"'fTRW WPPPHf 207s Smwhi Strait A-4J Medford Mail Tribune SSSEHMlih WEATHER Mnv. nilj Mln. 12 Prerlp. 01. I'nlr Sunday t Cooler fr i) ' r i 'Kt ) J SECOND EDITION Tiuly flflli Vnir liili v Ti'iiiii Vinr, i - Butyl Inn Irrriinlars, Wcarlnii Mlll tmy Uniforms, Attack In Larue. Numbers Srrli Outposts at Valan tlovo, Which Arc Forced to Give Ground Losses of (loth Serious. PARIS, iil :i. -lluciiliiifN be. tweou Scihiuu lump mill Bulgarian lingular hiixe broken out tilling tthu bonier. An official Mnlonionl i-wiu'd nt N'ioli, Koihlu, ni fin winded to the llnvju njtt'iii'.v, wi.V Hint t lift lltdgiir- inu ivtn hwltiu'il tli' Serbian fron tier giuml m.nl occupied Hi'ibliiii lei lilniy. Tin mIuIoiuciiI follow! "Lust night L lltlllllt 'J n. in. Bul garian iiii'uiiliiif! xvoiuing inillliiiy iiniruiiiiK ntlm-hcd in lnrsc number our nulpiml nt Viiluudoxn. Our linn tier kiiiiiiU, overwhelmed liy superior number, woio forced to kim gmund mill ivt rented in tin illicothui of the railway ntutimi nl Stniiuitru. I,oos Iti'iMiitotl Serlnim "At " a. in. till' IliilKtiriiiiix occupied nil the huljghl mi tlio loft hunk of tin Vmiliir. Tho lno on Imlli sldw Wl'll1 RcrilMI. "Wounded Mildicr Mate tlml tin BulKUiimi bands iiiiineuxond mill fought under tin direojion of lliilgui inn officer. Tin number of troops onmisct'd wulijhjhlry more tlinii U legiuiont. 'fj'1 "Neluhbniing frontlrr pots inline ilmloly i'iit reiuforooiuonlii. The io suit ' the buttle i Mill unknown and tin detail nn lucking." .tlurl Confirmed All nffioinl dinpntrh from Ohov jiIioIih, Serbia, to HnlouiU, fm warded to Hit) HaviiH ugciicy, confirms the statement tliul the llillguiiuu hands imomoi'iI tho Serbian border. They ntr snld to Inivo ciipturrd from tlin Sor ltinii fnrri'H two cannon, with which llicv lidinliaiilril tho uillwnv Million nt Stiiiiiiilxn. Railway and telegraph finiiiauiiii'alinn wen nit. After honxv fighting, this ino-Wigo nny, tho IIiiIkiiHiiiih woio repulsed ninl I li'd, cloudy purMioit hy St'ililan ItOllpX, Cnpliiicil Ton Guns An nflleinl telegram fiont Nhdi to tlif Soihiuit legation Iikiu cays the HiilKiiiian invailnrx imptuu'it It'll Sit Innii kiiiih. Tliny an' Miiit to hi' fiKht in hihIit nitnlar nfficcrH, mnl' it i pt't'lfd that in icnlily Ihoy nii rt'j;ii In r lliiljiniiin troopx. Si'ihiiiii it'iiifon'rianiti iiip nrnvini; on tho Kfono of hat lie. Tho filit inii I'lintinnoM, tho Huililan IokiiIiou is in ftiniit'il, mnl thom huvo boon ooiihIiI t'liililo hmNOM on holh sidt'f. LONDON', Apiil Il.Tho Control Xohn hii,va that in the filitin' ulonc tho llnlK'aiian I'ioiiIiit tho caHiialtit'n wi'io iiiHiKinriomil. Tho iniih'iH i It'll to llnlKiiimii toniloi'v nltor IioIhk put to unit. BY 1.0R ANOKLKS, Apiil .1. Kiilimp c.l hy Major Antonio Towir, Villa cninuianilor ut I. a l'lix. Lower Call- J'oiiiia, AHhh .losofinii Canalii'a, Iho daiiuhtcr of a wcnlthv Mexican land owner, is hold u prisoner nhoard the littlo Mexican hteauier hnutintio, which Ih hound up Iho coast, nccnuL iu to Jacinto Caualiza, the yonnn woiiuiii'k father, who arrived hero to day. Jlr. Caualiza asked officers up mnl down tho coast to keep watch for tho vessel mnl the k'hL Atiss Canallza is 'J. yoaiH old. Sho was educated nt Vassar cidlco and is wild to ha Hie fiaucct) of a yonn AmcriiJiiu. Kho recently refiuued to tho ranch noiir Lu l'az. TovarV nt toiillaiiH woio rejected, wild, tho i'nlhor, mnl a few dnyn nno ho ap. jicnrcil ut the raneh with nohllors, hhot two of tho ranch rclniuorx, mid liindinn: Iho pirl, look her ahourd the SanthiKo, which sU'iinied out of La l'az hound iioith. BULGARS BEGIN 1 N SERDIA WITH INVASION VASSAR MAID KDNAPPED SPURNED SUITOR SNOW STORM SWEEPSATLANTIC nmi STATES Gale Pauliiil Alonii Sealioartl Frc:n Florida to New Eiifjlantt BIlHsril r?a(lii In Middle States Worst Storm of Yrar Cnsttr Finery Is Spoilrd, NI'.W VOIMC, Apnllt noilhoast Ciilo BH'opI Hit' Atliinlio xi'tilionni frtnn Hoiiila to N'i w rTiijjhmil. Kow'N'oik Oily wan xImjI'mI Iiv 'iioiv mnl ii !IH tnilo pah'. OIT SiiiiiIv llool. tin- wind vn lihmiiiu' fi ini'i'H mi hour. At llflnunro hri'Jiliwnli'i' il vrl'icih n-iM'lii'd (III inili'i. l'lllLADKLI'IIIA, Ainll SI.