Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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k (JBJISiiHiiiHIiMiKlH
All coniiiitiiilritlttnu should 1h In
by Friday. Aihlrii socloty odltori
or I'liwiw 7fi. .
Mm. V. W. Mourn' i'ci liproro
thn (Iroulor .Mulfurl cluli, on Mon
ti y limt, wnn onn of tlio inont lllu
tiiltintliilt tnlliH kIviiii lioforo llio i-luh
thin i'itr. .Mm, Mi'itrn njiokn oxlciui
linrntiooiisly mill with lulmlrntilu
I lor nulijocl, tho l-rnnl Htntim of
Wcnm-ii iiml Their liifluonco In Mil
iilclpnlUloH, wiih ulily liiuiillnil,, Kim
iiukn lirlofly of vurloiin lawn which
(ilurti woiiioii on nil aiinnllly with mini
nuch ah nuffrnRo nml labor; iiml
Inwn n'RnrilliiK iitrtuurslili nml pro.
('on cc nil iik wnuioit'n liifliienco In
iiiuiildiuil life, mIio rcferri'tl to tlio
coiiKmiii of mot hum, nml wlmt n
ureal work linn tinui iiccoiiiiiIIhIiimI In
I'ortlnutl, under tho Iriuhirrililp of
tlint mliolrnlilo and offlclout worker,
Mm, Itnlicrt l.nto.
Mm, Mxnm upolio of Imr flmt lm
jiri'ssloon, flvn yimm ni:o, of tlio
(Ircntiir Mrilford rluli nml atntml Hint
Iirncttcnlly nil of tlio cultural toiicln'H
In Mi'dfonl nro nttrlliutnlilu to tlio
Motion plrtnrcH worn iIIkciissoiI,
nml tlio I'dticnlloiint vnlno of worthy
Ilrturi'n wit innilo clear, whllo tlio
vlrloim Influvnco which ma mo nml
trnnhy picture1 oxoit, wan iiiihnitlz-
'd. I'avornlilo referoiiro wn uinilo to
Mr. Ileriinril'ii cooiierntlon In tlio
iuo oiiMiiit for rlean motion pictures,
OliHceno hill hoanln unrn novoroly
crltliled (i I tiro tho hoiipo of decency
tieioineH liliinteil, In clillilreii, who
linio continuously lioforu thum mi-
reoinly idrturi'ii,
Mm. .Mcnm touchod upon rnnlln
Hon nml viiyiilcnl education of chil
dren. Hho dwelt nt ImiRth upon trniin
liilnnahlo dl?nKCn nml advocated tnoro
httlct oliervanco of tlio ordlnnnro
ri'KUlatliiK (jiinrantliio nml fuinlKa-
.Tlio (tnnter Medford cluli will ap
preciate another opportunity to llnten
to Mm. Monrn illcui soniu vital topic
of tint dny.
Tho Onl( (Irovo delimit hoiiRO wan
crow ded to overflowing Saturday
I'venliiK with eoplu who enjoyed
tho npteudld proKrnm prepared by
tint rnrent-Tenchrm' Club. Mnny
visitor front tlio cltynnd nolKlilior-
Inc dUtrlctH boiiKht tickets for tho
entertainment. The prluclpnl fen-
turn wnn tho drain a, "DlamoniU nud
HenrtH," which wnn well presented
hy locnl tnlent. Hjieclally nits be
tween Hreuen avo much pleamire
while thn untertnlnluK mnclc of Jny
(lorn mirrceded In inyMlfyliii? tho
crowd. A picnic lunch wnn served In
tho Imsoinuut play room after the
proKrnm wan completed. Following
In tho proKrnm an rendered:
liiHtrumentnl duet MIm Mima
nml MIbh lloimer.
IteadlllK Mm. lluy.
riny PlnmnmW nml llcnrtr.
HoiiK, "The D.iya of tho Herry
Danco" Woltera nml Clnlrmont.
Prlnco of MnKlc Jny (low.
