t M-W ' -J i lJ) aagi yorm BEDFORD MA3TJ TRIBUNE. JiraPffORD. QKKflON. MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1M5 MBDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE an iNDKPiaNDijNT NrawspArnrT tuliMHiu:i) nvftny Aitkhnoqn ICXCKIT SUNDAY MY TUB MKMl''UriD l'Ili,NTiNU CO. Ofrico Mnll Trlbuno Mulldlntr. SS-ST-JJ Norm Kir wtrecU loleplunio If. Tho Domgcrntlo Times, Tho Medford Mall, Tho Meiironl Titlmna, Tho South er Orcgonlan, Tho Anlilnntl Tribune SDMBOKIPTtOIT KAT On year, by nmll... 15.00 i mo intuitu, ny mmi. -,,,,, ,.,, ,&u "WHY NOT CANNIBALISM? Per month, ilollvorrtl by cnrrlrr In MciUonl, l'liofiitx, Jncknonvlll niul CentnU I'olnt ,0 SAturday only, by mall, per yoar J.oo Weekly, per yrar... 1.10 Official Paior or tli City of Medford Official I'npnr or Jncknon County, Rntrrrd an necontteltis matter nt Medford, Oregon, under tho net of March I, J879. Rworn Clrcutntlon or 19U, SSSS. Pull Irnricd wtro Akxoclatcd Press dla-patchra. Subscrtbora nilllng to receive papers promptly, phono Clrcu- tntlon Managor at SfiOIt, " f . rumi SIosh SjSSV That Moso Harkdull Bays tho bar Is tho devil's bargain tcountcr. LAUGHS Solicitous "My dear,' Bald Mrs. Hcnpcck, "I'm posltiro that our boy Is think ing seriously ot matrimony." "Well, I hopo so," returned Hon- pock with unusual spirit. "I "would not want any toy of mino to bo so unfortunato as to regard It as a Joke." Stray Stories. if IIIrIi InUo Old Party 'E's a flno Httlo lad, ma'am I ain't seen a finer. And bless ye, I been gardening for twenty years at the reformatory round here, too! London Cartoon. A Joy lllilo "Whero were - you last night?" asked oao girl of another. "I was out riding with father in his car." "liut I didn't know your father had an automobile." "Ho hasn't; ho'sa motorman." Indianapolis Cfcws. Double Itarrelled lteliuko A teacher had a great deal or trouble to make n bdy In his class understand a point In his lesson. Finally, however, ho succeeded, and drawlrig a long breath, remarked: "If It wasn't for mo, you would bo tho greatest donkey in this town." I'lillo.sopliy "Ah wus thlnkln," said Rastua Johnslng, "what a nice, peaceful Inlko world dls hero unlvorso would a been It It wasn't for do movements of do human undorjaw." Philadel phia Ledger. Tho Olrl' Wny To liuy her presents his cash Is spent, And her words of thanks wero vector than honey; Hut when ho had squandered his last rod cent Slio married a youth who saved his money. London Globe. Chili .Mimic Tho Htory Is told of a veteran of tho Civil War who returned to tho homo of his boyhood to attend a ban quet given by the old boys, Tho din ers were nil men ho had known as youngsters. Ho expected them to talk over old times. Instead, ono talked incessantly about his bad liver; an other discoursed on his weak heart; n third had a lot to say about his kidney troublo, and so It wont on. When tho veteran returned to his homo ho was asked how ho enjoyed tho bauquot. "nanquet!" ho replied, showing vexation. "It wasri't a banquet. It was tin organ recital," VJmllfUtliiK Himself Mr, Throgmorton Is It my daugh ter you want? or her mondy? Jack Howens (amateur champion, hundred yards) Mr, Throgmorton, you surprise mo. You know very well that I'm nn amateur nthloto. Mr. Throgmorton What's that got to do with It? i Jack Howeris A great deal, sir. It (lobars me from taking part in any evont for money, i Ills Attitude "What is your position on this question?' ask'ed tho constituent. ' 'The cdngrwanian thought a min ute and than replied: "Vsry uncontrollable," Wnali taftf War, pvIJRINO (ho thirty .vonrV war tho rclupsi into hnrtxlv--f ism in tho wni'-nffliotod lands of Kui'opo was so coni- ploto that cannibalism was practiced by tho survivors. Tho breakdown of civilization was so entire that, polygamy was not only sanctioned, bnt compulsory in Oormaiiy. If tho present war lasts anything like as long, there is iiu reason 10 .suppose mar mo noiiigeronts will not as com pletely relapse into barbarism as their ancestors did a few centuries ago. Already polygamy is being urged ag tho most practical solution of tho problem of