- The Miunv tlonii wtiti'li k nn'W iho Miilillo Athiiillo "latex ontlv toilav licoatno nlinotl n hliryjinl tho uniM htiirm nf the ylntor In this Mcoliiui. At '.' 1 1. in. tilio iiov uiii mmo than h inoliox di'rp. Win oiiiaiiiiniiontiini with point miiilh mnl with nil Now Ji'pM'V onhoro nitiirtH win hit or rnptcil. Hull Tniflp Tlixl Vp. Stonin niilroml Iniffio hiih tdnwi'il up. Strootonr wcrvioo wim intorrnpt nl, rmiciiijjn partial innil.U of Inis ln'o". With iho rnmini; of tho nlonn. the Kntor plans of ino-t proplc went to pioooo. Slt'ain mnl oii'otrii traniH. in- I fail of hciiiir fulfil with holidnv omwiln honnil fur tho nonshoro pointH to ppnil llnlcr, loft horn with oom panilurly fovi' pn"oiij;orM. WASIIINOTON. April X- Kiwlrr flnorv in Iho piiHtorn imrt of tho oonntrv i tliioiitonotl with ilinitor liv Ntiow, wind, tain mnl ooltl. A ryolonio "tonn today swept north alone tho Allanlio con I. Irnm Moniln to Mm'iio Iho wcnlhrr forroitflor hnro proiliotoil miow mnl Bnlii. Ilowrvor. n tentative prriHolioti was mailo that tho iinw mnl rtiin milit ho follow-on liv "eloarint:" wonthor Snndnv nftcr nonti. I'mvIiijs Toiniwrntiiros Storm warnings woio iliiplnvoil iiI'Mitr tho Atlantio oonxt from Wil iniHitlon, N'. ('., to llahtpoit, Mo. Tom peiaturet down to fieeiiik' worn pio iliotoil in tho ontiro oonntrv ent of tho MiMMirtnippi, In tho nortlnvost Into mid tho wc-t iilalonu region, Iho foiooipter Miid. Kiintor wonrin;: apparel niiKlit ho ilinplayetl. WASHINGTON, Apiil n. 1'rosi. ilonl Wilson tilnyoil j;olf today in n NiinwMnnn. Tho ptosldont wont four teen hoh's with n piest and then wan fnreed to Htnp heeiuiso of tho miow. fall, whieli hoeamo so lionvy. CIIICAOO, April .1. MrR. KlUn lioth McManUH, Hlsler of John H. Mc M huh, tho Amorlcnn liiiHlat'fls man slain hy Znpntu noillera In Mexico n few weoltH hko. totlny nitilressmt a letter to Socrotnry llrynn protostlnB (lint the Indemnity accepted from Deuornl Cnrraiuu was too smnll, la tho lutter Mm, MeMaaiiH nnys: "I wrlto to protost nRnliiBt tho jml Iry Iniloninlty Bccureil to tho widow of my hrothor, John 1). McMiuiiib. You, na representative ot our United States, Bhoulil hnvo not an Iniloninlty tt nt leant S100.000 to securo Ida family and tench tho MoxIcnnB res pect for Amerlcnnu nnd their Intor- OStB." CONSTANTINOPLE IN A DEPRESSED MOOD LONDON, April 3. "Travolom from l'lilllpolla nrrlvluK In nodonK hntch,'' Bnys tlin Times Sofia corre spondent, "roport puhllo feelluK In ConBtantlnoplo na Bienlly depressed. It Is Ronoially fonrod that n Kreat catnBtropho Is lmpondlUR. Munltlona nro runnliiK short nnd tho hopo of. ohtnlnlnR fioah Biippllos from fler iiumy throiiKU Rumania nnd llul- irnrln lmn liium nlinmlnimtt. TllO 0X0- dua from tho enpltnl and tho removal of tho Beat of govornor to Asia-Minor bcoiub virtually decided upon," M'MANUS SB R WAN moo.ooo ULEDij'OUD, Dreadnaught Florida ONE OF UNCLE SAM'S LARGEST ""NEUTRALITY GUARDERS TAKEN IN RECENT STORM ERI H MI'.IM.IN. mii London, Apnl 'X -1'iM! Ainonemi iwiiiv ol'fieon. who Iiiim- lift'ii ntliiehfil lo tho flennitn militnrj' funics in the capacity of l. serxorH wore ordorod hy onhlo tothiy to lotiirii to tho Tinted States nt oneo. Tho order eiimo ns a Mirprie ill. they oxpeoteil to remain in Knropc until the end of tho war. I.ieiili'iinnt'Colonj'l .lo'-oph K. ICtihn of tho engineer-, who iiImi Iiiia heen noting as mi ohservor. was not in olndoil in tho older, iih he has hocn designated as mihtiirv altaehe nt tho emlmsxy at llerlin to Miceeod Major (leorKO T. I.niiKhoriio, looalled. Tho United Stadw oflieers miioc their airiviil in flennnny on Deoem her 'JO have hpent two weeks or. the wpttiTn float nnd ouo wool; in the oiiht. TIiobo nffeeteil ate Major riar eneo ('. Williams of iho nrdiinnoc do piutment; Major Dwiht K. Aiiltman of tho field mtillory, Captain Samuel I). I'oekenhnoh of the enxnlry, Cap tain WiUou It. limit of tho infantry mid Captain Samuel (1. Shuttle of the coast artillery. WASIIINOTON, April Il.