vmn voxm mnvcmx) mattj trtbune. .... ... I II I I ' J II n- I - -r- - ' ' - - - - - " - v- -J -. ftrEDFORT). ORKDON, MONDAY. 'APKTL 5, 10.15 ..,:,g.1.- MKDFORD MAIL TRIBUNK PUBLlHljnp''KVi:ilV ApTHHNdON KXCKPT SUNDAY UV TIIK MHOl'OHD PltlKTlNO CO. Offleo Mall Trlbun-i ltulliUnR, 25-3T-2J North Fir ircou tclrphoiia . Ti "Democratic Tlmo. The Mulford Mull. ThJ Medfonl Tribune, Tha South f rn OrcRonltui. Ttm Anhlnnd Tribune. ' ' BOSSOftlPTXOM BATSB " On yrr, by m(iil..-....- IS.OO Una monlli, by mnll.... .. . .so Vtr month, tidlvurcij by carrier in Mnlfonl, Phoenix, Jacksonville nnd Control Point ..- .0 turrtajr only, by mull, pep ytnr t.oo r'eckly, pnr ynar.. 1.80 Offldnl Pnpr of tho City of Mcdford Orflcln.1 Paper of Jackson County. Bntcrcd nn iitcond-olnai- matter at Mt-ilford, Orccon. under tho net of March I, ISIS. Bworn Circulation for 1914. 1C88. Ftill leased wlr Associated Prcw dla patohea. BS t Bubacrlbors falling to receive O papers promptly, phono Ctrcu- latlou Manager at 25011. sAvsy "Since tn' niovln' picture people announced a year ago thoy didn't want scenarios with murders and crimo In them, there's been a big change Irt th" films. Tho titles arc different," LAUGHS Supply Cut Off "Wearj Walker No. mum, I ain't dirty from choice. I'm bound by honor. Yer sop I once wrote a tes Ulmonlal for a soapmaker and prom ised to uso no other. Madam Well, why don't you use that? Weary Walker Because, mum, tho firm failed about five yca,rs ago. Boston Transcript. Just a Sample A little girl who had a lire ban tam presented to her was disap pointed at the smallnesa of tho first egg laid by tho bird. Her ideal egg hvas that of tho ostrich, a specimen of which was on a table in the draw ing room. One day tho ostrich egg was missing from its accustpmed placo. It was subsequently found near the spot where tho bantam nest ed, and on it was stuck a piece of paper with tho werds: "Something llko this please. Keep on trying." Opportune Irato Country Gentlemen (white with anger at being disturbed) You book canvassers make me so angry with younr confounded nervd and Impudence that I cannot find words to express ray indignation. Canvasser (Jumping with .enthu siasm) Then, sir, I am a great help to you. I havo here the very thing you need a dictionary ' of the English language, containing all tho words and slang phraBes known, nnd only 0 shillings. Take it, nnd you will never bo at a loos to express, yourself ngan. Tlt-B"8- i:ml Man Jocosity "Sambo, if an aviator, born fn Oreccu nnd hatluu a Gerinnn father nnd n Welsh mother wero to fall out of his machine at height of 1000 feet, what nationality w'otild ho bo when ho landed?" "Ah donn know, Mr. Intercolu- tor." "llO'd como down a Rushln', Sambo." Philadelphia Ledger. No Coiniuii'lson Faro-r-Bu my good man, H's Imrtfly, a mile an the crow (lies! Driver That nint" nothing tor go byj This 'ero'a a vab, riot a ulryplang! , Plain KiioukIi "Whero ignoranco Is bliss TU folly to be wise;" (Reflecting upon this, Wo understand some guys. Peoria Journal. SB IN ITALY I.QXDQN, April 5. A Central Nows riippiltfli frijun Home snys that earth HlioekH wn rcf-irftemj this inoniin at tjiu Home obfeervntory, vlteri it is Hiouj-ht that the center of the dmtn'rbiuti'O is in the neighborhood of Avexwmo, thy dt.rii,t munt uffeet wl by tli' tlfc-jitfrmiH eiirthqimku of 11 few mffi iijrd. Kows from Avcxruuo U tonkin. toy f lj wwwmmm f iiM J MORE M PAKE CRATER LAKE'S piSCOVERER DEAD JOHN W'.HtlLLMAN, the I'ii-st wUito mini to diwovor Crater Lnko, passed nwy reeently at his homo near Baton Kongo. 