repopulation in the devastated area. AVith twenty millions or so of tho made population killed, wo can expect some such measure will result. Tt is one of the amenities of war. Now comes Herbert Quick, author and publicist, with the practical suggestion to those who believe in war and efficiency and the subornation in philosophy of such minds of all things to victory, that cannibalism be resorted to again, as beyond question the human flesh contains exactlv it. . j. ;..!.. i t i i ii , . wiu Jimicnuis ucoueu ior liounsiiing outer unman Doings. Air. (juielc says that cannibalism is far less shocking man some ot me thnigs being done every day on tho bat tlefield. Tt is condemned merely because it is anti-social, opposed to the welfare of the community and leads to the destruction of one human, being to nourish another. Tn other words, it leads to murder. But what is war but murder, and murder upon a wholesale basis, without the justification of an empty stomach? There is much of merit in the suggestion. Efficiency is the order of the day. The repugnance to cannibalism', as the militarists would say, is superstitious, and there is no place for superstition iii our scientific rules of the day. Everything must be subordinated for the ruler, state or nation, so that triumph may result. Whv. then, should a nation face starvation and want when overv battlefield is daily yielding sufficient nourishing food to sustain not only the survivors, but the entire nation? Just think what modern efficiency could do in the bat tlefield in utilizing by scientific processes the dead for food. The present wasteful system involves economic and industrial loss, and there is no place for such waste and loss in the gospel of efficiency. "Why be so foolish as to worry about food supplies at homo when there are enough men killed every day to feed an empire ? Then there are the prisoners. To keep them alive is to create unseicntihc loss to the nation. They have to lie fed, when food is scarce, -and involve an industrial loss in their care, for they take from the front troops to guard them, who might be fighting. "Why not kill and cat them, thus literally making the enemy furnish the food. Besides, to ship thorn to isolated parts of tho country which face fam ine, to slaughter them where needed, would be a scientific way of conserving and shipping the food supply. Tho prisoner is helpless, but not any more so than the victims of airship bombs or the crews and passengers on liners sunk by submarines. Besides, the prisoner had his chance to fight back in the trenches or on the battlefield, ...1.:..1 1....i...t 11. 1.1. ..A J 1 r vwjicu was ticiucu me iiujicoinuaraur, victims, .as Air. Quick says: In this ngo of slaughter these suggestions should shock no ono. To make men food for cannon is quite ns bad as to make them Just plain food. Surely a human stomach Is an good as cannon. LKT t'S lift CON SISTENT. War having eaten things vastly more precious than these poor bodies may as well bo consistently ravenous and eat tho bodies too.- N SMUGGLED BY SI C TO RENGTHEN TURKS l'AKIS, Airit I'J.- Tin rlmi-RU Dint explosive mill sp.iro pints of unii" rtiv Ihmiij; oimioil into Turkey tlirouuli Runmiiin by (lorninii mul Atwtrinn iliplntnntlo courier U mmlo in a tlis- pnteli to the .loiirnul from Huclinrexi, It is s:iil Unit the sixe mul lucrctiMtu; numlier of pmecls emrieil by tlawo couriers recently hit nttnu'UM the attention of Ittimtuiiiiti customs- officials. The omlmsHy poncho, which nic exempt from customs exuniiniition, the dispatch Mty, sometime wcifjli n nuiehus 8000 pound, niul never less than .1000 pounds. The number of courier also is cnuMilcinlilv larger thnn muni. A tlNcrrvt iiuiuirv is re ported to hnve revealed the nature of the "pouches" content, it is he Jieved that hv this method u coni crnhhi quantity of ammunition ami material has been smuuKled into Tur key in the lust few week. The so verct measures hnve been taken by the Itumanian povemment to put nn end to the prnetiee. In Iiu wnrilH mul riHiirn ns follow h, to. wit: IflAini AuiiiiNt I UMIi Nn. 173(1, IVrrv Keller, will III H of HWM, NN SWVl ton Hi iUmon hoIiI, Hue. llnu 8, two. .15, II I nurvN IMi, Iiixi-h It.Vdll. ihmiiiIIv ll.nil. Ililcm'Nl . II0 2K COHlH hOo, lllllll llIX, IOIlllly, IllllTI'.sl llllll l-DHI JUT 1H No. ITU. S HwmiMi'ii, Hi: NWM, ure, II. IMP .1.1. H 'J V III'II'M , IttXl'H 11 JS. lii'lliiliy UP. lllllIOKl S3c. eoKlK Mu, totiil lux, iii'iiull.v, liilercHl iiiiil cent 12 7.1. No 1751). Mrn II. Wrttker, HW HW'M. Nwi or KiVM, m-c as. nvi. nn, ii. a V, iirn-d 8(, Iiim'h $.1 "ii. 