Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 12, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Arf '4
w'i of hvu, m-c, is, hi: or hi: (. ii,
imp, .ii, it, s v Hern inn, iiixim in.uf,,
I rt 1 1 y II ID, Inii'M'Nl ID :I7 kIm fide,
tllllll IllX, tllllllllly, llllKII'Ml llllll (MINI
No, nun, ii. .m Miniiii, iIim ni-fi.ii,
I U 1 1. CI V . II. I V., ftl'lllMll lllnlllt'1 I, IIMt'il
l'ii, tu him til an, peimity in. 7 1, inineM, ooi I m ftuc, intiil lux, pi'imlly, In
(''k mill rciHl 111 Mill,
No, mm, ii. ii. nurfv, mwu, rre. ai,
lup id, ii. i v, ni'ii'M inn, iiixcm iin.HU,
iixiiiiliy tl nil. iiiIkhki iiu.Tr, emjtN film,
illllll lllH, IIMIIUllV. Illll'HHl llll'l CUM
Nil It'SI, M. H. (Irlin, N'4 if NHtl,
rci 14, tup nr, It, I V i iiohn KM, lukKH
I H 70, pi'lliillV K7, Inlfli'Ml 1,1, AH, conl M
r. , iiiiiii ttix, iifiiuliy, Inii'ii'iii mill cunt
No 'IMS. V. I), mill .1 Muni... IV or
HW14. h 11, nvi as. it i ticircM
III, imp 77c, iifiiult) 7c, lnlcii.fil I Urn,
iiiixlN Inc. Inlul iHX.'iH'iiully, Inli'iinl iitiil
rust ii.hii
No. Itll, ThU'ti I'Iih-n Mimlixr 'ii,
wu nf 'u wii si, 1 mii. a 1, it i v
NV i.f Nfw. KU nr HVVH r NWM,
IJ14 of " nf I4VTU, HI! nf H'W, i"i
an. Imi. at, II, 1 V, iicriN still, trinifi
117,111. iiciiiiliy Mil, Inlcicxl II7.M,
chiIh Riii'. inlul lux, iii-nuliy, liiiirtui mnl
itiml IIK.I7.
No. ID 1 1, MntcriirlHc Minim; coiiiikhiv.
NV nr Hlh,. Nl! nr HV. HI nf NWU.
fl.C 111, IWll .111, It I W , UCIW I (Hi,
Iuxim taa Hi, lii'tiHlly 13 .13, Intnl.'!
fill ilN, coMh 0u. Inlul tut, im'MiiII)', In
iMrcxt ami 00 hi $RS 37
No, II4, Tlm. Ilpwiil, NCnf HK',5.
Mil, IS, IWp S5. It I , MPIm 10, tllftxM
11.77. IwiiHllr INr. Inl'lixl II 13, cimlH
I'H'. IiiIhI I. iKtiult). Iiiliickt mnl imihIh
No 1011), II M. H111I I It, Hi: nf HU",i.
, 8". lwi 38. It I XV , lllirt'H to, lllICM
It flit, rtllll ' ll. llllcllHl U.tij HlH
IPO, Illllll lX, H'IMll)r, lllll'l't llllll I'llNl
iiv ai
No. 1917, (I. II. AIMn. .liii'kNniivtlli'
IJU lot 3, I. Hi. U. Iiixm limit, iii'iiulty
II OH, llllHIW.1 lt 10, -DtN Hie, loinl lux,
pHl.lllJ'. Inlxiinl mnl eimt 117.91
N i0, , I' Annul Mine, NW or
N'H'Vt, WP. 17, tWP. 37. II 3 XV. HITrH
vi, inxi'x 13 71. M-iiulty 170. Iiiti'i!
IJ.1'1, iiixIm r I0I11I lux. iMoiulty, IlilM
fl mnl cniii 17 on. , .
No Itifc3. Mmirill ISnIhIc. Ji.iWkhiiMIIc,
Hl(r lolM 7 mol , MM H, luxcu 13 IK.
lo'liully 3 lie. Inlirixt I I!', mnlM tile.
Inlul lux, iM'imlly. Inlt'ti'Hl riml l! 73
No. lull, I'nlllfji .Mc.MiiIkmi Jurhniiii
illlc. lot I. I'll! t9, tuxvii If. 37, M'iiiilly
bin, liilnK'itt II 13, oi'xlM ioc, Inlul tax
lll'IMlll), Illtl'IIOll llllll I'ONt 19X1
No ItHIS i"i 1'oimiilliliitril .MHipn Cn,
NW nr SWVt. U nr NIC V.. NW nf
NUM. Nil or NW'K, ! IS MVi 37 It
3 w. I'cii'n luti. ikxi'm uiim, pciiHtiv
III in. Inlxri-nl 1110 70. nixiH KOc. tiilnl
Inx .nHlty, intiTot mol 1 out t "0 II
No IViO. Mm J IC IIin-vp. Jurlimin
Ih, iliri, I0-3J". ki'IiihiI tliMrlt't I. Iiixm
H!ii, . iiHlty It'll' ImIiM Ml lf 71 i'onI
tOr, Inlul Int. tH'iinllv, liitrrtiil mnl conl
No I'l'T. I II TlmiilliKAn, .lucWiion.
vIIIk NS Ioik 3 mnl I, lilk ID, Imei
ill 19. tiKiinliy II I; inli-riKl 17 II, inihu
iilc. inlul lux, iM'tiMlly, inlcri'Hl mnl ci,l
1 1 WW
No l5. Trull LiiMiiixr (, NH nr
NW'H xi-ii, 13, IVvti 3T, It S W. Ni or
Nl, o. 17. ivt T. II 3 V, NHi
x-n. it. mp 37. It a w. tux-N 13113.
IH'IIAlly It il. Ililrrcnl 131 i.l. srl II lie.
