Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I. . ..."
Hy A. C. IJcnvlutt
The IiimI lime Mini. I wrnlo I'm' llm
Mail Tribune, IiimI Hitliiriln.v, iiboul
llm lime Hint I wiih iiImiiiI hull'
Ihiiiiigh wild ulnil noti'H luul I Inn
it cull iiM'r llio phone In eiimo l Med
I'iimI iiik) llm I', fc . nir, nii hImiiI,v
gnlheieil up whit I I luul written and
Marled Mini innili'il what I luul writ
I fii iiml mImiIihI, ho HimI li'fl me with
I liu following Ileum on IiiiiuI.
Ml'HHI-H, C, r, ,VH llllll Jtlllll
Wall em (Minii' out hint Thursday, thu
.Villi iiml., with a haek html of ban
miiiN mtil ilHlrilnilcil llii'in over town,
Melting Um'mi from .fl to 1 .'JH it
hunch, hut when they left town they
Iiml it iiimitity on limul.
.Mm, II, 0, MltiiiNiiu, ihiiighler of
Mv, mitl Mm. A, J. Fhtrey, cmiin in
from the "lute of WiihIiIiikIihi IiihI
week o ihit her inrciilH, luntliem
iiml ulster, I uiidemliiiiil Ihiil .Mr.
Siiupfiou Iiiin gmie In Ahihliit,
Austin (lieeu, whit Iiiin been in Oil
il'ttriiiu for mime time, icltirued to
Miile I'oitil iim week.
Dine pence, iiml I'mil Opilylo' of
I mil weie eitllerH at llm Hiiliii.Hile
hint Thin Hilay,
II. A. AiliiuiM, a Piiithind miles-
iiiiiii; 0. ('. ICiiiKt M iiiothcr-lu-liiw;
.Mm. (', I. Smith ami hi daughter.
.M!hm F.llrnbelh, of AnIiIiiuiI: Henry
Meyer, wife mid two ehililreu unit
iiiiilher-hi-hiw, Mr. Kliiiglc, of Luke
creek, mnl Jiiuie Pen of AnIiIiiiiiI
were minim,' the callcm for dinner on
Tliiimdnv of lnxt week.
Mix. I'. ('. Wliiirlun, her three ehil
ilreu mid Hoy WatMiiN hpent I"i iIit
night at the Siiiiu.vkIiIo. Mih. Whur
tou Iiiih heeii leaching in the l.nnrel
Hill Nclutol district, iiml at Hut clone
of her term the heboid gue it nice
entertainment. Site took the I'. & I).
for 1'iigriio .Saturday, whore she ex
peelN to atti'itil school ami finixh up
the N'nriiiiil enumc.
This i the rml or the batch of
item I luul on liiind when I wax
ealleil to 140 to Meilfonl.
On inv 111 rival in Mnlfnrd I met
my old etniiu, Rev, M. (,'. Duvix, ami
he ciiine out home with me to hpcml
the niylil. Aiming the culler 011
.Sattirility wrre ('. II. Willixim mid
wife of Ahhiud. They are traveling
for WiidliiiiiiH & Kerr Hnm. of Port
Inml, ami two other hiiIcmuicii wIiomc
Hitmen I did not lenru. On inv way
'to Meilfonl I hiiw Itev. Linbhnl of
AnIiIiiiiiI, who had lieeu up to Derby
to preaeli, mid on inv relurii met 1'ele
Young, otic of the bantling fannem
of this heetion, iitn .1. K, Speueer,
and while en route ln fine me his
Miilixeriplion to the Weoklv Mail
Irlliutic. He m jiint HuMiing up a
eonlraet for clearing a trnet of Imid
noiif Willow Spring. I uIno met 011
the train Al Mayfiehl and Mrs. Nellie
hltllmmi of (Irantrt Pan. Thev were
on (heir way out to viil V. C.
I'malHim. Mr. Kuiishlon in a brother-in-law
to Mr. Mityfiehl ami an
uncle of Mrs. Stilhumi. Saturday
night, I. ('. Moore, who linn heen
Hpemling the winter on hi farm 011
I 'Ik creek, wiiH 011 IiIh wv to Axlilmnl,
where he cxprelM to leiiutin for Mime
time. ,1, S. Huker of Derliy, iiImo
emue in nhoiit 7 n'eloek. He wiih
lending a cow with a yntint: cnlf he
luul JiihI purcluiHcil mid Hlopped ror
a pint of the niylil.l'nr he look lime
liy the forelock', fjol up Home lime he
fore ilii,luli and slut led no its to
net ucrowi ntlcky liefore the thient
eiied ruin that came iiliout ll 11. m.
