Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Roy Wcndl, a youth given n hear
ing before, tho JuVonllo authorities
Monilny morning, on a chnrgo of pet
ty thlovlng was Icon Implicated In tho
donrcdattons. limn tho other, accord
inj? tov (ho .authorities, "being tho
unwitting victim of an unfortunate
iclrcumstnnco. Young Wendt went
with Jones ami Thompson when they
Ktolo electric batteries from tho l
i E. wood yard, hut took no nrtlvo
part, simply bolng an eye witness.
One of tho hoys gave htm a coll. This
wns his only part In tho affair.
llavq your lawn mowor sharponod
by J. W. Mitchell, phono 320-J. tf
Otto Klum, athletic director of tho
Ashland schools for n number of
joars, hns been chosen for a similar
position In tho Mod ford schools, and
this will bo welcome news to Med ford
supporters of the High school ath
letics. Ashland under tho guidance
of Klum hns always been able to wal
lop tho local teams in everything
except oratory. Last year his foot
ball and basketball teams won, lio
cnitBO ho never admitted defeat and
in expected to Instill sotno of tho
Ashland fighting spirit In the local
High school.
I nm no longer connected with the
Medford Garago repair shop, but have
opened n garago of my own at 3.1 S.
Harllett and guarantee, all work.
A distinguished literary light will
visit Crater Lake during tho sum
mor, according to California press re
ports. Tho dignitary Is no less than
lrwln S. CoW), star of the Saturday
Evening Post staff, who Is on an
auto tour of tho Coast. Cobb and
party aro now en route by auto from
New York, and will visit every seen
Ic wonder of tho West. The articles
picturing what he saw will bo publish
cd. Cobb Is.tho most popular writer
of tho day.
Another flvo hundred pound ship
ment of those delicious chocolato
creams going at thirty cents a pound
at DeVoeX
irfias Just been recalled that Mon-
ahan, ono of tho attaches of Jess
AVIIlard in his fight with Jack John
son, appeared In this city two years
ago against Soldier Elder. Archie
Ascho financed tbo bout which was
m. fizzle. Monahan hurt wis wrist
and quit.
Oregonlan agency at DoVoo's.
Tho niombora of tho Andrews Op
era company returned Tuesday af
tornoon from. Roseburg, -where they
prcsontcd "Martha" to a packed
house Monday night. Tho company
will remain In this city, and will then
leavo for Montana where they havo
bovotaI engagements.
Sed new time card of Interurban
in advertising columns. 1-1
Arthur Huh!, brother of Rohert
Ruhl, editor of tho Morgen Sonne,
has an artldo in this week's issuo
or Collier's on tho situation In Ger
many. Somo of tho "best articles on
tho European war havo como from
tho pen of Mr. Huh!.
C. A. DoVoo for subscriptions.
Walter Merrick, who has been so
journing in Honolulu tho last two
months -writes that ho has an oppor
tunity to mako a threo months sail
ing trip to the islands or tho South
"Grown in Medford" vegetable
plants for salo. Many varieties. Or
der now for future dollvory. Mad
dor & Donncy, Portland Ave. Green
house, Phone 87R. 30
County Commissioner Frank II.
Madden has returned from Soattlo
and is In attondanco at tho monthly
meeting of the county court which
began its April inciting Wednesday.
If you C. A. DoVoo, you can get
Tho Country Gentleman for one dol
lar. Henry Cnllaghan and Andrew Jehl
noss -will leave tomorrow for their
mining claims In tho Ditto Ledge dis
trict. See Shaplelgh Hardware Co., for
fishing tackle, especially tho boys.
Jack P. Merrill of Gold Hill re
turned Tuesday morning from a bus
iness trip to San Fruiicfcco.
J. O., Gerklng, tho best all around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always r'oHallle. Negatives made any.
whero, timo or place, Studio 228
Main St. phone 320-J.
The Senior class of tho High school
will stage "Tho Collogo Widow,"
May 1st, as tholr class play.
Why not get It at DoVoo's?
, Russell Kyaus leaves today for Chi
cago, where, lip will visit frlondB and
relatives during tho summer.
Candy, candy; got It at DoVoo's.
Mrs. C. D. IJowman of this city
Is visiting friends and relatives In
Fremont, Nebraska.
Got It at De Voe'a,
George Millar, formor councilman
and socialist leador of this city, la
attending to buslucsa matters in San
MatlJee,s the Page today.
for. C. JI, BeruUt of Cincinnati,
0., i'tnndlg'.a few day In tho city
autl valley vUUng friends and vol-
Tho pollco havo announced a strin
gent enforcement of tho regulation
covering tho turning of corners, auto-
Ists In general falling to observe.