Hilil lux, M-nnlly, Inlrrriil nml rnxt
No I'iKii, JmncN Voiinu. .IiiUiiiilllf
McCllll)- AiM. 1'ilx X. 3 t l,U. 33. Iiixcx
II.3T. pxiiiilly He. Inli'ti-xt . 13, rilx
Inn. infill lux, t'lHinlly, llilclriit ami coxt
No mno, l.nulx Ailmnx. Mrtirnnl. 79
Inn, mire Inl 1111 It 7lli HI. 'Irx, KK-IOI.
lux en f 19.11. tti'iiiilly II VI, Inti'tfiil
131.41, iiimIi. Cor lolnl tax, iwiuliy In
It'ixtil hiiiI riml III!. ID.
No 1SCJ, II N llllllir. MnUorO. IMrh
Ail, I lot 1. lilk. 3. inxi'H IC l. i. unity
At InliTixl 13 91. roNt tor. Inlul lux.
Iicimlly, liilcrfNt, nml III St.
No. lUJo. it W I'ariliT. Mr.lfor.1.
(IrtD'rt .V.I.I lot I. Iilh I. luxi'N 11X11,
linllrtlly II. X. Illlrrcxl IIIXK, iimlN bc.
iiiIhI lux, penally, lnlinxt mnl rxl
No 1971. Ilfiiry I'lnrk. il.n 67-IHO.
MMfonl. c. it, lwp 37, II. 3 V. upm
1. Ihxi-x 19 37. t'Hnlly V3i Inti-n-it kU3.
.HmU (1)0 lolnl tux, niiiilt), Inli-li'xl mnl
foxi lie ci,
No IV73, Tnrrix I! D.iiiion. Miilfonl,
Inl II. Ml! IC. Inxi-x M JO, pcnully Xlo,
Inlcii'xt IS II, cikIx r.oc. lolnl tax, nti
ullv, liilnrrxl mnl cnt Ill.i'U.
No ii7l. ) I Uiivlx, Mr.lforit. N
III fxrt of IiiIh 3 mill I. Mk V I'utk
,MI IKXM 101 NO. penult V 10 l. Illlorrxt
IIU6t. I'onIm tOr. Inlul lux. ppimlly, III
lin.iit mnl coxt 1101. 01
No l7. I. W luy. Mnlfiiril, lot j.
Mk. JllliXcx l! Id. Iixlitilty l'7C. Illlitokt
13 M. p'.klx Hie, Inlul lux, ii'iinlly, In
liril AihI ict fit it
Nn. IUJ. Win I'oxtiT Mnlfiiril. I'rull
vhIi Ail. I. I"IM 10 mnl 31. MK I, Iuxim
fi.IT. iMniilt HJn. liilcn-Nl tV3. I'ONtH
,,mi, 1..1 il lux. iMMiully, Inlircxt mnl cit
Km Itt l. HfMlxr Uiillowny, Molfonl.
U'MI Ail.l Nit lot 7. Mk S, tiiXin 16 IX
M-imlly Ulr. lull rcxl )l. rnxlN tiu
lolnl lux, pwinilly, Inti'ifM mnl cowl
.SilOSl II. C. (luriiHlt Miilfonl, Nlrk
nil ,il. I lot IX, lilk. 3, lot 0, I'lk. 4.
liixxN III 71, pximlly II 17, liitrrrxt
117 10, cmihIx (On. Inlul tux, N'inilty, In
IxriiHl mnl rnxt 173. SX
No Ilix7, II. II. HnrrlM. Ilulln Pollx. lot
7, lilk. 10. tuxnx l'.i 03, pi'imlly '.me. In
Inrant H 70. imixIm SOc. lolnl lux, pcnully,
lllti.ri'M wml rout lie ID
No. I9K9. inn lluiinoiiil l'l . Mel lot II. hlk 34, Iiixin 17.73, pen
alty 77c, InlwiiNt f 1.1)1, roHtM ftno, lolnl
lux, pi'imlly. IlllcrcMl nml rout 113 93
No, 1990, J, ,M, lluii'lwoii'l. Mclfnul,
MfliMiix Hnli U U'U lul i. Mk S. luxcx
ltl.92. p.n.l)l l.'.Cj Ililil-i-Ht tl&'Hl,
ci ml r.Oc, tntul tax, pcnully, Intcnxl mnl
iiixi I3 r,i.
No 1991. John ICIIIhum, Mcilfonl. Kun
nut Hull. Dlv lot I, Mk I, tnxm : nl.
Iicimlly 30c. Inlcrcxl II :d, conlx too.
lolnl lux, pi'imlly, Inlcicxt mnl roxt
No. 1913. W lvcvx-f Mnlfiiril Cot
Iniif Ail.l ill f.ft finnl off nf Mintli cn. I
Inl II, lilk I, IwM'N 10 llt.'pciiiilty 07c,
ll. Ml Hi 13 11.'., IlilNlM bOc, Illllll llIX, pl'lf
lilt V. InlercNl I'lnl Himt III.SA.
No IV9'i J, V. I. union, Mrilforil. tot I,
Mk. 0. lol i. I'll. :. taxcM 11x9: penally
1 1, VI. Illti'li-Ml I3 10. roxlH 50c. tnl.ll lux,
piimlly. Inlcrcxl mnl inxl 113.11.
No. limn. A f Lnwri'iici', .Mi'ilfnril,
llmikei- Hill. IiiIh a mnl I. Mk 3, iuxpx
13. .11). Pell, Illy a lie. IllllTI'Hl 1H. I'llHtH
r.oc, lolnl lux, penalty, Intercut nml coxt
If,. 7.1.
No. 1997, IhuIikIIo l.lllli, ilex. (13. U.',,
Ml'IH, 914 IICri'M. IWIl. 37, II. I W.. lll'IVN
HHj, 61.810 lwp. 37. It. I W, urrox lo.
iuxim IIS 60, peimity tl.BS, InPieHt
U'9.16, coxt r.Oc, tntul Inx, peimity, In
lcrcxl mnl nix! 179.76.
No irjx. !', V. l.rumxlNlor, MmUoril,
Inl 8, Mlt r,l. Iiixch peimity 11.93,
lnciHl II'.' IIS. niMlH Slip, tntul lux, pen
iillVi Inlcieiil mnl ci ix I I'll. op.
