Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 02, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Muv. "."i Mln. -17. ItnlH To.
nlltlit nnd Hattinhiy.
I'orly fifth Vfiir
Dully TmiIIi Vi'lir,
Submarine Snvcs Lives of Those on
Hoard Hrlllth Ships Norwrijlan
Haik Torprdocd In Norlh Sea
Heavy Fl)hllnn In Western Line
Aviators ftalil cities In Hatlcn.
NFAV CAKTI.H, Ihmhiud, A.til 'J,
Thieo Tyue hauler, tho (Hoiiuin,
Jiioii uud Nellie, xveic Mink hy the
(Icintuu Hiihinnrine tMO yesterday.
After nil I lie members of the orrw
xxme safely in wiimll limit, Hie (lei
liiiiu blew up the trawlers,
Thev then lowed the fishermen
lownnl llin Tynn until they eiicouiit
eteil rinliin ciuft which hiniighl the
iiieu ashore.
The fishermen uy Hint the com
mander of the Hiibiiuiiiuc xvas ipiilc
genial, lie Mipplled hut coffee mill
tobacco to them lint Mil them "wc
haxe order to sink everything. It
xnr, mill Knghiuil stinted it.'
Xorxtcglnii Slitp Sunk
AMKTIWDAM, April '-'. Kleven
men, the crew of the Norwegian hark
Nor, torpedoed in tin Noith Hen by
the (lermmi Hiiliniiiriiie H-'JO, were
hunli'il tnilnv liv the slimmer I'liitu nt
Ihn Hunk of Holland.
Ileuvy fighting linn been rominii'il in
I'liHteni Franco near the (Icimnii lur
(I it. The nfflehil stali'incut from
lleiliu MiiVH the French xveic defeated
in 11 hnttle uenr l.e Pre! re forest nnd
foiccd to gixo up groipul which tluv
liiul won.
Hlscxvhcre nloug the western fiont
there were nitillrry encounter ye
tenliiy hut no infmitry engagement
of (uiieipieuce,
IUIi In of Aviators (
UuiiU hy two uvlnlors of the allies
tu the (leruiiiu pmviuee of Ilmleu ill
tlietiil diinuigw in the cities of Mull
lii'iin mill Nueiiherg. The destruction
11I' property in Mullheliu l ilesciiheil
in 11 l.ouihiu ilixpateh iih foil ideriililc,
ullhoiiiih slight damage xva iloint in
A decided eteimioii in die riinue of
operations of (lermmi submarines in
Imlieuteil hv u Lisbon despatch tu
the erfeet llutt' the U-'JH him heeu
operating off the coast of Spain. The
llnti-h steamer South I'oiut, xxhieh
wenl down off Cape Fiiiistcrfe U said
to luive heeu torpedoed hy the l"-2S.
It U moie thiiii 7IH) mill'- from I'upe
Fini-dono to the nearest flcrmnu suit,
iniiiiue base. The eiipe is about 'III)
iniltm nortli of (lihrnltar.
1'lghlliig In Carpal hluim
The fighting In the fnrpulhians is
described in ilerliu despatches iih iiii
usiinlly liiller. The Russian pushing
their way tlirotiuli deep snow nre per
sisting in their effoils to dislodge
the Austrian from the passes mill
height, hut lire said to have aecniu
ptisheil little in the way of iletiuite
successes. The Hussion war off lee,
however, stales Hint snlislnntliil sue.
cesses have heeu nehieveil, In the
campaign in North Poland an import
nut violury is ilutmeil over the CJor
iiiiiii, who are nuii! lo have retreateil
hastily in one section of the front
west of the Niemen river.
DKNVKIt, April 12. Coney C.
Slaughter, until leeeutly cashier of
the Mercantile National Ilmik of Pue
blo, Colo,, now in tbo IiiiiiiIh of a ie
eeiver xviih iudieleil today hy the fed
eral KinniHury on a oharuo of falsi
fyiaj the IiiioIch of tho hank. r. II.