Snvorn! noar accidents havo occur
red as a result of disregarding tho
laws of the road.
Charles Young has returned from
a short business trip to Gold Hill.
C. E. Mack of Eugene spent Tues
day In Mcdford attending to business
Wonderful Cublrln Page Wednes
day and Thursday. IP
Attorney A. C. Hough of Grants
'Puss spent Tuesday In Mcdford at
tending to legal matters.
Papering and painting. Phono
Frederick Peloune of Eagle Point
la spending tho day lu tho city at
tending to business matters.
Get your nutter, cream, milk and
buttcr-tnllk, at Do Voo'.
Tho Woodmen of tho World lodge
will hold tholr regular Initiation of
officers nt tho I. O. O. F. hall this
evening, after which a banquet will
he served.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Dook Store.
II. D. Heed, postmaster of Gold
Hill, was u Medford visitor Wednes
day. Sco Dave Wood about that fire In
surance policy. Office Mall Tribune
Robert Wilson of the Central
Point district spent Tuesday after
noon In this city on business.
Papering and painting. Phone
B4 4-M.
The regular drill and meeting of
tho Seventh company will be held
this evening.'
Fancy groceries at DeVoe'a.
W. J. Hartr.ell of Threo Oaks, was
a trusinens visitor in tho city Tuesdny
Wonderful Cublria Page Wednes
day and Thursday. 1G
Miss Laura V. Crocker of Cincin
nati. Ohio, has been visiting friends
and relatives In this city, enroutc
to the 1915 fair.
Tho Roguo River Fruit and Pro
duce association has received its con
signment of arscnato of lead for thol
taming season. Tho brand is Gras-L
selll's, which has given satisfaction
fo rtho past four seasons. Tho test
shows this year's product to bo a
1G percent lead. Tho prices aro low.
cr than ever before. Tho goods are
ready for Immcdlato delivery.
w. a. mewart nas purchased a
new Brlscoo automobllo from tho lo
cal agent, A. W. Walker,
Wonderful Cublria Page Wednes
day and Thursday. 1G
T. M. Barr and wife of Salem are
spending a few days In the city on
-business and pleasure.
Mr. Alfred Owen, versatile vocalist.
Just from Frisco, and tho Fisher,
Levey circuit, at the It theater to
night with usual picturo program. 5
J. K. Thurman of Roseburg is
among tho out of town visitors In
tho city this week.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Book
Two wanderers wcro housed In
the city Jail Tuesday night charged
with ordering a meal In a local res
taurant and then refusing to pay for
tho samo upon the ground of deplet
ed finances. They were dismissed
this morning with a lecture.
When your feet hurt don't try to
put up with it. Havo them cared for
by a skilled Marinello operator. Tho
comfort It brings Is worth many times
the cost of treatment. The Marinel
lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Utley, 407
Garnott-Corey building. tf
N. B. Stoddard and wife of Butte
Falls aro spending a few days In the
city with friends and attending to
business matters.
C. C. Hoovor,
manager of the
Hoover Dairy, bought a Jersey herd
'of F. L. Bonson of Central Point.
Till, la one of tho best herds in the
Samuel Rosenborg, ownor of the
Bear Creek orchards, has returned
to Medford from spending tho winter
in California. Ho says "the evxposi
tlon la beautiful, but the Roguo river
valley, with Its -wealth of liloom, is
an exppsltion in itself, well worth a
trip to see."
Mrs, George Corey loft today for
Minneapolis, whore she was called
on nccount of luu serious illness of
her sister.
E, N. Strong, supervisor of agents
for tho Oregon Lite Insuranco com
pany of Portland, Is spending a few
days in Medford with local represen
tatives, A. B. Cornell, U. S. Collins,
and Arthur Brown.
C. T. Hamilton or Medford has
purchased twenty acres of Bear creek
bottom land adjoining the Fioro
orchards and has moved thero with
his family.
George Wells, publisher of tho
Farmer and Miner or Fort Jones,
Californla, spout Wednesday on bus
iness In Medford.
Stamped waist patterns, now styles
for embroidering. Handicraft Shop.
Business Is good. Milk 7c a quart.
Hoover's Dairy. 1G
James Etherldge of Oregon City
is among tho out of town visitors
in tho city this week.
Reports from tho country districts
show that tho bears nro coming out
of their winter quarters, and attack
ing stock lu their hunger, llruln at
thlh season of tho year Is particular
ly fond of pork, and several pens In
tho Evans creek district have beon
raided. John Ulx reports that eight
of his hogs were killed tho hist week.