No 1999 .luck Mm tin, HH of HWU.
hit. JO. NW of NW of NW'4. Icxh 17
iicliH xnlil, Men 31, Iwii, 3K. II,
lll'IIH 10, XCllool illxlrllll I, Ill'K, nl Nl.
n,r. Plclile. N K0 mil. II 40 tint. H KO
roil, W Hi ru'l lo pi or luif. so itiTPM,
Hclionl ilMlrlPl No. Iuxim M'.' 88. pen.
Illly 13.38, lllli'lrhl 180 01. i'oIh SOP,
lolnl lux, pcnully, Inleiexl mnl oomIh
5il SB, .. ,
No, 80Q0, M, H. McailowH, Mcilfonl,
Wlilttmm I'k. lol 18, hlk 8. Iuvcm 8.09,
iiciiHlty. 37c. InliTiHt 11.78, cmihIh BOj,
lolnl tn v. penult v, Inti'iiNt mnl coxt fa IX,
No. 8001, Ncltlo .Mot.i-p, MriKiilil. Nur
rmrmi Ailii, lot 4, Mk. I. Iiixch I in I,
in'intlty 40o, Inlrri'Ht 18 96, ooxtu BHc,
lolnl lux, penally, IntitrcHt mnl roxtu
No. 8003, Murlln McDonnmiln Sli'il.
. foul, lol 10. Mk. 17, Iiixch 17.73. penally
77o, Inli'ii'fit 11,01, ooMrt Slip, tntul tu,
penalty, Intercut unit coxl 111 Oil,
. nWv'004, A. II Oniur. Mciiroiil, Hint'
wtf"lnrk Hull. IHv. lot S. Mk, II, Iiixch
11,48, penally 1 In; jnlcrcHl !i0c, oohIh nop,
lolnl lux, punnlty, HitnroAt mul coxt
No! 80nn, KilKiir I'nntiiiv, Mcilfonl,
Hiinjicl 1'iAlc Ailil. Hon. Mk 3, tnxun f 1 13
intimity lie. intPi'PHi nop, coxtH soo,
In K.t. pcnully. Intiirexl mnl pohIh 13,00,
No. 8007. t' M I'liulHtcr. 1), 1.. P 70,
IImiIioiiuIi Hull. Dlv. "P. 36. two, 37. It.
8W, iiciiM o, livx.m f IK, Jill, penally VI. 83,
Intel t-H t III 73, i'ohIh sou, lolnl Inx, pon
ullv, Inti'ri'Nt mnl voxt I33.3K.
No. 8U0N, .Marllm I'ownll, Mcilfonl. lot
10. Mk 71, Iiixch 134 73, pcnully 13 47,
Inlcicxt fICKI, t'lmlH SOo, Inlul lux, pen
ult v. itiicicHt iiiiii oomi
No, 8009. Min-y A, I'llpit, Mmlforil, nil
MK. 13, lot 3 hlk. 13 llcutly'N Ail.l. Iiixch
137.0K. ncnultv 13 70. Inti'i'CHt 133 73.
coxIh r.Oc, tntul lux, penalty, Inlcrcxt mul
ipxt fOS.oi
iiii i r i. itn.i.i. tt...i......i vr..M
NO, i
1,. V'l,, ', i.v,,,,, ,n-ti 1 1, ,, 41111-
ICUIUI AIM. Ml N MK 4, IIIM'H 3 31, llcll-
ullv 330, Inloicut fl 4N hIh sou, lotnl
lll. M'iiiiM, inicicni iiiiii l'l,fl i u,i,
No, 8010, Muhol Huuor, Moil foul, 1'ulmj
j j J - J
WOT yn-mH t A DO "N , j'vo ORC-RG.)
4t.7 I -7
1 1 ' ' . "
A. 1.1, lol 6, hlk. 8, luxe 13 70, penally
37o. Intercut II 36, piiHtH f,0c. Inlul tux,
peiinlty, Intcnxl mnl roxt 16 93.
Ni 3017, (I Hi'lileiiiiiii'rhorn, Nit 40
liotc I) I. (' SI, Hi"'. 37. tivp 37, II. I
W,. norfH 840. luxi'N 117.07, pi'imlly 18 70,
Inli'li'xl 1(7 K, ciiiIh AOp, Inlul tux, peli-
iin '. imiiti'hi mm rum iwo.,.
No 30 IX, IIckhI,. Idieppanl, M.-iir-inl.
Wllki'H A.I.I. N 10 reel nf lulu I, J, 3, 4.
Iiixch tin 90, penalty 3 09, liilcrcxt
ItviT. i'ohih nor. tntul tux, p'liinlly, in-
tl lent. Mini ClINl It) 1H,
No 8019. l' A. Hinllh, coin nt 10SS
rhH. H. of Hl rnr. I), I, l wo N, Ih.
M IKJficliH N It.St) iIih W IN.30 chH.
H II ti cIim. iii pnlnt nr hi'K i v luxi'N
111.19. priiully l 12 lutciMHl 7 6, (.'(ihIn
(op, inlul lux, iH'iuiiis , Intercxt nil cimt
119 97
No 1020, Jnllll C HelpllellMin, Mnl
fiiril, I'ntk Aihl SOxICN feci NW cor.
W'4 N't. hlk. x, iuxim I3K6, penalty
3c. Intercxt 8 17, rnxtn SOo lolnl inx,
P'.iiully, liilcrext mnl runt 17 21.
No 2011, Ji.Iiii T Tuhiit. Miiiroril,
llelinx Aihl Inl 12. Mk I. luxix X 13,
pi unity Klc, IiiIi'IchI S 13. ciihIh SUp,
lolnl tux, pcnully, Intercxt nml coxt
III f.6
No 3021, llaricy VIiiphiiI. .Mnlfuril,
Id mini I A.M. IiiIh A mnl 7, hlk I, tuX"H
111 36 p, niilly II 33. Intircxt 17 90, iinIh
Mip. tntul tnx, penally, Inlcrcxt mnl nml
131 99
No 3026, Wiwkn Alfreil, ami IMIlli
Urr, Mrilfnril hit 30, hlk. II. linen U9 9i
Pi'iinlty 117 On Intercxt ttOX 76. cmlx
Sup. Inlul Inx, Himlty, Inlei.Hi mnl coxt
No 2013, J. J. Murphy, lolx 3 mul 4.
