Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 05, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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gfm w
Superintendent Sled of ilio Crnter
Enko pnrk linn sent the following
communication to Seerelnry luio,
HiimrcHlinir thnt tlio discuvi'icr of
Crnter Lnko bo commemorated by re
nmnliiff fllucier cnk in bi honor ns
Ilillmnn peak:
"April fi, 1 til ft.
"The Scorclnry of the Interior, Wash
ington, D. C.
"Sir: It 1h with sincere regret
thnt I have to inform you of the
denth nt Hope Villa, 1m., on March
10 1016, of Mr. John Ilillmnu,
who on Juno 12, 1853, discovered
Crfltcr Lake. Ho wns the leader of u
pnrty of twenty-two prospectors of
whom ho wns the first to see it.
"Now, therefore, I recommend thnt
tho nninti Glacier onk, applied to one
of the highest points on the western
rim of the lake, he changed to Iltlt
muti peak, and in justification thereof
will way, one of the mo"t important
mountain of the state of Washing
ton is known as Glacier peak, ns also
in the Mate of California, thus lend
ing to unnecessary confusion, and nt
least one of them should be changed,
Such n change would also be a de
served and appropriate recognition of
the first white, man who ever saw
Crater Lake, and for whom some
prominent point should bo named.
"Very sincerely,
Reported by JscVbnn County Ab
trset To., Sixth nnl Fir 8U.
Circuit ,
Witlinm S. Crowcll vs. Mary II.
I)ggctt,ct at., complaint.
J. J. Walker vs. F. H. Waile, no
tice. Mjacdnlenc Johnson ct vir vs. W.
W. fllnsgow nnd W. A. Strnttoti? rc-
E. E. Bobicr vs. Angcline Hobicr,
finding of fuct and conclusions of
law, decree.
Stnto vs. Harry Foster, transcript
justice court, Jacksonville district.
Ileal Kstato Transfers
I'nnl A. Hnuscr (o 0. J. Hnu
bcr, land in sec. JI-3tMW.-. $ 10
K. P. Hughes ct ux to Oeorgo
'Tnverner, land near Donlo
' vartl, Ashland .. . 0,:M7
Lena Wcage ct al to Minnie
M. Pnrslow, lots in Coolidgo
Add., Ashland 1
G. h. Pnrhlow to Minnie M.
Pnrslow, lots in Coolidge Ad.,
Ashland - - 34ft
Joseph Zciglur ct )ix to Geo.
W. Canning, lots in Knilroad
Add., Ashland 000
Mrs. A. H. Canning to Mary A.
Fewiugs, lots in Railroad Ad
dition, Ashlniid - 10
Win. Kpurck, Jr., to A. II.
Hartb, land in sees. 19, 'JO,
20 nnd 30-:J7-lE 1
S. E. Cliczum ct ux to A. II.
Ilnrjli, land in sees. 10, 20,
20 nnd 30-37-1 K. 1
A. 11. Hnrth ct ux to II. A.
Nnffley, lands in sees. 20
and :MK7-1E. 10
D. II. Jackson ct ux to Eliza
beth A. Smith, 20 acres in
twp. 38-1 E. 800
Mnry F. Jtoot, to Jennie I). Pcr
rine, lot in Ashland .....1,050
United States to Maud Frnser,
1(J0 acres in sec. 20-40-2E..I,tncnt
United States to Sunford Lo
1'iignrt, 1(10 ncrcs in sec. 18
40.2W. - - , - , .Patent
Monrcd Nyby el ux to Frodo
Frodoscu, lot 8. hlk. I), Iloul
cvnrd Prk Add., Ashland 10
Win. I). Ingalls et ux to Yak
ima National Hank, land in
sees. 27 nnd 28-3.1-1W. . 2,000
Ilutler & Thompson Co. to F.
Snalfeld, lots in Railroad
Addition, Ashland ....... .... 10
A. H. Uaith ct ux to 11. A.
' Muffley, land in sees. 10, 20,
20 nnd 30-1 E, 10
United States to Maud Frn
ser, assignee of Samuel llnr
diofc, land in sec. 20-40.2E.-.litent
r mm kr? vim uKmM
i t H 1m1-. til. jflttBM.
for the icjinlut' session. The subject Mug seemed tlio attention of tho I'n
of installing embs on the uotlh sidejeilio Highway and Hotel company of
of Fourth ineniie was again brought 'Seattle, sufficiently that thev had
up and diMMismd. Ficd V. Dodge of decided to make Gold Hill one of the
the omiuittce for th'e investigation of! fomleeu division points, lie display-
(Ins nnpiovenicut, oflercd as hi sug-.ed us evidence one ol the turners put
gestion a pledge to be signed by nil
propel tv ovvitois ul'fected, Aeeoid
uig to Injures he said the cot would
not be over "0 cents per lotd, and
might be coitsidc-tnhlc lts. t M.