-Seoro Jury Harrison said todav ho had or dered tho toliirii of tho United Stntos army nrticcig oliMirvin niiliturv op enitions of tho Oernian nnny hooaiiRo their inihsitm was oomploloil. lie said that no other officers would ho de tailed with the Oeinian army. L TO Pntls nre heinpr assigned nnd work is prove.sMiij; ut n inpid rate in the operetta, "A Xaulieul Knot, or the Hello of HaraMnpoole," to ho pio duced hy tho Jledfonl liih m'IiooI chorus under the diicetion of Min Iih'15 Coffin, in the near future, This operetta hy William Whys Ilethert mnl Maud Kluahcth Inch is one of their most popular uumhers, ulioundinj,' as it docs iu inusio of except ioual heauly and piipiancy and dialogue, which for cleverness and humor could not ho surpassed, The supervisor feels that one of the most plensinjy merits of ifs production will he tho chorus work, eonsistiufj iih it will of work in one, ttwo, threo ami oeasionally four parts in hoth mule ami female voices. The production is interspersed with solos, duets, tiios, etc Thirly-fivo pills and twenty hoya have enrolled for this work. Tho title role will he huiik hy Missj Mario Kifeit. You can't af ford to inisi it, neputy Jjlstrlct (tamo Wardon Sam Sundry ot ItoRtio Hlvor Bpont Friday afternoon In Medford nttondliiK to of ficial bUBlilCSS, CAN ARMY Hurvit UM MM omaaoN, sa'itmmy, r , : lasc - CENSORSHIP ON I CABLES UNDER England Stops All Messro'-s Sent Rc- latlrifj to Vrade Id fthlch a Resi dent in an Enemy Country Is One of the Parties Means Cessation of Commercial Messages. WASIIINOTON. April O.-Secre,-tnry Hrynn hud heforo him today (Ireat llritaia'u foinml uniiouneemeiit of her new unhlu cenoihip policy. A memorandum on the subject hail heva tniiisuiitted to the statu department through AmhasMidor 1'aue ut Lou don. In it Oreat Hrituiii serves notice of its intention to stop all mo.-.snj,'es sent oxer cubic uudcr British control re latiiiK to trade in contraband or 11011 contrabaud, "to xvhieh a resident iu an enemy country is ouo of the par ties.'' la this connection, tho communica tion points out that ''it is elear that iu view of the preat impottnnco of re stricting the enemies' supplies and withholding facilities from them from carrying on their trade, his majesty's, government cannot bo ex pceted to al'foid the use of lliitish caliles to enable neutral nnd enemy count ries to make arrangements with each other for the conduct of that trade." Officials here coustruo tho action to menu that iu necoidanen with the allies' blockade program Great Hrit niu will not permit the sending of messages from tho United States to Italy or nny other neutral country if thoy refer iu any xvav to a transac tion in xvhieh a resident of flennnny, Austria or Turkey is interested. HOUSE TO BE BUILT Koger S. llcnnett xvill let tho con tract mid begin xvork at once on tho construction of n now $10,000 apart ment house on his property at tho coiner of Main and Quince stteots, and adjoining "The lloihen," owned hy Mr. lteuuett. The final details in the matter xveio completed Friday. Thu new structure will ho two stor ies lduh, 50 by 100 feet, mid modern throughout, and is being built to tic commodate tho ineteaso iu demand for npattnients, "1 nut making this investment," said Mr, lleuuett this morning, ''bc causo I felt it is