Xfc 7, li 39, II 8 Ii.. acrix .It, Ht'liiHij
tlHlrh'l No 93. Uxcx 12 42. penalty 2lo,
Inlcrext II SI. pohIh S0p, tnlal tux. prii
llll IllterrHt mul I'OHl 11.70
No 3031. H II. Hlimiioiin. NW of NW'i,
nee 31. tp 3d, It ; w. aiti'H 10. tnxcx
II 7N, iM'iialty Ike. Inlcrrxl 11.13, ci.ilx
Sop lotul tux, H'iialiy, Intercxt mnl coxl
13 '..
N 8016. (1 V. NIoholH. NW of NI!U.
o 7, lwp 37, II. 8 K. ncrcx 40, taxrx
II 7x, penally Ho. IiiIcichI II 13, pohIh
Sop lotnl tux, penalty, Intercxt nml pohI
No 8037. N H Wilrh, H of HWi.
xrr 35, lwp 36, It. 3 It. ncrcx o, Iiixi-h
II 8X, prnnliy tip. llilcrrHl 18.79. CiihIh
Slip, totul tax, iH'iuilty, Intercut uml cont
17 94.
No. 803K. N ) llrophy, HW of HWIi.
xcc V, lwp 3V, It I , uuri'H 10, trtxex
II. CX, penally 17c. Itilcrrnl 1107, pohIm
sop tnlal tnx, IM'iialty, Inlcrcxl an, I coxt
No 8010. T II IlohcrlH, KI7 of Hl'.li.
nv 3. tup 41. It 3 W. NW or NWt',,
xi o II, (up. II. It, 3 W. ncrcx X0, tuxex
II. '16, penalty Slip. loletet 13 17, ciihIh
SOo. tolnt tax, penally, Inlcrcxl mul roxt
No SOU. H (' 4'ook. WVjj nf SUM,
ire. 17, tup. 31, II, 4 W., ncrcx HO, tuxcx
1.133. P'lially r.Oc, Ilili'l.'Ht 13.40. cohIh
sop, tntul tax, peiinlty, Inlcrcxl nml con I
No 3013, Urlul Onnloii. NK of HK.i.
Xrr 33, IWP 33. H. 1 i;., IICrCH III, IrtXCH
13 19, peimity 321. llmri'Xt 12 03. liiltH
Ao lolnl tux, penalty, InlcrcHl uml rnxt
Nn, SOIfi, (Irnrn Mnrlln, NW'I hcp 38,
tup 32. It. 8 II. uuri'H 160. tiixiH 188 XI,
pennlly 13 3X. IntctrHl 111.61, ciwlx SOc.
tolnt Inx, iK'luilty, Inlcrcxl uml runt
110 83
No. 2010. .Mnrlo N. 1'lrlfli. Ktt'U xro,
80, tup 40, It. I Ii. lu-rex 1C0, Iiixch
133 6V t, unity 12.17. InlcrcHl IIS II,
cnntH SOo. tntul lux, peiinlty, Intercxt mnl III 69
No, 3047, llxii Hhrlilon. NW of N pnrt
ki:i;, nml p.iri or nku. hcp. :a. twp,
36 It I W. nci.'H 130, tuxi'H 119 3X, h..
ullv II V2, luler.Hl 111. S3. cuhIn 00c, lutul
fxess , ; u 't
No 80IS, lien llnynioml Kxl., HW of
NW'I, NW HWIi, hcp. 0. twp. .17. II 4
W, non-M o, jtj cr NWU, hcp. 36, lwp,
3S, It 3 U X0 ncrcH, Si: nr Hll'i. hcp
12. iwii. 36. II 3 W neri-H 10. HW of
Hli,, hcp 31, tup, 36, II. I . ucrcH ki),
Knck INiliit. IiiIh I, 8. Mk t. lillH I, 8,
hlk. 2, tuxi-N 132 ox. pcnully M 30, Inter
cxt 120 HO. roxlH f.Oc, inlul tux, penalty,
IiiIi'IchI uml cimt S6 6X.
Nil 8049. Mrn. J N T MIIIit. 10 npro
xuhi city of Muifoni out or i:h Hi:4.
hcp 30, tup 37. II 8 W . iirrcx In, Iiixch
110 36. peimity II 113, Inlcrext 6 SB, oontH
sop. lutul tux, penalty, Intercxt uml roxt
fix IS,
Nn. 8060, II. It. Dunn, Nil of Rim,
hcp, 33, twp. 31. It. 4 W, 40 hitch, NW
of HWU, hcp 34, twji. 31. II. 4 W. norcH
40, il.H S4-427, hcp, S, twp. 39, II. I K.
ucrcH 30, It It. Ail.l lo Axlilan.l. lot 13,
hlk I). Iiixch III 03. pcnully II 10. In
leiexl 17 16. oohIn sop, tntul lux, pcnully,
Inlcrext mul rnxt 1 19.7s,
No, 1769, John Due, nam,' unknown.
It II. Aihl AhIiIuiiiI, lol 3, Ml! D, tnM's
1.1 80. penally 3xo. Intercxt 13 13. oohIn
sop, total tnx, penally, intercxt uml coxl
No. 1976. K, II Dowiirco. Mcilfonl,
HmiHct I'mk Huh Dlv. lol S, hlk. 3, ucrcH
I, Iiixch 1161, pcnully 4i!o. IntcrcHt
13.91, i'ohIh SOo, tntul tux, penally, In
lcrcHl mnl coxl fl SI
Von, uml each nf )on, uh the owii'TH nf
Ihn IcKul llllo oflho iihmc iIchoiIIiciI pro
peily, uh tho xanic !iipc,iiH of rcconl, uml
cacli or Hi" fori'Kolui; nanieil pcrxonn, arc
licrchv further nnllflcil Hint xuhi Jack
Him County, OrcKou, tin plalniirr herein.
