Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    !,1A(4E TWO
Don't miss tho fltereoptlron lecture
on tho mouth mid tooth by Dr. Hld
ilcll nt tho lilRli school Friday nt
Kvery jiaront In tho city should
bo out nt 3 o'clock Prldny nt tho
high school (o boo how our children
tho titn jiiildlc schools nro Instructed
In music.
llnvo jour lftwn mower sharpened
by .1. AV. Mitchell, phono 320-J. tf
W. W. Wlllelts, pnatrnnslor nt Per
sist, up Klk crook wny, Is In tho city
on business
L. 4. k .
Fruit, grain and hay
lirospeqts, ho says, wore novor hotter
than now, nnd tho mountain stock
range Is more promising than It hai
been forAa number of years.
I am no longer connected with tho
Medford Gnrngo repair Rhop, but have
ojipnodn garngo of my own at 33 S.
lftrtlctt nnd guaranteo nil work.
i4 vasi. a. Yonxo.
Tho bnsoment walls of tho new fed-f
oral building nro nearly completed.
Tho work on tho first story walla
may lip delayed for a few days salt
ing tho arrival of tho granite baso,
which Is being shipped from tho
northern tinrt of tho state.
Another five hundred pound ship
ment ot those delicious chocolate
creams going at thirty cents a pound
at DoVoo's.
Irving Jtny or Gold Hill spent Mon
day in Medford attending to business
matters. i
Orogonlan agency at DoVoo's.
Frank Xakamltsu of tho local Jap
anese colony, returned Monday from
n trip to Japan.
Seo new time card ot lnterurban
in advertising columns. H
William Iturvo ot Yreka. Cal., Is
spending a few days in tho city at
tending to business matters.
C. A. DoYoo for subscriptions.
John Alexander, an ned man ac
cused ot a statutory offense, was
bound orcr to tho grand Jury In Jus
tice Taylor's court Monday aftqrnoon.
8weot cidor at Do Voo's.
Judge F. M. Calkins of tho circuit
court Mjonch Is in Grants Pass hold
ing tho April term of tho court In
Joscphino county.
"Grown in Medford" vegetable
plants for snlo. Many varieties. Or
der now for future delivery. Mad
dox & Bonncy, Portland Ave. Green
house, Phono S7R. 20
Herman Puruclier ot Ashland spent
Sunday In this city visiting frlonds.
lit you C. A. DoVoe, you can get
Tho Country Gentleman for ono dol
An Informal danco will bo glrcn
by tho niks lodgo in their now temple
on North Central avenue this even
ing. Seo Shaplelgh Hardware Co., for
fishing tackle, especially tho boys.
Friday, April 9th, Is tho fiftieth
anniversary of tho surrender of tho
army of tho south under General
Leo to tho army of tho nortn under
General CJraut at Appamatox Court
house. This day nnd dato has been
sot asldo as a timo to show flags,
and exorcises will bo hold all over
tho land commemorating tho day.
J. O. Gerklng, the boat all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or placo. Studio 228
Main Rt Phono 320-J
Ashland has started a campaign
against unsightly awnings on the bus.
incss streets, and poison oak in tho
parks and pleasure spots near tho
Why not get It at DoVoo's?
W. K. Kyan of Montaguo, Cal., is
spending u fow days In tho city at
tending to business matters.
Candy, candy; got It nt DoVoo's.
Tho regular first of tho month
mooting of tho city council will bo
held at tho city hall this ovonlng.
Get It at De Voo's
Attorney 1). F, Mulkey delivered
an address ou "Hamlet" nt tho public
library last night before a largo au
.dlcncu, members of the Shakespeare
club. Tho rending was considered
tho bost effort of Mr. Mulkey in hand
ling tho works of Shakespeare, of
which ho has beon n Btudout for
' Mtttlnoo. tho Page today.
Tho condition of Tom Fuson, ill
at his homo ou South Contral avenuo,
with typhoid fover, shows a slight
improvement today,
lion M". Collins of Jacksonville bus
returned from n trip through north
ern California.
, Mrs. Orln Davis ot Wood, Cal., is
lnltliiR friends nnd relatives In this
'city for a fow dnys.
