Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    207 Secnd Stmt
..J I
i o
Mm. 0.1$ Mln, 3ll. Fair 8t
unteyi light JFrost tonight
Knrly-flflli Vciir.
Ililllv -Tnnlli VMir.
Pnrls Claims a Larue Strip of Terri
tory Won, Berlin Contradicts It
Loss of Llfo Heavier Than In Any
Western Battle German Resist
ance Stubborn.
LONDON, April tl.-Tho Ficneh
muwiuent between the Meuso ami the
l.iiiialiH' frontier is developing u dls
tiiict offensive willi General Jnffru
pushing his advance, wliilv the Ger
mans hid making ficice rountor-iit-tuck.
This Is liin substuncc of lint
latest dispatches reaching London
finm the continent.
At riling to mi analysis of the wit
iialion by Hii' French general staff tint
Ficneh offensne. movement of tlm
lat few days has been on llnce ht
lorn, Tln first In on a front of four
ti rn inili'H to tli' imihI or Verdun, the
iiclonl line running southeast fioin a
point nrai- Elniu; tin1 second on it
front between St. Mlhiel ami Pont-n-MotiHxon,
where Ilia French arc at
lucking from the south, ami tin1 ttilnl
i in llm north In tin vicinity of On
siiiuvillc, where the rrench now dom
iaato (ho allcy of Ihc Oraa ami arc
threatening the raitroail beyond the
liver Ornc with attack.
From Tliivo lln
Tlm French advance is Huh being
picscd from tlucc bases in three dif
fcrcnt ilitcclious, according to Paris
oftlcial rcporlM. French forces on
fronlH ninny miles long hai occupied
now ground measuring from several
linmlicil ynids to two miles deep.
That tlm German csilnnco to these
' advances has hern stubborn is strik
ingly Indicated hy tlm French report
that tlm Germans on one point of the
attack left 1000 dead on the field.
Further Ailvnnrc Claltneil
A fin t her advance in tlm region lie.
I ween tlm Mcus ami .MoncIIu rivers,
mIicic a eonecntrated attack wiik he.
Ktin hy the allien several days ago,
in announced today hy tlm French
military authorities. It in Miid that
trenches were enptiired at several
points, and in sonic instances they
went choked ith the dead.
Tlm (Ionium war office says the
hatthi Is proceeding with iucionsing
fierceness ami heavy loss f life, lint
that the effoits of tlm ullies were nit
availing. On tlm contrary, it in said,
tlm (letmaiiH succeeded in capturing
trenches from the Fietich.
Tlm illume of Drci (Iruchtcu, which
tlm (lemmas eaptnrcd only to lose on
tlm following day, bus again heen
taken fiom llm llclgiaus, tlio Merlin
statement announces.
The Paris war office claims a large
aiaonnt of uroaml has hcen won, lint
llcilin contradielti thin. Tlm lo-s of
life is probably heavier than that in
nny other engagement in dm next
uluco tlm buttle of rmisous.
: death from lockjaw
Mrs. Enunu Hughes died at her
I m in thin city thin morning of
lockjaw, canned hy stopping on a
rusty nail three weeks ugo, nged HI
years, -I mouths and 17 days, Him is
survived hy u hoii, aleih, and
diuiKhtor, Inn, u mother, Mrs, Hasina
lledford, two HJMtorri, Mrs. Mary M.
ItohortH and Mih. A. (". IoIiiimoii, ami
a hrother, Henry lledford, of Wilder
ville, Cnl. Tlio fiimual servlccH will
ha held Monday from thin city, inter
Miiuil in lUnw river Konmtery.
WASHINGTON, April . Jckh
Willitnl ami h party arrived here;
thiti afternoon. A reeuptlon coiiiniil
tco, hvadeil hy Hoh FitzHiininoiiH, met
tlm champion at tlm railroad htation
and iihlmred him out to an automobile
throiijjli tlm entrance, renewed for tlio
iiko of the prt'Hldenl of tlm United
KtntcH, After a brief Htnp hero Wil
lard prpiirnl o ki lo lalth)inie.
Pctronratl Asserts Austrian Opera
tlons Have Collapsed Deep Snow
Prevents Rapid Advance Into Hun
garyGerman Answer Expected to
Bo New Invasion of Poland.
l'KTHO(IHAI), Apiil tl.-Wilh the
HiisHian force in possesion of all the
main Mimmit and hhipc-K of the lie
Kkid inoiinlaliiM, nrmv ol'llcerH line
ahcit that the Aiistiian operations in
tlm ('aipathiaiiN have collapsed. The
Mussina xeneial staff now is consid
eiing the best approach into Hmi
ii ry.
The operations ccateiiiiK upon Mes
olahotoz, including' the Important
points of Unit fell), l.npkow and IV.