1j., in his 8M year. Tho Haton Kongo Times of Almvh 2(5, 19lf, eontains tho following ebituary: Mr. John Wesley lllllmnn died at his homo, near Hope Villa, last Friday morning, March in, after nn illness of several wcoks. lie was given n Masonic burin! at Unrlosop cemetery. Mr. Utllman was 82 years, 11 months nnd tJ days of age and has lived a life of ndvonturo exper ienced by very few. lie was tn tho famous p.ohl rush of M0, when gold was discovered In California, nnd helped develop that country as well as many other portions of the then unknown Wc9t. Necessarily, in adven turing In unexplored territory ho was In many Indian fights of which ho boro several scars. In 1S52 ho nnd n party of others were Iho first whlto men to look upon the beautiful waters of Crater Lake, In Oregon, tho deep est and most beautiful lake In America. After many yoars of adventure In the West he crossed tho Isthmus of Panama and came to Now Orleans, whero ho mnrrloi and later came hero to live. Mr. Hlllman is survived' by a wtfo nnd two children, Mr. Waldo Hlllman of Now Orleans, nnd Mrs. X. K. Knox of Baton Hougo nnd several grand children. Juno 12, 1853, John V. llilltnan and a party of pros pectors, while searching for the "Lost Cabin" mine, dis covered Crater Lake. There wore eleven in the party. The Hillman party was following tho trail of a secret expe dition from California, hoping to share in the fabulous wealth the former located. Tn the party were Henry Klip pel, J. L. Louden, Pat McManus and a Mr. Little. Mr. Ilillman fifty years later thus described his discevery: Whllo riding up a long sloping mountain, we suddenly came In sight of water and were very much surprised, as wo dtd not expect to see any lakes, and did not know but what we had come (n sight of and closo to Klamath Lake, and not until my mute stopped within a few, feet of the rim of Crater Lake, did 1 look Mown, and it I had been riding a blind mulo I firmly belicvo I would have rtdden over the edge to death and destruction. We came to the lake a very lltlu to tho right of a small sloping butte or mountain, situated In tho lake, with a top somewhat flattened. Kvcry man of tho party gazed with wonder at the sight before him, and each in his own peculiar way, gave expression to the thoughts within him; but we had no time to lose, and after rolling some boulders down tho side of the lake, wo rode to the left, as near the rim as possible, pas,t tho butte, looking to see an outlet for tho lake, hut could find none, and re turned to camp. There were many names suggested, and on a vote Peep l)uc Lake was chosen. Writing our names on a (taper torn from a memorandum book, wo stuck tho paper In a stick, proppcr up In tho ground, and reluctantly turned our backs upon the future Crater Lake of Oregon. The finding of Crater Lake was an accident, as we wore not looking for lakes, but tho fact of my being first upon Its banks was due to the fact that I was riding the best saddlo mule In southern Oregon, the prop erty of Jimmy Dobson, a miner nnd packer, with headquarters In Jackson ville, who had iurnlthcd mo tho mulo In consideration of n claim to bo taken In his name, should wo be successful. Stranger to mo than our discovery wns the fact that after our return, I could get no acknowledgement from any Indian, buck or squaw, old or young, that any such lake existed; each and everyono denied any knowl edge of It, or Ignored tho subject completely. Though the lake was first named "Deep Blue Lake," it was subsequently known as "Mysterious Lake," "Lake Mystery," Iloleiu the Ground," and finally, August i, 18G9, 11 party from Jacksonville named it Crater Lake. Though Mr. Hillman discovered the lake, it began and ended his connection with it, and its preservation as a national park is due entirely to the lifelong devotion of "Will G. Steel. The effort to secure a national park to include Crater Lake, was launched August 16, 1885, by Mr. Steel, and the following January President Cleveland issued a proclama-. tion withdrawing