'imlly S7e, In li'ii'Kl Is in, imisim nno, toiiii tux, iii'tuilly, Inli'rvst mul eust IT.iKI No. nan, K .1 AiinIIii. Ik'k, N. 1 ilei: 4S lulu, V 300 n-i-l fi.nil i( llllll I feel N mul I4I.U r..l V i-f NV cor H. U ' a. iwp. .hi. u. i ii. n is ii.k n iiiIii. v 1.1 1.R fool N 110 ili-K t llllll. W I nil fivl. lie. tnxi-N :M1, llfiinlly 2 IB, lllteroxl lir7, ei! 6o. lolnl tux, in'ii.ilty, ln ii'ipul nm eoHt ,1 ail. No. 1731, C. It. Itcurilulo, NI4 nt 3. Iilh. 0, Anlilnml, laxin tJH 10. is-imlly I.V0S, liitrittt Itiilil. i-onIn B0e. lotul lux, plmll)'. Itllrredt mul Nml 17.3. No. 1733. Mix. Ii, I), IIiinIiiii'II, llelle. view AiM VJi Ni:it HV, SH"i hoc II, il. ,i;, ii 1 ii, iirri'H n, iiixrn 1312 piuilly 37, lulcrt'Kl $1 S. renin fioo. lolnl x. opimuy. liilprcHt niul eonl IS .13, Nil 1731, T. I limy, Wi Mi: HIU mul peiii lux, TGOI L KAISER PROTESTS PRESIDENT'S ACTION WASHINGTON, April 13. Germnii embassy official stated today that tho umbnRHndor ueted upon iustrar tions from the Hurlin foreign office in presenting the recent note or mem ornnuiim to tho stntc department, complaining that while tho United States hnd failed to maintain it right to export foodstuff to Oermnny, American manuuictiircre were per mitted to eontinuo hippiug munition of war in unlimited quantities to Great Ilritaiu and her allies". The memorandum, delivered Rome (lnyK ago, win mndo public lust night hy tho nmbnsundor. TALAN Ii E 4 NEW YORK, April 12. ItcMimp tion of htock i1euling today nr in marked contrast to IukI wcck'n frcn ned movement. Instead of further advnuceH tlio list evinced 11 reaction nry trend, with numerous losse of ,1 point or more. Trading wiih ngrtin extensive, however, U. fi. Steo, Head ing, Southern J'uolfio and Ilaltimore & Ohio being offered in lot of 1000 shares or over. Canadian Pacific, union rnciue. mid Heading weio among tho heaviest issues. In keep ing with it recent action IJethlehem Steel pursued n contrary course, los ing a point nt tho outset and soon ad vanced three NOTICR. Notlco Iti hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil at Its meeting to be hold April 20, 1015, for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In quantities less than a gallon at Us place of business on lot 11, block 20, city of Medford for a period of six months. Dated April 10, 191G. SRLSnV A KENNEDY, 22 North Front St. T. QUELL RIOTERS HOME, April 12. Notwithstanding orders issued by the iiolice, nttempt wero made Siindny by person both for and against intervention bv Itnly in the war to hold public mooting in all part of tho country. The crowd which gathered wero charged mid dis persed in nearly every instance by carabineer mid troops, but lew per sons were wounded, although some urrests wero made, among those taken into custody being 1'rofcHsor Benito Mussolini, the socialist Icador, who favors 11 contiuiinneo of neutral ity, and Signor Murinctti, tho futur ist leader, who is urging intervention. Hie central sections of Home wero occupied until late tonight by troop who guarded tho approaches to tho Villa Malta, the residence of the Ger man nmbnsHador, Prince von Huclow, nud the ouirinal. Tho building most strongly defended, however, was the Austrian embassy, whero troops and mounted enrnbinecrrt charged the demonstrators, who evidenced by their shouts the animosity they felt for Austria and their desire for Italy to begin hostilities. t 1 NOTICE Notlco Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at Its next regular meeting, April 20, 101C, for n license to soil malt, vin ous and spirituous liquors at their place of business on North Fir street, Medford, Oregon for