Mik, nipcar irtifally to hae ended,
with the An-tiniJis on the defensive
nlont; the whole line ami perceptibly
flierkisj liy Know
The deep snow which still cowls
the Carpathian ildjjes' siands in the
way of a rapid advance into llimc
ii ry. Oaee IhU dilficaltv is overcome
ami the Itnshinns reach the southern
slopes, where sipis of -.priiii: are be.
sinninc to appear, the most set ions
obstacle to a further mtvance will be
the aitit'icial defenses which it is as
sullied have been ereetd.
The country between tlm San and
the l.aborera rivers is coaiilcicd to
ptovide the best route.
The Kush'uiii staff of tlm opinion
that Anstrians had already trans
ferrcd all available troops fiom other
fronts to defend this rt'ninn, and that
therefore thev will bo nnalile to offer
any more formidable opposition than
Talk of Kepnrato IVflco
"On tlm other hand, it is expected
that the (Icniiuu answer to the Hus
sion offensive will he tlm develop
ment of tlm new imiveiuut in Poland,
statliiitf from Thorn or Cracow,
"Talk for a single peace for Aus
Iriii'lluupiry has been revived. Such
a poshihility is dismissed widely in the
Kushian presj and in diplomatic cir
cles. It is based largely on the re
iijitted attempt of Kmperor Fiaueis
Joseph lo enlist the influence of tlm
pope in this direction."
LONDON, April . Charged with
Hcmling military information to (lor
many by means of invisible ink, three
men have been arrested and will he
tried la a civil com I. The authorities
intimate that the cusu is mm of tlm
gravest importance. One of tlm sus
pects mimed Kuepferle professes to
bo nn American. Another, Mailer,
claims to ho a uuturnlucd Kaglish
man, whilo tlm third, who gives tlm
iiamu of llupn, does not denv that he
is a (lermau Mibjeet. Kuepferle
cuiuo hero from the United Slates,
fimt visiting Dublin, then coming to
London, wlmro lm is said to have
been awaiting passago across the
WASHINGTON, April l). Jack
Johnson will not uarry American
pusspotts it' he leavea Culm to return
to Kuropo. Secretary llryan said to
day that instructions had heen sent
to Minister Clourales in Havana not
to ihsuo tlm credentials,
Secretary llryan said tlio state do
partmeut had replied without eon
suiting tlm department of justice, he-
causo it was familiar with the ease
against Johnson ami knew that he
had left tlm United States after Imv
ing heen eonvlulcd under the Mann
white nIiwo law ami whim at liberty
on hail pending ileuUion on hU ap
Half a Century Ago
Fiftv years ago todav- -April 0, 1805 Oeneral Hobert B. Leo surrendered jo General Llysscs S.
Orant at" Appomattox Court House, mid peace followed four yean, of n bloody civil war.
On April 7, IMS, (Inint hiirntng of the plight of LeoV nniiy and wishing to avoid wasting nny more
men's lives, wroto Lee asking that ho agree to cense J ightiag.
Negotiations followed between both generals and on the morning of the 0th Lee, realizing the iir-c-lessness
of shedding more blood, dispatched a note to Orant asking that they meet and dismiss terms.
Thev met a few hours later in the house of n Mr. MoLcnn at Appomattox Court House. Lee was in
full uniform mid wore a sword of great value, n gift from the State of Virginia. Grunt was in rough
field garhaml as ho had been tiding, was without a sword.
They shook hands, sat down and soon were ho ahsotbed m recalling old nnny days Hint no mention
was malic of the real object of their meeting. .,,,,. , ... ,i ,
Finally Leo asked what terms would ho given his army and Grant told him all he wished was that
the men lav down th'eir anus and agree to stop fighting.
Then they again resinned conversation about other matters, until Leo again interrupted Grant, tins
tium to usk him to put the terms into writing. This was done, Leo commenting on the fa.rns ; of them.
While Grant's aide was milking duplicates of the written forms, the otlmors of both statfs wero in
troduced. , ,. , . .., ,
Lee was not asked to surrender his sword, nor wns it even mentioned by either general.
The simple negotiations-upon which tlm peace and happiness of a nation hung being finished,
(Iraat and Lee shook bunds, us informally as they had met, nnd ictnnirrt to their lines.
OKNKVA, via Pnrls, April P.
Itnllroiut rolling stock In being with
drawn by Italy from tlio Swiss fron
tier, It U roportod horo, for tlio trans
portutlon ot troops and miliary stores
In northern ltnly, destined for tho
region bordering on tho Austrian
Tho I.ausanno Oazotto ntntes Hint
tho towns of Mnntun, Voronn, To
nrhloru nnd Lognngo, which formed
tho fortrcssea of tho famous "mind
rllntoral," nro garrisoned with fully
equipped trooptj which lack only tho
heavy nrtlllery nnd this will bo sup
pllod soon. An nerlnl Hoot Is ready
for operations.