from entry ten townships, January 18, 1886, Senator Dolph introduced in the senate a bill to create Crater Lake national park, but met with such oppo sition that he favored deeding the property in trust to Ore gon for a park, which Mr. Steel opposed. In the following years Congressman Thomas II". Tongue worked energetically for the park, and in 1901-2 Mr. Steel, who had for sixteen years hammered away at the project; launched a vigorous statewide campaign, fairly flooded congress with literature, becane a familiar figure before congressional committees, and on May 22, 1902, the bill passed flud was signed by the president seventeen years after the movement was inaugurated. Superstitions kept tie Indians from looking upon the lake, and it was wot until 1886 that an' of the modern abor igines saw the Jake, which wns surveyed by the United States geological 'survey under Captain. Clyrpnce Et Dut ton and Captain George AV. Davis, who were assisted by Mr. Steel, who made the soundings in the lake. Later- J. S. Diller completed the study of the lake's geology. In 1888 Mr. Steel carried in a lard bucket the first fish fry, steolheads taken from tle Rogue at the Gordon ranch., to Grater Lake. Thirty-seven were alive when the lake was roached, and from those came iQ tvout now s.o abundant. To tho efforts of Mr. Steel, tord Commercial chili, the city council and county court, and, the loyal assistance ot Senators Bqurnq and Chamber lain, is due the road development bv tlie lUitiopal govern- inent at a cost of three-quarters of a million dollars, now in progress, the construction of a scenic boulevard around the rim that will bo tlie most picturesque road in tho world. Seven thousand tourists In the vears to come seven "UilUy visit tiil-s most unique discovered, ny cnanco sixtv-seven pcotar to whom tho glint of glimpse of the mystic blue of lake. GERMANS CLAIM HF,HLiN", April .'. Tlie war offiee announcement concerning yesterday s events nt tho front, given out here today, nays: "The Jk'Jginns attempted to coq oeiitruln roinforceDienth. in (lie rtiree-. tion of preigrnt'lifttcn, which, with tlio oxccplion of porno Iiouhch on t lit northern fa'uk', hux been in our hand BELGIANS REPULSED co-operating with the Med- visited Crater Lake hist year. times seven thousand wilran of nature's wonder spots, years ago iy a pros gold meiiiit nioro than a the world's most remarkable niiino April .'I. The Jk'lfjinn troops were repulsed by our nrtillery i'irc." "French utiemptH to iwlviuic.o in thu Argoune forexlH wero prevented by nWillcry fire. A Htrong nttnnk by (the enemy against our position on tho heights west of HoiiroiiilleH, south of Yardmen, broke, down i hliort iIIht tqneo in front of (ho uenqqn tonHii cations. French infantry chqrgca wohI of Pont-n-Moiisxoii wero biio cessful, whilo tho Germans gninvfl home ground in tio foryst of l.o Petri! by blowing qp sovernt iqiuen. "A Riirthinn ntnek on Mnriunpol (nprthctirtt of Kiiwulki) wiih repulsed with heavy 1osh.h J'or the, enemy, Ollierwino thoro were no a veil In of ini- poitqncu pn t!'o whole cnjJi front." YOUTHS GUILTY OF ROBBING AUTOS ON WHOLESALE BASIS Two casus of Juvnntyn delinquency ono Involving wholesale potty thieving, nnd tho olhpr drunkenness wore boforo tho probation nnd no tice authorities today. Thoso nccuscd or stoallug worn Harold Thompson, Itoy Wendt nnd Clnrenco Jones. They were sentenced to tho reform school nnd plucud on parole to their pnroutu by Judge Tou Voile. Those ncused of drunkenness were Petor Coruin and Howard Thomas. Police Judgo Oay sentenced them to 30 dnys In Jnll, unless they divulged tho names of tho party or parties who furnished them with Inquor. Klectrlc colls, batteries, nulo lamps and equipment, valued nt $200 wero stolen by tho Thompson, Wendt nnd Jones