a period of six months, Dited April Gth, 1915. nOQUB RIVER VALLEY UNIVER ....S1TY CLUD. WASHINGTON, April 12. Picm dent Wilson has decided definitely not to accompany Secretary Daniels on hi contemplated trip through the Panama canal to San Ermicisco in July, it wns said at the white house today that the question of the presi dent visiting the Panama-Pacific ex position was dependent 011 the condi tion of the international situation. WHIPS SENT 10 WASHINGTON, April 12. On re ports from Minister Sullivnu of a new revolutionary outbreak in the Dom inican republic, tho unv. department today ordered the cruiser Des Moines to Sunto Domingo City from Pro gress, Mcx. Tim gunboat Nashville already is off for the Dominican pup. ital. MoosO Attention, Installation of officers Tuesday night, April 13, 19 15. All members come. Painful Cough? and Bronchitis Promptly Relieved with 2 ounces of Schlffmunn's Con centrated Expectorant. Uosldos, guaranteed to give perfedt satisfac tion or your money returned hy Mod ford Pharmacy Adv, SUMMONS rOR PUBZ.IOATIOIT IH roRECX.enuiix: or tax lieu. In the clrcu - court of llin sliilo i f Ori'Bon for Jarkiioti County. Juckxon County. OnKiui. I'lnlntlff, vh Perry roslt-r, 8. Hwniiin-n. Jim. II. Wnllt er, H J. Austin. C It lIonrlly, .Mm. I. I. Himlinoll, T I- Ilrnv, i:. O UrlKKx. J. C Divot, 11 Drwry, Itiinccu KkkIi nton, I.ndilln 1'iiriiK-r, l.uclmlu (I.inliinl Ilrtl., 31 rn Mlnnlo Iuno. A lliirillnKK, Oticnr IIdoIh. J I Mnlmn. i: A Mutli iHVK. Mrs. Itomctlu .Munk.:rn. Cliarlolln I'rlton, J. T HiwyiT. V. It. MoIkhI.I, Marry Hllvcr, V K. Vun Vnrlor, Jiiiiu- Wulkcr, J. I.. Ilrown, I.lrrlo tlooillow, fl. W. Klncnw, Juiiipm O'Cfnnel. John I'i-I-llnir. Mury VicknrN, .M 1" liaieltlor, C It. ClonHxr, I ml IMh.iII, UcorK l.wln, Win. Ni-Ihoii, I. i:. ItPiuli-r. J. .M Jtvcli, A. & Ii Hlrauli. J. H. Wrrli. WrstiTti Clny coiiiian, J D. WIiiut IIhI , M, I., Whitney. W I) Ciir.'y, J. Ii UrWvi W. U Joni. i:. 1', Wnnl. It. WVIwIit, J J Kerr, Jllimourl Vnllny ronuuiny, 8. V. Itolinctt. II II Hlilpp. Oliver Wliiliey, IiHunmii tt Schmliltx, Ii I A !:. lira ham. C Ii Woerlon, Criimrr HrotliiTu, 8llun KliTiilntf. j. I,. I'uril.'ii. Ili-vuime Mlnlni,- eoinikiny. II. L. Htlckel. K. tl DenlHun, II A llolmi'M, J (. JIcCuIIIh Ut, K. J Hcliiu'liler. V. M. CuiiWth. I,. CoIvit IX., J oil Hurl Icy. John IIIIk't, .a K)'io. 1,. i iuiucii, Louise . warron, JIr. Ilrailloy. J 11. DuKKan. 8. 1 (lanl ier. II O. KiMternon, II. 1'illot. W, L. TliomjiBon. J J. I'ortur. II. IlanrinM, Iliiiiinuil Klnif. Victor Koch. A C, Will- ilron. 1; il Hmlt 1. II. It. Huffy. .M. H. tJrlm, W. I) ft J. Mourn. Tririo I'Iikj Tlinlior Co.. i:tileriirlHft MlnlliK Co., Thou Haitwooil. Ii .M, Hmllli. (I. II, Alkln. A I. ArniHtroni;, Murnitt KhI . I'utrlclc Mc.Mahon. Oii Connolldateil Mlnen Co, Mm. J K. Ilecve, I). 11 ThompMon. Trail I.unihiT Co., -3anU'H Younir, IoiiIh Ailanm, II. .V, llutlcr, K. W Cjplor, Henry Clurk, Cnrrlo K. Damon, (lio. I,, l)a vIh, I). W, I my, Wm. J'ohIit, Healer Oalloway, II C darnott, II. II. Harris, Hen Hayinonil Kit.. J. M. Hazelwooil, John KIIIIisiii, W. Keyitfr. J. W, I.nw ton. A, C. Lawrence. IhuImiIIo I.11II1, K. V. Ii-wtnelHter, Jack Martin, M 8, Mem), own. Nettle Moore, Martin McIlonoiiKh, A II. Omar Kilicur I'antrey, C M. I'helHler, Miirllin rowel I, Mary A. I'rlce, J K. Itedily, Mabel 8aBiir, 0. Hclmlin uinrhorn, IIihIo 8lieptril, C A. 8inllh, John C. 8teplienHfin. John T. Talent, llarvcy Vlncmt, Weeks Alfreil niul Kdlth Ore, J J, Murphy. H. II. BlniinonH, (1, W. Nichols, N. H. Welch, N. I). Ilro. )hy, T. II. ItoherlH, H. C. Cook, llrlal (iordnn. (Iracn .Miirlln. Marin N. Ulrlcli. Hon Kliehlon, Hen Ilavmoni) KhL, Mrs, J. N. T. Miller, It, It. Dunn, John Dim to nuuia unknown, I;, Jl, Dewpree, ilefcnU- aniN. To tho nliovo named ilufcmlaiitH, niul each of you, III thn Name of thn Htnlti of Ore iren: You uro lieiehy notified that Jncknon County. OreL'un. llin liolilur of thn Cer- ,..., .