will apply lo (ho Olti'itll ("inirl of the
county uml xlalc ufmcHiilil for u ilecrcc
foicciuxluir the lieu iiKnlnxl the pi op. 'i
ty nlinvn ilcHcilhcil uml inrntlnnnl In xal.l
ceriiricalcx. Ami nu urn hcichy Mini
Piuncit tn appear ullliln xlxly il.iyn uricr
the rirxt polillcallnn of thlH hiiuiiuoiih,
cxcIiihIvii of llni ilay of xal.l flrxt tuihll
outlou uml ilcfcinl IIiIh act Inn, nr pay
the nniount tluo iih uhoi nhown, lo
uollicr wllh cohIn uml ui'urucil Inlcrcxl,
mul In riiHo nf your failure to tin ho h
ilorrco will ho rcnilcrcil rorccloxliik llio
lien of Midi Iiixch urlil oomIm u.'ulnHt I ho
IiihiIh uml PiciiiIhoh uhovo liaineil ThlH
HilininniiH m pulillliiil hy ordir of thu
llonornbln 1. U. Ton Vcllc, Jinluo of tlm
f'minly Court of thu Hlntu or Ori'KOn
for tlm County of .Inpkxon, uml hiiIiI
onlcr wiih muiio thin 29th day of Mnroh,
lOIS, mul thu ilulo of I ho firHt pulillcii
tlun of HiIh HiiiuiuonH Ih thu SVIh ilay nr
March, 19IB. All proooHH nml papciH In
HiIh tirooccillnu iiiuy ho xervnl upon the
uiulciHlKncil li'Hlclluir within thu Hluto nf
(Iii'muii ut tlm uihlrcHH ln.rclnaf lev 'imni
lluncil. 17. 17. KKM.Y.
.... Attorney l"1 l'lulnHtf.
AihlrcxH, Mcilfonl, Oicwoii.
Tn llio Clronlt Courl of (ho Rlnto of
OrcKou for llio County of .InckHon,
Wllllmn H. Crnwcll. Vliilulirr. vn. Miiry
II, DilKKcIt, (IcoiKu 11 DilKKott, mill K,
II, Mulhlxun, DcfcmliintH. "
Hull for rorcphiHiirn.
To Muiy II. DauKotl. Ooortin H. DnR
Kctt nml V. (1. MiuIiIhoii, tlui uhovo nam
oil ilefeiHlantH!
In I lin iinino nf tho Hluto of Oregon
You uml each of you uro horcliy rcipilicil
to iipponr uml uiihwoi' tho plnlnllffH
rompluliit iiKnliiHt you now on flln In
thu uhovo i'ii 1 1 1 li-tl court uml puiiho on
or hnfoio tho hint iluv of tho tlmo pro
iiorlhi'il In tho onlcr for llio luihllontlnn
of hiiiiuikV.. hoiuln, In-wit; On or ho
foru I lu lull day f May, 1UIB, paid
ilutn hclnir tho expiration of Hlx wooku
finio tho ilutn of thu fhHt iiiihlli'utUm
Ami If yiii full lo uppciir mul miHWor,
for want (Jiviour, thu plulnilff will apply
in llio court for Hi" icll'if ileiimii.leil In
xal.l loinpliilnl, xiK.cliii'lly xtatcd on foil
I'nr liiilKineiit aualnxl Dm ilcfctuhinlH,
Mary )l luKK'tl mnl fli-orKo II, Daw-
i:en, lor iin run hiiiii nr r,,uuu.uu in
ki'IImt with InlcrcHl llie,iiii nt tlm rnlo
or x jit r ci nt milium from tlm 3nl ihiy
of H'pli'iihr, lull, until tmhl, mill for
the cohih mot OIhIiiiihi iiicntH or tlilx xiiil
luiiuilliiH 1600 uu ri'iiHonnhle iitturmyH
fl KH
That tho tl t In hnnd nml wnrrnnty
ihiil ihHcrlhcil In xal.l cninplulnt hn hy
lin- court ihori'i'il ii ninrtKHKo for tlm
full payment if tlm uKkri'Kiiln hiiiii of
Iirlnclpnl, Inlcrcxl, atlurncy'H feen nml
coxtH, nml Hint tho convejanen from tlm
ilcfciiiluiilH, Mnry II. DukkoU uml Ucor Ki
ll. DiiKU'tll. to Hi" ili-rcmlnnt r. (,
MiithlHoit, hn ilecrcol xnlmnlljialc, huIi-Hi-iuent
uml Hiihlcct to plultitlff'n xuhi
nierlHrtptc: Hint the tircmlxiH incutlonnl
In wil.l ciiinplulnl uml ilcxcrlheil iih fol
Iuwh In. wit.
Ih'liiK lit No II, O II DauKctt Orch
iimIh, ilexcrlhiit iih rolhWH
I'roin Hm N. W. corner of I). I.. C.
No. 67 In Tp, 37 H. nf II, 2. XV XV M
run H 1 il.! Of Hunt on Wont I.lim nf
xalil Cluliu. 26X6 ft , Ihclifu N. X9 ili'K,
SS' 11 1266 ft In Ihn pnlnt nf hi'KlliniliR.
Ili.lll n N 0 ilcK. 01' W 8IX.0 feel, thclicn
N. Xa i),K 64' Ii, 170 0 fn't. Ilmiiro N.
0 itcir UT V, 460.0 feci; Ihtrici" N. fiO
ilc. 6& K, 437 feet to draw, lliencn H.
26 ilex 66' W., 27 0 feet In ilruw; thclirn
H 62 iIcK l-V Ii-. UNO fii't In draw,
llimu'ii H 63 ilrij., 05' W, X6 n feet In
ilruw. thence N X2 il"jc. IS' '.. 116 0
fpet In ilniw; IhcnpK R IS lieu 0 XV.
64.0 feet III ilruw, Ihenci H. 81 '!'(,'. 30'
123 0 r.ct In ilrnw. I hence H. C3 ilcir.
0 w , 836 (I reel Iii ilruw: tlifticn R 3S
lei:. 30' W . 48 il fn'l Iii ilrnw; Ihcmi
H X ilejf. 03 K 8411 0 reel III ilr.nv 10
leinl: I hence H. K9 ileit. SS' W , 3XS 0 fii't
In ilrnw lo Dip pnlnt of heclnnloir, con
InlnloK C IS urrcH.