Many residents of the city are
planting their flower gardens, rosea
holug tho favorite, with dahlias,
pconlns, and the smaller species a
close second,
Bwoet elder at De VoVs.
The funeral services of Mrs. Clara
Fleming Ulrdscye, tho oldest of
southern Oregon women pioneers will
be held from the family homo near
Roguo River Thursday afternoon nt
2:30 o'clock, Interment In Roek
Point cemetery.
"Cablrln," looked as tho great
est moving picturo of tho day, In tho
attraction at tho Page today and to
morrow, running n continuous per
formance from 2 lo 12 p. in.
A barn on tho Clark ranch at Sev
en Oaks was burned Wednesday.
Tho fire department was called out
about 7 o'clock Tuesday evening ow
ing to n flro In the Diamond drug
store, caused by an overheated stove
filled with excelsior. The damago
was about $25. Tho flames wero ex
tinguished by chemicals,
"The Million Dollar Mystery,"
23rd and last eplsodo at tho It
theatre Friday and Saturday. Mati
nee and evening. A double feature
bill at the usual price.
WASHINGTON, April 7. Pros
pects of the winter wheat crop plant
ed last fall on tho greatest acreage
In the, country's history, wero that
19,000,000 bushels would be pro
duced. This estlmato by the depart
ment of agriculture today, based on
the condition of tho grawing crop on
IVpril l, may be Increased or decrcas-
Veil, according to the changes In con
dition from that dato to timo of har
vest. Winter wheat condition on April
1 was 8S.8 percent of a normal,
I against 95.G last year, and S7.C tho
ten year average, tho department
of agriculture announced today.
There was a decllno of 0.5 points
from last December, compared with
an averago decline of 2.7 points in
the last ten years.
Rye condition was 89.5 percent of
a normal, against 91.3 last year and
90.1 the ten year average.
TATE. In the County Court or the State
ot Oregon, for Jackson County.
In tho matter of tho Estato or
James G. Smith, Deceased.
By virtue or an order or salo made
by said County Court, and dated tho
Gth day or April. A. D., 1915, au
thorizing and empowering tho under
signed so to do, I will offer cither
nt Public or Prlvato Sale, on and
after tho 10th day ot May, A. D.,
1915, at tea o'clock a. m., on tho
premises or at my office In tho Med
ford National Bank Building, In tho
City of Mcdford, Jackson County,
Oregon, tho following real property,
bolonglng to tho Estato or James u.
Smith, lato of Jackson County,
Oregon, deceased, situate In tho
County ot Jackson, and Stnto of Ore
gon, deceased, situate in tho County
of Jackson, and State of Oregon,
gon, and In Tho Medford Heights d
dltlon to tho City of Mcdford Doing
tho following lots and lands In mid
Addition, to-wlt: Lots Numbered Ono
(1) and Two (2), In Block Number
One (1): and lots Numbered Eight
(8) to Twenty-fivo (25), in Block
Number Ono (l).lioth Incluslvo; also
lots Number One (1) to nlnotecn
(19). both Inclusive, In Block Num
ber Two (2): also lots Numbered
Ono (1) to Eight (8), both Inclus
ive, In Block Number Three (3);
nlso lots Numbered Two (2) to Fif
teen (1G), both Inclusive, In Block
Number Four (4); also tho North
Ono Hundred Seventy-flvo (175)
feet or Block Number Flvo; also Lota
Numbered One (1), Two (2), Four
(4), and Five (5), In Block Num
ber Six (C); also lot Number Two
(2), In Block Number Seven (7);
and Lots Numbered Six (6) to Twenty-four
(24), both Incluslvo, in suld
Block 'Numbored Seven (7); also all
or Block Number Eight (8), con
sisting of acrcago property, contain
ing 10,3 acres, more or less; also all
or Block Nine (9), in said Addition.
On Block Number Eight (8) Is lo
cated a valuable
which will bo sold with surriclont
acreago around It, for the convenient
f working of said quarry. The remain
ing ucrcage In said Block Eight (K)
will be sold In acreago tracts to suit
Block Number Nine (9) which In
a strip of land abutting on East Main
Street, Thirty-one (31) feet wide and
about Six Hundred Seventy (070)
feet long will be sold In ono tract
ir purchaser desires.
TERMS OF SALE; Either cash
In hand on the day of sale, or if do
Ired, ono third (1-3) cash in hand
n tho day or sale, and tho balance
In two equal annual payment, so
cured by mortgage on the premises
sold, and bearing Six per cent inter
est from the day of sale.