Tlioio pnrtlclpntlnK In thn piny
were Mm. 1). O. Frederick, Mr. .lack
Prop, Mm. J, C. Oodlove, Mr. Cniol
Cnrpenter, Mm. AVoodmi, Minn Corn
Wnkefleld, lr. 1). O. Frederick, Mm.
lliiMon, Mr, Ilnyomnd I'owell, Mr. J.
C. (lodlove unit Wilbur Uodlnro.
MIhh Myrtle I'urkeypllo enlurlnln
ed n numhor of her ttlrl friends nt
her homo on 17 Roiith Pencil ntveet
hint Friday ovcnlnR. A club wan or
unitized. Tho evcntiiK wnn Bpcnt
with omhroldory nml iiiubIo. Ho
freahmonts were 8orrt y tho I.opi
ohh, nnHlHtcd by her, MIhb Ornc-j
MIhhoh I.oronn Stratton, Alyrl D.vIh,
Kdna MarqulH, lledlth .Tonen, Doris
l.ayno, Kdnn Dommnr, Vlvlnn Stow
u'ril, Delhi Whlxonaut and MnrBarot
Thn mutual mooting nml election
of thn Drama Ihkuo will bo held
TuoHdny, April fl, nt 7:30 o'clock nt
the library. This la tho most lm
ltortunt mooting of tho yoir and
ovory mombor la urgotl to !)? proa
ent. Thn loaguo la Rrowlng rapidly
ami prnmlsos to tako an ImnortauL
piui In tho mtl&tl'i life of Mn city
foil valla iiUrlrr ho coming year,
On Monday ovonlng, April 5th, at
7:30, Mr. 11. V. Mulkoy, tho efficient
leador of tho Sliakcupearo clnsa, will
Vad llamlot In nionoloKiio boforo tho
vIurb and KUHts, Kncli mombor sin
cerely appreclntcH this opportunity
nml la looking forward with gonulna
plonHiiro to Mr. Mulkey'a Interpreta
tion pf tho "lay,
At !l oVIoi'k In the ul'leriioon of
Fililny, Apill I), n joint iiicetliif; nl
IliU live I'llli'lll-leiii'lieiH' rlieli'M Hi
our eltv will he held in tint liieji hi-Iioo!
iiHHeinlil.v roiiiu, I'roin II to lll.'lll MIhh
ColTin, our Iniitriioiiir in iiiiimIi', will
hlmw tlio reguliir elithswurk In munio.
Tin i'.i IIh tiiltinc put! will not he
elrHeil troiu unions the bent hlnj
eiri, hit two ilHTeient uruili-H, every
'pihfil in the grmln present, will take
tip Hit- work an they ilo in mi'IiooI. TIi.k
4 no, lor euleitiiiiiiueiil, bill In iiliow
Hie imteiilH jilMl wlmt Ik IicIiik done
lib, up, thin line, nml it will be mi e.W
npener to nny one who IVoIh we cnii
n II ml to drop muxlii I'roin our puh'ir
seliooli. Minn Coffin Iiiih eondueleii
tlui'ie tliiHhes bel'iui) lilt l.iiieolu nml
WmdiliiKlon Piirent-TenrlierH' elreb-M it in hiirprihiui; to Hi'e liow tl.e
rhihlien hccin lo enjoy the work nml
how well trnheil they are, e-ipeeitil'x
when we eotiHidcr tho fact that in
Mtiiieliou in iiiiihIc in iven, not 'Jim
n week, hut onee in two weekM, nlt'sr-iiiilii.-:
with (Irnwiiic l'nthem an uMI
iih ii.i'llierK urn urged to emiie nml fee
for iliciiiHflveN how our eliihlren are
In-in;; Imight in iiiiihle.
At :i::ill Dr. Iliddell will gitn it talk
on Iliu mouth nml teeth. Thin w II
be illudrnti'd with thirty Htcrenpti
eon -liden, No parent or tenelicr ean
nff. 'i I to iiiIwh thin lectin e, iih wu a, I
iireil to know how to cure for our
iliililien'rt teeth iih well nn our own,
Ami the health of anyone depemlH ho
in'.ieli on the louditlon of Hie teeth.
