IP c, J 'f '&n 4 ., EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Hy A. O. Howlult I, A. lllHllll mill n hum, I'llwnnl, Were IlllllUlg till' IlllHIllI'MM CIlllel'H Iiih Tuemhiy, mill while they were hern Mi'. II. kiivc mi' IiIm Mil)Hcilition for Hit Weekly Mull TiIImiiii'. They went (ill tlieir Wii.y Id .liti(Miuilli In h'ltli' their luxe. IIiii'I'Ikiiii I Iiihm, who Iiiih neeuiieil llll Willi llllltMl UN Mlllll Hlll'lll, I'm int'ily ni'i'iipii'il liy S. II, Hpiker, Iiiih moved iiko lh limine liniiicrly niuiii pled liy Jjiiim'h Hinger, mid It n A ' lii'cii making hoiiiii ihntmhil eluingH In the ranker lionxi, pulling in it Iiiik" l"iii light wlinluw, (jliiiiiKml till) hiimliug til' Hid (loot mul imuilgilu 11 l'ir Mr. WIiIIiiiiiii'h bniher Mliiip, Freil KliiMll ami IiIh mIhIit, MIhh Allii', I'lime mil mi IImi Fugle Point mill I''fsf-i( hinge Tutwiliiy mill mime In Mm Siiiinyhlili1 In hjh'MiI Hut night, bill HiiiiHHiiit' lolil lliciii nvcr tin ptliillM lliul K. II. Illllliixll mill HOD, our lleryiuen, wen going In .Miillonl with mi itulu, hii lliry (noli piiiMUige with I wo uthi'i' piiNNinirM mill went HI HI Ml'llflllll tllllt lllllTIIIKIII. On Wednesday, lli'iij. ('. Sheldon, llni hiuj id' the Mi'illunl hwiAter, mill tlmnm I'. Dnili'1 of the 1'nrtlmnl Headier hiiieuu ulflrc, ciilli'il lnr ilia tier WVilui'Hiliiy. Mr. )iiil; twin mil lit'fi! fur llm pnrp'iM! of iiliiblidiing mi nbhervntiuii hliitnm lit mil- limn In l(.'tititit t-iitt W'iiiiliuriluM "t eli mnlr, iiiinllliiiiiH of tlio nliiiiiHilntri'( I'll'., in tin1 different pnrtN of tin- vnl li'.v. He plmiN to unIiiIiIUIi ulioiit fif t ii In Hogue lliver vulli'V, ho that Hit) head ol'lii'i in Mcillonl eitu lie kiipt p if I I'd ii tu Hiii degree of frol, pn'i'lpitiitiiin, ell'., in tlu different In enlitie mill iiBi'i'iliiiu where lhi fiol will hit hiuili'r in one plnee than mi oilier, ho Hint Ihi' wi'nlhi'i' human iiitin in .Medfnnl unii kiiiiI winning to llni' place Hint mi' iimxt Miihi'i'p lihle to roil. Whilii they uiiits ln'iii Mr. Ilnil.o HHoiin-il Hit (irvii'iM of It. M. Whit iiiiin (o tnkti eluirge ol' tin iiiHtrutix'iit for t ! Iiijc Hii' weather ami M'leeled lhn hIIii for tin' locution In the corner or I'. M. .Slewiiit' y n nl, iih Hint plnco j-t lliuuht to hi' ii m ni'iir mi nv iiniKu loi'iitinn nx can In foiiinl in our town, it Inline '" "H" '"u" lnttotu html mnl if froit ilotiH not htiil.n tlu'ru it will inl hii lild'ly to ilo uny ilninni' miywhuri) in thin wmIioh of the couii' try. I. V. Hiuilnp of Durhy wiim lining IniMiitv in our lown WViluchilny, mnl whiln liuro look (linniT with us mnl ho iliil U'illinin NiihmIihiii of l.ukc Pnmk. Oliri mnl Alex. Iluhhniil of Mt1 funl punned lhriii(;h 'lown on their wny Iidiiiu 'eiliutlny. . INilo Sluwull wus n liusineirt ctillr nlio WViilm'Hiliiy. It. .1, I'ulmnr, olio of (he piiiiin iKwIiirw of Miilfnnl, wiiK out WVil-n'-itn litukiiiK ntler hi Knyle Point I'xlel piiipnty. Ho lohl nit that In' hint a ilntl on limnl whenliy ho c.v pei'lvil to iliipmi' of il, hut n m thert h iioIIiIhk P'wilive, will nay no inure uhoiit it Hum time, Mim l.ouiMi llhiHM, (ho preienl prniiiereHH of the hiite), lelU me that nhe Iiiih rented the propel ly for auolher inonth, Mrx. .1, II. HIiiahi