better to pay tnxes and assessment! on improved prop el l,y than vacant lots coxercd with: weeds," BISHONT L aimul :s, ioin Weathering a Storm -PANAMA POUCH ! nnr mm Tnmu , rnc i u nfl 111! OF U1TR00PS Riot in Canal Zcnc Results in Death of Coast Artilleryman and Wound- inn of Two Others One Panaman i Gets Black Eye Police Fire lnto!'f'loi.1,f '; '"-- outside. n,..l Train of Unarmed Men. WASHINGTON, April X llrign dier General KdwanN, coinmnnding the troops in the Panama canal r.onc, reported loda xtluit during the fight iu Colon yesterday between American soldier- mid Panama policemen, in xvhieh Corporal Lunation of tho coast artillery xvas killed and three soldiers wounded, tho Panama police fitetl into a train of unarmed soldiers nnd Chilians nnd pelted the train with stones and rocks. Iu his report General Kdvvnrds said: "Cnue of the tiot wns similar to that of recent trouble iu Panama; excited police clubbing soldiers, pro test front other soldiers, pistols drawn by police, shoot ing commenc ed, C oat artillery provost patrol was attempting t sotop shooting by policemen when Langdon was killed hy a police lieutenant. Three men of a patrol slatted to lcturit tire on the police xx lien officers stopped the fir ing, preventing casualties. This xvas tho only firing dono by Americans. "Langdon xvas shot through the heatt. The xvounded are: James Do LntigheVy, 11. C. Klimp, Charles II. Itieheson." Ono of the purposes of Major Gon eral Wood's vi-it to the zone xvhero ho is due today, xvas to look into the recommendation that tho United Slates police Colon nnd Panama. Y PARIS, April X- Information has heen received hero (hat oftieials of the )elgium public wotks department xvho agreed to continue their duties with thu understanding that they would not be asked to aid in the con struction of military woiks, resigned iu a body when ordered by the Ger man militarv ailministratiou to di rect the repair nnd construction of roads designed for strategic pur poses. Tho valunble crehaeologieal nnd historical collect inn belonging to M. llujbrigts of Tongres, Helgium, is re ported to have been ruined xvlion his liouso xvas dest roved, Tho collection vns valued by Gorman experts bo- foro tho beginning of the xvar nt more Minn USO.OOO marks ($87,500). BEL IAN OFFICIALS RESIGN OFF NEWPORT NEWS EIE AI SUNTEIfTED BY SIORM '10 FLEE WASHINGTON, April H. Whirling gale nnd snow storm xvhieh enveloped the Virginia Cupcs Inst night nnd to dny, did not tempt tho German auxil iary enii-er I'rinz Kitel Friedrieh to make a dash for the sea tliroimb the in i ii i'iui'k tots iiiicrmiiiu mi iiiiii'iiii government dispatch from Hampton Roads said tho German raider still xx-n moored to her wharf. The storm xxliieh drexr tho curtain of secrecy oxer tho Prinz Kitel for a few hours by destroying nil menus of communication with the Hampton ltoads di-trict, snve xvireless, started a crop of rumors saying the German cruiser had dashed behind the cur tain of snnwfhikcs nnd past the xvatchdogs nt the entrance to Chesn pcake bay. Tho goxcmmental ngeneics got in touch with Xexvpnrt Xcxvs, Vn., and established that the Prinz Kitel hnd attempted no nexv daring exploit. TO ISOLATE, STARVE MONTENEGRO OUT ROMK, via Talis, April X Dis patches received hero from Cettinje, the capital of Montenegro, indicate that Austrin-Huugnry is endeavoring to cut off Montenegro from nil com munication with tho outside world nnd thus sturvo her. Tho dual monarchy is. described na surrounding this small state with overwhelming forces of Cronts on tho mountains, iu addition to a garrison of -10,000 men nt Cnttaro, xvhieh pre vents nnny communication xvtih Hcr zegovinn and tho Adriatic. Against about 100,000 Anstrians, Montenegro enn opposo only lft.OOQ men with limited nrtillery. Something liko 70,000 peoplo from