boys, according to their own admissions, covering an extend ed period. They were arrested Sun day nfternoon, the first clue being given by a youth to whopi they tried to trade n lamp for n tennis racket. Tho lamp wac stolon from a Ford car, standing in tho C. K. dates store, and was a during piece of work. The boys all attend school, being well advanced In their studies, and employed no subterfuges In telling their stories. They admitted the charges agatnst them, saying they dtd not realize the enormity of the offen ses. A soap box full of their loot was offered as evidence. In tho drunkenness chnrges against young Corum nnd Thomas, both under ago, tho heavy sentence was Imposed as a means of forcing them to reveal whero they prqeured the Intoxicants. No amount of cross ex amination, so far. has forced tttli Information. If It l obtained, Infor mation will be (lied against tho guilty party, on n chargo of selling liquor to a minor. It Is believed that the In toxicant was furnished by nn nldor boy. able to buy whiskey over locnl bars. SURRENDER CLAUSES IN OIL LEASES ENFORCIBLE WASIIIOTpN, April A. Tlie su preme court today held that oil lenses in general iiko coBtuininu 'Vurrvmler clnu-es" were enforcible by injunc tion in federal courts amsMOtinron iubiicatiov xx TOHSCZ.08VBS Or T.X UM. In tli circuit court of ilia Mule f On-upn for Jackson County. JackKon County. On'gon. Plaintiff, vs. Perry l'ontur. K, tfnani"n. Mrn. II. Walk or. H. J. AilMIn, It. !eur!MV. .Mm. U P. Huxliilcll. T U llray, i:. ti. llrlKKts J. C Olvet. K. (' Drwry. ItrlM-cca KkkU slon. LaiUlln Kurnur, I.uclmla (lunlunl Hut,, Mrx. Mlnnto Ouno. A ItunlliiRN. Pcnr ItnotM. J. I., Mntmn. K A Mull). rwi, Mr. Ilomi'tla MunJifM. Clmrlotl Prllon, J T Kuwyer, V. It. HrhoilJ. Harry flllvcir. "W IX Van Vaclnr. Jainv WalWiT. J. I.. Hrown. Mxxlc loodlm. O. Y! Klncaw. .lumen OVminrl. Jlm P'l lltic. Alary Vick.ru. 3t P Hntciilor. ('. 11. ClosmiT. Tntl IMiuill. OMru- I.-wIh. Win. Ni-lBon. I., rt HfoiliT. J. M. Itcti. A & K. Hlraul'- Wrl. t-Mlirn Cly company. J D. wtmut i:t . at. i Whitney, W. I). C.r-y, J li Orelve. W I.. Jonv, K. P. Wanl. II, Wfbiitcr, J. J Kerr, aiiimourl Vullny company. H. V. Itoliili-ll, II II Hhlpp. Oliver Wlnliey. Uauman & Kclimliltx. I I' K Oro lioiu. tX U. WoUcrlon. Crumrr HrollierH. Hllnn Klt-mlmr. J. U PiinUn. Ucvnu atlnlfiK company, II. U SljekM. I" Denldon, II A llolmrN. J O. .McCullli.. ter. It J. Hclincliler. K. a. CVnler. U Cotvr Kt.. Jo-I Marlley. John Illler A Kylo. I., ti Maucli. X.oulH H. Carroll. MrH. Hradley. J II, I)ii(tKn. H. P. Hani nr. II. O. Krtfrsnn. II. IVllnt. W. I.. ThompHon. J J Porter, II. llanfMil, KmonilOt Kliur. Victor Kocli. . V Wnl. Orpn. I:. t. Hmllli. It. II. Duffy. M.H. (Irlin. W. P. A J. .Moore T:iree I'lnn Tlmlier Co.. KntiirnrlNo .Mlnlnic Co. Thou, llapwoo1. i:. M. Hmllli. II AlUIn, A. P.- Artmitronir. aiurrutt KhI . Patrick aicMalion. Oinv Consolliliiled Mlnm ., 5lr J. K. ?. P. II Tlitminioii. Trail Lumber CM.. Jaiiluw Yoihik. Ioiulii Aclttiiin. II. N. Uutler. K W. I'unU-r, ll..iirt ntiirk. fnrrli. ' Itumoil. CI cl. I.. IXivIh. lit W I my. Win. KoMi-r, llenter nulluuuy. II. . unrneit. n, n. irn. Ufn Huymonil Km.. J. M. Ilnwlwoed, John Klllhom. AY Kf;er. J V. Law ton. A. C- Lawrence. IruWi Lulh. I w r ..ni.aii.r l.iU Miirtln. M. H Meuil' owh. Nettle aiof.re. Jlurtln .Mc.Uonouuh. A. II. Yjmilr. irilwflr' IMiltrf-y, c. ai PljelHti'r. Jiarllm I'nweu, Ainrv it re, i i.- ii.ni, iv. Muii..! Kasor. CI . HcMclm- rrierhorn. IKhhIo rlhvutiard. C A. Kinltli, John C. Hteplienmin. John T, 'talent. Ifnrv.-v Vlnretil UVikM Alfred ttnil I-Mltli Orr, J. J, aiurpliv. K. fl. HlnimonM, n w viAl.nU K- u: uvirli. N. D. Ilro- pl'iy. T. n. Iloherm. 8. C. Cook. Jlrlul Clorifon. Oruco ilurlln, aiurl.- ff. 't'lrlcli. IH-u rnieldpn. lien iiqymoiiu . i'f- .