Tcstlinony In tho suit ot tho
' ' fornln-Oregou Power Co., nRnlnst tho
city ot Medford will bo revised. Tho
transcript of the testimony -will bt
)nl(erod before It Is presented to Fod-
ernl Judge Wolvor(on In Portlnnd for
a decision nnd nrgnment ot counsel.
Kx-councllnmn (IcorBo Miller snya
thnl his testimony as transcribed Is
'different from tho actunl facts, nnd
nskV that It bo retaken and ro-trnu-crlbod.
This will bo done as soon ns
ho returns from n two vvooks trip to
San Francisco. The transcribed rVstl-
mony was received last week by
Special Counsel C.ns Newbury.
George Nuobcr of ncksotnlllo spent
Monday ovonlng In Medford attend
ing to business matters.
Papering nnd painting. Phono
Attorney (3. M. Hoberls attended to
legal matters In the county sent this
Uot your butter, cream, milk and
butter-milk, nt Do Voo'.
Dr. W. W. Howard has returned
from n trip to tho IUuc ledge dis
trict, where ho inspected mining prop
erty on Elliot creek.
Kodak finishing and supplies nt
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite
Dook Store.
See Davo Wood about that flro in
surance policy. Ortlco Mail Trlbuno
Henry Cnllnghnn leaves Thursday
for the Iiluo Ledgo district, and will
rush work on the development of the
St. Afbans group of claims. Ha will
put on a forco ot men, working night
nnd day tunneling into the main body
of ore. Mr. Callaghan's plans to in
cororatc within tho next month.
Papering and painting. Phono
A. n. Cornell of Grants PaBs sient
Monday In Medford attending to bus
iness matters.
Fancy groceries nt DoVoo's.
Hlchard Vcrmoor has returned
from a business trip to Seattle and
rother northern "Washington points.
Wonderful Cublrla Pngo Wednes
day and Thursday. 16
Tho Alumni association of the
high school will give an Informal
danco, Tuesday, April 13.
Tho Rogue Itlvcr Fruit and Pro
duce association has received its con
signment of arsenate of lead for tho
fcoming season. Tho brand is Gras-
selll's, which has given satisfaction
fo rtho past four seasons. Tho tost
shows this year's product to bo a
li percent lead. Tho prices nre low.'
or than over before. Tho goods aro
ready for immediate delivery.
A. S. Furry of Englo Point is
spending tho day In Medford attend
ing to business matters.
Wonderful Cublrla Page Wednes
day and Thursday. 1G
Itoguo Ulvor Hncampment of tho
Odd Fellows will hold tho Royal
Purple Initiation nnd a banquet at
their lodge rooms Wednesday even
ing. The Jacksonville lodgo -will bo
In attendance.
Mr. Alfred Owen, versatile vocalist,
Just from .Frisco, and tho Fisher,
Levey circuit, at tho It theater to
night with usual picture program. G
Senator Von dor Hcllen of WollenL
left this morning for Corvallls to
attend tho regular meeting of tho
board ot regents of O. A. C. Senator
Von der Hellcn Is recovering from
a slight attack of la grippe.
Kodak finishing the best, at 'Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Dook
E. S. Kcrby and wlfo ot Oscsse,
Oregon, aro spending a fow days In
tho city and valley visiting friends
and relatives,
Marlon Johnson of the Steamboat
district is spending a few days In tho
city attending to business matters.
Mrs. F. II. Farrnr of Ray Gold
spent Sunday visiting friends and
relatives In this city.
Got Pan Dandy breaO at DeVoe's.
Victor Maxim, tho ladles tailor,
loft thin morning for San Francisco.
Ho expects to return to this city at
a lator dato.
When your feet hurt don't try to
put up with it. Havo thorn cared for
by a skilled MarJncllo operator. The
comfort It brings Is worth many times
tho cost of treatment. The Marinel
io Hair Shop. Cora K. Utloy, 407
Garnett-Coroy building. tf
W, J. Oliver, n representative of
a chock dictagraph company is in
tho city today Inspecting machines,
and gives demonstrations of tho meth
ods of check forgers. Ho shows how
by tho uso of acids crooks recently
raised a check from 15 to $1500.
Knln Is predicted by the weather
bureau. Tho present weather condi
tions nre Ideal for tho orchards, tho
cll-lnntchcs ot mmshlno slvlnp the boos
n chance to work In the blossoms.