On Sunday, Herman Meyer mid
wife of Lake Creek, Minn Alma (lould,
who iw IcueliiiiK in the l.uke Cieek
dihliii'l, mid her mother of Medfonl;
Kied I,. Ilcnlli, wife and hoii Fred,
(J. W. Wiiiiihley. ('. W. CleiuentH and
wire mid llr. V. V. I. Holt ami wife
took dinner at the Siiiiu.vhIiIc, and I
minlil add that P. T. llollx, the iih
hinlnnl Kiiperinteuileal on the P. A: l'"
It. It. force, wiih iiIko in the company,
although he hoards here Hie uioht of
the time iluiiiij hin wife'n alixenee on
a vlwit to her relntivcrt in Philadel
I hhould have xnld heforu that Pro
fenMir I,. P. Ileiiiuulini mid 1'riifen.
Mir J. P. WVIIh, our eounty hcIioo!
Hiipeiialcnilenl, en mo out Friday eve
iiIiik and ProfeHMir II. Kavo an illiH
tralcil lecture, nluiwini: the 1 imo mid
pi'in;iCKH of the work of the industrial
fair work iiiikmik the hcIiuoIk, It wiih
not Ki'io'nilly known that they wnro
to he liuio ut that time, iih Profimpor
liuehmimt wjiH not I'oriain of hln
cniniiiK, tail ha luul 11 very kooiI uiuli
eice, mid limy Hccmed to liiKhly
precintu tlio Jccluio.
Horn To Mr. ami Mih. K. Jl.
Wiitman, March M, 1U1T, a ten ami
11 half-pound Kill.
Horn To Mr. and Mm. K. VI. Hoh
itihon, March 'J7, a hoh. Dr. Holt ro
pmlH Hint thu mother uml linliy U do
iujr well,
laht Moiulay 0, V, Fry and F.d
FnM or, both of Trail, cumo in to
Hpend llio nielli with us. They had
been to Medford, no that Mr. Fry
could make IiIh final proof on bin
Fred FiIiliiKor of Mudford nlno
Npmit the in'ulil with m. Hn cumo
out in t ho afternoon on bin whoul and
(ha nice hIiowot wo bad imluecd biui
to reuiaiu over iiilil.
Hoy, UVorgo V, Hill of QwU, Ja-
"DO(.fl, VOU IO0K
vot's 3)0RM4ncR
pan, a llaptUt ininhioniiry, who Iiiih
been ImIiiiiiiik in .lapmi for the piiHl
eiiiicen yeuiM, wno m prcheni in
makiiii; bin homo in PiimiiiIcuu, ( 'al..
came, out Moniliiy evening; 011 the P.
it K. train ami delivered a fine Ice.
lure 011 the work of the CbriHtiau
mixHiouarii'H ju that country. The
Iccluie wiih ery ciitertniiiinj; and in
xlriii'livc mid wiih highly appreciated
by I lie unod hired atuliciice (but met
bim at the church, hut owin to the
rain that was i'ullinu at the time there
were not ho iiiuiiy out to hear It tin
iih would bae been if I be weather
had been mole well led.
Hell IliKillbiillllllil or PlONpecl iiImi
came in Moiulay night for a lain Hiip
per and hpent the uiht with iih.
Mrn. Ar ('. Tallin, mother of one
of our prominent towuxincu, CharlcH
Painter, arrived from Xi'lirimku a few
ilaH u'o to iit her mui uml fam
ily. Mr. ami Mm. T. ('. (laiiicH went
the RtieHlH of Mr. and Mr. Jnnper
llaiiuah WeducMlay niclit. Mr.
OiilncH recently hold bin Trail ereck
mtich to Harry HaukH mid Iiiih bought
n piece of land near Di'liencr eieek.
h. J. Marckn took up a load or wire
fencing thin week.
.Jerry Hollows Ik making Iiik coiik-
iiih, hilwanl ami Jleiiuio IIcIIowh, an
extended vinit.
John Fouler in n guont of thu Fou
ler and French boimw.