Kliiughter, iiroHldcnt of tho hank ami
father of tho cnslilcr, xviih arresled
at Pueblo Wednesday iiIhIiI (diarj,red
with cinbczzli'iiK'iit of .f.Ml.OOO of
counly funilH,
United StutoH District Attorney
Harry H. 'JVdroxv Hiiid efforln xvere
heiiiK iiiiido to find Coney C. Shabb
ier, Aeeerdinp: to a statemoiil hy the
elder Nbiiijditor, the eiiKhlor xviih sent
enst lust xveek lo miIho iiioiiav on
.fJU,0U0 of the Block of (he bank.
Prohibition Topic Overshadows War
In Nation Drastic Measures Con
templated Popular Petitions Urnc
Warfare Demon num
Cabinet Has Power to Act.
I.ON'IIOS', Apill 'J.-The attention
of the lliitisli in IihIiiv coiieeutrateil
upon the ipiolion of ahstiiuiuee, l'ur
the moment it him ovei-shuiloweil the
war. This is (loml 1'iiilay ami in
l.oiiilnu there are no uj'lerunou pa
pers, hill it is iloiililfal if the hiest
licnilliiics I'liiotiieliiit! military activity
eonlil ilictl lu atleatioii of the peo
ple from the ull-ahsottiiut; topic of
the pmwiliilltv of n "ilrv" eonutry.
That mime ilroslic iiieasini's an
eotilemplaleil anil is licyotul uueslioii,
hut the pitlilie is diviilcil in opinion
tin to whether the ptuliiliitioii is to lie
tutiil or uhelher the cniihiiinption of
alcoholic liipmrH will he pennitteil uii-
iler Niieli sharp control,
Aiteilsii IVtlllons
Sexeral of the l.uiuloii mniniiiK pa
pern appeateil toiluv Willi lull pac
advertisements preM'iiliiu; petitions
uilh thu request that supporters of
the movement nit them out ami send
them lo Chancellor of the Kvcheipicr
Uotl.ficiirf.'e. These petitions read:
"I inn ealiiely in favor of the su
K'iiiou of the imiiiufaeluie mid sale
of intoxicating, liipiors iluriut: the
war, which I eon-ider imperative for
it quick mid successful termination of
the war. I shall heartily support the
pivci anient in nuy Mich laeasmi)."
Tint (M'tition iilea is hacked hv iner
ehanlM mill )iu-incM men and other
employers of lalior, who ilielaim any
save a war interest in the proposed
IJxlM'ioe .Mcasuiv Likely
The sen( of personal liberty is so
sjrotij; in Mujjlmid that it muv defeat
total prohibition. Hut the sense of
fair play fiuhlN on the side of the
extreme measure, for the opinion is
Krowiaj; that if employe he deprived
of their iilit lo drink employers must
take their place in the same hunt.
It i- heliexeil that the cabinet is in
favor of total piohihitioii, which, un
der the ilefeioe of the leahn net, it
has the power lo enforce without any
fiulher legislation,
adaiitliai; that "a eoiisplraey existed
in Term Haute for the nurpo-e of
stealinj: the election of lait Novem
heiV three altorneys, representing
five of 28 men on trial in the federal
court mi eliui'Kfs of eonspiraey to
corrupt that election, iiiM-tcd in
their aiKumentx today that their
elieatH were in no way connected xvith
it. Tho attornuys also ilNciissed the
rules of law that all defendant lire
presumed to bo innocent until proxen
guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, mid
that conviction can not he uiiidu on
the evidence, of uncorroborated eo
defeudmitH, Tho attorneys nay they admitted
tho eonspiraey because 88 of the men
xvho hiul been iudieleil on the charge
had pleaded guilty. ClmileH J. Orhi-
son, altornoy for Sheriff Dennis Shea
ami txvo other defendant, attacked
the character of Ihoso xvho had plead
ed guilty and appeared for Iho gov
ernment, asserting Hint "they volun
tvcrril information, believing that the
more they confessed tho lighter
would he their punishment.''
