Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    20? Second ItrMf
Medford Mail Tribune
Mjit. n.r, jiiti, hh, ifcflvy
Fiimc Tonight; Cooler.
Korly flftli Vrnr
Dully 'I', tilli Vrnr.
XO. if)
Baltic In Process for Ossowclz Near
Prussian Frontier, Indication Re
newal of Attack Upon Warsaw
From North Fierce Stnilc Con
tinues In Biikowlna.
General French Says: "I Know When
the Time Comes Wc Can Break
TliroiiQli tl'c Germans" French
Successes Give Promts Iro Opening
for Sprliiu Campalun.
Willi. Illi li'o 'lull llmill. iiiitilulinr
. ..... . .. - .... -. I " " "'
LONDON, Apui in. "1 lit (l.-nniiiiMif . KM . , ( ih .S(,r, uli. .lie!
nllncl; on Him I'iishimu Iniros in Hie this morning,
north, nenrwie Pnumiini frontier, was
lemiined volonlnv ami iinnthcr Imt
lit1 i ill plOglCSS I'lll' lilt' pilHSCSsioll
nf Ilic impnilnnt IiikIiiii furlii" nf
Onuclr. Tin1 iiIiiiiiiIiiiiiih'iiI "f Hit'
I'mmcr lce til' tlii 1'iiihvMri w.. in
Icrpictcd in I'ctiogniil ns iiidicn'iin.
lliitl Hie German IiiiiI i-i en up llicir
ntti'tiii( lo In fill; tlinitiuh tin' Russian
lino nf dofonst' tuiil nihinii'ii on War
saw from tin uiiilli, Imt il i nnw uid
neini-nfficiallv al Hit' Russian niiitfil
Hint (lit invader linvt' hmiiuht tip
linMilxfn niul begun a new ImmiiIiii rt -
IHflll, 0( nf , ) lll'IIMrtll hil-p' bat-
It'licn in nitl In have been diiiiiiiK''d
badly liv tln ItiiHxjuii kii.
Siege limit Damaged
Tlit' fiilliiiviwf (tciui-nfficinl slnlo
iiii'iit imtiii'il nt I'i'tiouriiil hint nighl
i enntnined i a ilUpnli'li In tlu Rou
ter Telegram I'litiiimiiy.
''Omiiu'i'Ix whh lioiiiliiinli'il
lliriiiiMliniil Intlitv (Sunday) by eight
iiifh hnwitrere. Tho nrliltorv of the
firln replied, 'eriiilv ilninngiug one
of lln enemy's slego butteries. Tin'
Getninnn Irit'il In send Tour Tiro niftw
iiiriiint llii fori', liuf Ihoy hcii' mink
"In Dm ri'ttlnn of .Jeilwnhnn there
who nctlvi' fiulit iiitf in tin' lienehe,
ilnrintr which bomb-throwers wcr
Five independent Aultiiiu nimio
ni npo-ntiiitf along tln Cunmthinii
fnnil. It ia itlil also lluil Emperor
illlatm ptinniniiHv i mincrvisiiii; the
wnik of the general staff.
Fighting In ItiiUnwliiii
A fierce struggle I'liiiliiiui'H in llu-
kowiun, m rilinjr In a dispatch front
lnclinivi. Tin Austrian nro re
pin It'll In Iihm' dispatched two armor
fit trains nttniiiMt lln Russians nt'nr
llnjnnn vo-teiilny. Tht'v won1 nii'l liy
n leiririe Tire from tin Russian uitil
ler.v. Oiii nf llit'in crawled hack In
Cxcrunwitx, badly dniuugrtl, lull the
nllii'r w'tiH liltiwn up. AiiHtrian trnapM
wlnt'li riilliiwt',1 Hit IrtihiH (lt'livi'roil
hvn fiiiinim iilini'k, Inil arc Miiitl In
Inn i lici'ii ri'piiUt'il.
Tlit ilinpali'h Dial four hli'iun-t'l-M
IohiIi'iI uilli triiiips. iimiiiniiitioii
unit u-nr iniitt'iiiiU for Sctliin pn-i'il
Olloiiilii, a Kinaanian lonn on lln'
Daiiiilii', yt'olfiilav. Tlit'v wcro loud
ly iliccifil li llit K limn ii in iim.