It U reported that 0. II. Veilit
ban exehmiKed bin raueli on the rnst
Hidn of the liver for ('auadimi prop
erty. Dr. KirehcexHiier has gonu to Flor-
eiu'o on a profcHhiouul trip.
(lordoii Cox wan selling hoimo nice
apples on the went Hide of (be river
(bin week.
The gout owner have about finixh
oil hhearing Huh week.
The farmerrt are buny plowing and
Mowing grain.
The bills minoiiiKiiug 11 free enter
tainment at AhIi hall, Trail, Saturday,
April 17, iii'o out. Kvory lady is iv
ipientcil to bring a box and boxes
will be hold at miction uml the pro
ceeds o bo applied on payment of an
organ for the Mil. creel; Sunday
hcIiooI. The following program by
talented plu.crn begins at S p. in.
hbarp. "Swedish MiniMer," comedy;
"Two .lay Detectives-," comedy; "The
Morning After the Night Hefore,"
drama; "A Lesson in Klocutiou,"
comedy; scene in Louisiana, minis
terial comedy; "A Foolish tjnitter,"
comedy; colored sermon ami male
iiuailct. I'.M'iv one is invited to come
ami have a good laugh ami bring 11
box (o help out a worthy cause.
uavu reuce uml ilnuuliler, .Mis
Violn, were valley visitors this week.
Mish 10I11 wiih one of (he success
fill applicants for eigblh grade dip
lomas. Frank Ziiceula wiih a Central Point
visitor Thursday.
(leorgo Fry made final proof on his
homestead the 'JUIh. I'M waul Foster
mid III ton Itaimey were his witnesses
before Commissioner t'linon in Meil
fonl. Mr. and .Mrs, (Irani Mathews spoil!
Sunday with Frank Johnson and
Mr. and Mrn, Peter Met, were
pleasant callers ut the Fivnelt ranch
a few dayrt ago,
Mrs. T. C. McCaho is on I ho sick
lint. Dr. Holt wuh out to heo her
Miss Luello Co. wuh llio woek-ond
guest of hor brotber, flmdon, and
Tho six iiioiiIIih' term of Hchool in
the Lanrol Hill' district with Mrn.
Wharton iih touchyr closed Tuesday.
The patrons and Supevvinnr Potorsou
were present to the following pro
gram, which wuh well rendered:
"America," by all; "Liko tho Ilird
ami llio Flower," Vera Wharton;
"Country Hoys," Vera and Leonard
Wharton, Mosie Johnson, Karl Matb
ovvhj reading, lllanclm Couover; reui
latiou, lltatiu Johiisoii; recitation,
Vera W'liartouj recitation, Stella ami
Hluuehu Couover, 1 Initio Johnson;
recitation, Kail Mnthuws; song, Ilut
tio JoIiiihou ami Stella Couover; reei
tutioii, Mosio JoIiiihou; nolo, Leonard
Wharton; iccitalioii, llortliu Cliuno;
'S 1 WHfy L45T VC1CK J 1CS.T YOU J l vot You , I JH2 , I, -. .-j,-ttzJ
recitation, Johnnie Cliirno; recilalion,
Mih. Wharton; song, Mosie and Hat
tie JoIiiihou.
Karl MiilbewH ultcudcil the entire
six months' teim wllhoul being ab-
.Mr. I'eierson gue 11 talk on birds
mid linked each boy o build a bird
house, He suid the boys at Trail bad
built sumo mid the birds were occu
pying them.
Mr. Wharton gae a party in the
evening, which wuh well enjoyed by
those who atlemleil. She uml her
children left ror Kiigeno Thursday.
Harry Howard made a business
trip to Meilfonl Moiulay.
Mrs. Tom Hninev eallril 011 Mrs.
Will Houston Wednesday.
Mr. Peterson visited the Dehengcr
(lap school Wednesday.
The free ferry line ban elected the
following officers; Fred Pcttygrew,
pn'iidcnt; W. Whitman, vice-presi-dent,
and Did; Johnson, secretary.
They have tbrir poles set and are
stringing tin; wire.
The majority of the shareholders
of Trail line No. 10 are netting poxt
and putting up their poles.
With Meilfonl T.-nilo Is Medford Mado
In tho Circuit Court of tho Slnlo
of Oregon, for tho County of Jack-
(leorfi-o V. Dwlnnoll, PInlntlff, vn.
Wllllnm H. Dwlnnoll, Virginia I.
Dwlnnell. IiIh wife. Wllllnm Klnc.