lier niother, in here vi-iliiiK l''i' iliuiKhler, too, ut Ihw time, iiuloiH hIih went home on the Muni' tinluy (I'Viilny). April I won a hih ohl iltiy ut our Hi'hool, iih u hune part of the ehil illen eniielinleil to fool Hit) lenelier, ho at noon after enliuj,' luuitli delih- eratuly walkitl, or, tuthtr, ran for fear Hit' lenelieiv wouhl net) them. Souio went over to the husint'iH iart of town, hut Hie nunt of them troll' ell off up the creek,. and the result wiih I hey I tut I u fine time mnl InU of fun, hut Mr, denize von tier llelleu, the primary lenelier, oll me at ilia ner toilay Hint the ehililren were ho lieliletl over the priinl; that it tool; nil (hii forenoon to itiel them tlown, hut our leaeheiH, iiisteiiil of Kettinf,' nil jjry over II, luuhe.l It off iin a ;ooil joke on them, ami evervthini: puhmiI off pleilHanlly. The ('nllttwintr in the roll of honor for the month of Miueh: 1'iij.t or iiriiiciDiirN letun: Theo Kin. ley, Vol tit Urover, Tlierou Taylor, WaWlter I'ainter, Nida McIuIohIi, IhoiniH Hurry, Nellm (ny. Inter lueiliule tlepailuieiil: MIIkuoiIIi HI on' ell, l.yle Van Sen.v, Katie llaeliauaii. Norn Cliililielh, Wiuiifonl Hank, Helen Holt, llehHitt HekeuhutL't Hlhel Winkle, Keo Iliiehanan, May (heh, Krethlic I.enhn, .loyeo vtni tier Ilollen, Utith (Inner, Juno Holiiuniui, Kufoitl Siiuiuous l.lnyil ('iiieaile, Truiuau MeClellmul, Kohter Dreh, lion Hu elianan, llui'old Van Heoy, I'rnnury ilepurtuii'ut : Kut tint llrynul, Lottie Irulove, l.ethu Knulley, Melva Siui- lnoiiH, Vera Mekenhur, IMviu Snw. ell, Myilin ptmvi'll, Alviu (Ireh, Clur eiieu Cli'eh, Ailhtir Stnwell, Aiinil 1'oaree, llowanl Voeli, IIiiko von Utr llelleu, Jhiuahl von iler llelleu. .Mi-H ,hsH.i Minler wan tloin sonic iriiiliiur in our (own Tliui-Mlay. MiH, Kophiu Kohinett, who has heeu Htoppiii with her Kinler, ih. Oeorne Daley, Iiiih lakeu a position iih lioiiHekeei)er for Mr, IthoiUs on U fai in, mnl Inn' miii, Oiirenee, will work nil the place, rimi'lt'H lleil'l of I.uke CjiioIc and two nIniuki'I'i wero hero far diuiuir TjiiiiHtlay on llieir way to Mi'ril'oitl. OSCAR AND to V,r-t, VOX "f 0 9-9. Mr, foiiley niul family, who have hern keeping hoiixe for Mr. IthmleH, have uouo to Yreku, 'nl. (', YV, ('lemeiiti, our puitmiihler mnl tolonlinnti until. Iiiih niiieluiMil the .lame Vt!eli iohjiIoiici' property in our (own mul e.xpuettH to move into it uhoiit Hie 'Jlllh. CoiiHiilerutiou 110. Mihh Norma A. Smith of AhIiIiiuiI eallcil at lie .MiiiiivmiIc lor t iniior on I'ritlay. She wan on her way In Cli ina.N lo tnkt' cliuit.' of a xeliniil. It. .1. I, like, who reei-uHv leturuetl from the Nitro,or Hoy inine, reMirtn v. eellent IiiiiIiiih ami predicts a very proHperniiH futtire for the mine. He hiouuht hack mimic hpceimenw of the toek recently taken from this inine' that hIiow the ore of a liijli value. Mrn, .leirtie Ktniiuaril, tetaeher in the primary department, ftpeut Tliurn. tiny ami Friday of IiinI wee); limtim: the Axhlmiil mnl Med foul M'lionlx, MiiH Purler of the tcuehctV tniinim; cIiihm of the AhIiImihI ImkIi hcIiooI took her place during the time. (1. A. Moi ictunied Tliunnliiy from n two weeta' viiit at the Krinco fair ami other poiutn in California, Mr. ami Mr, far I Lehman are re jnieiui over the arrival of a huhy liny horn Mureh .'II. The Kpwortli lenjur ntaeK the play "llroail on the Wliters" at I'hoe nix I'riday eveuiiii; to a InrKo audi ence. Tim hoy mul irln realixed nhoiit .'