Fruit tliroiipltout tho vnlley Is do
veloplnR normally.
Wonderful Cublrla Page Wednes
day and Thursday, 1C
Mrs. Frederick Peloiue of KhrIo
Point Is spending the day In .Medford,
Tho Missionary society of tho First
M. K. ehnrch met with Mrs. .1. 12. Fus.
fcoluinn of Catherine street on April
2nd. There was a largo attendance
nnd an Interesting program. Tho sub-
Ject was "Tho-Child at Worship,"
led by Mrs. Hawkins. A contest has
Just boon closed with an Increase of
thirteen now member''. Tho member
ship now Is .10.
Kdwnrd Coy of Knglo Point was
bound over to the grand Jury this
morning by Justice of tho Pearo
Glenn F. Taylor on n charge of as
sault and battery preferred by Jack
Florey of Kaglo Point, Tho offense
Is alleged to have been committed
during tho progress of n card game.
Coy assaulted Flory when ho was
sealed at a tabic, ltoforo ho could
arise to defeud himself all his front
teeth were knocked out, and ho wn
otherwise disfigured. Tho raso creat
ed considerable excitement in the
Eagle Point district.
John A Westorlund hns received
a copy of tho Orion (III.) Times stat
ing that 25 residents of that sec
tion art piannlug ou nn nttto trip to
San FrancJMoif Mr. Westerlund has
written, tljTprty which U organized
under Mictitle of tho "Orion Pleas
ure Seekers; league." to visit tho
Rogue River valley on their trip tills
suiuiucr. .
Tho ntinuni meeting of the Drama
league will be held tonight at tho
Publlcv library at 7:30 o'clock. All
members aro requested to attend.
GETS $50,000 STATE
SALEM-. Or., April H. The Oregon
stnte highwny commission met here
today and apportioned tho highway
Fund for tlii year. Fifty thousand
dollars each were allotted to Jucksoii,
Hood .River nnd Columbia counties,
while 'leser amounts were given to
Douplus, Clatsop, Josephine nml
Washington, iniiMn a total of fl.'O,
1)00. Slate aid was given only to
those counties that hail bonded tliiin
helves for nmd work.
The nhove dispalch indicates that
Jnck.son county will loe ifoOOH prom
ised u year ngo. Neither Douglas,
Josephine nor Washington counties
bonded themselves for road work.
C. T. Nicholson of tho Willow
Springs district, father of Horaco G.
Nicholson of this city, died nt tho
homo of his son, 530 South Contral
avenuo this morning, ago 80 years,
ono moth, nnd 2f days, of bronchial
pneumonia of ten das standfifg. Ho
was a fnrmor'and had lived in tho
Rogue River vallny for 23 years.
Tho funeral services will bo held from
tho homo of II. G. (Xicholso'n, .130
South Central avenue, Thursday af
ternoon Inat 2 o'clock, Infimcnt In
'tho I. O. O. F. cemoteiy.
Deceased Ic survived by four child
ren, two sons and two daughters,
H. G. Nicholson of this city, W. E.
Nicholson of Fort Klamath, Mrs. E.
M. Leever of Fort Klamath and Mrs.
Fred Slaglo of Coipilllo, Oregon.
Mr. Nicholson was wo.ll known
throughout Southorn Oregon whoro
ho had scores of frlonds and acquain
tances. ,
A great mnporlty ot persons af
flicted with eczema have no other
nllment, which is accepted as proof
that eczema is purely n HKln dis
ease. Moritoi Kczemn icemouy is
recommended especially for eczomn
and diseases of tho skin. If you are
afflicted with this terrlbln disease
wo ask you to use this remedy on our
guarantee. Prices GOc nnd f 1.00.
Agents. Hasklus Drug Store. tf
LOST Ladles gold watoh with pic
ture on Inside case. Lost In Cath
olic church on March 21st. Ho
ward. Return to 341 South Oak
dale, Mrs. J. F. Gagnon, 15
TOKIO, April (I. The Asiilii has
published a news dispatch saying; Hint
Count Okuinii, the .Inptincse premier,
while nddre.ssinjj u group of ilTieinls
nt Koru, said the negotiation of ,ln
pan with China had liceii complicated
by ttlie nteuipt tit (Icrmuhy to tmike
Chiim believe that .lnpiin win ictigii
iu to tuiiioN China us she hail done
Korea. This. Chinese- illusion was
being dispelled, the premier declared.
