WTCDffOTtT) MATTJ TTlTnUNTC, MEDFORD ORTCnOK, MONDAY. 'AVTW, fl, 10trt PTCOK THRKH rf ht $ hi" X t W .v S'T. ., ' SIXTY-FOUR YEARS ICE GOLD FOUND ON SHE OF YREKA ARIIIjANI), April n,. -.Inmon Thorn ton, AmIiIiiihI luHhlcnt iiiiiI oiio of tint few loninlnlug ploneera of IIiIh hoc Hon, grow rcmlulNcont on April 1, whlln recalling mvoiiIh of (ho olden luyn, anil broiiKlit to iiilml Unit It wiih JiiHt Hlxly-fotir yearn from thnt Into when lio iiuhIhIciI In tho flrnt iieareh for placer gold at tint dig- glumi on llio Hiot where tho city of Yiokn, In Hlnhlyon county, ('eiltfor nlu, now hIiiiiiIm, There wan no not tlciuent there then, alumni the en 1 1 tun country being a wlldornoioi, nl t It on it It iinotliiM' pnrty of mlncm woro working nt Kcott'H liar noma dlntnuro away. TIiIh wan In ISM. Tim Thornton patty ioiiaIMciI or twenty- t tun men, nrgaulrcd In Yamhill conn- 1 ty, Oregon, -who not Mm gold fever ami Marled Mouth on February 1 1 of that )ar. They uot iin far mh I)iiiim iimlr ami worn ((impelled to turn hack on account of deep tinow ami ' Mrcwi of weather. Tim party parked Into tlm wllilcrnoiw with nn average of two nnlmnht apiece. While near tlm Hlto of where Yrolm now ntanil ' they prospected for tlm yellow metal unit found It In payltiK MronUti, thoiiKh no attempt wan made to till tic )'nteinn(lcally to bedrock, they Hmply working tin Mirfncc. An Mr. Thornton loiiminhem It, no naum fwnit rIvimi In thin original ramp, In ' tho con rue of three mouthn tlm water ( Mipply giving out, the party returned ' to Oregon, vnrloun moiuhcrit of the 1 exMdltlon havlui; cleaned up nhout 110(10 apiece, Of the original party nix were In timate compnnloiiH and had coiun to i Olefin from l.oulMa roiiuty, Iowa, In the nprliig of IN.'O, They were Ja roh Wagner, Jaiuen and John Thorn Ion, Chnrlen lloudrlckn, Humphrey Long and a Oermnii named Henry Van Anall. Tlm lat Alhert Unck fellow wan ulno a member of the In itial parly, hut ho left them nt a point now within tlm houudarlrn of the Mate of Neliranka, preferring to Join nn exdltlon direct in Califor nia ItiMcnd of coming to Oregon, All o Iheno men have panned away with the exception of Jamen Thornton. Mr. Thornton wan born In Tlppc curoe county, Indiana, "on the bank ot (he WahuMti." May 20. IS20, con- neqinliy lie In in lih until year. Ho i mm in inn cnnirai went In tlm of I fit" I, vln Central America, -ii voyage from Nicaragua to York being In the old original Meatier Vniiderhllt. Coming hack lo ( legon, hu located reflectively In Willamette valley and Inter on iclmonvllle and then at Talent. nine lo Anhland about tlm year I , and for a long period wan net Identified with tlm woolen iiiIIIn Tor eight yearn ho wan tlm owuxr of what In now known nt llm HolLirhldo toll road over tho Rln I.I)iih, and at one tlum wan anno rlaled with Jacob Wagner In ranch ing operation near Talent. Stand ing on tlm threshold of DO yearn, he hni lived to neo tlm mineral output of Rlnklyou county In Hin'n nroro jear reach nn nugregato (if 17fi,-dOO.OOO. $101,277 DRAFT ;F REACHES ASHLAND OR SPRINGS BONDS AHIII.ANI), April .'