villages in Bosnia burned by Austrian troops have taken refugo in Montcucgto. NEAR LOS ANGELES LOS ANOKLKS, April 3, lingo breakers which tore out sections of piers ut various ocean shore resorts last night mid damaged numcroiw cottages on the Strand, el aimed a life early today. William II. Reeder, a painter, xvho started out front Santa Monica iu a small tnotorhont on n fishing trip with John II. Mucr, xvas drowned, D K A A TRYING NO. 11 IS CZAR WILLING ADRIATIC LANDS PASS TO ITALY Russia Expresses Sympathy With Italian Desires Russians Win Ser ies of Austrian Lines In Carpath ians Stagnation Prevails in West Austria Claiams Advantage. LONDON, April H.-Thc attitude of Russia concerning Jtnly's territorial aspirnlioni is defined in n semi-official announcement from Petroxrnd, xvhclt nssiuiics special fdgnifienneo because of Italy's warlike prepara tions nnd the efforts tn.'ndjnst1' tho boundary question with Austria, Rus sia in effect expresses Mympahy with Italy's desire to obtain the territory oliout the head nf the Adriatic, inhab ited chiefly hy police of Italian h'tock, xvhieh xvouhl include the proV!8vs of Trent nnd Trieste. Itus,ja xvouhl not oppose still further expansion, but xx-nrns Italy not to pros her clnitnH to a point which might bring on nnother conflict Inter. At tho sumo time, it is said that the imperialiste nttttudn tnxx-nrd tho Adriatic nttribufeil to Russia is absurd. At tho Hritih embassy nt Rome was denied a report that Lord Rone bcrry or nny other person is going to Rome on a special mission for Great Britain. In the Carpathglam ; Tho fluctuating stntgglo m tho Carpathians Rcema to he neantur its decision, nccording to dispatches reaching London. liv rucccshixo rti.hoi nmid ice nnd phow, Ruasinn troops arc said to hnx'o carried a ser ies of Austrian lines, nnd in the viexv of British observers, they hid fair soon to break through in force le txreen the Lupkoxv and U'olcpasses. Vienna reports nsscrt Hint the re cent fighting in Bukowina has been more important than the official com munications hnvo shown. It is said that the Russians xvho pent in rein forcements iu tho hopo of gnining a decisive victory in Hukoxvina hax-o been defeated and forced to retrent. Stagnation In Wct In the xxest conditions bordering on stagnation prevail. The allies are keeping the Germnns in Iho dark as to when nnd xvherc the big thrust xvill come. As tho xveeks pass, tho operations in tho Dardanelles appear likely to bo nioro nnd more protracted, oven tho London pnpers nre today inclined to admit that the Turkish posJiionr per haps have not yet been seriously damaged. r C WITH THE ALLIES NEW YORK, April 3.-Fricnds of Major Ambroso llierce, author, jour nalist nnd soldier, xvho feared that ho had been killed in Mexico last De cember, xvcro surprised nnd relieved today to learn that his daughter id Bloomiugton, III., hud received a let ter from him revealing that ho U serv ing with tho allies in France. It xvhb said that Ilierco xvas a member of the British army staff. On the supposition that lis was dead, at tides concerning his conlin tinncu disappeared nnd his unusunl literary nnd military career hud boon published here. BI.OOMINOTON, 111., April 3.- Mrs. Helen Cowdcn, dnughtor of Ma jor Ambroso Bierce, author and jour nalist, declined today to give out a t letter received from her futhor yw terday, xvhieh it is understood de tails his movements since he disap peared in Mexico last December. She enid, however, thnt her father Jb at tached to Kitchener's army iu FrH0. BOMB FOUND IN SREEK LESATI0N IN IVLIARiA i PARIS, April 3. A fcemb Wh had failed to cxplodtt xv fo;!;t4 hi' tho garden of the Orek lewtlia ftt Sofia, Bulgaria, doe t iitti mlttfe. tprn private effinu, BewmHmr U llnvna diimtel fr"Hr-AlJww. AMBROSE BIER STILL ALIVE FIGHTING Hf i A ',