The negotiation will mil he so ilitli
eult us has hceu iiimoied.vjle said,
nml he expeeled to see their eouelns.
ion sonie time tin rime the month of
Yuan Denomvies Sun
I'F.KIN, China. April (i. Dr. Sun
Yut Sen, the southern political lender,
tiie first prnvisiiiiuil president of the
Chinese republic, hits linen denounced
in a mandate signed liy President
Yuan Shi Km lor plotting another
Detectives have reported to tin
government (lint Sun nt Sen up
pointed iigeutK nml sent them into
vnrioiiH districts nlonj; the Yungtso
kiaug and the coast province to
create disttiihauces during the nego
tiations with .Inpau. The mandate in
structed Chinese military nnd civil
governors to tuke vigorous prccmi
tionury montiro.
Dr. Sim Yat Sen hns hern residing
in Tokio since the Inst Chinese re
bellion. For the last two ears the
charge has been made repented I v that
he ha been conniving with Japanese
officials nml receiving iissistuncc
from them.
Evidence .jjnlimt Hun
Foreigners in Peking nro of tho ho
lier that the evidence is against Sim
Ynt Sen, hut they recognize also that
the Chinese government would not he
slow to grasp an opportunity to make
political capital out of his Jnpaucse
connections. Many other revolution
ists hnve publicly denounced the
Japanese dcmiiuds upon China, hut
not so Sun Ynt Sen.
The Chinese government has set n
price iliHiiithe Jicnd'ofMlr. Sun Yat
Sou nnd he has boon an exile in To
kio for two -vears. .
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon,
nt Its next regular meeting, Aprll'20,
101B, for n license to Bell malt, vin
ous and spirituous Honors at their
placo of business on North Fir
street Medford, Oregon for a period.
of six months.
Dited April (5th. 1D1T..
lnterurban Autocar Co.
LAND DAILY, except Sunday at
America's I
Greatest I
Cigarette J
ft cuJffl-pCLinaiHlHkiitii
8:00 n. m., 11:00 n. in., 1:15 p.
m 3::S0 p. in,, and 5:15 p. in.
Also nt 11: ID p. tn. on Saturday
Sundays car loaves at 8:00 a, m
11 a. m., 2 p. in. 5 p. m, and 0:30 p.m.
POINT DAILY, except. Sunduy, 8:10
a. in., 11:40 a. iu 1:40 p. in. and
4:30 p. m,
Sunday loaves at 10:00 a. m 1:00
p, in. and K:40 p. m,
FOR MEDFORD nt 0:15 a. m 12:50
p. in., 2:05 p. m. and 4:50 p. m. Sun
day leuves uf 10:25 a. in., 1:25 p. Ill
and 9.00 p. m.
Owing to sovoinl noiir-nccidculs
oceuning ut .street oiosujngN within
Hie last week, Chief of Police llitt-
son nsk till nutoists U consider tho
following sections of the vehicle laws
of Oregon. A copy can he obtained
liy applying to Secretary of State l)l
"See. T. All vehicle approaching
tin intci-sucting toad, sheet or high
way shall he under eoahopHO ih to
permit the vehicle ou the tilit of any
other vehicle upprouching to tiil
eioss the intersecting road, sheet or
"See. 8. At nil inlciscetions (he
vehicles itpproiit lung the intersection
from the right of uiiv other vehicle
npprouchiiig the intersection .shall
hnve the light of wny.
"See. D. All vehicles iippioachiug
an intersection o a street, road or
highway with the intention of turning
theieat shall in turning to the right
keep clo-elv to the right, mid in
mining to the left shall inn to nnd
hcyond the center of the intersec
tion.' The nhove governs the right of way
in making turns,
Portlnnd Livestock Market
rOIITLAN'lf, Or., April . Cattle
- Kcceipts "dl; steady.
I logs Kcceipts l!,"dl; fie up. Piiine
light, $7.:i0 to ,7..m.