Shnxor icported piogievs on the hoyV
leeted was tho paik for this city, mid
it was finally decided lo clear the
block uoilh of the piiuuuy school
building, piovido walks nnd install
rustic seats mid other similar ur
tides, A motion wns made that a
peimuueut mining committee ho ap
pointed. The ehaiiiuau asked that he
lie allowed until the next meeting. For
the next hl-weeklv luifcheou the inesU
dent uatued HarrV I'oiter as being In
out by the "jitney" people, showing
six pictures of (told Hill and vicin
ity, and Hevoiul stiiugs of (Nh caught
near this place, AIo saying that
Gold Hill is at last coming to her
right till place, as it m now udvcitixcd.churgo. Alter the adiouruuieut V. II.
athletic club, as uumeiou- in tides ,hm ibe neatest point to I rater Laketi Miller nnd J. . Hicks seived a
had already been donated ,1 11. Hee-'on the Pneilie highvvin nnd Southern! luncheon, consisting of salad, sninU
man wns er en lituslntu ov r lm-' Paeilie line. Anolh"r subject icsui-Uviches nnd coffee.
News From Our Neighbors
The new council met on the even
ing of April 1, nnd the business of
the previous year was audited and
the new members were sworn in to
office. Isnnc F. Williams and Win
One of the main iMints of dieu
siou tiiouud Gold Hill nt pre-t nt is
the oueoininsfeloctUtu to he held Mon
day, April 6. The nominees are: Firs
wind, Chin lev Kill, Silas Fleming;
A. Pjburn are the two new members, second ward, liny Cameron, Walter
while W. E. Alexander is retained byjStiekel; councilman-at-lnrge, W. W.
re-election. As I. C. Robnett wn-JTruux; recorder. It. 0. Harding, Den
not n candidate for re-election nnd .11. Lnmpman: trcosutcr, Lynn W.
the re-dgnntion of T. J. Tajlor, which ' Smith. The outgoing incmbcp. of the
occurred several weeks aao, was the council nrc: Fiit ward, fhurlrs Kill;
only other vacancy, there will be no second ward, I!oy Cameron; at lan'c,
further chaime in the personnel of Mrs. Corn J. Trunx: recorder. It. G.
this bodv at this tit me. The nevvl Harding; tiensurer, l.uin W. Smith.
council will meet for further organ
ization and the appnintmen' of com
mittees on next Monday evening. J.
W. Jacobs ns recorder and J. O. ls
naeson, treasurer, took their office.
All busincsh for the past year wns
checked nnd balanced.
The vnrious churches of the city
are planning excellent services for
next Sundny morning in conimcinorn
tion of I'n-ter. In ihe evening there
ix ill be a union meeting f several of
the churches at Central hall.
Thu Gold Hill concert baud made
its first public upcnmucc in tluirj
new uniform last Sunday aflenioon
nt the band stand. The org'tuiz.ttiou
consists of twenty-two pieces and
make n splendid showing. They ex
pect to shortly commence n scries of
coiieaits in the uemby towns.
"The Dust of the Earth' is the title
of the junior-senior piny to be given
at the Gold Hill opera Iniisc h the
local high school Tuesday, April 0.
The east of characters is ns lollevvs:
Mrs.,Tob Gurrett has so far recov
i ed from tho painful injuries sus
tained in last week's accident that she
is .attending to household duties as
Fran Oinpron was u Snturday
visitor at Jacksonville.
Felix Zirebursky motored to Juck
$HviUa Saturday to sjieud a few days
ittt the county seat.
,Im4 week's timely showers lias
4mU wofldri for tho growing things
iH Hm Hcikborkooth nnd more tliiinj
ooMMim4m for-reJideiiuK in mi ul-
An Easter cantata, entitled, "The .David Moon- of Maple Form cottage.