- N. T. Miller. It It. Uiinn. John Poo lo naino unknown. K II. Pewpree. ilfenil- nntm Tci th ahoyo pain.ei dv'nimtH, ami tacii iu yo(j. , In l tin Nn mi. nt the Hfaln of OrolTOIl V.m urn li,.r..l,v nAlirleil Hint .JllcUHlJll County. Oregon. tlii holder or tj 'r (IflcaleH of PellnfiuencJ' hereinafter net out and numbered, and IhiiimI ih Jiernln ttftcr Hot forth bv th" '; colK-ctor of tbi nalil county of JuckHvii. male of tire Kon. for thu ninnunt hereinafter dejlic mttcd. th samo bolntf Iho auioptjt t u-u duo and ditllnuiiiiiit roc taxes for ,thu liar 1908, loKi-llier with jM-nalty. Inter et. and contH thereon upon the real property iiKHi-nHHl to you. and ench or you, of which you urn tho owne iim appearw of leconl, tlm 'ild Pioperty lie. Ink Hltuatiil In nald county nnd nlute, and the imimi of the pi-iMun to whom fiuueuucil. Him ib.uerltltloil Of Hlllfl ITO- uc-rty and Ihn amount due thereon helm; Hi no woriiH nun rixurn u iiniunni u.ii. fuuii.i Aiifiiui i tell: No. 1726, Perry ToMicr. umith V4 of HW , NI3 HW' leH -to. ucren "'. eo tion 3. twp. a:., It r W, acrc-H ISO, taxen I1S.60, penally 11.50. Intem-nt . II0.2S contH r.Oc. tolal tav, penllty, Intercut and com 2i,:i i. Nn T2H. H Hu'imuiin. HK NW'i. MM' II, t)vp, 35. It. i W.. aciv0, taxeH 11.28. penufly t3e. Inl'.'teHt Uv. C'ih( nuo. toiui lux, penalty, inuri-ni mm ivi - 71 No! 1729. Mm II. Walker. BW HVtf. NW.14 of NWM. xec 22. twp. as. 11. 2 John A. $rl Lady Assistant 28 H. IIAItTrjTT Phonos M. 17 nd 47-J3 Aiabulnnco Hervlco Coroner ,, V ai'ies so. IXM t!l ?B. penally !t7e, ln lert'Ht 12 10, okhIn noc total lav, peualty, Inteurt ami cohi It.n.i ..... Nn. If an, S J Aimtlll, Im'K. N. (13 dec if, tntn, W. tH feet fioin pi l)n. feel N mul it I. a feet W o' NV ear. I). L. C is. twi. an. it. t ti, n den. sj niln. w. tai J reel N on don. I Iijui " feel etc.. tnxvH lll.HI. iteiiUHv IS l. Inteient lis i, eoxta .Sop. (nint lav, penally, ln tei'eAl and oont U.I SO. . , .,4, , , . Nu. ml. c. ii. UeitrdHtex. .NU ii a, tdk. , AnhtHiui. laxiM t'Jft.to, penallv tf as. InteivM till 21). imikIn AOo, mini U. penally. Iuleient nml eiiot $17.81. No, 17.12. .MrH. I.. 0 lliiMluiell. Hello view Add. V4 Ni:c HV, S-l nee II. twp. 39. It t M aerjH 8, taxei 12 iS, penally 27, ItiteieM ll.Sl. cohIh Me. intnl tax, peimlty. IntereNl nnd eust I.1.S3. N'o t73l. T. t. limy, tt'H HI-3 HIJU ajid I acre adj. m.'o. 14, twp. an. II I II. aeren 21, tnxen ll.TU. penalty st.KI, In tereHt IS.i'O, c.ihIs .loo, lolal lax, penally, luteieMt and 0l SS3.SH. No. 173ft. 15. I) Hrln. beK. tn tn elm K and .1 elm. N of SV oor. of NWU "f NW'i or II rt flit elm N. IB deK H niln. W 11.32 elm H, l deK. 1 lulu V 10 7S elm. ooutaliiliiK uei-en , nee, ft. twp. at', II. I i:. taxi'M 125 in. penalty !."!. la te rent lfl.2.1, rimlH fine, tolal tax. peu nllv Inleit-Ht and 'hkI IH.GIi. No 110. J. C. Pixel. AHhlnnit. Niiltey St 12 acre lmijhl of I. W Unnh,, luxen tin 33, iHinally f 4.A3. Intereit ti,n. rontii r.Pe, total lux, peuall), InteteNt and viml TU. 17. No. 1711, II C Prwiv, heir, on li line HW't Bee. tl. H elm. W of eor. bet, nee II and 2 N. ft.24 elm. W. U..V1 elm. to NW eor. llelleUew rehuol hoime. m-e II. twp, S'.. ii. i i:, m-ret a. luxe t2 to. Iienalty 3l0. Interenl tl JJ. rimlM fttfe, lotnl lax, penalty, InlvivM and eusl tl.fiT. No. 1742. Het'erqa Kiinlehlon. Anhlaud It. It. Add. lulM 21. 