Frederick King, tlio unknown lielw
of Wllllnm King. Docennod, tho un
known heirs of Frederick King, IK
ccnKod, M. P. Scbmltl, as Trustee
In llnnkruptcy of tho KHtulo of Trnll
Lumber couiinuy, n Uankrupt, uUo
nil other perrons or pnrtlus unknown,
clnlmlng nny rlfilit, title, estate, lion
or Intercut In tho real ostnto do
scrllied In anil complaint herein, nnd
.01 persons unknown linvlne or clnlm.
lag an Interest or ostnto In tho prop
erty nforesnld, which property Is do
ecrllied ns follow, to-wit: Sections It
nail 1.1, Township ,13, South Itnnfic 2,
Wont of Willamette Morldlnn. In
Jackson County, Orotfon, dofondnnts.
Notice la horoliy Riven Hint under
nnd by virtue of an Interlocutory or
der nnd decroo of thu nbovo tinmcd
Court In the a.bovo entitled cnuso
nmilo and entered on tho 20th lny of
March, litis, tho unilerslRiicil Ueferco
duly nppolnled thorofor, will, nt tlio
front door of tlio Court Hoiiko in tli.t
City of Jucksonvlllo. In said County
nml Stnto on tho 2 ttb dny of April,
1915. nl 10 a. in., Hell nt public auc
tion to tho hlKliost bidder for rush,
tho following described trnrt of renl
estate sltunto. lying nnd being In tho
County of Jackson, Htnto of Ureaoa,
Sections 11 ami i.t. TowuhIiIh .1.1.
South Itnngo 2. West of Wlllamelto
Subject to n inoi'tKitRo thereon
held by M. P. Schinltt, iih TrtiHtco In
llnnkruptcy of tho Kstato of Trail
Lumber conipnny, n Unnkrupt. In tlio
Hum of 1.10,000.00 Willi Interest
thereon nt tlio rnto of 0 por cent per
nnnuai from Decomher lstli, 10 M,
which snld mortgngo Is paablo $10,
000.00 on Juno 18th, liur, and $20,.
000.00 on Juno lSth, mio, with In
terest nt tho rate of 0 per cent per
annum payable seiui-anauntly, snld
sale to bo mado subject to confirma
tion by tho nliovo named Court.
.. . . ... Hoforco.
Date of Flrnt Publlcntlou March 25,
In tho circuit court or tho state of
Oregon, for thu county of Jackson.
Wm. S. Crowoll, plaintiff, vs. Jos
oph A. Nuwoll, Peter Do Clorcq, nnd
Mr. A. M. Cnroy, defendants. Action
to recover money.
To Joseph A. Newell, Peter Do
Clorcq and Mis. A. M. Carey, tho
above nnmeil defendants:
la the name or the stnto of Ore
gon, you, and oaclv of you, nro hereby
required to appear and answer tho
plnlntlff's complaint against you,
now on fllo In the nbovo entitled
court and cause, on or before the Inst
day nt tho time prescribed In tho
order for tho publication of num
inous heroin, to-wit, on or hoforo tho
10th dny or April. 1915, said dnto
holng tho expiration ot six wooks
from tho ditto of tho first nubllcntlou
of this Btimmonu.
And It you rail to nttnonr nud an
swer, ror want thereof, tho plaintiff
will apply to tho court for tho rollor
dentnndod In snld complaint succinct
ly statod as follews:
That tho plaintiff havo JudRinont
ngaliiBt you and ench ot you tor tho
full sum of $1112.30. and for tho
costs nnd disbursements ot this action
to bo taxed,
And you nro horoby furthor nott-
ried that certain real property In
Jacksnu county, Omttnn, bolonglng to
tho dofants is now u:tiehod undor
this notion,
This summons Is oubllslted In the
Medford Mall Trlbuno by order or tho
llouorubto F, M, Cttlklnu, Judgo of
IKOUWIir TiBtt CLL5. 'S . .. if .
3k'T7Z V m(K) it 4fe '.':
t X. --. - , . w . .
Concerning the State
LG, JU3T , u x wjf,,. jtxr u,jm , - :
tho nbovo onltlnd court, which said
order wns mado and entered of rec
ord on tho 3rd dny of Mnrrh, ItHK,
nnd In compllnnco therowltli tho date
of tho first publication hereof Is tho
4th day of March, 1I5.