Risen King," composed bv the writer,) lnelianl Morelnok; Mistin jioore. Ins
P. A. Selmeckcr and lcndercd by a wife, Vera Davidson; E'izuheth, the
picked choir from nll'thc churches, jdnughtor, Mnry Tnm.; Jerry, their
is n specinl fenture of the service ton, Willinm Foley; Ilev. Dr. Tem
Itcv. Willinm H. Hamilton of S..pleton, a young divine, Hen Ilny-
Marks, Medford, will deliver the wr-.'": .Mi Araliclln, the v Hinge
moil. The onler of service is us r0!. newspaper, Elsie Miller: John llvder,
oWf,: jtlhe joung uiHster f The Maples,
.. ... . . ... nnl Mint'..,, lti.,.,n,li ,i,iiti.r,ii.r 'I'.il.l tt
"Hie icisin Kino ; eii'iru, "inisi"" v "
Is the Day"; prayer, Itcv. W. A. Dig-'x'.vstery, Clinton lkcr: Old .Mo-n,
gins; solo, "The Dawn of Hope," his companion. Ernest l.ymnn; Nell
Franeine MNascr: menV chorus, "l'e dust of tho enrth," Agnt Diet-
"As It Ilcgan to Dawn' ; rceitutivu by
men, "Hut When They Came t'nto the
Sepulchre"; chorus, "The Lord Is
Risen"; recitative by men, "Then
They Went Out Quickly and Fled";
chorus, "Weeping for Him'; solo,
"They Have Taken Away Mv Lord";
chorus, "O, Grave, Where Is Thy Vic
tory?"; offertory, "Open .tho Oa c,"
Mrs. lira v tun and Mr. Stroluueier;
sermon, Rev. W. H. Hamilton; solo,
Hosanna, He Lives!' Mr. J J. Hnuri,
quartet, "Tho Magdalene, ' Mrs. Mill
Estello lgo Unssler of Grants Pass
gave a very interesting nnd instruc
tive entertainment at tho Methodist
church last Frida'y night, March 20,
under the auspices of tho Progress
ivc llible ohms. The funds were to
apply on a piano recently puiehased
for tho church. Her impersonation
of a sianll girl was exccptionojly
good and bioujihl forth much ap
plause. The ocnl solos were also
greatly enjoyed, and should she come
i . ... i
key. Miss Miekcv. Oeorgu Fnriiiim "K"in h"c '"" n crowoeu
,.,,.1 llrl...f rtnrh- (umll. "I 'lit., llOIISC.
...ill .iv... i...n, .ii.t, ...--
Him Who Loved Us"; benediction,
ilev. Diggins. George Fariium, mus
ical director.
The school has entered into a con
tract with Ihe dramatic guild of the
University of Oregon to put on their
play, "My Man and Lady" in Cen
tral Point on the evening of April 15.
Tho cast will include ten picked net
ors from tho department of public
expression from the University of
Oregon. Dr. A. F. Rrcdic nnd Mis.
J. F. Thorno of tho university will
also assist with the cast. Eveijhody
reserve this date and be on luiud for
tho play. Prices will be placed low
enough that all may go.
most impassable condition the coun
ty road on both sides of Riicb.
Mr. Peckhum, formerly of Mcd
foid, and who is at piuacnt engaged
in the electric business nt Los An
geles, Cnl., arrived from that city on
Tuesday and will spend a few days
with his family on their ranch o the
Little Applegnto.
Ray Fawcett jotmned to Kuril Sat
urday alter spending a few days at
Iluucom, nnd will shoitly leave thcie
for Crescent City, Cnl.
Ur. Cameron was a visitor on the
Little Applegate last Friday.
Joo Goldsby motored to Medford
last Tuesday,
The new installations nt the Sterl
ing pow or plant nro in successful op
eration nnd the present s'uge of wa
ter hns been the most fuvoiablo of
the fcCHhou.
On Tuesday evening the Greater
Gold Hill club met at the dub roouw
Kidney Troubles .Alay lbs Supping
Vour Mfo Away .Medfoinl
I'eotilo llavo I-caiiicd this Fast
When a healthy man or woman bo-
glns to run down without apparent
cautc, becomes weak, languid, de
pressed. Buffers bnckoclio, headache,1
dizzy spoils and urinary disorders,!
weak kid iie a may bo tho cause, Tho
Hllghtost symptom of kidney trouble
Ih too serious to neglect. Doan's
Kidney Pills havo earned their tamo
by their effectiveness In strengthen
ing the kidneys and keeping them
well. Can Medford rcndorH demand
further proof of their merit than tho
following sta'oiaent?
