Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 12, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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KnHDFomr math trttwttr "MF.DFonn. ouiwox. Monday, 'aprtl 12. mm
Ht aM
Although noithweslern apple grow,
era nro discouraged because of low
prices In 1012 And 19H, it la now
discovered that tlio rlvo jqor nveraeo,
Innhiillnrr those two disastrous seas
ons, In around ono dollar per box
net to th grower. Thin Is n r.ilr
indication that the same avoraRo will
bo maintained Tor the future, assur
ing nfflticnco nnd Independence If
orchardlsts take proper precautions
to meet fluctuation!! from year to
year. Tho situation was thus sum
med tip today by W. P. Owln, vlco
president and general manager of tho
Northwestern Fruit Bxchnnge. In giv
ing out results to tho Itoguo ltlvcr
Krult and Produce Association fcf
Medtord, Or?Ron. This Is a co-operative
organization shipping the bulk
of the fruit output or the llogue
Ulver valley. The average for 1SM4
shipments was CI cents per box, but
for tho pats five years It was 11.04,
soiling charges of the exchange hav
ing been deducted.
Cmitc Sinking Fund
"The orchardlst must take the ex
cess above a dollar ier box In good
years." declared Mr. Owln, "and
create a sinking fund therewith to
flnnnco himself in the poor years.
Having received this warning, he
shoulud not complain If bankruptcy
overtakes him as a result of dlsslpat
tlng his reserve In land and stock
speculations, automobiles, fine resi
dences nnd trips abroad. These
things are all right when we can af
ford them but the last thing we can
afford Is to gamble with the capital
rcqpired to operate our business.
Just now tho grower Is suffering a
severe headache, the result of a pro
longed speculative debauch. The
thing to do is to sober up and faco
tho situation as other business men
aro doing. The result is sine to be
lasting prosperity."
Tnlutliitlon of It funis
The following tabulation of re
turns net to the llogue Illver Fruit
& Produce association, selling
charges of the exchange have' been
deducted, giving total shipments
nnd average prices per "box for all
grades by years:
VLKlHXCiTON April tLV-Tlie
Ifi.irvr Xntioiutl lunik, the lhre.o-1 tin
nueial Imditin'iou in Vhiitgtou, to
tiny liegnn hsrnl proceeding njniin-t
.Secretary MeAiloo and t wnplrullrr
op the rurroiioy Willituiw to compel
thrtii to dwixt from alleged oflViltn
ruin ilx tiuiius.
Tempo in ry uuii pennnneiil injitnc-1
tions were linked fnun the Oi-triot of
Columbia supreme court ngitiiM j
thee official. The hill of comphiiut
alleges that Messrs. McAdoo nnd il- j
Hnnw have persecuted the hank fur)
mill,. limn i v. nil- imliiiitiiil iti.r M, I
Ill) with it refu-nl to pay .f.'iOllO inter
est on government bond on deposit
with the Vuitrd States to eeure the
bank's circulation.
The refii-ul i.- alleged to hnvo re
sulted frimi n failure on the pari of
the bunk to make special reports de
mtituled by the comptroller, the -fiOOd
representing n peuulty of .flOO u day
In its petition the bank declare.
that Mr. Williams exceeded hi- au
thority in demanding such report and
asks that Tinted States Treasurer
John llurke be en joint d from with
holding the $"0()0 intcrc-d.
After hearing the petition, Justice
McCoy grunted a temporary restrain
ing order against the defendants, re
.tdrnnhle April 111. At that time ar
gument will he heard on motions for
the pennnueut injunctions sought by
the bank.
: .. vfr ' '- ivy &$
v ?j& ywff'iL t jOi v
"Russianizing Our Police System,"
Sociologist Calls Bomb .Plot.
Is stlinulntlng tS-yenr old boys to romnilt felonleHj In order
to catch them tit It a LKUITIMATK function 0r clly govennueut?
Tills Is the main ipieKtlou that the trial of tho alleged auiirehlHtH,
t'arhoiio nnd Annum, brings before the American people,
Tlum Is evidence tending to show that the Iiojh now' on trial
would tiflihor hao inado gun powder nor taken a bomb (o .St.