LONDON, Apiil I.'!, Fi.'lil M.nxliiil
Sir .Inlin IVuiii'Ii'm iiiohii:o lo hii
roiniltynii'ii al Inniit' thai "I kti'iu
wlitn (hi' liinu I'lmnv for u lo niaki'
onryii'iil mow w fan lut'iik IIiumikIi
'tin1 (It'inTiuix," and tin llritUli oyt'
!wiliit'MH' hlnii'iai'iit of i.i'nlav that
then- n io plain -iii. of tlit "Knulnal
Hval.i'iiini; of tlii (It'inian ri'sil!iiii'c
I f ft I wm t Wf P-VX I '""' 11 Him i ' I III' I-1 I nil 1 1 i l -in ii' "
IIPllM Ml- AlH 5 DI-IT ""' ""'''I'l'l'il ht'ii' iik an intimation
I III III 1 JlM I ll f ill 1 1 "'"I Hi'' iri'M'iil Hicmly prt'nrc on
NKW YOHIC, Aiiril Ki.- Anolhrr
Kpt'flafidar lino in llethli'hfin HIM,
wliiili solil up In i:il'u in Ilic firl
hour of lotlay'h liusint'sn, a nin of
L'l'a poiulH ovor yittnlny'rt i'Iom',
nlliaclt'il t'nily atlt'iilion on lotlay's
Htock niaiki'l.
Wall Htit'd Mill inclined lo tlto lie
lit'f that llio movi'int'iit, without par
allel in tliu ivt'cut history of llio ox
ohaiiKO, is primarily dun to the por
Mihtout opposition of tho hIku'1 intcr
tihl, loKcthor with tho hiiuill amount of
Hlool; availahlo for bpcciiliilivo pur
poioH, ,
Ilclhlclli'iii HloVI roso to 1 12 hrforo
noon and then dropped hack four
points from itH IiIkIi prioo, Tho on
llio maji'l moved fonvanl, largely
oh n roHiilt of pimt'o niiiiiuri fiom
Tho phenomenal movement llethi
lehem Hteel wan xaitl to ho tho pro
ourhor of an Important announcement
In KlookholdoiK of llio company. Thin,
il wiih Mild, would involve an increase
uf tho oompaiiyV slock with valuable
hiiliHcription lif-hlH.
nuiiiiL' llio mid-riCHHinn llethlehem
Hleol iiHcended to IIPl.'i, from which
il reacted materially, Hales of lletli
li'limn Hteel up lo 1 o'clock hnroly ox
oocded 20,0(111 Hhurori,
Hethlolu'in Hteel v l 1.Vi, a
iiiunIiiiiiii) Ki; of il I poinlM, Imt oruut
hied away in the final donliiu,'H lo
iL'IHy, iceovennH o lU.Vai u net piiu
ut only ijs.
KANSAS (ITV, Apnl l.t. Kimenil
nrrantemt'tilN for William Koekhill
NcUoii, editor of (he Star, who died
ihU nioriiiiiK, wcro ficiiifi cuniplcted In
the fiinuly totlay. .Mr. Nclxon had
lici'ii iiuoiuiiH'ioiin xiiico Tlmrdiiy la.
Death 'im duo lo iirauuc poiNonin.
.Mr. Nt'lsnn'x lal onnfert'iico with
hit iifcHiifintf took placo in hi-i lied
loom tho dav licforc ho lii'came nil
eont'ioiiM. It peitnini'd to tho iiccok
nity of keopin up tho fijjht for lion
ot election.
"That is fundamental for demo,
crnlic anvoiiunont," ho Haiti. "I may
not hf line lo xec tho fiuht won, Imt
tho Star will Huh! on with all its re-
fntirccM itntii llio piooonl rotten s.vh
t i'iii jm lirokoii down."
William KoclJnll NoNon wax foitn
tier, owner and editor of tho Kansas
City Slur. AHIioukIi he did not cuter
tint newspaper business until ho it
nearly -HI years old, he brought lo it
"noli oiiinnalily, ability ami energy
that ho built up one of the greatest
nrwmpert of tho conntry,
Mr. Nelson was hoi a in I'l. Wavno,
linl., ilarcl. 7, IS II.