- ':.". " " . - . --. . uricaies or uiiinuoncy iieroinaner set iiui 111111 niiinoereo. uno iHHiieii iih Herein- after not forth ly til" tax collector of 1110 nam county or Jacktion, hiiiui or ur Kon, tor ton amotint iiereliiartcr hohik liuted. thu Hjniii helnir tho uinouilt thun duo and delln'iucnt for tuxeH for llio year iau, OKeiper yvuil is'naiiy, inier (Ml. and cohIh thcri'On noon lliu real properly uxhihseil to you, and each of you, of which you uro tho owner as apiieam 01 return, llifi oaui pioperiy nic ln Kltuated In wild county lind ntale, mul tho naiiin of the person to whom liHxeHHfd. the dencrlnlloii of Raid nn). perty mill the amount duo thereon helnir I acre mil n,-e 11. tun au. It t I neres 31, tuxes lln.ll, peiinlly $1 SI. In tcront s tie, eonts sue, loml lux, peiinlly, luleiOKt it ml cult f SJ IX. No IT.V R It llrlitKH. heir I" in elm i: nmt n elm. N of 8V eer. of NWt of NWt uf K U.S'J chu N IV de 1.1 mill W (5.22 elm 8. l! ili'B, l& mill W 10.73 elm, eontalnluit neres 6, nee 5. tp, 30. It. I i:. taxes l:s IP. ppnalty I: 81. In terval IH.2S, ronta ROe, lolnl tax, pen "It v. lulereat mul coat MICJ. No 1710, J. O Dlvet. Aahlatul, Nillley 8t. 12 aero lioitKht of 1. W U11M1. luxes tIS 22. Hnnlly II. S3. Interent l:s.i)3, eoala BOe, lolnl (nx, M'iinlly, Interent niul CON! 179.17. No ITU, II P Hrwrv, Ihk on Ii line 8Wii aen. It. 2t elm. W of cor. bet. mv It niul 2S N. 6.21 elm. W 9.3S elm. to NW cor Hel!ileiv aoluail lulliae. Pel' tl, i" p. iv, u. 1 ii. ncre n, tiixea 2 111, liemilty Sle. lutereat II S3, coats SOe. total tax, penalty, Interval niul cit ll.f.7. No, 1TIS, Itebeceii Kk'Klealon, Aalilaiul It. It. Add. lain 21, 22, I'll; J, Inxea l3t.S, penalty 2.K, lutereat 113. S3, eoatp SOc, tola! tux, penalty, Interval anil eoata 3H OT. No. 1715. Ijulille I'nrmer, Ix'U. 10 t elm. N of cor com, to nee, in niul 8! tier. 53 llllll. II I A3 rim, N 10 55 elm to renter county mail thetlre Ii n.3 elm, W l elm. 8 lt.ii. elm. are II, t. 39, It 18. inxea 13 20, ixniilty 32e, lu tereat 12.01, eoalN r.Oc. total lux, penalty, Inlrreat atul etmt lt.tul No. ITU, l.uclndu O.ilimrd l!at , Nit of mVli, arc 15. Ii. 37 It l W. iierea .SO. Inxea 19 S3. DenaltV 9Se lulereat 14.09, eoaln ROe, total tax, peiinlly, In terval nun toai ii,,u( No. IT 17, Mr a. Minnie Oil no, Hume atend Aaao lot. lot 10, achool illatrlct No 5, tnxvH IS OX. penalty 50e. lutereat 13.21, roatH 50c, toint tax, penalty, In tereat and mat 19.29 No- 1752, A llurdliiR-M. ilea. 53.331, arc X. twp. 399, II. 1 Ii, til Urn 120 32. pell, nlty 12 03, lutereat 113.00. roatH S0i t o Ui I tax, penalty, lutereat tun I roat 13. " No. IT63, O'cnr lloola. !imea!"iid ,p. ao. land on K Calif HI.. Aalilaiul. di-a (12-3111. achool illatrlrl No. S. tuxea 6 30. penalty 3c, Inlrreat 1107. coats SOr. total tux, penalty, lutereat mul roal 111.56. No. 1751. J, t. Malinii, NC of NW'J aec. 17, twp 39. II. I Ii, neres 10, taxes 15.19, penalty S2e. lutereat 13 33, eoata sue. total taxes, penally, lutereat mul Cirat 9 63. No 1733. Ii A. MnlheHK. Aalilaiul. Jlatliowa Add. Iota IS. 19, tnxea 3 HI, penalty ae. iniereat i: 17. roat nne, mini tax, HMuilty, lulereat 11 ml mat 17. IS. No. I76A. Mrs. Itomella Miinkera. 2 A3 nerea nut of ilia 15-512. luxes 150. ill, penmiy j v). inlrreat ii: uu, i-iimn aue. totnl tux, penalty, Interval mul coal laT.61. No I76H. Chnrlolto IVItmi. AhIiIuiuI. tola 7 and H. Iilk. 49. tuxea 112 70. ixmi. Nlty. II 27, Interval IS 12, roatH 5m total tax, Muaiiy, inivreHt nun coat i::.&9 No I7CI. J T Ktuvrrr. II. It Add lots 3, I, I.IK. 8. tnxva II7.7K. penally 11.77. Interest 111.37. roals 6nr. total tax, penally, interest ami roat ui 1: No. I7A2, W II 8chvdd. Aalilaiul Add lot 3, blk. H, tuxes 13 SI. penalty 3Xr, Interval 12.13, routs Slle. total tux, coats, penalty and Interest 7 12 No 1713. Harry 8llwr. 814 of NWU, aec. H, tup 39, It I W, mid 8H of NKU, pvc. 7, twp 39, II. I W., ncrva 120, laxea 17 CI, penalty 76r. Interest II 91, roats 60c, total lax, penalty, Intereat mul coat 113 5, No 1770, W Ii Van Vuctor, Aahlntid It. It Add lot 2. blk. It. tnxea IIS 13, penalty II. XI, Inlenal $11 7x. coats 50e, total tux, penalty, lutereat mul coat 132.61 No 1771. James Walker, two houses mul land ndj Coatel land on north and tun inixt on last, tuxes 52 08, penally 15.20. Interest 33 32, coals 60e. totul tax, lenalt. Interest mid roat I'M. 10. No. 1774. J. I. Iiruwii. Nl. of Hi:H and Hi: of NKU. sec. 21, twp 31, It 3 Ii, acres so, luxes 111 HI. penalty II. Id, Interest 17.57, costs Sue, totul lux, pen alty. Interest mid cost 121.09 No. 1777. I.lxrle (loodlow, N14 of NW',5 mul NW of NKU, Mc 20, twp. 33, It 2 Ii, acres 120, luxes 127.31), penalty 12 71, Interval 117 51. costs 50c. total lax, pen nltv, IntTCal mul cost IIN.lt, No, 1778. (I. W Klnrnw. 