l'J. The two pijMt lines from cen
tral station to Southern Pacific, de
pot to be of sufficient capacity to
convey water for advertising pur
poses nml tourist use, and be made
of special corrosive resisting fiber or
metal, S. iV h. formula.
iH'lull l'bins nml KKTlflmlons
"Smith, Kmery & Co. shall prepare
detailed plans ami specifications for
said plant in sections, as the work
progresses, which shall he submitted
to the springs water commission mid
by them approved before any work
shall be begun on said section.
"Smilh, Kmery & Co. shall furnish
a good ami sufficient surety bond in
thu hum of fiflfi thousand .foO.OOO)
dollars, conditioned upon their faith
ful performance of this contract, ami
for (ho successful delivery of Miid
waters from thu sovernl springs, wells
ami sources set out in thu general
plans to the place of delivery in the
city park of the eity of Ashland sub
stantially containing their mineral
constituents art at the springs; pro
vided, however, that for the purpose
of (his bond it it agreed that Hid wat
ers herein to be conveyed arc not
radio-active. All work and material
used shall be first class, substantial
and peimmieiit in character,
"Smith, Kmery it Co. shall hold the
city of Ashland harmless from loss by
icason of accidents to persons em
ployed in tlio construction of said
plant, as piovidcd by law, and to thu
satisfaction of tlio commission.
"All woik shall bo subject to in
spection by tlio springs water coin
mission through competent inspectors
employed for thu purposo hy said
Itocnl Inlor nml Offices
"Smith, Kinory & Co. shall employ
only local labor insofar as consistent
with adeipiatu ivstills, and shall
maintain mi office in Ashland during
aclivu construction work.
Coiidxiet Ilico, Liability and Term of
l'ayment '
"Smith, Kmery & Co. shall furnish
all materials, supplioH mid labor for
complete construction and installation
iih set forth in thu general plans horo
in contained, mid as shall bu set forth
from (imo to timu in the detailed plans
and specifications horeiu provided fot
at their own expense, mid uompletl
thu said auxiliary water plant ai I
start it in successful operation fot
thu total hum of ouu hundred thoiis
ami ($100,01)0) dollars, to hu paid by
said uity of Ashland in maniiev nml
timu us follews:
"In installments as thu work pro
dollars on estimates submitted hy
Smith, Kmury & Co. granted and al
lowed by thu springs water commis
sion, and no estimate shall hu allow
ed in excess of work actually por
i'oijned mid mnteiinl furnished, or in
total amount in excess of 8f per cent
of thu contract price, until .tlio said
plant has been entiiuly completed, in
successful operation, and accepted by
I he HiiingH water commission, to
gelher with satislaelory evidence that
nil hills for material uml labor em
ployed in Ihc said construction have
been wholly paid,
"Tlio piuty of the first pint shall
not be held liable in any sum what
ever in excess of tlio contract price
herein slntcd for any cxlnis, services,
iiiiiIciiiiIh, labor or anything whatso
ever, it being the intent of Ibis con
tract that I'm contract price shall be
held lo cover all expense lo the dty
)' Ashland incident to such installa
tion, WIk-ii Wink Is lo Itcgln
"Actual work shall begin on this
contract within fourteen days from
the dale hereof, ami be pursued con
(iinioiisly, with reasonable dispatch,
until completely finished.
ItlglitA of Way nml l"niiii(.nlim I-'urti-'
InIimI by CUy
"All rights of way and grounds
necessary to the construction of unid
auxiliary water plant shall be furn
ished by tlm said city of Ashland at
its own expense, together with lands
accessary for aerating plnuts, nml to
save the said springs from conKimin
atiou, uml ingress nml egress to nml
from nml over such grounds nml
lands shall he ami is hereby granted
tlio said second parties during the
progress of said const ruction without
cost, let or hindrance,
"Tlio city of Ashland shall supply
all fountains, general park improve
ments ami rondwnys that mny be
connected or made a part of said
auxiliary water system, not sts'cifie
ally set out in the general plans herein
"Tlio party of thu first part prom
ises and agrees to pay to tlio party
of the second pnrt the sum of money
hereinabove provided for promptly ns
therein provided for and set out in
consideration of the faithful perfor
mance of its contract ami agreements,
"The party of the second part
promises to perform nil its covenants
and agreements as hereinabove pro
vided and set forth faithfully in n
good, scientific, substantial nnd
workmanlike manner nnd to accept
payment therefor as provided in full
hereinabove and in full and complete
"In witness whereof tlio parties
hereto have hereunto set their offic
ial band nml affix their official seals
binding themselves and their success
ors forever.
"Done at the eity of Ashland. Or.,
Ibis the Ith dnv of .Mnrch, 1(115.
Itert It. (Ireer chairman. (Seal)
.1. I'. Dodge, secretary. (Senl)
K. A. Minkler. (Seal)
In presence of Cherry Starkey, Lynn
D. Mowat.
Arthur L. Kmery, president.
M. K. MacDonald, secretary.
In presence of Carlton II. Itose, J. L.
The statement bus been made in the
Ashlaml Tidings (II. It. Oreer is the
editor) that "they snid they would
vote the bonds mid that they would
sell the bonds." The methods xvhere
by the iicfomplishcd this aro now
known to you. It is to bo presumed
that other plain and reasonable, lines
of action failed.