22. Iilk J, luxe $2t.a. penalty t2.in, lnteiel lia.si, eoiln ftilo. total lax, peimlty. Intt-ient unit eotin Jii.ii7 No. I7lfi. Luddle rnrmrr, hen. & elm. N of eor. Coin, to Men. 10 and XU def. VI mill II 4 HI cits. N Hi.fiJ elm, tn eenler cnunty v'l llienee K. x.ao elm. W 4 liii vim. K It US rim. nee. II. twp. St. It. 1 S , tuxen $-1 20, peiuilly 32c, In tereKt 12.01, co.itn SOe, lolal lax, penally. Interval and eost lil.Oil No. 1710. I.uelmln llaliilint 111 . Mi of 8M, nee IS, twp. J7 It t W.. ncrrn SO, InxeN 10(3, penalty U So, luteiexl fil.0!, eontn SOo, loliil tux, penalty, III' tcrext and cott 117.07. No. 1747, Mm. .Minnie (lano. Home ntend Anno. lot. lot 10. nchool dlatrtct No. $, Inxe" IS US, penally too, InleieMt 13.21. voiU Sue, total tax, penally. In tel eil mid cunt (ti -js No 1752. A. llardhiK. iW 63-3.11, nee. X. twp. 3!l'J. It 1 1". . luxen 120.32 pen ally $2.03. Interna $13 00. t-onlH 600. tolnl tax, penalty, luleivnt and ront $35 S3, No. 1763, Onc.tr llooln, llotuenlead An no. land on II Calif HI.. Anhluud. den. 12-3111, nchool dlnlrlel No .'. laxen $0.30. Iienultv 63e. Illlerent 14.07. eontn &0c total tax, penalty, Interent nml runt $11 60. No. 1754. J. I., aialmn. Nil of NW. neo. 17. twp 311. It I II. BCren 10. laxen $6.19. penally &2e. Inlerent 13 32, eontn Sue. total luxen, penally, Inlerent and eont $ 53. No. 1766. K. A Miithewn. Anhlnnd, ainthewn Add, lotn is. Il, laxen $3X1, H-iiulty 34c Interenl $S 47, eonin toe lolal tax, penalty, Inlerent and cont $7. in. No. 1756. .Mr. Itnmetla aiunkern, 2 HI ucren out of den. 16.612, laxen $,i0.OI, penalty $J.no. Inlerent $32 00, eontn 60o, total lax, penally, Inlerent uml conl IX7.S4. No. ITSV Charlotte Pelton. Anhlnnd, loin 7 nnd S. blk. 19. taxen 117,0. tx'ii ally. $1.27. inlerent $S 12. eonln SOe, mint tax. ix-ikiIIv. Inlerent and cont $22.69 No. 1701 J T t'awyrr. It. II Add loin 3. I. Idk. S luxen $17. 1. m-imlty $1.77, Inlerent $11 37. eontn SOe, lolal lax. penally. Inlerent and CO I $31.12 Nn. 17S2, . It Hcheild. Anhlnnd Add lot 3. blk. P.. laxen $3.1(1, penalty 3e. Inlerent $2.13. eontn SOe, total lax, conln, peimlty unit Interenl $7 12, No I7C3. Ilorry Silver. HH of NWU, nee. n, twp 3'. It t W. n.nd HK of Nim. nee. 7, IWp. 39, It. I W.. UiTen 120, tnxen $7$. Hnally 7c. Interenl $191, ronln 60e, total lax, penally, Interenl nml ront $I3.SJ. No. 1770. W. II, Van Vactnr. Anliland It. II. Add. lot 2. blk. It., laxen $19.42. penally I LSI. Interenl $11 7K, eontn SOe. lolal tux, penalty, Interenl ami cont $32.34. No 1771, Jnmen Wnlkrr. two hnunen nml land ndj CoMrl land nn north nnd two Reed on eanl. taxen $32 0l, penalty $S,20. Inlerent $33 32, eontn SOe, total tax, penally, Inlerent and ront IVl.10., No. 1774, J. L. Ilrown. Nil of 8i:l nml Hi: nf NP.U. mc 21. twp. 31. II. 3 n, ncren 00. tuxen $11 XI, pennlly II.1S. Inlerent $7.67, ronln 60c, lotul lux, pen ally. Inlerent and (ml 121.011 No. 1777, Llxxle Onodlow, NH or NWU nod NW nf Nil',, nee 20. twp. 33. It. 2 II. acren 120. tnxen $27 30. pt-nally $2.71, Interenl $17 61, eontn SOe. lolal tax, pen nltv. Inlerent nnd ront $411.11. No. 177S. tl. W. Kllienw. UK of NB'i. mr. 30. iwp, 33. It. 2 K.. ucren 40, tnxen 19 12, penalty 91c. Inlerent 15 83. conln 60c. total tax, penally, Inlerent and coil $1138. Nun. 17X1, Jnmen nTounel, NU of HU, nrc. 2S, iwp. 32, A. 3 II, acren 10, tuxi n $32 01, peimltv $3.20. Interenl $20.nl. cojiU 60c. lolal lax, penally, Inlerent nml conl $67,211. No. 1712, Jumen P.'IIIiik. HUI of HW't. nee. 34, Iwp. .14. It. 3 K, acren 40. tnxen ll'J.Si. penalty $1 07. lutvr.'Xl $6.(3, conln SOe. total tux, penally, ronln and Inler ent $19.07. No. 17S. alary Vlckern. K'4 of NK'i. nrc 21. twp. 36. It. I K , ucren SO, tnxen $7 92, peimlty 7r. Inlerent $5.0!, conln SOe, tolul tux, penalty, Inlerent uml ront $ 14 "7 No, 'l77. at V llalchlor NI4 of NK'i. ner. IB, twp. 38. It. 3 K, acren 80, tnxen 11.20, penally H2c. Inlerent $6 21, conln Soe, lotul lax, penult)', Inlerent uml cont $l4.7r, No, I7S9. C It, Plonner. W of KK'5, K',4 gf HIV'i, nee 2. Iwp. 3. It. I K Ucren lo. tuxen $10 21, penally $1.02, lo ir rest $6 ii conln 30e, lotul lux, pennlly, Inlerent uml eont $1.3I. No I79U. Cred IMnall. 