NEWPORT NKWS, Vn., April 2.
Two United States tugn nuo from
navy, and from army, from the Nor
folk navy yard arrived here shortly
after noon today and moored at the
Prinr. Kitel Friedrich'H pier. One
tug, tho PntiiNont, xvas moored at the
Kitul'H Hlern. Tho oilier, the lleno,
tied up on tho opposite side of the
pier. Shortly before their arrival
Collector Hamilton xvith a piuty of
ol'l'iuiaU hoarded tho Kitel,
Brazilian Minister In Mexico Reports
That Tcarlnn Down ol Old Glory
Not Intentional Hope to Take
Mexico City out of Theater of Fu
ture Military Operations.
WAKIIINdTON', April !. Tli-ro
was 110 intentional desecration of the
American fin;,' hy any mithorir.eil per
son x lieu John II. McMinnis xvas
Hllcil in .Mexico City hy Znpiitn
tioops, aceotiliiiK to icpoits o Hi.
slate ilepailuieiil today hy the lb 1
.ilia 11 minister in Mexico. He sax
Hint alter careful inquiry he finds
(hut no official nnthoiinl (he liiii
id); down of the flu?. I'poii his re
oiuuiemlutioii Secretary lliyaii an
nouiieeil that no apology would be
To .Vciili-fillo Ciipllnl
l'pn fleneral Veniislitiiio Carraii7..i
ilcpenils toiliiy the siiccch of ucKotiu
lions on the part of the Auiciicin
(coveriiiuenl xvith the various xxarnn
faelions in .Mexico for takia: .Me.xic
Citv oat of the theater of future mill
lary operations ami for the iieutr.t-
liration of the railway between tint
eitv and Vera Cruz. These steps ate
desiuuril to secure pnruimient seeur
ilx' for the 'J.'i.OOO foreigners in the
Mexican eapital.
The fact that the Villa-Zapata
forces have promptly accepted the
I xvo proposals of the American ov-
einuieat It'll ailiuuii-lriitiou oniemls
ami diplomats to hope that (Jeneral
Carrnnr.a aNo xvoahl ive his ussent.
If he xvill agree to the iieutraliation
of Me.xiuo City tlfe Zupnla nrcc are
xvilliiiK lo ovaeuate the city.
Txxo Anieilraiis Jdlleil
Kl, PtSO, Texa, Apiil 2.-Two
AiuerieaiiH and txvo (lenanus xvere
killed in early February hy Carraii7.a
I roups on a ranch 'JO miles northwest
of Mexico City, necnulim; lo delail
seat ill n loler today to 1'ie-ident
WiNou by It. II. Aitkin, xvho said he
xvas at the much at the time of the
alleged killing.
Aitkin said that the Cairana
troops xxhile attempting to make
away xvith a large herd of entile killed
his uncle, V. M. Smith, formerly a
farmer near IIou!on, Texas, xvho
owned the ranch; ltncoe Hillings, an
American cowboy; Hans Hciiuich, a
(leiuiau eitiea; another (lermmi
xvhose name he did not know, and
I xvo Mexican eoxxhoys.
SAI.KM, Ore., April 'J.After is
suing a commission as state highway
eagineur to K, . Cantiue, the ntalo
hlghxvay eommission at a meeting to
day tentatively agreed to employ Oluf
I.aurgaanl, xvbo Kuperiulemled the
coiislruutiou of tho Tuiualo irrigation
project, as special engineer to settle
disputes arising on road work per
formed under former Highway Kngi
neer II. L. Hoxvlby. Next Tuesday the
eoianiifision xvill meet xvith tho advis
ory hoard and apportion tho state
road fund for thu fiscal year among
tho counties,
OUIOAGO, April 2. Slilpmonta to
Oornmny and Austria of parcel pout
piickngcn containing food liavo la
rouBoil xxithlu tho last txvo weeks
from 115 packages dully to 1200,
poHtorfleo.o'fridulB nnl(I today.