812 or NKl. see 30. twp 33. It. 2 Ii, liens 40, taxes 19 12, penalty 91c. Interest 15 S3, coals 60e, total tux, penalty, Interest mul roat 1 1 A 3C. Noo. 17X1. James O'Connel, Nl of HU. sec. 28, twp. 32, A. 3 Ii, acres l!0, luxes 11211. penalty 13 2. Interest 120X8. coals 60o. lot ill lax, penalty, lutereat mul coat 157 28. No 1782. James Pelllnir. KW of 8W'J, see 31, twp, 31. It. 2 Ii, acres 10, taxes II0.C7. penally tt 07. Interval lA S3, costs 60r, totul lax, penult), coats mul luter eat 119 07. No, 1785. Mary Vlckera, I2!4 of NIC1J, pec 21. twp. 35. II IK, acres 80, taxes 72. peiutity Tile, Inleiest itl.Oll, eusls noe, lolnl lux, iienully, luietest mul eoht 111.37. Mo. I7N7. M. P. Ilnlelilor NU of NUM. aee jit, twp. .is, , .1 l! uereu til, luxes IS20, penally 82c, Inleiesl 15.21. rorilH nee, iiiiui in, pnuituy, inietest mul eosi I I4i7ll. , No. 1789. P. It, ClttHStT. W of KIUI, IIH or HW'l, hen 2. twp. 3S, It, I IJ, tinea llio. (axes 1111,31, penally tl 02, In terest l 55. cnalH 5llt, lolnl lax, peiinlly, Inleiest mul eust 118.31, No 1700, I'teil IMsilll, 8W of HWU. Pee 33. iwp, p. l, 1 lines til. lots ? ' "''i'..,'! t . Ill, ll, 4 II, tietes Hi. luxes llil.iT, peiinlly 11,113, Inle eiil IHMI, eosls Rile, lolnl lux, penally, lu tereat ami eoHl JS,M, No. I79J. lleorui. Lewis. NW of HIUi, 8W of Nll'l, 81 or NWUi Her 2, twp III, It 3 K. linen 120. Inxes 113 92, .pen ally II 2U. Interest 18.24, eoals AOe. lolnl lux, penillly, Inlenst mul eosls 128 97 No. i;tm, Win. Nelson. 8U of HMU. 1JH or NW',1. Pee. 2, twp h. It. 3 Ii, aeres inn, luxes tiojl, penally $1.03. In lerest ft.55, costs 60n. lolnl lax, penally, Interest nud coat 118 J I No. 1798. I. i: (tender, NKU sen 18, twp 38, It. I P., notes hid. luxes lin.21. penatlv 1102, luleieal 111 35, euals roe, Intitl lux. penalty, Interval nud eosl Nn I7'.l. J M. lived. N'U1. per. 28 twp 38. II. 3 Ii, nines 180. taxes 11(1.18. peiinlly 11.(11, Inleiesl 0 Is, eoals Mia. nun lux, penally, luleieal mul cost S9 00, No IS03. A 15 Htrnuli, ime-llitnl In tel, at in lis 3. I. 5. it. !. 10. Talent. tuxes. Hit' penally Oe, Inleiesl 3lo. coats Aiie 101111 tax penmiy iniereni nun cosi II r.3 No, 1801. .1. H Worl. 8H of Nllll, i or pi.. pe, n, twp, 11, 11 3 i&, neres 100. luxes 110.21, penally $1.03 lu lereat te 53, eoals r.Oo. lolal Inx, penalty, lull-rest mul coat $18 31 No IS06, Western Clay Co.. NK if NIC'l, see 20. twp 38. II, 2 II neres in, tnxea II 31. lienaltv I5e. Inlenal Die. coals Roe. total lax, eiuitty, lutereat mul eoat 1.1.17 No IVW. J I), Wlmer Kat umlhlded one-lmlr lulereat In Nl.Vi. see, 10. Iwp, 38. it X 13, neres xo, luxes 15.16. pmially file Interest $ is, eoals 5nr. totul lux, penitlty, Interest mid coat $9 97 No. xox,.l,. I) Whitney, undivided U Inletvsl In SVA set. 10, Iw'n. 38, II, 2 II, nerea 10, taxes $ (lit, oitn)ty 23C In terest $1 11. costs 6('r, totnl lax, pvually, lulereat 11 ml etwi $191 No I Xlo. W I). Carey, I), I l. II. lies 60-190. pee 16. twp, 38. II 2 W. neres 17. taxes $lt,3, penalty lit 111 Interest $39 13, rnsts Sue. ioi.it lax, p-n-it II v. Inlvn at nud roat $107-71 No 1815. .1 U driver, Cvotrut I'olnt nil Idk 30, Constant Add blk 3. tuxes 14.79. penally 4c, Iniereat 13.07. eoals 50e intitl tux, penalty, lulereat mul eoat I8.XI. No. 1S17, v 1, .nines, i-vtiirul I'olnt. Conalmit Add blk I. tnxes $1 II penalty are. lulereat 11 us, eosls &ic, inini lax. iienultv, Interval mul roat 10 IS. No, 1833, Ii I' Wiiril. lots 8. 