Kery olio in Ihe eity in given a eor
duil liixitatioii to be present. ThiH lee.
tuni N cdiieiitionnl, the slidv-i liein'.
fui!ilhiil by the Knlioniil Hoeet of
Mou'h Hygiene, nml n Inrgu erowd
hhoiiM greet Dr. Hiililell on F ility
"The rnieifi-tioii," by .lolm Htitin-r.
wnt offered lust night (Uooil Friday)
nt the M. K. eliureli in eoiiiiiinnnrn
lion of our Savior, and rendered in
tin true spirit by good xoldiHl-i and
elioi.H under tlio able nml eoiiM'i-ei-tioiiM
U'lulcihliip of F. C. IMuo'ihIh.
Mr. t'nnaily, liawso xoloiHt, reudeied
his part in mi rnrncht nml foieefut
mriim. Mm. Vnn Seoyoe, "oprnno.
nlterniited with Clarence Meil'r,
tmor. Hit work hIiowciI fin? feeling',
eleur eiiiiiielittion and good musie
iiiiifhip. Mr. Meeker, n true tenor.
gave an effeelivo, rendition of hit
part. Tho iiicii'm ipiartet xiing in good
mid feeling unison. Throughout the
whole eantiitii the Netting of the
rliytliniK, erehccudoH, iliuiiuuemloH,
pinnisniinort were elomdy followed
and given rnnienl Hiipport hy nil. ht.
peeinl iiiention of elenu ami clear
euuueiutioii by nil iiiiihI be iniiilc. The
ehnieh pioinihte, Miss Vromnn, gave
a correct ititcri'rctiitioii to her part.
The ehoriiH gave their loyal support
to the direction of Mr. KdiueiidcH,
who ilciervcit ami received great
credit from a large ami appreciative
Mihhch Itiihv nml Marie l.ofliind of
Wext Tenth nlrcet ciiteilnincil Friday
evening with u linen hhower for MIhh
Kditli WJIkoii, wIioho wedding will
take place the latter pint of this
mouth. After the arrival of the
guehtH they were eneh given a hipiare
of linen stamped with forgct-mc-notK
to bo embroidered, after which they
were given M!sk WilHon to he made
into a pillow top. A card wun then
given to the guest of honor, telling
wliere she would find the first gift,
which, when opened, contained n
rhyme di-elosing the hilling place of
the second gift, and so on until all
tho gilts were found. Dainty refreshments-
of ice eremu, enke and
eookiert were served. The idea of Hun
ter being earned out. The house was
prettily decorated with npple lilos-
The invited guests- were: Misses
Kditli W.lson, Lnurn Treiehler, Zon
(Irit'l'cii, Vcnm (h iff in, Hli.nbetli
IlieharilH, I.iiuni Iticliurds, Stella
KrihliH, Kshler Hariison, Maty Trow,
bridge, Ilaxel I'utitcy, Altn Slcelo ami
Mrs, K. C. Uool.
An Knfitor hall will bo given Vy
the young IndloH nml mnrrled ladles
of tho Cnthollo church In tho N'ata
torlum hnll Monday evening, April
nth. A cordial Invitation la extend
ed to mombcra and filonds and n
very plonannt tlmo in oxpoctod. Ua?
elrlgg'H orchCBtra will furnish the
iuubIc for tho ovonlnf,-.
Mm, Orvla Stophonaon linn ro
tumod homo from a two montha vis
it In San Joao, California, llor nla
ter, Mm. Kdw. Donnott accompanied
hor homo for n visit with hor par
ents, Mr. urn! Mm, 13. K. Oatman,
Lyalo Walthora rotumod homo Fri
day .from Oakland, California,
whore ho haa boon attondlng acliool,
Tho Wednesday Study eluh will
meet nl Hie puhliii librnrv next Wed
nesday ullernoon, April 7,
Tho I'nrontn ami Teachera Aaao
elation of tho Lincoln acliool met for
Hit regular meeting Friday, April 2,
The fourth nml fifth grades under
MIbm I'eiirco nud Mlsa Wines demon
strated what they hnvo been doing
In music.