8W of HW"t. nee 33, twp. 39. It. 4 U. ucren 40. loin STAR - MONDAY AND TUESDAY Paramount Picture 1 Henry W. Savage QFFHIJH MacklynAr buckle In (icorco AiIo'h Comedy Drama Trluinph In Two PartB The County Chairman AVITH . Willis P, Sweatnpm Mutlnco 2:1C Evculnj5 7:00 ADMISSION 6 AND 10 CENTS 3. 4 nee 1. twp. 10, It I B, ni-iea 03 laxen $lit,27, penally $l,2, luleieiil, $10 11, eitnia nOe. lolal lax, pamilly, la lei ent ami etmt $3S.X0, , No I7ti2. tlnoiue l.ewln, NW of W, HW of Nlltl, Hl-for NW'U. Hee'S. IWP 10, it 3 i:, aeren IVO, laxen $12 02, peiV ally $1 3, Inlet enl $.2H. eonln Mie. lotnl lux, penalty, lulelinl ami eontn $22 07 Ni. t7nil. Vm Nelnon. Mi of N'li HH f NWin neo. 3, ivp. an. It. HI!. aeex 10 o, taxen 1 1 o.UI. petmllv $1.02, In letenl it 6,1, eonln ftoe, lolal lax, penally Interenl and eonl IIH 31. No. IJ9S, ,, u liemler, Nl:U ne. IS tWP. -IS, II. 4 I!, nrii'H IHO, InXeft $10.34 !iemity $1.03, Inleiiml $il.R6, eontM 60e, oiai tax, penalty, luteirnl uml coh! No ITllll, .1, M. Itetih, Nl'.'l. wee 2S twp .1s, II. 3 II, neien llln. tnxen $ $ rt HS. penally $l.l. Inteient $10 IS, eonln 60e tolal lax, penally, Inteient uml eonl I2l 00. No. ISM, A A II. Hlututi, one. third In terenl In llln :i, I, 6, it, it. in. Talent, laxen. ille. penally lie, tuleteAl 3Se. eonln 50e tolul lax penally Inlereal and eonl WAX No. isni. J H Wurl. HH of Nl-!i, V of Hli'i. nee. rt. twp. II, It. 2 K. iieren llln. laxen $I0 2I. penally $1.02. In teient $0 65, eonln Sne. lolal tint, penally, Interenl and eonl $IS3I No 1X05 Wenleiu Clay Co., Nil of Nl!, nee. 3d. iwp US. It. 2 II. amen 40, laxen 11.64 penally IRe. Inlerent OHe, eonln 50e, tolul lax, pemilO, Inlerenl uml C"ni'xiki. J P. Whiter Iml . undivided onn-hair Inteient In Nl-iU. neiv 10. iwp. 3t, 11 2 K. aeien SO, taxen 15.(5, pnualty 6le, tnletehl I) IS. eontn SOe. total tax, penulp. InleteM nnd eonl $0 7 No. Phil, 1. I Whitney, iimllvbled H Inleunt In NK, nre. 10. twp. 3H, It. 2 l. neien 40. laxen $250. penally 25e. In terenl $1 til rttnln 600, lolal tux. penalty, lilteii-fl and eonl $191 . ... No 1 N I o. W IV Cuiev. P. L. C. 41. den. 50-100 ner I.V Iwp IS. II W . aeren 47. laxen Ml. 02. Penalty $0.10. Inteient $30 13, eonln SOe. tolul tux, pep. ultv. Illicit t nml eont $107 71. No I S IB, t II llrleve. Ceulral Polnl. Ull blk 3tt t'oliHltillt Add Iilk 3, tnxen $1.19, penally 4xe. Illleient $3.07. eonln 50,. lolal lax. penally, Inlerent ami eont No". 1817. W U .lonen, Cenlial Polnl. Coimlitnt Add blk t. laxen $3 Ifl penally 32e, Inlerent $2 09. eonln SOe. lolal tax, iH'linlty, Inteii-nt nnd eont $0.10 No. 1X23, U P v. loin B. T. S. Iilk 4. Ceimat Polnl. tnxtm $1221. penally $1 13. Inlerent $7.13, eonln SOe tolal lax, prunlt. Inlerexl. ejnt 18I.7H. No. I?l. 'II. Webnler. den C1-S7. nee . iwp, ;. It 2 W.. aeren 40, luxen $19 4X. penalty $1 tf. Ipletenl $12 IK' eontn 60e. total tax. penalty, Interenl ami ront $35.01 No1 1S33. J. J. Kerr NWU nee. I. Iwp 35. It I W, afren l0. taxrn eil. pen nlty iKe Interenl $1 23. eonln 60e lotnl tax, penalty Inlerent and cont $12 01 No 1X3V Minnourl Vnlb-x ri.. Kanle Point, lol t. Idk 6, tuxen $I.0S. peiiHHv. 17c, Inlerent $1 07. eonl f.n., tolul tax, penallv Inlerent unit eont $3 12 No. 1X37 8 K llobnell. Knule Polnl. Daley and Cillery Add lot 2 blk. 4. luxen 43r lienalty le Intlrml 27r eonln 0e TT Theatre HERE MONDAY AND TUESDAY Alfred Owen Vemntllo vorijllBt (Operatic Comedy) lr. Owen coinei froirf "l-'rlnfo" l-'luli-er nnd Iivy Circuit. Eric the Red's Wooing A thrilling two part Domino. A ntory or Ancient Nomo' Lit?. The Desperado Two I'nrt llronclio I Vat tiro Phil's Vacation lloynl Comedy Lover's Postoffice Keystone Comedy Willi I lie imiutl iilitiiro iiri'Ki'H'l1 3 ami 111 Ci'lltn THrDAnr IL I MVJL Leading Theater EngagementExtraordinary TWO DAYS ONLY. AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS. Beginning