7, 8. blk 4, Central point, luxes 113 31. pvually II 22. iniereat 17X3, eoals 50c, total Inx. peiinlly Iniereat, coal $21 79 No, 1821. II Webaler. ties 63-2(17. pee 8. twp. 37, It. 2 W ucres 10, tuxes $19 IX, penillly $I9, Interest $I29. eoata 60c. total tax. penitlty, Iniereat unit coat 133 01 No 1X33 J. J Kerr. Ntt'U. n-r. t, twp 35. II. 1 W, nerea IA0. taxes 10 82. lien- ally r.r,r Interval $133. eoala tOe lolnl t mul coal 1 12 ill rl Valley Co., Ilnitle tax, pvnnlty. Interval mid coal 112 nt No 1835. M aaoilr Yul eV Point, lot R. blk. 5. luxes II.6X. penalty I7r lulereat 1107, cost tor, totnl lux, penalty. Interest mid coal 13 13 No. 1X27. 8 I' Itolinvlt. litulr Point. Daley and Kinery Add lot 3, Idk. t. luxes I3r, pvunltv le. Inlervst 27e. roats ior. lolnl Inx, iNinalty, Interest luul coat $121. No. 1X38. II II. Hlllni". 814 of 8WU "if Jl, twp 3(1. II I Ii, neres 80, taxis 11.04. fHtmlly lie. Interest $3 61. eoals ,".i'e, lolal lax, penalty. Interest mul coat $7.il0 No 1X40, Oliver Wlahev. N of NW"i. 81: of NWU, NI2 of 8W'.l. ni-r 0. twp 31, It. I C, nrrvs HO. tuxes 1H1AI, -n-nlly $1 A4, lutvrtat II" I. coals Mir. lolal lux, itenally, Inlenat mul mat $29.11 No. 18)2. Ititlitmit nud 8elimldlx. WH of NWU, NK iif NWi, W of NI'.V.. air 29, twp. 32, II I 11. neres ICO. luxes 129 AO. iNliitlly 13 tIC. Interval 118 til, coals ne. lolnl litxis, Huully, Inlvrvat mul coal 152 00 No. 18)6, Ii I' A Ii nrnhmu. 8W of NW',, per, 20, Iwp 32, It 3 Ii. 111 rea 10. Inxes $5 93. pvnnlty byr, lulenat $3 79, coals 6nr. lolnl tux. pnalty, In tervat mul roat tin 81 No 1819. C. Ii Wolverlon. K'4 of HII'i pvc 3, twp 33. It I Ii, (teres IAO, taxis 122X1, prnnliy 2 2X, interval ill 71 coats toe, total tax, penally, lulereat mid coal iiu 71. No. 1834, Crnmer Urolhera. (lotd Hill lot 9, blk 3, luxes $109, pvnnlty, Itc, Inlenat C9e, costs Sue. lotul tux, p-n-nllv. intiivpt mul roat $2 39. No IN.'.C 811ns I'lemlllK. belt St feel W mul 310 f-.t iiorlh of 8K cor (lov. tot 2. N 200 feet W. 400 feet cnntnliillilt 2 acrvs. nlao heir 200 fret N mul 20 fe.t W of Hi: cor lot 2, W. 400 feel N 129 feel sec. 21. Iwp 3A, II 3 W.. ucrvM Mine mul nne-lltlrit. tuxes 18 99. penalty !0c, Inlueat $.' 75, costs 6on. lolal tux, penally, iiiu-resi mul coal i'.,n. No Ikfll J I. Ptirdiii. do. tit 20. pec. 1C, twp. 3ii, II. 3 W.. inxes 47c, pvnnlty r,r, interest 30c. main &nc, ioiui tax, Penally. Interest nntl coal II 32. No. 1X6.', Ilvvemie MinliiK eouipnny, hi: of Nov,, hi: or hi;u a n, twp. 37. II. 3 W, neres 80, tuxes IB 01. penally AOc, llllvreat $3 54, roats S0e. totul lax. pMiulty, Interest mid coat 1 1 1.00, No. 18li3, II I.. Hlkl.vl. 10 itcrvs ilea. 47-437. miles 10. school district No 17, luxes 5 70. peiinlly 67c, Itlleresl 13 Gl, costs 5Ho, total luxes, ppiiull), Inleiest mul cost tin II No. 1840, Ii I) Denlaon KH of NKU. KH of HK'i, pec. II, twp. 3d, It. 2 Ii, luxeH It I. IH. penalty 11.63. merest $9 83, coals S'ic. total tax, penally, In lervst mid enHt $27 22. No. I8A7. K A Holmes. HH of Nl.l, H or NWU, per 13, twp an, u a i;. acres 10. Inxen $23 40, penalty $2 37, lit tvrest 115,16. costs 60c. lotul tux. Peii nlly. Internal mul coat III 70 No, IXflX, J. (I. MeCalllsler, Nil or NKU, P't'. I, iwp 37. It. .1 l) iieina '. luxes $3.!I2, pnlliilly 330, llltilienl $2.12, eosls 6oe. lotul tux, peiinlly, lulmesl uilil coal $il t, No 1X70, K, .1 Helilielder, NWU, see. IX, iwp. nt. II 2 i, iietes mi. liixis $7.ftX penally 17c, luleintil II III, etrsls Mie. lotul tax, peiuiliy, luletet mul mat $i:i,8fl. No 1X73, P M. PillciH. ill'H. no-lll. Iwp, 37, II 2 V.. sehoul iflatilet No tl, lit' I i'H 7. til till 13 N, pell. ill)' 'Jf.C, Inleiest $1 49, eoatp fioo, lolnl lux, penally, In ten st niul eoalp $1 73. No X7il, Ii Culver IX, Phoelltx. all or lilK, 32 nud rtne lillt. 