Patrick's cathedral If they had not been boosted along by n".rep
resentntlvi!) of the police department of Now York City. CreatTiig
crime In order to prevent crime Is a common police iractlin)n
the older civilisation of Itussla. Wo should liol Hiiiictttiifthl
practice In the United States. It Is neither wise nor til nceo'rdnnce
with n ron.oiiahlo standard of social morality,
If It W true that these boys were Induced to commit a felony
by a police detective, and If such a course Istiventually approved
by public opinion, It Is the beginning oof the ItusKlanlrlug of tho
American police system. It will constitute a backward move
toward the worst features of old-world tyrituulleul government.
The( logical end of such a beginning Is an AMKItlCAN
v There Is enough violence, anarchy and crime nlrendy, without
having u city go Into the business of manufacturing It I The ex
cuse that this course Is resorted to to prevent crime Is not, In my
opinion, VALID. It has been amply proved, over and' over again
that violence breeds violence. I believe that lawlessness and
violence, when used by representatives of the public, are fully as
dcmoralUIng as when used by nuarcblstHl
Of course. It Is foolish to Infer that twentieth century
America will ever allow a complete or eVn a seml-ltiisslaiiUIng
of Its police. Hut an lininedlate crystallrntlon or public opinion,
to prevent such n conspiracy iih certain witnesses decline was per
petrated in St. Patrick's cathedral, Is this 1 1 lint absolutely neces-wiry!
Above, 1'iatik Almrno, at left, ami Cm-mlnc Cniltono, sketched at Ihclr
trial. Ilelow, l.onUv Itvrger, famous miarcbNt, nltendliiK Ixinib plot trial.
Year Kx. Fey Fancy
Per Dox Per Pox
1910 1.2SS $ .OS 10.5RS .OS
1912 90,80.-. .73 33.83S .51
1913 Sl.r.M) ,1..',2 -10.955 1.32
19H 0.735 .71 C.4S8 .52
ft yrs. 1S7345 1.11 10C.4S5 .97
Year Cholco General
Per Pox Per Dox
1910 7.554 $1.02 19,420 $1.00
1911 3.405 .94 19,048 1.32
1912 4,909 .22 129,552 .CO
1913 0,527 .99 125.032 1.42
1914 1,295 .54 14,518 .01
5 yrs. 23,750 .81 317,580 1.04
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., 8txth and Fir St.
In order to derive net returns to
individual grower, fire cents per box
must bo deducted from tho above.
This Is the assessment of the growers
upon themselves to cover cost of as
sembling, loading nnd all local ex
penses. Cashmere IHMrict
The only other district which has
sold Its fruit through the exchange
for five years Is tho Cashmere Fruit
Growors' Union of tho Wenatchee
valley. On 077,982 boxes Its grand
average was 97 V4 cents per box. Tho
reason for tho superior averago or
Itoguo Hlver Is that most of Its ap
ple tonnage consists of Yellow New
town Pippins and Spltzenbergs, va
rieties which command good prices,
whereas Cashmero has a big volume
of varieties like Pen Davis, HIack
Twig, Jonathan, Stoymen and Gano,
very prolific and profitable, but show
ing a Jow return per box.
Tonnage ml Averago
Tho following table gives the total
tonnage and grand avorago per box
on Snjtzenhergs and Newtowns from
tho two districts for tho flvo years:
Variety Cashmere llogue lUver
Per nox Per Pox
Spltx'b'8153,725 fl.10 64,507 $1.07
Y.N.Pip, 20,704 1.17 105,450 1.19
The question arises whether condi
tions are developing which will make
low prlcos the rulo rather than tho
exception. Tho history of the Indus
try presents only one year worse than
11U2 and 1914 nnd that was 189C
when tho largest liioductlon occur
red during a world wide panic. Pro
duction waa enormous In 1912 and
1914, but tho chief causo of the
slump was general economic condl
, (long which affectdu other standard
commodities In the satno disastrous
"warmer, Including lumber, steel, cot
ton and orangos. In all theso lines
(here has been ft struggle tho past
yar to "get cost of production. No
body anticipates that in tho future
tWrt "will be many years when half
--the world will plunge Into war Just
M tjw annual harvest Is about to bo
gut. Th apple output of the north
wat will bq largely Inorea&ed during
Uie uet fw yearn, hut (his win I
Ileal Kstate Transfer
Isaacson et ux to Warren
Norcross, land in 2, 37,
2 W ? 10.00
C. K. Fads et ux to Everett and
Geo. Fads, lot 5 blk 1 Grays
Add. Medford 1000.00
Fd A. Kstcs et ux to F. K.