Dated April 7th. A. D. 1915.
Executor or JAMES G. SMITH. I)o-
I ceased,
A ways mill menu committee- wui
appointed hy the eitv eouueil Tues
day night nt tho regular M'sion, com.
posed of Cotiueilnieu MedynsU, Allien
ami Amy, to investigate Hie reliabil
ity of electing n new city hall on the
vueum lot adjoining the prosunt, hito,
It is argued u new city hull is needed
to iiwui'v n vault for the eity reemds.
ami Unit the .f.'IIUO needed for its
cont ruction eould lie raised hy mi
additional lew of half u mill. The
committee will report on the fenxihil
Hy of the phut tit the next uvular
meet in):.
Petitions from the plumpers ask
ing for u reduction of the present li
cence resulted in the tee being clipped
to . per tuiuum. A petition nuking
for iht removal of three unsightly
shacks nt Tenth and Ivy streets wn
referred to the Seattle owners of the
property for uetion. The shucks me
said to he the rendezvous of trumps.
Former Councilman .Mitchell ex
plained that he was being discrimin
ated nguinst in the mutter of black
smith work, sliowint; that he received
.f;t worth of work, where .Merriiuuti
received .-fJlt. Mr. Mitchell's plea re
suited in a lively interchange of
words with no action.
Electrical Inspector llinmuii is li
able to get n new ear, the eouueil
having under consideration a plan to
turn in his present vehicle for it new
lord. The old cur costs heavily to
keep running.
Councilman Miles recommended
that unnecessary nro lights through
out the eity he eliminated.
George Cnrstens was granted it li
quor license.
The report of Police Judge Any
showed that .fl.'l m fines hud been as
sessed, with SUIl collected.
Henry O'Malley, field superintend
ent of tho U. S. Bureau of hatcher
ies, arrived In Medford Wednesday
and left at onco on a trip of Inspect
ion to tho Elk creek hntchury.
"This prouilbcs to ho tho reconl
year In steelhond propagation In the
Roguo river," states Mr. O'Malloy.
"Wo have taken over a million eggs
'at Slk creek and over threo million
at the Applegate station. The total
tako may reach flvo millions. These
will lie hatched and. liberated In the
Roguo, a million being kept nt Elk
creek until they reach the flngerllng
stage. Our propagation work Is be-
pglnnlng to tell and we look for an
annual Increaso In tho number of
steelhcud in the river."
With Medford Tract, ts Medford Mado
u , . ," i
Will Cure
Medford Seed & Feed Co.
' 208 East Main Street
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial . , Photographer
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
place hy appointment
Phone 147-J
We'll do the rest
E. D. WESTON, jfrop.
Steps toward the formation of a
hriiueli of the National llltle uoci
utiou in this city have heeu taken hy
Elmer T. l'Vs, first lieutenant of
Company 7. The purpose of the or
guuixnlioii is to teach the civilian the
uses of tlu iirmv nlle, so in case of
war lie will nt least have u previous
acquaintance with the tiicanu. The
militia company will furnish the
range, titles, etc., lml the membership
does not entail any military obligu
tions. The pluu is part of the last
congu'os' plan to perfect the
soldiery. The N. U, A. is u separate
institution from the O. N. (1. mid not
affiliated with it.
Tho moat economical, cleansing and
germicidal nt all antlseptleu la
A soluble Antkeptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal nntUcpUo for douches
In treating catarrh. Inflammation or
ulceration oi nose, throat, and that
caused by femlnluo Ills Ithas no equal.
For ten yearn tho Lydln E, I'tuklmui
Medicine Co. linn recommended Piutlno
In tholr prlvato correspondence with
women, which proven Its, superiority.
Women who havo been cured any
It Im "virth Its weight in gold." At
druggists. 60c, largo Lux, or by mall
Tho laxton Toilet Co.. litmtou, Mums
Interurban Autocar Co.
Ii.VN'1) DAIIiV, except Sunday at
8:00 a. m 11 00 a. m., 1:1G p.
ni 3:30 p. in., and firir, p. m.
Also at 11: 15 p. m. on Saturday
Sundays car leaves at 8:00 a. in.,
11a. m., 2 p. in. f. p, m. nud 9:30 p.m.
POINT DAILY, except Sunday. 8:10
a. in., 11: io n. m 1:-10 p. in. and
4:30 p. m.
Sunday leaves at 10:00 a. in., 1:00
p. m. and 8:40 p. m.