nt 2 P. M. and Runnlnn Continuously Until 12,-30 tyitlnlulit The World's Greatest Photo Spectacle GABIRIA In Twelve Parts S The mystic splendor of Egypt. E The Grandeur of the Alps. E The opulence of Africa. S Fleet of Shins dostroyetl at sea. E The terrific hattle In which 7000 participate. E The hei-pic il(jnty of Rome. S Ttio'pompous munificence E of Ancient Carthago. E The volcanic eruption. ' - As this picture will he shown continuously, patrons may enter at any tiine. Pposltjtycly no tickets sold after 0:30 p. in. REMEMBER This wonderful niovlnij picture cad only he seen Wednesday and Thursday t , ." Ahrl 7th A.PMI88IQN While more than, our renjdar price is less than tills picture lias hepn. shown for In many of the larger oitles. l.ower Floor, 25c; Balcony, 15c; Children, lOo. tnlnl ta.x, jiciuilly Inli'icHl and cost Ni', IS3S. II. II Hlill-P. HH "'1 nee 2S, twp .ill. I, I U. lyrea HO. Ijixr; fl.il$. Penallv -lie, .IHlmi-nl $301, tmlij ftoe lolal lax, pemill), Inleien,! ami etmt ,7No 1110. Oliver Wlnbev. N iif NM. Hll of Ntl'll, Nil of HW't. ace. , '""'' 34, II. I K aeien H10. luxen $10 04, pen ally $111(1, llllt-ienl $10,111, iiunlH 500, lolal in), penallv, Inteient ami roil "No. IS12, llatiimiii .and Helitnhll, Vi nf NWM. Nf. of NVi. W t N!xi. nui. 2, IMp. 32. It 4 I. neTeN 100, luxen $2000, penallv $20. Illleient , $IS 04. eonln ililii. lolal laxeH, penally. Inlneit and eonl $52,nil. ..... ..... . Nu, tM in, K. 1' .1 K Mrnhatn, HV nf NWMl. Mil'. 30 tvp 32, It 3 U. imivM 10, laxen $5;i, penally ROc, liiloienl 13,7V. eonln 50e, tolul tit x. pl-unlty, In letenl apd eonl $10 HI. Nu ix'in. . II. Wolvrilon, l)U of HUtJ nee, 3. twp. ill. It I It, aeien Ho. taeM $32 81. penallv $3 21. Ihleienl $11.71. conln ni)u, tolul lax. penally, lulurenl nml " Nn, ISNI.' riiinier lltolliel", Onnl Hill, lot ii. blk 3, luxi-a $1.01'. penally, lie. Inletenl line, eonln fiili'. tolnl lax, ( -Tl -allv. Inleivnl and eonl lt No ixt.u Hllim rieiiiliiif beir 31 feet W and 3in fret north of HH eor llnv. lol 3. N 300 feel V, till) feet eonlalulhw 3 linen; uIho bet(. 200 feel N ami 20 feel V nf HU cor lol 2. V 400 fie.1 N. 120 reel nee. 23. twp 3rt. It 3 v. acllta three uml nne-lhlnl. tuxen $s.H9. penally V0e, Inteient $6 7.1. conln SOU. total hX, peiiullx, Inlerent ami eonl $10 tl. Nn IM1I, J I, Pniilln. Uo. lot 2a, ne. tH. Iwp. 30. II 3 . laxen (7i penally f.e. Inieienl tide, eontn Sue total litx, penally. Inteient nnd eont 1 1 33. No iSA3, Itevt-mie .MlnlllK cnmMUV, HI? of Nl'.ti, HK or Hlllj neii II, iwp. .17. It 3 W. amen So, .(uxen ItfOI. penally noe. Inli'reni II Ml, eonln AOe. lolal lax, Peiialh, Inleirnt uml ront III. 00. No 1411. II I,. 8lleli-l, III Helen dm. 47-137, aeren in. nehoot illntilel No 17, laxrti $70 iietinll) 57e. Inlerenl $ll. rontii Sne, lotnl luxen penult), Inteient und eont lln No. ISflR. II I) Penlnon lll of NK'I. I'U of HI'.",. -.. II. Iwp. 36, II. 2 It, lltxen tHJH, penally $163, Inlnont $0 S3, eonln 60e tnlnl Inx, penally, 111 letenl ami eont $27 12. No. 1N07. II A tlolmen. H4 of NltU, Hl of NWt.. M-e 12, twp ail. It. 3 11, aeien 100, taxen $23 On, penult v $3 37. In-tei-enl IK. iS. eonlo 6 He, tolul tlU. pull nil V, Inlerenl uml t-ont $11 ;n. Nn IS4II. J H MeCulllnler. NW "f NH'i i-ee 4. Iwp 37. P J 1. neien 0, (Conl lulled oil 1'iiKp (. THE PAGE Mctlfonl's Lending Theater MONDAY AND TUESDAY Afternoon nnd l-'vi'iiltiy. Tltreo Act l.iildn Drumii The Hermit of Bird Island Tlie romance of a fltilpwroi'liuil Pair VITVtlU.MMI When Dumbleigli Saw the Joke Sidney Drew an liuittilol-i f IIIOCUAIMI ,' His Own Hero I Mud and Matrimoriy VITAOKAt'll Mr. Jarr Brings Home a Turkey .Mt'SIO IIY Wurlitzer Orchestra C-10-lCo i Bedford's and- 8th . n, i s ; u pmykiwtftHmn' ' t " - UJl--14 9 in I I I I I ItiiH H'Ifl'f'W