Phlpps. lot In Ashland 10.00
Chap. M. Allen to C. K. Kails
lot 5 blk 1 Gray's add. Mod
ford 10.00
A. A. Coon et ux to John C.
Phillips et ux. lot In Ashland 10.00
.Mary J. Miller to WllliamU.
Hale et ux, lot In Ashland 10.00
Laura V. Steelo ct nl to Dora
V. Wright, land In 21. 3S.1W 1.00
Lyman . McKee et ux to
Sarah N. Strange, land in 29
IB ., 1500.00
Minnie II. Stacy to Geo. W.
Stacy, laud in 10. 35 2W...
James A. McLcod to Samuel
Cozzcns et nl trustees, lots
In Kendall Add. Medford....
Circuit Court
Amco C. Dann vs. Wilbur
Dann, return of summons.
nank of Jacksonville vs. J. R. Ol
son et al, stipulation.
Don F. Wilson vs. D. F. Jenson,
M. S. Johnson, cost statement.
Pacific Mutual Llfo Ins. Co., vs.
Lester V. David, et al, affidavit;
Thos. K. Green vs. Fred D. Haw
kins, et nl., affidavit; order.
Proliatc Court
Maudo II. Macdonald vs. Archie
S. McDonald, affidavit; order; ac
ceptance. Estate of John T. Layton, order
confirming sale of real estato; bid
for real property.
Had IKno Ills Pnrt
"Edison says that we sleep too
"Well, It Isn't his fault, ho has
invented enough things to keep us
change the national total so llttlo as
to Imvo slight effect upon market
lly Kenneth W. Payne
NEW YORK, April 12. 'Hand
made anarchists! Uonrti hurlors sup
Idled to order! Apply New York po-
. llco force!"
j Is this a Just summing up of Now
. York's "anarchist case?"
Are Frank Almrno nnd Carmine
Combone victims of a tlevUlsh "Rus
sian" police plot?
Or did those two Italian youths
actually scheme of tholr own free
will to blow up New York's famous
rathodral St. Patrick's and inau
gurate a reign of terror which, ac
cording to the police Imagination,
would have made tho boinbsearred
streets of Manhattan run rod with
There Isn't a radical, an anarchist,
a reolutlonnry in the city who does-,
n't nsrert tho "anarchist trial" Is a
There Isn't a police official who
doesn't deny the charge snvagoly!
The police spy. Amedeo Pollg
nnnl, who mingled with the anar
chists and claims he "got the goods
on thorn," Iidb told nt the trial a
story diametrically opposlto to that
told by the two Italians nnd their
Tho court wa scrowdod whon ho
first appcarod. Leading anarchists
and revolutionaries being present,
among them Charles T rosea, the I.
W. W- leader, Louise Ilorger and
Pletro Allogro, famous anarchists,
who raised funds to back thoaccus-
ed. At every appearance the spy has
brcn hissed nnd made the object of
hateful glares.
On the stand he told how ho had
Intsluunted himself Into tho New
York anarchist circles, nnd how, dog
ging tho stops of his now "friends'
Carmine Carhnne and Frank Almr
no, In? had henrd them talk of using
bombs to attain their ends. Ho said
he Joined in the -plot, which he claims
they originated, to destroy St. Pat
rick's cathedral, and that ho met
Abarno there. He declared that Abar
no lighted tho fuse of his bomb with
a clgur, and concealed It under his
coat when ho entered tho church.