FOR .MKIiroRH at. 9: IG a. in., 12:50
p. in., 2 05 p. m. nud 4:G0 p. in. Sun
day leaves at 10:35 a. m 1:3S p. m
and 9:00 p. in.
Your Car Insured
St, l'aul Flro & Marino Insurance
Company, St. Paul, Mluncolu
Incorporate 18C5
CapllAl aiul Net Surplus, .Inn. 1, HMfi
Over 9I,0()(),000.()
Resident Auent, .Mclfortl. Oregon
Cherry and
A low dozen first clans six foot
chorry trocs rogulur. !IQc goods
20c each whllu they last.
210 Hugh Dickson roseu, 3 yr
fl.HO per bunch of ton,
Still havo a good lino or shade
trees, roso bushes, flowering shrub
ery'und I.ogntiborry plants, Rhubarb,
Asparagus, Vines, Duhllas, Uludlolus,
and hundreds of othor usoful and
ornamontnl trees, plants and bulbs.
Ot()i Kat Alula Htreet, I'liono 10U
Frva Dollvory to any part or tho city
I a
COLL Ail .
A collar cur to fit the neck nm! the prevailing fashion in big knotted
cravati. A manly, good fitting, pood looking collar, iluriiunu
Tlds full w will, sen tho hlght price paid for poultry that havo
been offered In soine eur. Ho not full to ratuo tho usual number
of ehlelteus. and bo Niire to feed the clilcU the right food lo build
them iii and net them on the marlict In I Im shortcut pinwllile time,
Wo (any the onlv completo Hue or Poultry HuppllcM lu llu valley,
and hae to offer at thll lime: Chick Fond, Scratch Food, llenr
Scraps, Hone Meal. Oyster Shell, Cliaieoal, l.uln MiinIi, Fish
ScrapM. Grit. Illnod Meal, nil l'otiltiy ToiiIcn mid ReniixlloH for all
dlneiims, lu short everything neieiiHitry for the Hurrossful pindiietlon
of poultry
UE.MEMIIF.It We carry the most complete lino of Field nud Gar
den need lu Southern Oregon.
:t 1 7 V.. MA I VST,
Medford Commercial College
Our Night School In for those who deslro lo mnko tho most of their
Opportunities for tlxixo who deslro tho lu'ti-r things of life, "WIIEItE
Tho Time: 7 to 9 p. m., Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Tho Place, .11 N,
Grapo St.
I HI Buy ysur 8h oJ Dcr. friwa It. m-u. H
III fittunr mt ii Ik. ii.
Ml . i Kv.ljT rite, of b'MUInc Hltrl.-l 1 1.14 it tU H
III H 1 tuii.nt.. of II ItflMt ui.t I j tc.Hw (.0. Jm
I .III. t- I . totr la It vtt, H
L 4ff I , ' ' i lift i' r lunn, IIVk .lfil ,.lt M
III i I f. . n tiuol it.-r, 1.1 tlm .. I. HI )
Ml I M I'j .a f r tmliiltii (I lx ' .' H
I IU l I . HLa IUn It' al ) . '' "4
.UHl I ! S I r- rl'il r " ;-'lW. BJj
' I MM X K ( rfUHKII I'Hflj r ,' 1 Oli,t H
I I SHI ira'l" f'""' "'
I I ., H o fr .it wli'l uii
fl 1 I '!'' itllllrfil
I i, 'i U JiIbBB 111- I In mi . "ii
JaW!; . C rTHHHl I .. )i!m riKiiinl i i) , B
i T Vtt lunflBl s. 4-0'iMI , -.,.i. H
MWg 'fil2bBBt-2lWBITn ro"' 0TAri0U w08i m
.,, r. ..... . j
-- . . '
Mu route, to tho lilimt. Why not
sco Oalifoi'iiiii and its Two
World .Wxpoaitioii.s on your way
Call on nearest Agont Tor full iiii'oi'nintioii, literature,
tickots, rosei'vations, train Hchedulea, etc.
JolmM. Scott, Ot-uoriil PasHCilor At-.t'orthVud, Or,
the New
I'll It Tltl'CKH
of every slio and dencrlptlun and for
every biulnesn. And you can de
pend on It that what wo build Is
liiilll right lu every detail, appear
ance, utility, reliability and durabili
ty. An auto body Milk by us Is at
once an ndvcrtlKcmcu't and an econo
my Como and let un prove It lo your
complete satisfaction.
Billings' Wnijon, Cnrrlnnc and Auto
.South ltivii tile