Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Noxt Thursday, April 15, Is the fif
tieth nnlvorsary of the nBaaRslnntlon
of ,Abrnunui l.lnroln, nml will be ob
fiorycd generally throughout tho land
wllh approprlnto oxerclses.
llrtvo your .lawn mowor sharpened
by J, Vf. Mltcholl, phono 320-J. tf
South bound passenger train No.
J .I .on tho Southern Pacific was haul
ed by two engines this morning ow
ing to Jioavy exposition traffic.
Another flvo hundred pound ship
ment ot 'thoso delicious chocolato
crenmn going nt thirty cents n pound
nl DoVoo's.
Oeorge Lance of Gold Hill visited
friends In this city tho first of the
Tnxl lTic, 2 for 25c. Kostor &
Holltrook, l'hono 885. -12
Mrs. Arthur Whlteman of Klnmnth
Kails Is visiting with Mrs. Ilnsll tlreg
ory for n few days.
Take advantage of this offer and
make your own Spring clothes. -15
days sewing $15; drafting and 45
days sewing $25. Also let us show
you our lino of American Queen Cor
sets. Kelstor's Ladles Tailoring Col
lege, 42G . h & H. llldg. 21
Jnmcs Henderson of Corvnllls is
among tmTout of town visitors In tho
, city thlq veefe.
Maxwell Taxi Co., new cars, 15c;
Phori'"s7SL, Plcrson &. Tarboll.
jte.. 237
AL. Duller, advance ngent ot tho
Soils-Kioto circus was In tho city
Monday afternoon arranging for the
nppearanco of tho circus In May, on
tho annual visit.
Orcgonlan agency at DoVoo's.
Everett Van Dyke of Phoenix spent
Monday in Medford attending to bus
iness mattors.
C. A. DeVoo for subscriptions. "
Tho AluumnI association of tho
high school will hold a danco at tho
Xatatorlum this evening.
"Grown in Medford" vegetable
plants, for salo. Many varieties. Or
der now for futuro dellvory. Mad
, dox fc Bonnoy, Portland Ave. Green
house, Phono 8 7 It. 30
Tho Ilcv. J. K. Dallllo ot Phoenix
spent Monday In this city attending
to business matters.
If you C. A. DeVoc, you can get
Tho Country Gentleman tor one dol
Tho weather Imreau mast this
morning was flying a black and whlfo
triangular flag, Indicating cold and
clear, a sign that smudging will bo
necessary in tho morning unices there
Is n sudden chango In tho weather
conditions. Tho next ten days are tho
most critical for tch fruit grower.
J. O. Gcrklng, the best all around
photographor In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 3 20-J.
James Lawless, a pioneer prospect
or pf tho Ulna Ledgo spent last week
In Medford, attending to business
Candy, candy; got it at DoVoo's.
Judge IV M, Calkins of tho circuit
court, left Sunday on a three days
business trip to Portland.
Got it at De Voo's "
F', C. Frotnan of Talent spent Mon
day afternoon In Medford attending
to business matters.
Wheat 2.50, scratch feed J2.G0,
corn, -J3.2G, kafflr corn $2.25,
cracked corn J2.30, at Lee Watklns
& Co. feed store, 207 South Front
street. 10
S. D. Stoffy of Loralno, Oregon,
Is visiting friends and relatives In
this city for a few days.
Why not get It at DoVoe's?
John T. Summervlllo left Monday
night on a short business trip to
Portland and other northern points.
Matinee, tho Page today.
Coronor John A. Perl attended to
business matters In Grants Puss Mon
day afternoon.
Papering and painting. Phone
William Fnncher of Gold Hill spent
Sunday in this city visiting friends
and relatives.
Got your, nutter, cream, milk and
butter-milk', nt.Do Voo'h.
Mrs. H. D, llnrnoburg of Ashland
spont Monday In this city visiting
friends and relatives.
. Paporlng and painting. Phone
II, L. Gllkoy of Grants Pass attend
ing to business nlultors In this city
Sweet elder at Oe Voa's.
Mlsa Loa'hi Slovor of Grants Pass
visited frloiids In thla city Mouday.
Soe'Dave Wood udoui that flro In
surance policy. Office Mail Tribune
Dort Andorson of this city attend
ed to business matters In Grunts Pass
Monday afternoon.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Book Store,
JO, Saltuuirsh of tho Applegate dis
trict spent Monday In this city attend
ing to LuaJneiMJ jimt(ers.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop, Opposite Book
Tom Kuson who has boon 111 with
typhoid In n mild form Is on the road
to recovering.
Fancy groceries at DoVoo's.
Miss Cora Dennett ot this city
while pqeUing apples last year put
her nanio and address In a box, and
Monday received a letter from S.