TIiobq packages, which contain all
kinds of food oxcept inents, xvolgh
nearly thu maximum of cloven
pounds. A number of department
stores hnvo mndo Hjioclal provision
for Bonding tbo parcola and furnish
special airtight containers,
oitoon, fridav, awiu 1015
I Bh 4Bik.
mm ltr.JBtk
W '''yfer'tK I Mrs- H,, ,,,, ""'ttoni) and her
jL" ' "' ' ,jK ' ' Wt 'daughter, M.irie.
iimijt- ::-am
C '
CllUWnO, April 2. Scenes of rtU
order seldom eipialed in the political
hi-lory of Chicago marked the meet
ing today of a ixiltien! club opposed
to William Halo Thonip'.on, republi
eaudidate for mayor in next Tues
day's tuunieipal election. Women ac
tive i,u tho mayoralty campaign led
the demonstrations somo of them
jumping on the seats and tiring their
partisans on. The. police were called
ami several men, xvho seemed on the
verge of personal encounters xvere
ejected. Not olio of the speakers
xvas able to speak moro than a few
words because of the din.
Prohibitouists, socialists, repabli
cans and democrats alike xvere hoot'
Thousands xvcro turned nwav from
the downtoxvn theater xvhere the at
tempt to bold tho meeting xvas made.
Tho sceao xvas vioxved from tho stage
by Hubert, democratic ean
didute for mayor and John II. Hill,
prohibition candidate. .Meanwhile
William Halo Thompson, yachtsman
and former coxvboy, xxn nddre-sing
a meeting at the stock yard from
horseback in behalf of. his own can
didacy. Women partisans who led the
Thompson contingent aro alleged to
have "packed" tho meeting. Word
that such an attempt would bo made
xvas spread ami tho Sxvoitzer forces
responded in force, men and xvomen
I1RKNIIAM, Tex., April 2.'
John Divoky, !!, today,
flood Friday, made n cross of
railroad ties and xvith his face
to tho cast, hanged himself
upon it. Ho had been much
depressed sineo his xvifo se
emed a divorce recently,
U i i 'M -M
I SAN KHANC1SCO, Cnl.. April 2.--
Slartling charge xverc made recent
ly against Attorney W. T. Hume, for
mer district attorney of Portland,
Or., nnd said to have, been taken bv
Hex IJeaeh as one of ihc principal
cliaractcrs in lu novel, "The Shi1-
V in an affiilavit filed in the mi
perior court in tho case of Mrs. Klhi
Heiui, xvho is suing for n $11,(1011,000
grubtake share which she claims in
the rich Opbir mine of Ala-ka.
Joseph Wright, fanner acting post,
master at Nome, is Hume's accuser.
In his sensational deposition he as.
sects that Hume, xvho is of counsel
for .Mrs. Heiui, offered him a percent
age of the final fruits of the suit if
he xxoulil testify for their side.
These accusations llaiae vigorously
denies and declares that he xvill prove
his iuiioeenee of Wright's allegations
at the proper time.
Tho suit, on xxhieh these charges
and counter charges throw interesting
sidelights, xvas brought by Mrs. lleim
to recover property and cash aggre
gating .-fli.OOO.OOO from Jeremiah
Wilson, his xvife, Alice Wilson, J. S.
Kimball, a millionaire, and the Wilson-Kimball
Mining company. Mrs.
lleim says that she grubstaked Wil
son ami bis xvife in Alaska ami is en
titled to a half interest in tho :?i2,
000,000 Ophir group xxhieh later xvas
Wright, who xvas acting postmns
tor nt Nome during a part of tho
summer of 1001, xx-as expected to tes
tify for .Mrs. lleim, and it xvas gen
erally supposed that he xvould he ask
ed to tell about tho irregular condi
tions of tho mails through Alaska to
explain Mrs. Heim's failure to learn
of certain aetixities of Wilson sooner.