Put then Almrno, called for the de
fense, had told a wholly different
Ho declares that tho detective
sought his company, continually din
ned Incendiary doctrines into his cars
ii ml finnllv hiiifccstcd Unit thfiv inakct
some bombs with which to blow up
shops and wealthy residences.
! 'When he asked me to mnke
! Itnmdtf ant.l Uin.nn ', 1.l I.I... I,
uwi...n, f.., ', (ll, , 1,1 HUH l
was terrible. I did not think tho an
archist theory depended on violence.
Put he threatened me and called
me a coward, and .n?d If I disap
pointed hi tn he Would cut me up. Ho
showed me n knife."
Cnruone. tho other defendant, hnd
previously asserted that he was fore
e dby threats and blows to purchase
the material for the bombs.
"One block froip the church."
Almrno continued, completing his
story, "1 Bald 1 was not going In, and
the police spy said, 'You hud better
go.' I said 1 would go In and' walk
right out again. I slcftcned nt the
thought of sacrificing human lives. I
sat down In n tew nnd Just rested,
nnd walked back to Pollgunnl, and
said there too many to bo sacrificed.
While standing there I wns grabbed
by tho detective. Pollgnani said,
'Why didn't ou light that bomb?'
I didn't light it. If they nccttse me
of that they tell LIF.S!
Many witnesses bncked up the as
sertions of tho two HOYS. Ten por
sous tostifled that they had frequent
ed the nnarchist circles, had often
heard Pollgnani and his alleged vic
tims talking, and that the spy was
tho only ono who had over suggest
ed violence.
Much interest is being -huwn by the
member of the student body of the
.Medford high school in the appear
ance of ".My .Mini nnd l.udy" tit the
Star theater Friday itiltt, April 111.
The junior class of the local high
school has nnitle arrangements with
Professor lleddie from Kugeue In up
pear in (his city with his class, which
consists of umaleiir nctorn of the Or
egon university. The class hits been
very successful with (heir work on
tin stage ami everybody will have
the opportunity to mlmire the splen
did qualities skill and art of these
university actors nnd I he success of
their p!as has been largely due to
the splendid nnd experienced direc
tion of Professor lleddie.
A suit of unusual mleicst to
spoilsmen of southern Oregon is be
ing licunl nl (limits' Pass todnv. It
attacks the right of game wardens to
seize the equipment of fisheiiucii
found illegally fishing. The east will
he taken In the supreme court for
final settlement.
The action is launched against
(lame Wardens Sinn Sinnlry of llogue
lliver nnd Fred Merrill of (Iruiits
Pass, nnd is filed by Itains Hios. of
Omuls Pass. They tisk for judgment
in the Mini of. f 1.10, for (he seizure of
nets nnd boats as evidence, in a ease
of unlawful lishing. They were found
guilty in tin justii tart a Near ago
nl .Merlin, u jury in the Josephine
county court Inter niMpiittiug them.
V, K. IIow'iiimii, principal of tfiji
Mctlfoid high schtiols for lite IhKt
llnee and oiie-liuH' vcinn, Iiiim bcj'ii
chosen superintendent of Hie Kliu'u
tilli high school mid Iiiim accepted I jut
position, This action was taken by
tlie Klumulli Imii nl of diicelors ul u
meeting held Saturday in Hint city, at
which Pioressnr llowmuii wns pi'es
enl. It Is 1'infcnsnr Mnwmiiu's inten
tion to move to Unit cily nel July.
The cull to Klamttth Fulls came iih
n lesiilt of n disagreement 'of Hie
hoard of tliut cily w lilt Principal
Fought, who resigned. I In neccplunco
menus thai the local liimul will Iiiivi
to find it new principal. It was e
peeled by .Mctlfonl fiicnils of Pro
fessor llowuiini that lie would be pro
moled o the siipeiinleiiileney niter
the resignation of I. S. Collins. Ip
stead, Hie 1mm tit was given to V,
Meldo llilli of Niimpa, Idaho. i
Professor llowmiiii litis been tniii
cipul of the local high school for the
lust llnee years ami is highly popular
among lonelier ami students.
Tho law provides llial nil eouipmcut
he conl iscutetl.