AIho lit No. 4, O. II. I).ikriU Orcll
nr.U. ilcHcrlhcit nn fnlloHH.
I'roin it Htoim iniimiincot nt I ho N, W.
enrnrr of Ii, U C No. 67 In Tp, 37 H
of II. 2 XV. W. M., run H. 9 ilxif. 47'
llixl. 1069 0 fii't on Huhl claim lion to
tlm point of hrKlnnlnir: Ihrnn H 89
ih-ir 47' K. 360 u fii't nn claim line,
llicnrn H o iIck. 4' Il tseo.o feet: thenc
N. 9 ih-ir 47' W. 3S0O rw. thenco N
0 ihK. 04' W., 1860.0 feet tn the Mllot of
iM'KlnnlUK. cnnliilnliiK 10.11 ucreH,
he HOhl uh hy law provhlcil nml tho pro
cciIm. ur Hiifflrli'iit thereof, ho applied
In payment of huI.1 Jiiilioonit, cohIh nml
iiccruliiK ciihIh, nml that tlm iWenilantH
nml isich nf them In, Par red nml fori
cIiihoiI of nny nml nil rlulit. title nml In-ten-Hi
In nr lo xnlil ilrHCrltx-it prclllUoH
exci'iit nn hy ntutiitn provldnl,
ThlH HiumnoiiH Ih )iulillnlu-, In Hie
Medfiiril Mnll Trlhune hy nnlor of the
lion. I. M Calklnx. IipIko of Ihn nhovn
etitllleil courl. which nnld order wnx
Illllll" und i ntered of record on the 3rd1
day of March. 1916. ami In compliance
therewith tho dnlo of tho rirnt puhlleii
linn hereof In the filh dnv nf April 1915.
W II l'llII'PM.
.tlnrney for Plaintiff.
Koit m:xT .Atiscici.i.ANrcouH
KOK HKNT The "OrPKon' rooinlnB
littiixo. Cnll at lLTi N. Itlvorslilo.
ron kk.vt iioi'.si:Ki:i:ti.n
i-'Oll Iti:NT Suite of 2 or 4 "hoiie'o
l;ot'iltiK' rooms, ftirnlnlieil. lower
floor, inotloriu 719 W. lltli.
FOIl HAI.K -Now and secoml hand
store or will trade, for homestead
rclliuiiilslimoiit. For purtlctilnra
ntlil reus Cooper & Krnuso, Albany,
Ore. 22
IX)lt UR.Tv-r1lfflli
I'Oll ItKNT Modorn "threo nnom
furnished huusu on pavement,
close In. Apply K. II. French,
phono 7;t0-lt. 18
FOIl HUNT Modern five room plns
torotl Iioiiro. I'losetB, cupboards,
screen porch. Inuulro 722 North
ltlversldu. Phono 229-L. 22
FOn IIHXT A nlco 5 room modern
bttiiKiilow, Reed locution. K20
West 12th. 22
FOIl HUNT Furnlshod fi-room mod
urn buiiRiilow, east lde: wutor
ptild, $1G,00. IMiono i:tX. 20
FOR IIkSt loern4.rooaTa7r
iiinnt: very close; 144 S. Central.
Phono 479 M.
FOIl HUNT Ono S-room resldonce:
also furnlshiHl hoiiBeUeupInR rooms,
310 N. Uarllett.
FOIl HliNTModorn fiirnlslujdliouso
W. II. Kvorlinrtl, 1013 V. 9th,
, Phono 007J.
FOIl HUNT Furnished house, 4
rooms, Htrlrtly motlorn, una dIock
from nuw federal bulldliiR. Phono
931L or call nt 243 N. Holly St.
FOIl HUNT Closo In four room
hoiiso ono block south of park.
Reed Roll for garden, ?G per month
with city water paid. Address P.
O. box 207, Medford, Oro.
FOR HUNT Ono C-room furnished
Iioiiho, and also furnlshod Iioubo
koeplnR rooms. 310 iN. llartlott,
FOIl ilKNT Six room'housol inoit
orn convenloncou; Reed ropalr,
barn, chickens; lot 2 blocks from
City Park, ?U por month, wator
lmld. Ilitutlro 718 West Mum, 21
Employment Agency
llnoiu Ultl finriiott-Coroy llldn.
Phono INS
Situations wnuluJ, man and wlfo
on rnnch,
Womtm wants Ronoral ltouB0,orlc
or work by tho day.
Adolph Meant to
rooitm. Tlm
Moilorn furnished
CotltiKo. CO 4 Wfstt
Iroit ItKNT HI"-ilnK room In mod
I ru houito. I'hono 372J.
TMK PALM rooms, licitt rooming
Iioiiko In .Mi'ilfonl. I'rlcon 3oc nml
r.0c. Wcokly rales. 28
OIi;N 7fi0,000 ncrcs for jwttte
incnt; fruit, timber, ncnoral farm
lands: fK-'iid 25c with this ad to
Wcnatclica (Wash.) Dally World,
Duit. T, for rt'llublo data ubout
this roKlon.
roit SAM': Cltnlco lot of Mnscova
or itincl(loss (lucks, Just tho kind to
rulxtf. 'Mcilfonl Poultry and I'kk
Co. 20
FOIl HAM: Large, onrly, homo
Rrown tomato plunts now ready,
ntiy quantity. Alio okk, ixspiior and
other plants far utile, nt (Irocury
Stores, Public Market and (Jroeti
hntisrs. Mnddox ft Donney, I'ort
luud Avo. (Jroenhottties, Phono STIC.
FOIl SAI.K Or trade, n IiIrIi class
parlor organ In Reed condition.
121 S. CottaRc. 23
FOIl SALIJ Tomato plants now
ready. C. Carey, phono 1C-FU.
Address Tnlont.
FOIl SAKK 81111 havo n fow tons of
loose alfalfa hay, $H per ton at
barn on Itoss Iine. 0. Alder.