Will tlio people of Ashland stand
behind such conduct of their muni
cipal affairs f
That the people of Ashland need
not expect a great watering plneo and
report to he built up under such di
rection I am prepared to show con
clusively in fuithcr communications
to you, backed up by cttually as good
eviilcnco as is furnished to vou in
this. M. 0. DHKSSLKlt.
Cottolene Unequalled for
purity and wholesomeness
The shortening you uso in cook
ing and baking should bo as puro
and wholesome as the food that
is prepared with it
li itMlf pure, wholesome food, con
sisting of ultra-refined coltonseeU oil
fine as tho choicest Mlad oil and
beef atearino from selected leaf beef sueu
Cottolene U not "Just as good" as other
cooking and frying fats It is 6er than
any other more nutritious, wholesome-,
digestible better In every way.
Cottolene does not absorb tastes or
odors. Heat it slowly and uso It over
And over for all kinds of frying.
Always use a third less of Cottolene
than of any other shortening or frying
fat Arrange with your grocer for a
regular supply.
Write our General Offices. Chicago, for
a free copy of our real cook cook,
"Corfona maku good cooking bttUr"
LONDON, April 11. The foreign
office has insliiicted Hie British
charge d'affaires at Mexico City to
lodge a protest with (lencral Villa
against the new mining regulations
promulgated by I he Villa iegime. The
foreign office took this action upon
the receipt of ii dispatch from (be
charge to tin- el feet that the mining
regulations in iiuestion amounted vir
tually to coiifiBcation of foreign min
ing interests.
r '
Tlio county court lias awarded tlio
contract for hauling tlio bucknhot
mm mw i i i if " "
"Bull" Durham an International Favorite
Smokers of experience and discrimination the world. over obtain
year-'round, daily enjoyment from "Bull11 Durham tobacco. Men
prominent in the social, business and public life of many nations
find supreme tobacco satisfaction in the deliciously fresh, mild
cigarettes of unique savor they roll for themselves, to their individual
liking, from this wonderfully pure, mellow tobacco. Their dis
tinguished example has made it correct, smart, fashionable to "Roll
Your Own" upon every occasion.
There is no purer, milder tobacco in the world than "Bull"
Durham none other with such a sweet, mellow, irresistible fra
grance. This rare, balmy aroma is as delicate and elusive as it is
distinctive and pleasing, and can only be re
tained and enjoyed in the fresh-rolled cigarette.
"Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes afford
wholesome enjoyment and lasting satisfaction
to more millions of men than all other high
grade smoking tobaccos combined.
a Package of cigarette papers will both be mailed
free, to any address in United States on postal
request. Address Bull1 Durham, Durham, N.C.
"MADE IN OREGON, U. S. A."---Isn't Enough
Medford Concrete
Sewer Pipe
Drain Tile
Irrigation Pipe
Valves and Gates
Lawn Rollers
Concrete Sand
Brick Sand
Plaster Sand
Gravel and
Crushed Rock
Office and Wareheuse:
R. R. bet. Main and Sixth.
'n V ii Jb jw
gravel from McAndrows Hill to
(lio. Holmes of (Jrlffln Creek who
will do tlio work by nuto truck. Local
teamntcrs nlxo bid on tlio Job but
their figures wore hlghor than tuoiio
for nuto truck no In tlm Interest of
economy tlio contract wan lot an
The bid per cubic yard wero n
1 4
.Auto truck
... .no
iToa in
rv4 4
Tlio court offered to give tho first
thrco miles to tho stcamstcni, both
lids averaging 1 1.20. but tho tenm
strn Initiated upon tho cntlro con
tract or none.
Bull Durham
An Illustrated Booklet, show
ing correct way to Roll
Your Own" Cigarettes, and
Construction Co. Inc.
Investigate our products. You can't go wrorvj If you
use them.
Plans and Estimates Furnished Free on your Irriga
tion, Drainage and Road Construction Work.
Cement for sale at Warehouse or Factory
N. Riverside Avo.
J. SEMON, Manager
Mouldings of All Kinds
lor either outdoor or Indoor work
nro Included In our mill work spec
ialties. They coroo In many patterns
and widths and cau bo had In any
length. All made of thoroughly sea
soned woods ot oak or tlr or ilne.
Their use saves tlmo and money.
NBW YOItlC, April la. Kotlillh
mont of nnolher record by Jlnthlelicm
Htcel, which roBO to 127, two points
nbovc lis previous hlnh price, was
tlio notwcortliy fentnro of totlny'a
early market. This gain wan soon
lost, however, nnd tho movement
clBtiwhcrc was ngnln Intllcltattvc of
selling for profit nnd renewal of pro
fenHlonnl operations, decline. Hoclc
Island roso over a point In recog
nition of tho now Interest In tho board
but soon registered a mntcrlal loss.
Numerous speclnlltlen, Including
equipments and Industrial, roso ono
to two points. TredlnK was octtvo
with reactionary tcndonrlen poforo
tho end of the half hour.
Afh for FKCE
with cacA 5e jucJi
Go to J. A. SMITH
128 N. Grape St
Tolophono 890
Medford Ironworks
E. G. Trowbridge, Prop,
General Foundry and ,
Machine Work
JZ& rHLIi x
5, ISBBBB8 8
J -tOl "Res. Piouo503X