, W. K. IMIII'I'H.
Attorney for I'lnlntlff.
von iiEKT -HouKincrcrci'iNO
FOIl HKNT--.Modern honFokcopIng
room, closo In. I'hono 372J.
von iiknt ruicMiniini) hoomh
FOlTlUCNT sTceplngr'omln iuoiI
oru house. I'hono 272J.
TDK PALM rooms, best rooming
house In Medford. Prices 35c nml
r,0c. Wokly rates. 28
FOR HKNT Nicely furnished mod
ern bungalow, UX, 13
FOR RUNT r.-room modern bunKa
low, nnd good furniture for snlo
chenp. 820 West 12th, Phono
S30R. 12
FOR RUNT Modern 5 room bunB.i
low, furnished or unfurnished, 92!t
Rcddy Ave. 1 1
FOR HKNT Modern furnished houso
W. II. Kvcrhard, 1013 W. 9th.
. . Phono CG7J.
FOR HKNT l-room houso nenr Tolo.
Apply J. II. StovotiB, Tolo, Oro. 9
FOR HKNT Furnished house, -t-rooini.
strictly modern, nc olocn
from new federal building. Phono
931Lorcnll nt 243 N. Holly St.
FOR HUNT Ry April 15th, C-room
modern houso, full cement base
ment. Phono 370W.
FOR HKNT Closo In four room
houso ono block south of park,
Kood soil for garden, $G per month
with c,lty, water, paid. Address P.
O, box 207, Iqdford, Ore.
FOR HKNT Thrco room furnished
bungalow, phono 779-J.
- - ... . jrj;
FOR SALK -Pair young work horses.
team or single, time if desired.
Phono 317.
FOR SALK Two saddlo horses,
broken to drive, doublo and sin-
Kla harness nnd saddlo. Mrs. A. S.
Hubbard, Ashland, Ore.
FOR SALK Team welshing 3400,
wnKon. harness, spray rig, disc
cultivator, two plows, ono buggy,
ono light harness, ono set of thrco
ton springs. Can bo seen ut 428
V. Fourth Street. Telephno 105-R
FOR SALK-rYoung team, cheap. (
taken at onto. Imiulro at 1111
N. Rlversldo. 12
FOR SALK Cheap, span of mules,
harness and wagon. 32 South Cen
FOR SALK Ono real thoroughbred
man Durham bull, is months old.
Walsh's ranch, mile out N. Roose
velt Ave. 12
FOR SALK - Modoc Orchnrd Iluroc
Jersey, pure broil spring pigs, both
sexes. Wo nro offering for sale a
selection of spring pigs of the big
kind. Sired by Golden Nugget,
No. 1 l2,7Sr, out of dams from
prlr.o winning stuck ami Individual
ly the pigs nro whnt could bo ex
pected front their lines or breeding.
Make your selections early and for
visiting privileges nnd prices ap
ply to Palmer Investment Co., Mall
Trlbuno Hldg., Medford.
FOR SALE Rhode IslnYul Ved eggs!
50c a sotting. Phone 407-M. 321
FOR SALE Chicks, lOo. eggs 5c,
best egg luylng strain O. A. C, S.
C. W. Leghorns, Colego View
Poultry Farms, Corvnllls, Oro. 319
Dociuiso my atock In trade la to
havo optioned at tho lowest cash
prico tho best buy In U1I3 county.
I havo been on tho ground look
ing out for you for tho pnst five
yonrs. Nonrly ovorydny I hnvo In
vestigated somo "good thing," I huvo
ollmlnnted everything oxcept those
doals which I am convinced will so
curo mo satisfied customers.
In n few hours timo I can give you
tho bonotlt or this rosearch. It Is my
business to show you over tho county
and lntroduco you to tho possibilities
and opportunities' bore, ,Seo Med
ium iirsi aim -
Room UUl, VhM National Hunk Hldg.