A Mllnu dispatch to n Zurich nows
papor snys that nt a mass mootlng
hold lust night nnd nttomlod by flvo
llhornl doputtcs from Milan a resolu
tion was adopted characterising us
"absolutely necessary" tlio partici
pation of Italy la tho war.
WASHINGTON, April 0. lloli
FiUsimmons, tho former heavyweight
champion, was married hero last night
to Miss Tepio Zillf, who has heen as
sociated with him for somo time in
theatricals. The bride's gift from
tlm bridegroom is tfftid to ImVe been
1.Rri,nn6 in jewels,
Mail Tribune
0UEC10N, FRIDAY, AVRIL 9, 19.15
Today Came Peace to
-jf:a .rrrci
HOMfi, April fl. King Constantino
of Greeoo is quoted hy tho Trillium as
declaring in an interview his belief
that it will he impossible for tho al
lies to force tho Dardanelles without
a combined attack hy land and sea.
His majesty is snid to havo declared
that Greece is in the btnno position as
ltnly ami other nations which have
inniio military preparations, hut have
not abandoned their neutrality. While
their position was difficult, ho he
Hveed their attitude would be guided
hy events.
King Constantino, according to tho
Trillium, asserted that Greeks all over
tlm world would return homo enthus
iastically to fight for tlm fatherland,
if necessnry, hut the government must
ho prudent nnd bring about, if pos
sible, a peaceful reconstruction of tho
country's finances, which suffered
seriously as a result of tho Balkan
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 0.
Lo Doux & Lo Doux, Portland con
tractors, havo been awarded the con
tract for tho construction of the F.Iks
temple, at Main and Third streets, by
tho building eommitteo of tho lodge.
Their bid is $!13,U:iO, and they agreo
to havo tho building completed by
Soptomher IS. Hoiighteliug & Don
gan of Portland two tho iwoliitoets.
the United States
CHICAGO, April 0. William Lori
mer, former United States senator,
and other officials of tho dofuaet Ln
Sallo Street Trust & Savings hank,
must stand trial on stato charges of
conspiring to wreck tho institution.
This wns tho effect of n decision in
criminal court today by which n mo
tion to quash tho indictment was
overruled and twenty-four of tho
twenty-fivo counts in the douumeut
were sustained.
NKV YOUR, April !). A public
welcome and demonstration In honor
ot Jess WUIard has beon arranged
for tho arrival of tho now world's
chnmplon honvywolBUt hero tomor
row night. A reception commlttoo ot
nion promlno'nt In tho sporting world
will moot him at tho railroad station.
United States District Attornoy
Marshall said today that If thotlms
of tho Wlllurd-Johuson fight nro
brought to Now York from Havana
thoy will bo dotalnod until a Judic
ial ruling has been given oa tho ques
tion ot admitting tho films of tho
nitchlo-Wolsh contost which woro
brought horo from London recently.
Collector of tho Port Mnlono said ho
would exclude- the films from entry.
Grccnhut Company, Owners of Sle
gel-Cooper Store, With Liabilities
of Three Million and Assets of
Seven Million, Ask Received to Ad
just Business Affairs.
NEW YOHK, April 0. Heeeivers
were appointed today by Federal
Judge Hand for the J. IJ. Grccnhut
company, .which operates a large de
partment More in this city.
The J. It. Grccnhut company had
an authorized capital stock of .0
000,000 nnd a bond issue of $0,000,
000 sinking fund gold 0 per cent
bonds. Under the provisions of the
bond issue ..1."0,000 worth of the
bonds were to ho retired nnutially.
The Central Tni&t company of New
York is trustee.
Chnngcs in Firm
Two changes have hcen mndc since
the incorporation of the original firm
of Grccnhut & Co., November 10,
1010. The first occurred when
Grccnhut I- Co. became consolidated
with the" Siegel-CooMr company un
der the nnme ofMic Grccnhut-Siegcl-
Coopcr company. In May of last
year the firm nnme wns changed to
the J. It. Grccnhut company.
The department store conducted by
the company, long known ns tho Sic-el-Cooper
store, occupies both blocks
in Sixth avenue between Eighteenth
and Nineteenth streets.
Assets of the store are listed In the
complaint at .$7,405,-110, including
merchandise, ensh nnd assets receir
nble. The liabilities, it is stated, ag
gregate .V)13.0G0, not including the
mortgno liabilities amounting to ap
proximately $2.0."0,0l)0.