Inlcimo ndininilion for th'e rofonu
work of Samuel ,1. Tiblen broudit him
into eoiTlact with that real ileuiocrat,
and when oul III cais old he became
Tilden'i Indiana eauipaiuii manager.
His inleicsl in political leatlership
made him linn to newspaper wm I; as
the hcl way to influence men in the
mas. He lioiiubt an interest in the
I'l. W.'.mio Sentinel and a luisines"
reeise dcteiiiiiiit'd hint to devote all
his tunc o jnitinnliMU
SI'WTTI.K, Wash., April 1:1.-The
(Ireat Noll hern Steamship company
wiih ndviM'd totlay that its liner Mill
nt'sola, which ran on soft pound in
tho inland sea of Japan yoslcnluy
ami heat sot oral plate, is only night
ly ilaiiiaued, She is leakinu' in No. 1
hold, hut llio pumps liavo'lio trouble
in keeping tho.waler down. No. 1 and
No. 'J holds will he relieved of some of
their enrj;o. The Minnesota will he
docked at Nagasaki. Probably she
will be detained several weeks anil the
passengers, will ho forwarded by other
lulu events of vaster scope. It is
thus expected thai the next three
months will be especially iiicinornhli
in this war.
0M',iIiik SpilllU ('itlllHllpl
Military wiilcrs aie of the opinion
that the icpoiled I'lench succcsset
hitween the .Mouse and .Moselle an
important region strelchiuj: betwcei
llio rival forlrossc- of Veiilua and
Mel, -hate given it iiomiiiig open
ing for tho spring campaign. Tbe.t
regard il as the signal for tho general
offensive movement which has been
awaiting the arrival of adequate, ac
cumulations of men, equipment and
Tho suspension nf infantry fighting
in this nll-impoitaat Verdun district
i has been -uiekly broken down us was
expected, by tho gallant 'lennnu at
tempt to ircaptuio tho po-ition nt
I.oh I'oparges, posMis-ion of which
enabled General Joffio to give an
other twist to tho screw of tho vise
wherewiil, ho hopoH to grip the Ger
man position of St, Millie!.
The ItiiNsiaii offensive in the Car
pathians continues to meet a strenu
ous defense on tho part of tho com
bined Teutonic armies, and although
it appears to bo slowly winning it
forward Inward the plains of Hun
gary, it has encountered rnoniiotnt
difficulties. The Austriaiw have been
prepailng their defensive position
throughout Die pciiod which has in
tervened since tho Kiissiaus first
raided this same territory.
ltellcvlng tho Pre.sMtro
To relievo the pressure on the Ilus-
sinus is an additional reason for tho
activity of their allies ia the xrt&i,
Thoiepoit that Kmperor William per
sonally is directing tho operations in
the Carpathians is doubted, as in
also the rumor from Cologne that
l'iold Mtlishal von Hindenbunr has
nuked for reinforcements to tho ex
lent of .'100,000 men to undertake an-
olhor oampaign nguiast Warsaw. It
is thought to he far more likely that
he will attempt to divert llio attention
of tho Russians bv a thrust from the
direction of Cracow,
i. Ml
After Thirty-six Hours of Continuous
Battle, Both Factions Await Rein
forcements Villa Has 15,003 Men
and Ourcfjon About Same Number
Villa Expected to Attack Today.
"Ruth 7Tqye ,
Mist Kulli Astor Xoe, who is or
gauiiug the women ot the 4t." con
gressional districts ti work tbrougli
their coiigresMiien for the federal
stiff rage amendment.
NKW YOltlC, April l:l. -General
Yic'toiiauo Iluerta, fiinaer pioMilcnt
of Mexico, began totlay to atteml to
the business which brought him to
New Yoik, mid which he described a
CI! A11I.0TTKSVI I.I.K, Vii., April
in. rounders' day was celebrated at
tho University of Virginia today by
tho unveiling of a hrniirc statue of
Thouiiiis .lefferson, dmio by ICarl Hit
ter and iiiesented to tho university
I by Charles II. Crane of New York.