.. -J'lobably tho fattewt diaft ever mien In thin vicin ity waa ouo which wan handled through local hanking chauimlH lant .Saturday, II wan nfieclflcally for 1101,277 80, and wan drawn by Illyth, Witter & Co., bond biokom of Han Fiauclnco on tho Anglo and London I'lirln National hank, nlno of Han I'ranclneo, payable lo llm order or (I, II, ICuhaukn, tieanurer of tlm city of Anhland. It represented' pay iiient for tho principal and accrued InteroAt on 100 auxiliary water hondn or 1 1000 each, Thin nalo, together with tlm $75,000 placed In Dourer, clone up tho dlnpnnnl of tlm $I7I, 000 bond I tin ue. Another big draft In provloun banking hlntory wan ono for eighty odd thouunud dollnrn, do ponltod In local bankn on 1'nrlflc Highway account, Hnron and llarononn Urlu, accom panied by Commander Nagano, nil r Jnpnn, on tlm way to o.Hnttlo, rrom Friday, on tlm way to Hcattlo, from whonco tlmy null ror homo on April 0, Tlm Huron graduated from An nnpolln, and hi wife wan'educnted at Yannar rollego, lloth thene naval offlcern dlntlngulnhed tlmmnolven In tho Jnp-ltunno war. They hnvo been vlnltlug the expoHltlnn In nn oflclal capnclty, reti fall th Now llm at Id isfi ivel her TEACHERS OF SCHOOL BOARD AHI1LANI), April .. I.nnt Thura day livening, nccordwlng to Invita tion and aunnuueemont, teacliern of I ho Wont Sldu hcIiooU entertained AUa member of tlm nchool board and their wive; nlno tho tenchorri of tho Kant Rldo hcIiooI and high hcoIiIh nt a theutro party nt tlm Vlnlng, Tlm lioHteHKCH woro MltHon ICnglo, Crook paiim, llrown, l'oloy, Caldwell, lIdo grnff, Mynrri, Morehouno and Hurley, Roata worn lOKorved for ithout 60. Tho attraction was Annotto Kollor iiuin an "iNopUmo'H Daughtor." a high pi lend Horloiv of flliua which proved morn oxpeiiHlvo than wiih an ticipated. NovorthuleHH, In aplto of heavy drafU upon tholr March pay toIIh, tho hoNtu8Hua proved thoniHclvcn good Hporta by not only redeeming tho t heat ro pledge willingly, but by wah of dlveinlon ot up nn nbunil nuco of light rafrcHlimouta nt tho Carter memorial fountain nnd other remirtH vlnltod in huccobbIoii. Tho particular dalo being tho first of April uiinlvornnry, khobIh woro niuilo tho object or Hovoral nntullzlnpr ox Mierlencos bororo tho final "good iilght" wns Bpokon. Tho llhrotto nt tho playhouso took tho form or n iiummaiy of vital MatlHtlca concern ing tho modern "Noptuno'8 nntigh ter'' by way of com pail Hon with tho phyHlcal clinrniH accredited to tho uoveral IllnnnH of mythology In trn dltlon and ntory. Imports huvo It that novornl film fenturoa woro elim inated In aplto of nuauraiicoH from tho hoHtoBH Hint no portion of tho movlea wouhl bo consorort, Mr and fn. Miner MrConnell, frenldentn or Hie vicinity or lluffalo, N, Y , nro vlnltlug their counlnn In llm Nlmn nud Kaundern famlllen In cident lo a lour or tho Pacific const. Phil Uono In houm on n brier va cation, vlnltlug nuiimrnun relatives nnd frlendn hereaboutn. Ho In now n teacher In tlm union high school at Itlpon, Cal., ono or tho flourUhlng educational limtltutlonn of Han Joa ijuln county, Memborn or Malln Commandery, Knlghln Tomplar, ohnerved tho Kan- tor aniiivernnry ny attonuiug ner- Mren nt Ht. Mark'n Kplncnpal church, kMedford. Mrn. Jnnopli Poley In vlnltlug n nln- ter at Corvallln, and later on will go lo HlaMon lo nee her daughter .Min nie who In leaching (here. I .oca I Clkn Inntnlled offlrem Sat urday night. Hoy llucklngham or Medroril, pant exalted ruler or Raleni, wan deputized to do tho Job In behalf of Anhlnml l.odgo (No. Hit. tho offi cial elect being oh follews: Don Applegate, exalted ruler; J. IC. Choalo, leading knight. Oeorgo Wnlnon, loyal knight. ClUford Jenklnn, lecturing knight. Ed Thornton, nocrolnry. I'lerro 1'rovont, trennurer. (leorgo Owen, truntco. The traditional luncheon wan nerv ed on tho occanlon, nnd Incident to llm nmoker which followed. Applo- gato wan presented with a mammoth cigar about n foot long, tho tobacco for which wn grown