.'.' I for their InhoM. Thin makes the third time the piny Iiiih Iteen put 011 in Ihii part of the valley ami hIiowh the determination of the .vemit: folk to pay for the piano hccuicd a nlioit time au'D. A. K, CIiuhc, Hiipervixor for thin pint of the county, ami Kniucin Winn of Wellen, who earried off fii.l lion or lit the ntate fair two years ao, .uero vicitinj: i-eliooN at Talent ami vicinity the latter part of the week. MiHH Kmuiu ('rnwford will lenvo luring tliu week for San Kmiioiien, where nhe will net iih deiuoiiHtralor for the lliijtli'y apple juieo at the WlirldV fair. Dr. Hurley returned from the fair hint week and report the product very much in demand. Thnrxdiiy, April 8, Iiiih keen ho leclcd an visitor' day at hcIiooI, and nil parenlM hnvo heen remu'iled to ut lend for ut leant a portion of the day. The children' work w ill he on display ami mmiiiul t ritiuiiiir projects Hint hnvo heen made hv Iho Iio.vh in the manual training department will he placed on Mile la order lo leeover the eoit of miiterinl UM-tl. The M. !:. church will hold Kiihtor M'rvieoH next Sumlay, April 11, ow iutr to the Into arrival of (.elections for the occiimkii. Mr. DiiiiiiiKtmi of Jacksonville niiide u biiMiios. call at C. Carey's Kiinday. W. V. Ilariiimi of the Haeiia Vistu orchards was in Phoenix Saturday. Frank Oaliumi of North Talent transacted business in .Medfonl on Thursday. C, Carey and Joshua PallerHon of North Talent were up at the lleeson raaeh on Warner oiook the first of the week mid each houM some young milch cows. Mm. i, A. llonniH of Phoenix vis ited Mix, Martha Itapp of Talent on Sunday. .lames McDonald of Talent was a Medfonl visitor Sunday. Mrs, Maudy Roberts of Phoenix has becti' spending tho uighlH tm past week with her son, Charles lloborts, ami family, Mr. nml Mrs. .Too Under, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Furry, Colver Furry and wife, wore quests of Mr. and Mrs, Uoyd Colver ymiday. Mrs. Nannie Huberts of Talent was u Sunday visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Niinnio W1IC of Medford. fluoi'KO Klferri of Phoenix- molored to Talent last Thursday on business. Mrs, (leoruo llimhes of Fden Val ley was a business caller ut tho homo of your eorrespoiideiit lint Saturday. Miss Sarah Henry has completed her winter ooiirso at the business eol- lou.o ut Medford mid will open a pub Ilvik4 nz&'iC.ii "v "x. MENIMK EDEN PRECINCT MRDFOKD MATH TlilDOTIC, ME13FOUJJ, OlflMloy, 'ITRSDAY, AVRFL (5, 10lf ADOLPH J AM ) ' ta't). yoo i" TjZA vot . I TOOK Or tOG. ii4fk S wtrif TV 1 1 V, lie klenoKrnpher'H olfio.e. in Medfonl ttiiH week. MiKH llcnryV parenlH are roHidentH of North Talent. Mrn, H, S. Krcncli and daughter. Minn l.imiie, ami Helle, wore pleasuut eallern at the home of Mrn. ( Carey hint Kiidny. Mrn, Dole raised IoiiiiiIock hint year and found litem very profitable. Mix. M. M. Dole of Medfonl eaine out to North Talent Friday to eiiyae tomtito plmilH of ('. Carey to plant for cannery iiii-misch on her lino fruit mnl Harden