Alloinexs Kelly of (his cilv nnd
Miller of (Iraiits Puss lepieseiit Hie
e,umo wardens in Hie action.
With Medford Trade Is Midford Mado
The best presentation of
the immensely popular
cut-n-wny shape, -,
The leading men's wear stores
have Idc Silver Collars or can get
them for you butif you have the
slightcil bother, write us fern litt
of our dealers nenrcit you,
oio. t. lot i co , nam, isor, ft, r
An Innocent Delight
"If a llttlo fairy canto and grant
oil you any wish what would you
ehooso for a birthday present?"
"I'd want my bruvver walloped,"
HMMRBBMSk '' -ff - "
Hr iHMHiK. - iHsHls38it:
If am wPfci
mm ;P tra-VI X
Testifies She Was Restored
to Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Lackawanna, N. Y." After my first
:hild was Iwrn I felt very miserable and
could not stand on
my feet. My sister?
In-law wished me to
try Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vu g e t u b I a
Compound and my
nerves became firm,
appetite good, step
clastic, and 1 lost
thut weak, tired
feeling. That was
six years ago and I
hnvo had three fine
healthy children since. For female trou
bles I always take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vnrr,ti.lili fnmrwnnn.l nrwl l VVnrlfH IIWll
acharm. Idoallmyownwork."-Mrs.
A. !. KKUAMEK, J071 Electric Avenue,
Lackawanna, N, Y.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkhum's
Vegetnblo Compound, mado from root3
nnd herbs, is unparalleled. It moy bo
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, Inflam
mation,ulceratIon,tumors,lrregularlties, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down
or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable, Compound is the stan
dard remedy for female ills.
Women who suirer from thoso dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
bo convinced of tho ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound to re
store their health by tho many genuine
I and truthful testimonials wo are con
stantly publishing In tho newspapers.
If you want special advlc write to
Lydia P. I'lnkliam Medicine Co. (con II-.
dctttial) Lynn, Mahs. Your letter will
be opened, read anil answered by ft
wojuuu autl Leld 1m ulrict couMikHC
Do You Know How
Your Checks Can Be "Raised" ?
Any unprotected check ever written could be raised fnun ten tn a hundred times its
original amount using a man's genuine signature at, a tool to steal his money out of his
bank account.
Do you realize what this means I Look over the next lot of your cancelled checks
that come back from the bank. Sec how many people have handled them. Arc all of
these people honest ?
A few pen strokes, or a drop of acid, will change the amount on your check so you
wouldn't recognize it. And yet your signature remains to show that you arc responsible.
There is hut one form of check protection that has stood thctckt of fifteen years. The
Todd "shredding" patent as embodied in
The Protectoraph
Check Writer
has repeatedly defied amateur and professional
check-raisers. It stands guard over the world's
biggest bank accounts.
This beautiful instrument prints a whole word
at each stroke of the handle fast as the hands can
move. Writes checks 251050 per cent,
faster than the old way and absolutely
protects, the amount at the same time.
It "shreds" clear through the paper,
filling the shredded fibres with two colors
of heavy, insoluble ink denominations
in black, amounts in red. 1 his insures
beautiful writing, positive legibility,
uniformly neat checks, enforces sys
tem in writing checks and jrturtlJtcJti
are protected fafort they art ligntd.
Anyone can operate it.
Writes full amount
In body of chock In
two color.
The Protectograph
Model K
You ought to sec this beautiful Check Writing instrument,
and try it on your own checks. With the new improvements
recently added it is certainly the finest office appliance on the
market and the price js so low you'll wonder I10W it can be
Htie'i another Proltctojrapli the famoui "NOT'OVER" innjfl known
the werM ovr for ilnipllclty, iluubllitjr, reliability. (Over 300,000 oftlili model In
daily uie.) It glvci crfrct ptutcctlun wlicte high ii In check writing- It nut of fit,
Impvruiice, litre It the familiar lireJJcil" line
(Words in Red, Figures in HIack)
When may I give you a demonstration,
on your own checks, in your own office )
R. E. OLIVER KrSSVfi: i-