of Adolph's Health
FOR IlliNT "brialorf Ivo acres, woli
Improved. Phono 392J. 14
FOR 8ALIJ--Acreage near tho city nt
special bargain prices. See owner,
Phono .17 I. 100r, K. Main St. 33
FOR SALK If you want 11 fine fiO
nrro farm and fruit ranch near
Kagln Point, Oro., 03 ncrcs being
cultlr.ntcd, on county road, all
fenced, fine water, all necessary
buildings, nee J. T, Carpenter, own
cr, 310 N. IlartlettSt. 33
FOR SALK ncnutlful houso built
six months ago. Must be removed
from property before May 1. House
Is excellently finished and Is a
snnp for anyone wnntlng a flno
homo. Will sell material or will
rebuild house ns It Is now for less
than half the cost. Rex 30, care
Mnll Tribune. 10
FOR SALK Cyphers brooder, also
Old Trusty Incubator. Phone 925
II. 10
FOR SALK Light hack, dotnchablo
ucnts, good as new, $30. Union
Livery Stnbles. 11
FOR SALK $2500 first mortgage
on well Improved city proporty,
closo In, ten per cent Interest, duo
two years. Will pay bonus of $100
for quick sale. Address Ilox A,
Mall Tribune.
F OR SAL E Uulrrlgatcd, home
grown, potatoes. Sir Walter Hal
oIrIi, Hunih-ed Fold and Now Snow
varieties. $1.50 por 100 lbs. B. W.
Carlton, Upper Tablo Rock. 220
FOR SALK Medium weight automo
bile, runabout body, new rear
tires, best cash offer this month
will take It. Address P. O. box
207, Medford, Ore.
FOR SALE Top buggy with polo
and shafts, almost new, 307 S.
Laurel. 321
FOR SALE Wood saw cheap.
Iloardman street.
FOR SALE To orchard bonds In
Roguo River Commercial Orchard
No. 2. Cost $600 and will sell for
$500. Address M. U. Yates, 922
Ktnplro lildg., Atlanta, Georgia.
WANTED Young orchard tcTtako
full charge: good references. A. C.
Worden. Telephone connections.
WANTKb Moderato VlVo roller top
desk. S. S. Ponce, Hotel Holland.
WANTED $20 to $35 per month ex
tra money to any employed person
without Interfering with regular
work. No selling. No canvassing.
Positively no Investment. Unem
ployed need not apply. Address
Tho Silver Mirror Co.. Inc., 123 W.
Mndlson St., Chicago, III. 9
WANTED Illda for hauling 20 tons
of heaTy machinery from Gold
Hill to tho Uraden Mine, two miles.
Address Gold Ray Realty company,
Gold Hill, Oregon.
WANTED A colllo dog. yellow In
color. Call 9F22. 9
OPEN 750,000 acres for settle
ment; fruit, timber, genoral farm
lands; send 25c with this ad to
Wennteheo (Wash.) Daily World,
Dept. T, for reliable data about
this region.
Can You Match It?
A customer, who owns n halt Inter
est In 1G0 acres near HrooksvlUo,
Florida, 20 acres grapo fruit, 5
acroa oranges and tangerines, sovor
al acres In tigs and Jap persimmons,
writes: "I pnld $15,000 cash Tor this
I'nterost 3 yoara ago. It Is strictly
rirst-cluss proporty and I might con
sider an exchange for a first class
npplo or pear orchurd ot oqual value."
This Florida property will boar close
Inspection nnd tho owner will mako
personal Inspection ot good properties
submitted horo.
It you want to tost out Sunny
Florida, this offors a splondid oppor
tunity, ROGUE RIVER LAND 10.
Room 407, Howard Ulock
Opposlto P. O.
Don't TorKot that 5 acres Medford
suburban, sultnhlo ror loganberries
or garden, for $.1000. It Is a snap.
WANTED TO DCY- 75 milk cown on
timo; deferred payments well se
cured. Sleepy Hollow Farm, Gold
Hill, Ore., H, A. Ensign, Manager.
TO IX) AN Money to loan on ranch
property. Phono 3C8 or 130-R.
C. A. ilcArthttr, over post office.
" ' - " .- - -- -
LOST Gray horso colt coming two;
white In face, branded M on right
shoulder; $5.00 reward. Fred
Mooro, IJcngle, Ore. 12
for r.xcnjxxiiTi
TO EXCHANGE Two fargc"" lots
with buildings nud good family
orchnrd In nice homo town, for nn
auto. Phono 538X. 11
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy
nytblng7 U C Radcr, 114 K.
Front St. Employment otflco and
rentals. Phoco 125. Nuff Sed.
WANTED TO TRADE Property for
good car. I havo both city, ranch
and timber land. Call at White's
Ice Cream Factory, 32 So. Central.
Auto Suppliea
aro operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant in the Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 2G North Fifteenth. St.
Portland, Ore.
Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Bank bidg.
A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Garnett
Corey bidg.
Wm. M. Colvlg. George U. Roberts
Medford National Bank Building
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building.
NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at
uvr. 232 East Main street.
DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E
Hodges Mcchano-Theraplats, Chiro
practors, Spondylothoraplsts. Tnest
systems, Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-therapfar,
etc., produce results In both acuu
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion frco. Ovor Deuol & Co., cor
ner Main and Bartlett. Hours S
a. ra. to 6 p. m. Other hours bj
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor
norro specialist Rooms 203-304-205.
Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapoi
batbs and scientific massage given,
needle spray, head and ahouldoi
shower in connection; advlco It
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydroptherapy. Lady attendant
Phone, office 543, resldonco 511-R
Garnett-Coroy Bldg., suite III
Medford. Oro. Phoue H&H.
Wo havo tho best stock ranch,
general farming and orchnrd
propositions that nro otfored ror
salo In this county. Lowest
prices, nny slzo ranch, best loca
tions. TALK WITH
210 Gnrnett-Corey Blk.
Meet mo at my otflco and hear
about th ebo snaps.
400 acres at $32,50, 240 acres at
$35.00. 50A irrigated proposition at
less than $100 an aero. Also let mo
desorlbo In detail tho best 120 acres
in Jackson county, which will not
this year ovor 20 per cent on tho
prico asked. AH thoso places nro oc
cupied by tho owners, and tho buyer
gets tho crop.
Rogue Itlvor Vniloy Frutt Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranchea and
Timber. Colonization Tracts. Best
all-tho-year-round climate on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici,
iml Springs.
Uurtver Realty Co, Aflhlawli Oregon.
nusiNisss uiuncmmY
E. R, CROUCH Assayer, chemist.
metallurgist. Custom Assay Of
fice. Mall order business solicited.
Prices, gold, $1.00; gold and sit
vcr, $1.25; copper, $1.00; gold, sli
ver and copper, $2.00. Mailing en
velopes free on request. Refer
ence, Josophlno County Bank.
Rooms 201-203 Hall Bldg., Grants
Pass, Oregon. 338
Employment Agency
everybody to know that tho Old Re
Ilablo Blltncr Jleal Estate and Era
ploymenf agency, will got your
holp, find you employment, rent
your houso or sell your land. Mrs.
J. S, Clark, manager successor.
Rooms C and 7, Palm Bldg., Mod.
ford, Ore.
'. I..,'.TTIJI.:- 1 ' L - J'Jt
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINGS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg;
Surveys, estimates, frrigatloa,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Garbage
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
good service. Phone 274-L. T.
Y. Allen.
XnstrsctJoa la Mwtie
401. Garnett-Corey Dldg. Fred Al
ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence
Halllday Halght, voice. Telephone
Hotary feMle
HELEN H. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic Bring your work to me at tM
slm of the Mall Tribune.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 OarBett-Conf
bldg., phone 1036-L. Reeldeaee
26 South. Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Garnett-Corer
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physielaa an4
surgeon. Practise limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses ana.
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft H. Co.
Bldg., opposite P. O. Phone CC7.
E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jaek
son County Bank bldg. Olfles
phone 43-R; residence paoae 68-R.
clan and surgeon. Office Pal
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, office 30, real
dence 724-J. Office hours 10 t
12, 2 to G,
Physicians uud surgeons. Office
309-310-311. M. F. & n. Bldg.
Phones residence, 814-J2: office,
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopath's
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases of women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, SU
Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phouo 160. Res, the Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and
Burgeon, obstetrics and surgery
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phone 160. Rest,
donee, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printers anfl Pultlislters
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregou; boci binding,
loose loaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Ftr St.
Shoo Repairing
SHOE REPAIRING First class shed
ropalrlng, on modern electrts
machines while you watt. H. N.
Blden, located in Kldd's Shoe Store,
Phone 313J.
; , ..' . ".,. . , Ji
Office 43 North Front St. Fe
sic. Prices right, tssrriee caar
Tyiowriters Bd SupXles,
New Remington, Smith Premier
and Monarea typewriting, addtaf
untl subtracting masiaes, rebblai
ma'chfes for cask or easy pay
ments, Machines far ft, rtbbopji
and supplies ot all kinds, simum'm.
pairs free ot ehsrge. Kogar I,
Dennett, 10 Olaee Si., jftosM