ranch above Talent. Mikh Imliit Itohmts entertained in honor of Mrs. Cora Ktmulley and Noah Chandler hint TucMiliiyeveiiint' ut mi eluhorale 1'iiur-ciiiiiHe dinner. Oilier unfit present wete: Hoy Coif mini) Mr. mid Mrs. J. . Kobcrts, The evening was pleasantly spent in mu sic ami social cuinci-atinn. BUTTE CREEK ITEMS Heed Chin ley was at Medfonl hist Friday on busim-MS. There is (nine; to ho u laiieo at lh Lost Creek hall April 0. The Antelope ami South Hutb! baseball teams played last Sunday. The score was in favor of Antelope. Mrs. Terrill of Talent is al Ilrownsboro visititng friends ami relatives. The llutle Creek school was oat last Thursday and they had an en tertainment. Verim and l.eland ('hurley of tho Unite creek school aie piim: to go to hcIiooI at I .nke Creek, where they will finish tip the eighth grade. Clans Charley mid mother were at Medfonl last week on business. Mrs. Hradshaw of Medford is un iting her retativoh at Halle ereek. A telephone meeting was held at I.ako Creek Saturday. There is strong tall: of building a eity hall at I.ako Creek. Tlievy held a meeting at I.ako Creek Saturday for the purpose of diseii'.lag it. They got up a petition and all of those who are in for it will donate what they can afford. If the hull is built it will be used for all legitimate purposes. Tho n'veaiio derived from the pro ceeds shall be distributed in propor tion to amount Hiibscrihed by each individual. Koported by Jnckson County Ab trnct Co., Sixth find Fir SU. Circuit Seymour II. Hell vs. Mountain Meadow Fruit Co. et al,, answer. Mary Harebell vs. W. 1 Thomp son, amended complaint. F.dwnr.l Sullen vs. Frederick C. Page ami Clarence A. Knight, Mipuln tion. C. A. Williams vs. Then II. V. Fu gle, answer. Mary F. Whitman vs. 0. It. Holl, answer. Pmlutto Court. Kstufo - -or M. It. Kaglaad ami J. V. Anderson, insolvent debtors, bond, report. F.stuto of Corydn W. Holmes, petn tiou for probata oV will, F.stuto of Kelly Fields, citation. Kstato of Corbert !i Polk Smith, minors, petition to mortgage real property; order. Heal Kstnto Transfers lT. l'Yodoriekson et ax to Wm. A. Sehliusog, lots in High land Park Add .? 050 Vomer F. Hawkins et n.v to I.e. dra Hawkins, laud in see, 'J'J-:i8-:iK - 10 Cecelia Hawkins to Ledra Haw kins, land in see. 22.!8-:iK. 1 W, A. Healo et ux to J. P. Hughes, lot 10. lilk. 18, Hutto Falls 10 Employment Agency MRS. RUTH SMITH ltoom am fJurnctt-Corcy lllilg. Phono IHa Situation wnntod by flrnt class man cook In rcBtituront or hotel, Wanted Girl for general Iioubo work lu email family, COURT HOUSE NEWS The Diagnosis Was Plain as Could Be 1 T.-. U1 Wi OWN ah. Kritoz or '.1TS3SCM I OOOKO , FOf run. James A. McDonald to Klizn beth llrcesc et ir, land in tup. .'J8.JW. -.1,000 S. F. Clay to II. K. Oudeliim, lot in Hiirr'n Add. . 700 W. II. Kverluinl et nx to IT. K. (ImlehiiB, lot in IJnrr'n Add. 5 I'OK HKN'T -IIOUKKKKKI'I.VO ItOOMS I'OIt II KNT- i"i t r n I nhf m! "roomB" and lioiiHcltecjiInK rooniH. ,122 Ho. Cen tral Ave. 14 I'OK HKNT Sulto of 2 or A houite Ik'UIIhb moms, furnished. lower floor, modern. 72'J W. lltli. I'OIt HKNT la'n.MbHKII ItOOMH rblt ltKNTSI ciilng" roonuTWotl oru Iiouhc. I'lioim 372J. Till-: PALM room, bout roojnlng Iioiiro In Medford. I'rlcca 3Gc nnd 50c. Weekly raU'H. 28 FfltNISIIRD room nnd board, de idrablu nnd cIoko In. 221 N. Holly. Ch.