Mrs. Jnno Waterman, Phoenix,
Oro Enjb: "Any oxertlon or hfi"f,
on my feet caused backache and pains
across my loins. I had headaches
and dizzy spells and blurring before
my eyes. All these showed that my
kidneys needed attention, Doan's
Kidney Pills lived up to all tho
claims made for thorn. All the ail
ments that distressed mo so much
were romoved,"
Price due at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy-
get Doun's Kldnoy Pills tlio samo
that Mr8. Waterman had. Foster
Mllhurn Co., Props., Iluffalo, X,
Y. -Adv,
World-famous Scotch Comedian, says:
"Tuxedo, for mildness, purity and fra
grance, THE tobacco for me. With my
pipe filled with good old TUXEDO, all
my troubles go up in smoke. In all my
world-wide travels I've yet to find its
equal as n slow-burning, cool-tasting,
sweet -flavored tobacco. TUXEDO
satisfies mc com- -
plctely." SlMyiAjCOtc
Tuxedo Keeps the World
in Good Humor
Here is the man whose life work is to
make millions of people happy. In pur
suing his call, he travels the wide world
over. He is a great lover of his pipe,
and in all sorts of corners of the earth he has tried all sorts of tobaccos.
What is his unqualified statement in regard to Tuxedo? Rend it ngnin:
"I'tic yd to find its equal. " This is the frank and candid opinion of thou
sands and thousands of experienced, judicious smokers. Tuxedo is absolutely
die best all-around tobacco that modern tobacco science con make.
r The Perfect Tobacco for Pip and Clgartllt
Tlit beat prcEcntnt Ion of
tho iniinctiKcly popular
cut-n'WJiy ulinpc. .
Ide Cfltor '
Tho lending men's wear ntoien
have IJo Silver Collnruor can get
them for you but If you have the
nllglitctt Iwther, wilteut ft,ra lint
of our dealers neatest you.
010. P. I0H CO, Kilm. tW, N Y
Uncorking a tin of Tuxedo is liku lifting
the lid on concentrated sunshine. And then,
when you fire upl Well! The first puff's a
revelation, the second's a revolution, the third
just gets you happy-like I Then you're off
'ust as sure as you'll see the green grass and
tear the birds sing next Spring.
The exclusive "Tuxedo Process" brings out
the unsurpassed mildness, delicate fragrance and
mellow flavor of the Burley leaf in a way that has
never been successfully imitated. At the same time
it refines the tobacco until every truce of harshness
and "bite" disappears.
Famous Green Tin -f v
with gold letterlnf, I lip
Conrenlent. alanine
wroooed. moitturs-
proof pouch ... 'v' curved lo fit pocket
In Tin Humtiort 40c and 80c In GtauHumlJoti 50c and 90c
Tilt Every undertaking, large or small,
PRINCIPAL . r . ill
reason - De successful, must be based on
WHY SOMK an intelligent and comprehensive
is the lack plan, vjrowth m the commercial
OF A PLAN" world was never achieved with
out the adoption of a progressive method.
You cannot exclude the best banking service
and win out. Use the check account system
of this bank. It promotes commercial ad
The First National Bank
Medford, Oregon
M. L?AJford, President
Chas. M. English, Vice-Pres.
Oris Crawford, Cashier
II. S. Deuel, Asst. Cashier
K iiiiiiiiiH 11111B
in i ""
IIMCII Miii:.u
Imported IVrelternn sliillton nwnuit
liy Wnlter Klttn, will nmlie thu sen
(loir Monition ami Tuesday nt Asli
Ininl Ihery stnlile; Wednesdnys nn it
riiursitny, nt It K Itolilnnon's, Tal
ent; Fridays ninl tfiitunlnjn, Vincent's
llnrn, Mi'dford. I'liotm VI, Jacknun
vtlle. Oro.
Come See It Made at
115 North Central Avenue
A. A. H00DY. Pron.
208 East Main Street
Tho Only Exclusive
Coinnioroinl Photographers
in Soul hern Oregon
NoRativea Mado tiny timo or
placo by appointment
Phono 147-J
Wo '11 do tho rest
E. D. WESTON. Prop.
Your Car Insured
Ht, I'uiil Flro H Marino IiMHirniico
CoiiiPiiny, Ht. I'aul, Mliinenoli
Incorporated 1800
Cniltl mill Net HiujdiiM, Jan. 1, 11)111
Owe 9 1,000,000.00
lleNhlent Aent, .Medfoiil, Ore(;oi
' 'MlA
k f
' Vi
. fi
W! t'iArnm