Hrowstar ot London, England, noti
fying her that her nolo had been
received. Tho Englishman tolls of
tho war, and how ho and tin rest of
tho men, of Yorkshire are drilling
for tho day when they will have to
cross the channel nnd fight the Ger
mans, llosldos tho letter tho lirlton
encloses some views of English hills,
nnd tho training schedule of Kitchen
er's nrtny.
When your feet hurt don't try to
put up with It. Havo them cared for
by n Rkllled Marlnello operator. The
comfort It brings Is worth many times
tho cost of trcatmont. Tho Marlnel
lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Utley, 407
Garnott-Corey building. tt
Earl Ulrich has returned to his
stock ranch on Union creek nfter
spending n few days In the city at
tending to business matters.
Tho Grants Pnss-Mcilford auto
singe line will begin service tomor
row under tho management ot Chns.
Tho Alco Taxi Co., originators of
13c rate anywhere in cliy. Phones,
office, S82H; resldcnco 23SH. ' .41
John C. Abbott who composed the
music for "Tho Whole World Knows
The Portland Hose," Is a former res
ident of Ashland, nnd well known
throughout tho Hogue river valley.
Ills father was farmcrly a Methodist
minister at Ashland.
"My Mnn nnd I.ndy" tho Univer
sity of Oregon dramatic club which
npKars In this city Friday, appears
also at Gold Hill, Central Point, and
Ashland In southern Oregon. Tho
cast contains no Medford students.
Willis Hopkins ot Eugene spent
Monday In this city attending to bus
iness matters.
W. W. Ussher of Ashland Is spend
ing tho day In Medford on business.
Reginald II. Parsons ot HUIcrcst
orchard has returned from a business
trip to Seattle.
Samuel Hill, tho good roads ad
vocate, was a passenger on tho
south bound train to San Francisco
Tuesday, as was John C. Lewis, a
former resident of tho valley.
Dr. J. F. Hcddy loft Tuesday for
San Francisco.
Arnold knit baby shirts, sixes 1, 2,
3. Handicraft Shop.
r" Col. It. a Washburn of Table Rock
Is spending the day In the city a't
tentflng to business matters and vis
iting friends.
Tom Fulton and wife of Montngue,
Cal., are visiting friends and rela
tives in this city for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henry of Der
by have been visiting friends and
relatives In this city nnd Jackson
villa the last week.
A Christian Endeavor society has
been organized at Agate, with Miss
Josephlno Klncaid as president. The
meetings will bo held In tho Agate
school house. Everyono in that dis
trict who Is Interested in Christian
Endeavor work Is urgently desired
to help Miss Kinkald make a success
of tho movement. Tho society Is un
denominational. LOCAL VAUDEVILLE '
The llttlo woman that wan tho
prlxo offered by the Ladles' World,
Miss Mary Pickford, Is at tho Star
theater today In a screen version of a
well known book, Behind tho Scenes.
As' usual Miss Pickford is surrounded
with a largo and well known 'com
pnny of well known players, nnd tho
story Is 0110 of thoso pretty homo
like that overyono wants to sou
again. Tho play Is In flvo parts
and over two hundred scenes and tho
Star played to two capacity houses
last night. Miss Enid Hamilton,
and Cousin Mittlebergor, well known
local vaudeville artists will return to
tho Star Wednesday night for a short
season and will use a number of new
gongs that have just been received
from tho east. Mr. Alfred Owen, ono
ot tho best vocalists thut has ever
played this city continues to win well
earned applause and will remain at
the Star until Wednesday night when
ho will leavo for an extended en
gagement at the Majestic In Port
MONEy'to LOAN Will loan from
$1000 to $5000 upon farming
property. Earl S. Tumy, 210 Gar-nett-Cory
Medford Grants Pass
Auto Line
Leave Medford on Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday at 10 a, m. and
4 p. m.
Leao Medford on Tuesday, Thurs
day and1 Saturday nt 1:30 p, m.
Leavo Grunts Pass on Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday 8 a. in. and
5:30 p, 111,
Leavo Grants Pass Monday, Wed
nesday nnd Friday 1:15 i. in,
Via Central Point, Gold Hill aild
Iloguo lllvor. Huunlng time 2 hours.
Wild Animal Life at It Theatre "
iff filk3f&
kWm llillr ft
An Educational Keatiitv In fcoun P
day, Tlnusdny night-, April ISM 1-13.
It has remained for Edwin E. Sal-i
lsbtiry, the well-known lecturer, au
thor nnd sportsmnn, to brln;: vividly
to Americans n renlUntlon of the
bcnutioA of certain sections of their
country portrayed through the unerr-'
Ing eye of tho motion picture camera.