Sheep - Receipts II; strong.
Hub MiiMcrolo on Forehead nml
A headache remedy without tho
dangers of "hendncho medicine." Re
lieves headache and that miserable
feeling from cold or congestion. And
It acts at once! Ml'STEItOM: Is a
clean, whlto ointment made with nil
of miiBtard. Uettor than mustard
plaster and does not blister. Used
only externally, and In no wny can
nffect stomach ami heart, as sumo
internal medicines do.
Rest for Sore Throat, Ilronchltls,
Croup. Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neural
gia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Itheiimn
Usui. Lumbago, all Pains and Aches
of tho Hack or -Joints, Sprains, sore
Muscles, Ilrulscs, Chilblains, Frosted
Feet, Colds of tho Chest (It often
prevents Pneumonia.)
At our drugglst'a In 2Sc mid SOc
Jars, and a special largo hospital alzo
for 1 2 CO.
He sure voti net tho genuine MUS
TEROLE. ItciiiH.i Imitations got
what you nsk for, Tho Mustcrolu
Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
Paid Adv.
When In Need
of a Cleaner
or Dyer
Best of Workmanship
". i
"Nearest Io
Powell St, at OTarftll
San rronclsco
In the heart of the
business, shopping
and theutrc district.
Running distilled ice
water in every room.
Our commodious
Homelike restaurant
will attract youf
turopean Plan rates
$1.50 up.
Clttr V,
"Meet Me at
The Jiatix"
a swihhekaved
f UedOowM
me Gasoline ofQiialilyz
Red Crown ntoniiicn ennlly.
Because of its uniform qtiuU
tty it snvoAndjustmonls. It's
nn nil-refinery, unmixed una.
Standard Oil Company
Montraville Wood
Scientist and Inventor
Natatorium Hall
Wednesday Evening
April 7th, 8 o'clock
This is the Inst number of the Medford Entertainment
Mr. Wood is one of the most widely known Scientific
Lecturers. He crrries with him n larue amount of wonder
ful scientific apparatus.
Scats on sale nt Hnskin's.
Single admission 50c. Reserved seats 75c.
Mahoyany Dinlnn Room Set, White Enamel Qcdroont Set, Fumed
Wicker Llvinn ilcom Set, Mahogany Bedroom Set. Will soil sets
vdliolc or part.
Packard Piano and Bench
Quartered Oak Roll-top Desk
Fox Visible Typewriter
Sets of China and Glassware
Draperies, Box Couch,. Bathroom Scales, Plioncrnph nml Records,
Fruit Jars, Heavy Leather Chair, etc.
Most of these articles purchased within n year ami
Must he sold within ten days. Sec
Burrlll Orchard.
When You Buy a Silo, Buy
One That Has Made Good
Profit by tho oxKri!iic) or otliom nml buy a silo (lint Iioh iiiiuIo
Koori In (ivory respect. Tho WIIVnill.U'KKIt HII.O litis mnilo
Kooil tliroiiKli yours of HiiccoHsrul iihiiko by luiuilroils of hiiccohb-
fill IIHOrH.
Hero nut mjimo of llio ivipoiim why
(ho Vi:VKIlll.l'Hi:U HIM) Iiiin
liuuli) kihhI,
1. itn air tllit construction iiioans
jiorfout onsIliiKO. '
2. Hrlontiricully designed und Bimr-
nutooil nucliuruKu 'systoiu.
a. I'orfortly 'balanced, osy,.to hvvIiik
nlr-tlt'lit doorsr '
4. Safety trend Inddors,
U. Sjioclully rollod stool Itoojis, tlior-
ouhly touted.
G, Spoclally doHlgiHid, SIOLK-AD-
7. Staves mado from ulr-drlod Doiik-
luu fir in tho lurcust silo fac
tory In tho Northwest.
Big Pines Lumber Co.
i i r
You no od n't
bother much
rotor yyhon you uso
Phono GII-J3
it ban maim: riooo tm-
ca ii bo It iIoch tliu work It
was Intended to do nml bo
ciiiiso oticn Installed It nev
er k'voh trouble,
HII() IOOU". IT'H vm
flELP H "MX m
an iw. 'K. ah ?
Mf sMMfliMAlAlJI
I" .
SK -