CHICAflO, April 2. Seven per
cent is not too high a return to rail
roads on their investments, and rail
roads may earn even more than that
xvuhout indicating that thev have en
forced excessively high freight rates.
U. O. Powell, rate expett of tho Ne
braska railroad commission, so testi
fied under cross-examination today
at the inteMnto conunereo commis
sion hearing of the xvc-jtern rato case.
Mr. i'oxvell had burn on tho btond
txvo days in opposition of tho forty
one xve.stern railroads' plea for higher
rates on commodities. IIo selected
six of tho western roads as typical,
saying they xxero earning on an nvcrt
ago fl.7.') per cent, and that this show
ed they were not unprosperons.
Counsel for the railronds contend
ed that Mr. I'oxvell has selected most
ly tho strong roads, omitting tho fin-.
anrinlly weaker ones, xxhieh also are
i party lo tho plea for moro revenue.
Germany Protests Treatment Given
Crews of Captured Submarines and
Threatens Reprisals Britlan De
clares Submarine Crews Not Hon
orahlc Opponents But Offenders.
LONDON, April 2.-A Ocniinn pro
let and threat of reprisals on ac
count of the treatment by Orcat Dri-
tnin of the prisoner tnken oil board
Herman submarines was made public
here lodny. This protest xxas trans
mitted by Oennnny to Orcat Ilrilain
through the United States.
The reply of Great Hritain alo
xx'as made public.
The Ocrman government In Its pro
test nsked whether Orcat Hritain In
tended to accord less favorable treat
ment to captured Russian submarlno
crews than to other war prisoners,
and If so what form this discrimina
tion would take. Germany stated
that If Great Ilrltaln adopted such
a course a nritlsh army officer held
In Germany would receive corres
pondingly harsh treatment for each
member of a German captured sub
marlno crow.
Tho foreign secretary. Sir Edward
Grey, In his reply said that tho pris
oners from German submarines had
been placed In naxal detention bar
racks and segregated from other war
prisoners, but were being treated hu
manely and permitted to tako ex
ercise. Furthermore the foreign sec
retary said, German prisoners In Eng
land are better fed and clothed than
are Ilrltlsh prisoners of equal rank
In Germany and the Germans nro not
subjected to forced labor.
As tho submarine crews have been
engaged In sinking neutral merchant
ships and unarmed Ilrltlsh vessels,
Sir Edward said, they could not bo
regarded as honorable, opponents, but
"were offenders against tho law of
nations and common humanity."
Tho foreign secretary said that
1000 officers and men of tho Gorman
naxy had been rescued during tho
war but that nono from tho British
navy had been rescued by the cGr
mans. Hoxvovcr, ho inado no sug
gestion for a change.
LONDON, April 2. In accordance
xvith his request, Huron Itolhschild
xvas buried today nt tho Willesden
Jewish cemetery.
Hrief services xvere held nt the late
residence of tho baron in Piccadilly.
Services were private, being attended
only by tho family and closo friends.
Outside the house there gathered a
oroxvd of perhaps '1000, including
many persons from the Jexvish com
munity in tho cast end.
The body was taken from the house
in n closed hearse, followed hy motor
cars bearing tho baron s txvo sons,
Lionel Walter and Chnrlcs; his
brother, Leopold; his son-in-laxv,
Captain Clivo Hehrens, nnd his neph
cxvs, Evelyn and Anthouy. Karl lloso
berry, n relative by marriage, also
xvas n mourner.
As tho funeral car passed the
crowds bared their heads.