In old Virginia. It wan manufactured nt Key West, nnd horo tlm trim Havana flavor. C. A. Kllnnon went to Medford Saturday on hunlnoBa matter. Ho took tho Menmer rrom Anhland nnd returned on llm Intorurhan nrk. Al JorMan, rormorly of Jordan llron., local elrctrlclann, in now n ronldent of Wnynenboro, Vlrglnln, whern ho In conducllng n moving pic ture entnbltnlunent. Thin town in tho old Mumping ground of tho Jor dan boys, A. h. Kmery, resident inembor o( llm contrnrtliiK firm or Smith. Km ery & Co., which In Installing tho nux. Illnry water NyMom, nccldontly Blip ped on n rear Btnlrway lending to tho TldlngB office, Salurday morn Ing, and fell with Hiich forco that ho wnn coiiHldernbly injured. IIo was removed to tho Hnnltarlum. C. oJhiiBon hnH moved his bIioo Hhop to W. A. Conner'8 wood orrico on Fourth street. 1), A. Fitch, n leading hiiBluenn man or I.owylllo, Now York, waa In town lant weok, nccompanled by his wire, on n tour or tho Paclflo const. linvlng tnken In both oxporIHoiib nnd nil tho othor nttrnctlona on route While hero thoy vlaltod Mr. nnd Mra. W. H. dowdy, old tlmo frlondfl. llalph Hedgo roturned' Snturdny rrom Shaatn county, vhoro ho wont two weoka ago, InvoatlgntlnK condl Hour In uoveral localltloa through out that section. A now rod In dotctlcs being Intro duced horoabnuta Ih tho drinking or milk, This or Itaoir la nothing un usual, excopt tho (Iobo which la aomo HilnB heroic. Six qunrta per ilny of COUGHS AND BRONCHITIS roiloved Instantly with two ounces of tSt-hirrmnnlH Concontrntod Rxpocto. rant, A wholo pint costs SO contR, Monoy refunded If not Butlsfnctory by Medford Phnrmucy, Adv, 'HERMIT OF BIRD ISLAND" AT PAGE TONIGHT AND TUESDAY PIHkMBRIHkBAiirzTiB c i S-BRiCCiLHk Ulfiitffr)f5viikof? iMtPiMBny, n$& 'Fuji itfaLpcfcliy.aJBJOi Vwiff GRIZZLIES HIKE THR CARDS ID WE HUNDRED 12 hours In tho minimum, divided Into (tones of nn ordinary tumbler-, fill every half hour. Itlch milk, with Km combination or conclno and vnr- F0RMER GOVERNOR GUILD OF MASSACHUSETTS ILL nOSTOX. April .',. CiirtiM (Inilil. lounnnltn, holding In solution mlnuto ' iVnnier Kovernor inul former iimlmH- globular colla nf rat, In held lo bo ninlur lo ihiHsin, Mnckeu with iiieii- a prime rnctor In building up tlm ,0j ht Friiln.v, huh iejioile.1 t.i- nervoun Byntcm. Acipilrliig the milk !uy lo lie dangerously ill. habit ought to give nn Impetus to j ' the dairy Industry. i Willi MeiUord Trade Is Medrord Made The OrUxlieH innile ll,e(r ri'K'tlor i Suiiiluy Inking trip .veMenlny niter- noon through the oielmnl diMnet Kotilli of .Medford, nnd whlU the num ber making the trip wuh Htruiller tlmii tiMinl, owiii" to the iiielement weather nud Kiiftter day exereiseM, it wnn one of itlm most lienutiful Iripn no far tiinile by the or.'iiui.uiion. Ptiirliu from the park, out Holly Mrcct to the ronnly road, uxiiijx the Mnrlinll and Mill orehnnN in full hlooui, the eonipnny wended it wny vt nnl south nuaiu through the vuriotiH "mail orclmnls to the cat of the Pot ter I'nlmcr nud Iludge orehunU wit on Ithe county road nguin, then (limiting the Itrutuey hill, wheie the committco hnd coffee itwniling the eompiiiiy, nud hiicIi eoifee Hiirely wiih appreciated. We don't know the hrutul, hut certainly can recommend it, cHjieeinlly when .Mr. lloon nets iih chef. After reaching the top of the hill poiixiilcniltle excitement wnn mimed" by iliMeoverinjj nme wiih cov ered wiih neitH of JuMer eggx. Mi llimiiiin xccmed the ehniitpinu in llii-i line, hu) generoiixly diviiled wnuie wiih Ihose ineinhei'M of