-tH. W. Austin. 1C KOU tti:.M-nia'."i FOliHKNT.Moiiern T-roomapart-mont: very close; 14 1 8. Central. Phono 479 M. KOU HUNT Ono 8-room residence; also riirnlnhed liouHckcepIng rooms. 310 N. Dnrtlott. FOH HKNT Nicely furnUhed mod em bungalow. 13X. 13 FOH HKNT Modorn furnished Iioiibo W. 11. Kvcrlmrd, 1013 W. 9th. . , Phono CC7J. FOH HKNT Furnished house, 4 roouiB, strictly modern, no olock from new federal building. Phono 11311, or call at 243 N. Holly Ht. FOH HKNT Hy April IGtli, r.-room modorn houm.', full cement base ment. Phono STOW. FOH HKNT Closo In four room hotino oue block uouth of park, good boII for garden, G per month with city water paid. Address P. O. box 207, Medford, Ore. FOH HKNT Ono C-room furnished house, and also furnished house keeping rooms. 210 iN. Hartlett. FOH HKNT M1SUICM.ANROU8 FOH HKNT- Tho Oregon rooming house. Call at 11T N. Hlvorsldc. IS WANTKll IX) 11UV WANTKI) TO HUY 75 mill: cows on tlino; deferred payments well se cured. Sleepy Hollow Farm, Gold 1H1I, Ore, II. A. KnsiKn, Manager. IIOMKSTKADS nTaiNlANHKSKnVATION" TO OPKN 7G0.000 acros for settle ment; fruit, timber, general farm lands; send 25c with this nd to Wcnatchoo (Wash.) Dally World, Dopt, T, for reliable, duta about this region. HUSINKSS Ol'l'OUTUNITIKS FOH SALE 'Now nnd second linml storo or will trade for homestead relliKiuUhment. For particulars nddrens Cooper & Kr.iuse, Albany, Ore. T2 MODOC ORCHARD Duroc-Jersey, Pure Bred Spriurj PiQS Both Sexes Wo nro offering for nalo n selection of Spring Pigs of tho big kind. Slrod hy GOLDEN NUGGET, No. 142,785, out of dams from prize winning stock and Individually tho pigs aro wlint could bo expected from their lines of brooding. Mako your selections early and for visiting privileges mid prlcos apply to, PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Mall Tribune Hiilhllng Medfonl WHY? IT IS YOL'H Ht'SINKSS TO SEE MK HecniiBO my stock la trado Is to hnvo optioned at tho lowest cash prlco tho best buy lu this county. I hnvo been on tho ground look ing out for you for the past flvo years. Nonrly ovoryduy 1 have in vostlgatod eomo "good tiling." I have eliminated everything oxcopt tboso deals which 1 nm convinced will bo curo mo satisfied customers. In a fow hours time I can glvo you tho benefit of this research. It is my btiBlnoss to show you over tho county and Introduce you to tho possibilities nnd opportunities hero. See Med ford first nnd J. C. BARNES ltoom 'Ml, First Nutluiinl Hank llldg. i n r, i . v i v - W f- . r. "" I A I "'-v V10- YSS3 , (iV. MC'S ttttCN 3ICK GSLjjSlJ11' c'ft J$r ( iSSri vox M cee 5L ) WKm SS ?x f Mt.y xits hih. J MM CHer vt4X cookctJ JbA kr mspc.PwW 1 1 1 1 . . .... - , 1 . . . FOH BAI.R MKStOCX FOK SALE Pair young work horses. team or single, timo ir uesireu. Phono 317. FOH SALE Cheap, span of mulis, harness and wagon. 32 South Cen tral. FOH SALE A-l black team and hnrnesx, weight nbout 2700 lbs. Phono F. G. Owen, 741. 1C FOH SALE Team weighing 3400, wagon, harness, spray rig, disc cultivator, two plows, ono buggy, one light harness, ono set of three ton HprlnK. Can bo seen at 428 W. Fourth St. Telephone 405-H 15 FOH SALE Hlnok Perchoron stal lion, coming five; weight 1000; tho t'nlon stables, Medford. Hat unlay, the 10th. Henry Manklns, Jacksonville. 