In so doing ho hnH brought the wlld
WASHINGTON, April El.-l'reM-dent
Wil-on him been given no infor
mation rognrdiiuj the plnns of General
Iluvrtn, ho told cullers today. The
president snid he wits not in the con
fidence of the former Mexican pro
visional president and did not know
whether he would come to Washing
(Portland Orcgonlan)
Plorco Hlggs, for many years a
resident of Polk county, near Itlck
reall, nnd Miss Mao Elwood, ot Med
ford, were married nt S:30 o'clock
Monday evening at tho home of Seth
Hlggs, 432 Market street. Portland.
Tho ceremony was performed by Hev.
Luther D. Dyott, I). ., In the pres
ence of relntlves and u fow Intimate
friends. Mr. Hlggs hns long been
ono of Polk county's most prosperous
farmers and In addition thereto has
acquired business interests in this
city. Aftor May 10 tho happy couple
will bo at home nt SCO Ivy street,
near Union avenue.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon,
at its noxt regular meeting, April 20,
1015, for a Hcenso to sell malt, vin
ous and spirituous liquors at their
plnco of business ( on North Fir
street Medford, Oregon for aperlod
of six months.
Ditcd April Cth, 1015.
Moose Attention. .
Installation of officers Tuesday
night, April 13, 1915. All mombors
mi(- Siuiiaaaammmmm fg'
art, nt It Thenttv, Tuesday, Woilni"
Prlcos 10. inc.
life, both of benst nnd fowl, where
specimens may lie t'u at close range,
The results of morn I linn three yearn
of research, known as "Salisbury's
Wild Life Pictures." will be shown in
seven reels of beautifully touel film
nt tho It theater. Tuesday, Wednes
ila nnd Thursday nights, April 13,
14 and 15.
The tmM motUM man in the world
(nine to town (oduy.
l'roof of the fuel None is need
oil. lie admits it himself. As for the
inline, it is thut of Al Hutler, special
agent for (lie Sells-Kloto Circus nnd
Huffiilo Hill's Original Wild West,
which is M'hoduh'd hero for 11 one-
days' enpiKemenl, Monday, May 17
"Say," he unnouncotl this iiiiiruitiKi
"we've gut the greatest show this
yonr Hint ever vu put together. Why,
we ve simply got 11 monopoly on .nil
the stardom of attractions ('nun Huf
fnln Hill 011 down. We've got u girl
that can turn so miiiiy nirsets mid
somersuulLs on horseback thut it
mnkes you ilizr.v to wnteh her. We've
got Hie best rlnwiis, the best ncting
miiumls, thehrst menagerie, the best
parade, Jh" K"' ovrything Jw that
ever wus iinintd.
"Don't Hike my word for it. .lust
dnip downtown about 10::il) o'clock
circus morning nml see the parade,
with Huffiilo Hill Icmlinc; it. IIh'ii
you'll know I've liei-u telling the truth.
Hut there 1 shall snv no more. It
wouldn't he modest."
Notlco Is hereby given that tho
regular annual meeting of tho stock
holders of thy, Hoguo Hlvcr Fruit &
Produco association, for tho election
of directors and tho transaction of
such othor business ns may property
coma before such meeting, will be
held In tho Public Library, Main St..
Medford, Oregon, on tho lltli day of
May, 1015, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.
By A. t ALLEN,
A. C. FJEUO, President.
Dated Medford, Oregon, April 7th,
You owe him ono. Ask, him it you dpnt.
A watch of his very own will help to mako him
1 might stimulate him to study harder too,
And ho can't bo lato for supper, and say ho did
not know what time It wus. Thus it will teach
him to be prompt.
And promptness Is something that's good for
Sure, got him a watch. Lot It bo a boy's
watch, such as wo have to show you.
of every slzo and description and for
every business. And you can de
pend on It that what wo build Is
built right In every detail, appear
ance, utility, reliability and durabili
ty. An auto body built by us is at
onco an advertisement and an econo
my. Como nnd lot us prove it to your
complete satisfaction,
Billies' Wagon, Carriage and Auto
South lUvcrildc
LONDON, prll U. The llrlllsli
government hns lighted, to jmrchnxo
tho cargo of tho Amerliaii steamer
Wlltuitmtun. hud to (omiiciiHrito the
owners for tow. An agreement in
this effect was reached linlny be
tween tho W. L. Ort'uu Commission
company of SI. Louis mid tho gov
The WUhclntlun sailed front Now
York tor Hamburg .laiuiary '2 with n
general cargo of food products. She
was taken Into custody h the llrltlsh
marine authorities,
Under tho agreement of today
Great Itrltaln agrees to pay (he price
the owners would hnvo rcnlltcd hint
it gone to llnmburg and nlso to com
pnnsiito the owners for the los sum
talked In consequence of the ship be
ing Mopped The government nlfo
will pay for delay to the ship so far
as this bus been caused by the llrlt
IhIi iiittluirltles.