The subject, "Tlio Vnluo of An
ICdiiciitlon," wna nbly dlRcunneil by
MInh Amy llnrdlng nml Mr. A. J,
llnnhy. Mlsn Harding handled tho
subject from an economical stand
point, Klin mild that so mo people
Iiml n wrong conception of nu edu
cation, that It meiinii preiinrednesa
for life, not merely schooling. The
wiluo of nn educntlon la two-fold;
First, to tho nntlon by making better
nml moro Intelligent citizens who
will save the nntlon money nml In
crenso Ilii wenlth by now Ideas, for
wealth or poverty of n nntlon Is In
proportion to Its Intelligence or Ig
norance; secondly, to tho Individual
nn In thin country foreigners nre do
ing thn simpler forma of work that
require no education, so It makes It
necessary for the boy and girl to
Icnrn some trnlned profession. Hlnce
nil people nro not adapted to the
same kinds of work, they must
choose for themselves. Only that
educntlon which wo can use la n
blessing, thereforo the pupils must
be trnlned for tho work that they
take up If they expect to make n fin
nnclnt success.
Mr. llnnhy spoko on the subject
from nn Intellectual standpoint. In
allowing thn Importance of education
ho contrasted It with Ignorance. Ilo
nlso mndo It very plain Hint It was
necessnry to work ns Idleness could
not be respected. He anld Hint edu
cntlon was tho fullest development of
mankind nn It creates n desire for
man to nccompltsh something. There
la n grent necessity for educntlon
In our country nn It w-na ory rightly
fclvcn to ua In tho rough and It tnkes
n well tlovolopcd mind to accomplish
the most.
Tho club nccepted tho Invitation
of tho Washington Circle to hour Dr.
i:. A. Itlddell talk on tho enro of tho
teeth nt tho High School Friday,
April tt.
The Medf.ird Klks enjoyed their
first stag social mid smoker nt their
tiny temple .on, N'or(H Control avenue
icdueidiiy evening. A short pro-,
grain nml n number of novo) stunts
wero features of tho entertainment
given. I.uneli was served. The en
terliiiitiiient was under the iiiminge
nlent of the house committee, S, I,
llrow-n, C. K. (lutes mid T. K. Dan
iels. Mrs. II. A. Thierolf will leave Sun
day for San Francisco, where hIio
will take ptusie lessons from Herman
(lenss. Mm. W. F. Isaacs and Her
bert L. Alford are nlso taking les
sons from this famous teacher. Mr
(Iciish is one of the best mid most
famed teachers of musie in this
Till) itiiiiinil iiieetiiiir of the Drama
league will he held Tuesday evening.
April (i, ut H o clock ut Ihe public lib
rary. A full iittrudiiuce of nil mem
bers is desired hy the officers.
BUI of nhtn, Cllr of TnlfiV). t.nfi Ceuntr. .
Mink j, inriwT mtirr, om tut m ! rnior
prtn-r of lb Drm of t. J. Ch.ntjr A Co., d
fne tiuitiiris In lb Cllr of Tolfdn. Countr mi
(lit iforrnM. mil that nld Drm will T
rarb n. rmr ra of Catarrh Ibtt rtnnot l
rutrit b lb ua vt llall'a Calattb Cut.
Sworn In tfnr m an,l ubrlhtt In mr
prrirnrr. tbli Olb daj vt Drrcmtxr. A. D., 1540.
oral. A. V. OI.CASOX.
.Notarr l-ubllc.
llall'a Catarrh Cur la takan Intrrnallr and
acta llitlr IM" lb lill anil muroua aur
iarr uc in jairu. pciia lur iranrauniaia,
'. J. ClIENKY A CO., Ttdi. 0.
KolJ bj all Dniiclita, TV.