"personal and family?' Ilic general
occupies one of the most expensive
suites of the Hotel Aiisonia.
Despite Iltteita's assurances on
landing csteidny that he would do
nothing while here to violate the neu
trality of tho I'nited States, it was
reported totlay in Mexican circles
that important confeicnccs would be
hehl hero at once to determine
whether tho lime was ripe for Huerla
to iuteiTeio in Mexico, rally his old
battalions to his supflort anil attempt
to put down the factious contending
for the oontud of that country. It
was saitl that agents of the federal
government hero weie keeping a close
watch upon Ins movements,
A statement given out by Francisco
Klias, tho consul general representing
tho Carranrn faction here, saitl that
lluerta's destination is Yucatan,
"wnero ne expect to inaugurate a
revolution against Carranza."
General Huerla turned over to tho
pohco a mysterious box which was
supposed to contain candy anil which
was handed to him as ho landed. He
did not open it, but notified the hotel
management. At the police station
tho box was opened by an expert in
explosives nnd was found to contain
a rambling manuscript written by
some irresponsible person.
WASHINGTON, April 1.1. Hostil
itics were expected to bo rosuiiicd to
day in the vicinity of Celnyn and Ira
ptiato, between the contending .Mex
ican armies under Generals Villn nnd
Obregon, according to slate depart
iik nt advices.
George ('. Carothers. Ameiicnu
consular agent, who went to Guada
lajara to investigate the question of
mining taxes, relumed to Villa's
beatlqunrters at Irapunto Inst night
and sent the state department its first
icport on the military situation in
that section. He telegraphed that on
April 0 nnd 7 there were thirty-six
hours of fighting, alter which General
Villa decided to nivn't reinforcements, In llattlo
More than l.,000 men, officials
here estimate, have been gathered nt
the front by Villa, nnd be prepared to
resume his attack today. General
Obregon is believed to have an equal
Stnte department ndvices given out
today say:
"Reinforcements nnd ammunition
are being sent to General Obregon,
who is reported to he still nt Celnyn.
"It is reported from Laredo that
a Villa force reached Httisnebita, on
April 11, and that the Nettvo Laredo
jarrison has gone to give battle.
"The 'military enmmander nt Aea
puleo has sent a mcssnge to General
( arranr.n calling attention to the ser
iousness of (he food situation, snying
there is urgent need of corn, flour
and funds."
Slioot Across Ilonlcr
Hrigntlier General Kvans reported
from the bonier today that sumo
shots fell into Laredo, Tex., last night
while jubilant Mexicans across the
line were celebrating a reported Cnr
lanra victory. No one was hurt.
The Carrauza agency announced
today that a telegram bad been re
ceived from General Obregon, dated
at Celnyn. today, reiterating his
claims of victory over Villa's unity,
and snying his troop-, were proceed
ing uorthwaid.
Prmce "Ertel
Prince Kilel Fnedrich of Prussia,
second son of the kaiser, now with
his command in the battlefield.
For First Time Supreme Tribunal
Passes Upon a Case Upon Its Mer
its, Passing Up Technicalities In
$30,000 Personal Injuries Case
Amount Is Cut to $14,000.
KOMK, April 1.1.-Information in
this city is that there is absolutely no
bnsis for the report that peace nego
tiations under certain conditions are
being considered in lterlin.
These reports, it is said, nro based
upon ignorance of actual conditions
'n the German empire. The nscrtion
is made Hint both Germany and Aus
tria, particularly the former, have
within their borders supplies of ev
erything necessary to prolong the
war indefinitely.
Well-informed Germans in Home
declare the determination of the cen
tral empires to carry the conflict to
the end will become apparent soon
when the campaign is resumed with
fresh vigor on both fronts, according
to plans mapped out by the general
staff dining the winter. The some
sources of information are authority
for the statement that not oulv con
Germany provide enough food to sup
ply her people, but that she has on
hand a plentiful store of supplies for
manufacturing onus and ammunition.
nnOWNSVII.LB, Texas, April 13.