15 FOH SALE Young plus, $2.50 each; oim 3-lnch wacon. Phone 88. 15 FOH SALE Two Duroc sows ami Pics. C. W. C'asebolt. Do liar Haiieh, 2 nilloK north. 1 1 ! FOH SA LE HEATi ESTATB FHIeNT Or mc, flvo acres," well Improved. Phono 392Y. 14 FOH SALE Acreage near tho city at special bargain prices. See owner. Phone 374. 1005 E. Main St. 33 FOH SALE If you want a flno 80 acro farm nnd fruit ranch near Eaglo Point, Ore., G3 acres being cultivated, on county road, all fenced, flno water, all necessary buildings, seo J. T. Carpenter, own er, 345 N. Hartlett St. 33 FOR SALE MlSCBLIiAXEOUB FOH SALE Thoroughbred Ilarroa Plyiiiouth Rock eggs 5c each; eggn nil fertile. Phono 2F3. IS FOH SALE Flno steel rango nnd other furniture cheap. Inquiro 1112 K. Main, or phono 15U. FOH SALE Potullma Incubator, 120 egg size; perfect condition at half prlco. W. R. Stokes, Phono 408J1. 14 FOR SALE $2500 first mortgage on well Improved city property, close In, ten per cent Interest, due two years. Will pay bonus of $100 for quirk sale. Address Box A, Mnll Tribune. FOR SALE Medium weight automo bile, runabout body, new rear tires, best cash offer this month will take it. Address P. O. box 207, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE To orchard bonds In Hoguo Rlvor Commercial Orchard No. 2. Cost $C00 nnd will sell for $500. Address M. B. Yates, 922 Emplro Bldg., Atlanta, Georgia. 340 FOH S A L E Unlrrlgated. home grown potatoes. Sir Walter Ral eigh, Hundred Fold and Now Snow varieties. $1.50 per 100 lbs, E. W. Carlton, Upper Tablo Rock.. 22 WANTED .SITUATIONS VUTED Position by chauffeur; references. Hox , Mnll Trlbuno. 17 WANTED Young orchard to tnko full chargo; good references. A. C. Worden. Telophono 24CR. 13 13 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Competent "woman fo"r gonernl housowork; no washing; phono mornings. Mrs. A. 15. Hoames, S1G West 10th St. Can You Match It? A customor, who owns a halt Inter est in 160 acres near Brooksvlllo, Florida. 20 acres grapo fruit, 5 acres oranges and tangerines, sevor al acres In figs and Jap persimmons, writes: "I paid $15,000 cash for this Interest 3 years ago. It is strictly first-class proporty muV.1 might con sider an oxchango for a first class npplo or pear orchard of oqual value" This Florida property will boar closo Inspection nnd tho owner will mako porsonal Inspection ot good properties submitted hero. If you wnut to test out Sunny Florida, this offers a splendid oppor tunity, ROGUE RIVER LAND 10. Room 407, Howard Block Opposite P. O, Don't forgot that 5 acres Medford suburban, Biiltablo for logauborrlea or garden, for $1000. It Is a snap. AT THEIR LOST LOST Two Scotch Collie dogs; one lame. Please notify Stanton Grif fith phone C11-J3. WAXTE1 ) Mincm-l j ATt KO UB WANTED To rent 5-rootn bungalow with garage on paved street. AT dress 100, enro Mali Tribune. WANTED Monoy lanoTiio6oon grain and stock ranch for 2 years; security gilt edged; no ngcnl. II ox W. II. II., Mall Tribune. 15 FOH SALE Indian motorcycle 1313 model; new tires; equipped with presto light, tool box, and tandem, $150. Hox 20, Tribune. 