TOR SAI.K Flanders 20, five pas
setiRor aut6j'lii flni repair; Reed
tires. $3.0. Inquire W. II. Cran
tlall. Kaslo Point, Phone 5F3. 20
FOIl SAI.K Four to six weeks old
Ilarred Hock chickens, 30c each.
Phono 3F2. 19
FOIl BALK Thoroughbred Ilarred
Plymouth Hock crrs rc each; crrs
nil fertile. Phono 2F3. IS
FOR SALK Medium weight automo
bile, runabout body, now rear
tires, best rash offer this month
will take It. Address P. O. box
207, Medford, Oro.
FOR SALK To orchard bonds In
Rogtio River Commercial Orchard
No. 2. Cost SCOO ami will sell for
$500. Address M. II. Yates, 922
Kmplro Wdg.. Atlanta, Georgia.
F OR S A L K Unlrrlgated, homo
Brown potatoes. Sir Walter Ral
eigh, Hundred Fold and Now Snow
varieties. 1.C0 per 100 lbs. K. W.
Carlton, Uppor Tablo Rock. 22
FOR SALK Ladles 20-100 knrat
diamond ring, very cheap. Phone
38GM. 22
T.'OI? KAl.TCr. rnnm liinilnrn enttneiv
out buildings, lot 50x140, or will
rent furnished or unfurnished. In
Uitlro of owner, 018 South King
street. 22
FOR SALE- Acroago near tho city at
special bargain prices. Seo owner.
Phono .174, 100D K. Main St. 33
FOR SALK- If you want a flno SO
aero farm ami fruit ranch near
KorIo Point, Oro., 03 acres being
cultivated, on county road, all
fenced, flno water, all necessary
buildings, seo J. T. Carpentor, own
er. 345 N. llartlott St. 33
llecauso my stock In tr.itlo Is to
havo optioned nt tho lowest cash
prlcu thu host buy In this county.
I havo been on tho ground look
ing out for you for tho past flvo
yonra. Nearly everyday l havo In
vestlRatod sotno "Reed thing." 1 havo
ollmlnntod everything except thoso
deals which I am convinced wilt se
cure mo satisfied customers.
In u few hours, timo I cnu glvo you
tha benefit of this research. It ts my
buslnoss to show you over tho county
and introduce you to tho possibilities
and opportunities here. Soo Mod
ford first and
Room li()l. Flrxt National llurk lllth;.
Roguo Rlvor Valley Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and
Timber. Colonization Tracts, Best
all-the-yoar-round climate on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Ifciaver lUmJty Oo. Aaklaiitl, Oretfom.
Koit hk.vt n;MMni) hoomh ron 8AM!-MrcsTOCK ros nDHiyiatfi i piiikotoiw
Sidestep Potatoes
FOIl SAI.K Two good cows, one
fresh largo milker, one coining
fresh about May 1st. J as. Camp
bt'll, Phono 31 111. 20
FOIl SALK A colt f, days old ?5.
Ill North Front. 19
FOH SAI.K Fresh Jersey heifer. A
bargain. Phono r.00-112. 23
FOIl SAI.K Shetland pony, or trade
for good cow. Phone CI 1R3. 20
FOIl SAI.K Driving horse and bug
gy. Phono 14 KX. . 23
FOH SAI.K flood heavy work mar,
cheap, .J nines Camplicll, Phone
3UH. 20
FOIl SAI.K One pair tntilos, prime
condition, splendid workers, ex
pert nt orchard work. Communi
cate Hoguo Illver Fruit & Produce
Association, 22
FOH SAI.K Cheap, two stock cows.
Phono .'00112. 20
FOH SAI.K Pair young work horses,
team or single, time If desired.
Phone 317.
FOIl SAL.K Cheap, span of mules,
harness and wugon. 32 South Cen
tral. FOR SALE 4 mulm. r, miles Sh
of Ashland. K. 11. Klncald. i0
WANTED 1st class auto repairing
rcahonnblo charges, guaranteed
work. local references. Phono
I8SM. 23
WANTED Duroc Jersey Spring pigs,
both sexes, tho big kind sired by
Golden Nugget, No. 1 12,785. Palm-(
er invvnuut-'iii ui,, .uuuuc uituuiu,
WANTED Itemized bids. dirt
shale, rock and tunneling for well,
possibly 25 feet deep. Illds to be
In by Tuesday. Foothills Or
chard. AGENTS Exceptionally good busi
ness proposition for general and
speclnl agents, never iefor Intro
duced on tho coast; big profits with
repeat orders. Wrlto for terms to
day. Tho Pathescopo Co., Llppy
Illdg., Seattle
Mall Trlbuno.
elenn cotton rags.
WANTED $1000 loan at onco on
good city property; will pay 10
per cent Interest. Uox 122, caro
Mall Trlbuno. 18
WANTED Loan of $500 for two
years on Improved ranch property.
Address Y, Mnll Trlbuno.
WANTED Carpenter work hy day
or contract. Finishing a special
ty. Seo us before you build. Box
30, R. F. D. No. 2. 22
WAiNTEI) Work on ranch by young
man. Hobart Collins, R. F. D. No.
1, Central Point, Oro.
WANTED Piano to uso for Its stor
ago, good care, only two in family.
Address Box 97. Mall Trlbuno. ,19
WANTED TO BUY 7G milk cpws on
time; deferred payments woll so
cured. Sleepy Hollow Farm. Gold
Hill. Ore., II. A. Enilgn. Managor.
Make Your Dollas Count
Xover buroro In Medford's history
could wo offer such u bargalu as In
a flvo room bungalow on paved
street, with about half of tho assess
ments paid, hard wood floors, pan
elled walls, n sleeping porch, good
parage, lot fiOxllX, good neighbor
hood and in addition, furnished to
tho iiuoen'a taste, with all modern
appliances, and in a section of thu
city of Medford, cot tain to improve
rapidly. Wo are able to offer this
at a price, that is tantamount to
throwing In tho lot, tho assessments
paid und tho furniture, and on very
good tonus.
Don't loso any tlmo on this, for It
Is tho opportunity you have long
wnited for, to sccuro something
"way up among tho pictures" for a
vory small buih of money.