Tak lUH'a Kauillr 1'IIU for conatlpatloru
For That New
Tailored to Fit
128 East
When In Need
of a Gleaner
or Dyer
Best of Workmanship
The Orizly eluli held their first
"ennip firo'' TliurHilay, April 1, nl
(Iriiyholui, near J'errydale. Twenty
five iiietnherM were presenl. The moon
did no! itinke iN uppeiirmice utilil
late in the evening, but a blazing
en in p lire look i(H place. I'neli incin
her look u tuber n.'ong, whieh they
roiisletl in Ihe camp fire, Mr. Witl
ami Mr. F.iigllsh spent Tuesday ni'ter
nooii prepuring leu galloiiH of delic
ious eider, every apple of whieh they
claim was washed thoroughly, Oriz-
.lies being especially fond of eider.
For some tiuiieeoiintnlilc reason the
clips which are kept in the drizzly
eluh rooniK in the da melt -Corey
building were forgotten, Mr. Knglish
mid .Indue Taylor going buck after
litem, The janitor reluctantly Id
llicm in, am) making the judge sign a
receipt fur Ihem. ' Mnvbe the jnnilor
Iiml dealt with the judec before. Wo
me not blaming the janitor. While
the potiiloert wero roasting each mem
her was reipiircd to tr a story, sing
or in some way entertain hi-j associ
ates. A very delightful evening wns
spent by till, making it very evident
thai drirzlicri prevail.
The Iowa society will hold a bnn
ipiel nml social evening on Thursday,
April 15, nt St. Mnrk' hall. Han
ipiet will be served at (1'tO. Thin will
he followed hy a program nud u gen
eral good time. All member. nrj
cordially invited to attend.
Miss Myrtlo Simpson of Denver,
Colo., is visi'ing her sister, Mrs. H.
Ij. Kwing. Miss Simpson expects to
spend several months visiting Med
fonl mid will visit Han Francisco mid
San Diego before returning home.
Miss Winifred Kvelyn Miller and
Harold Douglas Kuhli of Applcgnte
were married at (Irnnts Pass, Wed
nesday by the Itev. I. II. Teel. The
young eoiiilc will make their home in
the Applcgutc valley.
Arm. A. E. HenmcH entertained
the members of the Colony eluh nt
afternoon bridge Wednesday. After
cards, tea wnn nerved. Mm. S. V.
Heekwith and Mrs. William Sooy-
Smitli assisted the hostess.
Miss Fannie Carpenter, who has
been visiting Mrs. A. Conro Kiero,
for the past few months, hns return
ed to her home nt Juliet, Jll.
Miss Miidnliiin Pratt of Elmirn. X.
Y., is visiting her mint, Mrs. Fred
Hopkins, at her ranch home, the
Snowy Unite orchard.
Mm. Liiurn D. Dodge and Mm.
Martha, .I.MauUleltluy.for Point
Ificlimoud, Col.wlicre.tlicy will visit
for hovernl weeks.
Mm. L. E. Wukemun enclrlaincd
the Thursday llridgo eluh at her
home on North Uakdnle Thursdny
f 1
! '?fr
"Lifting the Ban of Coventry"
at the Page Theatre Today
BaHlaafajran. 'i-ictlT "'"'mmrrKnwKM .-iA
dmdJM0amE&-A I -amgJj'A Ja.iri.llaTaTaTaTaTaTaTi ittjasijl
Tlie Lubin pluyem, headed by Etiicl
Clayton, have succeeded in putting on
tlio screen n motherhood piny of ex
quisite beauty and delicacy. "The
Hlcssed Miracle" Vt the Page Sunday
in a play whieh in every seiic of the
word lives up lo its name. The pic
ture bliowH how hnppincss is brought
to one man mid one woman after they
Tho Friday llriflge club was enter
tained nt the home of. Mrs. F. C. Page
of Siskiyou Heights Friday after
noon. Srr. nml Mm. Xoblct of Siskiyou
Heights left this week for an ex
tended visit to San Francisco.