15 ' FOK KAUILVTClh EXCHANGE Want to soil or" boy anything? U C- Rader. 114 N. Front St. Employment otflco and rentals. Phono 125. Nuff Sed. UCHINEH3 vmrxrivm . - Auto napplic LAHER AUTO SPRINQ CO. W aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springs irhcn others fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth St. Portland, Or. Attorxtcr PORTER J. NEFF, WM. Pi MEALEI Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank bids. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garaett Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg. George M. Robert COLVIO & RODERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERR1 Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. Chiropractor DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B Hedges Mechano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. Taest systems, Including dietetics, cur tlvo gymnastics, bydro-theraphy, etc, produce results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion frco. Over Deual & Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours a. ta. to E p. tn. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. PR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor norro specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Oarnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage given; necdlo spray, head and shouldoi shower In connection; advice lo dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptberapy. Lady attendant Phono, office 543, residence 511-H Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey Bldg.. aulte 119 Medford. Ore. Phone 456. W. II. SPRINGER. DENTIST Of fice hours t) to 5. Evenings and Sunday by appoliitment. Office M. F. & II. Bldg. Residence Phono 153J; Office 310J. Engineer and Couirnctor FRED NTcUMMiNGS Engineer and contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg. Surveys, estimates, irrigation, dratnngo, orchard and land Im provement HEAL KSTATK BROKERS "Wo havo tho best stock ranch, ' genoral farming and orchard propositions that nro offered for sale In this county. Lowest prices, any alio ranch, best loca- tlons. TALK WITH . TUMY & ANDREWS, 210 Gamett-Corey Blk. NEW TODAY A flno llttlo homo ot ftvo and a half acres, flno location, best ot deep freo soil, six room houso, nam nnd wood shed; flno family orchard ot bearing fruit; alfalfa and grain; $3000.00. 400 acres, of which 250 Is In cul tivation, and 70 acres of this in wheat. Ownor lives on tho place, nnd it is a bargain at $32,50 per aero. C. D. HOON FOH SALE Or, EXCHANOH Rogue River Valley rrult Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranchea and Timber. Colonization Tracts, Beat all-the-year-round climate on coast. Health Resort Wonderful Medici nal Springs, Beaver Reky Co.! Aalilwad, Oretfoa. -ii'jtjJi GAY PRANKS BUSINESS DIRKCrOUT AMitylBg. W.... N.. E. R. CROUCH Aseayer, chemist, metallurgist Cimtom Assay Of. ficc. Mall order bnslnem sellelled. Prices, gold, 41.00; gold and sil ver, $1.25; copper, $1.00; gold, sil ver and coppor, $2.00. Mailing ea velopes frco on request. Refer enco, Jnsophlno County Bank. Rooms 201-203 Hall Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon. 33S