.Mutcrtilc (Jilt's Delirious Comfort.
When those sharp pnlns go shoot
ing through your head, when your
skull swing as If It would Hpllt, Just
rub 11 little MUSTEKOLE on tho tem
ples and neck. It draws out tho In
flnmatlon, sooothes away tho pain
gives quick relief.
MUSTEKOLE Is a clean, whlto
ointment, made with oil of mustard,
Hotter than a mustard planter and
does not blister.
Doctors nnd nurses frankly recom
mend MUSTEKOLE for Soro Throat,
llronchltls, Croup. Stiff Neck, Aslh
mn, Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy,
Khoumnttsm, Lumbago, Pnlns and
Aches of the Hack or Joints, Sprains,
Sore Muscles, llrulses, Chllblnlns,
Frosted Feet Colds of tho Chest (It
oft'n provents Pnenmonln.
At your druggist's In 25c and 50c
Jars, and n special largo hospital slxe
for $L'.50.
He sure you got the genuine MUS
TEKOLE. Ki'fiiKit Imitations gut
wliat you ask for. The Musterolu
Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
(Paid ilv )
Solves tho problem for a des
sert. Nothing more palut
nble. Vnvii and wholesome.
Any flavor. Urielc, i'aiicy
molds, Sherbets and Jees
made to order.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
32 S. Central. Phono -181
When In Need
of a Cleaner
or Dyer
Best of Workmanship
I America's
1 fJurtaUxCTiulih II
ffte Gasoline
Icavch clean cylinder bej
causa it in doublo.dislillcd,
then carefully purified, II
burns up quick nnd cloiwt.
Standard Oil Company
11 I'M. Ila)
The Foul ear h liuilt ! erie nml In - im. II w
low in fiiit coil, hut lU gif.iet ieoiioiu i-. in llu-nlter-eint
r operation. No etruvu)iliit uiki,iii
eliargei no lumvy lire nnd it-pulr lull -jihI Hie
Hiitiil'.viug diiy after day ability to go nnwlieie, mor
liny kind nl" liinilt. in nuy llml of u outlier nml gt
hack ngiiiu Icik tliiiu twei ecntu 11 mile.
-r More tlinn seven hundred lliouniml Fold owners
are enjoying Ford Kcrvleo nnd experiencing llin
reality of Fmd economy. J
lltiyrri of Ford euro will sluiro In plulili if we hell
nt 'retail :i!l,IIOO new Ford i-iii-h lieliiecn August,
-lll I, nml AugiiHt, 1015.
:Touring fur $11)0 Kuimlioiit $-110; Town Cur ffiuOj
Coiiielet $7fi0; Sedan $075, fully eiiiipicil, f. o. It.
wJOn display nnd Mile ut
When You Buy a Silo, Buy
One That Has Made Good
Profit hy tho experience of othnm and buy u olio Hint hatt madn
good In every respect. Tho WEVEHIIAt'SHH SIU) Iiiih mndo
good through earn of Bucreimful iiMitge hy hundred of micceM
tul luera.
Hero nro miiiio of Hip reiiKini 11 hy
tho Wi:Vi:itll,l'Hi:il HIM) lm
iiiailo gxl.
1. Itn air tight rnuhtrilctliin menna
perfect eimllngu.
2. Rrlentlflcatly doHlguud and guar
anteed auchvrngo )Htiiiii,
?,. Perfectly litilanced, vutiy to hwIiir
nlr-tlght doom.
4. Safety tread laddem,
C. .Specially rolled vteol hoopn, thor
oughly testeil,
C, Specially deilguod, SELI'-AD-
JUSTINd roof,
7. SlavcH made fniiu air-dried Doug
Inn fir In tho largest ullo fac
tory In tho NorlhwoKt,
Big Pines Lumber Co.
.. lit
En roh'to to tho 1' "Why not"
Btjo California and its Two
World Expo.sitioiiB on your way v
Call on iitmrcRf. Affont for full information, liloraluro,
tickets, l'PBervatioiis, train HeliednlcH, oiu.
John M. fteott, Qcnorul PiiBSPiigor A't., X'orlhmd, Or,
or dirty
ones depend on
(tn&olina you use.
tho land
of Qua lit)
It hna MAKE (JOOI) he
cam) It dooH tho work It
wan Intended to do mid lo
rauno onco luHtalled It nev
er given troohlo,
i't. ,,.tSi
.. ...,
. ,'
Clonn cylinder
am' inll
J!t;r jM1, 1. Mffli
ijjMJ' if