Tho bombardment of tlto Matanto
ros trenches by tho Villa army be
sieging Matamoros began today. Tho
first few shells exploded in tho air
above. Matamoros. Only ono cannon
appeared to bo In action,
Tlto Villa gunners got the rnngo
after a few minutes ami rojipetl two
shota within a few yards ot tho
trenches on tho west side of Mata
moros, They kicked up some dirt,
but otherwlso did no apparent dam
ago. Iieforo tho rnngo was obtained
four shells burst over Matamoros.
NKW VOBK. April 1.1. David and
Maxwell Sladc, of tho law firm of
Slade & Slntle, attorneys for Ifae
Tanner, in the breach of prnmiso suit
she brought against James W. Os
borne, -wcro indicted by tho federal
grand jury today on ehnrges of con
spiracy. Two indictments were re
turned against each. Tho firs t
charges conspiracy to obstruct jus
tice, while the other charges conspir
acy to wrongfully influenco tlto testi
mony of witnesses.
Later tho grand jury returned an
indictment charging uso nf tho mails
to defraud against lino Taner her
self. Thero wcro nino counts in this
Albert J. MVCulIough, n detective
employed by Shulo & Slade, was also
indicted. Tho indictments against
him nro identical to thoso returned
against the two Slmlps.
SALEM, Or., April 13. PiCi-ciI-Ings
under tho 1010 constitutional
amendment vesting tho supremo
court to disregard errors In tho trial
of a rase and to enter such Judgment
as It bclloves ought to havo been ren
dered, that tribunal, today, In an
opinion written by Justice Thomas A.
Mcllrldo, modified nnd affirmed tho
Judgment ot Circuit Judgo McGinn nt
Multnomah county, In tho caso ot
Willis II. Hoog against tho Washington-Oregon
Corporation, a suit In
which tho plaintiff was awarded J.T0,
000 In damages for personal Injur
ies. Under the modified decree ot
tho supremo court, he receive a JH,
000 Judgment.
Chief Justice Frank A. Mooro anil
Justices Henry J. Ilean anil Hobort
Kakln concurred with Juxtlco Mc
Drldo In the conclusions reached by
hint. Justices George II. Durnctt,
Arthur S. lionson and Lawrenco T.
Harris disagreed and wrote dissenting
opinions. As tho opinion paves the
way for further like decisions, the
decision Is regarded as Important.
Attorneys for I!oag had asked the
circuit court to giro instructions that
ncltho sympathy nor prejudlco should
sway tho Jury, and although tho
Judge gavo such Instructions lie added
that while they should not let sym
pathy alono induce them to 'find a
verdict for tho plaintiff, It might be
allowed some play In their delibera
tions. This tlto supremo court today
pronounced as error, but It cited tlto
constitutional amendment vesting It
with power to disregard such techni
calities and enter a proper Judgment.
lMTT.HIIimOH, April 1.1. Ilov.
Francis C. Kelly of Chicago, presi
dent of tho Catholic church Exten
sion society, totlny dlacusod Mexico
ami tho American church beforo an
Impoitititt gathering of crogymon
lioio, Tho occasion wns tho dedica
tion of tho ay nnd hall and chancery
building of dloceso ot Pittsburgh,
Dr. Kelly Hitltl that present day
difficult Ich In Mexico wore largely
bocaiiHO of tliti'o serious questiens:
Tlto rlgbtH of conscience, land nnd
education, Mexico, hoVuild, had bcott
without anything llko freedom or
coim-lonco for over fifty yours, Tho
church property hud boon confiscated
to tho Htitto liy Juarez and bad novor
boon returned. Ilollglotts sehoolH
weer closed and ordors of tho touch
cm disbanded, No outward miiulfoa
ttttlou of H'llulun wits permitted, oven.
tllstluctlvo dross of clergymen bolng
prohibited on tho streots, In tho
largo cities schools woro supplied by
tho atato, hut outside such couiiminl
ties, Mexico, practically has no
schools. Tho stato has novor boon
nblo to supply them nnd tho church
wub not allowed to do so.
"Tho church has avotdod Inter
foronco In political afalrs," said Dr.