J. 11. Grccnhut, president of the
firm, is treasurer of the Monmouth
Securities company, upon whoso ap
plication the receivers wero ap
pointed. A Friendly IVoceoilIng
Ilcnjamin G. Paskus of counsel for
tho J. II. Grccnhut company, asserted
Hint tho liabilities were about $3,
oOO.OOO nnd assets about $7,000,000.
Tho firm, which until last December
had engaged in the private banking
business, bad virtually closed this
business, he said, and every depositor
had been paid in full.
Without question the business will
be reorganized, Mr. Paskus nsscrtcd.
Ho issued n statement, which says:
''Tho action taken today is a
friendly proceeding in equity nnd is
for tho purpose of conserving tho as.
sets of the company nnd to enable the
eoutinunnco of business without in
terruption during tho time required to
bring about nn equitable adjustment
of all liabilities of tho company.
"The company has ahvnys enjoyed
the highest credit. Tho papers filed
today show that exclusive of tho real
estate tho other assets of tho com
pany, as of March 31, 101,", amount
tn more than double tho total current
PORTLAND, Or., April O.-Chief
of Polico John Clark todny put n ban
upon nil boxing bouts, amateur nnd
professional, in Portland. Tho regu
lation will remain in effect until ti
new city ordinanco governing nmnteur
bouts has been noted upon by tho city
commissioners, It is alleged that a
law permitting four-round nmnteur
bouts is being violated by nthletio
clubs, nnd a now ordinanco has been
framed to fix punishments for such
GENEVA, Switzerland, April 0,
llio Uormnii government today, bo
sidos prohibiting exports from Ger
many to Italy, is stopping- nt tlm fron
tier stations nil empty Italian freight
cars bound homeward.
Passenger train arriving in Switz
erland today from Italy aro crowded
with Gctpiaii families,
NO. 1G
mi in pre
Record Day Since July for Transac
tionsAll Previous Prices Eclips
edEnormous Trading Falls te
Lower Prices Steel and Railroads
Attain Highest Level In Months,
NEW YORK, April 9. Interest
In today's stock market contercd
painty nround Bcthlohom Stool by
reason of tho sensational movement
In that stock yesterday. Tho open
ing transactions consisted of 2000
shares nt 110 to 107, compared with
yesterday's close ot 10G. Tho stock
then declined to 105, 104 and 103.
It soon recovered, however, selling
at 115. Nearly all the dealings were
for small amounts, many odd lots
of less than 100 shares changing
From 115 nothlchcm Steol went
back to 108, then up again to 111.
Tho stock became less prominent as
other shares ascended on tha largest
first hour of business rcordd sinco
tho days Immediately preceding tha
Failure ot a largo locat depart
ment storo was without effect on sen
timent. Higher prices wero scored In all
parts of tho list later In the day,
V. 3. Steel holding its placo as lead
er with a gain of over four points
on enormous trading. Total deal
ings up to two o'clock exceeded 900,
000 shares, which established a rec
ord for any day sinco the lattor part
ot last July.
Authorities of tho exchange Issued
a statement In tho afternoon absolv
ing members from manipulation or
unfair practices In connection with
yesterday's rlo In Bethlehem Steol.
All previous prices of tho day were
eclipsed in tho final hour, U. S. Steol
selling above CC, a gain ot over six
points and Reading, Union Pacific
nnd other cladcrs attaining their
highest levels to tho accompaniment
of violent activity.
HOME, April 0. Horr Frobcnlus,
tho Gorman explorer, who has arriv
ed hero after tho fnlluro ot a mis
sion ot which ho was tho head, to
communicate with tho fjcrman min
ister to Abyssinia, is quoted in an
interview as declaring that Turkey's
real campaign against Orcat Britain
in Egypt has not yet begun. Ills In
vestigations havo convinced him, he
said, that British efforts had failed
to allcnato from Turkey tho allcg
lanco ot Arabs In Yomon, a roglon
ot southwestern Arabia bordering on
tho Itod Son and adjoining tho Brit
ish territory ot Aden. Ho nsscrtod
the Arabs merely had accepted money
and provisions brought thorn on a
British ship without being disloyal
to Constantinople.
CHICAGO, April 0. Sanction of a
btriko of 10,000 carpenters in Chi
cago, because demands for increased
wages havo been rofuscd, was g"'
ed by tho oxequtivo board of flio In
ternational Brotherhood of Carpen
ters and Joiners at Indianapolis, no
cording to word brought buck today
by John A. Metz, and Daniel Gulvin,
officers of tho union's local district
It was predicted in union circle)
that tho strike will become a certainty
if tho union plasterers ignore an ulti
matum issued by the Building Con
struction Kmploycrs ussooistien yt
terday. Tlio employer told the plan
tcrors that they would bo loaked et
unless they abandoned by next TiHrt
day a Btriko culled in ywptky with
union lathers, ..!.,. ,