WASHINGTON, April 2. Jules
Jussorand, tho French nmbassador,
informed tho Whlto houso today that
thoro had beon "an absolute misun
derstanding" In connection with tho
publication by Gabrlol Alphaud, sec
retarlo genoral of tho Paris Tomps, of
a quoted lutorvloxv xxith President
Wilson on European and Mexican af
fairs. M. Alphaud was Introduced to Pres
ident Wilson last "xVcdnosday by tho
Fronch nmbnssador and tho White
Houso stated that what had been
published was unauthorized and that
the Prosldeat had given no Intervloxv
for publication. It was stated that
tho president had understood In nd
vnnco that M. Alphaud's visit was to
bo purely a social cull.
NO. 10
Police Investigators Unable to Estab
lish Charges Made Against Htm of
Firing LaTourralne -Friends Pro
less Belief In Innocence Once Be
fore Arrested as Spy.
PARIS, April J. Although tho po
Hco Investigation of tho history of
Raymond Swaboda, charged with be
ing responsible for tho Oro aboard
the steamer La Touralne, has brought
out additional facts regarding him,
bo remains something of n tnystory.
Several of his friends profess to con
sider the charges against him entire
ly unfounded.
M. Trescnt, a stock broker, who
know Swoboda woll, sars ho can seo
no possible motlvo for tho act oC
which ho Is accused. After hostili
ties began nnd business was suspend
ed on the Doursc, nccordlng to Trcs
cat, Swoboda sought some other oc
cupation. Ono of the plans ho con
sidered was to go to tho United States
and obtain samples of military cloth
ing, equipment and tools which tho
ministry of war would bo likely to
Uroker for Factories
Trescat asserts Swoboda finally de
villed upon this venture. Ho, visit
ed many factories In AmcrlcaSjgJr
Ing as a refcrenco Broker Morrison,
who Is one of tho most wldoly known
general merchants In Tarl. Upon
the strength of this reference ho ob
tained tho samplts ho bought, accord.
Ing to Trescat.
Tho pollco credit tho statement of
M. Trescat, for when they searched
tho -office In tho Avenue DL-'Opera,
whoro five trunks bolonglng to Swo
boda wero stored, they found that
two of them bad been opened and tho
contents displayed In an adjoining
roomm. This display consisted of
cloth, woolen gloves, socks, leather,
metal flasks, canned goods, boots,
entrenching tools and even a completo
French uniform.
Studied In Germany
Trlends of Swoboda explained tho
photograph in which ho appears In
tbo uniform of a German officer by
stating that ho spent two years at
Heidelberg to perfect himself In Gor
man nnd tho plcturo probably was
taken whllo ho xx-as xvearlng his stud
ent's uniform.
Plans found In Swoboda'a offlco
xvhtch tho pollco regarded as sus
picious, his frlonds say, probably wero
left thero by an undo who Is an ar
chitect at Vancoux-er and xvho recent
ly visited him In Paris.
M. Mommoja of tho Boulevard
Haussman, a banker who employed
Swoboda in 1912, declared to report
ers, on tho other hand, that Swoboda
(Continued on page two.)
NEWPORT NEWS, Vn April 2.--Provisions
for a flfteon day voyage
began board tho German tuxlllary
cruiser Prlnco Eltel Froderlch today
under tho supervision of tho local
port authorities. Tho loading of tho
fctorcs, hoxvovor, will not be finished
beforo Sunday, and soon thereafter
Bonio doflnlte development Is expect
ed to show xvhether tho German raid
er xvill dash to sea through tho fan of
hostile cruisers, off tho Virginia capea
or will bo Interned for the romalndcr
of tho xvnr.
Ono widely circulated report In
marine czlrclcs that the Eltel'a time
does not oxplro for some days, was
glxen credence
Closo scrutiny still was being kept
on tho Gorman ship by American mil
itary forces and tho battleship Ala
bama stood guard In Hampton Roads.
Allied warships reported off the
Virginia capes today wore the 8uffok,
ilorwlck, Caronia and a Frenok vwi
sol, unidentified. Marine men My
thoy nro lying on both sides of the -chnnnol
and about ten inlles off by
day and four ui1m by night. v