21 mul rrue. bill. 27 mul or Idk. 28, luxes $1,35. ixiimlly I lie, lulerisl Mlt, costs 6oe, tloal lux, penult), lull leal unit eosls $2 81 Nn 1X78. Joel I nullity, HW or NKU. MK or NWU, NK er HV , see III, twp, 3X, II, r W, iteifM 120. luxes $21 15, pen ally $3 11, Interest Ui.fi, tuxts 60o, lolal lax, penally, liiltitesi mul etiatn $37.81 No IS8I, Jolin lllliter, IIU or NKU, see tl. twp HI, II 3 W NW or NWH, 817 or NWU, see. Ill, twp. 37, II. .1 W NH or 8WU, svo S3, Iwp 33, It 3 W., lot I, sit' III, iwp 30, II .1 W.. NW of 8IIU. Per. 20. wp .10, II. I W,. llllifl lliletl 14 Interest III N 14 of 8W',t. HW or NWU, pee .til. Iwp .HI, II I W nr its 3z-t, taxes inn. penally nit, lulvivsl 124 61. coats ftoe. total taxes, penalty, Inlvival nud roats $72 Bit. No. IXXtl. A. Klt', VU of NK or NKU, aec 30. twp 30, It 3 W, neres 30. luxPl it XX, peiinlly 199c, Inleiesl $1 to coals (V, total lux, peiinlly, Iniereat mid isials No. 1X87, l 15. Iltiuell. N'4 or 811 or NKU, phi. SI, livtt 35, It. 3 W, NW of HWH. 8W of NWlt, see 3. twp 36, It. 3 W., neres ion. luxes 110, 1", pen lilty $1.0). Iniereat $6 06, coals AUC. loUil tux. penalty, Intelsat mul coals $18.(9. , No 1X88 l.oulsi' 8 Cnrrol, ill a, 48 130. are It. twp, 34, It 3 W neres 3. aelinol tllslrlul No, 23, inxes $1.43, pen illly He, Inletvat 90c, eoals 50e, totul lux, penalty, Interval mul coat tin, No. 1890. Mis llrutlley, NW or 8KU. pre A, iwp 37, It I W, neiva to, mxpn 118 74 pvnnlly 1186. Inleiest 111,87, eosls 60c, total lux, peiinlly, interest mul Costs 131.78 No 1892, J It Diiuk-an. NK uf NWU, see 4, Iwp, 36, It 3 W, nerea 10, Inxes 11.76, penitlty 17c. Inlrreat $1 12. tnltit lux, penally, Iniereat nntl coals 13.66. No. 1193, 8. P Uanlner. be 8K cor. W 60 roils. N 80 roils, K 6o rod. 8 xo rods, pie 30, twp 36, It. 3 W H.tina Valley lots 3, I. blk. 3, lots 2, 6, A. blk I, luxes 15.02. pvually 64c, Interest 13,89. costs ftnr. lolal lax, (tenuity litterrat nud mats Ito 37 No, H94, II. (1 Kesleraon. NWU or NKU- aee I. twp ,1, II 3 . neres 10, tuxes 12 01. unity. 3oe. Interval l IK. eoals 6i'c. totul tax, penalty, Iniereat and (Oats $.1 99 No 1896, II. IVIIetl, 1 1 neiea out ef WU of NWU. sir. 32. twit. 31. It. 3 W,. neivs ll. luxvs 11(131, pviiully $141, In tvnal $10 17, eoala 80c, lolal Inx, peiuiliy lllteieal mul coat $28,99. .No. IX99A. W U 'I'lioinpaon. NW or HKU, 8W of NKU. aeo 2l. Iwp. 36, II. 2 W, lll'lva 80. luxes $16 30, Itvli.illy $163. Interval $9 79. eirata ftOn. lllllll lux, peiinlly. Inlervst mul cost $37 12. No 1897, J. J. Purler. HI.U sac S3, Iwp 10. It 3 W . Iterva 140. luxes $14 fo, pvnnlty $1 33, lulereat It 83, eila 5Vn. total inx, iieunlty, Interval mul coals $34 61. No 1899. II. Ilanflebt, W or NKU. see 7, Iwp. 33 It I . nerva 80, luxpti II0 7A. iH'imlty 1107, Interest )1 XX coats 60c lotul lux. penally, ntett niul Coal 119.31 No. I ton. Kinnuuel KIiik nit of ate. II. twp 31. It 3 W, neres cm. taxes IIII99H, IH'itnlly $1119. IllWieat 114.10, coats 6or. lolnl Ihx, peimll), Inleiest mid coals $71 73 No 1901. Vlrnr Koeli. WH of NWU, are 27. Iwp. 12. It I W. my, s 84, taiM $IO0il, penult II HO. luleieal Mill, coats 60c. lolnl Inx. iienully, lulereat and ?ols I No I I 7 9l WhIiIioii 8W nf NWU, John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Annuitant S8 S, IlAltTJjETT Plinnen M. 17 mul 17-T2 Anibuliitirb Horvlce Coroner I THEPAGE Med ford's Leadlnn Theater MONDAY AND TUESDAY Throo Part Lubln Drama The Cipher Key Vivid nielotlraina of rouHplracy with Knrlo Motcalfo and Keiuiiton (Jroon Vltngraph Comody Postponed SoIIk Western Drama The Stage Coach Driver and the Girl Tom Mix In daring exploits Kaleui Comedy Ham Among the Red Skins MUSIC I1Y Wurlitzer Orchestra Sir. I,ylo O. True, OiKunlat o-io-irto STAR MONDAY AND TUESDAY Paramount Picture Mary Pickford In a iilay of staiio life lit Five Parts. Behind the Scenes "MM Pickford at tier hest." M. P. World. ADMISSION 9 AND 10 CfeNTS TT Theatre "Salisbury's Wild Life In America" Here April 13, 14, 15. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Positively tlic nrcalcst niilmal pic ture ever iiroiluccd. Prices 10c niul ICc. Other? net 25c and tip for tills hill feature IT Theatfe TONIGHT Over Niagara Falls Four Iti it ColBiito Hpcclnl The Younger Sister Comedy n mul to cviiin r. mill 10 ivuIh Keio Ttieftdny, Wiilncwhiy, 'I'liui-wliiy Salisbury's Wild Life in America In Hoven I'nrtH, l'rlcou 1010o uocmmn,v hy Walter Kltto, will mulio tho Hoa Hon: Mondays and Tiinminv nt a.i,. luntl llvory ptahloi Wodnosdiiya nud riiurmlay, nt K, H, Hohlimon'M, Tal onti Krltlnyn nntl Bfttindnyn, Vincent's Ham, Modfortl, vino, uro, 1'liono -ID, JnclcBotv