Employment Agency EMPLOYMENT AGENCY We wis everybody to know that the Old Re liable Blttncr Real Estats and Em ploymcnt agency, will get your help, find you employment, rent your house or sell your land. Mrs, J. S. Clark, manager successor. Rooms G and 1, Palm Bldg., Med ford, Ore. EMPLOYMENT Rentals and Land Agency. If you want help, rrant to rent a house or buy any real estate call on Wynkoop & Co., Room 2, Palm Block, Phone 330R. Auction, Saturdays. If you havo anything to sell, see ua about It GaruitKc GARBAGE Get your pretalsea cleaned up tor the summer. Call on the city garbage wages fe good service. Phoatf 274-L. T. Y. Allen. IsKTrCIIvB fl MBessvv HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401. Garnett-Corey Bldg. Fred Al. ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Ftortae Halllday Halght, voice. TelepteM 63-W. Notary iraMte HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary f lie Bring your work lo me at u sign ot the Mall TrlBMte. PhyenieuuM mm DR. F. G. GARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OefreeMMt physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Cerav bldg., phone 103 6-L. lUetdea 26 Uouth Laurel St DR. W. W. HOWARD OeteejwtMa physicians, 303 Garaett-Ceref building Phone 90-M. DR. J. J. EMMENB Physlcla ami surgeon. Practice limited te eye, ear, nose and throat Es eat, tltlcally tested and .glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft H. Co. Bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 567. E. B. PICICEL, M. D. Office Jaek eon County Bank bldg. Offiea phone 43-R; residence pkOM 68-at. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Phys. clan and Burgeon. Ottlee Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician surgeon. Phones, office 36, real donee 724-J. Office hours 10 12, 2 to 6. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 309-310-311. M. F. & H. Bldg. Phones residence, 814-J2; offlee, 814. DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopath! physician, practice limited to ob stetrics and diseases ot women ,ad children. Offices 3 and 4, It. Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m. Phono 100. Res, the Dew Hospi tal, Central Point. DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician A4 surgeon, obstetrics and surgery offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block, Hours 9 to 12. Phone 10. Resi dence, tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. Printers ana rubUshere HEDFORD PRINTINO CO. haB th best equipped printing office tn southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing system, eto. Portland price. 37 Nort ri hi Shoo ltepalrleg SHOE REPAIRING First ell repairing, on modern elestwe machines while you wait M. K. Blden, located In Ktdd'i Iho SiOM, Phone 3 13 J, T.r,-,.':,' -...--: - ;, ,,., i. -jg EADS TRANSFER ft 8TORA01B GO.' Ottlee 42 North Front M. 315, Prices right serTiee) svMsr ntefd. Tyitowrtten & TYPEWRITERS AND sWPPHIH.- New Remington. Smith and Monaroh typewWUs. MsVai and subtracting waehlne, rebR machines for rash pr ey ms weuts. Maohw) for rent, iteim and supplies ealt kkMm, slana peAni 'ffyr' f ei m. Aj 4rWHIMa IV spBspsJsF -C 4FVW 4L f- "T" : ujwM.'iJJwrLitga-g'ia -r. & i f .