Mr. mid Mrs. Delroy fletehell mid
son returned home Thursday from a
short visit in Portland.
BBBBriP'" "1 'fe' tWJ
Good Time to Install an Electric Range
Once a luxury, now a choice.
The ELECTRIC RANGE means hours of time to tho housewife.
Means the absence of work tint is drudgery a kitchen as cool, clean
and airy as any parlor.
Because now meats are cooked by the snap cf a switch, and they are V
meals that arc perfect.
The ELECTRIC RANGE may save a little, or may cost a little more
to operate, so there Is nothinrj much to lose In either case.
The money cost is not the bin consideration.
Let us tell you now how easily this modern convenience can bo In
stalled In your home during house-cleaning time.
California -Oregon Power Company
Iiml despnircd of having it. Any
mother will ho admitted free Sunday
afternoon to sea this progrmn. Alico
Joyce appears in n realistic two-act
drama, "Unfaithful to His Trust,''
and n dcorge Ade "Fable of the
(liiliimptions Girl" ndds interest to
the program. Special mu.icnl pro
gram by tho Wuriitzcr orchestra, Mr.
Clyde Hozelrigg, organist.
Tha musical department of tho
Greater Mcdford Club will giro an
other ono ot Its popular recitals nn
April 19tb.
Mrs. D. W: Luke entertained the
Five Hundred club nt her ranch home
Monday evening.
Mm. Hnrry Orcy entertained the
Girls' club ut her home on King's
highway Wednesday afternoon.
The Andrews Opera company N
meeting witlt very rnlifyi'iij; hiiccohh
on their tour. They plnynl in good,
bonnes in Kbiumth Falls and Vrekn,
wlicro they have mndo return ongnKO
nicutft. At Hcddlng lliey wore hilled
for one night only, but tlie micces of
"Martha'' was so great on ihe first
night thai the mannger of the opera
house inAistcd on u second night's
performance, nud the licddinfr'H music,
lovern packed tho house to tlio doors.
Two foreseen circumstances com
pelled them to cancel their remaiiilnff
southern engagements nnd mnku tho
northern tour instead. Tlioy hnvo no
cured bookings through Oregon nnd
Washington nnd tho moiintnin stales
which will keep them en route for
several months. Tho Redding press
gnvo the company tha most flatter
ing encouiums. Signor Oiordnno
tnkes his nudiences by stonn every
where, w-ltiie Mrs. Andrews in thn title
role of Mnrthn, is winning the most
npprecintiva applause, her rendition
of "Tho Last Hose of Summer" beinc
received bv all as n most finished
nnd artistic pcrformnnnrc.
Men Pay Hemaft
to mother's FrimJ
"f nn not urprld lo oWrvo tho
aumber of men who como Into the atom
to purchana 'Mother)!
Ft lonil " remarked
a taullng 3rugUt.
It Is a hnopy
thovKht to Bind
hubby to .tho tnnr
store. -Mother's
Friend" la npplle I
uternftlly over tha
abdominal ruiuolo.
It Is a KentK
oothlflir lubrleant.
pnctrnteo to thn flnotiftwork nt ncnfM
benrath tha akin and haa a marked
tendency to relievo tho muscular utraln
to which the4 broad, flct. abdominal
muuclcn ore aubjectcd. Tho cord), ten
dons and ItramenU nro thus permitted to
stretch without tho corretpondlsz curfeeo
strain so often Involved durlntf tha period
of expectation. TMa In part accounts for
tho en tiro absence. In many cases reported,
of nausea, mornln? sickness and other
rttatrMO, iii-h ss taccratloa of tae epl
dirmls so often the case nbrn tbla gBtle
form of lubrication li nrttlfcted.
"Mother's Friend." has been hlshly
recommended by a host of women who
know from experience and by men who
know from observation. Wrlto Bradnetd
Itegulator Co., SOS Lamar Did., Atlanta,
Go., and wo will sand you a -aluabIo little
book to cxpoctant rnotbera.
' V sV
t .aTsa.
sSKlBwaVatBBv T
k r. . ! t