Had you road these articles about
our cllmato being hotter than oven
that of southern California? Most
of us havo known this for years past,
Such a homo at such n price In such
a cllmato and amid such surround
ings, ought to uppoal to any homo
seeker. For full dntn call on tho
Boon? 107 llinwuil Block
v OpiKisllc I'OftUlfflcO
LOST Two Scotch Colllo dogs; ono
lame. Please notify Stanton fJrlf
fls, phone C11-J3.
TAKKN UP Hy McDanlc! on the
(Jcary ranch, one black sow with
three pigs, and two spotted shoals.
Owner may have same by paying
xpen"es. 18
WILL TltADK 150 acres of' Irrlgat
cd alfalfa and dairy rancn near
Dolse, Idaho, all In cultivation,
good buildings, near electric rail
road, fully paid water right, free
from encumbrance, valuo $20,000;
for a ranch In this valley. K. S.
Tinny, 210 Oarnett-Corey Wdg.
EXCHANQB Want" to sell or" bay
anythlnn? U C Rader. 114 N.
Front St. Employment office and
rentals. Phoco 12C. Nuff Sod.
Auto Supplies
are oporatlng tho largest, oldoM
and best equipped plant la th P-
' clflo northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth 8C
Portland, Ore.
Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Bank. bids;.
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colrlg. George M. Roberts
Medford National Bank Building.
Attorneys at Law. JacJuon Coun
ty Bank Building.
DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E
Hodges Mecbano-TherapUts, Chiro
practors, Spondylotber;Ists. Tbew
systems, including dietetics, cura
tlro gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., produco results In both acutt
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion freo. Ovor Deuel & Co., cor
ner Main and BartloU. Hours 8
a. m. to 6 p. m. Olhor hours bj
appointment. Phone 170.
PR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205.
Garnctt-Corey bldg. Vapoi
baths and scientific massage given;
necdlo spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advice In
dletotlcs, medical gymnastics,
hydroptberapy. Lady attendant
Phono, office 643, residence 6U-U
Gtrnett-Coroy Bldg., suite tl
Uodford, Ore. Phoue 168.
tico hours 9 to 5. Evenings und
Sunday by appointment. Office M.
F. & H. Bldg. Resldonco Phono
153J; Office 319 J.
Engineer and Contractor
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg.
Survoys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land lm
prpvoment. Public Stenogruplier
SARAHArHHRTr?ubl letonog
rnpher. Room 217 Gnruett-Coroy
Building. Phono 057-J.
Wo havo tho best stock ranch, '
general farming and orchard
propositions that aro offered for
salo In this county. Lowest
prices, any size rnnch, best loca-
210 Gnrnett-Coroy Blk.
Today it is a bountifully uniform
bo ven year old pear and apple orch
ard. Ono of the show plaros of the
valley with tioes alike as "pous In
a pod." Thu 19 15 estimate la for
three cars of pears and mora of ap
ples. Ideal locution, soil und pros
pects. Tho price Ir way down for n deal in
tho noxt thirty days. If you over
want a bargain hero Is your e)iance,
jji . i n.ii. 'j.''11 . .JSM
E. R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Custom Assay Of.
- flco. Mall order business sollelted,
Prices, gold, $1.00; gold and sil
ver, $1.25; coppor, $1.00; gold, sil
ver and copper, $2.00. Mailing en
velopes free on request. Refer
ence, Joscphlno County Bank,
Rooms 201-203 Hall Bldg., OraBts
Pass, Oregon. 338
Employment .icncy
ovorybody to know that tho Old Re
Ilablo Blttncr Real Estate and Em
ployment agency, will get your
help, find you employment, reat
your hoiik.0 or sell your land. Mrs.
J. S. Clark, manager successor.
Rooms C and 7, Palm Bldg., Med
ford, Ore.
EMPLOYMENT Rentals and Land
Agency. If you want help, want to
rent a house or buy nny real estate
call on Wynkoop & Co., Room 2,
Palm Block, Phone 330R. Auctloa
Saturdays. If you hnvt anything
to sell, seo us about It.
GARBAOE Get your premise
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage watreas fet
good service. Phone 374-L. F.
T. Allen.
Iastractloa la atustc
401. Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Fred Al
ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florenee
Halllday Halght, voice. TelepkoM
Notary raMte
llc. Brlag your work to aa at U
sign of the Mall Tribune.
l'hyeslcia&a Mas. mirgeesut
physicians, 410-417 Garuett-Corey
bldg., phone 103G-L. Keetdeaee
2C South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopathM
physicians, 303 Garnett-Coraf
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physlciaa aa
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat Eyea scUa
tlflcally tested and glasses sas
piled. Oculist and Aurlat for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
Bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 567.
B. B. PICKEL, M. D. nfftea Jack
son County Bank bldg. Offles
phono 43-R; residence phone 08-K,
cian and surgeon. Office Palsa
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. OLANOY Physlciaa ami
surgeon. Phones, office 3tf, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours 10 U
12. 2 to 6. ,
Physlclaus and aurgcous. Office
309-310-311, M. F. & II. Bldg.
Phones resldonco, S14-J2: office,
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathia
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics und disoasos of women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, BU
Marks block, hours 1 to G P, b,
Phono 160. Res, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and
Burgeon, obstetrics and surgery
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phone 160. lies!
donco, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printers ana XHuHslaer
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregon; book blndlag,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systo ,
etc Portland pries. 37 Nertb
SMr ut
Shoo ItcpalrlBg
SHOE REPAIRING- First class sfcM
repairing, on moaent ejeetm
machines while you watt. , .
Blden, located In Kidd's tho I
Phone 313J.
Office 42 North Front sM. Pa4M
315. Prices right, Mervle gn-fv
Tyiievvrltcrs na NuMplte.
New Remington, Smith Prentsf
and Monarch typewrktswj, a4tif '
and subtracting maehlnes, rtdmlH
maohine for eash or Nl c
wents. Mehlw for rent. rlbbaf
and sunpllee of sl Wads, simnl
W.H free of snaries. ' swgsir b
rieansu,' io av
H38-R. ;, .