Kolly, "and church men aro notor
iously timid about ovon their own do
fonso, Tho churohoH accepted JunroK,
Diaz and Mndoro. Sho will accept
whatever legitimate ruler comos out
of tho present chaos,
"Tho story ot tho prosont revolu
tion lit Mexico Is far worso than tho
lory of tho first revolution In Franco,
It Is horrlblo In tho oxtromo. Murder
tins boon ono of Its minor fuultH, rol
atlvoly speaking,"
NKW YORK', April III. A lingo
peace flag floated trom tho mastho'id
of tho Holland-Amerieal lino steam
ship Noordam today as tho forty or
moro dtlcgntes from America went on
board lo sail for l'otterdam to r.t
tend tho international women's con
ference at The Hague.
Mi?8 Juno Addams of Chicago, who
led tho delegation, said sho hud
doubts whether it was permissible to
fly tho Hag until sho received last
night a message from n icprosenta-
tivo who had consulted Hobort Lans.
inj?, counsellor for tho stato depait
ment nt Washington. Tho message
""Officially tlto United Htales can
say nothing, as it is n foreign ship.
Hut fly ahead."
Tho flag was a snow white pen
nant hearing tho word "pence" In
blue letters, It was given by Mayor
Mitehol of New York. It was design
ed by tho women delegutes, uided hj
agents of the, steamship lino, .
LONDON, April 1.1, 2:1.1p.m.
Tho text of the note presented by
the German foreign office to James
W. Gerard, the American ambassador
to Germany, on the subject of sub
matin prisoners, is contained in a
dispatch received from Herlin today
by Router's Telegram company, Tho
text follews:
"Tho German government has
learned with astonishment and indig
nation that the Hritisli government
regards officers and crows of Gor
man submarines not as honorable en
emies and accordingly treats them,
not as oilier prisoners of war, but as
ordinary prisoners.
"Thoso officors nnd crows noted as
bravo men in tho discharge of their
military duties and therefore they nro
fully entitled to ho treated liko other
prisoners of war in necordaneo with
iutorutitioual ngrccmculu, Tho Ger
man government, therefore, outers the
fatrongest protest against n measure
which is contrary to international
law and sees itself at tho same timo
regretfully contpolled immediately to
e.ecuo tho vprisals announced by it
anil subject to similar harsh treat
ment a corresponding number of Kng-
lish nrmy ofheers who uro prisoners
of war.
'When, moreover, tho British gov
ernment sees fit to remark that the
German navy in contrast with that of
tho Hritish failed to savo shipwrecked
men, wo can reject only with loathing
tho insinuation that sueh a rcsouo
was possiblo for Gorman ships, but
wilfully neglected.
"Further proceedings regarding tho
Hritish officors who havo hoen pro
visionally placed under officer' ar
rest will depend upon (ho treatment
of tho German prisoners."
HOME, April 13. An order Is
printed In the Military Journal di
recting nil army officers to dull the
metal on their unforms and tho scab
bards of their swords. This Is a
measure which usually Is adopted on
the cvo ot war.
After receiving a warning from tho
mlnlstor ot wnr that In caso of mobil
ization the public schools would bo
used to house troops, tho municipal
council met tonight (Monday) to dis
cuss what moasures would bo taken
In such an oinergoncy. It was de
cided to havo school sessions con
tinued in hired buildings, substitut
ing women for malo teachers, who
would bo called to the colors. It
also was decided that so far as both
street cars and public utilities would
bo operated by women as far as pos
siblo providing mobilization rosultod
In a shortage of mnlo employes.
PARIS, April Mf 11:18 n, in.
Tho iniuiuo ministry issued tho fol
lowing statement teday:
"Yesterday a battleship, in connec
tion with tho Frenph seaplanes, bom
barded tho impmtant Turkish en
campment in the ueighboihuod ot
Tim bombardment of Gaza marks
tho development of hostilities, in a new
quarter. Gaza is in southern IhI
astino iienr the Fgyptian frontier. The.
city lies two miles inland frow Med
iterranean and forfy-eijjht " miles
southwest of Jerusalem, .'i'h Turk
ish encampment near this elty wwy
havo been established In Htttot
with (he. ntlvnuee of TurkUdt troopa'
across the Sinai iwuinmilH, lo tk Rm
canal. . 'j.