the patty who were unable to xpriut xn ipiickly ittnong the hiding plnccH. The view lrom the lull with the orclumU in full bloom iiiiiM he eeii to he iipprecialed. One ,i(tl tinting teen the orchnnN here in full Itlootn from mimic commanding hill lop can hnrdly renlize what they have iniHicil, The return trip wim ilown tliroiigli the Cunieiiler, Mrn, Hollo way, Irwin and oilier orelmrdH to llm PiiciMe highwny hack to .Med ford. The Irwin and llollowny or clmnls being nt full hearing age nn1 large Ireei, lire a night Hiirely worth going oul to iew. They nre nppar oiitly one Koliil tnatm of hlossoinH. On the return trip two of our company waiting u little in the rear hailed n Ford ear filled with panseiigerM nnd -.1...1 .1... .......:.... i ....-, I . r.. .. -:.l..- i ii if i i . .i i i lug hdwnrd lo .Medford, hut the advance guard , ..,.?.. kX.. ... joined IiiiiiiIr ncrow( the highway, Ittinging the Ford to a slop nnd the couple gracefully alighted nud finish ed the tramp to Medford with the balance of the parly, explaining they only wanted to "catch up" nnd did not .intend to ride way to .Medford niiywny. The regular meeting of tho club will ho held nt the library Thursday evcninir. when two hundred of the .L IVES LOST IN STORM SWEPLATLANTIC N'KW YOKK, April .1. T.niesl ra porlH received hero of the effect, ef: the grout wtorm which Hwcpt the At la ntii! count Friday nnd Saturday in dicated that nearly a hundred liven were loM. The Hoynl cl Indies Htcamnr l'rins AluttritH, with forty nine pcn-oiis nboanl, is helioVed (o have foundered off Cnpo IlatteraH. N'ot n word thnt would give, hopo thai the veiiel wu htill nfloat wa.i ro reived today. Fifteen of the crow of tlm Hengolnfc ;' IMwnrd liiiekcnhach perished when the tug wiih wrecked off Fnlao Cnpe, Vn. Ten men were drowned when two coal barge broke awny from the tug Cumlierland nud were pounded to piece off Cnpe Hcnlopen, TJel. Thirteen men alumni the barge Tnnipico, which broke nwny from her low, nre believed to have been lost. -srs"ar-r-rr- ' ' ' .' i Kiter views of Crater Lnke will be nhown to the club nnd it micntfl. A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful Modern Tire" ft ? W '$f KEEP A TIRE RECORD Sfl m 5 fee- -t: ty :&& m$y.i iSr lillk Ulgif&&f m challenge ? the world (withfpiurl Famous1 Popular-Priced " ChainTreiadTirelKeeptirel record v jwp iv ppn ' a nre i rerora r &. m m - mmr -r m w tmi -mr mm -mr -r -rmm -m xx n1 . ..v."i a . . A., . if--- iL- - - 3-!&.Mr.?i- and Drovelitiforlvourseli " 'S? m. J. At. niK m Mm Our total factory 'capacity has been doubled. Now we are ready to'iupplyourfamout "Chain Tread" Tires in unlimited quantities at the lowest price in their history', ; i(, r t v'i Now we challenge any competitor's tire to show you the same combination of real anti-skid protection and low cos per mile. Get our Tire Record Cards and prove it for yourself. . u Cn . am Jrwii , & m i m mm hHTT . H iBilV iLiiim, nitaiiK. m v an ' ,u& 1 iresf 4 k Safety experts acknowledge our rubber chain tread, built on this powerful modern tire. looean aosoiutery, marvelous anti-sKia device, g "Chain Treads " are not simply a fancy design stamped on a tire they arereal antiskid ures.i oena your'name ana aaaress, jora setor rreei ire decora oianKs, to : ' ;v i X. K9B3Pt: A aWDNITED STATES TIRE CO. 26 m stT North "Chain Tread" Tires are sold by Leading Reliable Dealers. Do not accept substitute United StatesTires Made by the Largest Rubber Company in the World (Operating 46 Factories) f! nmm ' i f kA mm